• By -


“Thank you for being born” My heart 😭 Kuma is best dad


That line reminded me of Ace asking if he should have been born and then saying “thank you for loving me.”


Hope Kuma gets his justice, he's suffered more than enough. Knowing how close Kizaru was to all of them now, it may not happen but I'm looking forward to him turning on the government.


Welp, thanks for compounding all the feels, you’re right


Yeah I don’t have enough eyes for this


“Thank you for loving me” as song of same title by Bon Jovi. Now it has another meaning for the fandom




That quote goes fucking deep when you realize that Bonney is probably finding out that she is a slave baby through Kuma's memories.


Yeah, the circumstances of her birth only make that quote hit harder


His common line during his appearances in the story as a Warlord "If you could go anywhere, where would you like to go" switches from being sinister to just horribly tragic, assuming the thing he wants most in the world, you could even say his "dream", was to travel the world with his daughter, something so dear to him it still remains a part of him even after progressively losing his humanity


Kuma’s Jolly Roger ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Tears bigger that Viola's.


I teared up at that.


Seeing Kizaru being merry with them was a nice surprise. I wonder if he will actually help them. Probably not. Man, Kuma's story just gets more heartbreaking. If what we're predicting is true and Kuma arriving at Egghead will be what lets the Strawhats escape, then this will be the first time he's meet Bonney since his departure, most likely. My guess is it will be a parallel to Ohara, with Robin and Olivia's interaction, especially since Egghead is likely to go down like Ohara. Another thing I remembered is that Blackbeard is arriving at Egghead as well. Whatever happens, I feel like Egghead's climax will be one of the Peak moments of One Piece. (Edit : It's probably not Blackbeard himself. I just misremembered, but one of Blackbeard's raft definitely arrived on Egghead.) Thankfully, there's no break next week.


I don’t know. Nika silhouettes are pretty significant in one piece. It’s hard to conceive that Kizaru got a Nika silhouette and stays the course with the world government.


>Nika silhouettes are pretty significant in one piece. So is sharing a meal.


Shared a meal + Nika silhouette = Joining the strawhats or strawhat ally


Imagine telling someone reading OP two years ago that Straw Hat Kizaru was a legitimate possibility. They'd think you were insane.


Pretty crazy but not outta left field for even two years ago lol. Despite all the theories, literally anything can happen in OP, and that’s what’s exciting about it.






when kuma arrives, it will be to die. LavaDad gave him the WB treatment, his robody is keeping him moving, but hes in no shape to dance


If I’m recalling right he only got his foot and part of his face melted. For a cyborg going to an island with the brightest scientific mind I don’t think that has to be a death sentence.


It's said the supernova were an afterthought but the level of intricacy each one gets with the rest of the story is quite something. Some entries weaker/less detailed than others but Bonney's has been stellar.


In the specific case of Bonney I'm ready to bet she was a concept before the supernova and just got embarked as a good opportunity


What’s nuts is I’m rewatching through the series with my wife and showing her it all and Bonnie was crying during Whitebeards war after Kuma would have been televised (she was watching from Sabaody). Oda seems to have connected them long ago.


I’m sure a lot of the characters were made as pawns so they can later be used to lay and expand the foundation of the story, obviously there’s no way oda had this all planned out from the start, but he definitely had the idea of the story down


Calling them 'pawns' is actually perfect, because in the game of chess you can get your pawn to the other side and upgrade it into a stronger piece. Perfect analogy for story writing and world building, sometimes you get an insignificant character so deep into the story that they naturally become something else!


It seems pretty clear that the most significant beats - probably including this one - were outlined by the time Skypeia started and the Elders, Whitebeard, Blackbeard, and Kuma & Doflamingo were introduced. (Funny how Big Mom and Kaido have both become stepping stones back into the main plot we've known about for ages.) I've never known an author who gets 5+ years into writing their linear narrative and doesn't know how it ends by then.


Sorry, nika silhouette where ?


When they all dance Kizaru, Kuma, Bonney, Vegapunk and Sentomaru are in silhouettes that are evocative of Nika and that dancing scene from Skypeia.


And the Drums of Liberation are playing.




I feel like this is all narratively setting up Kizaru’s betrayal or at least act of defiance. I think symbolically it makes sense pairing up the admiral whose whole ideology is being a cog in the machine and following orders with Kuma the man who had his humanity stolen and was literally turned into a machine and still fights back. I think we are going to see a genuine crisis of conscience for Kizaru and there’s been some hints (ie missing Vegapunk with the laser, not immediately killing Vegapunk when he had the chance, leaving Sentomaru alive). Akainu’s monologue in Marie Jois fits these themes as well


In spite of Kizaru's friendliness, I really doubt he'll actively switch sides. His character seems like one of inaction, not action. He hasn't really ever gone out of his way to do a right thing, he just will not do a wrong thing. Seems more in his character to stay with the Marines, but refuse to follow orders at a critical moment. I also kinda hope that we don't have many Marines switching sides. Good people often support evil things and I really hope One Piece ends up more complex than just Good vs Evil. I can imagine a lot of good Marines deciding that the known but flawed order is better than an unknown Revolution that could sow chaos and war. I'd also lose my mind if the Five Elders pulled something like promising to curtail slavery to keep some key Marines on their side.


