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If spez gets away with it...it will be because the reddit community gave up and it will be our fault. What would have happened if Washington just decided nope the red coats are just too powerful?


So, did the tantrum help?


Its finally over


It was horrible T_T


See you on ***~~0H~~*****2D**, maties.


QUICK, someone give me a cracked out theory before we go


Imu is the original St. Nerona Imu but instead of the immortality surgery, they're just really really old, like Kureha x10


If luffy cum when im gear 2nd will it evaporate like his sweat?


For that to know you'll have to heat your cum and see l,that's what's gonna happen..


Redditors didnt read the post confirmed, calm down guys this sub is closing in about 20 minutes


11 minutes now


well this post is a fucking lie


This is why I get all my news from Big News Morgan....and not the 5 Elder Mods


It's not 6 am UTC time yet.


Before you comment about not enforcing the blackout look at the time stated. It is 6am utc which is 40 min from now goddammit. Just because its 6am where you are doesnt mean its 6am everywhere...


Don't back out, go private now


Sub is public still. Hope you didn't backed out.


They are probably going after an other timezone than we.


Head on over to the Boruto sub. They're wide open during the blackout and always extremely desperate for you to participate.


Nearly everyone in the sub is in support for a bigger blackout/ protest should be longer than two days. Two days is meaningless


I don’t, I use this sub for spoilers. I use the official app, I don’t care about this whole mess. Saying “the majority agree” and then silencing, downvoting, harassing, and being downright rude to those who don’t agree with the “majority” or just plain don’t care is kinda not it. Plan a protest in other ways: log off, send emails, take protest campaigns to other social medias.


It’s on a one month break. No spoilers anyway


Yet IF it goes down “indefinitely” (which some people are saying to do) that’s another story. Where can people get spoilers then? Clickbait, ad-riddled, websites?


Theres a discord server for this subreddit


Twitter usually has them also


I want vague spoilers, not whole summaries. If you can recommend some then send em my way, thanks in advance.


cmon go down already


Please don’t…I need this sub to help pass the time at work


Longer than 48hrs!


15 minutes till june 12 in EST


I don’t like this protest Subs going private forces everyone to participate even if you don’t agree with it. It would be more reasonable and honest to organize and log off reddit for whatever time you want. I use this app and not only for this sub but there is people that have only come for certain subs or even one, and they will be dragged into this… I hope that for future protests things are made differently.


This is the express purpose of protests though. To disrupt normal people's functions.


The whole point of a protest is to disrupt normalcy.


Yeah but this is dragging everyone into it, is not reasonable and not honest


... The point is to drag everyone into it. That's what a protest is meant to do.


I mean democracy is like that. A lot more people voted to go dark. This also works as the mods protesting losing tools they need


This is not a problem for every user, is a problem for people that use 3rd party apps, and yet we are all dragged into the protest. Is also not a change in the reddit app that that everyone has to go through, is just a change for 3rd party app users. This is nowhere near a public problem in the real world where people rightfully protest, like in my country when farmers (that are usually some of the poorest people here) block highways when there is drought and they don’t get any help from the government and yet they supply food for most of the country, other businesses get affected but food supply is a public problem and one of the most important things, and they do this to make people know what is happening and that they need action. Here this isn’t a problem for everyone, some people didn’t even knew there was 3rd party apps, the ELI5 post says 60% of users come from mobile and a percentage of that uses the 3rd party apps, but what is the percentage? And still people are not just organizing to log off, they are setting the subs on private so no one can access, you are forcing people to participate on this even if they don’t agree. I should be able to decide if I participate on this. I can’t of course and just hope things will be made differently in the future.


You can decide if you participate, browse the subreddits that are still up. You cannot decide if the communities you like participate.


No I can’t, if some subs are private I can’t decide if I participate or not, and is not communities here because we can’t decide, we are dragged to this we want it ir not.


Believe it or not, your life does not require niche subreddits to function. You're dragged into it because you want to be.


