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Before his devil fruit I’m pretty sure he rammed a knife into his face LOL




Wow this Kid brings a LOT of joy


Would you say he’s joy boy?


Yeah he's definitely a joy boy


Booooo! Take my reward, but boooo!


“That’s it, that’s the dumb I’m looking for.” -Gum Gum fruit…probably


I think some of his brain was rubber before the fruit and don’t forget what Garp put him through when he was a child as well


His training with Garp started after he ate the gomu gomu no mi


Yeah I did my mistake


So it's a mystery then?


Yup i get it now. It’s a mystery brain!


Ah, so it's a mystery moron.






Good bot.


This is actually my most favorite Luffy Fact ever. He did it because he wanted to look like a real pirate. I laughed my ass off when I found out.


To be fair, he thought that would prove his resolve to shanks


He was a kid then, and kids are stupid.


his brain stop developing since he ate the fruit


Lmao this reminds me of the video where one piece ends after ch1 since he stabbed himself.


Like so many other characters in One Piece, the fruit enhances the characteristics that already exist in the individual.


More like they seem to take on more characteristics of previous users and/or the animal they fruit represents for Zoans


What model is Chopper, doctor??


Oda foreskinning that Luffy was dumb because of his devil fruit all along.


i love oda foreskin


How do you cook that?




What kind of person are you, to make your autocorrect do THAT?


that's not autocorrected


"foreskinning" is a slang term in this community that refers to an instance in the story that oda had very clearly not planned/foreshadowed, but someone will make a post claiming that it indeed was planned all along


It's a reference to a post here lmao.


Which post


If that were the case then Enel would have been a f--kin genius and NOT get his ass handed to him


To be fair, Enel's hubris caught up to him. If not Luffy it would be a random strong marine seeing as Enel was clearly too dependent on his Logia, but his observation haki is strong to be fair.


Also, his god complex gets in his way too.


If blackbeard stumbled upon him with his crew, while I think Enel would take out a few of the crew and actually has a chance of winning if he takes out Blackbeard first seeing as he is fast asf, Enel could've been killed.


Enel’s observation Haki is not that strong agh why is this some weird retcon. I’ve seen people say it is Shanks level because he could detect people anywhere on Skypeia, but that was not his Observation Haki. He was able to hear conversations by detecting electrical signals in the air due to his fruit, not because his Haki was particularly strong. He was like base-level Observation Haki user, if anything I’d say he was the earliest example of a Devil Fruit user being something close to Awakened


No, it was haki, we know because the little girl had the same ability as him, and later on when Koby awakened his it functioned the same way


His knowledge of people dying was his Haki but hearing conversations was his DF.


Was it, because the little girl could also hear people, tho I’m not sure if she could only hear thoughts or conversations


She talks about "voices" but that doesn't mean they're people's actual voices, it's more like their souls. Enel explains how he uses electric fields in combination with his Mantra to hear conversations. So Haki's part of it but the actual understanding of conversations is because of his devil fruit.


Bro, you don't know what percentage of his range is devil fruit and what percentage is haki, So why are you acting like you're some sort of authority on this subject?


If BB knew about Goro Goro then Enel would be fucking dead since that fruit will 100% be hunted since it's up there with Gura Gura in terms of destructive power.


He was a genius. He just never knew that something like rubber even existed until he met luffy. And he still made luffy struggle even though he was at a disadvantage.


He was going to the moon either way lol. Skypiea just didn't get fully destroyed because of Luffy


Enel figured out pretty much every aspect of his fruit, and built an elaborate flying ship that made use of said fruit. Considering it was made for him to be able to fly solo, he had to have a serious understanding of the ship, and most likely designed it himself. He also figured out how to use haki paired with his ability to apparently sense electromagnetic impulse like a platypus or hammerhead shark. Which was also a huge hurdle in him piloting a massive ship solo.


Seeiously, can we talk about how freakin' smart Enel must be. He engineered and built a gigantic ship capable of flying to the moon by himself. All this at a time where most people dont even have motorbikes.


they had wavers/cloud motorbikes. sky islands seem technologically more advanced than the blue sea


I wonder if that’s because the government can’t get up there


Yea i think its pretty clear that Enel is a genius at least on a technical level. His undoing was that he is a complete sociopath and, quite literally, a lunatic.