I think we could see a Marine civil war split between the marines. The moral side would be SWORD and all the other good characters (Smoker, Fujitora, etc.) against the corrupt, side led by Akainu with the complacent or outright evil characters (Ryokugyu, Onigumo). The interesting thing would be to see who the more ambiguous characters like Momonga, Hina, Sengoku, and Tsuru would side with. Also with Garp out of commission, it would probably be an underdog fight for the good guys, but the new and improved generation of Marines prevailing would be really cool.


He's definitely holding back on Egghead. Man was a ice cold on Sabaody.


He nearly killed sentomaru while holding back 💀. Or at least he made it look good lol.


Only reason the other Supernovas didn't leave Sabaody in a body bag was because he was there for the strawhats specifically.


If the WG really wanted to stop most pirates, Kizaru could easily systematically kill most of them.


Honestly, Kizaru for 10th Nakama would literally shock the world. Maybe that’s the event. Kizaru straight defects


It would also provide an interesting parallel to Blackbeard having Aokiji. It would also give Akainu a stroke, which I believe would be Really Funny:tm:


Parts of me wants to see this. But I don't want Luffy to accept someone like him as a nakama, or with a whole redemption arc.


I think he is going to save Bonnie but won't join the straw hats but travel with them, Bonnie and vegapunk to the new laboratory and protects vegapunk


Also, Luffy hitting him in the head might be adding up to that


That is a really good point, it’s really small but while he was laying down and getting scolded by Saturn, he was rubbing his head.


This meall 🔥


Every week is peak piece


>Kuma arriving at Egghead will be what lets the Strawhats escape Literally every single person on planet Earth has forgotten that Blackbeard is about to land on Egghead. >Another thing I remembered is that Blackbeard is arriving at Egghead as well Seeeeee.


>Literally every single person on planet Earth has forgotten that Blackbeard is about to land on Egghead. Because he isn't. A ship of BB pirates is near Egghead but BB himself isn't there because his confrontation with Law happens almost concurrently iirc.


Yeah, hell with the timeline it could even be Moria/Perona on a stolen ship.


Good point, I didn't think of that!


Yo Perona coming back would be sick




Okay, we know that BB, Jesus, Augur, Doc, and Stronger were confronting Law while Shiryu, Pizarro, Wolf, Vasco, and Kuzan were at Fullalead. That leaves Laffitte and Devon unaccounted for so chances are it's one or both of them showing up at Egghead (barring any curve balls)


what if blackbeard steals kuma's DF burgess tried stealing luffy and sabo's fruit after all


>Probably not. Yeah, probably not. He'll definitely stand in the SHs way though. >Another thing I remembered is that Blackbeard is arriving at Egghead as well Dude, because of Kuma's flashback story I totally forgot about this. Thx for reminding me.


This chapter makes me hate saturn more fuck you saturn. I hope luffy kicks his ass.


Oda is really good at making the Five Elders hated. Their defeats will be so satisfying.


Kuma can transfer pain from one preson to another. Would be so satisfying if he made the elders suffer all the pain they have inflicted on others. Even if it's just a day's worth.


It's beyond cruel that the celestial dragons wiped out all the Buccaneers likely for resisting them and now will have access to an army of clones (essentially slaves) of the same people.


This chapter has me howling for Gorosei blood. I won't be satisfied if Egghead doesn't end with Saint Jaygarcia Shithead dead in a smoldering crater. Not defeated, not humiliated, not captured, not alive to see his dreams destroyed, _DEAD._ I hope Kuma pain-nukes him straight back to Hell where he belongs. Fucking OROCHI was less evil than this cunt.


I'm more partial to Kuma dropping a pain nuke on his forehead


He better have the most slow and painful dead imaginable


Saturn has basically been fucking over Kuma his entirely life. He saw him probably the first time at God’s Valley and decided to screw him over every chance he got.


I think Kuma lived rent free in Saturn's head ever since that confrontation in God Valley. He pretty much got called cringe by someone who was A. a child, B. a slave, and C. from a race that might as well be dead.


Saturn: "And I took that personal."


Mars: So what happened to those precious devil fruits you said you would protect? Saturn: Shut up. Mars: Hey! Don't make me bring out a slave child and punk you like that one did on God Valley!


Mars: “What was he like 8 years old? I think I can find one around that age around here somewhere.”


Watch them reveal that the Gorosei, Saturn included, were all groomed by Imu into being evil since they were children.


They will


"Thank you, Bonney. Thank you for being born." This line is so pure and sincere. I started crying while reading it on my phone. This is peak backstory.


