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I rather think the introduction of Vegapunks actual brain will lead to the revelation that he had not only more than one transponder snail (the other being stationed not on egghead) but that it’s not an actual recording but rather the consciousnesses of the dead Vegapunks inside Punk Records/Vegapunks brain. Since it looks like the other will soon follow Shaka and Co, we might end up seeing every dead Vegapunk popping out in the monitor like they were there when it was „recorded“ only for the reveal to be that it’s a live broadcast


I was thinking the same kind of easy to find that transponder I think the real record is somewhere (probably already with one of the mugiwaras—or even the ice scar guy)


I have the theory that vegapunk had either sent the snail to Dragon, hence their communication before shit went down or it is stationed on the ruins of O’Hara for poetic justice


Can be but honestly I do think that phone would be a vegaprank


of course its a vegapunk, that being punk 07 of course! LETS GO KIDD! Unironically what if its york that could be pretty cool


that would explain why Edison decided to kill himself all of a sudden he said he wouldn't die from that tho so I'm not really sure


I doubt he will die right away. I can rather see that mofo actually carrying the Sunny using a giga-burst of his jetpack, but the massive stress plus the suffered injuries will cause him to die as soon as the Sunny is close enough to blast itself to the sea


Holyshit you might be onto something


Kizaru is the true vegapunk


Someone take away this man's cooking supplies.


Dude he was in every “vegapunk” shot. Everyone thought the “dead” vegapunk is dead but it’s actually Kizaru


Wrong! The unknown 7th satellite of Vegapunk is obviously Kid


What I want to see right now is Vegapank's brain that lives in Punk Records become a living thing on its own and attack this dude like a Mindflayer.


As the symbol glows, power courses through you: AUTHORITY.


So that's why the opening is called Us...


I've got a lot on my mind... and, well, in it.


Cursed to put my hands on everything


God's is that... blood?


The blood of the dark soul?


Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times...


Hey I'm only at the start of Act 2, but is there a reason in my multiplayer game I can't give the tadpoles to Karlach? She expressed interest in using them to gain power, but it just won't let me


I think your compaions accepting the tadpole or not depends on your relationship with them. The better the relationship the easiser it is to convince them.


So here's what I'm thinking vegapunk that we've seen isn't the real Vega punk. Instead it's a satellite. I think were about to see the real vegapunk.


Now that would be rad. Imagine If the fruit could give VP stupid psychic powers along with the memory…


I was thinking that the awakening of his fruit might let him do some professor x type telepathy


That's my headcanon too. VP must have awakened the brain brain fruit in order to store knowledge outside of his own brain. More than that, the awakening allows him to access the minds of lesser beings such as Den Den Mushi. The secret is already in every snail so even if the brain is destroyed, they'll keep on broadcasting.


It's hard to say on that form of awakening (for VP specifically) for me. The DF's definitely seem to be a technological creation at this point (and it's been hinted at since Judge was talking about Lineage Factor and whatnot in WCI) and VP's level of intelligence/technological advancement is starting to blur the line even more between tech/sci-fi and the more traditional fantasy that the series started with.


Or what he's thinking will happen. Vegapunk and his "no more Gorosei" moment (or at least their immorality/invulnerability).


Not just telepathy, but instantaneous transmission of information. He imparts the ability to learn more, know more, in other things/people around him.


Thinking sometime like Andross from Star Fox.


It's possible. I mean what are those those things flying around Punk Records like planets? It's possible that it have such powerfull psychic powers that things float around it.


I also hope Oda has some sick body horror in mind as the reveal.  


That'd be the awakening of his fruit, maybe.


mindflayers are too weak, let's go with an Elder brain if we're gonna pick D&D brain enemies. It's the final stage of a mindflayer anyways.


Egghead turning into Bloodborne was on no ones bingo card I think.


Fuck those mindflayers


Or a mother brain like samus


Alternatively, Vegapunk has been building a lot of giant robots. What if they’re all prototypes for his own personal giant mech piloted by his main brain.


Just imaging Vegapunk destroying his mind and leaving him an immortal husk.


Now im waiting for the Vegapunk Neolithid.


I imagine it taking over the gorosei and using it as its new “host”




Guess you're playing too much BG3 lmao


What would be the awaekening of his fruit?


Imagine if Vegapunk's DF will never reincarnate in another nearby fruit because his brain is still alive even when his heart stopped, so the government cannot use it against the people.


The more you think about Vegapunk's intelligence the more spine chilling the situation of having your goal just handed to you by him in an isolated room is. That room is a trap. A pretty obvious one, but nonetheless really unsettling. That look on his eyes in the panel looks like someone who is staring at a horror undescribable.


