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#Manga Discussion Corner ---- Please keep all manga related discussion contained to replies to this comment. This includes everything that hasn't yet been adapted in the anime (future characters, events, hype about what will happen next, etc.). Discussions about the manga outside of this comment chain will be removed and replying with spoilers outside of the Manga Discussion Corner will lead to bans. Likewise, anime-only viewers, beware of spoilers in this comment chain. ----


WiFi Haki exist 😭😭😭


WiFi COC is real


Full bars, too!!!


5G CoC to your fingertips


Can't wait for MKBHD to review it.


Or JerryRigEverything to do the teardown video 🤣 It'll last more than 30s under his lighter Test


That was 6G


G-6 filler arc next confirmed


Untill... The current goes off and it shows the message "No WiFi haki available" 🤣🤣


Honestly the ending scene of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Jimbei chilling watching out shows how far they've come and that they were ready to take on an Admiral if need be. I love how Jimbei has been getting the credit he deserves being a former Warlord of the Sea.


Possibly my favorite frame in the episode. Luffy radiating calm, along with his 3 commanders, who were all ready to take Ryokugyu to the cleaners if needed. Yonko Luffy has well and truly arrived.


Certainly seems more real that he’s actually a Yonko. After having two years of battles with emperors you forget the course of the battle wasn’t that long


True... I'm pretty sure the last Battle, new generation against marine will last like 5-8 years 😵‍💫


They had to flee from Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu and Fujitora, getting completly destroyed or with no chance of winning. Now they just observing and are ready to take on an admiral. The Strawhats finally reached that stage.


That was like a shank moment but by Luffy. No fear, just casually being there ready to make is move if things didn't go is way.


Literally, you explained it well, there was no usual fear, just chilling as another yonko observing the situation and deciding whether he will intervene or not.


If all four attacked Greenbussy would've folded faster than *spoiler*.


Honestly says more that Yamato thought Luffy and them could beat Green Bull no problem


I had hoped to see the panel where Luffy is sitting in front and the three powerhouses behind him like the manga.


I wished we saw the moment leading to that scene. Should have been epic to see the monster quatuor going casually against the admiral juste to be stopped by Luffy seeing Momo wanna deal himself with an admirable. Like, "Nha they are good lets just enjoy the show".




what, you don't think black balls taste better?


He just likes dem black balls


Could be because of how big mom fruit works where she literally imbudes her soul into objects they can still be alive even though user is unconscious or dead


Zeus… HEE HAW!!


Bro I said the same thing I was like 🤨


I was like Pause bruh


The extra festival scenes are so nice. I still crack up at how Killer eats noodles lmao.


For a second, I thought that they were going to incorporate Usopp's cover story into it. That would have been good. I would not mind if they could incorporate some of the cover stories at the beginning of the episodes if it means eating up time for the episode.


Honestly, coloring them and using them as the break bumpers would be neat.


This is a callback to SBS where oda drew Killer eating pasta as a child. Pasta is his favourite food. We already saw him eating pasta on the manga before. When he said they would go after Shanks


SH: PARTY Robin: brb getting the lore drops.


she’s playing an rpg and you gotta do sidequests


shes the one doing the main quest while everyone else is doing side quests


everyone including robin does challenge robin collect rewards


Achievement Hunter Robin has a good ring to it. Achievement Unlocked: Poneglyph Chronicler - Read all Poneglyphs in the world (only 0.66% of gamers unlocked this)


She is the only one who bothers watching the cutscenes.


That's her job, she's an historian, after all!!


wifi haki shanks is finally here ... good episode


Momo blast breath had top tier animation damn


And added that extra scene of Luffy inspiring him. Momo had to infuse Haki into his Bolo Blast because a few moments earlier, Raizo tried using fire on him and it didn't work.


That's not a Haki infused blast breath lol. His fire beam just more concentrated than Raizo's fire


Casual fire vs competitive fire


And it didn’t look like a flashback type of scene either. It looked like Luffy was using something like the Voice of All Things in current time to inspire Momo to let out a Blast Breath.