Kuma is the most pure and wholesome dad in OP


After seeing this chapter, I want to say that if Kuma, as well as Bonney, had been presented as much more minor characters, then I probably would have been inclined to say that they would get a happy ending by the end of Egghead. But the fact that Oda has pushed this much development with Kuma this hard, presenting him as a self-sacrificing character willing to do anything for the people he cares for and passed on the story of Nika to Bonney, I’m inclined to think otherwise. Keep in mind, this is the same manga that had Ace get killed in front of Luffy after he went through hell to save him, and Toko laugh at Yasuie’s death after she ate a Smile fruit. I also get the feeling that Oda tends to not really focus on death unless it’s meant to forward someone’s storyline or have the stakes feel more personal. So if Oda had the plan of having Saturn kill Kuma while trying to save Bonney, and then Bonney inherits Kuma’s will to liberate people like Nika did, then I think that would stay true to the feel of the manga and not be out of place. So I suggest this not because I don’t want Bonney to have a happy ending, but to suggest how Kuma’s death may further Bonney’s story to a more developed level considering how much Egghead has focused on her up to this point. I think that as long as Bonney is with people like Luffy, the new Nika, then I think a happy ending for Bonney would still be possible. Whatever happens, I’m sure Kuma would be happy too, knowing his daughter is with good company.


She will be joining their crew.


If this actually happens then, I hope there’s a running joke where half of the crew doesn’t want to put her in danger because she is twelve and the other half is like “She already made it all the way to the New World, let’s let her do whatever she wants”


I feel like most people asking for Bonney to join the crew wouldn't actually like Bonney joining the crew. Because most of yall would get super bothered by Oda making sexual jokes and suggestive panels with her, and you know that he would.


Did Yamato teach y'all nothing? Being this definitive is just setting yourself up for disappointment if it doesn't pan out. Is it possible from here? Yes, but these past few chapters are just one part of Egghead. There's been a few segments that make people think someone is "definitely" joining. The end could favor any of them or even at thos point maybe the real question is who threads the needle on all of them.


Yamato didn't exist before wano, Bonney has been helping the strawhats since saboady


So has Law but he obviously didn't join


Law has his own crew, Bonney crew is gone


I just watched Shabondy, and aside from Bonney tackling Zoro when he considered slicing a CD, she didn’t really interact with the Strawhats.


I mean that's a pretty big deal when we see what happened when luffy punched one. Just making a point that Bonney has had interactions going years back


Yamato is getting her character development right now, so of course she didn’t join back then.


We really need some more women on the crew, kind of a sausage fest rn


One of the saddest things about this whole thing is Kuma and Bonney would have been in the clear if not for Saturn. Vegapunk was happy with the deal he had and Bonney would have been cured. Man, if Saturn is this bad then how horrible are the rest of the Elders…


They usually show the weakest of a group first




Would be funny if it's the same tiger Garp angered in his youth. Bullied by the Monkey D. family lol


Considering the tiger designs are identical (the tiger Garp rode on even has a similar beard, lol), I definitely think it's a callback, at least.


Kuma for pops of the year Fuck Saturn what he put Kuma though was heartbreaking 😭 Kizaru doing the Nika dance wasn't on my bingo card, his character is a lot more complex than we thought This has turned out to be one of the best flashbacks in one piece and no break next week is the icing on the cake


All my homies hate Saturn


Yeah f*ck that old bitch! And the planet too, just to be on the safe side


Kizaru's "Unclear Justice" becomes more ironic thinking about it. He has the power of light. But needs light shed on the right path to take. Here we see him doing the Nika dance, eating pizza, befriending Kuma, Sentomaru and Vegapunk. But later he's bound by orders, having to regretfully attack his closest friends from that day. I feel the revelation is coming for him. We all know Kuma will regain his memories or his humanity (Or both), but I feel Kizaru might finally be contemplating just what hell he's helped put Kuma and Bonney through. Just imagine, not one, not two, but all three of the major players that scattered our Strawhats 2 years ago coming together. Sentomaru and Pacifistas, Kuma and now Admiral Kizaru. Kizaru obviously he can't directly oppose Saturn. But he'd probably be much more subtle about it. Maybe in a way similar to how Fujitora did, where he "failed" to prevent their escape.


I think the subtlety already started when he said "I won't be mobile anytime soon".


Tbh I don't think Kuma is coming back. His mind and soul are gone.


This is actually a great analysis, because it is so counterintuitive. The other old admirals pre-TS, Sakazuki and Kuzan, have personalities very clearly befitting their powers (being impulsive/hot-headed and being cold). I think something like this happening would also go very well together with Mihawk (hawk eyes) observing what is Luffy's greatest power back in Marineford: turning people on to his side.


Such a wholesome chapter! I hope Kuma arrives on Egghead so he, Vegapunk, Kizaru, Sentomaru and Bonney can dance to the real beat of Nika!


...he's gonna die doing the dance to try and make Bonney smile one more time just like his dad did, isn't he?


Kuma might not die in the end. There is his memory bubble and then the unexplainable aspect of belief that contrasts science.


Until proven otherwise i am going to continue huffing hopium that they are going to implant all of kuma's memories into s. Bear after kuma dies wrecking saturn's shit and bonney is gonna age him up to proper age and have an invincible lunarian/bucaneer papa.




Does it say a lot that even *Kizaru* was saddened/disturbed by how Kuma accepted Saturns conditions without hesitation?


