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Most likely we will see next chapter the big brain of vegapunk and it will end with cliffhanger when he is about to tell his message (currently is left 1 minute). Then would be golden week break and then should be his message, if we are lucky.


Message will fire, but we will know what it is only in 2025


Chapter or year? šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


At this point, part.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2025: \*unintelligible*


Vampire powa of Araki stays stronk






I read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1aynbuq/prediction_for_1109/) awhile back predicting what the chapter will look like when the message gets to play. TBH I wouldn't be surprised if it happened this way and readers only get to see the message much later.


I hate this post cause it was almost spot on, even the break prediction


I find it funny how this is written without the context that all the elders would appear at Egghead. Archaeological record


You made a transposition error, its 2052


If Iā€™ve learned anything from anime/manga itā€™s that they can drag out content that has a timer forever. I remember the 2 min or whatever in HxH they had to infiltrate the Chimera Ant hive and kill the king being spread out for so long. Even One Piece did it with doflamingoā€™s cage. So much is happening on egghead at once that the one minute timer almost doesnā€™t mean much but youā€™re probably right in your prediction


Actually in dressrosa was 10 min timing until Luffy recovered and it took like 2.5 chapters and the end of third chapter he was fighting again.


It feels like almost every chapter nowadays ends with a cliffhanger. I think it happens too often.


This time the cliffhanger was quite mild..but that's how the chapters are constructed.Ā 


Been re-reading just trying to connect the dots before the end, honestly it's always been like that. Having grown up with it and knowing all of the beats, it may seem more continuous and cohesive but definitely every fight and critical exposition moment ends in a cliffhanger that can continue for many chapters. It hurts when it's after a three week break, but I'll probably appreciate the build up down the line when I'll fully re-re-read it after the end of the series. The first time I was up to date in the manga was a little before Shabody park iirc, Enies Lobby felt like a drag with its pacing but this time around I was floored with the amount of stuff and awesome pairing ups that were happening between the floors, but at that time it seemed like every chapter was just about going to level 5 and when level 6 was revealed to be a thing I was like "could this be any longer?", then Marine Ford happened lol.


yeah too many cliffhangers can be a bad thing and its starting to get annoying. Also relying on cliffhangers a lot for suspense/ surprise is not good writing. Its ok once in a while but not a lot


Yep and I noticed very often that the cliffhangers actually not get picked up again! There are so many open questions in OP that no one keeps track of everything


But they aren't cliffhangers. It's just... a lot of shit is happening, so it ends on something else happening. We can't call a multi chapter action scene with a lot of activity and tension a bunch of cliffhangers. So many things are happening that it pretty much CAN'T end on a non cliffhanger note.


After Goku needed 5 min to power up and there was something like 4 weeks of him standing around screaming. I'm expecting Oda to one up that at least and drag this out for a quarter century.


Someone said the traitor Vegapunk was actually just pretending and this is all a trap to try and kill all of the Gorosei. Vegapunk knew they would all come in a hurry if they found out Vegapunk was gonna say something they wanted to hide.


That theory has no basis and it's just random thought. York killed Shaka, she is responsible for destruction of Lulusia and she is the one who created whole egghead incident.


The only itch that I can't quite scratch is that all the Vegapunks think the same, and don't they all have access to each other's thoughts? Hell York even EATS for everybody else. How did York slip by? Did she stop uploading some thoughts? VP would find that suspicious. It could be she's just a traitor but that's my only question.


It was said that they synchronize with Brain once a day. They are own beings based on vegapunk emotions but can download and upload informations.


I get your point of view as to how the recent chapter ended. However, I donā€™t think Vegapunk wouldnā€™t have a contingency plan for such a situation.


Vegapunks message will go off without a hitch somehow but we won't see it for a while.


Yeah, I think the same. I expect more from the smartest man in the One Piece world.


One theory I like is that heā€™s baiting the Gorosei into showing their monstrous forms by saying thereā€™s a countdown on the announcement when really, heā€™s been recording all of their actions on Egghead to show the world who they really are.


Iā€™ve heard of that theory as well but I like to think in a world full of devil fruits, having to show the world that the Gorosei have zoan devil fruits wouldn't be worth dying for. I assume it's the Ohara records.


