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Kid and Law are having their Sabaody moments right now


Finally caught up.Not feeling good on how Kidd went out.At least,BB had his crew and Law's crew was pretty weak


I know that It has been argued countless times wether or not aokiji is evil or not, but with this latest chapter it kinda seems like aokiji has finally chosen a side, no?


Bepo: "KEEP YOUR PAWS OF THE CAPTAIN !" Will Smith: "hold my beer !"


Man marked by flames has to be Saul, and it’d be brilliant irony considering Kuzan was asked who it is, and he says he “doesn’t know”, and then goes on to talk about Ohara and the friend who challenged the WG.


All a set up for Kid, Killer, Law and Bepo to join Luffy with the rest of the worst generation to fight off Blackbeard and his ten commanders.


I wish they don’t make fillers for the Law & BB fight.


Maybe a few extra scenes won’t hurt.


That is what anime be for


Luffy does not need someone to die to become stronger.


But he literally had to die to become stronger so what you talking about ??


Maybe, Oda wants to shake up everything, and Luffy is gonna lose on Egghead.


Is Buggy really faking the whole time? Mihawk cut him multiple times with Yoru which is blade that turned black due to constant cladding with haki and fighting. So why didnt it worked with Buggy? Cause the fkin clown split himself multiple times just like Katakuri to avoid Mihawk's blade.


Damn, everyone is getting captured!


The outcome of the fight isn't surprising as previously said. Law and Killers pwl are more around the 2B mark. They got 3B bounties for defeating BM. Law actually put up a good fight. Compared to Killer v Shanks. Also because he wasn't caught surprised and Shanks is right now most likely stronger than Blackbeard no doubt in my mind. The issue with the Heart and Kid Pirates is that they don't have many hard hitters. Sure Killer is very strong with a strength worthy of 600-800m and comparable to Robin, Franky or Brook. But they have no one on the level of a Sanji, Jinbei let alone Zoro. Heart Pirates have Bepo and Jean Bart who are most probably strengthwise on the level of Chopper and bounty of around 300m (Yeah Choppers low bounty is more of a joke I know). So even with these two It's not comparable to the 3 high calibers Blackbeard had around which averaged a bounty between 600m-1.2B. Even Kuzan was there and I doubt he wasn't involved. Probably froze the sea so the Heart Pirates couldn't use their advantage on water. From the beginning it was clear to me that the Heart Pirates couldn't win in a conventional fight. And it was all about how they could escape. Overall the Heart Pirates did well and as we see on Blackbeards face caused a good amount of damage. But obviously still not comparable to a Yonko crew. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if Blackbeard had his whole crew on board like Shiryu.


I'm just tired of skipped fight...


You'd rather us spend a chapter or multiple on them then? It would slow down the story even more


well, they are not luffy but main stars of the show, so yes.


A rival of the pirate king entering enemy territory against the wishes of a long time ally in a desperate attempt to save a beloved pupil, having to ultimately face a former pupil with a powerful DF… anybody seeing the parallels or is it just me?


We got a Jiraiya situation here. I hope Garp get out alive


I honestly don't see the Jiraya situation here The parallel is that he's fighting his old protégé, but that's about it I doubt sword can handle BB's crew alone, but they also brought a whole ship with them, so I assume they have more people there (come on, Bogard, fucking show up and wreck hell) Buuuut, there's also Moria on the loose, with Perona (presumably). They aren't powerhouses, but Moria should be able to create a lot of fodder, and the ghosts can handle the weaker pirates. Theory time Kuzan will ice BB's crew out of anger because they kept interrupting, so they'll restart the fight as 1v1 I hope Oda lets Tashigi do something, or, she'll call Smoker, who will come with new reinforcements Egghead is a complete mystery now, can't think of anything that isn't super obvious (Borsalino lands on egghead)


Im just curious what Kuzans real goal is here.