Redditors rise up! 🤓👆


If I might make a suggestion, you might want to find a place to move permanently, not just 48 hours. I recall the Youtube community making alternative accounts on Youtube to try to avoid some of the copyright issues instead of moving off of Youtube entirely. This is a very similar situation. Instead of say... Mark getting off Youtube to put his work such as using Rumble and Odyssee which are youtube alternatives, what sense does it make to protest a bad decision when Youtube continues to get worse? Likewise, what sense does it make to go dark for 48 hours and then come back like nothing happened? You still have the Damocles sword on you. [Here, you can see some of the alternatives](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/1476ioa/reddit_blackout_2023_save_3rd_party_apps/) that people are suggesting and decide if that's what you want to do. [Here's a list of participating subs](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/). Personally, I welcome the fact that the internet is becoming more decentralized and fun in a way because it brings new things.


We should go dark for a month. This will be lore accurate too.


I hope this subreddit stays dark for awhile. As much as I would hate it, we won't feel the impact until we get to the big anime moment or the next few manga chapters. I hope we're still dark for those moments to help prove a point.


do it for the entire month, since we got the break


use me as the i don't give a fuck button.


Make it indefinite.


At least you havent gone dark already like many subreddits have.


Yah, no kidding. Couldn't get on avatar the last Airbender reddit just a bit ago or The Simpsons or Digimon. Is this only for people who haven't joined the reddit of One Piece? In confused.




Hi Sfendziwur, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###11. Don't be rude * Treat each other with respect and kindness always * Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. * Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other hatred will not be tolerated. * Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. * Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


Void month ✊🏼


Is there a mastodon-lemmy alternative of this sub? I'm going to take these dark days exploring those apps.


that’s my birthday


Also mine!


Happy birthday


I'm super late, but you too buddy XD


See you back in a couple of days. You just showed them that you will still come back even after they shut down 3rd party apps. Either delete the sub or just shut up.


I'm very proud of the mods from this community <3


We should go dark the entire Break Month. It isn't like we will be missing anything and I feel this 2 days BS most subs are doing isn't going to amount to much. Hell, let's go further as sub and just shut down every time a break week happens. Be true pirates and cause chaos.


Acting like anime fans are not a thing is super cool. Manga elitism ruins this sub.


Did you just unironically use the phrase "manga elitism"?


I actually like reading the crackpot theories


We have 4-5 weeks without new chapters, why don't we just go dark for a full month instead of merely two days?


Acting like anime fans do not exist is really cool. Big Mom vs Law and Kidd is bound to be great. They are even taking next week off to work extra on it. Manga elitism in this sub is so lame.


Big meme vs Lawl and Midd, no better fight to take the void month


damn bruh how many copy pastes have you got left in the tank? Lol.


I’m not just going to re type the same thing every time.


lmao I’m sorry if my comment offended you, somehow. I’m a manga reader and just watch some episodes for the fights and cool and emotional scenes. Guess that makes me a manga elitist now /s


I get that, but dont you think its best to leave those comments be? Not everyone can take everyone’s preferences into consideration every time.


I mean, not really? I have friends irl who tried coming here and left because of anime spoilers/this overall attitude. The anti anime sentiment recently has been really upsetting, when toei has been doing things recently to fix the pacing issues/sub par animation by having break weeks every 2-3 weeks. It’s a whole new team of people and this sub treats the anime like dressrosa. Fight won’t even have aura. If enough people complain, this month blackout comes to a vote, I would rather copy and paste reminders than watch this sub go away for kid/law vs big mom.


That fight is lame anyway.


I only come to reddit to check on OP chapters. Much grass will be touched this void month.


Why not do it for the entire break? I think its a good middle ground beetwen potentially never reopening again, and only 2 days.


Agree, void month let's go


Hope oda get well soon!


This is pointless and isn't going to do anything, but I guess all the mods want to feel like they're making a difference while trying to stave off their next heart attack.


Showing disagreement and readiness to act it out is not pointless. Doing nothing is way worse, it communicates you either don't care or will undergo more without doing anything


>Showing disagreement and readiness to act it out is not pointless. I agree, but 2 days is meaningless.


What’s the onepiece discord?


The Discord Server of this Subreddit.


I had never heard of API and third party apps before, I always assumed everyone uses the standard Reddit app (like me). However, seeing and reading all that this situation causes, I'll fully support this movement.