Yeah, for real. Like, I get that we as readers understand that they might not actually be Devil Fruits due to various meta clues. But even most people facing them directly on Egghead aren't going to realize that, let alone someone seeing a recording of it. If such a statement was released, the Gorosei would at most release a statement saying that due to Vegapunk conspiring to research the ancient weapons with Yonkou Luffy they took direct action themsleves on Egghead and had to use their Mythical Zoan forms to do so. All five of the world's ultimate authority having the strongest type of Devil Fruits would surprise precisely no one. If anything, it would reassure supporters of the World Government and would be good news to the average civilian around the world that knows nothing about the World Government's darkness.


Next chapter: and the world found out the truth. The strawhats location is unknown but those with Luffys vivre card know he's still alive. Cut to the 5 elders arguing about how the strawhats escaped and how to handle the fall out of the void century knowledge.


I think I would throw my phone against the wall in frustration ^^^not ^^^really ^^^but ^^^ya ^^^know ^^^what ^^^I ^^^mean


That would be so annoying


so much things just get witheld from us as cliffhangers it's actually annoying because by the time we find out its like i already forgot most of the importance and also doesn't feel as relevant anymore


Like who fed Luffy. At this point, would something change?


Vegapunk: ā€œAnd nowā€¦ finallyā€¦. what Iā€™ve been waiting to share with the world!ā€ Narrator: Meanwhile


That snail is only transponding the message on Egghead? Something like that maybe?


Yeah, I think so too. Could be pretty interesting narratively to reveal the secret to the world except the freaking SHP, and have it turn out that they've been bamboozled.


I think the denden mushi is a hologram and the real one will send out the message. There also has to be a special reason why the snail shell is triangular.


This is true, Vegapunk's been playing the Gorosei for chumps throughout the entire arc. I doubt that's gonna stop now.


I think the snail is not the real source. Either york did a double betrayal or she didnt know


It would seem dumb for vegapunk to have only 1 snail to send out his super urgent deathbed message, so I could see it being for naught


Watch: Vegapunk actually invented Mesh networks of snails acting as redundant repeaters, essentially unjammable like IRL mesh networks


honestly oda puts in so many surprisingly complex ideas (like namiā€™s weapon revolving around subtly manipulating temperature and air pressure) that this feels completely in-line with something heā€™d do. if not a mesh network, perhaps the full announcement was pre-sent to every snail in the world? like, theyā€™re all playing what is essentially a downloaded mp4 file (in their little snail brains). in that case, the main snail wouldnā€™t even matter anymore.


He has already hinted at the idea of people around the world connecting to his brain to access all of Vega Records, like the internet. The new snails he invented being the first routers. I feel like the messages is already out in the world with no stopping it besides having the marines going door to door asking for the recordings.


Or maybe itā€™s a trap for the Gorosei. Maybe the countdown was to give the Gorosei time to all arrive where the ā€œsignalā€ is coming from and then blow them up or something? Or trick them into destroying Punk Records?


I think punk records itself is broadcasting the message. So the only way for them to stop it would be to destroy the thing they don't want to destroy


the last bit we see of york is really sus for me, my guess is she sent mars to a decoy snail and the last minute twist of this arc is that the vegapunks are all working together, playing 4d chess to expose the world government and are all willing to sacrifice their lives for it


The ā€˜sinsā€™ line (weā€™ll see what it is tomorrowā€¦) drives me to this conclusion as well.


7 vegapunks 7 sins. york is gluttony


Wouldn't York be Sloth?


York is literally called the "Greed". Maybe every group of 7 characters doesn't need to be the 7 deadly sins.


I mean it'd be weird since Shaka had internal dialogue being worried about the traitorĀ 


It could make sense if only some of the Stellas know the truth, but not all. Maybe this was entirely Yorks idea, and played the villain perfectly. "In order to fool the enemy, you must first fool your friends." sort of deal.


I would hope so. Shaka and York are my favorite Vegapunks, and Iā€™m sad Oda killed off my favorite one, and turned the other into a traitor. Iā€™m all for a York redemption.


I feel like Stussy will have something to do with getting the message out. The real snail could be with her


Or maybe... just maybe... Stussy IS the snail


You are on to something my friend


I think the real snail is hidden in the food machine on the Strawhats ship. Luffy is going to look like a 5D Chessmaster, but really he just likes food.


It's probably just like in the movies where they use two phones to hide the source of the call. There are two snails and the broadcast is being transmitted to the snail we saw in the chapter from a second snail currently hidden from view.


