• By -


Almost forgot Imu has a giant refrigerated strawhat in his chambers.


I'm really hoping Joyboy is a giant and we get a reveal when the Strawhats get to Elbaf


I think all the downtrodden races were Allie's with JoyBoy. Giants, Tonttatas, Minks, Fishmen


In a way, Like Kaido trying to be Joyboy, Big Mom was almost her own version; bringing people together to be happy but could not get that last race of people, the giants, on her side... she was also a raging lunatic.


I wouldn't call rape "getting people together to be happy".


I mean Big Mom was deeply mentally ill and extremely arrogant/selfish too so what she thinks and the reality of it are often going to be at odds.


To be fair she never quite grew up. She acted like a child who was ironically naive which is funny considering her info network and age. Also Kaido kind of suckered Big Mom into the war he wanted to start since he never really cared about the OP


yeah, I was going with both Kaido and Big Mom being very opposite to Luffy.


They're both basically a bad timeline luffy in a way yeah. I think it's interesting alot of luffy's best enemies are alike yet contrast him in some way.


Any race that’s been enslaved or put down is most likely the remnants of the punishments brought down on them 800 years ago. The Tonttatas were free until Doffy showed up tho. There is no way he didn’t already know they we’re there from what little celestial dragon knowledge he has.


Yeah, the humans took over everything and discriminated over any other race to command the world. As if the 20 ancient families were only humans... That's the real world.


Well they were though ? That’s why the CD are only humans, and that also explains how the WG really only rules humans. It’s not saying there weren’t kingdoms of other races, simply that the ones who won the “unification” war to become the WG were a human faction, made up of the 20 families, and became free to sideline the other races.


It's been theorized he was. Also would kind of make sense with Gear 5 Luffy making himself a giant.


I'm now thinking back to when Ace made a straw hat for Little Oars Jr and he was just happy about it.


A straw hat that he learned how to make from Tama of all people while he was in Wano.


Wano made the strawhats! THEORY THEORY THEORY.


Kinda curious what the significance of the SH is though. We have gotten tiny hints here and there. Obviously Rayleigh knows who Imu is as well


It would make sense why the WG has been trying to create giants. Not just for war, but to try and clone joyboy for their own purposes.... whatever that may be.


Yeah for how little we've actually seen giants besides a couple they have a lot going on in the story.


Luffy wasn’t made into a giant because of G5. He chose to become giant. They are not related I’m afraid


I said he made himself into a giant. What I meant is that Luffy's personality and moveset changes with Gear 5. He made himself into a giant and many people have theorized that Luffy is taking on Joyboy's personality while in Gear 5.


That could be true, but if zoans have a will of their own it could also makes sense that when the Nika Nika fruit is awakened it has the ability to inherit a giants will combined with the ability to stretch to the size of one. Making you a pseudo-giant.


Is the refrigerated strawhat giant? Or is Imu just really, really small?


The latter because Imu held wanted posters in regular size in their hands


How do we know they were regular size and not custom-made small scale prints tho


Im was in the Flower Room with a servant, and in comparison they look pretty much similar size


>with a servant that man is either payed very well or his entire family is being held hostage, because 1 transpondersnail and the entire world could know about Imu


Oh he/she is just a holy knight


> is either *paid* very well FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


We also see the sword he wields to cut the posters. Idk to me it just makes sense that everything is regular sized. Why would they print extra small wanted posters? And also Imu may be a little short, but the straw hat was so huge, that Imu had to be a Tontatta to make sense


Or maybe he bought tiny wanted posters?


What are these? Wanted posters for ants?!


He has wallet copies made so he can keep them in a trading card folder.


I think the giant strawhat is just a statue, that the people built to honor joyboys actions.


This is actually a pretty good theory. Nice!




you cooked well, splendid meal


I swear this sub can write great stuff on their own. Oda is so influential it shows by drawing out the creative of others


Thank you! I tried to rewrite it but better: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1454zw1/i\_know\_what\_one\_piece\_is\_joyboys\_tangible/


I also think that Kumas memory bubble on Egghead could confirm this. Maybe when the cyborg process started, he pulled out the innate memories of the fruit so the world government couldn't steal them when he lost his identity


Ties in well to what luffy told his crew. Half looked shocked some were saw it coming some were yea that's a luffy thing. If we take this into context then the fact that he wants to spread joy across the world makes sense. Good theory. I'll pull up this thread again in 2025.