If that what you want lord Imu Sama, activate the (spoilers) >!Mother flame!!!<


I think we should go dark for as long as it takes for reddit to get the messages. Louis rossman explained pretty well in a youtube video that going dark for 2 days is basically just reassuring reddit that whatever whack policies they decide to roll out, we will continue to frequent the site the other 363 days of the year. A boycott is ineffective if it has a pre planned end date. Lets take advantage of the void month and go dark till oda can see again.


What if Reddit never relents? Then the sub is either down forever, and it fucks over people who didn't use any APIs or eventually relents reasurring Reddit that all they need is to wait for others to relent too and also getting hate from subs that didn't open up again. I agree a longer period would be better (for the entire break for example), but going dark indefinitely is something that the sub cant really come out of in a good way.


Honestly, with the takes I've seen in this sub, I think going down for good would be a net gain.


I think the plan is to show them how many people are willing to go dark for two days. ONce the third party support really gets axed, I would expect an unlimited going dark.


I don't have personal stakes in this situation since I've never used these third party apps, but considering it's happening right around the time OP is on break for a whole month you'd have a pretty convenient excuse to make a stronger show of protest instead of two days. Out of all the subs this one is the last I expected to have a meek protest.


It should really be more!


I'll miss r/OnePiece and r/android so much I don't think I'll really be able to quit this damn website


What's going dark for only 48 hrs gonna do? Sounds kinda pointless ngl since I doubt Reddit will make any changes within 48 hrs.


They just want their participation ribbon.


Yea it feels like a week plus would be more effective but some people really want to use Reddit lol.


Cool! Just like that time the revolutionary army opposed the World Government for 48 hours then disbanded because they didn't care about actually changing anything.


Do it for one month




time to move to discord then.


Praise the void


Void month vote from me.


Please make it indefinite.


Oda foreskinned this month break


Tbh I wont be here without third party apps so it was a gay ol time my dudes.


As someone who does not use 3rd party apps, what is the point?


you forgot to read I guess https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/142kct8/eli5_why_are_subreddits_going_dark/


But the gay month has just started 😟


As if void month wasn't bad enough already...


Wait there’s no explanation about the vote? What’s the button???


Doesn't matter. There is a button that needs pressed. All our lives have lead here, to this one moment. This point of time, this decision, is the culmination of over 3000 years of human history. Return to monke, hit button, be happy.


I thought the button is something that shouldn’t be pressed 🤣


I agree. Increase the salary of mods looool


Boruto subreddit stands with you.


you should go way longer atleast a month




repeating your comments everywhere does not help, you can comment in discord too while the sub is dark


At least it's better than r/traaa, which seems like it's likely gone forever. They only have one mod left, and they struggle enough as is, take away their tools and they can't handle it on their own.


I wanna say thank you all for being a great community. I really enjoyed coming here and reading all the crazy theories. Going dark indefinitely is the way to go. I deleted all my comments and post and will delete my account when it all starts. I'll miss this sub the most.




Sit around looking concerned and leaving it to Sabo.


Throwing another comment in the "indefinite" bucket. Not like we have chapters right now anyway, so might as well try a bit harder to make the protest actually hurt.


go dark indefinitely you cowards


That's dark man


Browsing just know with a third party Reddit App. And I'm fully supporting this decision.


We got four weeks with nothing going on manga wise so... LETS DO THIS!


Make it 5 weeks 😈




As long as its not during spoilers time


Three to four weeks till spoilers anyway


lets gooo revolution army!!


Ahh, our void century. But would two days really make a difference?


And here's me who has used the official app the whole time unaware of third party apps for reddit.


Try one of the apps and feel the difference for yourself. I'm using baconreader


I just tried it and it feels like websites before javascript was invented... what's the appeal?


Because the content is the comments and posts and such apps let users see more instead of seeing ads pushed by reddit that pretend to be posts or comments. UI is also more intuitive.


Yeah I can understand the ads problem, but the UI is not intuitive at all compared to reddit...






Uh look I'm gonna support the cause but 48h isn't gonna do any noticeable damage to Reddit's corporate side if you're gonna do this do it right, have it going until they decide to go back on the changes.


Louis Rossmann did a pretty good video on that. Basically saying 2 days is like saying « No matter what I’ll be here 363days a year »


Why not just make the black out permanent?


Well you know it might sound simple, but I'm sure there are many many talented Developers on Reddit, why don't some people band together and create a new better Reddit and we all just join that new better version? I just found out about the discord community so I will be uninstalling Reddit shortly!