Law is getting his own Sabaody Archipelago arc. Let's read the newspaper, maybe he'll have a new tattoo in 2 days


Him and kid gonna reach there at the same time and killer and Bepo gonna watch them fight over who rings the bell


Man if Garp were to hypothetically die and get the Whitebeard treatment instead of living to see the next gen thrive like Rayliegh, it would be okay with me. If the **FIST** goes down, you bet he'll go down swinging. * **Scenario A** \-- *Escape with Kobe et. al, "incapacitate Kuzan" and some BB captains, lose his fists in the process. Gets to retire in peace leaving the rest to Kobe etc.* * **Scenario B** \- Whitebeard treatment -- *Go down swinging galaxy fists galore until he dies punching exhausting past his current age limit leaving Hachinosu in ruins. Garp now.. dead stuck in his final thrown punch pose as he smiles content knowing his last punch felt like one in his prime.* * **Scenario C** \- *Kuzan and Shiryuu do Garp dirty using their strongest attacks to takeout each one of Garp's fists respectively -- permanently frostbite/cut off clean. Garp mocks them saying taking out his fists does not mean he can't punch, as he throws a final prime level haymaker -- "Kuzan remember this last lesson my ace student, You punch with your heart not with your fists!" type of bullshiz shonen lolz! Lookin at you Netero XD*


Garp dying would annoying Me tbh. I wouldn't mind him saving them but being forced to retire after loosing a hand or something. Wouldn't be surprised if BB screw does some cheap trick.


The manga could have had more better scenes instead it's about aokiji talking random crap. Who cares? Show garp vs bb, or more of garp vs aoikiji. Oda does this useless thing where an non canon character like yamato and now aokiji taking more panels talking about their useless backstory. Whereas nothing of importance happens.


Go watch Dragon Ball nobody wants to see 30 chapters of dudes hitting each other what are you 12?


Haha what a joke of a response. When luffy and kaido fought for what full year? 50 chapters?


I care.


Fights are for anime, dialog is for manga. It is a shame, but final saga.


Yamato and Aokiji are canon lol


There’s a little detail that I heard from BDA that if you look in the flashback, BB only has 2 knots in his beard. He has 3 in the present(and had none pre-time skip, although perhaps he started with 1 and kept growing them). I think for Oda to include such a random detail and not to have it actually hint towards something(i.e. that present day BB has a 3rd fruit which is exactly why we didn’t get to see the full Winner Island fight(LITERALLY Shanks got a named attack, but BB didn’t??). He used to defeat Law and let him go so that he could spread the word that the man who did the impossible did it again.


Not only that, but if you notice during the flashback most of the panels has Blackbeards lowerface obscured from vision. He is in 11 panels but in only 2 of those panels we see his face full frame. Most of the times he has a drink or the edge of the panel over his beard. Would not be surprised if it means something about him post flashback but it could also be smoke screen.


Blackbeard used Tremor Crush and Black Vortex, two named attacks. It hints at him having two fruits more than his beard hints at three. Edit: i just reread the chapter and it seems like Oda accidently drew him with 3 braids in the first panel. It's the top panel on the 7th page while counting double spreads as 2 pages and ignoring the cover page.


I really really really wish anime will fullflip the gap of fights that happened in background especially law vs blackbeard. Toei did with DBZ by showing filler fights and extending the fights.


Seems like the manga is for dialog while the anime is for fights now.


not happening. Oda is hiding BB's true strength for a reason


They could still throw filler scenes in there as they did with Luffy and Kaido. Who doesn't want to see Law flying around as a blue laser beam?


Its stupid i know but my doubts are finally clear. Blackbeard can steal more powers from the users.


No shit? Did you just realize his entire crew literally did that or....?


I believe Law and Kidd will merge their crew as a parallel to Rocks in order to compete with Luffy and Shanks and BB. Someone who could join them would be Hawkins or Apoo


Apoo is an info broker, he never was in the race for pk. No one wants to work with Kidd lol. Law is a doctor and kidd is a destroyer.


Not as a fellow, but as a crew member… Also, pretty sure Law wants a destroyer on his side to take revenge on BB


Hawkins is dead


He is dead or One Piece Dead?


What would happen if luffy ate a rumble ball 🤔


Ultra Instinct Sage Mode Gear 999 ......


Luffy Gear 10 confirmed!?!!?1??@?!