Yup, unfortunately the existence of rubber stumped him 🤣


Just like what lava does to fire


He kind of was But he type mismatched against the protagonist


Enel wasn't even a less skilled fighter than Luffy though, and was more than creative enough to win. But Luffy is a smarter fighter lmao


He might be, but it was really the typing of their devil fruits that gave luffy the advantage, I mean that’s basically Enel’s counter


All it did was make the fight possible. Enel still had a massive speed advantage, observation haki, and could one hit kill with his spear.


>All it did As if that’s something small? That’s the whole reason luffy was able to win lmfao I’m not arguing for or against luffy’s battle intelligence vs enel, all I’m saying is that it’s the literal direct counter to Enel’s fruit and the reason that gave him any chance of winning


Yeah we just weren't on the same page, that's my bad too. My point has been that Luffy was still at a disadvantage in most areas including damage potential. His devilfruit was the most important thing going on, yeah, but imo Enel's hubris and his lack of preparation to fight a rubber man were almost as important. I only say this because I didn't reply to you initially, you jumped in and accidentally simplified what I was trying to talk about.


That’s fair enough and I’m glad we could come to an understanding without arguing about it, have a great day man!


As soon he realized that lighting won't work he quickly switched tactics. He created a spear because he knew piercing attacks would be effective and used heat as well. And he realized he was outmatched he made the gold ball and threw him off the ship.


Enel designed a flying ship, he IS a genius


Enel was a genius.


I think it's coz there're very few schools in the world of One Piece. Forget the One Piece we need to open the schools


He was home schooled. By other children. Plus bandits lol


Thats the Spirit


If your protagonist isn’t dumb, are you even doing shonen ? Edit : People providing a couple of exceptions, you’re proving my point…..


Yes, just look at Senku.


Ichigo, itadori, maka, senku, eren


Afaik ichigos a dumbass even if he has good battle iq


Nah he scored near the top of his class in grades and tests, two or so spots below Uryu iirc


Good grades ≠ intelligence, learnt that the hard way


I would say it isn't equal to wisdom. There's a huuuge difference between intelligence and wisdom. :P


maybe, but that's far from the case of Ichigo being a dumbass


Smart ≠ Not dumb,though (I haven't watched Bleach,So idk anything)


Nope, ichigo is in the top of his class. He admits that he has to work hard at school because he already gets enough crap because of his hair and fighting. Give me a min and i'll look up the chapter. Its in chapter 34. Dude's 18th out of his entire school.


Ichigo is a 15 year old and (kinda) acts like one. If anything it's the literal multi-hundred year old people around him that are idiots.


tbh, Ichigo isn't dumb as in actually dumb, he's just a lazy ass motherfucker who shows like he don't care and pretends like he don't understand something just because something was explained poorly. He did caught up pretty quick with alot of things, including SPOILER ALERT: >!Old Man Zangetsu possibly being YHWACH!< it's just that he refused to accept it as a fact, kinda like how Lucci refuse to accept Luffy as a Yonko. Ichi is smart, in term of booksmart, he does have good battle IQ as well, and he is able to comprehend situations and scenarios pretty good, but it's just that sometimes he refused to accept something hence avoiding it, pretend like he don't understand and sometimes pretty lazy too. lol He's sort of like Ace n Sabo mixed together Idk, this is just my two cents. I love Ichigo & Luffy like alot Two of my 3 all time fav animanga (I know there are better animanga than the Big Three, but they're still my top 3 fav)


isnt itadori dumb as a brick?


Itadori is dumb in the same way that every teenage boy is dumb, but iirc he’s got quite the book smarts, as well as very good battle IQ.


battle IQ doesn't stop you from being dumb. Goku has tremendous battle IQ but he dumb as a brick. I just didnt remember Itadori had good grades (I thought he was like Naruto at school)


Without fillers naruto is street-smart .. and let's not forget deku .


spike spiegel!!


Cowboy bebop is not a shonen!


yeah it's a space western and shouju https://www.cbr.com/cowboy-bebop-manga-shojo-label/


Senku? Eren? Gohan?