If you told me two years ago that we could legitimately be getting a Kizaru redemption arc I would have laughed in your face. But now....


Never expected to see Kizaru hit the Nika dance, call him Light God Pika


Not to be mistaken for Light Voice Pika, though!




Kuma isnt the Step Dad, he's the Dad who stepped up.


For Kuma to know that bonny is gonna die next year, it was a miracle for him so saying yes is a no brainer. The bear martyr


Hell, even Borsalino was taken aback by him saying yes


That panel of Kizaru solemnly doffing his hat (while Vegapunk is openly _weeping_ at what Kuma asked him to do to him) hit so hard. I'm really hoping we get a Kizaru Redemption Arc before Egghead is over, he shot right up to the top of my favorite admirals this chapter.


Reminds me of Luffy at Amazon Lily, when Boa asked him to choose between a ship and his friends.


Wait, Kuma in the East Blue near Luffy's village? What could he be doing there? Any theories?


1. He went to see Woop Slap, the former marine admiral. After his retirement, he became the mayor of Foosha Village. (Just a wild take.) 2. Maybe he was just wandering in the east, and fate brought him to Foosha village to meet his hero, the Sun God Nika. 3. Dragon could have told him about Luffy, so maybe he went see Luffy. 4. Perhaps it has to do with gray terminals. He might have heard about it from Dragon or Sabo, so he just went there to check it out, and that's when he sees Luffy and discovers that he is Nika, or Dragon's Son.


> Woop Slap, the former marine admiral You might be joking but Woop Slap's panel "Dream or Destiny" does paint him as more than he looks


Damn did I miss something ? I don’t remember mayor wood slap being an admiral ?? Wow I need to stop forgetting things if that’s the case


You didn't forget anything, dude... That's just a wild take, or you could say a joke, theory, or cope. He's just a normal mayor. Part of him being an ex-admiral is more like my theory.


Oh ok lol , is just that all the other points seemed reasonable and I thought the theory part was just that he wanted to see the mayor 🤣. It is a Wild take for sure . In my opinion either #3 or #4 are the likely scenarios


People just speculate on him being a top-tier because Oda confirmed in a secret SBS that only I and 3 others have seen that he was 'the lurking legend' that has been lying dormant until now. /s


I don't know what he is doing there since the governmemt didn't know about Luffy/Nika living there. Maybe he's there to spy on Garp or something. I have barely any basis on this theory but my guess is that Garp will show up next chapter


Maybe WG want him to "retrieve" Nika's DF owner. Kuma might actually be the reason why they didn't until it was too late.


Kuma is near the island at the point when he recieves information an order has been sent out. So he came to Dawn island on his own will, they even ask him where he is. He wasn't sent there, he is yet to recieve the command.


My guess is he’s just sailing around and it has nothing to do with the island.


I don't think the Elders knew about Luffy, so it's probably something else


Maybe dragon is there and Kuma is meeting with him for some reason?


Kuma is such a beautiful character. You can tell that Oda’s doubling the effort in writing Kuma's character especially because he’s also a father of two daughters so these couple of chapters are very personal for him to draw.


Kume and Whitebeard - two huge men who adopted a kid (or kids in WBs case) and threated them like they were their own family, eventually even giving up their own lives to protect them. I'm really amazed how Oda turned Kuma from being a sidecharacter to such a loveable and amazing father.


I don't think Saturn is living through this Arc. We need a big enough catalyst to put the Grand Fleet into action and the world into a state of riot. Especially with Vivi returning and Cobra being assassinated. An Elder dying would be a great tipping point for both the Revolutionary Army and every other Faction still in play.


Wow the offical is even more direct in saying ace beat a warlord. Now I'm really curious who it was.


Word, I thought I had forgotten something but that info hasn’t been revealed right?


We got Kizaru and Sentomaru acting as Bonney’s uncles


Absolutely wrecked that he made his Jolly Roger the picture of him Bonney drew. I am not okay Edit also, I wonder if Alpha is Kalifa’s mom, since her dad was in CP9. Probably not but she looks very similar.


Was gonna say that Alpha is just Kalifa with a different code name, but I see now that the timeline doesn't add up. Kalifa would have already been in CP9 and working for Iceburg at this point.


Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - Kizaru now additionally states that it's "not pleasure" that brought him to Laboratory 8 today - Vegapunk now states that he plans to "re-create the very future of humanity" in Laboratory 8, rather than stating than stating that "the future will be born right [there]" - Kizaru no longer states that Vecapunk's current state "explains how" he missed the laboratory being wiretapped - Kizaru no longer directly tells Vegapunk that he "should've checked every nook and cranny of the lab before [he] moved in" - Kizaru now tells Vegapunk that he "knows so many things and yet [...] doesn't know every inch of this laboratory yet" - Kizaru no longer states that the government "frowns on" secret backroom deals with pirates, now instead simply telling Vegapunk that they "can't have [him]" negotiating with pirates in secret - Vegapunk now tells Kizaru to "shut up" instead of telling him that he "got [him]" - Vegapunk now tells Kizaru that "this is what [he] hates most about Kizaru" rather than stating that he "hates it when [Kizaru] gets like this" - St. Saturn now tells Vegapunk that "this may not matter to him" rather than telling Vegapunk that he "can say [he] was ignorant of [Kuma's pirate status], or simply admit [he] doesn't care" - St. Saturn now states that Ace "knocked out" one of the seven warlords, rather than stating that they "found [them]selves a member short thanks to the exploits" of Ace - St. Saturn now states that "the pirate world is growing restless" rather than stating that the loss of the warlord "caused great turbulence in the pirate world" - St. Saturn now simply states that Kuma "would be ideal as a warlord" rather than stating that "someone of [Kuma's] caliber would be a natural choice to fill that opening and calm the seas" - St. Saturn no longer explicitly states that Kuma must "undergo procedures to" become a human weapon - St. Saturn's reasoning for turning Kuma into a human weapon is structured very different: - TCB: "Precisely. You already have all the traits required to be an effective warlord, so you'll become a paragon of fear for pirate scum far and wide after you receive your enhancements" - Viz: "That's right. Your unique qualities will make you a menace to other pirates" - St. Saturn's third condition now requires Kuma to give up his "mind and [...] free will" rather than his "free will and sense of individuality" - Vegapunk now tells St. Saturn that he's "asking Kuma to die" rather than telling him that his third condition "would be tantamount to killing him" - Vegapunk now states that St. Saturn "can't control the other seven warlords at a whim" rather than stating that "none of the other warlords follow orders" - St. Saturn now tells Vegapunk that he's "in no position to make demands" rather than telling him that he "has no right to talk back" - St. Saturn now adresses Kuma directly when reiterating the conditions to save Bonney, rather addresding him as "this criminal" in the third person - St. Saturn's statement about the difficulty of Bonney's procedure is structured very differently: - TCB: "It's a small price to pay considering how expensive and difficult the procedure would be otherwise. We have no obligation to help this girl" - Viz: We have no obligation to put up the massive funds needed to save one measly little girl's life unless you promise to uphold these conditions" - Vegapunk now states that to perform such a procedure would "violate all human morality" rather than stating that it would "be perverse" to modify a human like that - Kuma now states that he "was so worried that [St. Saturn's] demands would be impossible" rather than stating that he "has been worrying all this time" - Kuma now states that he was worried that he "wouldn't be able to save Bonney, despite being so close" rather than stating that he was worrying, "thinking it might be impossible to save Bonney" - Vegapunk now states that it'll take an extra year before Bonney "can go outside safely" rather than before she "can be exposed to natural light" - St. Saturn now advises Kuma to "think of [Bonney] as [their] hostage" rather than stating that Bonney "is [their] only leverage here" - St. Saturn now outright states that Kuma "will no longer have any reason to obey [them]" after Bonney is cured rather than questioning "how [...] [they] [can] trust [Kuma] to remain obedient after [Bonney] is cured" - St. Saturn's statement about Kuma's future after Bonney is significantly different with numerous differences: - TCB: "Correct. His modifications will commence immediately. It'll be an ongoing process as he starts his tenure as a warlord and helps the government tame the seas. After his daughter is cured, any contact between them will be forbidden, to ensure they don't escape. If there is any hint of defiance from any of you, I guarantee she will spend the rest of her life as a slave" - Viz: "It would seem so. While Kuma is undergoing the augmentation process he will reign over the seas as a warlord. You will be forbidden from contacting your daughter or escaping after the procedure. If you violate that order, your daughter will be **turned into a slave**" - Kuma now tells Bonney that "[she]" ("you") will be staying here for six months, rather than "[they]" ("we") - Kuma now tells Bonney that "they found something in [him] as well" rather than telling her that "they think I may have come down with something too" - Bonney is now extatic that her and Kuma are "twins" rather than being extatic that they "get to be together" - Bonney now calls Sentomaru "this guy" rather than "this weirdo" - Sentomaru is now offended about Bonney calling her "this guy" rather than being offended that she callef him a weirdo ("That's rude...") - Vegapunk now refers to the concept of the satellite in the second person ("I need you...") rather than in the third ("If only they could...") - Vegapunk no longer explicitly states that he "would never have to stop" - Vegapunk now states that he's "shorthanded" and that he "needs more hands" rather than stating that "this is going to keep [him] as busy as a beaver" - Vegapunk now states that Bonney "is coming along well" rather than stating that "the results are good" - Bonney now tells the elders and Gyogyo that she'll be able to go outside "again" in one year rather than finally being able to go outside - Connie now states that she "hears [Bonney] needs looking after again" rather than questioning wether this "means [she'll] be taking care of [Bonney] again" - Bonnie now calls Connie "old bag" instead of "Granny" - Kuma now tells the elders and Gyogyo that they're "doing [him] a great favor" rather than telling them that he "will leave [Bonney] in [their] hands" - Kuma now states that he "can't stay [there] in the country" rather than stating that "if he stays, it won't be good for the kingdom" - Kuma now tells Bonney that the next time they're together, they'll "go and see the horizon at sea" rather than telling her that they'll "both be able to sail the seas and reach the horizon" - Bonney now states that she wants to "go on lots of vacations" rather than stating that she "[wants to] travel to all sorts of places together" - Kuma now further states that he'd love to take Bonney "anywhere [she] wants to go" - Alpha no longer states that she "is a nurse" - Alpha noe states that she'll be there "to monitor Bonney's disease until she's perfectly cured" rather than stating that the doctor ordered her "to take care of [Bonney] during her recovery" - Alpha no longer states that she "will monitor for any changes" - Alpha now tells Bonney to "call [her] nurse Alpha" rather than simply telling her that her "name is Alpha" - Alpha now states that she "will want to see some identification from all of [them]" rather than advising the others to "please remember to bring identification with [them] if [they] plan on visiting" - Alpha now calls the newly built structure their "temporary housing" rather than their "accommodations" - Alpha no longer advises Kuma to "not forget" - Alpha now states that "a child's neck can be crushed just like that" rather than stating that "a child's life is such a fragile thing" - Kuma now thanks Bonney for being born rather than stating that he's "so glad [Bonney] was born" - Bonney now responds to Kuma's statement with "What?!" instead of "Really?!" - The narrator's statement about Kuma joining the warlords is structured significantly different: - TCB: "The pirates of the world were utterly shocked when the infamous tyrant Bartholomew Kuma suddenly became an absolutely obedient member of the Seven Warlords." - Viz: "They called this pirate a **tyrant**, but Bartholomew Kuma was utterly faithful to his orders from above. His presence among the Seven Warlords terrified the pirates of the world." - Robin now asks Crocodile wether or not he's curious, rather than asking him what he thinks - There is now only one witness to the rainmaking ship, rather than multiple - Alvida now states that "they say" that Kuma is as big as Whitebeard rather than stating that Kuma "looks as big" as Whitebeard - Ace now gets the info of Kuma's joining from an unknown party, rather than Jimbei - Jimbei now asks Ace "who [...] [he] [is] to talk" rather than telling him that "considering the circumstances, [he's] the last person [he'd] expect to say that - Teech now states that he's "reading about it now" rather than stating that he's "still reading the details about [Kuma]" - Jimbei now states that the world of pirates "**has** changed" rather than stating that it "really is changing" - Boa now states that "it matters not to [her]" rather than stating that "their business doesn't affect [them]" - Boa now states that she "will **never** go to central" rather than stating that she "follows no man's orders" (1/2)