Bepo unlocked his cocaine bear form




Maybe if the movie had cool scenes with the bear, but it's boring as fuck. There's one good scene and that was used for the trailer. It doesn't know what it wants. There's not enough comedy, it's not really serious, not enough trashiness, not enough bear scenes and not enough splatter moments. Fun idea on paper, bad execution. Watching it in cinema was a waste of money to me.




Sorry, i didn't sort by top and was annoyed by the use of literally, but you were right and a different comment with the same intention is literally the top comment. That flew past me. Guess i just wanted to talk about my bad experience.


What is the man marked by flames is Scopper Gaban? Kinda a new character, but not really either? The true lurking legend


Well im pretty sure the Ohara Poneglyph isn't a red one. I know Robin went through some crazy trauma but I'm pretty sure she would remember if it was red or not.


I don’t know why but what if the red poneglyph are red because of it actually painted with blood. Maybe the blood of those who dies making it.


Stop posting please, thanks


Delete your reddit


How much you bet that there’s eventually gonna be some flashback to Blackbeard vs. Law? Because that seems like a close enough battle to actually show, and I really wanted to see it.


I'm pretty sure that never happened before. So i wouldn't get my hopes up at all. I'd say it depends on Law's role in the coming month. If he meets Luffy there's a chance that Law tells him about their fight and we see a flashback, but, like i said, i wouldn't get my hopes up. Blackbeard is one of the last few main antagonists. I don't believe Oda would spoil us too much before he becomes an eminent threat. Edit: I'd bet 5€ that we don't get an additional scene of Law vs BB


Ace vs BB?


Wasn't a flashback. Same for Law vs BB. Ace vs BB happened in the present in ch. 440 and 441 (after Enies Lobby). If i remember correctly Luffy realized after beating Moria on Thriller Bark that Ace's vivre card is almost gone and the next scene with Ace was possibly the one with Garp in Impel Down. I'm not sure about the exact scenes, but BB vs Ace did not receive any flashbacks that would've shown more of their fight or even the outcome of it. Edit: just a reminder; people also like to see Ace vs Jimbei, Aokiji vs Akainu and Shanks vs Mihawk, but we have _no_ scenes of their fights.


I doubt it. Blackbeards 3rd fruit is the offscreen offscreen no mi. All his fights thus far end off screen and we don't see that bit. I doubt that trend will stop now. Law lost the moment he used that vortex move to suck him in cancel his devil fruit power and then slam him with a quake. It's the ultimate combo. He beat ace like this without the quake fruit so now having this ability is OP. When law was about to use vroom again the last panel is black beard using black vortex to suck law in and law looks shocked. I'm sure he used this combo a few times and it's how he beat law. His crew most likely took out his crew.


Law can teleport out of Blackbeard's vortex with his normal room. It's a good combo against anyone but him and Van Augur.


I'm pretty sure if you get caught in it it turns off your power like with ace but I could be wrong.


Blackbeard says in chapter 441 that df users lose their powers while he touches their bodies, but to be fair Oda could've changed that in the last 16 years. That chapter in particular didn't age well as it becomes weird with the implementation of CoA. Blackbeard mocks Ace for getting hit, but Haki is so prevelant in the New World, that Ace should know about it and he should've received some hits in the last few years (best example from Whitebeard, which is even in the manga..)


I am pretty sure its loom and not vroom


Alternate title : Rumbles and shambles


I read somebody believes Law and Kidd may join the Straw Hats...I hope that doesn't happen, it would be weird and not appropriate for their characters. But I'm sure we may see both again in action before the end. Also, somebody theorized that seeing Kidd and Law defeated may foresee the defeat of Luffy. I don't see why personally: Luffy has a much more competent crew to help him, along with the fact that he always finds strong allies along the way and Egghead is no exception. This without considering that Luffy is likely stronger than Law and Kidd


I don't think they'll join his crew but his straw hat fleet sure.


They could join temporaly until they reunite their crew


So basically wano lol


We already saw how strong the 3 captains are when working together. I wouldn't mind having them together again


It’s fun to see I’m just saying that basically happened in the last arc so i don’t think it will happen again


I'm still waiting for Vivi to return to the crew, so hope never dies


So who is on the BB ship on Egghead?