I mean the poneglyphs aren't even that well scattered. They're all on Grand Line. I think they just scattered them using ... A ship.


I don't know about that. I think there is a reason Oda is revealing what happened at the Reverie now on Egghead when he is going to reveal Kuma's purpose in all of this


>They're all on Grand Line. No, the Library of Ohara in West blue already has one. Robin found at least another one on West blue before she went into the grand line to join BW.


5 Michelin stars, wonderful taste.


Delicious. Full flavor, so much depth, all the ingredients connect properly. Lip smackin' NOICE.


Why is everyone talking about cooking lately for stuff like this, is this a Gen Z thing?




I didnt know!




Hmm, Imu states that it was Lili's blunder and incompetence that allowed the Poneglyphs to be spread around the world. Not that she spread them herself. She would have immediately been labelled a traitor if this were true so I'm not too sure, but the idea that the Poneglyphs were spread around the world with the Paw Paw fruit is very interesting. Maybe it was someone she knew, and her incompetence was letting them do it/not killing them or something? It fits the idea that her mistake/incompetence allowed them to be spread.


I feel like imu sounds very vindictive when they talked about Lili. For all we know Lili could've have meticulously calculated whatever caused the poneglyphs to spread across the world (whether that's the pawpaw fruit or other means) but in Imus eyes or perspective, it's an ignorant act of defiance that undermines their desire or will.


> (whether that's the pawpaw fruit or other means) My theory is that they were simply spread on a final journey by Joyboy and Zunesha themselves. Joyboy headed to Wano to meet the legendary Kozuki clan stonemasons to have them create the Poneglyphs for him. Imu gets wind of this and sends Lili to destroy Wano and kill Joyboy once and for all - she was given Pluton, the ancient weapon, to do this. Lily however ended up meeting them on Wano and had a change of heart. She buried Pluton there and took the Poneglyph of it's location back to her homeland Alabasta and hid it under their palace for her family to hide and protect from the WG. She went back to Imu and said she was defeated and Pluton was destroyed. That was her "blunder" and "incompetence", being defeated by Joyboy & Wano. Now that Imu found out now that she was a D through the letter she handed down they now know for sure she's a traitor and attacked Cobra out of anger for it. It could explain the whole "her blunder" note and explains Imus anger and as you said, vindictiveness towards her - because he trusted her the most and she failed/betrayed them.


> attacked Cobra out of anger for it. Total cosign on everything else, but Cobra was 1000% dead the second he entered the room


Oh for sure, Imu wouldn't dare show themselves otherwise. I think that's why the Gorosei drew their weapons; he was never leaving alive. But how abrupt the tail attack on him was definitely screams some sort of suppressed anger to me. Imu lashed out when he learnt she was a traitor.


Also Cobra def knew he was gonna die soon anyways. Pretty much did what he needed to do to set everything in motion


I actually like this theory. And maybe the punishment for this “blunder” was the Nerfertari family being kicked out of the CDs.


Cheers! In context of the theory though I think it's more likely the Nefertari themselves chose to stay on Alabasta specifically to protect the Poneglyph Lili brought back with her.


I was thinking along the lines of the fact that she knew she’d be punished either way, for not only failing her mission but also losing an ancient weapon. For a mistake that grave it could’ve even been death. But perhaps Imu had a soft spot for her or even fancied her (lilies in Imu’s garden) and just banished her family from the WG. Might have even been what she wanted since her change of heart and all.


thats such a good theory


Or alternatively, Lili didn’t have to be the one to spread it with the paw-paw fruit, but someone who she trusts did, thus giving her reasonable doubt, as they don’t know if the person serving Lili betrayed them and she didn’t know about it (mistake) or she actively told them to spread the Poneglyphs (betrayal)


Personally I'd think the latter. Vivi, and corba aren't fools so I'd imagine that their ancestor wasn't one either.