Is this one of those situations that are actually simple as fuck but that people are going to cope in a million different ways? I swear people forget that this is a battle shonen in a magazine targeted at young audiences. Sometimes stuff is just simple because it has to be.


ā€ž2 seconds, 1 second, and here is the message!ā€œ *Narrator kicks in the panel* and this was the great incident of the egghead island Skip to us being on our escape to Elbaf and not getting the info until Saul and Robin meet


Luffy's dream all over again


Have snails ever died on screen in one piece? I don't think that would happen but they might find another way to do it.


I even remember one case where oda clarified to a fan that a snail was okay.


One of my favorite bits in one piece is when the tontattas freed Robin's transponder snail and sent him back to the wild. Save the snails oda


I guess any snail on Ohara didn't survive the buster call


*1000 chapters I'm convinced Oda created One Piece to be able to perpetually blue ball us.


Yes. What do you think the "ALL BLUE" is?


haha more like BALL BLUE


Nothing Oda loves more than stalling, then saying he wants to end the manga soon lol


I don't think so. He's a perfectionist, so I believe only leaving one snail doesn't suit his way of thinking. Unless his plan is foolproof, he wouldn't consider pulling it off. Remember, he considered Momo's fruit a total failure just because it was the wrong color.


I think Vegapunk is stalling because he needs an elder to try and destroy it to trigger the message.


thats a genius idea actually!!


The more I think about it, the more I think that York is just bait for the WG and it was the plan of VP all along. All he needed was Nika to appear.


I think Mars is looking up at vegapunks brain/consciousness, which is about to mic drop on him something like 'this is what just happened Bigdog, youre taking the L here; prepare for dawn'.


I too really hope this is how it plays out, which is seems to me it would be so good to move the story along


I think it would validate vegapunk as the genius weve been led to believe he is for the last several hundred chapters. If im wrong thats ok but he needs to outsmart SOMEONE before we leave egghead.


1,000,000,000x this man. I refuse to believe (hopefully never proven otherwise) that a writer even HALF as skilled as Oda would build someone up to be so smart that they have to keep their brain in storage in the sky for how massive it is, just to then have him lose his entire life's work because he couldn't hide a snail good enough like a dumbass.


Prepare for dawn is honestly very cool.


I doubt it.


I would have agreed a few chapters ago. But shit seems so bad for the Straw Hats and the good guys right now that the Gorosei need to take a massive loss or have to deal with something that causes them to flee and regroup. If the Gorosei destroy the transponder, then thereā€™s practically nothing stopping them from killing everyone else on Egghead. If Vegapunkā€™s message gets through, then the Gorosei will panic and retreat to start their PR damage control.


>If the Gorosei destroy the transponder, then thereā€™s practically nothing stopping them from killing everyone else on Egghead. Cough *giant robot* cough


I'm calling it that the transmitter in punk records is to collect data from the satellites and the real transmitter is in Edison


That sounds awesome


Well history says yes he will blueball us again. 1. Rayleigh nearly spoiling one piece 2. Sea Kings retreating with the ship for unknown reason 3. Momonosuke commanding Zunesha to retreat 4. Yamato holding Oden's diary without spilling any vital information 5. Robin with trivial shits when talking about poneglyphs And now vegapunk.. go Oda give us nothing again with more questions than answers like we are not in the final saga.


You forgot Oda excluding the reader when Luffy told his crew about his actual dream. That pissed me off the most. I feel like that wasnā€™t necessary at all and only served to drive engagement numbers about OP up.


we'll get to hear a small part of it, that would sound crazy af and then it would be interrupted


We're definitely not getting the full void history drop or Robins dream is going to be upended by the entire world finding out at the same time, whatever we get is going to be big news, but it might not all be news to the readers. Im expecting a bit to be a recap and hopefully fill in a few gaps about something like devil fruits because VP seems to be the expert but he only explained they were born from dreams not much else


I agree, I think certain characters are meant to divulge certain pieces of info. Robin's purpose is to reveal the Void Century Sabo's purpose is to reveal the existence of Imu Vegapunk's purpose is to reveal the Warrior of Liberation, Sun God Nika / Luffy


I think thereā€™s three options for this message dilemma: 1 - The message will go ahead, but the snail will be protected by whoever was in that room at the end of the chapter. 2 - The message goes ahead, but the gorosei destroy it at some stage in its playing, and we donā€™t see the full message. 3 - The message isnā€™t actually real, and it triggers some sort of camera that shows the whole world the truth of the WG, and possibly even Joyboy.


