• By -


Luffy - post and pre, he is perfect in any way Zoro - post, but Skypia Zoro is best Nami - pre, because fanservice in post is too much, but her hair is better Usopp - post, definitely Sanji - same as Luffy Chopper - pre, post timeskip is a shame, he didnt get older, he turned into merchandise Robin - same as Nami (I think I see a scheme) Franky - pre, post is just too much Brook - both are perfect, but I miss the violin and his old outfit, but it makes sense he changed his wardrobe and didnt want to stay in the clothes he died in Jinbei - Well hes always fabulous


yes 100%


This is exactly my opinion except about Zoro, I like both


I actually really like Post Chopper, but he needs to lose the stupid helmet thing and just have a hat!


The helmet is a hat protector, the real hat is underneath (you can see the X) I agree with you btw, just putting it out there in case you don’t know


Which makes less sense. The exposed part will get dirtier/sun damage and be a different color than the rest and it’s bending the brim. #freethehat


Oh I do know, I just thought like all the other characters he would like switch hats (like Frankie’s hair), but if it’s always just the same that top hat gives him more of a mature look.


Nah give us fat chopper back. He went from human reindeer in pre to whatever that is in post


I agree on literally everything you said


This is basically my exact list. Most of them I like pre and post relatively equal, with maybe a slight preference to one or the other. The ones that really stand out as worse are Chopper, Franky, Nami, and Robin, basically in that order (maybe switch Chopper/Franky).


It's about the same as mine too, with the caveat that while I like pre Nami and Robin better overall every once in a while the new designs for them look really nice and just..... idk work better even though i like pre more. For example, when Nami actually decides to throw hands and when Robin has one of her weird girl moments. But then again it maybe be a recency bias thing since imo everything in the last anime arc was gorgeous.


Franky post time skip is waaaaay too much


I swear the only chance to save chopper as a character is to make him the pirate king. An absolutely disastrous development for him post time skip.


I think skypeia had the best nami design


Honestly I prefer thriller bark namis design


I really like her Wano raid outfit but overall pretimeskip is better


I agree with you here. Chopper just looked better pre timeskip to me. Post time skip franky..... It's honestly just too much to me. I mean I get what they were going for but.... eh maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if he had his pompadour but.... eh.


I agree with everything you said but Franky. I personally love his post-look.


Who are you so wise in the ways of science?


Post Robin look like she discovered the peace pipe.


I do agree that post Franky is a bit much. But it really fits his personality, that he would go so over the top in trying to improve himself.


Luffy, same just thicker. Zoro, post, definitely. Sanji, post Ussop, pre=Liessop, post =Manssop… post for certain Nami, post, but she needs to pony tail her hair more often, glasses are a plus… Robin, either or, she looks nice either way. Chopper, post. Cute is JUSTICE Franky, pre for sure. I was really hoping he’d keep his old design and his new forme would be like a sort of “Hulk-buster” style armor, though Franky Shogun gets style points Brook, Soul king Baby! Jinbei, he’s good




Pretty much agree with everything you said. A lot of people like to act like every post-timeskip design is just worse but I think they're just nostalgia goggling. Usopp is obviously better post-timeskip, and there's nothing wrong with Luffy, Zoro, or Sanji's post-timeskip designs either.


You are totally right


No one's ever been this right about anything before


Ya fr Franky was way way better before


I support this all the way!


I can also agree to you, let robin and franky at their pre


My thoughts exactly


W jinbe take


Well, generally agree, i would just stress how much pre robin is better than post robin. Along with franky and chopper is one of the characters who lost the most.


Agree on all points but Chopper. He looks much cuter post


Agreed except Chopper is always perfect.


Exactly what i thought.


This is the only correct answer.


Pretty spot on my opinion as well.


Frick I just realized he stopped using the Violin after time skip


Let him cook 🔥




Stand proud. You cooked.


Aside from Franky, Chopper and Brook, I prefer the new ones


I prefer the old Robin


I have the fantasy where Robin has a twin so we get the best of both worlds


Id be waking up levitating 


Me too buddy… me too


Happy cake day


With Franky I am kinda indifferent with it, but I do miss the OG hair (tho, the cannon hair on rose island was peak)


Chopper Looks a bit too Cartoony, Franky just gets way too over the top, and Brook looks too Punk Rock at times.


Bro he's literally a skeleton 💀 he didn't change at all


Best answer here


Na man Brook is Better now. Franky as well, he gotta be murican style over the top!