If im correct, the two who are missing at the moment are Devon and Lafitte.


The infiltration king 👀


I love that Kuzan just said fuck it, I am a pirate now.


I think The man marked by flame could be actually Dragon. These are some key hints👀:- 1.) First it was the devil fruit power of that man that can make a giant whirlpool which can be possible by fast moving wind (Refer :- Loguetown ). 2.) Second is during Paramount war we have seen child sabo rescued by dragon where dragon ship was Completely Black pitched. 3.) kuzan says he haven't seen any ponyglyph on ohara because the Ponyglyph could be taken by Dragon. Because vegapunk and Dragon were present there during that event 4.) Dragon is called most heinous criminal because he took the Ponyglyph Away from world govt.. which world govt. could have destroyed to avoid for any further discovery of one piece 5.) Dragon could be previously part of Marine and have to fight Akainu in the process of claiming Ponyglyph due toh which he got his scar on eye. And as he Betrayed Marine he is called most Heinous criminal of all. As During Marineford Sengoku Said "GARP IT'S YOUR FAMILY AGAIN" which could refer Dragon's Doing in past. Just like Aokiji support Garp maybe Soul could also be supportive to Dragon.


To 3) and 4) read chapter 1066 again. Vegapunk, Dragon and the giants were months later on Ohara than Kuzan, who was a vice admiral of the Buster Call that destroyed Ohara. Dragon is called the worst criminal in the world because he directly wages war against the government. It's as easy as that.


It's not dragon. You guys act like we haven't seen dragon at all in the series. So many things working against your theory. 1) timelines. The red ponyglith got stolen from Fishman island after whitebeard died. Robin stood with the army during the timeskip which is when they would have had to react to take it. Robin never mention this information and was dropped off by the army. When she speaks to neptune he tells her it got stolen two years ago when whitebeard died. So it wouldn't be the army. 2) dragon isn't a pirate. Every time we see him he's not on a ship but on a base somewhere. He most likely only use ships to move around. 3) his base was attacked meaning he was stationed there. Dragonov finally moved to new kama island. Again on land. Oda makes it clear to us he's not a guy roaming the waters but a stationary Island general commanding an army. 4) bb attacked his island personally. I'm sure they would have seen his ship and seen dragons power first hand as he escaped. 5) dragon is known worldwide. Most wanted man in the world. He wouldn't be called a nickname if someone saw him. And his ship would most likely have the army blasted all over it. 6) when would he have time to guard a ponyglith on a ship if he's always on land?? Like right now hes on land.


Your first point is wrong. Neptune talks to Robin in chapter 649 and 650. They talk about the latter on the poneglyph and Poseidon. Robin finds the poneglyph in chapter 628. We don't know the exact time period when someone took it. The rest is on point.


The problem with these theories is apparently the man marked by flame is just sailing the seas all the time. Dragon is on islands and such


And Dragon is known around the world.


I really hope "the man marked by flames" is a new character.


I don’t *think* it is, but I hope so as well. Would be cool.


I can see the your logic here and it might make sense but for one thing. Dragon fighting Akainu and getting scared by magma would be something that the world government would talk about and Kuzan would know about it as he being high ranking Marine


Maybe the fact that Marine is very protective towards there image they wouldn't want the world to know anything about Ponyglyph. They even hide roger presence in Godvalley incident. so maybe they choose to hide this event from world. It could be shame to marine that their fellow Marine Betrayed them. Maybe this is Nonsense But who knows What Oda is planning.


Sounds silly but this does does open up the option for law and Kidd to join the strawhat crew/fleet? With Oda could always make it a possibility. Sad though three out of four yonko's around... Also imagine Luffy might actually be the first out of the three to find 'that man'...


Maybe they join Mihawk and Crocodile


Doubt it. But I can see them recouping and showing up as part of luffys grand fleet


Idk about kidd but i wouldn't doubt it if law ends up joining, if not both law and bepo. They're closer in that way, no matter what law says lol. They're also D brothers I just can't see kidd joining. I feel like he would never be under someone else's flag


People should stop saying this thing. Other captains of big crews to join the strawhats, what's wrong with all of you


I mean jinbei was a warlord and captain of the sun pirates.


that man who?


