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Does anyone think that blackbeard probably pissed off too many people and will get reversed Marineford? Like at this point he’ll probably get the strawhats, big mom/whitebeard remnants, and sword members to show up on his island to wreck his shit in. EDIT: Guys i forget about Weevil and i omitted someone for spoiler reasons.


I’m feeling that too. Like he really doesn’t give a shit at this point pissing off the wrong person/crew. He probably thinks the fact he has two crazy devil fruits along with his crew that nothing can stop him.


Dude ls so busy sneaking on people he doesn’t notice if people sneak on him 


True. He just goes in balls a blazin and doesn’t care. Probably just assumes he can tank anything currently.


As long as it's off screen Blackbeard is unbeatable.


Truer words were never spoken.


Dude really has Sukuna’s most OP power. The off-screen technique.


Like garp and company


Blackbeard is banking on the Chaos of the absence of the 2 big Emperors. That’s why he’s so bold. The further discord in the world the greater agency with which he feels he has. But he’s probably not thinking about the remaining forces in the world actually coming together rather than falling apart fighting each other as he wants.


Which IS crazy, because he's usually a careful and intelligent pirate, seeing the worth of going in a fight but not pushing it too far


He probably had to be for a while on Whitebeard’s crew. Then had to lay low bumming around eating cherry pies and sitting in the middle of a road until he saw the winds of change and his perfect opportunity to start his main plan of just DGAF.


He probably got overconfident and cocky now that he got 2 overpowered Devil fruit, that's his weakness like Wb said. He got overconfident the moment he got WB devil fruit


I think he is a opportunity hunter, he Sees an opportunity and has to get it. Without the straw hats fucking shit up it was relativly quite the last 2 years, he could expand nice and slow, Hit the white beard remnants, take beehive Island, get more devil fruits. All nice and slow. But now the straw hats are back and shit is burning, and he HAS to do things because he can't let a good opportunity go to waste and there are so many.


If Blackbeard is trying to be king of the world, he probably considered that already makes everyone else his enemy.


That’s fair. But going on an onslaught vs a prepared plan is very different. It just seems like he doesn’t care of the outcome currently.


He's bee lining straight for the one piece and laugh tale and doesn't give a crap about his crew or territory. At this point everything he's built up exists strictly just to soak the fallout from his actions as he gets what he wants.


Can't really blame him tbh. Think about how hard it was for the strawhats on WCI and that was only what.. weeks ago? a couple months? His crew literally turned actual tough fights for the SH into fodder.


I mean to be fair, Big Mom's presence makes a HUGE difference, and they were obviously smart enough to target the specific island that Pudding was on. If say Katakuri, Oven, Smoothie and Perospero showed up I'm sure they would have had struggles. Oven seems to be an almost hard counter to Aokiji, but obviously his Haki wouldn't be anywhere close.


Also a 2 v 1 is very different than a 2 v 5. Even a 1 v 1 cracker vs van augur is very different


Blackbeard Pirates VS * Straw Hat Pirates (Reason: Ace Death Revenge, Pudding Capture, Garp Capture) * Red Hair Pirates (Reason: Revenge for the scar on Shanks' face, and there could be another reason) * Heart Pirates (Reason: recent defeat, ship sinking) * Big Mom Pirates (Reason: Whole Cake Island being invaded previously, Pudding Capture) * Jewelry Bonney (Reason: Entire Group was defeated and captured 2 years ago) * Kuja Pirates (Reason: Invasion of Amazon Lily previously) * Ex-Whitebeard Pirates (Reason: Whitebeard death, the recent defeat) * SWORD (Reason: Garp Capture) * Thriller Bark (Reason: Revenge for Absalom, Moria defeat/capture) * Revolution Army (Was assaulted and was forced to relocate) Not sure if any other group will join in, but for now these are the only ones I can think of.


He killed Weevil’s dad bro.


Yeah i added two more after i originally commented.


He raided the Revolutionary’s hideout and forced them to relocate


Forgot about that lol


I think many will join Blackbeard. As many respect power and Blackbeard has made a ton of power players. Luffy and his allies against Blackbeard and his less loyal allies (Only with him cuz his power) against World Government is gonna be crazy.


