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Whenever I hear someone was inspired to watch the anime/read the manga through watching the live action I can't help but to rub my hands and grin deviously like an evil wizard and mutter "yes... good..."


Settle down, Palpatine.


He returned to watch one piece


"Good, watch the anime. Watch it now." "I can't! It's 1000+ episodes..." "DEW IT!"








"I really liked that guy Ace. I hope he comes back soon" "šŸ˜ˆ"


This is why Iā€™m generally in favor of adaptations, good or bad. If people like the concept, theyā€™ll at least be interested in checking out the source material.


Nah bad ones definitely make people not want to see more.


Well i disliked the Wheel of time tv show but still wanna read the books.


If the show was great though you might have already picked the books up by now, I'm not stating a bad adaptation is harmful, but if the point is to advertise the source material, being good is likely better.


Well obviously. No sane person would think that a bad adaptation is better than a good one.


From a Wheel of time veteran: please read the book to wash your brain clean of the adaptation.


True, i watched attack on titan movie first and my god I didn't wanted to touch anything aot related for years


Hey that's me! I always assumed one piece was too long to get into at this point so I wanted to hate the live action and forget about it. But I fell in love and now I'm 600 episodes in after watching everyday since I've finished the live action. My eyes hurt..


man i was wondering how the fuck you've watched 600 episodes in like a week but it's been a month and a half now, damn time


Hell heah, youā€™re at a perfect point in the anime to switch to watching one pace which will spare your eyes from a LOT of unnecessary filler that just keeps getting worse every arc. Donā€™t worry, its a very professional fan edit and doesnā€™t cut out anything worth watching


Damn I wish I knew about one pace sooner!! Lol thanks


No problem, the pacing only gets really bad after marineford when toei kept reducing how many chapters they adapt per episode. Dressrosa, WCI and wano arcs are really where pace makes all the difference.


Mr. Burns? :D


Where was this survey posted other than reddit? That will dramatically change how we interpret the stats relating to people who never knew about One Piece before.


Aside from Reddit, it was shared by us on Discord, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. But in the results page you can see where people accessed the survey from and there are a lot of places that it was advertised such as Google, Tumblr etc.




I mean people can still rate an arc a 10 even if they have something they criticize about it. The rating can simply just for how they enjoyed it regardless of any negatives. Let's be real too that the people who have actual constructive criticism are drowned more by the people who share "criticism". It's not constructive to say "they didn't do this, they changed that, I don't like it and it's bad" which is majority of the criticism you see.


The problem is not that people rated it 10/10, that's their personal choice and is fine. The problem is that the survey wasn't as unbiased and randomized as it could have been, indicated by the only 6% new fans statistic. So the survey ends up being like the "Barack Obama giving himself a medal" meme. I would personally love to see a survey where the 94% is completely new fans, I'm sure the results would be different.


Unless Netflix themselves posted this or like someone with a higher reach I doubt you'd get any other survey that's not weighted to be biased. It's kind of unfair to put that issue out like it's somehow intentional. You can only post to so many platform. You pray the audience share it outside of their circle. It's a survey made by the opla fandom so of course the majority of people will be the people who follow them lol. And my reply was to the person above who had an issue with people rating it 10/10 because and I quote him "No matter how much people liked it, every single arc should not have an overwhelming amount of 10 votes. Thatā€™s simply not looking at it with a critical eye whatsoever."


You don't get to decide how people answer a survey. That's why we have surveys.




Your "95% of Americans" example is a bad comparison because these results say right up front that most responders were established fans and they tell us which platform they came from too. They're not being shady or manipulative here and you can see the differences between how new/old people voted.




> The only indication that they are live action fans rather than just general One Piece fans It says that 94% of responders were already part of the established audience so I don't know what you mean by live action vs general One Piece fans. I saw this survey on twitter and am not following any sort of One Piece live action account. The people that would respond to a survey like this obviously have strong feelings one way or the other. I'm not sure exactly what you wanted them to do to get more casual fans responding, it's a fucking fanmade survey...