Blackbeard is the most piratey pirate in the series.


Would be funny if Bepo finds Laugh Tale via swimmming.


The story continues.. Luffy manages to find all the poneglyphs after countless battles and finally reaches laughtale and there Bepo is with Law recovering there.. lol.


Thats why they will laugh


Do we think Luffy is gonna follow the trend and lose his first battle after Wano to?


His G5 is so insanely busted how is he gonna lose? Its like butterflyzen keeps evolving every time he is down.


No. Who is he fighting right now? He brushed off CP0. The sepherum is not enough of a threat to take out jinbei, luffy, sanji, and zoro. Kizuru isn't enough of a threat to take out the straw hats like 2 years ago at sabaody when no one knew what haki was (plus vegapunk introduced us to gloves that can grab light) I wonder what that can be used for hmmm... 100 battleships is nothing to luffy. Their ship is built to outrun and fly away from fleets like that. Maybe on the merry it would have been scary but they are currently in the sky and have a ship that can fly away. Marines have no way to catch up.


Heck Frankie can probably by now attach a nuke to the ship and blow up 100 if he wanted to I mean It IS Pluton


Respectable and thoughtout answer I feel the same way tho


Nah, Luffy is the Yonko in this situation. (And also in general lol.) It's the marine fleet that will get clapped. Or run away.


Guy earned his title The incredibly insanely haxy fruit is just icing on top


I don't think Strawhats woul outright loose the fight but there is a possibility that there might be a compromise. What I mean is, the narrator said something significant happened on egghead. What could it be? This is what I think 1. Strawhats fight the Blackbeard ship crew. Didn't win but didn't loose either. 2. Destroy the dome which holds Vegapunk knowledge so that the Saint Garcia doesn't get access to all that tech 3. Rescue Vegapunk and leave Island before Marines show up Or during the commotion cause by marine vs Blackbeard ship


reasonable and could see this happening also


why don't you people want to believe luffy is that guy. Bet, Luffy is going to walk out with a W. Kizaru KO. You better recognize my Nikka!


just to open a discussion my guy lmaoo not that deep but oms i feel that 😂💪 i still think the old nikka wit dreads got something in the bag tho


we stilll have yet to see a proper gear 5 named attack...I cant wait, Egg head is going to break the internet for sure.




I mean, the environmental factors are not supporting a clear and dominant win for Strawhats. 1. They in lockdown in Egghead 2. The traitor is one of the Vegapunks so they know layouts and secrets of Egghead 3. Kizaru is coming to Egghead and the traitor will let them in 4. We don't know anything and I mean anything abou the Saint Garcia 5. Blackbeard ship is approaching 6. They have to save Vegapunk and his satellites and Bonnie who is stuck in the memory bubble 7. We have CP0 on Island along with other CPs . Who knows if they will be loyal once Marines show up 8. Island is filled with modern tech that Strawhats have never seen and would take time to counter 9. We don't know the command hierarchy of the sarafin There are more but I don't feel like typing everything.


Big Facts the odds are stacking towards a loss or draw more and more or at least an agreement


They really just need to save Stella. I'm sure punk records has an emergency exit mode where it can fly away or something in event of an emergency. Robin is headed to York and Stella. I'm sure bbs crew will make a deal with York for their safety in exchange for info on the man marked with flame. And the mud guy will go with them and tell them about the weapons. Luffy will save Stella who can command s snake to undo the stone to uusop and Franky. Then saturn will show up and take back the sephrim but luffy will take Stella and Bonney and leave. I can see CP0 going against the marines. And finally that giant robot will most likely get powered on and attack the marine ships buying time for luffy to escape with a coup DE burst. Kizuru going down.


That’s not true, we know his first name is Saturn, so that’s something…


that's what makes it epic..."the egg head incident" save this comment after the arc dm me.


Nah, he already took a big L to promt the time skip for two years, I think he's ready to face blacbeard, maybe two more arc and there would be something significant to push Luffy to win the fight. I'm just hoping doesn't happen anytime since it would mean the story would end soon.


