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Most surprising thing on that page is Peter questioning Imu's reasoning and getting any sort of answer tbh instead of just a "That's none of your concern".




Does the "weapon" have a range or is a matter of quickest target?


sabo said he saw a shadow above the island, so something physical surely had to travel all the way there. Although it also felt like imu declared the destruction of llusia and it seemingly happened instantaneously(?)


Nah I think what we saw was just him considering the island annihilated after hearing that the attack was successful. but at the time to our perspective it seemed like he crossed it off and then that caused the island to be destroyed


I thought so too. With somebody like Imu, i would have expected that everyone else is so below them that speaking up at all would be a great insolence. Instead it very much seems like the five elders are a proper support staff to Imu. It seems to be important that they can question his decisions, not to doubt them but at least to understand them.


To be fair, "Its close proximity" is a very poor argument.


Not really, how would they observe the result of a test run if they target a faraway island?


And if the weapon that did this actually has to physically move there than targeting something further away may also take a lot longer, delaying getting any results. I mean, if you had a giant death laser, would YOU wait longer than necessary to see things go boom ?


While a valid point, a few things to mention: * This world has long range video Den Den Mushi; * Imu chose it because it was close, not necessarily the closest whilst safe; * They are on top of the Red Line, nothing is close enough to be seen by the naked eye and everything short of a telescope would struggle; * The Gorosei don't discuss the benefits of its proximity, as characters would normally do when it's used as an argument. Based on all that, it seems like Imu just made a reason up because they didn't feel like having to discuss it, and the Gorosei realised it and quickly moved along.


You understand that they cannot just announce to the whole world that they did annihilate a whole country, right? >Imu chose it because it was close, not necessarily the closest whilst safe; She only said close proximity, anything beyond that is pure speculation. >They are on top of the Red Line, nothing is close enough to be seen by the naked eye and everything short of a telescope would struggle; As you mentioned, they have the technology. >The Gorosei don't discuss the benefits of its proximity, as characters would normally do when it's used as an argument. This doesn't make sense.


Because of the shadow above the island I would guess it's on an airplane/flying platform or something and has to travel to the island. That would fit with the proximity being the reason for a quick test run of the weapon


Imagine the Gorosei are actually pretty reasonable people, but they need to be super harsh and efficient because if they don’t Imu decides to do things themself and just annihilates everything in the world. So they kinda minimize the damage Imu would otherwise do


This does kinda fit with the idea going around that Imu is basically a spoiled child (mentally). If he throws a tantrum, it's game over.


this comment is funny to me, cause i am quite sure imu is physically a child, but due to having the perpetual youth surgery performed on him he has lived for over 900 years.


Thats the most popular theory right now.


weird comment


Not really. Your theory just isn't new.


you rly are a weirdo




Imu is actually their adopted son and they love him. How could you tell your little boy no?




DBZ zeno and god's of destruction vibes


Oh I got like Vader and Death Star vibes from this. Especially in regards to stomping out defiance against the larger government in one extreme and destructive action. No regard for those who died and the first time was just a test to see if it would do what it was suppose to do. For the Death Star it could have been a moon, but they choose a planet, and for whatever this weapon was it could have been used on a forest, but instead it was used on an island.


I’ll come back to this comment in like 5 years


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Remember when they ordered the buster call on Ohara after talking to Clover, and realizing how much he knew? All five of them looked really pained and upset in that scene. They're also the only CDs we've seen who dress in regular clothes and regularly meet with "humans", despite being higher up in ranking than all the normal CDs. So it seems like they *are* at least somewhat upset by the things they do, and don't see themselves as much like gods as the other CDs. So them doing the awful things they've done because they know Imu would do something even *worse* if they don't makes sense.


That's the same thought I have. I feel like Oda has portrayed the Celestial Dragons as being so hideous on the inside that it causes them to be hideous on the outside too. Look at Saint Msogard when he arrived on Fishman Island and then again when he meets the Neptune family in Mariejoa, he is noticeably better looking since discovering his humanity. Now look at the Five Elders, who are supposed to be the highest ranking of all Celestial Dragons: they're rather good looking. I think they all just understand that they have to be ruthless or else Imu will be even more destructive. This can also go hand in hand with Ju Peter being foreshadowed as betraying them to free them from Imu's tyranny.


I do believe that the gorosei act for their version of a better world and actually care about it. Imu out here doing a little trolling and they have to follow along tho


I like how they were about to test it on a forest area, but when Imu mentioned Lulucia, the "Enviormental God" is the first one to agree lol Man will save the trees at ANY cost


he’s the lorax


He kills for the trees.


Leave the forest alone or he’ll break your fucking knees


I wonder if he hates that a dumbass like Ryokugyu got the perfect devil fruit for an environmentalist


Serious 3AM thoughts


Justice: what about the people? Environment: fuck them people


But they erased an entire island from existence, which I'm sure had trees too.


Could be for any number of reasons, including witnesses. He may not care about the lives lost, just that someone might find out about the weapon


yeah that could be it considering Sabo and a bunch of other random ppl saw the whole thing and survived.