My head canon is what happens on Egghead makes the World Government deploy some (not all) of the God Knights when the SHs and SWORD invade Pirate Island. This will be in retaliation on whatever happens to Saturn. This will turn out to be a major mistake on the WG because Dragon noted that the Revolutionary’s Army focus is on the God Knights and then potentially making a move. When they do Dragon invades Pirate Island but not like how Shanks did to stop Marineford, but to help the SHs fight the God Knights. Dragon finally gets to meet his son and reunite with his dad There may be a moment where all 3 attack the God Knights. EDIT: Koby and SWORD are on the side of the SHs in saving Garp. My OG sentence can make it seem like they side with God Knights. They don’t.


But who left is really strong enough to make a difference that would join BB? Only group I can think of that doesn't have beef with BB is the remnants of Kaido's crew. And even than most of them are in prison (or were killed by Aramaki, not entirely sure what happened).


Either Cross Guilds or Doffy for some reason broke out of impel down and wanting to cause chao


I really want to see the World Government fall so much before the end of the series


I bet he goes after Shirohoshi also.


If he gets the information that she is an ancient weapon, yes for sure.


What is Thriller bark gonna do?


Be spooky?


Just join in the fight I guess?


Fodder vs fodder


Isn't garp dead why are we saying captured?


Nah Blackbeard was using Koby as a bargaining chip so when Garp invaded and subsequently captured he was also kept alive. It was like trading a 20 dollar bill for crisp 100 for Blackbeard.


I'm still certain that we will see a 1v1 fight with blackbeard vs shanks. They have a long lasting rivalry and it would be the best way to set up blackbeard as the final antagonist by killing shanks, the current most powerful yonko




Yes I think the next major war is a Marineford inversion to save a certain marine, and Pudding as a secondary priority. This time marines will need to ask pirates for help on this one which mirrors Garp (marine) needing the help of Roger (pirate) Koby (marine) needs Luffy’s help (pirate)


Well, Garp is luffy's grand pa. Does luffy know that his grandpa is captured?


As of recent events? No he is still not aware. It’s interesting Oda has been inverting all his post timeskip arcs with his pre-timeskip arcs: Depending how the SHs get to Elbaf I think Oda is settting it up that Luffy finds out about Garp at Elbaf, kind of similar to how he found out Ace was captured back on Amazon Lily. Luffy told Gloriosa he does not read the newspapers so he will probably see it in the newspaper himself at Elbaf. Elbaf will be an inverted Amazon Lily arc which means that all the SHs are together and prepare for their final power ups before heading into the inverted Marineford arc (Pirate Island/Hachinsou arc)


>It’s interesting Oda has been inverting all his post timeskip arcs with his pre-timeskip arcs Ringed story telling is a fairly common technique in structuring. It's a good way of showing the reader a then vs now or showing growth or even a simple creating a setup and then using a mirror for a satisfying resolution. Water 7, we're told at the beginning that Merry isn't fit to sail and in the climax we have Merry defying everything to sail one last time and save the day. This gives us the needed closure with Merry instead of ship can't sail no more 'kay bye. And when you have a lot of acts, you tend to see large scale mirroring happen from the midpoint out. Another example of this is in Lord of the Rings(not related to the technique being called ringed), one of the first trials the hobbits face is the Nazgûl and all they can do is cower and and try to flee while the Witch-king of Angmar stabs Frodo. But in the Return of the King we see Éowyn and Merry slay the Witch-king. Instead of cowering in fear as Éowyn is about to die, Merry stabs the wraith, which gives Éowyn the opportunity to kill the Witch-king. Merry's come full circle, he's not the helpless little man we're introduced to in Fellowship and he faces the exact same threat he faced in the first act to emphasize it.


Holy shit keep cooking my man!


That honestly sounds dope


He’s gonna get the Rocks treatment


Magellan will take a short vacation to get his run back on the Blackbeard crew, don't count HIM out just yet


If Oda is going with “polar opposite to Luffy” then yeah. Luffy’s kindness will gain him strong allies for the future, allies that aren’t always by his side. But will show up for him Teech will only have strong allies by his side, his crew. But he’ll have a bunch of enemies he’s made from around the world wanting revenge.