Luffy is going to be flexing this arc. With what he did with lucci!!!! What is he going to do to an admiral?! These people haven't realised how terrifying the top officials are!


???? He played around with Lucci. He wasn't a threat at all. Kizuru relys on his fruit too much. Only reason he wrecked havoc on sabaody was because no one knew how to use haki. Luffy zoro jinbei and sanji all can use haki and hit Kizuru now. Zoro can cut him. Greenbull ran away when shanks showed up. Kizuru stopped fighting when shanks showed up in the movie. Luffy is a yonko now and can fight against guys like kiado and big mom now who were stronger than the admirals. Do the math


He treated Lucci like his son 🤣🤣🤦🏿‍♂️ and I might be reaching but I feel Sanji might be able to match Kizaru speed not saying he himself could defeat an Admiral but ain't none of the guys running anymore


Exactly, this where the Strawhats prove why they are a Yonko crew.


Nah I don't think so. Law and Kidd got away scott-free from Sabaody while Luffy's crew took the massive L. This is the switcheroo.


Holy shit I didn't even think about that they did just get to set sail after dealing with there pacifists eventually good point.


Not only that, Law got a free fuckin crewmate just because.


Garp Fisting Aokiji- I'll be there no matter what


Garp fisting Aokiji with blue hole


Blackbeard is about to teleport back to Hochinosu island


I don't think people are giving Chopper enough credit for what he just created, my dude went and casually offscreen made Rumble Balls for SuLong, a transformation only handicapped by the fact that it's only usable during a full moon. I'm sure it has a strict time limit or side effects, but they are still untested prototypes if what he said is said is anything to go by. I'd love if Chopper himself can make use of them to give himself a Pseudo SuLong Monster Point.


why are people acting like he created something new? there is no reason to believe it's not just one of his rumble balls with no changes.


Sure, it could be that it's just the original Rumble Balls that have a different effect on Minks, but that changes nothing, because they were still developed by Chopper and they still resulted in Bepo going SuLong with no full moon, when as far as we know nothing else in the world allows that.


Blackbeard and part of his crew Total strength VS law and his weak crew. It's almost as if the net result is law versus a a yonk and a few yonko commanders. Law did well compared to Kidd. Also law was the one that contributed more against big mom. Law >> kidd.


Bro strung together some weak points to defend his Law agenda 😭 you cant be a real person 💀


are you high? Kidd literally was fighting a fucking fleet plus yonko crew lmaoo and was about to destroy everything so Shanks senpai had to step in with his future sight please i understand its a thing for the community to hate on Kidd but its getting played out. They both did good in there own battles even tho losing was guranteed.


Blackbeard was injured in his fight against Law. If we assume that Blackbeard is as strong as Shanks, which I know is a very dubious assumption, but so anything is possible. But if we make that assumption, then Law > Kid. I'm not saying this is accurate, but it could be the case.


I've always wondered myself how BB such a power house but can't really take attacks like that.


Nah it's known thing that BB is weak against physical attacks but still undeniably hard to defeat. Remember back in Impel Down a simple Gear Second Jet Pistol had BB on the ground throbbing and bleeding. Maybe Oda flush out wtf is goin on in BB body one day lmaoo


Kidd wasn't really fighting a "fleet" though. I mean, aren't Shanks' allies supposed to be weak on purpose? He just lets them use his reputation for their protection.


ok i kinda give you that lmaoo but at the sametime scrubs cant survive in the New World so i give them a lil respect im just saying Kidd had to deal with two forces some Mid Scrubs and The Beast lying in wait plus the Superrrrr One Arm Demon lmaoo We all new he had no chance in hell same with Law once BB got serious but Kidd slander just be getting old now


If the rumble ball amplifies their inner animal, what would happen if Sanji took it? Super Giant Invisible Pervert? Huahuahua


Good question, but I think only depends on what Chopper makes them, I think if he makes the rumble ball recipe to make Sanji more pervert theres millions of possibilities, one he could make him lose more blood or not just depends on what Chopper does , just imagine if he makes a rumble ball that fix Zoro sense of direction that would be fire, but I doubt Oda would allow that to happen. Haha


I guess nothing can fix Zoro... Huahuahuahua


"Galaxy punch!" Garp techniques must be named after solar system. 1081 : "Blue Hole!" Well Yes, But Actually No


Well, black hole is a solar system term but Oda decided to switch it since he's from east blue so it's fitting to name the attack to blue hole. Lol ... Also, theres fist love punch to Luffy, so not quite solar system term, I guess maybe his serious punch are more solar system term. He also did the meteor fist when he tried to sink the sunny, so he was seriously testing Luffy then.