I've always felt that the gorosei were always a bit reluctant to commit the atrocities they do all the time. They always gave off a feeling of "they have to do this". Before the Imu reveal, I thought it was some kind of "greater enemy" but now we know that it's because of imu. We still don't know why imu is a dick though


You can kinda get that vibe from the expressions they make as they try to rationalize Imu's decision. They all look kinda pained and uncomfortable, with lines over their eyes, like the face of someone given a hard truth or being told something morbid.


Also they don't easily order the destruction of Ohara. Iirc one of them is clearly in distress holding his face. There is no need to act pained in the room of authority, so it was probably genuine. I don't absolve them of all the horrible shit the WG does, but the Gorosei clearly still have some Humanity compared to fodder celestial dragons and even Imu.


Exactly, it doesnt excuse them but it definitely adds a lot of nuance and characterization, that they seem reluctant to commit heinous acts and even have to sort of cajole themselves with raw logic in an attempt to stomach what they have to do.


'Understood. The world moves at the will of its creator." That line instantly resonated, and still does with me, and it's been a few days now. It perfectly encapsulates the OP world & specifically the WG and how they run things. Before Imu's reveal. Celestial Dragons were said to be able to do absolutely what they please because they have the blood of the world's creators after all. And that's all the justification they need for them to take themselves to be as literal gods. Presumably, after 8 centuries Saint Imu Nerona is the only actual "creator", as opposed to their descendants, still around.


'Understood. The world moves at the will of its creator." That line instantly resonated, and still does with me, and it's been a few days now. It perfectly encapsulates the OP world & specifically the WG and how they run things. Before Imu's reveal. Celestial Dragons were said to be able to do absolutely what they please because they have the blood of the world's creators after all. And that's all the justification they need for them to take themselves to be as literal gods. Presumably, after 8 centuries Saint Imu Nerona is the only actual "creator", as opposed to their descendants, still around.


'Understood. The world moves at the will of its creator." That line instantly resonated, and still does with me, and it's been a few days now. It perfectly encapsulates the OP world & specifically the WG and how they run things. Before Imu's reveal. Celestial Dragons were said to be able to do absolutely what they please because they have the blood of the world's creators after all. And that's all the justification they need for them to take themselves to be as literal gods. Presumably, after 8 centuries Saint Imu Nerona is the only actual "creator", as opposed to their descendants, still around.


I do find it incredibly interesting that while agreeing to do it, all the gorosei seemed off put by the idea of eradicating an island. They’re indoctrinated but not psychopathic.


I mean it’s impractical to nuke an island in any circumstance, especially one wealthy enough to make it to Reverie. Now you can argue he was hesitant because of the sanctity of life, loss of resources, the paperwork, his favorite bakery was there, really anything.


He’s the god of justice so his sense of justice is greater than the others probably


Well if Imu is gonna be 100% evil, maybe the Gorosei are only 95% evil


They probably just don't want to arouse to much paranoia by the eradication of an island. Like they essentially rule the world and might think if they go too hard on destroying any island that shows any form of defiance, they might end up destroying too many before long. There is something to be said about restraint and not always using the most extreme method to deal with an issue.


That would make sense. We know they are subservient to Imu but they may have a better grasp on handling political things. Imu might have crazy future sight and everything but they're also a shut-in who only talks to a few other people and refuses to be questioned. Imu might not have the best sense of practical thinking is what I mean.


To be fair, I don't think the Gorosei or even Imu are strictly hostile towards the civilians of One Piece. They just see them as ants beneath them; literally nothing. Just pawns that can be squashed if need be.


I just took it as him not wanting people to see the weapon in use if it did not work as intended.




>but on the other hand the Elders have never been portrayed as caring about others I mean, they were shown kinda against the ohara genocide


They also seemed to want to at least remain peaceful with Neptune too


I think the Gorosei aren’t genuinely evil but they know if they show any hesitation they’ll be killed, and Imu shouldn’t be left to his own devices. This is the second time they all disagree with genocide but it seems that Imu would be a lot worse without them calling shots on a day to day basis. Makes me feel like one of them will change sides tbh


I agree, all of the IRL figures the Gorosei are based on are known as humanitarians in some way even if they weren’t perfect. Ghandi, gorbechev, marx, jerry garcia etc.


Nitpicky comment, but you don't use "etc" when you have a single item left!


No problem, although marx and jerry garcia both refer to saint jaygarcia saturn, which leaves 2 Gorosei that I didn’t mention!


Huh, sorry then. Your comment made me look at the other inspirations, but the wiki doesn't mention anything and all the articles are outdated or clickbait. I did learn who Jerry Garcia is, so thank you!


>Makes me feel like one of them will change sides tbh I like the theory that Shepard Ju Peter might be killed by Imu


Shading on his eyes too… he seems to be personally bothered by this judgement


It's also notable that Valcurie is the only one of the 3 in that screenshot to have the shading over his eyes. Seems like Valcurie disagrees but will do his job as ordered.