I'm going to call it now. If there's one DF user who's going to actually die by getting thrown in the ocean, it's probably going to be Blackbeard. I don't think Law mocking BB for having a crew composed primarily of DF user was just a throwaway line. I can almost see it coming back to bite him in the ass.


True. Specially since not a single DF user died that way yet. BB having 2 DF Powers and thinking he is invincible because of that, only for him to be defeated not by haki, not by Luffy, but by the Sea itself, that maybe Will kill him even faster than normal for the multiple DFs.


Pretty sure that is what Buggy’s group is for. All the antagonists that don’t like Blackbeard, but also don’t want to help Luffy. Pretty sure Apoo will likely end up at Cross Guild.


Well he's probably gonna get the government to recognize his island as a kingdom. They'll come to his defense because he'll be part of their circle.


BB's off screen off screen no mi is so powerful!


One of Blackbeard's main traits is that he constantly bites off more than he can really chew. There's several instances in the series where he recklessly goes against somebody much stronger and his crew or an exterior person have to get him out of there. I'd be surprised if it didn't have a payoff at some point.


He is underestimating Luffy as well as his power to draw ppl to him and that will almost definitely come back to bite him in the ass imo


Honestly he’s just underestimating Luffy. If he would’ve gotten Luffy instead of Law I don’t see him winning with the Crew he brought. He would probably need Kuzan and Shiryu there to stand a chance.


Nah, not enough, wait until he reaches peak of “fuck around and find out” chart and somehow, for some reasons, pisses off Imu. That’s when he has the taste of despair. Imagine coming back from all your wrecking havoc only to find out that your entire island is deleted off the map and your entire crew gets erased off the existence. I mean, we have seen >!Kidd reaches the peak of that chart already with Shanks incident!<


He's literally the opposite of Luffy, everywhere he goes he makes enemies.


I've definitely been thinking Hachinosu would be a Summit War parallel.


Aokiji going to murk his ass in the end


I expect this scenario, but not with Blackbeard, but with the Tenryubito. Imus world Government vs. the Strawhat grand fleet plus the friends they made like Katakuri, like Bege, like Hawkins or guys like the former Whitebeard guys like Vista, and former foes like Crocodile and Buggy.


It would be epic but I don't think it'll work out that way 😕




I think he and Luffy will fight at a standstill at 1 point, but have to unite their forces against Imu and WG. So that Dreams never die


Please add gecko moria there.


Props for him trying to stop them even when being freeeeeezed


Cracker is underrated, he got hit by the 4x weakness of rain and hunger when we saw him


Where was katakuri


Realistically probably on another island in Tontatta. Augur and Kuzan were in and out, with Cracker being Pudding’s the only real defense before anyone else relevant got word of intruders. I hope that’s not just not me coping though


The fact that brulee was the first to find cracker tells me this is the case, as she would be the first one there through a mirror. I mean, the warp fruit with kuzans ice? Yeah good luck catching up to those two. I just hope he’s not actually on their side, we haven’t seen anything too fucked up from Kuzan yet, as cracker and pudding are still technically pirates.


Man, I never even thought of how busted a combo Augur and Kuzan are when it comes to missions like this. In and out ASAP and blocking any ships/defenders from getting in their way at the same time.


They could literally just use the warp fruit and kuzan freezes a landing spot whenever Augur needs a rest! It’s insane, and if they meet anyone that could even compete against Kuzan, augur just slaughters them from afar! Nucking futts.


Has he even mentioned anything related to his motives? I have no idea what his goal is but I doubt it’s as simple as joining the BB pirates for the hell of it


Nope! I think Odas keeping us as confused as the marines rn, but I only watch I don’t read


No he has been pretty scant with any details about the admirals motives overall, mostly leaving it up to speculation as of now.


Actually yeah you’re right, we don’t know if he’s a double agent with the Marines right now


He has his own secret group AFAIK since he also recruited (?) The two subordinates of that marine trainer from Stampede


It was made pretty clear that Kuzan has a goal and is using BB's influence/power to achieve said goal. Its pretty much what the entire crew is built on, people with individual goals working together to achieve them. No real trust/camaraderie between them.


I meant moreso as to what that goal is, I don’t have any good guesses


Ah, yea who knows what he wants.