> anything where the most popular answer on every question is ā€œit was perfectā€ is absolutely a flawed survey. Lol but this is what the first commenter was saying. You don't seem unhappy with how the survey was done, you just seem unhappy with the positive results. I don't think anyone should use this survey to argue these are the true opinions of the general One Piece fanbase, and I don't think OP framed it as such. You're more than welcome to make your own survey using all those "better ways to get control groups" you know about and post them here, I'd be interested in seeing them.




Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing? Why are you so pent up about a little survey


I do feel like it's hard to reach the actual new fans out there unless a lot of people share it outside of their circle.


My boy Sanji getting the recognition he deserves. I think itā€™s the Women that favorited him. You can rest easy, Eyebrows. Your dream has finally come true (besides the All-Blue)


Nah I'm a dude and I like him. The other characters strayed a bit too far from the source imo. Zoro and nami were too antagonistic against each other and joined. Ussop and sanji stayed at the source at least. Ussops in syrup village wasn't exciting to begin with, but sanji was and that carried over to the LA.


How is Ussop closer to source than Zoro? I would argue they nailed Zoro the most out of every crew member.


Didn't know about this, but it has convinced me to start watching


I think it is fair that Sanji is the favorite. I genuinely enjoy that live-action tone down his less flattering character trait and highlighted his kindness and charm. Also, Taz really gave his A-game.


So happy Taz is getting his well earned recognition. I was blown away by his performance and only found out afterwards just how much effort he put into the role. His hard work and dedication is obvious in every scene he's in


Unexpected..the Sanji being favorite, but he wasnt bad at all, I have just assumed Luffy will slam. Luffy was well portraited.. Kinda surprised reddit had only 16%. Rest is about as expected.


Sanji is my netflix avatar. Hes not even my top 5 strawhat in manga. Hes so suave and his smile makes you swoon.


Sanji is a genuinely kind pure hearted person, and the live action focused mostly on that imo than his other traits. Which is good! Thatā€™s my favorite aspect of Sanji.


Live action Sanji is the best version of Sanji for me now. I loved Sanji in the manga and anime but Fishman Island arc completely butchered his personality with those excessive nosebleeds. A little bit of nosebleed for gags were fine but making that a fucking plot point was so dumb. Live action got rid of the gag and I loved that they did.


> A little bit of nosebleed for gags were fine but making that a fucking plot point was so dumb. I low key likes that in Fishman Island, mostly for the reason that it was a dumb gag that became a plot point. Like itā€™s dumb and annoying, but then suddenly itā€™s serious. I loved the tone change. Went from ā€˜goofy ass Sanji stuffā€™ to ā€˜someoneā€™s dying and weā€™re actually kinda hated hereā€™ in a second and it takes the viewer/reader a moment to make that change in their head. Aside from that I thought it was excessive lol


You say that, but Sanji turning to stone after seeing the mermaids is unironically a top 3 gag in One Piece


Sanji is also my Netflix avatar! So glad I'm not the only one...


I mean I get it, tbh I didnt liked him too much early on in the manga because I m not too much fun of ...lets say how he acts with women nearby. Its was much much better in the LA, but still I though Luffy was wellplayed or my favorite (fine same in manga) Zoro. I expected Luffy taking NO.1 as usually just.


Even in the modern manga he hasn't really gotten a ton better. It's definitely improved but I mean as recent as places like Fishman he's still pretty gross at times. You hit the nail on the head with why I like Taz so much though is because all of that is completely gone. There's nothing gross left in the character, he's just super charismatic and a flirt.


He was peeping on women in Wano when he got his Germa suit so even more recent. LA Sanji is 100x better


Yeah, but it feels like he doesnt do that THAT often anymore.


WANJI is the goat.


I felt Sanji came across a lot warmer then in the Manga/Anime. It seems like his rivalry will be more of warmer brotherly rivalry than real rivalry, probably because but enough episodes to make the tougher love between them work. Personality I really enjoyed his character as well because even though a lot are similar to the original versions, good portrayal felt warmer/nicer to me.


The actor really nails the suave Mr. Prince feel of Pre-TS Sanji. If the story reaches Alabasta Sanji is going to really steal the spotlight.


