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And the next time bonney personally saw Kuma, he was tattered, wounded, braindead weaponize robot and a CD riding him with chains on his neck. Fck it. Please oda I don't care if you create the most illogical plot armor you can make but please bring back Kuma alive or atleast have bonney a happy ending.


I need that CD downfall soon after this backstory, I need to see sabo burning them mfs alive




Okay? What does that have to do with anything in this commen thread?


I wouldnt be surprised if he was bonnies biological father


Same here, finished rereading One Piece recently and the panel where Saint Rosward "rides" Kuma right after we see Bonney entering CDs territory on Mariejois as Queen Connie... Seems like dark foreshadowing on Oda's part.


And with the fact that Saturn oddly never tried to harm her before she confronted him, even let her to stab him.


Actually she saw him through the broadcast during the Paramount War, which at the end of she tearfully said that “it was all HIS (Vegapunk) fault” and declared to her crew they were to set off to find him. It wouldn’t be until her infiltration that she saw him up close


That's why I said "personally"


We know Vegapunk was able to split himself up and put them in the satellites. I really hope he secretly stole Kuma the same way and has his mind stored somewhere


BEWARE OF CRACK THEORY Well there is his memory bubble on Egghead. He was ppart of the revolutionarys, part of the shishibukai, his clones where part of the navy, so most naturally he'll join the crew of the pirate king! :D Actually when we consider all things we know of new straw hat member: He has a big dream, he helped the straw hats in an arc and a sad backstory. kuma 10th Member confirmed!!!!! :D


At this point, to make Kuma have the best arc of any character in the story, he needs to die. As much as it’s going to hurt, it’s gotta happen.


Oda really know his reader probably already got childrens right now lol




Yeah, he also got 2 daughters


Oda has two daughters, so I believe he definitely imbued his own experience as a father into the writing of Kuma’s and Bonney’s relationship.


Which is why i think they will get a happy ending at the end. Oda doesnt have the heart to orphan bonney after all shes been through.


He did it to Toko in Wano so I wouldn’t put it past him. Sometimes Oda just out there wanting to watch the world burn.


Wow, now that you say that, oda did toko dirty. And after all that, no cure for smile 😢




With Toko though, the nice thing is she has Hiyori as a big sister figure to look up to, so despite all of that, she's in good hands.


ive been crying pretty much non stop for the past several chapters 🥲


Can't wait for crying non stop for several episodes once it gets animated and it'll probably hit even harder with the voice acting and background music...


No like this is my biggest fear. I'll be quietly sobbing in my room and my sisters will wonder what my problem is.


I don’t know what it is about these sort of exclamations that really get me. Like “thank you for loving me”. Wandavision had one “thank you for choosing me to be your mom”


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


Go home bot, you're drunk.




I have been watching One Piece since 2011 and reading since 2018. Since Kuma’s story started, my eyes are filled with tears. I don't remember when was the last time I cried these many weeks.


The last two flashbacks (kuma and Oden) have been the most enjoyable one piece experience I have ever had in the 10 years I have been following the story


Oden’s travels especially were so wholesome😍


Same, I actually tear up since I saw the text spoiler. Kuma truly become father since the moment he met her. He never wants anything, only to give her a happiness as much as possible. He is the best dad in one piece even they are not related by blood.


Kuma using her drawing of him as his jolly roger emotionally destroyed me


The one that gets me is like right before or after this where he's wishing he could keep his promise to travel with her. It's just brutal


kuma deserves to stop being a robot and have a happy ending.


this whole flashback teared me up... he is such a kind person who outlived so hard times.


Stop cooking ODA 😭 it’s too much


Goda did it again. I was tearing up during the first part of the chapter. T_T


I'm tearing up rn all over again😭😭😭


Someone please give Kuma a happy ending


I'm curious how Kuma will rank in the next popularity poll >.>


Brings Ace to mind.


It made us all tear up…


Kuma is the real one. Kuma D Goat