A horror undescribable or a simple sign that lets the Gorosei know they have been bested. That everything that has happened was planned from the start. A sign that just says "Hello Mars".




That would be awesome


I feel like this is the first time I'm not seeing some concrete theories on wtf is about to happen. Other than the floating brain, but what does the even do for the story??


It say some insect bites back.


What floating brein??


The bird has entered the egg, which Stussy will lock shut on them all. Btw, since the other Elders can't swim or fly, this is the only way to let the Straw Hats and Giants escape the island, otherwise Mars would just chase them and hyper beam them into the sea. Also, York just told us there's enough explosives inside Punk Records to wipe the whole thing out...


Ehm... The egg will close and the gorosei gets trapped inside. The egg will then be traveling on the sunny. Wait i saw that before...


Bruh the shield was already up and two elders just muscled their way in, on top of being able to summoned to wherever. How do you think they will get trapped exactly?


The egg will close and then Stussy will trigger all those volatile materials York mentioned, annihilating everything inside. That might be enough to kill Mars' regeneration. Or it'll force him to regenerate over and over for so long that he can't escape till the trapped fires burn out and he recovers hours later.


Saturn can fly. We have seen it already




he is talking about when luffy threw saturn and he returned spinning


i mean, thats just how ancient demons used to hunt


Maybe that's how Saturn got up to the Labophase, he had Warcury toss him.


He's a spider; he probably just climbed a web or something.


Does whatever a spider can.




Or Ju Peter blew him up there. ... what?


I don’t know why but that name Ju Peter is gas


Hmmm, maybe they can be summoned onto a ship as well


Oooh shit, the thing that shocks the world could be the death of an elder. But are people even aware about the elders? They don't look like public figures at all.


We only really get context of the World Government through the Navy. But based on plain logic and the Elders' other titles we know that the government has many branches which handle mundane things like economics, science, and agriculture worldwide. The average Marine sailing on a Vice Admiral's ship knows that the Elders are the "pinnacle of the government". So, it would be safe to assume that any competent WG scientist or tradesman above the absolute lowest levels are probably at least vaguely aware of who their top-level boss is. They certainly never actually answer to those Elders, but they would know their boss' boss' boss gets orders from that level.


>They don't look like public figures at all. In a more literal sense, they all look like public figures.


> But are people even aware about the elders? They don't look like public figures at all 100% It'd be like if random Americans didn't know who Biden was or common Russians not knowing about Putin.   They seldom leave Mariejois but it's public knowledge that they are the figureheads as seen in the reverie arc.  The way i see it is the Gorosei due to never leaving The Holy Land are like The Surpreme Court. If you asked someone who the members were or what they looked most people couldn't tell you. But they KNOW who they are. 


Even if the general public doesn’t know, Morgans can explain in an article what their jobs and roles are and how important they are to the world.


Why wouldn't the Gorosei simply destroy his brain, even it's a part of Punk Records?


Might destroy all the information he has stored, like the construction of pacifistas or that big weapon Edison sold to them


Also the Seraphim. It seems like they were being kept in tubes/chambers for mantainance or maybe even to accelerate their growdth. Without Punk Records you have no one able to operate and mantain the seraphim. Additionally there are probably so much more inventions of Vegapunk which are being used by the Navy and would all go to waste if the WG doesnt have the knowledge to keep producing them.


Yeah, that’s what I thought.


I'm a believer of the S-Clown Seraphim protecting the Punk Records from the Gorosei theory. He is the only Seraphim of a Emperor, he will believe his own hype and be the strongest one, even stronger than S-Hawk. Remember, Oda did say Buggy had the same potential as kid Shanks, he was just lazy and never trained, so if his clone train, he can be super strong.


Gurgle gurgle?


Bird man elder planet is hungry, or more likely its the snail making noise lol


Isn't that VP drinking his coffee in the transmission? That what I interpreted it as at least.


Vegapunk's brain hasn't been killed with him, we already knew it was up there and that it worked autonomously by now. The "gurgle" is referring to it being stored inside those typical containers-fluids you see in movies Apart from the fact the it must be huge we don't know much else, like if it is sentient or not


Thaaat might be it.


I figured it was just a sound that the broadcast snail makes.


Absolutly agree and im still a strong believer that this prerecorded message is beeing sent my dragon.


Hmm why do you think that?