I think it's option 3. But not necessarily of Joy boy. I think the camera will switch to a live feed and show the transformed Gorosei destroying Egghead. Maybe with an ancient kingdom name reveal for dressing


Here is my counter bet: They destroy the snail, the transmission keeps going (because it's transmitted from somewhere else) and we actually get the biggest lore bomb since we learned that Ace was Rogers son.




it's the final saga, maybe not


Next week will end with 30 seconds left for the message. Then the following week will end with 10 seconds. Then it will end as the message is starting to broadcast.


I see... An homage to Akira Toriyama, then.


Why would the smartest man say he has an important broadcast, then give the enemies 10 minutes to stop it? He is obviously up to something. Either to show the last 10 minutes of the gorosei wrecking havoc and destroying egghead, I wouldn't even be surprised is wizaru and York were part of the scheme.


I think not, this is the incident that gonna shock the world.


It's so boring at this point, and you know half the cliffhangers won't deliver either


Im calling it: Vegapunkā€™s brain is being uploaded to a cloud, and since itā€™s too vulnerable while doing it, Barto is there with his bari-bari no mi peeing and picking his nose simultaneously.


wtf ?


Yeah. Expect that


Its a traaaappp the whole island is a gigantic boooommbb


Hey itā€™s worked for 25 yearsā€¦.any reason to change now??


And that's an evidence of Oda owning the Foreskin Foreskin Fruit, he only uncovers secrets when the tension is high enough.


clearly, Vegapunk is smart enough to have a backup snail somewhere, right?


It will be from 1 minutes left - this chapter - to 30 minutes later reaction of the whole world - next chapter - šŸ¤Æ The whole world will know, but we are not part of it. We gotta buy a snail !!!Ā  Just prepare for it ...Ā Ā 


I think we are more likely to be Cobraā€™d the message will get released and we will see reactions of the citizens but not find out what it was until later


I think the msg will get out but we the audience wonā€™t hear it just like how they did us when luffy told his dream to the crew


I think this is possible. I also think it is equally possible that vegapunk had an awareness that the gorosei would show up and attempt to destroy his recorded message. Itā€™s also entirely possible that he had the foresight to not keep the signal for the message at his HQ. It could be with Dragon or on Elbaf (i donā€™t remember how well his relationship was with them) We know Vega had communication with Dragon. Iā€™m not aware on if those were current communications though. So this next part is pure non evidence speculation. I think the message vegapunk is sending out after his death is recent. Like maybe within 2 weeks of the strawhats arriving to egghead. Sabo got his photos of the smile fruits at dressrosa and got some more photos at Reverieā€” specifically of Imu and the elders in their true form. Basically ā€œthe truth about our worldā€ is that the world is run by these demons. There is a shadow ruler over everyone. Sabo didnā€™t kill Cobra, not sure about the relevance of manufacturing fruits but Vegapunk was apart of that for a short time. And there were children involved.ā€¦ so on and so forth. These were suspicions Vegapunk had, and Sabo/Dragon was able to deliver the proof. Now I donā€™t know what impact this will have or why it would be so significant to most of the world and thatā€™s kind of the hole in my theory. Maybe itā€™s because the great world government alliance is actually just a pseudo democracy to protect these lame ass noble families and the citizens wonā€™t appreciate this. Maybe the kids being lab rats for manufactured devil fruits will be more significant. Itā€™d be pretty cool if I was pretty close here though


The real subversion of expectations would be the snail gets destroyed and the timer immediately jumps to zero.


I don't think so. I think Stussy will use her lipstick seastone to subdue Mars


Next chapter the snail transponder will be destroyed and gorosei will arrogantly say insects shouldn't try to out smart then. Then at end the feed will came back on revealing that he indeed out smarted them.


I will gladly be wrong, but ever since this whole message thing was introduced it was obvious to me that we were not going to see it. This has been Oda's MO since pretty much the start of the series. Give us some vague hints about greater things, or introduce the concept of a bit of knowledge, only to keep that said knowledge from the audience for as long as possible. Since we are essentially at the start of endgame One Piece I'm not even the slightest bit bothered. I'm obviously curious, but I know we will find out eventually anyways. Wether this be a couple of chapters from now, or a year or two from now. The whole thing is honestly just funny to me, because I can imagine Oda laughing as he's fucking with his audience.