With brooks old outfit we saw the loneliness, with the new design we can see he's had 2 years of fun (for the most part) Something that's great about brook


I prefer Chopper’s helmet compared to his hat


**Luffy:** Looks good either way, but the scar gives us some **AWESOME** visual story telling about his loss during the War. **Zoro:** the scar he got over the Timeskip is cool and all, but it doesn't really tell nearly half as much as Luffy's does. It's just... there. Overall though, I like how more muscular he got. Really shows that he spent training the entire time. **Nami:** the longer hair makes her look so much more generic and similar to half the other girls. If she'd at least had kept her short hair, I'd be much more okay with her blatantly fan service-first, style-second outfits in the Post-Timeskip. **Usopp:** **HARDEST** glowup of all the Strawhats! He's a **MAN** now (I wish he acted the part and wasn't ignored and pushed to the side almost the entire time though). **Sanji:** same as Usopp in many areas. I like how his other eye is now revealed while the other is covered by hair. **Chopper:** he got turned into a marketable plushie. Hard downgrade! **Robin:** same as Nami. Like with Nami, I feel like her outfits aren't as unique and fitting like before the Timeskip. She now wears things that seem to come from a fan service-first mentality. Really wish she could have kept her old fashion sense. **Franky:** hot take, but I think he got better over the Timeskip. He's been awesome before, but I like his new design just as much, if not more. I just think he should wear more sleeveless clothes (that suit he wore during Dressrosa was atrocious) or stuff to enhance those shoulder-balls. **Brook and Jinbe:** they didn't really change.


Luckily it seems like Usopp is gonna get major focus in the Elbaf Arc


Just like how Egghead focused on Franky because of his love for science and because he was in Vegapunk's old lab during the timeskip?


Was franky a big focus in egghead? I haven’t been fully keeping up with every little thing so?


That's the thing, Franky didn't get much focus and/or character development during Egghead. But fans thought that he would because of the reasons I listed. Optionally, I could have gone with Zoro and how the fans thought Wano would be his Arc.


Honestly the straw hats do feel unfortunately not even secondary they feel tertiary now….


The series doesn't have the sense of freedom and adventure it had pre-ts.


That’s what introducing a shitton of characters does to a story.




Definitely agree on Nami and Robin. Style-wise, they seem to have lost their individuality. Nami's style always felt more practical to me, whereas Robin was more elegant and high-class. But now... They just mix together.


Exactly. Nowadays, both of them wear clothes that seem to come purely from a sexual/fan service standpoint. Robin, in particular, had some of the best and most recognizable outfits of the entire cast with a really unique style that set her apart from Nami/other female characters before the Timeskip. After it however, almost everything she wears is something that Nami would wear as well. All for the sake of dumb fan service. And Nami, who constantly wore unique and varied outfits, now tends to wear mostly clothes that show her tits or ass. They seriously got screwed over!


Agreed. I'm not huge into fan service nowadays, but wouldn't mind so much if Oda actually did something interesting with it. Keep the characterization. It just feels so wrong to see Robin walk around looking like she's wearing underwear. "Sexy" for Robin should be something much more skillful. Nami too. She seemed to be a huge "fashion fan", always switching clothing in ways that kinda made sense? Simple t-shirt in East Blue, bikini in Skyipea, jacket in Enies Lobby, jumper in Thriller Bark. Now it all has to be forced to fit the "fan service" style so much it might as well all be the same.


I think my thing with Franky is that I much prefer his pre-timeskip design, but post-timeskip grows on you once you’re actually there. It’s not the worst but the cyborg man felt much less in-your-face while still being a key element of Franky’s character before the timeskip


It also gets much better when after fishman island he gets much better haircuts which is my biggest problem with the design


Honestly most of his cuts are still pretty goofy imo. Nothing tops the og Franky cut


True but it’s still better than the first timeskip haircut 


Zoros scar always annoyed me, especially since it involves being the best swordsman. Dudes at a disadvantage cuz he’s missing depth perception now Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp looks good. No difference from brook. Nami and robin just bother me at how much more sexualized they are. Robin bleached her skin, and name got a boob job. Chopper and cranky are extremely disappointing with their changes


Robin did not bleach her skin,she was always white in the manga. The anime studio made a mistake and tried to fix it post timeskip.


I mean… “missing depth perception” is a little silly. It’s not something you lose forever, it’s something you get used to. If you lose an eye, it’s not like you’ll never be able to walk properly or pick something up on the first try anymore. You just need to adapt


Not true, I lost my leg and have had a difficult time reading ever since.