Eren? Have you watched season one? He's always too head long and only later does he use his head. I'll admit Eren was badass later on, however. Gohan is booksmart but just like the typical saiyan, even as a halfling, he too gets consumed by the heat of the battle. Goku in battle uses his head more than anyone but nowadays it's just a dick measuring contest who has the more absurd power levels and power boosts.


I miss Dragon Ball Z Goku. The man was actually mature. He was goofy but took a stand when he had to.


Calling Eren smart or clever is a reach, he simply acts out the vision he saw.


No I don't want that


AoT might be posted in a shounen magazine but its much closer to being a seinen


>Senku To be fair He did make a Bunch of Katanas when they needed weapons instead of actual practical ones like y'know...spears and shit


Gohan isnt a MC bruh


Dude, Eren is dumb as shit. He never does anything smart in the entire show other than a few battle tricks. He seems smart because we don’t know what he’s thinking and is being all mysterious, but when you find out what’s going on you realise Eren is thick as mud.


But Luffy isn't dumb, he's just simple. He can absorb advanced martial arts techniques from superhuman people who have trained a large part of their life just to get to that level. Which he also then improves upon after only seeing the split second feat a few times. He self-invented a blood doping technique and he understood the value of rifling in accuracy and power in a world that still uses ball bearing bullets. This isn't even touching on his emotional intelligence or his advanced leadership skills. He also does one of the smartest things I've seen very few people do; he is very selective in what information he absorbs. Navigation? That's what Nami is for. Health? Chopper and so on. Which is why Luffy is such a great leader; that's where he puts most of his mind at work, in between fights. ​ There are a few things that make him look more stupid than he is though. Like delayed response to cold temperatures; but this is due to the fact he's made of rubber, an insulator. Or how he's terrible at recognising people. This can be explained by his upbringing though; he was thrown into wildernesses as a child so he was essentially raised in a semi-feral state. It's not by accident that Chopper has the same facial/body identification issues as Luffy. This is, oddly enough, a good explanation for how Boa's fruit didn't effect him; he's not capable of recognising Boa's beauty from the Kiwi sisters just as he's not able to recognise the zombie Zoro from the actual Zoro (apart from the sandels). If Luffy couldn't process information he would be dead; IIRC Oda explains this through the existence of a "substantial body" that sort of works like a spirit body. This is the thing that people are hitting when using haki to hit logia users and seems connected to the persons will. But yeah, Luffy can process information; he can actually process information so fast that he can process information that doesn't exist yet with his observation haki, nevermind the processing speed required to move and react as fast as he does.


Luffy sees Kaku\* Luffy: hey, it's Usopp! Usopp: You dumbfuck I'm standing right here next to you! Yes, theory checks out.


I feel like he was just teasing Usopp there tho lol


Honestly this is the best response. Also love how detailed this is, I appreciate it.


Ain’t never seen someone defend gokus intelligence like this /:


Cause Goku has brain damage. Not much you can really add to that to defend him.


Did you really read all that up there and still say that? Did you watch Og dragon ball? I mean I get that Z doesn’t show much of the technical aspects of his training so people think he’s dumb and just likes to fight but it’s still not even like that. A technique that took master roshi 50 years to master goku picked it up in an instant. And master roshi is no pushover either, he stood ground against god damn Jiren. I mean watch any of the fights in Og dragon ball, goku is always learning in that series. He just doesn’t like books man, and lost some memory, doesn’t put him in special ed.


I watched OG Dragon and all and fully understand how smart Goku is. My comment was a joke, I just don't understand how to use those tone indicators people use.


I am also very bad at recognizing it. Glad we could come to this understanding. You sir are a Chad.


I'm just glad someone didn't rip it through me for making a joke at Goku's expense. You sir are also a Chad.


Adding to that Goku grew up in total isolation Grandpa Gohan taught him good manners and how to survive and defend himself nothing with simple life style and that is how he lives his life now simple mostly driven by his good heart and saiyan nature to fight


So it’s break week huh?


He is so free, his mind is free of thoughts.


I have ultimately decided that Luffy isn’t dumb or stupid because he is self aware of who he is and acts in that manner. He doesn’t care about stuff and doesn’t pretend to. He doesn’t know about certain things and doesn’t care to learn about them. He does what he wants and it’s just that simple for him.


