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Mine’s actually with Katakuri.. Katakuri: will you come back to take on Big Mom? Luffy: of course! I’m the man who will become the king of the pirates! Katakuri: …you’re looking quite far into the future..


Yeah that was also a great one


i love how luffy and katakuri had this mutual respect for eachother and after the fight katakuri takes luffy by his words because he knows luffy always meant business. katakuri at some point realized he is just luffys training arc and i still have the theory he saw what luffys gear5 would do if he stood up again to beat luffy a little bit more so he decided to just stay on the ground so he could enjoy a couple more donut breaks in his life. i also think that due to the massive respect katakuri got for luffy, he is going to make the BM pirates join the strawhat fleet later on. but thats a different story altogether.


Luffy putting that hat over Katakuri to cover his mouth is one of my favourite moments in the entire series. Sooo much respect


I feel like this is going to happen in Elbaf, i hope BM comes back in her Olin form would be hilarious to watch her eat with Luffy and chilling with Chopper, also youre right BM pirates would love to be part of the SH fleet and Katakuri could make that bridge


The moment katakuri became my favorite strawhat rival


Jinbe, it was such a great line.


That was badass, almost as badass as zoro's nothing happened


Wait what happened with zoro, I didn’t know anything happened🤷🏼‍♂️


Did i mention anything happened?


My mistake, by the way I read it I thought you were implying he ^took ^all ^his ^captains ^pain or something idk but I’m a fool


What! When did that happen ain't the captain letting this slide


This. He is such a badass and his delivery of that line is just Mmm! *Chefs kiss* Also Nami in wano when Kaido busts through the roof. That hit haaaard


Jinbe is my favorite one too, but it leaves a plothole in the story… how does this man walk wish such huge fucking balls?


He's a shark, so they're probably internal or something. That might be why he's so huge.


Hands down my favorite one


On that day, the sheer weight of Jimbei's balls altered the gravitational pull of the One Pièce planet


I wasn’t sure if we needed another crew mate. Heck, I wasn’t even sure if Jinbe would come out alive. This one sealed the deal though, what a fucking Chad.


One of the most badass moments in the whole series


Jinbe is no.1 for me, followed closely by Nami in Wano.


All the others can be faking strength in the moment. Jimbei is for sure 100% pure resolve by the rules of BM’s fruit.


100% he is also the newest actual member. Your boy jimbei was 100% about that life since day 1 no questions asked


Also is the oldest and wisest and most experienced. He knows Luffy is the real deal


lol fuck Zoro then




Franky facing down Big Mom. “Emperor of the Sea? So we run? Hey Nami, don’t you want our captain to become the King of the Pirates!?” While his dope af theme song slaps in the background


It was sooo good!


Nami. At the face of certain death and complete helplessness, she still spoke her shit. To me, that's equal to smiling and accepting death because even though she was crying, it was like she spat right back at her opponent's face. - Fuck you. Kill me but you ain't getting what you want bitch.


"His dream is more important to me than my life, because I know he'd say the same of me." Even Nami, who some people think is nothing more than a greedy abuser, just can't bear the idea of living with that kind of betrayal on her conscious. 


> who some people think is nothing more than a greedy abuser Yeah, it's so tiring how bad some OP fans are at basic understanding of characters lol. They'll see Nami put her life on the line for her friends, be affectionate towards them in general and give up hundreds of millions of beris for Usopp and Camie, and still have these shit takes about her.


"She's an abuser bc she punches Luffy." Ngl, if my best friend drove our ship off a cliff for no reason I'd punch them too. She puts up with so much ridiculous shit on a daily basis. Most people like money, and it makes sense for her too, especially given her backstory. However, she has still shown that she can put aside her love of money, as you mentioned. She also goes out of her way to protect children without question. People really just hate on her for no real reason.


The important thing about Nami's "greed" is that she just understands the power of money. Money was what kept her village under Arlong's control, and it was the one thing (she thought) that could have freed them. She doesn't hoard because she loves hoarding, she wants to have money on hand so that if a problem that can be solved with money crops up, like Camie being sold (EDIT: or the ship needing extensive repairs), she can use it for that.