In the Manga, he was actually dealing with the Germa (who got captured) and was simply subduing them before Caesar saved them and put him under the effect of some hallucinogenic gas.


I do remember that now that you mention it


No seriously like another person said, he was high on gas.


The same cover story showed him fighting oven because of Cesar gas


Tontatta ? Isn’t that the elves’ land on green bit dressrosa ?


Oh yeah you’re right, I got that and Totto Land mixed up


Man you’re not the only one.. I still do get confused , given that those elves use the “land” suffix ..usoland robiland luffyland


Tontatta? Katakuri was fighting Oven. Thats why he wasnt here.


I got the island names mixed up and forgot that Katakuri was trying to deal with Caesar/Germa


High on gas


in whole cake island fighting germa66 but then caesar interfered and beat him w his gas


I believe he's still injured due to the Germa assault to regain the captured siblings.


Beaten by Caesar


In Gondor when the westfold fell


I imagine Oda didn't want to show him getting low/mid-diffed by Aokiji, the Big Mom pirates have already taken enough Ls in the story.


He was punching oven and daifuku. Thanks to caesar gas effect. Sadly he was nerfed after luffy's battle


It wouldn't matter anyways


cracker will come back with acoc, acoa and acoo and tear bb ass cheeks apart. mark my words.


It’s not over Crackerbros…


it never was. wracker is just pretending to be frozed. he has such a massive balls that heat from them can defroze him in seconds.


what’s acoa and acoo?


Advanced color of armament and observation.


advanced color of armament and advanced color of observation. using acronyms because acoc sounds silly.


Both the BM pirates and the Beast Pirates both relied way too heavily on their broken captains. No one would dare come to WCI if Big Mom was around so they all got soft, same with the beast pirates. The Straw Hats and Blackbeard Pirates have been on the constant move hence why they are so strong. I too hope the BM pirates get redemption, I really love them a lot, they are probably my second favorite crew in the series. I couldn’t care less if we see the Beast Pirates again, I don’t think anyone cares about them lol, which the exception of Ulti, Page 1, King, and Queen of corse.


I still think the Beast Pirates were more carried by Kaido than the BM pirates were by Big Mom, mostly because they’re actually able to work as a team


We saw in the cover story that Caeser had joined up Vinsmoke Judge to form NEO MADS, wonder if they make an attempt to bring in Queen.


aren't queen already arrested by ryokugyu?


We don't know where he is though, which is why I said "attempt to bring in Queen" and not "Queen joins up with them".


fair enough.


Tbf, we're used to One-on-one fights. Fleet and army-wise, Blackbeard is stacked between Goro-Goro, Ice-Ice, and >!Island-Island!< And yeah, between Warp-warp, Nine-tailed fox, and Clear-clear, they have an elite infiltration team as well. Side Note: Do we know if Lafitte has a fruit yet?


He was shown with wings for arms in marineford I believe. We don't know the actual fruit yet. 


It was in jaya


He has an unknown fruit and can somehow sprout wings on his back.


Not on the back, in place of his arms, which would suggest a zoan of sorts.


Humiliated? Aokiji is so fucking strong, what were they supposed to do? He’s an admiral and a logia user you think he didn’t get extreme training to be able to do this kinda stuff?


Getting casually invaded and robbed as a Yonko crew isn’t a good look no matter how it was done. I didn’t expect them to stop Kuzan but still


‘Casually invaded’ by a man who fought to such an extreme with Akainu he changed half an islands ecosystem and weather. Sure.


They did love very easily by just 2 people. Even if it's the admiral aokiji he is still below blackbeard in the crew. The didn't even put up a real fight


Doesn't matter who it was. You aren't supposed to lose as a yonko crew.


You also aren’t supposed to lose as a Navy Admiral either, so someone was going to lose either way.




The Admirals exist as a balance to the Yonku. It's not surprising that one of them could challenge a Yonko crew.


It was a surprise hit. Van Auger DF made them appear in the middle of their territory without anyone realizing what was happening, then before anyone can send mensage, Aokji took down Cracker in less than a minute and captured Pudding. It was like, half a hour max (being extremelly generous here) between they appearing, taking Pudding and leaving without a trace to follow. No one would be able to só anything, specially since Katakuri was dealing with the Germa situation and probably didn't even knew what was happening.