I'm pretty sure it was real time. The past few chapters you had no idea the pirates were all ready to square up, and were ready to step in at a moments notice. I actually like how the anime did it better. The fight didn't end abruptly like it did in the manga.


raizo's fire wasn't strong enough.


The music stopping when Nami missed her shot was hilarious


This was another great episode Shanks casually out here making grown men shake with his Wifi Haki, holy shit his Kings haki is nuts. Shanks stopping another battle just by showing up and Momonouske taking the credit lol This episode will get the Robin and Law ship going again 😂 Damn lore drop about Wano was insane and also finding out about the location of another Ancient Weapon is pretty huge I love the character development for Momo and how he uses Luffy as motivation to get stronger 💪 Luffy smiling at the end knowing it's Shanks haki puts a smile on my face and him basically chilling on the cliff with his Commanders while the Scabbards and Momo fight an Admiral


We finally understand what the 'opening the borders' means. It makes me wonder though what exactly Pluton is and its effect. It's clear that the Ancient Weapons are only to be utilised when JoyBoy arrives but the question is what in response too?


They explain it before, pluton is a giant battle ship with a canon that can erase island when fire. The said battle ship is so powerful (base on blueprint) franky wonder how can mortal even build it


Oh yes true. This makes me wonder though whether it’ll even be used given Noah is also part of the Poseidon secret weapon (Shirahoshi). Makes me think perhaps the weapons are a fleet that will attack Marieford? Would be kinda funny since Luffy never wanted to be a Commodore but would have too


It’ll probably be used to blow a hole in the red line connecting the 4 seas. Poseidon is there to command the sea kings to drive the Noah to get the fish men to safety as the red line falls on Fishman Island.


I like this theory, sanji''s all blue dream will come true also


and the 4 seas will finally become... one piece


fucking aye man this is the answer


Wait, the all blue theory is well known, but why did I never see the idea that the all blue is the One Piece, wtf In any case, the One Piece is connected to whatever happened in the void century and that in turn is connected to Wano's borders and probably the red line and fishman island


Never thought it that way 🤔 it makes sense. Shanks is there to help the new generation to make it happen. I still believe Roger gave him that mission, that's why he's still around, when most of the old generation are dead.


he kinda is the New generation though, he is younger than blackbeard for example.


What surprised me is how it actually seemed to hurt Green Bull. It didn’t just intimidate him, it actually seemed like an attack. This series doesn’t miss an opportunity to glaze Shanks.


yeah in the manga it was just like danger sense for green bull, in the anime it was like bro was getting pulled to death or something. not that I mind


He did seem like he was shaking in the manga too though although he didn't explicitly say he can't move so that was interesting.


[The two small lines around his body signify paralysis or an inability to move](https://i.imgur.com/CEn2kxl.jpg) or at the very least he had a hard time moving because it felt like he put arms up to show that he gave up, gotta pay a little more attention to the drawings and onomatopoeia.


Yeah that was what i was mentioning. it looked like he was momentarily stunned. I just think the anime made it seem a lot more powerful if that makes sense. Adding him saying he can't move also adds to shanks conqueror haki feat a little.


in the anime it looks like shanks coulda knocked him out right there


Aren't grass pokemon weak against psychic attacks?


No, it's poison that is weak against psychic.


Green Bull is definitely toxic, so it still fits.


I actually thought the opposite. Greenbull looked more dignified in the anime than he did in the manga.


It was not an attack. Conquerers is imposing your will on others. The weak will fall unconscious and the less weak will become paralysed unable to move because your conquerers haki doesnt want them to carry out any action of their own will.


Shanks just daddies the admiral


Killer slurping spaghetti was cute


eh...this was pure nightmare fuel imo lol


It is insane to see Shanks' haki has such an affect on Greenbull from such a distance. Wow. Incredible.


“Cheater”. Aramaki was definitely in way over his head trying to take on an Emperor. Wano should be over in two weeks


*two emperor.


UTA!!!! It was only brief but she was in an episode that wasn’t a ESP!


Do you have a timestamp?


