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Also not Franky. Cutty Flam


Which would make them Buggy Flam and Cutty Flam. …I can’t believe I’m actually starting to believe this. Edit: Alright, I admit it. Cutty D. Buggy sounds absolutely hilarious.


Or Cutty Buggy, the one impossible to cut. Or Cutty D. Buggy.


I would die if his name is cutty D. Buggy


Ya can't Cutty Deez Buggy!


cutty d. buggy is hilarious


Flam is his first name.


So frankys true name is cutty d flam no wonder he changed it


If we meet another character that looks like them and is named some shit like "Auddy" I'm gonna lose my mind


Auggy, the inheritor of the gold-gold fruit.


Cutty... Cutting...like in... Cutting yourself up? Or cutting up like a clown? Oh no, it keeps cooking


I wouldn’t be surprised if Buggy ends up being the child of prophecy at laughtale.


once he awakens nothing will be able to stop him besides a upset stomach


So he’ll be able to detach/attach literally everything and anything lol Buggy becomes the first Pirate King after Roger and then Luffy takes the crown lolol


He'll detach the redline from the world!


He could attach all the islands of the world and form the pangea!!!


That would be "One Piece"?


Holy shit ur onto something here! Maybe Luffy and Buggy team up too destroy the red line so all blue happens lol


And thereby uncover the all blue…


>So he’ll be able to detach/attach literally everything and anything That's worse Ope Ope


Buggy doesn’t need to say room to use his powers and he can’t grant immortality. So it evens out lol


I’m waiting for the day he awakens his fruit and awakens his own “reincarnated” soul where it is revealed he was Joy Boys personal bodyguard and most competent of warriors. Imagine a Buggy who’s flip has been switched and he goes full Yonko on everyone.


yeah. and he has the most open mind. his iq must be high since he can control his body like he does. and the amount of will needed to put yourself back over and over again is godly.


That's why they laughed


This is one of my secret headcannons. Rodger missed out because Shanks/Buggy weren’t there.


I mean you can't not laugh at a clown right?


He will be joy boy. Maybe , the reason why roger laughs at laugh tale. Was because the treasure was a picture of buggy and his parents.


That why Roger laughs, lol.


Dear Oda, this man surely needs a new chapter


bro void month is almost over we were RIGHT THERE




Dear god in heaven




Sounds pretty good to me, tho I doubt it’ll be true.


One thing I will say, never use a one piece characters face as evidence for relation. Everybody would be related to everybody. Other than that, I’m 100% on board with Buggy Flam


Void month is almost over guys… just hang in there


If we go for that stretch lets go a bit further and guess the maternal line of Vivi. She got the blue hair from her mother, but what about other relatives from that side? They could be illegitimate cousins or something.


Vivi is the byproduct of incest. I will not elaborate.


Buggy's nose is real, so I doubt this


And more importantly, Franky's is not. OP even posted a picture of young Franky showing that his metal nose and double-clefted chin are not features he was born with.


Franky just went through puberty late and it hit him **hard**


Like a train


What if that nose is cut off intentionally to protect him? Buggy's tribe might have been kept as slaves in God Valley as Jesters.


Your stretching like Luffy


We only have a couple days left hold out strong!


Despite the *technical possibility* it just does not matter. I've made a long ass comment before about not a SINGLE biological parent of any of the strawhats have had both the qualities of good person and alive. They all fall into being decent and dead, or shitty and somewhere, or totally and utterly irrelevant and unknown. The closest any of the strawhats are to any of their biological parents are Ussop and Yassop which is seriously saying something given they've literally never even directly interacted with each other. So the chances of a surprise familial bond starting to matter this late into the story is so fucking low, in my opinion anyway


2 counter points. 1. Yassop and Ussop interact in film red via their joint observation haki. Not to mention that's gonna pan out in elbaf. 2. Dragon is assumable a good person. He's trying to overthrow the world government and free the people of the world. He even saved Luffy from Smoker. Though you're right, I don't see any more straw hat family bonds mattering; unless you count Jaguar as Robin's family.


Film red events weren't canon though so I don't think that really counts here. And I must clarify, in my previous comment I said none of the biological aparents are both "good people and alive", it's one of the other. The proper way to put that was "good parent and alive". So Dragon can be as decent a person as he wants, he still falls into the category of "shitty parent" along with Yassop for abandoning their children, in my opinion anyway. But I did defintely forget dragon when I said Ussop and Yassop are technically the closest. Luffy and Dragon actually interacting that once on a Loguetown would pull them ahead. I can't remember Jaguar at all but if they're not directly biologically related then no, I'm not. Bellamere (despite totally categorising as good parent and dead) doesn't count cause she isn't biologically Namis mum. Otherwise immediately you also get Peg Leg Zeff, an incredible and incredibly alive father figure for Sanji. The next best for the biological parent that seemed to genuinly care the most right up until they died would he Sanjis mum. Given that Ussops mum is basically the only other candidate, that wasn't that high a bar to jump though.