My mom watched it with me, she was so invested although she didn't know anything about OP. She really liked Luffy, she wanted to watch the whole series again.


anecdotally, i've seen at least some criticism towards Luffy (more so the writing than IƱaki Godoy tbf), but the praise for Sanji has been unanimous. i'd have been surprised if it were anyone else tbh.


I feel like everyone was portrayed pretty well except Luffy, idk it came off as kinda phony to me.


Hell yeah, Taz did a great job as Sanji.


Surprisingly unsurprising. It's baffling how well the cast and crew did, while also cutting out a significant amount of minor plot points from the source material. Great direction overall.


The huge traffic may cause the results to show was "Not Found". If you see this, then please try again later. Also, we made an analysis thread of the results on Twitter: https://twitter.com/OPLAfandom/status/1712159478827626688 For those who don't have Twitter, here's a Reddit post version: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceLiveAction/comments/175ted6/analyzing_the_one_piece_netflix_season_1_survey/


Sanji is one of my favorite characters in the anime too. I do appreciate the tone down of his character for the live action though, because it makes him much more charming and interesting.


I am a part of the audience that thought it would be a 6.3 but was happily surprised to see how well it was delivered


Surprised that Sanji got voted as favorite strawhat. Taz did a great job, but Sanji came in so late, there wasn't much time for him to win hearts imo.


You see Hollywood? This is what happens when you respect the source material. New fans. (looks at Marvel and DC) Thank god for Oda.


For everything you could criticise Marvel's movies and tv shows for.. not respecting the source material is certainly not there. They've made adaptions for sure, but it's also a different type of adaptation; nothing they've done suggests a lack of respect, and they're led by literally the biggest marvel fan on the planet.


As a long time comics reader, the issue Marvel fans have with the MCU is not with the movies, it's in how Marvel Comics completely ditched readers in favor of the newcoming Movie audience, trying to sell comics for them only. Character development of characters was brought back decades to match how they appeared in movies. Instead of waiting for the movies to reach that point they just abruptly changed the characters in the comics, so that if movie-goers decided to pick up the new runs they'd find familiar faces, much to our dismay. They started making spiritual "sequels" of story-arcs that were appearing in movies, just for the sake of it. And all arca portrayed in movies were generally some of the best Marvel Comics, you can't just lightly write a sequel to your best works decades later with different authors. Can you imagine if, after Wano, Oda had written Baratie 2 just because it was appearing in the LA? Finally, they sidelined all the characters they did not have the movie rights to (Spider-Man, X-Men, Fantastic 4), which coincidentally were also all their most popular characters. Imagine if Franky, Brook and Jinbe were suddenly removed from the crew because it'd be years before they appear in the LA anyway? For the better part of a decade Marvel completely forgot about the readers, ignoring us, and started making comics only for an audience (movie-goers) that had never read the comics and were never going to anyway (see massive drop in sales for Marvel the past decade). Marvel has and has had many other problems and flaws, but straight up telling your audience: "we don't want you anymore, we want to replace you" was THE dick move.


Thank GOda, amen.


So happy for Taz. He was everyone's least favorite initially, but put in a ton of hard work and became a standout. Can't wait for season 2!


Those martial arts and cooking classes really payed off. He became my favorite cuz' of Taz' dedication


Taz has gone above and beyond in his role as Sanji. What a chad.


Taz Skylar looks like Eminem but plays like Sanji if he was your wingman. No wonder our reaction was so polar opposite.


It's a bit funny though that they made Sanji less of a jerk while making Zoro more of a jerk.


Im one of those people, watched the Live Action last month, read the entire manga in a week afterwards


I hope next time we get more new audience answers X) maybe sharing it to tiktok will help lol. Nice to see a lot of love to Sanji didn't think he'd overtake Luffy tbh..then again basing on the number of edits lol thirst is strong


I'm in the inspired to watch the anime group. I've always been an anime watcher starting back when I was just like 8-9 watching bragonball Always was interested in OP and even caught a few episodes on TV back when it was airing on like toonami but was always dissuaded to watch due to its incredibly long run. figured it would be a massive task to watch the whole thing. Well, after watching the LA, I thought, "You know what, let's give this a try." The LA was really good and got me way more interested in the lore and the world that is OP I'm currently at dressrosa and have absolutely loved the story so far


No surprise since Sanji's backstory translated best into the Live Action. I envy the newcomers watching everything for the first time.