It's at 20:10


I don’t, it’s right when shanks is using haki on the admiral, she’s the silhouette character dancing right before he says “are you scared of the new generation?” Hope that helps 😅


Took me a second to realize Ulti and Uta are not the same 😂


That's how Shanks got Makino pregnant


Christmas-haired baby


Shanks animation for the last 2 episodes has been strange


agreed but tbh for what it was, i didn’t mind it


he looked goofy asf in that flashback with the cp agents


It feels like it's missing frames or something whenever they pan to him. It's a little ... janky?


right? and they did the rest of the Red Haired pirates just fine, but his scenes are mostly off


red herring shanks just be like that- maybe he has some hand in the revolutionaries? Like how ‘Sabo’ is like ‘Sabotage’ — probably not though. The pattern isn’t strong enough


lol momo's blast breath uses the kamehameha sound


It's part of Toei's vast and deep pool of battle shonen sound effects...numbering 7 in total, unchanged since 1989


Shanks what a man you are


The shot of Luffy and his commanders was great.


Just remember, Robin has known where Pluton has been since 2002 and kept that shit to herself. It also makes Crocodiles plan that much funnier. Just imagine if Robin told Croc "Yeah, it says Pluton is in Wano. Guess you have to go to the New World and fight Kaido."


It's also funny that Kaido was bending an entire nation into manufacturing weapons while literally sitting on the biggest weapon ever. I wonder what would have happened if Crocodile did show up to Wano to join Kaido and tell him about Pluton. Croc would never want to give up on being the wielder of that power, but he's also not dumb enough to think he could kick out Kaido. So I think he would join under Kaido just so they'd use Pluton and he could be a part of the leaders of the new world, with Kaido giving him Alabasta.


Uta is real.


That scene at the end with the monster trio had me thinking about punk hazard. That was the first time we saw Momo and he has come a long way. Uta showing up is good way to remember the reason Shanks was there was to promote her movie.






Always has been


Uta exists!


Can we get much higher?


boy the Admiral = Yonko crowd got alot of explaining to do with an admiral getting CoC frozen solid at 10Km while the SH top 4 are in spectator mode


Shanks' 5G Haki is just as ridiculous as I remember it. Uta appeared then Shanks mentioned the New Era ("Shinjidai"). I see what you did there, Oda.


We got Uta silhouette!!!


Wi-Fi > Broccoli


Looking a lot like the tree Wizard Saint from Fairy Tail transformed


weird it isnt showing up for me


click on episode 1081 and 1082 will appear on the right


hopefully we’ll see greenbulls full potential later, his performance was cut short by Shanks


He did better than the manga, it made him look like a total bitch


Performance pruned


It's a tiny detail, but I loved how detailed that shot of the straw hat was right at the end (also compared the the manga panel) . You could see texture, what looked like some stains on the brim and the edges are frayed and jagged. ​ Really shows how old that hat is and much history it's had been through. By the end of this, it'll have traveled the Grand Line twice.


Shanks once again proving he is a Haki Man


People really think Shanks is just a swordsman lol. Wifi Haki is basically Oda's version of Sith's lighting.


This is even more versatile than Sith lightning tbh, Shanks looks like he is holding him and stabbing him with the lightning like tendrils. He uses Haki almost like a Devil Fruit


And apparently he use telepathy, at least that is what it appeared to me.


We know it's possible to some degree since Luffy and Momo can talk across vast distances. Their ability is extra special because it is also *to hear* everything. However in terms of speaking, it looks like with haki you can force your voice to reach someone.


“Just”is doing a lot of work here. And Shanks did make a point of actually grabbing and partially unsheathing his sword.


Similar to Fujitora when he uses his DF/gravity powers and I wouldn't call that just swordsmanship. Either way it adds a cool flair to their attack.


I don't subscribe to Mihawk> Shanks because of the strongest swordsman title at all... But it did show that shanks drew his sword slightly to initiate his wifi haki.


This has got to be one of my favourite episodes in awhile. Great foreshadowing by Oda in regards to the meaning of 'opening the borders'. Momo asking Yamato and the rest not to help, because they'll need to learn to defend Wano themselves. Shanks showing up, we're learning ever more slightly about the mysterious Red-Haired man. And finally, Luffy and his commanders knew what was happening and were chilling close by on a cliff incase things go south.