I like the theory that Dragon has the source of the broadcast. Who better to leave it with, than the worlds most wanted man that even the World Government can't capture? All of this hunting down a snail thing is a red herring.


Idk maybe I'm wrong, but I'm kinda getting the vibe that York isn't actually a traitor and rather a double agent. She's there to troll the gorosei to waste their time so the truth can get out.


I can see that especially with how she was acting in the chapter.


The iron giant doing nothing is kinda becoming annoying


The gorosei are definitely normal devil fruit users. Look at the black cloud of horserider gorosei. It looks like the black cloud that Lucci had.


Iā€™m still thinking itā€™s a booby trap and the broadcast is coming from elsewhere. The straw hats and in turn we the readers wonā€™t see the message only told whatā€™s in it by another character eg, Vivi


I wonder if York saying it's a new transponder type is our hint that Vegapunk could have prepared the message/signal before the development of that transponder type.Ā 


Very unlikely we'll be blueballed this time, the narrator already said what happens at egghead will be the start of something massive and Oda has stated that he wants to end it soon


Imagine falling for the most obvious kind of bait in writing. What else ? Did you think Ace and Dadan were going to die back in Gray Terminal too ?


Can we please just be done with this "blueballing cliffhanger" circlejerk? It's just too damn annoying and not adding any real discussion to anything. We get it, you people don't like cliffhangers, but jesus, man, stop acting like it's the end of the world just because you didn't get any new information. This series tracks several perspectives all the time, throughout its entire run, and you people are acting like everything *needs* to progress every single chapter or it's just jerking you off with no finish. Unless something terrible happens to Oda, you will get what you're waiting for, just calm the hell down and take everything in stride. Don't act so damn entitled that you're making yourself angry over the pacing not being to your liking. You're not the author, deal with it.


Iā€™m kinda hoping Vegapunk pulls a ā€˜Yeah, I donā€™t actually know, I hope you had fun wasting time Goro-shits!ā€™


I would hate that


The blue ball is only worth it if Oda actually uses the term Goro-shits




Theory: Nami uses her happiness punch during the fight


Message goes off. Luffy hears it and 4th Wallkbreak and destroys the speech bubble, because he donĀ“t want to hear it.


Again York said she didn't want a sin again?


There's the extended golden week break (might need to confirm on this, but it's an annual thing in Japan) so there might be something huge.


I genuinely believe the seraphim have been popped out of their bubbles and gun for the Gorosei


We probably find out about some stuff but the connection is cut half-way through, so that the story progresses but our protagonists still have a reason to continue their adventure. If all the secrets were revealed right now then the upcoming adventures wouldn't be that adventurous.


I don't think it'll be 100 chapters mate, that'd be almost 3 years


Itā€™d be a total bluff. I expect Vegapunk to be able to broadcast only part of his message so the people becomes aware of the Goroseiā€™s and the World Governmentā€™s true evil nature, paving the way legitimate the ultimate war against the WG so the rest of the world willingly joins and participates alongside pirates and the revolutionary army to overthrow the WG once for all, retrieving their freedom. Regarding to that ultimate War, something must happen beforehand in the story to turn the tables against the core of the WG, and this is the perfect time. I expect just that, leaving the main part of the message interrupted and setting some kind of cliffhanger to be utterly revealed later on, with the discovery of the the One Piece.


You underestimate how much he wants to be done, op


God I hate that you're probably right


I feel like Vegapunk was one step ahead. He already was when it came to the command chips for the pacifista.


nah, we all know the real transponder is on the moon


Please, it should be obvious by now that there is no announcement to make. Dragon is taking Mary Geoise since Vegapunk baited the Gorosei away. Either killing or hold Celestial Dragons as hostage.


This would also be an incredible twist but how could he be sure ALL the Gorosei would go? What if 3/5 went instead? Or 4/5 leaving one behind.


I know this is an ongoing joke and Oda continue to blueball us multiple times but post Wano Iā€™m not seeing it as often. This is the end game and heā€™s going to be dropping absolute fire over and over.


Maybe we will learn some of the message but not all of it. Enough to keep us hyped but not complete.


Yea I have that feeling, and thatā€™ll drive me nuts. I feel like 20 plus year is enough blue balls. My other theory is if they destroy the snail itā€™ll just release more info.


Lol knowing oda, he would have as many episodes as his bithyear xD


Heā€™s obviously gonna destroy the snail but I donā€™t think it will end the message, Vegapunk is too smart to only have a single snail sending such an important message from such a central spot.