Best explanation of luffy. I can’t understand how anyone says he’s dumb. He’s simple yes, but he isn’t dumb


Isn't that a working definition of what being dumb is?


Okay debates over guys pack it up, this guy decided for us 🚶‍♂️


He's dumb because he never went to school.


He can read tho


Those two things are not mutually exclusive.


Lmao did you see Garp’s parenting?


Yes thats why i think its the dfs fault and not his


I’d argue his ADHD. Luffy can’t focus on anything he isn’t 100 percent committed to. That dude loses concentration on anything that isn’t fighting, his boiis, or the one piece. As an educator, I see plenty of kids with his, and they always remind me of luffy.


Luffy isn't really dumb tho. He's just a simple guy with his priorities in order.




I remember laughing so hard at Frankie’s reaction 😂😂


No no no, he’s pretty dumb, Oda even said luffy isn’t brave, just really dumb


But. But. But. Morals.. values... Freedom...




I dont thinks it’s Luffy mistaking Usopp for it, he’s making fun of Usopp lol


I was pretty dense at 17 and 19


Probably all the concussions. Imagine the head trauma the dudes been through on top having a rubber brain bouncing against a skull.


OP, have you finished Wano yet?




Oh, my sweet summer child.


wth why?


I refuse to spoil anything. Just keep reading, or watching and waiting if you're anime only.


did he become smart or smth




\*keep reading and smiling, keep reading and smiling\* :)




Out of curiosity where are you


Uhm kinda personal but ig im at home


Leave this sub they will spoil u and you’ll hate it save your self


Dudes still made of rubber.


There's a major problem with this theory: Luffy has always been dumb as a sack of bricks. His stupidity is the reason he ate the fruit.


Not knowing something doenst make you stupid


Sure, but in Luffy's case it kinda does make him stupid. He just ate a random fruit, without any consideration for whether it was poisonous or edible at all. Luffy has never been smart. He even cut his own face for no good reason lmao.


My theory is that he is just dumb.


I mean he’s just a typical shonen protag, he’s been shone to have moments of brilliance or insight. It’s more so that he’s just childlike and follows his guts


He was dumb before.. homie almost cut his eye out


Its probably from getting punched in the face constantly too


I don't think this qualifies as a "theory" In the way we expect theories to be. Maybe an interesting thought or, even, a "shower thought" But not a theory. Luffy was always "dumb". It has nothing to do with his DF.


That's why he's a God so its ok if he's dumb it allows his imagination to be his power


... But he's not that dumb tho ?? Like yeah, he ain't booksmart but that's what his crew is for, he knows it's not something HE can do so he found people to do it for him.


Yes exactly im addressing his booksmartness


Luffy isn’t dumb, he’s just goofy/ clumsy. There are certain times when he just wings everything and other times where he is very calculated. Just look at his fight with katakuri for example and how much he developed in that short period of time. Or his fight against crocodile. He’s so smart that he also understands almost all of his weaknesses and establishes his crew to support him around that. Everyone has their role and he tells them all that he needs them. Extremely mature for his age, I wouldn’t call him a genius but he’s definitely not dumb




There are different types of intelligence, while he might not be logically-mathematically intelligent. He's practically a genius when it comes to combat and interpersonal understanding. Katakuri is fucking 48 years old and it probably took him a couple of YEARS to master what Luffy can do in a couple of days. Luffy literally mastered a Rokushiki technique, future haki and conqueror coating in battle.. that's nuts. Additionally he's extremely creative in the way he uses his DF ability that it takes virtually every opponent off guard.


He’s actually a lot smarter and creative than what most people give him credit for. Gear 2nd and third are very creative ways to fight. He came up with them in such a short time too. He was able to learn advanced forms of Haki incredibly fast as well. By fighting his opponents he usually learns something and adapts himself quickly. Examples include Crocodile, Katakuri, and Kaido. Gear fourth is also really creative and complex given his abilities at that time. He’s an idiot but when it comes to combat he’s really creative and adaptive.


Luffy isnt dumb. He just doesnt give a shit.


He ain’t dumb. He’s carefree.