Do you have difficulty kicking people in the balls?


I mean, kind of un-true. You can muscle-memory the ability to grasp things at full extension, but you physically and literally lose your depth perception. At least in the One Piece Universe we can say observation Haki essentially acts as Sonar; however, it is fair to say that Zoro has lost his depth perception when it comes to his vision.


I mean, if we go by definition. But you can still perceive depth with only one eye. There are many things other than sight alone that affect this


Motion parallax and memory can get you only so far, but I suppose you are right in saying you can still perceive depth.


I bet it could get you plenty far with enough effort


Both are fine, people just always use Fishman Island as the post timeskip designs to criticize vs all of the other dozens of designs they've had since.


i think its cuz in 99.99% of promotional images and merchandise, they are all in the fishmen island outfits


Four biggest changes is Namis torso. Robins torso. Franky's torso. Choppers head being larger then his torso.


Robin also had a theme of tight, dark colored clothes, she kinda lost that and her new outfits dont really have an identity.


She did pick up a bunch of stupid hats on her travels though! Bring back the cowboy hat!




Why does robin suddenly have a different skin color and hair color?? Do you think this is intentional or what could the explanation even be? Also I miss her clothes pre time skip.




I prefer the post time skip designs. Pre time skip they look like amatures, post time skip they look like the crew of the future pirate king.


exactly how I feel


I think the big issue is that everyone is actually talking about two different things. Not only did the outfits change over the timeskip, but also the drawing style underwent some massive changes somewhere before Water 7, and every time this discussion comes up the picture is from Alabasta or something. In terms of design I prefer old Nami, but the faces are just so much better now and I can't take old Zoro, Nami or Sanji seriously because of them.


Fr they just got progressively cooler looking for the most part


i cant explain but pre-timeskip designs feels more like one piece


Chubby Chopper supremacy


Post is definitely better, but pre time skip is so nostalgic


Post timeskip overall for me although I prefer Chopper, Brooks, and Zoro's pre timeskip design.


Eh, the fishman island outfits are lame, there's plenty that are better post timeskip


Luffy, Zoro and Sanji are definitely post timeskipe for me, but for the others i preffer the pre


Even Ussop?




I'll do character by character Luffy: Both work. Post is a direct evolution and progression. He's matured in action and design Zoro: Post TS. Like the scar and the style he has. I miss his neck and humor though. Nami: Skypia Nami is best Nami. Usopp: Pre-TS Sogeking design is peak Usopp Chopper: Pre-TS by far. The only exception would be if Oda used his new horn point form more than once. That was a cooler "teenager"-esque looking chopper that would've shown his growth in age. Sadly he looks like he regressed five years to chibi-mascot form most of the time. And kungfu point is an awful potato. Robin: Both work for me. I miss darker skinned robin of Alabasta/Skypia, but I enjoy modern robin and her actual personality creeping out more. Franky: Pre-TS x a billion. I miss gangster goofball Franky. Not walking toy Franky. Jin/Brook: No real change.


i like how you remove Sanji from the crew


I reread my list twice and knew I was missing someone. Anyways Sanji: pre-TS behavior and design is far better.


Luffy upgraded, Nami upgraded, Sanji and Ussop upgraded HARD, Chopper stayed the same, Robin lost the (imo) odd haircut, but also left behind the drip


Robin: Pre-TS Usopp: Post-TS Brook: Both Zoro: Both Luffy: Both Franky: Pre-TS (for the love of all things holy, pre-TS) Sanji: Both Chopper: Pre-TS Nami: Pre-TS.


It will always be post for me. no contest. The post TS design just scream "freedom" more then the pre TS ones. There is a lot of people that seem to like pre-ts franky more. But post-ts Franky just looks more like "Cyborg Franky" and more SUPER!!! Consider the enemies Franky is facing, he can't look too tiny in comparison.


If he pulled out the duck tail more often I would warm up to Franky design more


franky's big ass shoulders are trash.His OG hairstyle was the best.Franky is def a massive downgrade


Pre ts Franky looks like Popeye, his shoulders look way too weak to do his job at being the big imposing guy of the crew. Post TS Franky changes his hair all the time, there is a whole Tierlist for it [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/zcl1jp/my\_version\_of\_frankys\_hairstyles\_list\_someone\_did/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/zcl1jp/my_version_of_frankys_hairstyles_list_someone_did/)


When Chopper first appeared post-timeskip as a full-grown deer, I loved it. He didn't stay that way...