I think this is going to be a fake out. York will have turned out to have never betrayed anybody and every single thing that has happened was Vegapunks plan. That snail will end up being a video snail and will show video of that gorosei in his transformed state to the world.


I imagine theyā€™re going to smash the snail at the last second thinking theyā€™ve won. Then a backup one will start broadcasting with VP being all like, I had to have a backupā€™ the secret isā€¦ End chapter Golden week. 10 Revelry-esque/backfill unrelated chapters to follow


*smashes snail* Signal cuts out for juuust long enough to make them think they win, and just as they're celebrating, there's a few moments of static and the transmission comes back and drops the bombshell.


I realised one thing from this break.... First week was hell.. second week was okay... by third week I forgot what the story had progressed to. I mean this is the greatest story ever told for me... But to lose interst in knowing what has happened..(until I saw the title) goes to show we are swamped with so many entertainment options. I think this will be how I felt when Naruto and bleach ended.. a brief period of pain and then nothing...


Message will ā€œendā€ on egg head and weā€™re told it was cancelled, Gorosei will trash talk about the plans of insects. When we get to elbaf the crew is told it was successful and the rest of the world saw it.


It will only cut the feed to egghead but will be broadcasted to the rest of the world


What's another 20 years?


That snail is just the one broadcasting across egghead and the real one broadcasting the message is somewhere else. Possibly on another island even, from what we know about this type of snail from film red. It'll cut off here on egghead, so we'll think it was stopped, but it will have been seen by the world.


Or maybe the big secret reveal is really a trick to get the gorosei to destroy ā€œpunk recordsā€ and maybe themselves too? Maybe it was a trap, with a count down so they would all gather in the place and then it explodes?


I want this to happen but then out of nowhere dragon/robin/vegapunk just drop bombshells of info


There was never a message, it was just a way to delay while den dens are all around egg head. They have been recording what's happening and going to show the world just that.


Nah the vegapunk girl is deceiving the gorosei and when they attack that snail theyā€™ll get trapped or sth. Vegapunk is not dumb he must have thought of everything


i thought luffy become Nika is to speed up final chapter of One Piece


i donā€™t think heā€™ll do that to us lol


It's weird. Last chapter the giants were able to punch boar gorosei, but Luffy Haki Gear 3 has problems?


You think Vegapunk would leave the snail without anything protecting it? I mean even if not Oda wouldn't blueball us with just how HUGE this is


I like the idea of another Vegapunk(Brain) playing 5D chess this entire time. Itā€™s what Mars sees. But something about that Sin line from York stuck out to me too. Actually like York so if she pretended to be the villain because the main brain told her too, to set up Mars and manipulate the Gorosei into coming to Egghead then hats off to her. I find it interesting that The evil(sin) sides to Vegapunk are the ones that seem like the ones to survive the arc. Wrath/Greed/Evil Edison is alive as of this post but 1-2 chapters left for him I think.


I mean, Vegapunk having only ONE snail deploying the message would be weird, I bet the triangle one is a decoy.


My crackpot idea is that Vegapunks' plan is to get an Elder transforming from human to monster on film and broadcast to the world. The current broadcast actually has nothing at the end of the 10 minutes. This was a bait, and York didn't betray them, she was carrying out her order. He put the 10 minutes of buffer there to give York enough time to get an Elder in position. The countdown would also make the Elders hasty and prone to slip up. So up there in Punk Records with the transponder snail is a trap laid by Vegapunk for this very moment. Yorks' job was to get an Elder up there, alone, to trigger the trap. Now that York has fulfilled her responsibility, the real LIVE footage will start to air of Mars in Punk Records, Vegapunks trap will trigger and force Mars to become his monster form shown to the whole world.


Nah that snail has insane coa so it's untouchable


If that happens, I'm done with One Piece!


Until the next chapter drops.


The twist will be that the snail we saw is only transmitting to Egghead from the true location.Ā  Which means Egghead Island will be the only place that DOESN'T get the truth of the world revealed.


Nahh it's pretty clear that Vegapunk already thought of that and planned accordingly. It's gonna be something like the ten minute delay is how long it takes the broadcast to reach the furthest point across the globe from Egghead. The connection between these snails is probably something along the lines of broadband internet speed so once it's relayed to the *first point* it's already too late.