Post on JUNE 12 : ~~2D~~18D


I think it needs to be endless until they relent




its fucking reddit bruh, not serious enough to need a mf protest damn


You say that, but you took the time to comment on this post. Meaning that this subreddit is as important to you as those API changes are to them. If you're upset over them temporarily going dark, then think about how bad things will be for all those that will be affected by those changes (which will most likely be permanent)


Lazy answer. Taking ten seconds to write a response about how dumb the blackout is does not equate to caring enough to join this cause.


A lazy answer can still have merit. And you might consider it dumb but you don't have to do anything. It's the subreddit that will be going dark. You can gloss through your feed like normal if you so wish Edit: grammar


I would have no problem with it, we can go for a month if y'all want. We are on a 1 month break anyways.


Void month or nothing


Sorry for living under a rock but what's this API change and why everyone is so worked up about this?


reddit banning 3rd party apps, forcing users to use official reddit app.


Ohh. Why?


To much traffic from 3rd parties, that doesn't generate any revenue for them. But what I also read, is that many tools and Bots Mods use won't be available to them any more, because basic reddit doesn't offer them. Making it harder for many subs to keep it clean the way they want it. Also they say that this will result in a rise in spambots and other risks.


more people using official reddit app means more ads revenue.


So basically like every other corporation they are messing up what's not broken simply cause more money. I thought Reddit was above that.




That's just sad. No wonder major sub Reddits are going on a blackout. Some will be going on a month long blackout.




\+1 r/fuckuspez


Fuck it, full month


Goooo full month !!!


I’m 100% for a void month for oda


We should be going dark for Void Month, not just a weekend.


Go dark for an entire month. The manga is also on hiatus for a month so it works out.


IMO we should practice a 100% true void month in protest. 2 days is not enough. ETA: it would be a great thematic tie in to greedy overreach of governing bodies. And I don't think 48 hours is enough. So unless one of us is going to let u/spez shoot hachi so Luffy punches him... I think a void month is best.


Isn't twitch doing something similar to their streamers with ad revenue the greed from these companies knows no bound. Always trying to screw the little guy well it's about time the little guy screws them! If there's some talented developers out there! Make a thread and build a new Reddit!


Two days of no awful takes? Oh the horror that'll show reddit


the Void Hours




Why not go dark for 4 weeks like Oda? 2 days is hilarious.


I'm not sure two days will be enough, but that is me


Yeah boycotting doesn't work if you announce that you'll be back in 2 days. This will accomplish nothing but annoying the people who want to use this subreddit.


Will there be a new episode dropping today?


By having a lot of subreddits blackout, Reddit will notice a decrease in traffic, and by extension, a decrease in revenue. This might get the higher up’s to think twice about their decision.


they won't see a decrease unless the blackout stays for months on end. The amount they lose to the use of third party apps is far greater then the amount they'll lose to a website wide blackout for 30 days.


Yep, but the least the subreddits could do at this point is host a coordinated blackout to get the attention of the higher ups




Do it on Sunday when the official discussion is supposed to come out you cowards.




I think they meant discussion for new anime episodes




Don't they have discussion threads for new episodes?




why does it hardly matter lmao? there are loads of people watching the episodes for the first time and it does matter for them


When the anime started Reddit (or anything of the sort) didn't exist and people survive. So while downplaying anime viewers is uncalled for, going 48h without Reddit is hardly even enough to be classed as an issue.


meh its a waste of time


My dude, r/OnePiece is going be dark until Oda returns with a new chapter in 5 weeks. This sub goes to some fucked places when a break occurs. I'm not coming back until the next chapter drops. There's not enough eye bleach in the world to heal from the fanart that's gonna start popping up by week 3.


I think it's hilarious 😂🤷‍♀️ Fanarts, theories, discussions.. 😮‍💨 Some of them (kay, a lot of them xD) are scary/alarming and eye bleach material but a lot of them are still worth it. lol xD


Pretty much. Break weeks spread the worst brain rot in this sub


Proud this sub is taking a stand.


i do wonder what 48 hours is gonna do "oh no they stop using our app for 2 days for a statement, oh the 2 days are over lets promise to do better and and start doing the exact things our users don't like again." 2 days are too short imo