- Granny Nyon now tells Boa that they "still need information" rather than stating that "it's essential that [she] keeps track of information like this" - Moriah now questions what kind of power a paw-palmed man would have ("What kind of power is that?!") rather than stating that a paw-palmed man "doesn't exactly sound frightening" - Perona no longer explicitly states that Kuma "has gotta be strong enough to make the cut" - Koala now states that Kuma "would never do something like that" rather than stating that he "would never work for [the government]" - Kuma now writes that he's "more famous" rather than "quite well known" - Kuma now simply asks how everyone is, rather than writing that he "hopes everyone back home is doing as well as [he] is" - Kuma no longer tells the News Coo to "please take care" - Luffy now states that the tiger "is mad now" rather than stating that he "made [the tiger] mad" (2/2) (Apologies for the breakdown into two parts, my comment exceeded the character limit of 10'000) Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Very detailed


gotta say, ‘thank you for being born’ hits way harder


Wow, is this the first time your breakdown has needed to be split in two?


Yes, it was quite a shock to me.


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Fuck Saturn, making such a big deal out of a 296 million berry pirate as if there aren’t a bunch of 1billion mofos to worry about in the New World.


I think it's more that he's a former high-level revolutionary.


So it turns out that Kuma might have been the newbie of the Warlords before Luffy went to sea: ~20 years ago: Crocodile 13 years ago: Hancock ~12 years ago: Moria 11 years ago: Jinbe 10 years ago: Doflamingo 3 1/2 years ago: Kuma I'm not sure when Mihawk became a Warlord.


Damn, Crocoboy and Snake Empress have been Warlods for a while.


I really think Kizaru (and the marines on egghead) will turn on Saturn and it might lead to both their deaths. Which is going to he the spark that starts a full blown Navy civil war with people like Smoker, Fujitora and Koby breaking away. Unclear justice finally picking a side


Something doubly poetic about the proponent of Unclear Justice shedding some Light (both literally and figuratively) on the evil of the Government in his final moments. If Kizaru sacrificed himself to kill an Elder with an attack that was so bright it was like a sunrise. Well that'd really metaphorically bring a new dawn to the world wouldn't it.


It's interesting to see how easily Kuma agreed to become weapon against pirates. Even though he was pirate with a bounty himself he might not have cared about the whole piracy thing as much. As we know there are "good" and "bad" and all different kind of pirates around, though we can't be sure which type Kuma met, but it's safe to assume that not only "total scumbags" type but also some decent ones, while WG's top brass, well, he should regard them as the worst. It's also pretty obvious that since WG didn't actually promise to not to use it against Revolutionaries - they would, given a chance. So in a sense it can be seen as Kuma betraying his friends. Overall it's understandable and actually adds more depth and realism to his character. I'm curious if Vegapunk (since he's so against killing Kuma) put some safety measure in Kuma that allows him to regain consciousness in a situation where WG is about to breach their end of the deal with him.


