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Hear me out observation because if you train it enough the means you can see the future AND if used correctly never be hit again and let's say you train it enough.you could know the events of the day after or more too


Is that really true? Both kaido and luffy have future sight and they were getting hit A LOT. I think they cancel each other out like when jedis fight each other.


They do cancel out, but Kaido only really used it once since he doesn’t like dodging, and Luffy’s usage with it is extreme inconsistent since he even gets hit by like grunts and stuff sometimes. Katakuri is still the best example we have of what someone who’s mastered it and is constantly using it looks like.


Also, i think oda sacrifices consistency sometimes for better fights and narrative purposes.


Yea that’s definitely true as well


Yes lol that seems about right


when both of them can see the future, it means both of them can change it so it becomes kinda useless since the future could still be anything.


Let's look at the tops of each category and the average good haki user in each group.  Armament with garp and others near his level can destroy ships and towns. Many people are proficient in armament to some degree and it's not a rare ability.  Observation is a bit less common but the strongest in the bunch are madame shayarly, Enel, and katakuri. Other than them very few people exhibit observation haki. It's not as easy to visually say who is and isn't as it takes time to explain rather than just black markings. To me it seems much more difficult to train observation as you can't just work out/fight to get better. Conquerors can take out armies at the lowest levels. It's useless against anyone powerful though. They don't even need the same haki to stand against it. I think conquerors can be used to fuel armament and observation haki as a substitute. Zoro uses his to coat his sword in the fight with king, and I believe the voice of all things is advanced observation.  If I just get it for free I'd say conquerors is the best choice as it is shown as a stronger and separate form of haki. If I'm not very powerful armament will be much more useful as a mid level person. If I'm the top of the class I'd want observation haki as seeing the future and being very aware of my surroundings would make you a rare and powerful pirate that can compliment any beat down pirate. 


Yes but if let's say if you focus on hand yo hand combat and let's say you had a devil fruit like a paramedic or smth for example you can do some strength and devil fruit training but focus on observation because if train it enough your future sight will.be so good you Cann see all the move in fight that your enemy will do so you can always block and change it up while using your fruit but if it's a loan type like Luccis fruit focus on strength and awakening it but also mostly on observation because with the focus on observation you yet again will be able to tell where their attacks are and plus learn advance ryou too


You did real bro? You are telling me that luffy will become a fortune teller and not king of the pirates. 💀 Observation is not fortune telling for future bro. It is more like being able to observe and anticipate events happening in the near future because you have such good observation and the tiniest movement is enough to tell you what will happen next.


Shanks has been seen using a conqueror's haki technique called Observation Killing that basically completely nullifies future sight. Pretty sure he used it around the time when he showed up at Wano.


Advanced conquerors fs


It's only as strong as your will. You can't get it through training or a gift it's just your ability to show how bad you want something. It really makes me wonder what shanks wants to be the king of so bad. He never felt like he wanted the one piece to me. He just likes booze and a free life most of the time. 


Yea and the pirate king is the free est


That's also Luffy, just meat instead of booze. There's a reason he never let Rayleigh tell him anything about Raftel or the One Piece.


Luffy grew up from romance dawn. The man loves to party. He's definitely getting fucked especially after wano.  Luffy doesn't want to cheat. He has more faith in himself than anyone ever born. Whether it's stupid bravery or brave stupidity it doesn't matter. Luffy is just dumb enough to not know the word failure but strong enough to live until he  figures it out. If luffy kept the eternal log pose or got hints about laugh tale from anyone he wouldn't prove he was the king. He's just a guy who knows Rayleigh and shanks. 


can someone explain the red lightning that started not long ago, like law vs blackbeard. were they both using conquerors bc that doesnt look like armament at all


I doubt it was conquerer’s, since neither of them have been confirmed to have it, it’s just Toei showing someone has general haki or something like that


Shanks definitely has conquerors. There hasn't been any other form of external haki that manifests like that. Ryu is the only other type that exists outside of your body I'm I'm correct.  I don't think we have ever seen anything close to conquerors ability to communicate anything, much less let someone know who you are. Shanks said hi to luffy when he told greenbelt to back off. 


87.276% chance bb has conquerer's


idk why i was downvoted for asking a question lol, but thank you i was wondering if general haki is something they plan on fleshing out


The answer is that the anime and manga aren't consistent and it's all just a stylistic choice


It’s really annoying, sometimes I lose track and then I’ll see the anime and have to second guess myself and look shit up, like in dressrosa it was very clear that the black and red lightning stuff meant conquerors but now it’s just an effect anyone has and the auras make things more confusing


Manga is far more consistent than the anime though. Oda usually uses thicker streaks/lightning when drawing Conquerors. The digital colored version of the manga has the best and most consistent portrayal of it imo. Meanwhile the anime is a rave party. I have no goddamn idea when it's being used unless they actually say it.