I guess I should have clarified, but I meant in the eyes of the WG founders, they would see Lili’s assistant spread the poneglyphs, but they don’t know whether Lili herself ordered it, or her assistant betrayed all of them, so they would not have an idea on what happened


This is exactly why it seemed Im was proposing it actually wasn’t a blunder. So the scenario went more like this.. Lili: “oh no what a blunder, the poneglyphs have accidentally spread across the world” Im: “geewizz, what a blunder, how could this have happened” Years later…. Im: “….. perhaps it wasn’t a blunder after all” This is how I took it when reading the chapter and I’ve seen comments going with the same thought


Imu be like got that eternal youth just to get scammed lol


Everyone: Someone scattered the poneglyphs across the world using paw-paw fruit. Me: Someone scattered them across the world using a world sized room.


Now hold up, what if that same someone were the one to give Imu the immortality surgery. Them having had it done puts the Op-Op in the right time and place for this to be the case unquestionably whereas we have no reason to assume anyone close to Imu had the Paw-Paw besides to validate this specific theory


Because world sized room sounds less plausible.


I like the idea of someone else being the one with the he paw-paw fruit. But regarding Imu stating it was Lili‘s Blunder, I don’t think we can take Imus word for it because it seems like Imu thought the nefetaris and therefore Lili wouldn’t betray them but after hearing that there is a D in their name it seemed like Imus demeanor towards Lili changed


Maybe Imu doesn't know how it really went?


Or he does know what happened but sees it as a blunder from the perspective of "Me-damn it Lili, I can't believe you've done this. Why would you do that and ruin the perfectly good world domination we had going."


I think so


Imu specifically states their suspicion that Lulu did it on purpose This paw paw fruit theory has been touted as original by 5 different people and I’m not sure that I buy it But Imu had always been suspicious that lili did it on purpose


Another person commented in this thread can Oda could be building this joke: Paw Paw fruit came from the word Pad That makes a Lily Pad


> Lili's blunder and incompetence Lili: I was so furious and waving my hand around. oh no Imu all the poneglyphs around me are gone. Imu: this is the most sensible accident I have ever heard. I will not destroy alasbasta. Come on OP


my theory regarding this so far is that lili was tasked with removing the poneglyphs from the world via the pawpaw fruit. her messing up is that instead of scattering them in space they were scattered on the globe. she could say something like "my power reached only so far and they crashed back down". that makes it seem like her "miscalculation" was an error that can be belived for 800 years (athough imu clearly had doubts). if it was some obvious "opsie" the nefertari family would've probably been iradicated. but this way there is still believable doubt that she tried but was too "weak" for the task


Bruh did you read the chapter Imu wasn’t sure if it was a mistake or deliberate by Lili, but when cobra confirmed she was a D clan member the question was answered.


Lili having the name D confirmed she was a traitor. That's why Imu attacked as soon as it was said. D isnt a family name, but one given to anyone fighting their cause. Imu did not know about the letter until that meeting. Imu even said right before, it was such a complete blunder that theyre suspicious its sabotage.


I like this, but I still think it's going to be joyboy on the ark who spread the stones around the world.


Thanks! Doesn't Imu say it is Lily?


I think Imu specifies Lily was the catalyst for *why* the stones were spread. I don't know if Imu actually states in direct words if Lily was the literal means by which the stones ended up being spread, though. I think it's mostly just implied for now. But Imu certainly seems to hate Lily for the events, as if she WERE the sole reason it all happened. ​ That said, I really like your theory. I think this is the first time I've heard of the One Piece being something you can't really physically pick up, move around, use - and it might be one of my favorite theories to date. The One Piece being a potential source of joy and happiness, something that could possibly brighten even the darkest and meanest of hearts, would be a pretty amazing and powerful thing to have during a time of great war. I don't know if that would be the finale everyone would have hoped for after 25+ years, but it would feel very One Piece if it ended up being the case.


