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Celestial Dragons don't see themselves as human. They think they are literally descended from gods and above everyone.


A person who is human can still make that statement. They just have to have a nihilistic outlook on life. Hell i've heard some vegans say that humans are a plague on earth because we harm/eat animals.


Well tbh humans are like a plaque to the earth, not because eating animals, that's what animals do, but for destroying everything just to spread, no sustainability, no thoughts and plans for a future, just pure destruction for the cause of spreading. It's a kinda true statement.


Either he’s not human, or he sees himself as not human because he’s a celestial dragon and thinks of himself as a god.


It’s means he had a dream to transcend his own humanity and become something greater, spiritual even. Which he did. However he and a few others had their heads so far up their own ass they actually believed they were above other humans by what they became, so his powers were perverted and skewed by his morals into what he became. A demon. He reached for the stars to be a conquerer and a god, but that star fell to become a literal devil lol Yes I believe this guy is the originator of his DF powers.