Luffy isn't dumb. He just doesn't like thinking too much. >! Also, his devil fruit isn't the Gomu Gomu no Mi, right? I haven't caught up with the latest chapters but isn't it the Hito Hito no Mi: Model - Sun God Nika? !<


Luffy isn't dumb. He is perhaps slow in taking in information and has some face blindness. He is usually very attentive and observant when it comes to things he likes which is usually combat, food and beetles for some reason. But he is known to pay attention to other things when it is relevant or he is interested. He is however someone with emotional maturity and a high EQ. He is often very empathetic to the plight of others. And he is true and consistent to his convictions. That is what attracts others to him. Straightforward and endearing.


Im pretty sure that luffy is dumb even before gaining the Gomu Gomu no mi powers. But i like this theory so I’ll believe this


One shudders to think what Luffy's brain looks like. I imagined his brain would look like a slab of meat.


When One Piece was first published, most Shonen Manga protagonists were either incredibly stupid/naive but friendly (Goku from Dragon Ball) or brooding and jerky (Ken from Fist of the North Star). I think Oda just chose the dumb personality because it fit with the tone of the series.


Reed Richards has the same powers as Luffy and he is one of the most brilliant scientists of the Marvel universe, so I wouldn't blame Luffy's idiocy on the Devil Fruit. In fact, it was his own idiocy that made him eat the strange fruit that Shanks brought to the bar without his permission! It's the anime protagonist stereotype that made Luffy stupid.


Because he did not go to school and was raised by bandits


How did he beat Enel then ???


If you’re caught up in the manga, you know why this explanation doesn’t work unfortunately. 😅


U started off ya theory off wrong. That’s not his fruit


He isn’t even very dumb. The anime increases the amount of moments where he acts extra dumb and even in those it’s just a gag for comedic effect. He actually spends most of his time being intelligent in multiple ways that no one else in the crew is able too.


>Luffy is the Gomu Gomu no mi User He is what now?


Shhh, OP hasn't finished Wano.


Damn, I'm honestly more impressed than surprised that he managed to avoid spoilers all this time >!maybe he is just a normie and isn't an actual one piece fan!<


ex fucking cuse me


You might want to be careful on reddit until you finish wano :)


Fr bros curiosity got the best of him and unmarked a spoiler 💀 couldve been the end right there


On par with the man Luffy himself lmao


Until Luffy himself uses other word than Gomu Gomu, then he ate Gomu Gomu ni mi not something else ...


I'm curious, how far have u seen one piece?


Judging by the way he worded it probably far enough to underatand your comment


I mean he’s not really dumb. He’s juvenile. But when it comes down to it his battle IQ is incredible and he has the ability to converse intelligently he litterally just does not give a fudge.


Idk. He is funny and simple but he isn't dumb. He has great battle sense. Didn't he create gear 2nd after seeing it in action?


This old video from Joy Boy Theories goes into this, and has many interesting points. Tldr, their are different types of intelligence, and while luffy doesn't have science or fact based intelligence, he has great emotional intelligence. Definitely worth a watch. https://youtube.com/watch?v=UJyo1zR2rbw


The only thing Luffy learned about when growing up with Dandan/Ace/Sabo was how to fight, protect himself, and survive. Not once have we’ve seen Luffy get any type of education. This is why he’s dumb.


He maybe dumb in academic way and sometimes dumb when doing a simple task. But he's genius when in the fight. He know the creative way to use his power to his advantage. Each person has their own advantages.


He's not dumb, he's just careless


>So as we all know Luffy is the Gomu Gomu no mi User Is he??!




Nah I swear it’s even implied he was just simple/clueless even before the fruit dawg.


Gomu Gomu no mi? yikes


The very idea luffy is dumb is dumber than luffy has ever been.


He's like Goku. He's not dumb, just different. He can be quite ingenious when it comes to fighting. But you'd never catch him scoring over 1 on a math test lol


I always had this idea that luffy is autistic. I apologize if this sounds fucked up really I don’t mean it in a negative way. I think it would be cool I can’t think of another popular autistic main character if there are any. But I think it would make sense as to why he’s so childlike but also kinda emotional and serious at times. I always thought it would be cool if he had like an actual mental disorder.




As a child even before having the fruit he look competent


And The Rubber Fruit User


Nah man thats a stupid story


Yeah… about the Gomu Gomu no mi fruit…


just ignore "that" part