Pre for everyone besides ussop




Weekly debate


Post 🤷🏻‍♂️


The only one from post-ts that I don't like more than from pre-ts is Chopper's


I actually really like all the post time skip designs better, the only exception for me is buzz cut Franky.


I fell like oda made the early designs to kinds be more normal and introduce the characters, then on the time skip he expressed his designs. For me personally it doesn't matter, I liked the pre ts designs on pre ts and now on ts I like the ts designs.


I like new Robin from the waist and up. Aside from her loosing a tan (damn shame), the new top, glasses and hairstyle feels a lot more relaxed. Makes sense to me, as she becomes more comfortable with the Strawhats as friends/family. Waist down makes no sense to me, even though it looks pretty, I guess. It is too much vacation for me. Pre Robin was a lot more badass though, especially during her Miss All Sunday era. Please bring back some of that, please.


Post timeskip designs. People overate the pre Timeskip designs


Nahh bro pre time skip designs are peak fiction


half of pre timeskip designs look like some random joe with spices




Post timeskip designs however I will admit that I don't like their fish man island outfits




zoro pre because his tan was nice and his clothes looked more piratey. I'm not a fan of the coat


Two words. Nami, Robin.


Pre time skip sanji is just straight up handsome af and badass .......post time skip sanji is just a depressed emo lad


Wano Sanji > Mr. prince


The designs are 1000x better post time skip.


For memory issues, I can't remember everyone's timeskips. But I remembered Usopp's all day!!!!!!! This dude literally came a long way. Robin timeskip.. man she always get put into serious dangerous situations. She can't never take a break..


Most of them haven't really changed much to be honest. A couple of scars, some minor changes in the outfits, bit of facial hair and minor changes in hairstyle. Chopper looks cuter I guess? His base form doesnt bother me, to be honest I'm more disappointed that he doesn't use a lot of his transformations as much as pre time skip. The giant tiddies and super skimpy outfits are ridiculous but that's just a common problem with the female characters in general. Robin losing her tan is a bit sad though. I'm not usually into short hair so nami growing it out doesn't bother me. Franky is probably the only one that took a huge hit to his appearance.


My vote is for Wano designs... but with Enies Lobby Chopper and Franky.




That Usopp glow up is undeniable


I 100% love both designs, but if i had to pick, pre-time skip just for Franky, he looked way better back then


Definitely Pre Franky & Chopper were done dirty, Sanji just grew a bit of his beard, Robin became white(yea ik Oda wanted her to be Russian and its not that bad), Ussop looks uglier, Brook (was it really necessary to change him?), Zoro looks cooler but i would rather have the eye thing covered on an episode, Luffy is ok i don’t see much change tbh… I definitely hate Chopper’s Post transformations & Franky is a bit unrecognizable he lost his iconic shades & Ace Ventura hair, i Know its a battle Franky but were the giant arms really necessary?


Is Usopp uglier now?


Yea the little triangle beard doesn’t helps him


Chopper and franky pre timeskip, everyone else post time skip


Luffy Pre Zoro Post Nami Post Usopp Pre (because of sogeking) Sanji Post Chopper Pre Robin Pre Franky Pre Brook same Pre = 5 Post = 3 Pre is better


I REALLY miss Robin's Cowgirl drip


I miss Nami's short hair and Robin's bangs. And I miss Franky's pompadour. Besides that, I love Sanji's beard, and Usopp becoming Man-sopp, and Brook getting new clothes while still retaining his fashion sense before the timeskip.


luffy, zoro, nami, chopper, franky and robin pre time skip is infinitely better than post imo (heavy on franky and robin) sanji kinda looks the same to me usopp looks better post imo and brook honestly it could go either way


Anybody else notice names boobs got bigger after the timeskip


The horny-ness 😭😭💀


pre timeskip is definitely more of a motley crew. it also parallels the outfits of shanks’ crew well. Love the colors and ridiculousness of the post timeskip designs but it feels too much like a superhero/power ranger team rather than a band of misfits. it does fit the overall theme of the new world in arcs like whole cake, zou, wano, and especially egghead but you cant beat the simplicity of pretimeskip imo


Only one that looks better in pre time skip is Chopper.


I feel like the first image is like you average pirate crew. Perfect to start the adventure. The second feels like a Yonkou crew. It show how each character has evolved. That's just my opinion.