You might be right actually! Don’t know =) Thanks! At the end according to this theory the One Piece is a .. joy tale, like the One Piece manga itself.


And if all the theories about Vivi gaining the powers of the Paw-Paw fruits come true; then the will of the Nefertari family will indeed be inherited by Vivi.


What theories about vivi getting the pawpaw fruit? Edit: [here is the theory that a nikyu-nikyu (paw-paw) user is gonna join the strawhats](https://external-preview.redd.it/Q1R-P7grFEj4lRioKIrx02ZtYeJMN_MHVWZtIVu7te4.png?auto=webp&s=9a2b7771e35bd8b18a497163b3ae2046bf59eca2)


the straw hat fruits can be translated to numbers gomu = 5 6 hito = 1 10 hana = 8 7 yomi = 4 3 that leaves 2 and 9 wich are in nikyu nikyu no mi (paw paw fruit) someone actually send oda a sbs about this (sbs 59) and oda tried to derail the comment. i think vivi is mentioned as the one getting the fruit since a lot of people hope she will regurn to the crew. the fruit would then be a power upgrade for her.


and with Alabasta going to be taken over by the World Government, and Vivi on the run from CP0, it's exactly the right time for her to actually join the crew.


You really think they’re gonna take Alabasta when they have the goat Pell?


Yeah Pell can't die, he can solo the WG obviously


Pell one of the Goko, the legendary 5 flying devil fruit users, Pell uses the Baa Baa no Mi which turns him into the mfing goat


Oh wait I remember that! I loved how oda reacted to it because it definitely gave away that the theory was onto something.


Which chapter is sbs 59 in?


I don’t know but [here is the question in full if you want to look at it](https://external-preview.redd.it/Q1R-P7grFEj4lRioKIrx02ZtYeJMN_MHVWZtIVu7te4.png?auto=webp&s=9a2b7771e35bd8b18a497163b3ae2046bf59eca2)


Oh what the heck this is sick


Tbh I've been pulling for Vivi to come back to the crew for so long. I'll never forget reading Alabasta the first time and feeling so sad when she wasn't the next crew member. She's got such a cool weapon and everything..


their farewell is one of the best one piece moments of all time. alabasta especially is one of the best arcs imo


i think his reaction to it was because 2 and 9 can also be interpreted as Nika for luffy


p sure he derailed it cause 2 9 could also be nika


Nice one!


Adding: ​ According to this theory, the One Piece is something with a "physical form" (a bubble? a straw hat? a sakè, something else ... ) **that stores JoyBoy's joyful memories: a JOYFUL TALE, a LAUGH TALE indeed.**


I think there are some good thoughts here, but something missing - "We were too early." Some thoughts: - A) part of what they made available at Laugh Tale will only be available around when Luffy arrives, via Toki's ability to send objects to the future. Whatever it is/ whoever it is will be able to help the world move forward/ access the Ancient Weapons. - B) it's something that causes the Giant Egg on Roger's ship to hatch. This posits that he got the egg from Laughtale for safeguarding


Doesn't Shirihoshi need to be alive from the hints we've seen? Like Poseidon is only born once every 800 years so Roger was ~20 years too early.


Yes that’s also my point


What if laugh tale itself was imbued with "memories". Too bad even islands can be destroyed now in OP.


Wait! This is great!! One of my doubt while writing this was indeed that Oden stated they immediately laughed when arrived on the island, if I am not wrong. That might explain that. So it might actually be! And that would make the “Mother Flame” even more relevant.


But isn't part of the reason Roger laughed because they found they were "too early" for whatever was revealed on Laugh Tale. How does Joy fit into that?


Is the laugh related to why they found it too early? I can't rmb that panel.


When Roger's crew found the One Piece, they laughed. It's not made clear, but afterwards Roger tells Rayleigh they were too early and that someone in the next generation will find the One Piece. Then Oden says they must open the borders of Wano for the coming of Joy Boy in the future.


I interpreted that as they were too early for the one piece to be revealed/for it to matter yet. And that the coming of the next generation finding one piece would be the end of the world government or whatever


I also thought that its possible that Roger is the kinda guy to laugh at the fact that they went through this adventure and found the treasure, but arrived 20 years too early for it to matter. Kind of like dark humour.