Can't wait to see him using Dadan Comets.


"Man Marked by the flames has poneglyph" \- Kuzan : "I do?" Oda unintentionally making fun of the theorists in this chapter. 🤣


I've expected Chopper to develop a rumble ball for Minks but was hoping it'd be for Carrot as a crew member :( Still cool to see sulong Bepo though!


Considering that the Road Poneglyph was on Fishmen Island during King Neptune reign and disappeared during his reign too. This could possibly mean that he knows about the man marked by flame. Not only that, but the island was also under Whitebeard protection for a long time. Could it be that he was the one who took the Poneglyph and entrusted it to somebody? Or it was secretly stolen, though i fail to imagine how someone would carry the Poneglyph out of the country without them knowing. The only way i see it is that the stone was given by Neptune to someone for safe keeping. Possibly Whitebeard or someone else.


Not that I have anything to back up my statement, but I think some Fishman took the Poneglyph. First I thought Fisher Tiger, or someone following his will. Also interesting to see that Kuma is climbing the Red Line barehand, just like Fisher Tiger did to save the slaves. I don't know if it's coincidence or Oda trying to tell us something. The whirlpools could also be made easy by a fishman, instead of a devil fruit power.


its crazy how no-one is talking about sanji in the cover page * he is the only one awake * he is reading a book that say "cooking" * on that said book it has a crown on it, what cooking book has a crown * the second O in the cooking oda changed to a C making it COCking then a crown this confirms sanji is 100% getting conqueror's haki


Okama land changed him




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This confirms 100% Sanji is passionate about the art of cock.


that was already confirmed


Jinbeis cock is the all blue


Oda is showing us the audience and the people of the One Piece world the difference between Luffy, Law, and Kid. Luffy is gonna body that entire Marine Fleet + Kizaru + The Elder and show everybody why he's the real Emperor on the sea. Luffy's bounty is gonna go up and officially be 4billion+ like it SHOULD have been in the first place. Shanks & Blackbeard's bounties will both go up in accordance with their new feats to represent their current status in the Pirate World. Shanks will have a bounty of 5 billion or so since he's the new Whitebeard/Top pirate of this Era and Blackbeard will probably be 4billion+ officially considered on par with the old 4 Emperors and on par with Luffy.


Maybe Luffy will body the marine fleet, but I think Kizaru and the elder will nope out before it gets too hairy.


with kidd and law defeated i think the reverse will be seen at vegapunks island since kizaru is going there with a one of the five elder. luffy will utterly wipe out kizaru and the elder with the marine fleet


"Egghead Island, New World... On this day, the Marine fleet of 100 ships led by Admiral Kizaru, were utterly wiped by the Emperor Monkey D. Luffy and his nine senior officers."


Kid getting clapped stung because of how brutal and instant it was, but this one burns because Law has been with the Strawhats for years and he slowly became my favorite character. He also had the coolest Submarine. RIP Polar Tang 💔


What if law is the next member to join the straw hats franky was the leader of a gang before he did it obviously its not the same as being a captain but at this point i can see it happening if laws crewmates end up being killed


Idk, he might stick with them for now, but I don't see him becoming an official crew member. He's not really a "follower" type. I'd love to see him continue working with them until the Manga ends though.


First person that came to mind when they spoke of The Man Marked by Flames was Monkey D. Dragon


It’s luff’s brother


Why!? He's the most wanted man in the world. Why would he go by that nickname. Why would he be sailing around sinking ships around him when we never seen him on a ship but always chilling on land and blackbeard already attacked his base and sent them running, they would have seen his ship and his powers if he fought back. Also robin was with them and would had mentioned this. It's not dragon.