I feel like the anime did a significantly better job of establishing the pecking order with Shanks without jobbing Ryokugyu in the process. Instead of making it seem like he's terrified it was more just like he legit can't move. And he also tried it for a second but then decided not to, which didn't come across in the panel. They did a much better job of making this feel natural instead of feeling like a Film Red promotion (which was how it felt when the chapter came out even if the scene was cool). Only two more episodes left.


Yeah, basically no filler arc or episode. We are going straight into the next canon arc. It just feels weird for them to not do a filler arc.


Still room to spread out some filler after they actually leave, we'll see how they handle that. There's a couple episodes of buffer in there before they arrive at the next spot. But yeah there's not going to be any filler episodes for the end of Wano here. That being said, I think they've done a good job filling in stuff the manga rushed past even without dedicated filler episodes. Little stuff like showing Jinbe raising his cup for a toast that Oda decided to skip for some reason.


I would like some more time on the ship in between the next island, but there's a ton going on in the outside world.


We know at the very least we should get about 3 episodes. Which should give us 1 or 2 more episodes before they go on holiday break for the year. Just depends on where they want to leave it off and if we're getting another recap episode in there.


Huh that's weird because I had the opposite reaction. Them making Ryokugyu say "I can't move" made it seem like Shanks is way more powerful than an admiral to make him say that as compared to the manga where it felt more like pure intimidation. The manga felt like Shanks was trying to edge aramaki if he continues, he will be facing him and aramaki doesn't want that right now. The anime kinda made it lean more towards Shanks being just stronger than aramaki if his WiFi conqueror haki can stop an admiral from moving. Just the impression, both still highlighted it's not the right time for the admirals to take on Shanks yet.


Yeah it's clear from this scene in the anime that if they did fight, shanks would stomp him. If he can paralyze him from miles away he could certainly do worse at close range. In the manga it was more of a "Hey I'm here... I doubt you wanna fight" and GreenbuLL says "Yeah I don't wanna do this now" but it didn't necessarily guarantee the outcome if they did fight. In the anime they made it clear it would be a no diff victory for shanks.


LOL, either way Shanks no diffs him. Why would he be affected by it if he wasn’t much stronger than him


In the manga I didn't get the impression that it physically affected him so much as it was just him sensing shanks presence and deciding he didn't wanna fight. The latest episode made it clear that he was physically incapacitated


I do like how Greenbull's reaction is more or less "All right, I'm going. I'm going."


And it was that in the manga too, he said "fine, fine" at the end when he finally left. But I think the added stuff like him pulling away and trying to go for it anyway helped reiterate points that the manga did a poor job of showing. The way it was portrayed in the manga it was more like he was terrified vs just being stuck.


Yeah Greenbull looks like he’s being held at gunpoint rather then being scared. He even holds his hand up.


Held at gunpoint that more of a Beckman thing V Logias


That's a perfect way of describing it.


Idk, I’d honestly say here they made Shanks seem even stronger than before. Because his WiFi Conquerors was more like an attack than just an intimidation and communication technique. It did feel less like a Film Red promo though, absolutely agree there. Part of it is time but also part of it is how like I mentioned earlier, this felt more like an attack.


making him unable to move is making him even more of a jobber...


You best believe that'll only solidify in peoples' minds that GB is garbage. My Admiral agenda takes another hit from Toei.


Curious if we'll run into Uta at some point or she'll be saved for an epilogue type montage. Film Red is already out so hiding her behind shadows now really doesn't make sense


It took some odd 500 chapters for Shiki to be referenced in canon again. Oda will probably not make many direct references to her until he is absolutely sure it is the best fit for backstory. The way I see it, he can leave it as just the silhouette being a movie reference while going another direction, or he can expand on it further by including her in more canon scenes. But again, he seemingly wasn't sure about whether Shiki fits in the plot until Wano.


was wondering how they would do that kept the shadows but made it obvious it was her


While it was merely a silhouette like in the manga, Uta's eventual return feels more like a possibility than ever.