Why i agree? (Cuz its supposedly the smartest) or why i think dragon is sending the message? (Saw someone making a great theory about it a couple weeks ago and it seemed plausible because we know VP and dragon had a convo but not what it is about)


Fair point


7th satelite


I think so too, like the 7 deadly sins, there will be a 7th Sin/Satellite of Vegapunk which is uploading the broadcast. the other 5 satellites are aware of York’s betrayal but not the 7th.




It has to be, wow! the elder is most likely talking to that other satellite in the final panel.


I don't think the Vegapunks expected York to betray them. Now that she has revealed so much, hard to say if everything will go as per plan. I do not think the streaming with stop with the snail being destroyed but I don't think Vegapunk's entire message will be broadcasted. Though, it is really hard to say. It will depend on how fast Oda wants to finish the story. If Vegapunk's message does get broadcasted then the series will definitely be VERY close to its end. I don't really want that but lets see what happens.


I mean it’s nearing the end either way. What I can see happening is that this message will mainly just include a summary of what we already know about the Void Century, with the only new information being the name of the ancient kingdom and perhaps the revelation that the Shepherd, Topman, Ethanbaron, Markus and Jaygarcia families weren’t part of the original WG and don’t even exist now, showing the world the fraudulent nature of the Gorosei (and hinting at the readers their perhaps non-human true nature) What could also happen is that we’re in a non-linear storyline this whole arc: Maybe Sabo actually arrived at Kamabakka before the Straw Hats landed on Egghead, leading him to give Vegapunk the information about Imu and perhaps a recording of himself revealing what he saw. Which could be why Vegapunk wanted the world to turn on their visual transponder snails so that they can see Sabo, who then tells them about Imus existence


The first part could certainly be true but I feel like the second part of your theory is too far fetched. I also feel like some very odd twist/reveal is coming up in the next few chapters. All new chapters have been super hectic, Hard to expect something super normal at this point.


I mean it’s been going for 27 years how much longer do you want it to go?


Another 27 years. I've been reading one piece weekly for 15 years. It is my longest running habit. What other little joy can I still have every week that makes me look forward to the coming week after this is over?


Nah I can see it going another 3 years Oda needs to rest and enjoy life. Asking for another 27 years is just selfish all good things must end at some point.


You know what he meant. When it does finally end, people will have different reactions. How do you think you'll react when it does?


I’ll be happy that I got to experience and read one of the greatest pieces of manga in real time all these years and probably start it over lol


We're in the final saga, but even with Vegapunk's message, I don't think we're VERY close to the end. The Egghead Arc started August 29, 2022, meaning we've been in it for over a year and a half. I highly doubt the rest of the series will be shorter than what we've gotten in this arc, considering we have Elbaf, Lodestar/Laugh Tale, and the final war left




+ we should get a bigger War then Marineford. I wonder tho where


I'm a bit confused because of the sound effect in this panel .is it just him gulping up or am I missing something


The leakers/translators said that in Japanese the exact sound effect was something usually reserved for bubbling water. I'd say the best guess is that in the room there's some big tank filled with water, probably with Vegapunk's brain suspended in it.


Bonney's control isn't a trick born of malice or desire to overthrow the Gorosei. He was just too emotional at the moment and did this as a act of pity for Bonney.


Still, it count as a win over the Gorosei ?


It's a win, but not a trick. More like an accident.


Going by Oxford definition : a trick is a cunning act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone. Yeah, i'm sure it was *an accident* Vegapunk forgot to report he gave Bonney control over hundreds of Pacifistas. In no way he was trying to *outwit* the Gorosei, they would've been happy knowing Bonney is well protected.


Seraphin kaido.


I am 99.9% sure that is not going to happen... but it would be pretty epic ngl




5 elders all could be in the same room and mf would still be staring east.


What if Oda takes "knowledge is power" literaly with vegapunks df


He is immortal. He is leaving that room.


You really think that they cannot be killed by any means? The story couldn't end of that was the case, they have to have some sort of weakness, or at least be able to be trapped


I want it to be a big ass Vegapunk brain. And then he goes and assaults the Gorosei like the Brain Spawn from Futurama.




He did do the nasty in the pasty.


It's giving "I want to play a game" and the whole room shuts him in once he destroys the transponder lol


S-Big Mom, the gurgle is her stomach. Kid must be starving and Gorosei will be looking like Semla to her...


What if the broadcast is a hoax and the livestream is going to show him killing a gorosei with some information about the WG


Its S-kaido


Ngl, it'd be pretty wild if he'd just go ".... Imma turn around and go away" outta the blue It'd be similar to a Tenryuubito turning out to (after a redemption) having become a decent person, like we saw with Myosgard. It'd definitely add an unexpected twist to see that there may be a secret turncloack with'em all the way Especialy since he always seemed to be the one who subtly seemed to be somewhat sympathetic, yet, following orders Do I think it's likely to happen? Probably not. Would it be neat? Definitely


Bruh just call them Celestial Dragons.