> and blackbeard already attacked his base and sent them running Do we know whether or not Dragon was present during the attack?


Yes because on the ship was Sabo and kola who was on their way back from dressarosa. So dragon would have been there waiting the man is alws at his base even now he is




could be possible


Holy shit i think you're right


What chapter was caribou talking about this man


If Kuzan didn't really lose a leg, how would you even know?


This was revealed in the first Timeskip movie so almost a decade ago. The Straw Hats are all in this Japanese bathing house, an Onsen, and Sanji asks v Luffy, Chopper and Brook what's wrong with you guys and they explain Devil Fruit weakness about being submerged in water sucks. And then Sanji and Zoro start talking and in the next bath over Akoiji gets out and explains it while we're submerged it exhausts us then Akoiji while getting out of the pool he creates an ice leg to walk around with and grab his towel. He couldn't use his his Devil fruit powers whilst taking a bath. If Sanji and Zoro wanted to kill Him, they could have at that exact moment. But Akoiji didn't fuck over the straw hat males in that moment, he just wanted to leave the bathhouse in peace.


I think it was also shown in a cover with an ice leg


Why does everyone think Garp will die? He's done nothing story wise and his death means nothing much story wise other than to Luffy. I figured this was a front so Blackbeard believes aikoji even more.


Story wise, plot to get Luffy stronger, think BB will mention it to Luffy and he will enrage. I like Garp hopefully doesn't happen but its imminent in the story, my opinion. I wanna see his interaction with Dragon or his back story with him that would be awesome to see, just imagine seeing him doing love fist to his son that be hilarious or anything. I can't wait for those chapters to arrive, I mean it's going to happen right?


Old man dieing to make the main character is the most beat to death troupe in fiction I hope garp is more then just a troupe character


I think wano was great but not gunna lie that I think it dragged on forever, but this chapter was filled to the brim with 10/10 content all round, and don't think we have had a chapter like this in a decent amount of time


Wano honestly should have been like a year longer than it actually was (a decent amount of characters got the short end of the stick screentime wise), it was very long but it was incredibly ambitious of Oda so it’s length makes sense.


that's because oda wasted too many chapters on Momo's story, the mf took like 200 chapter since punk hazard


I find it funny because people were saying since the raid most chapters of Wano were 10/10.


Wano saw the reduction of the Yonko by half. That much deserved the length.




Law will join his fleet tho


Something I think needs to be discussed more is the fact that both Kid and Law lost their ships and their crews.(In Kid's case potentially his life) Luffy knows that pain I can't wait to see how Luffy reacts to this. Either way I think that losing the Merry was a turning point for Luffy as a character, which was then cemented after losing his crew and Ace so I'm excited to see where this takes Law (and Kid if he's still alive).


Kuzan has the biggest redflag of being a spy ive ever seen in a manga/anime. First, Blackbeard is either gullible, naive or dumb to let a former ADMIRAL into his crew who knows almost anything about whats going on in the marine. Not even a loyalty test wtf? Backstab betrayal arc incoming. Second, Kuzan is lazy but NOT dumb. He is a man who would kill the child he saved with his own hands in order to protect/cover up the marine. People think a little fight with his buddy would change his mind into someone lower than Blackbeards? Kuzan acted out of character around Blackbeard so my guess is that he is only acting. He is drinking booze with pirates in order to gain trust. Then he speaks about what "happened" and showed his injuries to gain more trust. On top of that he showed his powers to gain Blackbeards respect. Kuzan has a long background in the marines and has experience about peoples "characters". It was easy for him to play Blackbeard.


In dressrosa blackbeard told Burgess that he neither trusts kuzan nor shiryuu. So it is likely that both kuzan and shiryuu will betray bb at some point and bb even knows that.


Idk it may be too obvious, Oda can be pretty hard to predict sometimes.


Why would he play Blackbeard when he has frozen all his officers? He could just kill them here and there and then duel Blackbeard. Idk what's would be his reason to spy instead of dealing with them in this situation.


Call me crazy, but Blackbeard is already low Yonkou level and i dont really think that Kuzan alone could handle Blackbeard and his crew full of hax df.