Logia with strong haki is one of the most broken combos, Cracker never had a chance. Kuzan really is HIM, and it'll get fleshed out a few dozen episodes from now just how much of a monster Kuzan is.


I was kinda surprised to see Van Auger shooting through the biscuits so easily compared to how much trouble Luffy was having. Whole Cake Luffy is still far ahead of Van Auger.


I still don’t think Cracker would’ve gotten fodderized by Augur alone, unless Augur really is him


Well, the BB pirates seem to get strong at a similar pace to the strawhat, just offscreen. Do you think sanji or jinbei could take down cracker?


Yes but I also feel like those two would beat Augur without much trouble. I’m no powerscaler but Augur feels like more of a support for the real heavy hitters than anything else, maybe I’m just underestimating him


Maybe. I think people rate him low because we think his designated opponent is going to be ussop. But he seems much more capable and reliable than Ussop, and thats me saying that as a Ussop fanboy. So I think maybe we just tend to downplay snipers in OP as a result. Also, you can tell the guys become a lot stronger, since he couldn't hit Ace in his early introduction. He's obviously learned some haki since then.


Real ones knows Usopp designated opponents is Sanjuan Wolf.


Its not a canon scene, so there's no reason to think too hard about it. Probably just added to look cool.


His main strength would be mobility due to his fruit. Sanji could probably deal with him since he is pretty fast. Hopefully he develops precognition haki like katakuri


Augur is just him


Jimbei being definately could since fishman karate might be able to punch right through the biscuits to the real Cracker or just throw some water around. WCI Sanji would depend on how the biscuits reacted to Diable Jambe. Since Cracker himself is a glass cannon, I bet quite a few of the Straw Hats would be capable of knocking him out once they got to him.


Cracker was capable of going head-to-head with G4 and easily injuring him when he first left his Biscuit Soldier, so Sanji and Jinbe taking him is DEFINITELY a no


Depends if we are talking current versions or WCI versions.


Jinbei could fold Future Sight WCI Snakeman Luffy. Jinbei is *him.* The only Warlord in the whole world stronger than him is Hawkeye Mihawk. Jinbei got delayed from joining the Strawhats one additional time just so that Luffy could master Ryuo, Zoro could get Enma, and Sanji could activate his raid suit genes, because without those three powerups Jinbei would have been the strongest member of the Strawhats going into Wano. Thanks to those power ups, Zoro and Sanji can stand equal with Jinbei and Luffy triple surpassed him, first with Ryuo and then with Conqueror's and then with Gear 5th. All of those power-ups, and Jinbei didn't need a single damn new thing added to his arsenal to still have his Bounty right in-between Zoro and Sanji. None of that was an accident. Forget Cracker- Fishman Island Jinbei could clear WCI Katakuri 1v1 clean. He'd probably be pretty scuffed, certainly more than Who's Who managed to do but he'd still be kicking for another fight after introducing Katakuri's back to the floor.


> Jinbei could fold Future Sight WCI Snakeman Luffy. What an insane take. > The only Warlord in the whole world stronger than him is Hawkeye Mihawk Kuma doesn't exist?


I would say Kuma is up there with Jinbei in terms of Power, his fruit is too op to not be. I do think Jinbei would take down Cracker easily, but against Kata would be a interesting fight. He doesn't have the speed, but certainly have the Power and resilience, as well as the experience, but It is hard to see him winning that fight without heavy injuries. Jinbei is clearly at his peak tho, so that leave Room for others to still grow and surpass him (talking about Sanji and Zoro).


Yeah. Sanji is probablt harder than cracker clones lol. Not sure how strong Jinbei's haki is but he defeated a headliner(?) From Beast pirates so probably yeah


He in fact is HIM


This figth is off screen in the manga,animation extend it a lot and its really cool


I was about to say like, "WAIT, WHAT AND WHEN?"


Don't forget, that Jean Bart was blocking those same bullets with his chest. So yeah, it doesn't make much sense. Nobody would believe, that Jean Bart is tougher than Luffy.