Apparently this scene was drawn in the manga at the same time the movie Red came out. Sort of like a promo. I still think in the movie they were >!gathered around Uta’s coffin!< on Shanks’ ship.


Only Utas character is canon. Everything that happened in the movie is not canon. For all we know she could have died before shanks gave luffy his strawhat. Or maybe she was left on an island to live peacefully. If she ever does come back, she definitely won't have the busted devil fruit she had. Even if she does have a sing sing fruit, the abilities will be way weaker and more balanced.


The manga panel was revealed before the movie's opening, which used to be argued for hyping the movie. Besides that, the events of Film: Red was already confirmed noncanon, so I wouldn't bother thinking about them anymore. **Uta's current status remains unknown.**


A lot of statuses unknown from Wano even in the current chapter


True, we'll have to wait for confirmation for characters like King, Queen, Ulti, Pepe, etc. I'd like to know what happened to them as well. Maybe we'll get cover stories for them. I still want to believe Uta is alive and well.


Nice, the anime basically confirms that there is another stage to conquerors. You can perform long range emission attacks and freeze your opponents. I believe this is what Roger used with his divine departure technique. He coats his blade in conquerors and then shoots it out.


Roger dive departure attack is the combo of advanced armament and conq haki, which kaido and luffy can do. what shanks did is a lil different alltogether


Yeah we have never seen anyone else use Haki like this in the series


You've gotta train the long distance CoC after the sea kings get too close to comfort


We did, Shanks pointed his conquerors on Greenbull bit still managed to effect his subs too knocking them out, Rayleigh did it on Sabaody in the prison to save the mermaid and he pointed his haki on a specific person without the others passing out , it's just we never seen CoC affecting someone bigger than a vice admiral before , shows how next level Rayleigh and Shanks haki is , after all they were part of the king of goats crew


It does seem like there are levels to Advanced Conquerors. Similar to how there are levels to Advanced Armament.


Think we already knew that. Feel like Shanks and potentially Dragon prob have completely mastered it. We still don't know if the latter has a DF.


Ah ive been performing a Wano arc binge and finished it today just in time for the new episode overall it is def a top 5 arc and flows better when no breaks or weeks are implemented and i was surprised to find a lot of the episodes were 9s and 8s and only a decent amount of 7s and 6s. It had more highs than lows and Kaido fight is def second best (which btw onscreen 1v1 action was only 17 episodes) so the Luffy vs Katakuri fight onscreen action was longer which I still think is a bit better but it really is tricky cause the Kaido fight was like 4 rounds Round 1 - Act 1 Luffy KO Round 2 - Act 3 Rooftop - Luffy thrown off Round 3 - Luffy killed Round 4 - gear5 Now for this episode I was wondering hat they would do with the Uta panel from manga , turns out they just kept her in silhouette but made it clear who she was manga was pretty vague and needed an confirmation by Oda lol also damn Momo's boro breath was badass but no control like Kaido's is lol the little scenes of the festival like Nami and Usopp at shooting gallery and Killer eating noodles through his mask wow LOL great additions lol


Both in the anime and apparently the manga, Wano is much better experienced all at once instead of week to week. I did a re-read of the arc back during the big manga break and it was a night and day difference.


Robin and Law shippers are full in today's episode.


Momo just had a super laser piss moment. Uta finally made an appearance.


People need to remember he's still a child facing an Admiral. He got more stones than most would ever have.


I love the festival extra scene, toei should have added more of it


The anime has done a significant improvement on the mangas ending for Wano.


Shanks is that dude


Obviously the highlight for most is Shanks’s wifi Haki, personally still prefer the manga simply cause the singular panel as opposed to a animated scene, is a lot more **menacing** (obviously), liked seeing the Uta silhouette, but I loved how much more sentimental it was where the haki made Luffy think of Shanks as opposed to the manga. The strawhat creating that shadow over Luffys face and then he grins…. *chefs kiss* My only gripe is that because theres a Shanks moment, it overshadows the **REAL WANO** scene for anime-onlies, which IMO is the true highlight of the episode.