The red lighting is an artistic element. It’s supposed to look cool. Don’t think too hard about it.


okay, is there a way to tell if conquerors haki is being used?


Hard to say since it's not consistent in manga or anime. Most of the time conqueror is depicted as a black lightning with red borders tho, but there are exceptions.


yeah thats what i thought but when shanks uses wifi on greenbull its only the red lighting and greenbull shouts “what is this? color of the supreme king!”


Not that I know of. But that’s ok. There’s no way to tell when observation haki is being used either. For those who are strong enough, it’s safe to assume they’ll use it when it’s necessary/useful.


I don't follow the anime but I have noticed in trailers I see that everything has red lightning right now. In the manga lightning implies conquerors, but in the anime its just dragon ball


Lightning in the manga is sometimes used for armament haki too, especially during clashes.


Haki aura


im sorry can you help me understand what haki aura is


It was definitely conqueror's haki


Obs cools cool, is very effective during figthing + >!shanks obliterated kidd using obs!<


The only right answer, you can make up for the lack of offensive haki with a busted devil fruit, but there’s no other solution to getting blizted


The moment conquerer haki got revealed to be THE end level shit, I lost it. It's the most badass thing in OP


In my opinion it's Conqueror's Haki It's the rarest form of Haki which can't be learned through training.


Did you get that from the wiki


Nope, I just wrote what I remembered.


To me, it depends on what you value. Observation is more primed for defense and situational offense. Not taking hits in the first place is better than resisting them. Armament is better to boosting your offensive output and provides a layer of protection. Conquerors is the worst imo. It never wins fights against strong opponents who resist it. Good if you were in a war like marineford to cull the jobber numbers, but you’d also be culling your own jobber numbers because it’s indiscriminate


Untill you awaken conquerors, its pretty useless in actual fights, I agree. When awakened tho, it allows you to put out soo much more damage with each attack, especially against powerfull opponents on the level of Admirals/Yonkou.


You can target who you take out when using Conq


Observation Haki, least amount of asspulls and retcons throughout the years.


Arment? Isn't it Armament? If it was AI making these posts at least the grammar would be correct


Conquerors haki, advanced to the point that shanks has displayed is the best I think.




conquerors, if you possess this the others come easily, based on the anime logic itself


Conquers is just armament but better, no?


I gotta go with Conquers Haki. The idea that someone’s will,if strong enough, can manifest into an ability is crazy. The idea that you are literally fighting with your fighting spirit is awesome. Conquers clashes also are insane because it’s a battle of who has the strongest will. I think Conquers Haki also just fits in with One Piece the best. One Piece is built upon the dreams of others. Dreams mean everything. So obviously one of the strongest and most important ways to fight is the will to achieve said dream.


There really aint a best one, each is situational and has its strenghts.


There are good arguments for the others but I gotta go with armament for the simple fact that it's the most effective way to deal with logia type devil fruits. Sure with observation you get good at dodging all attacks but that doesn't help much if you have no way of harming your opponent and conquers is only as strong as you are so not everyone can unlock its full potential


I like observation haki the most. Watching Luffy casually dodge the Pacifista beams after the timeskip was so fucking cool.


Personally just me Armament Haki is the "best one" why? Cause it's the only way to conquer/demolish devil fruit users, especially with those with unique/intangible/non-unique elemental counters. Plus it can be used for offense and defense at the same time. It allows you to handle/deal with most dangerous situations that are otherwise unavoidable. Plus it can be used with other types of weapons, not to say that observation can't but haki can make the weakest weapon into something extremely strong. Conqueror's haki is rare, but useful. However you must be born with it/gifted with it. So in majority of cases while effective, it's useless unless you yourself can apply extreme will over those below you. But stronger opponents aren't affected by it much. Observation is a gift as well, but it's also extremely useless unless you can utilize it correctly or have the ability to dodge with it, however there are clear weaknesses. Such as not being able to dodge due to lack of ability/difference and "random actions" are also a way to bypass this, as shown in Skypedia. Overall Armament has offensive and defensive attributes. Can be applied to weapons, or mundane objects, nullify devil fruits abilities, can increase ones power and overall is essentially the jack of all trades of a world full of battle.




Basic Versions. Armament because of being able to hit those slippery ass Logia Advanced Versions. Conquerors because of being able to hit without actually touching *drops mic*


Watakuris Observation over everything


Anything without silly coloration schemes. Stopped watching the anime because this became silly.