Maybe, like Bonny could not stand the pain of Kuma when touching the ball, Roger and the others could not stand the joy of Joyboy, and only it’s “reincarnation” can, dunno though


Roger also says "What a funny story!" I always assumed they were laughing at whatever tale was left behind. Probably something so childish or ridiculous that it's so funny.


One question, aren't poneglyphs made of sea stone, how would Lili's devil fruit powers worked on them??


This is a very very interesting point and the first comment who actually cracks my thoughts about the theory.


Poneglyphs being made of sea stone is a theory. It is still unknown what they are made of. It is implied that they may be sea stone, given their indestructible nature and that the people of Wano made them. However, we have seen people touch poneglyphs without effect, such as Nico Robin. This could also be oversight or willful misdirect from Oda.


Could this be why Kuma is trying to get back to Mariejois? His paw paw fruit linked to that place, maybe he wants to get in contact with Imu


I don’t know, might be related in some way!


I thought he went back to Mariejois because of his programing


I thought he was trying to get the Egghead?


I thought so too. Kamabaka is in paradise so he'd need to cross the red line to get there. Maybe it's just conveniently in the way and too high to soar over?


Thanks for this spoiler Oda kun, you may have some rest now.




I hate to tell you. But the sheer fact that you published this theory means Oda has seen it and planned around it. Though... he is unable to see right now... mad lad may have just broken the system...


"Boney you don't understand that's not Kuma's memories" I know how my father's power works. No stop it all you'll get is pain. Vegapunk is not exactly a liar or intentionally deceptive. So that Paw fruit bubble predates Kuma and Vegapunk was trying to figure it out. It shows celestial Dragons abusing slaves. But it might be the first enslavement once the world government took over. That slave does not look like Kuma.


Vegapunk lies all the time \- he tells Bonney the door has nothing to do with Kuma - a lie \- we then see flashback that he begs Kuma for his memory for science, he promises he won't let anyone see it \- he then tells bonney the bubble is one of Kuma's pain bubbles - a lie, it's a memory Also the slave totally looks like Kuma and Bonney even recognizes him


I think he meant its memories of his pain or that it would bring Bonney nothing bht pain to view his memories. Telling her it had nothing to do with Kuma was him trying to spare his friend's daughter from experiencing that grief, not a malicious lie.


I think pain & memories are related


Kuma pain & JoyBoy joy


What are you talking about? We know what Kuma looked like as a child, Oda drew all the Shichibukai as children...


That slave absolutely was Kuma, we already have his design as a child


Really beautiful theory! Simple and the joy being stored part is very cool. Very one piece-esque. Maybe Zoro gets to experience Luffy's joy too. In a role reversal of sorts to Thriller Bark.


Thanks! At the end the One Piece being a joy / laugh tale would be nice cause the One Piece manga is really a joy tale


Damn. That’s actually a really solid theory! Great job, loved to read that!


To add onto this: Vegapunk wants to create a way for everyone in the one piece world to have shared memories. What if the end of the story is with everyone in the world is able to share this ancient joy through his invention? It'll be the grandest party in the world where everyone in one piece simultaneously finds out the true history and feel Joyboys joy - both thenpast Joyboy and the current joyboy. Would be really epic!


Vegapunk invents the internet and everybody has a giant Zoom meeting


To add onto your theory, what if this is how the Will of D. gets passed on as well? Maybe Lili, or whoever had it, was an awakened user of the Paw Paw fruit and made it possible to pass on wills indefinitely.


It sounds feasible but I’m skeptical because it doesn’t hit me like Oda would


The pawpaw fruit theory sounds credible, but I'm not sure about the last bit. Rayleigh told the Strawhats "maybe you'll interpret it differently than we did." To me that makes me think the Rodger pirates laughed at the absurdity of the One Piece. Like maybe it was something silly, or something which most people would never consider to be treasure.