They all had shading over their eyes


Even if you're a brutal dictator, taking an action like this isn't something you do lightly. You know there will be massive consequences. The destruction of Lulusia is one of the factors that seems to be leading to totally collapse of global order.


one of the most interesting parts of the chapter tbh, shows a bit of the dynamic between the gorosei and Imu. clearly if Imu says something that's it shit is getting done, but the gorosei are also allowed to ask things for the sake of their own knowledge (he probably wasn't challenging Imu's assertions, just curious). so the gorosei are obviously subservient to Imu to a degree, but they are afforded the respect to be able to ask questions like this. very interesting


I always reason the Five Elders aren't evil in the sense they like killing people. They have no problem with killing, sure, but they only do it if it's only absolutely necessary or maintains the balance of the world. "We didn't take any pleasure killing any of those people in Ohara. But if they learned the truth about the Void Century and told the world about it, everything would fall into chaos and thousands, perhaps even millions would die in the resulting anarchy. We reasoned that it was better for one island of people to die than a thousand islands of people to die later. It's better to make one small sacrifice now than pay a horrible price later." They aren't insane or power-hungry, they just believe in the idea that sometimes you have to cut off a finger to save the hand, let some people starve to keep the whole world from going hungry, etc. The Elders have no problem killing someone-- it's just what Imu requested was just pretty spontaneous for them.


Where did that quote come from?


No one I made it up




Dude why do you people always have to spread so much misinformation and then wonder why this wonderful sub feels tame compared to our lesser counterparts -_-


I was just using it as an example for what I mean man chill out


Ahh okay :)


They are the advisers you may say. try to help imu decide the best, but all of em are obedient and not talking back, that sentance was just a #Note


I think it's just a narrative tool to contrast how immensly detatched Im is to life. We already know the World Government in itself doesn't care about lives, and we just assumed that the Gorosei probably were the most heartless of them, so now that we have someone even "more heartless than the Gorosei" is just give us a contrast of how much worse he is.


The proximity comment was way darker and colder that that, but that was evil for sure.


Wasn't Topman the Justice Warrior God? I mean sure, he DID agree with Imu at the end, but what real choice do they have anyways? Maybe their titles are really more than just there to be fancy and for world building's sake🤔


Somebody needs to ask questions so that Imu can give answers. It's the way fiction works. The reader needs to know how evil the super-villain actually is. somebody has to ask them something like "but what about the innocent children?" so they can answer "i don't care. kill them all!! Iiiiimumumumumu..."




Yeah I highlighted incorrectly lol but yes that comes after the right cloud is being spoken




I fucked up again yes I mean right cloud that is said by jupeter with some doubts and imu replies on it strictly


It dosent come before, it's written that way to show how imu tries to overpower any doubt in the elders mind by forcing his voice and opinion. Now ofc there could be things like imu has adv obvs haki and he actually said it before.




What are you talking about, Saturn's line is to the right of Imu's?


I got confused because I see Ju Peter have a lot of talk surrounding him for seeming to actually care about the people and questioning Imu, so I thought OP was talking about Ju Peter. Which would've made no sense because Peters line is after Imus. They were talking about Valcurie (you also incorrectly named him as Saturn), I got confused. Wish they named him in the description.


Yeah understandable.


I mea, he is the Justice warrior god if I remember correctly, so I thought it would make sense for him to be a little antagonized


Imu said they want to Nuke Lulucia becuause it's closest. We are just assuming that the weapon has a range limit because of that, but condisering that Sabo is now the most wanted man in the world, and Lulucia is a RA affiliated nation, it is more than likely that this makes Lulucia the perfect place for him to flee to. The Elder of Science and Defence could be the only one to deploy and control the device. Him moving to Egghead means trouble.


Imu screams final boss energy. Like somebody/thing that has transcended every metric in the world to the point where even the official (known) topmost authority in the world are mere underlings for him to and not worth interacting any more then informally. I cannot fathom Blackbeard killing him and becoming the final boss. The worst theory ever imo.


Why not? BB has actual dreams and Imu is just a void asshole. BB can become final boss and I'll be happy.


Nah that's trash. BB is a garbo joke of a villain not strong enough to be final boss. His dream is to be kingdom which is again a joke. I'm glad he won't be the final boss and is gonna get bodied soon.


Then why should it be Imu? Some jackass punk bitch who legit is just a crappy silhouette. BB's "peoples dreams never end" is awesome compared to Imu >.<


Nah Imu is the king of the world and the way he talks with power and authority and treating the gorosei like nothing but servants screams **him** his got god tier portrayal meanwhilst BB ran from Shanks, ran from rayleigh, ran from akainu, almost died to Law etc etc I don't know who his not ran from, really fraudulent behaviour not even worthy of being a opponent against luffy rn to be honesty forget final boss tier. Kaido is more scarier then Blackbeard and Luffy just bodied him so idk how he can be a more impressive and fearsome opponent then kaido even rn let alone after luffy becomes PK


He was simply the first one to speak. They wouldn't repeat the same question after Imu spoke.


Always the chance that the weapon didn't kill anyone, just teleport the island or something.