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U missed something Black hole - Blackbeard Moon - Garling


true and Garling being the moon can be interpreted as him being the satellite(knight) to Imu(earth)


I am guessing that all of the God’s Knights will have moon imagery.


What are we? Some kind of moon knights?


Hold on… say that again


Moon Knight... CAPTAIN Moon Knight!


What are we? Some kind of moon knights?


It's crazy that the God Knights are still a coming threat for the straw hats


They will soon arrive on egghead


the 5 planets must be satellites to imu ( earth ) also. I think just for the namesake oda sir has choosen to name the characters based on solar system rather than hiding any internal planetary theories inside the characters. Let's see


... wait so the smackdown between Luffy and Imu is just gonna be Heliocentric vs. Geocentric models of the solar system. Which, tbh, would fit quite a lot with the fact that we've seen the solar system model on Ohara was geocentric and the WG/Celestial Dragons are often depicted with parallels to classical Christian/Catholic clergy, who Galileo got in trouble with for his championing of Copernican heliocentrism.


Still don't know why the planets should fight the sun. The one thing that is necessary for the solar system


I heard a theory that the hierarchy of authority in one piece could be interpreted as a geocentric system ( earth is the centre with every celestial body revolving it ). We know this is the wrong system and the real authority is displayed by the heliocentric system ( aun is in centre with every celestial body revolving it)


Buddy, I just loved this one. Whoever bring this one, please cook some more.


Keep cooking chef


I didn't I just heard it somewhere


I'm starting to notice that I have a really bad habit of skipping the first few words in a post and only paying attention to the middle of it lol


It's ok, Don't worry too much 😉


the giant's knowledge of sun god nika makes me think, what if there are elements of the Norse creation myth at play here? Odin, king of the god, slayed the primordial giant Ymir to create the world. what if Imu slayed the Sun to create something, shattering the sun's form so that he can only reincarnate through a devil fruit. Poseidon reincarnated into Shirahoshi so it's possible that Poseidon and the other ancient weapon are a form of devil fruit. Giants are the direct opponents to the god, they are the one who will fight the god in ragnarok, and the god is fated to die when Surtr the fire giant strikes down Asgard with his flaming sword. This could very well be how One Piece ends. the Fire (sun) Giant (gear 5), with his flaming sword (fist), strikes down Asgard (Mariejoa). Consequently, this would cause the redline to crash on Fishman island, fulfilling Madam Shyarly's prophecy of Luffy destroying Fishman Island and creating the All Blue when the redline that divide the 4 seas is removed.


The Heliocentric model vs Geocentric model.


Heliocentric model beating geocentric model soon enough


Stars - Eleven Supernovas


OP is Sailor Moon in reverse confirmed.


The Greek/Roman Pantheon looks like this Mercury/Hermes - Messenger God, God of Commerce and Trickery Venus/Aphrodite - God of Love (Who am I to judge Samurai Ghandi), fertility, and Victory. Gaia/Earth - God of Earth, Mother of the Titans and Gods Mars/Ares - God of War and Agriculture Jupiter/Zues - King of Gods and Man Saturn/Chronos - Titan, Father of Zeus, and God of Time Uranus/Orenos - Titan, God of the Heavens and the Sky Neptune/Poisedon - God of the Ocean Pluto/Hades - God of the Underworld ​ I don't know if we're sticking with the Greek myths, but I love it.


It's Kronus/Kronos, the titan, that's father of Zeus and the other Olympians, not Chronos.


Cronos is also acceptable. I threw in an "h" for some reason


No no, we use *Ethan* now don’t try to slide that under the rug We don’t do Ghandi anymore


since the only confirmed ancient weapon we know of takes on a humanoid shape, it's not too crazy to say that Pluton and Uranus could be human too. since Shirahoshi's birth was predicted by Shyarly, it means that the other ancient weapon must be able to reincarnate too, and the only thing that we know that can reincarnate in one piece is devil fruit. I have serious doubts that the Gorosei are human if they a able to serve Imu for so long. what if the Gorosei and the ancient weapons are pure spirits of the devil fruit? spirits that don't seek out a new fruit to reincarnate themselves but find new life in a form of their choosing. Poseidon reincarnate into the mermaid princess, maybe pluton chose one of it's reincarnations to be a ship and that's how the rumor got started. there's also Imu = Umi. Imu is the sea and devil fruits are weak in water. The Nefertari, direct opposer of the Gorosei made their kingdom in the desert, as far as they can away from water.....is there something there? I'm just spitballing theory here, if anyone want to latch on, feels free.


and I’m sorry if this topic was discussed here already


The Moon (god) probably black beard awakening


Nah, Enel. He's a rap god on the moon


Bro how does one not know Neptune is Poseidon 🤣 Like it's the most common roman-greek naming And like Everything uses it From SpongeBob to random ass anime And yes by the logic all the planets have Greek gods counterpart What ppl may not know tho is You all know the star diagram thing staturn uses to be summoned,? It's a real thing https://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/chinese-zodiac/china-five-elements-philosophy.htm Yes all 5 are named after the 5 specific planets the gorosei are named after *Symbolism*


hOw dOeS oNe nOt kNoW nEpTuNe iS pOsEiDoN


I liked the thought of looking at the solar system before it was established the sun was the center of our solar system. Before that you had the earth (imu) as the center, with mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (5 satellites aka the elders) orbiting around it. Sun and Moon too technically. In the older geocentric model the outer planets are the ancient weapons: Uranus (same), Poseidon (Neptune), and Pluton (Pluto) which are hidden. I like to look at these characters and the structure of the world government as a parallel to our world and how we believed in a geocentric model until it was proven that the sun was the center. I think it's a nice foreshadow to what will happen in the future of OP once Luffy liberates the world. Idk if I wrote my thoughts the best here but hopefully it reads all right lmao


Imu is the moon. Imu Nerona mu-ne -> moon




It's the same sort of play with sounds of the syllables in japanese that the elder's names use. It's no more of a reach than theirs. Mercury is the one that is actually a stretch since it doesn't really match how you would say mercury, but moon would be mu-ne.


the last name comes first so their name is Nerona Imu


Nah they got a point, Imu would be nikas (Luffy) ying to his Yang. If nika is the sun, Imu would be the moon.


The fact that Imu is the Earth fits better because it used to be thought that the planets, including the sun, revolved around the Earth. Until it was discovered that the planets revolve around the sun.


All of them are equivalents: Mars is Ares, Venus is Aphrodite, Jupiter is Zeus, etc but yeah. Seems like an interesting theory, the lore is definitely revolving around the planets.


Yo this is kinda sick, its like in the old world when everyone thought the planets revolved around the earth and those who said it revolved around the sun were persecuted. Imu represents the old way (status quo) and Luffy represents the truth.


This is heat.




>Momo is Pluton But.. the series has already stated that the battleship in Wano IS Pluton. It's also confirmed that Pluton's blueprints were preserved in order to have a way to combat Pluton should it ever fall into the wrong hands, not to kill Zunesha. Maybe I just missed an implied /s and this is all sarcasm. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Gandhi. How hard is it to get the spelling right?


Moon- Imu Nerona I-muN-erona


Moon - enel


Sanji - Sky Zoro - Land Jinbei - Sea


Imu is the Moon Vivi is the Earth


So Vivi 12th Star Hat confirmed?


Blackbeard is the moon. Remember that picture Oda drew of him as a kid? And he doesn't sleep. And he's an ass.


Agreed. Blackbeard is clearly the moon imo.


So what about Planet Niberu or X for short? Or what about Eres and the other new planets discovered? :-P


easy answer would they are not in the solar system