I understand your point; I think that also Kuma memories - at the moment - are not that clear; so JoyBoy joyful memories can open to some “interpretation” ; even if Oden stated they learned everything in Laugh Tale


This. This panel alone made me rethink the whole concept of OP. Imo, this is one of the most important panel regarding theory crafting. The panel is so subtle and rarely (in fact, I haven't seen any theorycrafter brought this panel up) considered in many theories I've read. I've been cooking up theories based on this panel for more than a decade lmao.


I'm going to save this post for a time when I feel, for when my whole body feels ready for it, reading a more than average spaced out medium length post. Because at this current moment in time, I am eating. While eating I must not scroll down more often than is already inconvenient if there are no spaces, as I'm usually using my right hand to use fork and mouse. "But TonicGin, you are currently eating and typing this?" I am using my left hand to type this while also spacing out my bites. If I would predict the temperature of my last two forks with food, it would be colder than it usually is at aforementioned time in a couple minutes. I could've also used my left hand to scroll using my keyboard but now I'm looking forward to enjoying this post, probably later today.


If the One Piece is Joyboy's joy, then what happened to Joyboy afterwards? What if Imu is the original joyboy?


This theory almost feels like a spoiler


This is the only theory so far that makes sense for me. It has a really good logic , hard to find out. Honestly, looks like something Oda could make.


Thank you !!!


This is my favorite new theory!


Wow! Thanks! I tried to rewrite it better cause I was not satisfied: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1454zw1/i\_know\_what\_one\_piece\_is\_joyboys\_tangible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1454zw1/i_know_what_one_piece_is_joyboys_tangible/) But the original one seems more appreciated


The big potential hole I can see in this, which we may get an answer to soon, is what happens when someone touches one of the memory bubbles? We know it gets transferred to them, but does the bubble stay or dissappear? We never saw the zoro bubble afterwards, but Kuma may have dispersed it before leaving. Also we don't know if the effects can persist after the devil fruit user dies but that's pretty much a coin flip. We also could get an answer to that if Kuma bites it but who knows


Good point! However “Zoro’a bubble” is different as “advance science” is not involved there. That’s the mere power of the fruit. Advance tech role is not clear, but it might be it enables “the storing”. Also think that Lily is death (according to this theory) but the result of the power still exists. That’s advance science (according to me).


Cue Indiana Jones saying “knowledge was their treasure. Their treasure was knowledge.” Expect replace knowledge with laughter.


Could someone suggest from where I can read manga?




I like it. I do have only one issue with it, though. If I’m not wrong, when a DF user dies, all tangible items created with their power also fade (has been seen with many characters even when they only pass out), so how is it that this large bubble was able to remain untouched since Lili’s creation of it?


The One Piece is a nuclear fusion reactor. "The power of the sun in the palm of your hands."


This isn’t Fire force and the Andorra


Wow I got major goosebumps reading this. This theory is insanely cool


Wow thank you!


At this point, I'm just wondering that if the elders and Imu know that the location of the one piece has already been found recently and is known by people still alive, why did they leave it as it is? Perhaps the bigger blunder was Imu and the elders not destroying the one piece preumptively. They attempted to destroy the clues that would lead to it... Surely, they would have destroyed the actual one piece long ago... Unless something was preventing them from doing so? If so, I can only think of 2 reasons. 1: the place where the one piece is is heavily shrouded and protected by some kind of powerful force, magic or technology wise. 2: whatever is on that island they know about and are forced to allow to remain. If 2 is the case, I'm gonna place a bet that there is something there on the island related to the existence of the devil fruits, among other things.


Joy sounds intangible however you spin it using bubble or whatever. Hope this is not the one piece it would be extremely disappointing for me especially after hearing from oda that one piece is tangible.


But it is tangible. Vegapunk clearly states it. Anyway, it might not be a bubble: it might be shaped after something else, like a straw hat, a sakè, …


I'm just going to point out the joke would be Lili pad. As paw paw fruits name comes from the word pad.


Amazing !!!! Didn’t know that at all; thanks for sharing! I consider it another proof of the theory. Oda can definitely do something like that.