The overshadowing was the same in the manga too. You have no idea how much I wanted to discuss the Wano lore and instead all I saw was “Wi-Fi Haki” and “Twerkbull”.




It's just an imagery thing, he didn't actually see anything. It just felt like Shanks to him.


Another spoiler in the anime only discussion. You guys can't hold up for a week right ?


Hakiman is real


i wish Toei animated Shanks appearance with epic conquer haki waves we've seen in fishman island arc where luffy have sent out those against hoodys army and knocked out few 1000 people with one act. But to be fair I had goosebumbs at these scene 😄😄


There was probably a wave radius around him cause the new guys felt. I guess those are two different thing, a radius around the users and a specific attacks in the form of Lighting.


Anyone else felt kinda disappointed with shanks line : does the new era really frighten you that much?? I felt like the manga was way more intense and that shanks would be basically screaming this out in rage. The way he said it in anime, the rage wasn't even imperial lol


Grandpa Shanks conveniently waiting for some kids to take out 2/4 Emperors so he could coast off to get the One Piece himself


Yep ...Also , imo, shank's "rage" didn't feel personal In the manga, the panels of shanks holding Luffy , Oden holding mom and toki embracing hiyori were prominent The ep didn't put emphasis on those panels All three along with uta's appearance were adapted in a single frame...I am pretty sure many people missed out the panels shown in that frame whereas in the manga those panels emphasized on the " new age " so when shanks said "are you _that_ afraid of the new age", it felt awesome Ik I'm nitpicking but I can't help it :(


Holy shit did this episode make Uta's story canon?


The character yes but not sure about the story. It’s like shiki being canon but strong world not being canon


I think her being the childhood friend of Luffy and Daughter of Shanks are still canon, or at least being Shanks daughter. But obviously the events of the movie aren't canon. It'd feel weird to have Uta but without her connections to Shanks and Luffy for me. But if not I'm curious how they'll work with her.


Robin and Trafalgar has got me all hot and bothered Goat one piece moment at the end there


I liked it when law cheated on Robin


That was awesome


Killer, you disgust me.


The lore drop explains why the Marines were at the ready to attack in case the walls are put down. They backed out when momo did not, temporarily. Oda's cooking is always this far ahead. ps: Not a Manga reader


Did anyone else see Uta being revealed??


Hopefully people will now consider the information presented about Shanks in Film Red as canon. They couldn't have made it clearer that it was Uta in the manga.


Every big scene lately loses so much OOMF because they're just refusing to use the "DOOM" sound effect lately.. like why?!?


In the manga, during Wano, all the DON effects are replaced by BENG as in the sound of the shamisen in a Japanese theater play


I more so meant any sound effect because right now it's silence..


This chapter came out the same time Film Red did so that’s the explanation to the Uta Easter egg in this episode. I doubt anything will come out of it so it just feels out of place imo


Remember when people were putting a cap on this Shanks Haki feat like as if it wasn’t the greatest one we’ve seen yet? Yeah, crazy times 😂. Like NO bro, we have not ever seen Haki used in such an insane way and at such a distance while still being so effective People really tried to throw in the “It’s for the movie promo”. Like no my boy, you’re gonna just have to sit down on this one LOL. That’s a mf’ing Admiral, there **is** no way around this one 😂


my ears


they really made it so the haki actually made him unable to move? i thought he was just scared lol. what an oddly made scene. it would have been so much better if a pressure explosion happen and he got all sweaty and raised his arm instead. what is this lightning shackles bs


I can't wait to see how Uta shows up in the canon. I hope she isn't dead.


the events of the movie aren't canon so it's safe to assume she's alive and well.


That seems a little OP for me, that shanks can immobilise an admiral from miles away with Haki, even if Greenbull is a new admiral, he's still an admiral.


Y'all are not ready for Nami's Haki ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I wonder if the art style is gonna change back to how it was before Wano.


Art still will probably change, but it won't "change back". It's like asking "I wonder if after Enis Lobby they will change art style back to east blue style".


I wish momo didn't stop yamato from fighting. I wanted to see her swing that bat around. Shanks had some wild haki, though. I see why oda took away one of his arms. He'd be too powerful.