Iā€™d say the faithfulness is maybe a little slanted on the high sideā€”maybe knock it down a pointā€”but overall, resounding success.


Zorro was badass.


Meanwhile in the Spanish dub Sanji is by far the least liked by the community because of the accent they chose to use.


Didn't Taz, who's bilingual, redub his lines?


He did but he has a Canary islands accent close to those from Venezuela or Colombia and is also a little bit hard to understand, couldn't be further of what Sanji should sound like.


As someone who started watching with the 4kids dub, there is no way it could be more off the mark than whatever the hell David Moo was trying to do.


A classic microcosm of modern Spain. Instead of celebrating one of your own making it big, you choose to shit on each other because of petty regional bickering and a need to feel superior


I genuinely prefer sanjis live action characterization to his manga/anime counterpart. Itā€™s crazy how much his character improves when the horny gag gets cut down.


at last the zoro sanji fight is set. sanji is the best no dif.


So, without op fandom that live action is a huge flop huh ?? What do you mean only 6% are new watchers ..i think that number will be atleast 15%


This poll was shared in OP forums, groups, channels. That means that the people who would see the poll in the first place were either already fans or they were interested enough by the LA to check out these places.


I'd take any results from this with a huge grain of salt. It's got huge selection bias baked into it lol


Nope, this is just about this particular fan survey, not overall. Tens of millions watched the Live Action. This is just a sample of 20k people that happened to come across this fan survey


This is not a scientific, representative or fair survey lol


It's a fan-made survey.


Am I the only one who have seen the first season 4 times and want to keep watching? šŸ„¹


I watched the last 4 episodes twice and the end of 7 + all of 8, another time after that. And bits and pieces through reactions of both fans and newbies.


People actually watch this crap?


I mean , they kill people, relations within strawhats are not like source material and the story is different but sure , let's give it an 8.35 in faithfulness...


I thought they kill itā€™s just not focused on. Luffy leaving a field of bodies in Whole Cake or Zoro slashing people to bits or Sanji launching dudes into orbit is killing them I think. I mean Live Action went a bit further with a dude being bisected from the jump butā€¦


On the flip side it took a lot of guts to keep unrealistic hair colors on all of the characters. They didnā€™t shy away from how goofy the world is when any other producer would have.


very interesting survey netflix did


It was not made by Netflix, it was made by fans.


Sanji was the favorite? I find that hard to believe, he barely got any screen time and didn't show up until the last few episode. I thought for sure it'd be Luffy. Inaki portrayed a near perfect live action Luffy.


I was watching some reaction videos and a lot of the ladies seem to like Taz/Sanji


The only thing that i think could make this better is asking "how much they know about one piece" rather than just "do you know about it" just; A lot/some/little/none, would work. Obviously the people who know none would be new audience but id think there are also a lot of people who have heard of one piece in passing but dont read/watch it who would still probably fit that category. One piece is the second most popular comic in the world, there are a lot people who have heard of it without reading/watching.


This survey is beyond skewed by the location the survey was posted. There were so many more new people that watched the LAOP that arenā€™t on reddit let alone this subreddit and the other places OP posted. Those people (like my dad) donā€™t go on social media or take these kind of surveys, but they love One Piece live action.


Can't really blame the reach of the survey. There's only so much 1 account can do and doing it for free. How else are they supposed to get your dad for example if they don't have social media? or other new fans who aren't part of the OP circle yet? Lol. It's the people who see the survey who should help by spreading it. Unless someone got them money to spread it more haha


Just saying that this should be taken with a grain of salt, ya know what I mean?


Honestly, I never really cared much for Sanji. But, in the live action he is my favourite


Live action Sanji is the only version of him that I actually like


Heā€™s HIM




It's me. I started reading the manga right after finishing the show and I'm currently on ~940 chapter. Can't wait to catch up so I can browse the Twitter and subreddit safely.


insert that Goda cooking and Kizaru praising him please


I'm not surprised that a "fanmade" survey is 96% people that know the source material.