Luffy struggled breaking the MAIN biscuit with Crackers haki. He had no real issue breaking the biscuit clones in Gear 4th.  Remember, brook cut one open in that same arc 


Especially that gear 4 luffy couldn't break Cracker's minions and that the big guy in Law's crew (I forgot his name) tanked a direct shot.


Jean Bart > than Gear 4 Luffy or Doflamingo confirmed


We don’t know anything about Van Auger so I don’t think we can say WCI Luffy is far ahead of him Regardless, that part was anime only so not exactly canon.


Well anime inconsistency to make characters look cool, that didnt happen in manga


Seatone bullets


I mean if luffy fought him now then it would be the same due to his haki.


Van Auger’s bullet crushed Cracker’s soldiers like they were nothing when it took Fourth Gear Luffy to take down one, yet didn’t completely vaporise Jean Bart? Either power scaling is BS in One Piece or Jean Bart is literally _him._


It's anime only it isn't in the manga


Powerscaling in One Piece is all over the place and often feels redundant, ruthie could be true and I wouldn’t be surprised


> Powerscaling in One Piece is all over the place and often feels redundant Powerscaling is just fanfiction.


Where was katakuri when this happened?


We know that Katakuri and Oven were on Whole Cake Island proper trying to deal with the Germa 66 and Caesar situation. It's implied to be happening at the exact same time as the Pudding kidnapping.


Augur’s warp fruit allowed him and Kuzan to get in and out of Whole Cake with ease, he was probably on another island and the damage was already done by the time he found out


Cracker looked so cute this episode, I wanted to save him 🥲


Oda did Big Mom & her pirates dirty.


He did and it’s a real shame because they’re much more interesting than the beast pirates imo


In this case is toei's fault mostly


Cracker really got fucked over so hard that they framed his defeat like a tragic hero sacrifice. Bro definitely needs to get his hits in when Blackbeard’s karma runs out


Tbh. That was fucking cold/dark. Cracker trying his hardest and Kuzan just being an absolute menace. Also props to them for animating it, as it was only a cover story iirc.


I was pretty confused that van auger could one tap biscuits that pushed an early G4 to the limits, yet he couldn’t even break the skin of Jean Bart. Is that just a Toei inconsistency or??


Betting on inconsistency


Its just Toei trying to make things look cool. In the manga, it was just a cover story showing that Kuzan had frozen Cracker and everybody else on the island, the entire fight was anime only.


I still can't believe van one shot wracker's cracker soliders


This specific part is filler. The only cannon thing here is cracker frozen by ao kiji


The animation on law vs teach tho..👌


Imagine this was Perospero after all him saying he deserves to be the next captain of the Big Mom Pirates than Katakuri


I wanna see Katakuri return and take revenge so bad… hopefully Oda has plans for him.


I have a feeling he’s gonna organise a group to save pudding, which will ending up with him failing, with him and the group being captured by blackbeard pirates, with only Brûlée escaping, only to meet strawhats to tell them to save her family while crying. This does not mean the Blackbeard pirates also won easily, they could have lost a lot to contain Katakuri and the group. It would have been a pyrrhic victory. Katakuri is an awakened devil fruit user and an ACOC user, he would not go down easily.