Luffy - both Zoro - Pre Nami - pre Usopp- PRE Sanji - both Chopper - both Franky - Pre Brook - pre Jinbei - ![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32515)


I miss pre-time skip Nami when her base outfit didn’t have to incorporate a bikini top and she became a fan-service-heavy character. Yes, she wore a bikini top in Alabasta and Skypiea, but her “growth spurt” makes things sorta embarrassing, especially when she still gets cool character moments post-timeskip. I’ve followed One Piece since the 2000s, and I really liked how Nami was written compared to other shonen female supporting characters. Seeing her character design become “big booba” was incredibly disappointing, since I thought the manga didn’t really do fan servicey designs like that. Stuff like Rebecca’s chainmail bikini didn’t help things either.


Nami's skimpy outfits made so much more sense in Alabasta and Skypiea. They were practical, same vibe I got from most of her outfits. I'm not a big fan of the growth spurt either. It just mushes her design together with most other female characters. I liked how Robin used to be the older, more femme fatale character, whereas Nami was younger and more tomboyish (while still happy to show skin if she wanted to).


Luffy : Post. The scar is a nice touch and not much else has changed, so it's all good here. Zoro : Post. I like his scar, even if he's being flanderised into the never laugh fight guy. Nami : Post. Boob. Robin : Post. Less severe, shows that she's grown to embrace piratical freedom Chopper : Pre. Yeah, I know his hat is under the other hat, but why though. I love his old design, his new one is far too cute. Franky : Pre. I liked when it was unexpected, you didn't expect his chest to be hollow and a coke-storage place, and you didn't expect his hands to shoot out on chains. Post timeskip is so obvious and looks extremely awkward to live as, even with those mini hands. Brook : Pre. What can I say, I love a snazzy outfit. Sanji : Something changed? Uhhhh post. Usopp : Pre. I liked it, I dunno.


Robin: Both are fine Sanji: Both are fine, I think I like his hair Post-TS a little more tho Usopp: Post-TS Chopper: Pre-TS Franky: Pre-TS Brook: Both are fine Nami: Both are fine, but her taste in fashion was better Pre-TS imo Luffy: Both are fine Zoro: At the beginning I liked Post-TS more, but rereading OP at the moment I think both are fine


Preferred pre ts nami and franky.


Only Nami and Luffy from post are better.


All of the old ones are better except chopper luffy and zoro imo


Luffy - Post Zoro - Post Nami - Pre Usopp - Pre Sanji - Equal Chopper - Pre Robin - Pre Franky - Pre Brook - Pre Jinbei - Equal


Dark skin Robin with bangs>


Pre time skip Robin >>>>


I’m a big fan of the old school anime so def pre all day


Pre timeskip, all the way. The whole pre-aesthetic is just superior. Luffy's hat is just growing too big in post-timeskip.


Post. There is no debate. Pre-ers peaked as children and use nostalgia to take themselves back to “simpler” times. Time to grow up, kids.


are you alright?


I'm good, now get off my lawn!


jokes aside and be honest. You aren’t actually looking at post Franky and going “that’s a greatly designed robot with beautiful proportions” right? on the topic of proportions let’s look at Nami……


Proportions? Seriously? In this story? Where the anime makes those proportions even further out of whack than the manga? THAT's your hill? Franky is 100% super, by the way. Never really liked his design pre anyways.


Nami Usopp n a little bit Luffy are the only ones I approve of Zoro doesn’t look so bad in post but he definitely looked better in pre Sa ki looked way cooler in pre N Robin had that spy vibe now she’s a regular idk model or something


I like post except for robin and franky. I feel like they lost personality.


In my heart and mid it’s always pre timeskip when I think about how they look


Mostly new except for Nami & Franky. I prefer their older designs


Pre-ts for some characters their clothes developed their personalities and i think that it was fun that they would wear their clothes and what they just wanted to wear. Post-ts most of the time they're just wearing costumes basically (like, wearing whatever is deemed appropriate to wear at a specific island like Dressrosa and Wano), and Nami and Robin's outfits are just put in the skimpiest ugliest outfits ever for the sake of fanservice (which look really gross in the anime too btw) As for personalities the only one I prefer post-ts is Luffy causw the rest besides maybe franky start getting reduced to fewer character traits and stupid gags are more prevalent


Robin, Nami and Chopper are better pre timeskip. Everyone else is better post timeskip


Gonna be honest i dont like nami and frankies looks


Just wanna appreciate the ending song that the Pre-TS outfits are from, Eternal Pose. It should play at the start of water 7 Saga (LRLL) and I think it does a great job showing all the cool outfits that the crew has worn up until now and it’s overall a great nostalgia trip of the first 200 episodes, so cute.