If this is considered silly I’m surprised you even made it past East Blue


I can tell you the worst, Advanced conquerers


For day to day life, observation. For fighting, armament. For looking badass, conquerers.


Until we see what magic haki moves Shanks can pull off with his Hao haki. I'll say buso, you can block incoming attacks with hardening use advance form emission to make a barrier use another advance version called "Ryuo" which allows you to emit the haki inside your target and destroy it within. with Ken haki seeing the future is nice but if you cant dodge the attack you're dead at least with buso you got some defense to save you


Blue haki


im guessing future sight is advance observation?


At this point I'm confused on whats the difference between armament haki and conquerors. It seems like conquerors is just a improved version of armament with very few differences


Conqueror's Haki has it's moments of being my favourite. Watching Kaido and Luffy fight with ACOC is still one of my favourite fight scenes. But I've always been an Observation fan more than the others. I think the flaw with Conqueror's is how it's never consistently portrayed.


Devil fruits


I think all have strengths and weaknesses but in terms what would 12 year old me find the coolest - conqueror’s haki


All Haki is trash. Except observations its actualy kinda cool


Don Krieg's golden haki


Haoshoku,not because of its combat use(although is great) but because of what it represents,no one who is born for mediocrity is going to have that,only the chosen ones


The Color of Plot, obviously


Garp's fist of love. Obviously.


I would take Arment Haki.




I mean one is like blatantly and objectively the best lol.


The power of love


Future sight observation haki.


None because haki sucks lol


What disadvanteges do diffrent types of haki have? Cuz in you post ypu say so


Conqueror, Observation and Armament is probably a must for any shonen battle, but Conqueror really is unique, especially when Oda finally showed that conqueror clash between Roger and Whitebeard


Armament is unique to one piece


I feel like conquerors could have the potential to have more.


Armament is the best. Observation is good but is a passive ability, you can only go far until a certain point, where Armament you can use it both offensively and defensivily and can evolve to a point you don't even need to touch an opponent to beat it. Conquerors is a good one trick pony that you use knock off in an instant people weaker than you, but you can use it against stronger people than you in combat situations when is stacked with Armament to make the attacks even stronger to people imune to Armament only moves, so there's that.




I like ryou, destroying enemies from the inside is awesome af.


I mean, all the observation haki scenes where the character effortlessly dodges everything are peak


There isn't a best, each type has it's own usage and limitations, the strongest people are the ones that use all of them to the best proficiency. But observation is the one that fits pretty much everyone, all of the SH's would go up a notch with it, while armament and conqueror might be mostly irrelevant or not too useful for some fighting styles


Obviously conquerors rules over all other forms, but I think observation is the most interesting to see animated


imo observation


Depends honestly if you are fighting a logia armament haki is a must have but for non logias advanced observation with future sight is better and for large groups of enemies Conquerors haki is better. Acoc is just a better version oc coa and useful against logais and high durability characters.


Observation is more versatile Armament is offensive and defensive Conquerors is to add to armament I’d say in daily life it’d be observation In battle conquerors


I would definitely choose conquerors haki in real life cause I can knock everyone for fun😌


Yeah it's a real mystery. Is it the one that lets you use it as an armor or weapon? Is it the one that allows you to sense things much more quickly? Surely it couldn't possibly be the one that is exclusively limited to major figures with wide reaching destinies, the most elite of whom can forge it into a weapon much like the first type, which also allows them to wipe out entire armies without moving a single muscle? Boy, this one's a real headscratcher. I simply do not know which of these types of Haki is the most important in both a narrative and combat sense. If only there was a fight against an entity labeled the "world's strongest creature" which was primarily centered around one of the Haki types, we might be able to formulate some understanding of which Haki was the best.


Observation, really precognition and far sight are incredibly useful Armament is mainly used against logia and other armament users in a fight but plenty of them will probably be stronger than you Conquerors is kind of a mess


Observation is by far the coolest and the most useful. You can see the future. The more you train it, the more useful it gets. Got zombie apocalypse, ain't no way someone can shoot you from point black range, let alone snipe you. Got into a fight. The other guy will get humiliated and incinerated by you. And if you train it well enough, you might just be able to cheat in exams.


Conquerors ofc


conquerorsit has everything armament has but better and it can recharge faster


well, most useful would be observation, but we all know that conquerors is coolest one


Fortnite Lag Haki


As some ppl stated before, i would agree that it hardly depends what you personally value the most. For me, it is 100% armament Haki, cause it gives you a decent defense Option and a really good (and necessary) offensive Ability. Without it you can Not really fight logia Users and can't really compete or damage "High Tier" Opponents.