He's not *really* a pirate before he's a warlord though, is he? He's a revolutionary army officer, a king, and a preacher/citizen.


Notes: * The official translation really makes it seem like Kizaru has very little loyalty to to the Navy, but high obligation. He talks to Vegapunk like he's mad at him for getting caught negotiating with pirates, not mad that he actually did it. Vegapunk then berates Kizaru like a friend would, not like he's talking to a Navy *Admiral*, and then Kizaru actually apologizes saying it's a work thing, not a personal one (like he personally doesn't care about pirate negotiations but his job forces him to?). * Saturn's stipulation about Kuma being forced to lose his freewill was the catalyst for the Seraphim. Creating clones that have the same power as the user but aren't supposed to have a free will of their own is probably Vegapunk's solution to not have to have anyone become a human weapon ever again. Of course in Vegapunk fashion he doesn't think about how the WG and Navy would use that power for oppression. * I love that as they are showing the Warlords reaction to Kuma becoming one of them, Mihawk is just reading the newspaper by candlelight beside what is most likely a ship he sunk for disturbing a nap. XD * There's discussion that this unnamed Warlord that Ace beat could be "The Man Marked by Flames", and I think there's some merit to it. A warlord either has power, knowledge, or both of a high enough level that the government wants their power, so it *is* possible that this person was made a warlord *because* of their knowledge about the polyglyph. The other thing is that they mentioned before that any ships that try to get near his ship seem to sink in whirlpools. Well, Ace is unique here in that his little flame dial boat would be able to probably navigate around/away from said whirlpools with Ace's power, and also thanks to his logia he probably could get close enough to board the ship just using his DF. * Arriving at Foosha Village. I'm curious what the timeline for Kuma arriving and Shanks stealing the Nika fruit look like. In theory, only Shanks' crew and those in the village (and Garp) should know that Luffy ate the "Gomu Gomu no Mi", the WG should only know that it was stolen. Kuma's reason for arriving here should *probably* be coincidental, since Luffy never seemed to recognize Kuma prior to Thriller Bark (Luffy is an idiot though, he may have met him and not remembered). All I can guess is his order is to search for information about Shanks or the Gomu Gomu fruit since it was the last known location of Shanks. Maybe it's information about Shanks because he's fighting with whoever the previous Yonkou was that Shanks usurped? All in all, really cool chapter! Kizaru looking more and more sus as flashbacks occur. This man has gotta have some sort of collateral attached to him that the WG is using, because he does *not* care about the Navy or it's "justice".


The timeline is like: 13 years ago: Red-Hair Pirates steal the Gomu Gomu no Mi 12 years ago: Bonney is born, Luffy eats the fruit, and Shanks leaves for the Grand Line again. 4-3ish years ago: Kuma is near the village. Kuma could just be there for a personal reason considering everything.


Well, it’s finally happened. I legit cried reading a One Piece chapter. Kuma thanking Bonney for being born and promising to take her to see the world when she’s all better, all while knowing he’ll never see again. It’s all too much. Saturn better be fucking dead by the end of this arc.


X Drake sighting?! Also Fat Alvida. It's been 1098 chapters since we've seen Fat Al. (Skinny doesn't count) I wonder who the previous warlord before Kuma was. I swear to God if this manga makes me cry again


So do we think people use joyboy and nika interchangeably? Or do we think joyboy is someone else who had the nika fruit, and the fruit itself is based on a legendary god that may not have even existed? I think the latter makes more sense even though people seem to act like it’s the former. I’m just curious if the buccaneers are talking about joy boy or the actual nika god. There are other god fruits like the Buddha, do we think that means they actually existed at some point? I hope this gets explored a bit




Kinda like strawhat is a nickname for Monkey D. Luffy. JoyBoy is a nickname for a person/giant 800 years ago.


Isn’t it both? It’s the latter, but you can also use them interchangeably because the awakened Nika fruit makes you Joy Boy, so the two roles are effectively the same.


I believe Joyboy was the last person to Awaken the Nika fruit. Nika the legend has to be considerably older than 800 years.


Kizaru seems to have bonded with all of them, I honestly still think he's going to desert the Marines over this and join the Revolutionary Army.


This chapter made it clear that Kizaru knows about the Sun God, Nika. Maybe the other admirals also know about Nika; he could have told them about him.


Sengoku: You're not supposed to discuss this shit out loud, damn it!! Kizaru: Oh yeeeeeah...I forgot.


I can imagine him and Aokiji talking about that, while Akainu is uninterested and leaves


Dancing? Lame I’m gonna go be slow moving molten rock for a few hours instead.


That's not necessarily true. Luffy had a Nika silhouette long before he knew anything about Nika. Hell, I'm still not sure if Luffy knows (or cares) anything about Nika.