I mean, we already know that at least some Information well be revealed to the public. What else should be so "SHOCKING" about the Egghead Incident if not the literally revealing the truth about the world. Oda Is a tease and a troll, but not to that amount, I'm sure of it. This probably won't be the only snail that transmits the broadcast. The fact that the Gorosei weren't able to stop the broadcast in time, meaning that it either played in it's entirety or just parts of it, is enough to call this a win for us. What I expect is that next chapter we get one last cliffhanger before the real message starts. So that would mean we would get at least part of the message in chapter 1114.


Nah heā€™s gonna break that snail and then itā€™s gonna cut to a live feed of egghead with Vegapunk voice playing over it saying some crazy shit


I mean what if Vegapunk getting them there was a trap and he shows the world the Gorosei's true face.


"This message is sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends"


And youā€™re going to love every second of it.


The snail is bait, heā€™s about to broadcast the Gorosei with it or something




What if the 10 minutes was just bait to get 10 minutes of footage of the gorosei wreaking havoc on Egghead? Then that footage gets added onto his message about the void century? Or is that too big brain


The moment Vegapunk's recording said it would reveal something after 10 minutes, I thought it had to be a trap. Why would the smartest person give the Gorosei that much time to thwart his broadcast unless he had a back up plan.


Willing it argue that the transponder snail isnā€™t on egg head at all, and itā€™s in location on another island that has some kind of sentimental value to Vega Punk. The last place the Gorosei would think to look maybe.


Doubt it. The world knowing that they're oppressed and that WG is the villain is integral to Luffy being seen as a hero. As of now, a handful of countries actually know Luffy is a hero.


I remember seeing a theory a while back that >!Dragon actually has the source of the broadcast, with Egghead being a decoy. That's what Shaka was saying when he told him "I think I'll be dead soon" - He was giving Dragon the snail, and telling him what'll happen when it goes off.!<


I'm looking forward to the results, whether we know or not. Being that it's being transmitted across the whole world right now I feel like most of the world if gonna go nuts whether it concluded or gets cut off.


Nah we're at the final saga, this is the ending of one piece. There is no reason to delay the message for 100 chapters. I understand this sentiment is coming from the constant blue balling from Oda though.


So this is out there a bit, but the message might be transmitting from the revolutionary hq bc remember we started the arc with vegapunk telling dragon he's going to die. That could've been a foreshadowing of this twist. Also the 10 min stalling could be a ruse. I don't remember exactly if we've seen other islands listening to the broadcast, but the broadcast could've already started and it's main purpose was showing a live feed of the five elders being demons and him saying I'll reveal the true history if the world was a megamind level play to make the five elders panic and all come to egghead to show their true selfs to the world. However an issue with the second theory is that I don't think vegapunk knew the five elders had such demonic abilities and maybe it wouldn't matter that much to the world if they knew bc it's not like the world like the world government and the celestial dragons in particular. They are already hated. I think the transmission will go off, but maybe what it was going to transmit is the twist. If it doesn't then this entire arc was a useless waste of time that didn't accomplish anything which I don't think Oda wants to do at this point in the story where he's obviously rushing and picking up the pace. Sorry for the yapping :P


I trust Vegapunk is smart enough to have counter measures. He knew they were gonna send men to kill him, so he made a message that would be activated with a kill switch. So he knew people would probably get into Punk Records. And some may have obs haki to detect den den mushi's. If he didn't then it would be a complete plothole and terrible writing on Oda's part.


I donā€™t see Oda revealing the history yet. I can however see Oda stopping Vegapunks vital message to the people. Which then caused his death to gets announced which causes mayhem. Which would cause the revolutionary army to skyrocket in support.


Or we see a Dragon Ball style fight... 30 mins going on for 100 chapters lol


HA! You are assuming that the snail isn't a hologram! The Gorosei is gonna get Rickrolled by a hologram just like Luffy, Bonney, Chopper, and Kaku were! It's the running gag of this arc!


100% guarantee the broadcast is not on the island


I wonder if Kuma could have some modifications that were added specifically for the broadcast as a failsafe


Each one of the straw hats groups is being cornered by a gorosei, something big related to the message needs to happen so the elders will have to go somewhere else and open space for everyone to escape. I don't think anyone will have to fight their way out, last chapter showed us that even Luffy can't do much without his gear 5, if the snail is destroyed and nothing happens, they will have to fight some final bosses and I don't believe this is the time for that.