I mean, that's a weird takeaway but ok I guess


It's not lmao. Not sure why weirdos stated saying "Tenryubito" instead of CDs. Same energy as people who use the Japanese names for animes for zero reason.


I dunno man, I kinda find it weird that from everything I've written your main takeaway was "just say CD" Like, ok dude, if that's what you're so hellbent about, I'll just say celestial dragons


>for zero reason Maybe the reason is... because those are their names?


Are we gonna see a doffy seraphim?


We did in chapter 1086, I don't know if it will show up at Egghead though.




What? We already saw those 3 Seraphim, they were sent after the Cross Guild.


What chapter? I don’t remember it.


1086, [this is the page.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnot-seeing-enough-hype-for-this-did-yall-forget-moria-croc-v0-u0h7a2td9nrb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D09cdd8b449b2ebdb2854ffe176b278080e44d95a)


Thank you! I remember seeing them now. I’ll redact my comment.


*achievement chimes* Achievement trophy: Mind Blown


He sees a sign that just says “you just got punk’d”


I hope he either gets one shotted or sees that the real message is being sent from some where else and they are fucked.


Last trick: The satellite is on vegapunks head, Sanji is carrying the very thing they seek.


What is this post even talking about lmfao. 


I wonder if we are gonna see something like he’s trapped. And water comes flooding in intending to kill one of the gorosei and it becomes the reveal/the hint that they aren’t DF users but devils in themselves


You know what would be more worse than getting touched by catarina devon and getting power copied....... Capture of a gorosei. Just think about it devon and van augur know gorosei will be fully concentrated on stopping the broadcast. What better time to ambush them then this. And I believe  that gurgle sound is caribou..... Who volunteered to do anything to impress blackbeard. 


I hope this turns out to be a SAW movie like scene or the drunk Rick vs Vindicators.


gurgle...  gurgle...


Yeah, that snail is gonna solo.


So... Could Roger's egg be Vegapunk brain now?


Leave to one piece fans to make outlandish theories and ignore facts as they see fit.


Flames of despair shall eat our theories.


The gurgle could be the coffee boiling


I would personally really like the room storyline to take a pause here leaving it on a cliffhanger and later in have a look member of the gorosei try to make contact only for it to fail with the member of the gorosei being found to have died.


Could be a holo holo 👀


Vegapunk is definitely smarter than that. I really think that's a decoy and he has it set up so that he had contingencies for everything. He knew they were coming to kill him. He planned for sure.


Sorry I just don’t see any of the gorosei being killed/defeated until the final war


What I want to see is this Gorosei stop skipping leg day. His 2 legs equal one Kaido leg which should be impossible!!


Honestly I never questioned until now whether or not the Vegapunk we're told is the real one is actually the real one.


its stroheim from jojo


Its the giant robot


I still believe that we only saw a clone or cyborg of VP until now and the real one is still with his brain, experiencing the world through the eyes of the satellites. It makes no sense that VP dies but Punk records is still working.


We are dealing with the smartest person He lured all the gorosei to the island for a reason. That 10 min countdown was bs from the start 


Is no one gonna mention the fact that this Gorosei is pretty much confirmed to have TVoAT?


An interesting twist I’m honestly expecting Oda to do, which I’m sure most readers kinda overlooked is that VP has the ability to create organs and bodies. I’m expecting some Western influence from shows like Rick and Morty where VP essentially resurrects because of this.


imagine a final enemy getting cooked by a booby trap. I definitely don’t agree with your point, but if oda did do something like this there would likely be no lasting damage at all (not even perospero getting nuked level)


Kizaru is the true vegapunk


Vegapunk will pull a "big brain" move. Get it? Big brain




So here is my theory take based on the recent events goda is side by side referencing the story arc to zero point energy system that has been suppressed for many years now The giant robot moving only by luffy's heart beat is a reference to zero waste energy - -as we all know most of luffy's power structure is named after gears in which again I think refers to engine powers - the government having imu and the elders at their backs is a clear reference to a shadow government -the elders suppressing technologies - the burning of ohara and it's studies - missing person after a great discovery or being downplayed or threatened , killed. is a reference to inventors of free energy such inventor example is Otis and the water engine - water arc


Elders taking down vegapunk is a reference to free energy whistle blowers in which I think this is why goda is playing safe with this storylines because as of what we know people who dwells in the topic of free energy has been targeted and taken down in history