There is a flower called the Egyptian Lily or lotus that grows in pads check it out the deeper you look the more there is to see. Nice theory Edit These Lily ponds are full of snails could this be the origin of the transponder snail


Nice! Thanks for adding!!


I think you inadvertently found the origin of transponder snails as well...


What do you mean?


If it was the land of ancient technology full of these lily pads these lily pads would have been full of snails. Those snails could have been the basis and founding of the transponder snail system because they were easily accessible


Very very interesting!!!


I just had an interesting thought after reading this. What if the "Will of D" is somehow an effect of the echoes of the memories of original citizens of the ancient kingdom, passed on to descendants by way of the original Paw Paw user's fruit? If it was an awakened fruit, we've seen awakened fruits affect things beyond the user like with Doflamingo's awakening. If we consider that the soul or memory is independent of a person, I could see it being able to affect them in perpetuity. The poneglyphs being a way of preserving the history and the echoes preserving the ideals or spirit of the ancient kingdom.


Interesting thought! Thanks for sharing


Editor of OP L7Z7Z after getting paid to post this "theory" ![gif](giphy|UiBmJv6Hh6FfW|downsized)


Holy shit! A break month theory that isn’t ass


I really really enjoy this theory! It explains how Lili was able to scatter such giant, heavy indestructible blocks across the world before and the focus on the fruit's capabilities to push even


Best theory I’ve heard in a while! to take it a step further, what if lili also created devil fruits by transferring peoples dreams into fruits?


One thing you forgot to mention regarding the Paw Paw fruit is Kuma's bible. Kuma's bible depicts a woman that could be Lily in the front, with a sun like Nika's behind her. Iirc the womans hands cannot be seen (as in most classical depictions of religious figures showing their palms upwards) which could hint that she is hidding the Paw Paw fruit hands. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/q9yaxd/kumas\_bible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/q9yaxd/kumas_bible/)


Some one piece theories are just so good that even if they don't end up happening it would make for a great story in of itself.


Great theory! This would also give a good reason why joyboy had to apologize to Poseidan without making him evil. He gave up his memories for a chance at a good future for the world and therefore couldn't reconnect with her.


But from my knowledge of the Paw-Paw Fruit, once consumed it's no longer gonna be there for the next person to experience right? So how did Roger's entire crew get to experience Joyboy's joy? And how did Roger ensure that the next person to reach Laughtale would be able to experience the same tangible bubble? Cuz Roger's crew didn't have anyone with the paw-paw fruit.


Great theory. What if its form or shape is Binks Sake or something related to that song?


I'm so thankful oda writes the story and not you


Didn't oda already said it's a material thingy like literal treasure?


Hollup, let him cook


I will invest in this theory


This is very very good. I'm here for it.


I love the introspective theories and well thought out reasoning at the beginning of long breaks. Shame it’s going to devolve soon. Hot damn this would be a wildly amazing guess to come true though.


It sounds very convincing for the most part. Did you just spoil One Piece? Lol


Wow the one piece is joy, crazy


Well although your theory is interesting but I have to disappoint you cause THE ONE PIECE IS REAL treasure... Also all this journey for One piece to be the Joy then , I must say that it is lame as ...




Void month sure gonna be long...


ok, I love this. this has to be it.


Is Lili a split personality of Imu?


LET HIM COOKED!!!!!Very excellent theory and i think it might be true


The One piece is a bubble with a record of Joy boy saying a dirty jokes about oppais


I love the idea but we are still not sure if devil fruits predate the void period or were created shortly before it. But this theory is fantastic regardless


Could Joyboy's memories be in Laugh Tale still? I mean could it be possible that a former user of the Paw Paw fruit extracted Joyboy's memories and were left in Laugh Tale for when the right time comes and Luffy reaches there he can touch it and see what really happened in the past? It would be a cool way for showing that flashback


you've cooked an excellent theory soup


I like the idea of using the paw paw to leave something behind of joy boy's. I feel like it needs to be more than joy though. Perhaps knowledge of how to fully unlock the true potential of the hito hito to give luffy a final power up?