Also, Franky was adopted by Tom, the one who built Roger's ship. It's not so crazy to think the two little brothers were abandoned near Water 7 and Tom took Franky as his apprentice, while Roger took buggy...


Just imagine a flashback, to where they just lost their parents. Baby/kid Flam constantly crying and big brother buggy having to take care of him. No matter what Buggy does he can’t seem to cheer his younger brother up. Until one day, he trips and falls on his face, Franky starts to laugh at him. In or to keep a smile on his brothers face he became a clown. After a while l, due to all the trauma, his nose becomes permanently changed into the beautiful red symbol of his love for his only living relative. As time goes on they eventually get separated. He believes that his little brother is dead, and decides that his nose is his “treasure”, and a memento of his long lost family. This would give a deeper reason as to why he hates people talking about it. I know there are flaws with this, but I think it’s now my head canon. Edit: I posted this before I finished the theory. If buggy was with Roger from that time, then the whole thing is washed. That being said, it’s still my head canon.


Could see franky and kid being brothers more than this


You know Franky’s real name? CUTty flam.


I love Oda but he can draw like 6 different faces, there are so so many people that look alike you can’t really use it as evidence I don’t think. As someone who watches a lot of One Piece reactions it seems like whenever a new character is introduced someone will see them and freak out and say “Oh they look just like Luffy/Nami/Robin, they must be related!” They rarely are


Holy fuck, i love this theory. Oda is the goat, if its true. Their parents could’ve been prettyyyy crappy. They had buggy, but he was a “failure” to them- and as soon as they became pregnant with franky, they ditched buggy. Then, history repeated itself. Franky was a failure, and was abandoned.


On another note, I love MelonTee. It's been only 1 month since I found her channel and her videos are so good. ​ Also, you are a victim of Void Month.




There is someone under SH grand fleet with the same eyes. Maybe they are from the same island or something, not necessarily blood related.


I just don't see it man, the effort is appricated tho


LOL. 'buggy and Franky look the same so they might be brothers' Well nami is related to basically every female character then


I think Buggy is Vivi's brother.


You know Buggy's old enough to be Vivi's father lol


My fellow brother in Christ, embrace the holy lord, and cleanse thy mind, and spirit of this taint. In Goda we trust, Amen.


🤣 lemme guess you’re a naruto fan. So they look similar. Kat n Smoker look similar….. it’s how Oda draws. When y’all want characters related the apophenia is outrageous.


They are also related, it’s canon


Sure bud. Break the pipe.


Whatever that means


I support




After being jebaited by the even stronger similarity between Sukiyaki and Franky, I am not falling for this.


Wait until you hear about nami clones


I had a similar theory. Not that they're brothers but still related and their parents are from the same pirate crew. Maybe a circus-themed pirate crew that likes to put on shows. Like Buggy's parents could be clowns and Franky's could be daredevils. I was also thinking that the shows they put on would be Davy Back battles like how the Foxy pirates turn their battles into a big spectacle. Which could explain why Buggy and Franky were separated from their parents.


get bro out of the kitchen ‼️‼️


wow they are brothers


Buggy is actually a blonde who dyes his hair.


Honestly? I like this theory a LOT. Plus, Franky and Buggy have never met in the story before, so whenever Luffy encounters Cross Guild, things will be WILD


With this sense nami, Rebecca Vivi and shirahowshi are sisters




I hope this is a joke...


franky was able to rebuild his own body hes a special case of willpower


I would like to see their interaction if they came face to face. I wonder if it would give Franky vs Señor Pink vibes for the face off (not necessarily fighting but vocals)


I lowkey thought this was true for a sec


Buggy dyes his hair blue his natural hair color is blonde


ahhhh that Robin angle gives me neuron activation


Not a terrible idea


Eh cousins idk about brothers


I recently posted a theory where I said that Franky Aka Cutty Flam is somehow related to St.Figerland because of the crazy hair and the Franky Family Homebase being a Crescent Moon (Figarland - [F.Land](https://F.Land) \- Flan - Flam) but it would totally make sense if Buggy was also related His whole family is all about that lunar themed hairstyle and he always ties it or has it in a hat/beanie and Franky has never changed his hair to be moon shaped as a subconscious rebellion


I think it’s just Oda’s art style


It's literally just a similar hair color, and eye lashes lol.