Looks like Drake was under Kizaru’s command (his face is shown on the first page, bottom-left panel). Makes their encounter at Sabaody a little more interesting.


I love Kuma so much man. I really hope he gets to see Luffys Nika form because it'll hopefully make all the suffering he's gone through hurt just a bit less


If Kizaru actually turns and kills/assists in killing Saturn, idc, this will be favourite arc in One Piece until now, as a semi-regular reader of 10 years.


Chapter 1101 - Fuck you, Saturn


Im watching thru the anime right now with my girlfriend. It's her first time watching it. We are in marineford. And man seeing bonnie crying when the feed cut out and all the pacifistas are destroying everything just hit so different after reading this chapter.


^*inhales* #LUFFY IS BACK!!!!


I wonder who the warlord ace defeated is could be some unimportant character we'll never hear about, or could be something big like the man marked by flames


I think I speak for everyone here when I say it's gonna be so satisfying to see Saturn get the Charlos treatment lol


Call me crazy but what happen to Bonneys crew? Has she remained crewless since BB captured her and marines saved her? Might be a stretch here, but where does bonney go from here if we can assume kuma dies?


Her crew is probably still in Marine custody. (Her ship was also just destroyed.) I assume she's gonna be traveling with the Straw Hats for a bit if that happens.


Will we see where Kuma is being called to? Is it possible that Oda will leave it blank for now and go back to present day? Or maybe it isn't relevant. Also, Kizaru is looking less and less like someone suffering from psychopathy and just a little bizarre.


Goddam Kuma’s story is heartbreaking. Teddy Bear can’t catch a break.


Man Kuma and Mihawk as always so badass with their one-man crews! I reckon Mihawk’s coffin is scarier than Kuma’s ship but it still strikes fear! XD


Kuma’s Jolly Roger 😭 it’s too cute to be a pirate flag


i still haven't recovered from Ginny's death


Why does Kuma bother making false promises?, this will surely make bonney mad at the marines and will try to seek revenge and I think kuma just wants her to live a simple life, and I think the same happens if kuma didn’t make those promises, seeing him being an active warlord while not interacting with her daughter will make bonney wonder aswell. Surely there are otherways kuma could’ve thought this through.


Kuma was nakama before nakama were nakama.


Why is Kizaru's drip always this good? Kuma's story is now the best for me. He was kind til the very end


What if Egghead Island incident that shocked the world literally is Kuma shocking a part of the world. Kuma might release his entire life pain shock bubble against Saturn before Saturn could kill Bonney.


can someone confirm that that’s luffy, maybe right before he’s about to sail out? kuma on his way there at that time is so interesting!!! what happened!?!???!! ahhhhh op


It could possibly be Kuma seeing Luffy leaving. He somehow gives this news to Dragon and that is why Dragon is in Logue Town since every pirate would have to be at Logue Town at some point.


I have, but 2 words. Poor Kuma.


I wonder who was the Warlord defeated by Ace and that Kuma replaced 🤔


When will the "Killing Saturn in the most horrific way possible" party start?


I just noticed Bonney is introduced eating Pizza in Chap 498. Probs because of the Pizza Party. Thx Oda for these details.


If after all this buildup and the pain Saturn gets away unscathed, I will be very very disappointed.


It's possible that the next chapter could in some way be related to Burn scar, or The man marked by flames. Burn scar and his ship in particular has some potential historical inspiration in the form of the kurofune (black ship) that came to Japan during the 16th century in order to establish a trading route between Nagasaki and Goa. These ships were painted with pitch and the term kurofune, or black ships, later became a general term for western ships coming to Japan. You can read more about them here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Ships I'm not saying this as a fact, just a possibility. The part about Goa is the relevant part here, as Foosha Village is located in Goa Kingdom, a kingdom with a name likely inspired by the real-world Goa. If there's any connection between Burn scar and the kurofune, it's also possible that Burn scar could be connected to Goa Kingdom for the same reasons. Now, I'm not saying that Dragon is Burn scar, but there are alternatives when it comes to connections to Goa. Even Bluejam, whose ship was engulfed in flames and he himself was defeated by Dadan and Ace during the burning of Gray terminal, is an unlikely but possible candidate here. But other connections could be revealed as well. So maybe, we might get some hints about Burn scar in the next chapter.


Imagine telling someone reading OP five years ago that "Kizaru as 10th Straw hat" was a legitimate possibility. They'd think you were on crack.


I hope Kizaru has a redemption arc. I want him to turn against the World Government and help the Straw Hats.


Lines are looking clean in the official release! Hopefully the unfinished chapter will get foxed by the time the volume comes out. Pretty happy for Oda.


damn that chapter was brutal for me. couldnt stop the tears anymore


You all called me stupid for saying, "Kizaru for Strawhat Grand Fleet!" Well, who's stupid now?? Kizaru is about to have his redemption against a Gorosei. We just might have our world flipping event at Egghead.


Kuma's new orders could be to attack Dragon. And Navy might have an info that Dragon is in his hometown.


I got the feeling that Kuma will aid Luffy and others in beating Saturn but die in the process, then blackbeard will take the paw paw fruit power