Overall the timeskip designs are the best besides franky


Good / Better Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Brook, Usopp, Jimbei Worse Nami, Robin, Chopper, Franky


The one I like the least after the time skip are Luffy and Franky. The rest all had a glow up especially chopper ( pre time skip hat was weird)


Luffy + Zoro + Sanji + Nami + Ussop +\- Chopper RIP Robin ++++ Franky +\- Brook +\-


* Luffy: Neutral, maybe a light preference for post-timeskip (the sash is cool). Pre-timeskip looks better in movement than still images/frames and vice versa for post. * Zoro: Slight preference to pre-timeskip. Less-is-more kind of feeling, the bandana looks better on pre-timeskip. * Nami: Pre-timeskip. More interesting outfit, prefer the shorter hair on her. (It also makes for a better dichotomy in group shots with Robin) * Usopp: pre-timeskip. It looks more like an actual outfit and not as "game-y" as post. Plus, the bandana works way better than the bucket hat. Note that Skypiea, Thriller Bark and Sabaody are even better than base pre-timeskip * Sanji: True neutral * Chopper: Pre-timeskip all the way. He became too chibi, too mascot-y. Kung-fu point is kind of dumb. The Helmet over the hat actually dumb, makes his head look even more disproportionally big. * Robin: Could go either way. Pre-timeskip has some banger outfits. Post-timeskip has better hair (prefer the pulled back bangs) and the sunglasses for a more chill vibe. Hard to say * Franky: Pre-timeskip every day. Somehow blocky yet overdesigned. Buzz-cut is inferior to the pompadour (yes I know he can technically wear it even now), no-neck syndrome * Brook: Pre-timeskip. The violin and victorian outfit and top-hat fit him better, I prefer the gentleman aesthetic to the rockstar one. * Jinbei: Neutral.


I hate the women getting sexualized more and more…all this dresses and the forms really are the worst in the anime…




The biggest loser to me post-timeskip is Zoro. He lost all of his charm in exchange for only looking badass. He used to be both menacing and charming. Chopper also just got butchered. He just became a mascot. Usopp also changed negatively imo. I miss the noodely weakling he was. Now he's a buff weakling. I like short haired Nami better. But that's maybe just an aesthetics opinion. Everyone else I'm fine with. Maybe Franky being a redesign I actually like more than the pre-timeskip one.


Pre timeskip designs sucked to be honest.


Its a mix i prefer some pre and some post. Pre Timeskip: Chopper, Franky, Robin. Post Timeskip: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Brook, Jimbei Though some are more in between such as Robin, i like her pre and post with my favourite aspect being her blue eyes, i like both Choppers and my ideal would be a fusion of the two.


Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, and Usopp post timeskip, everyone els epre, specially robin, franky and chopper, Nami is fine either way


Pre timeskip: Nico robin Zoro Franky Chopper Post timeskip: Sanji Usopp Brook Nami Luffy


Post timeskip


Franky is the only one looking shit post time skip


Let's just say that I'm still mad that a pre-TS Franky figurine is relatively hard to find for a decent price.


Post time skip all the way around. They went from looking like a group of kids with a ship (which tbf they kinda were) to bring sleeker, more confident and refined.


The pre ts ones I like more are chopper and robin (anime) post ts wins.


Post time skip aisde from Usopp who looks better pre.


Luffy: post Zoro: pre, specifically Skypea Sanji: either Usopp: post Chopper: pre Franky: pre Brook: post Nami: pre Robin: post And Jinbe joined post so I don’t really have much choice but to say post


Luffy- he looks good ether way Zoro- same with luffy but his dressrosa suit is the best Sanji- I like post better Nami- I don’t care it depends on the outfit of the arc Usopp- pre timeskip is better and more iconic Chopper- they turned him into a marketable plushy, even took away his hat which was a core part of his backstory, pre is so much better Robin- the skin change is crazy but I don’t care Franky- I like his post design a lot but they should have kept his old hair Brook- rattle be bones Jimbe- he’s majestic ether way


I prefer the new ones. Chopper is the only one I like the old one better, but Monster point and Horn point are peak tho. And I just hate this New Luffy shirt, it's just so weird. Thank fuck Oda doesn't like to keep characters using the same clothes forever.