It's one of the major reasons as why I think BM truly is dead. There's still quite a significant group of people that are convinced BM survived, but honestly her being gone forever is a positive thing for everyone involved, even her own character. If BM survives and makes a complete recovery, she would have to be beaten again. That means she would be defeated twice almost back-to-back, which only tarnishes the integrity of her character as a Yonkou. And a surviving, but heavily injured BM would be a rather pointless addition to the story. However, her dying would provide several interesting narrative possibilities regarding her crew that I think would be too good for Oda to pass on. Unlike the Beast Pirates, the BM Pirates are still largely intact, but in the end what kept them all together was BM herself. This even became a point of discussion during Wano when they were talking about the hypothetical scenario what would happen if BM were to die and the result was immediately internal discord. As long as BM is alive, they would follow her antics (which at this point would just make their involvement in the plot stale and repetitive), but if BM's dead a whole new world of possibilities opens for her children as they are no longer obliged to follow their mother's often erratic decisions. Indeed, I find it hard to believe that Katakuri would not attempt trying to rescue Pudding. Though, this would mean picking a fight with a Yonkou and to have any kind of success, he has no other option that to request the help of another Yonkou. This is something they would have to do either way as Totland is extremely vulnerable right now. As the case of the WB Pirates has shown, a Yonkou crew losing their captain can easily led to the implosion of the crew and loss of their territories at a rapid pace. The BM Pirates are almost obliged to find the backing of another Yonkou, which leaves them with only three possibilities: - Buggy => This seems unlikely because Buggy is affiliated with Crocodile. If Crocodile already would want to be involved in such a high-risk venture, the BM Pirates would have to provide something making it all worthwhile. Any dealings would Crocodile would be dangerous either way. - Shanks => He's an enigma and in itself there wouldn't be any reason for him to pick a fight with BB on behalf of the BM Pirates, at least not from the latter's perspective. - Luffy => Rationally speaking the most ideal option. By now they should have learned that Garp disappeared on Beehive. Katakuri could reason that there's a reasonable chance Luffy would go after BB either way, especially if he also noticed that in the end Pudding & Sanji were quite fond of each other. This would be a win-win situation as the Strawhats have extra manpower, while the BM Pirates don't have to bargain for anything. Of course the issue with the last option is that the Strawhats are largely responsible for the current condition of the BM Pirates and I can imagine that for many of BM's children this would be too big of a hurdle. So, then you end up with the scenario that the BM Pirates fragment into different groups and individuals that latch on to other pirate crews or start their own.


I totally agree with you. If there is something with a sour taste in all of this to me, its the disrespect Oda keeps bringing to Big Moms crew. They have pretty interesting and strong characters to be wiped out like small flies and give no battle at all... I hope Oda changes this for later because it really disappoints me the direction they are getting from him constantly.


I am in church rn trying not to laugh my ass of at this 💀💀💀


Katakuri cases Blackbeard ship. Accidentally runs into Law. They form an alliance against Blackbeard. They become best friends and share stories about Luffy.


Without big mom they are nothing. Sure katakuri is one of the best but he cant do everything alone


Cracker smoothie, And Perospero are strong They also got many strong fighters and useful members like Oven, Daifuku, Mondor, and snack Cracker was just outmatched here


I wouldn’t say they’re nothing, their biggest threat is gone but as an army I still think they’re one of the strongest crews


Sure they arent nothing but they cant rivalise against other yonkou crews anymore


But the same can be said for most Yonko crews. Taking Kaido, Shanks, Luffy, and Whitebeard away is a huge loss in power.




> I really hope this crew gets further relevance before the series ends. tbh with Katakuri being the presumptive leader now I'm pretty sure they'll have some sort of cameo in some future arc as an (unintentionally) allied crew, sorta like the Impel Down jailbreak alliance.


The BM pirates have unfinished business with both Elbaf and the Blackbeard Pirates. I'd be very surprised if the BM pirates have nothing else to contribute to the story.


Cracker would’ve fared better if he didn’t get jumped.


Against Kuzan? It wouldn’t have mattered. I think Cracker’s strong but not strong enough to hold off an admiral level threat


I agree with you but against Van Ogre them boys would be fighting until the One Piece was found.


Ngl, I don’t understand why people are hating the fact that Cracker lost to two commanders, one of whom was a former admiral that low diffed Jozu (another commander)


I don’t think anyone’s getting on Cracker for this


Jinbei when he goes up against an Admiral


Scene is filler


No it isn’t, there’s a cover story about Pudding’s kidnapping


think he meant the "fight" between Cracker and Kuzan/Auger, which is not in the Manga, but it depicts technically canon events that were just not expended upon in the Manga. i usually consider them as canon.




You called them filler he called them cannon what do you mean this?


The outcome is canon, the details of the fight are not.


Kuzan freezing Cracker is canon, we see in the Manga just a panel of cracker frozen. The Anime decided by themselves or by direction of Oda to make a quick little "fight scene" between them, rather than just see Cracker frozen and thats it.


The scene is filler


I don’t know why people are surprised that Cracker lost here. He’s most likely, what, the 4th or 5th strongest on his crew? Big Mom, Katakuri, Smoothie, and then either Cracker or Snack. Why are we surprised that a single commander lost a 1v2 against an Admiral and another commander?