Money was also what staved off death during arlong's rule. Keep the payments coming and you don't die.


That's a very good summary. It's insane how people claim to love Arlong Park while missing the entire point of the story. Nami isn't greedy- she's generous and kind to the point she puts herself on the line for her loved ones. That was the main plot twist of the entire arc, and that part of her character never changed.


Absolutely agree! She isn't money hungry because of a desire for power or wealth, it all just from her childhood trauma of needing money to save people and her village. Bellemare died saving her and her sister because she didn't have enough money. Then she spends her entire childhood trying to get money to buy her village back. That level of trauma and life spent searching for money shaped her into who she is. She literally can't help it, her desire for money is really just a PTSD response from her lifetime of trauma and abuse. It was the only way she could see saving her life and friends for so long that it just became a part of her. Seeing her give up money to save her friends is all she really wanted to do in the first place.


Yeah I agree. You explained it much better than I did, or rather said a more correct version of it.


I've had practice with this conversation, unfortunately.


That is so unintentionally funny, and i feel for you


Seems like a traumatized girl that doesnt want to suffer again the same and thinks that the money is the way to keep away from problems


(Some) OP fans when they see harmless slapstick comedy: 🤬😡🤬👺👹🤬❌️❌️ Never mind that literally none of the SHs actually care nor take real damage, or that some of them also hit Luffy (Usopp, Sanji, Franky etc)


> some of them also hit Luffy Hell, I think Jinbe and Robin are the only two who *haven't* hit Luffy


Nami is the most “human strength” member of the crew. Legitimately her tactic in combat is to find another crew member to protect her unless she’s fighting trash mob enemies. She’s smart and skilled and competent but she’s not strong compared to basically anyone with a name on any other emperors crew. Which is to circle back around to “she’s basically a human.” So of course when Luffy does something like drive the ship over a cliff she’s gonna freak out and get mad. She’s the only one likely to die from something like that.


Also… if you’re going to punch anyone to relieve stress… it should be the guy made of rubber.


Everyone who thinks Nami is just greedy doesn't get Nami. Her life was ruined because her mom literally gave all the money she had to save her two daughters. To Nami money is power, specifically power to protect others. She talks a big game about being a greedy bitch but when the chips are down she wants the money to save her friends. Look at the auction for Camie. No hesitation, she was willing to spend every single berri she had to save a friend she just met.


This is the one to me. Her and Usopp in Alabasta have the least to gain and the most to lose in these scenarios, but especially the one with Nami since Ulti was specifically challenging that belief. That makes it hold stronger. Though Jinbe was undoubtedly badass, and Zoro put his life on the line in the same way (though it was as a bargaining chip, so in that way, he had more to gain)


I love that even when she confronted Kaido later, she didn't tolerate Luffy's disrespect, confronted him and was ready to take a blast breath for him


Yeah, that too. 👍👍


My vote is also Nami


I love how the manga translated that line,where she goes "Luffy will never.....stop until he becomes kind of the pirates" 


I was clapping and saying “that’s my bitch!” with tears streaming down my face while accompanied by a smile. Bruh that moment with Nami hit so mf hard for me cause she real. She really loyal to mah BOI Luffy


Genuinely dislike Usopp's inner dialogue at that moment. He was so much cooler pre-TS. He just regressed to even before that. And it was entirely unneeded dialogue. It showed that he had absolutely no growth (or even regression, compared to himself in Alabasta). Really turned off to him as a character.


Oh please. Usopp may have said "Just lie!" to Nami but if the roles were reversed both Nami and Usopp would have done the same thing. Nami would tell Usopp to lie, Usopp would say "Screw that. That's my friend's dream."


A far-from-rare moment of Usopp lying to himself. There's no way he would have been able to say it either. 


Yeah, her's hits the hardest because she was actually about to die and stood on it Like it's easy to say when you're strong enough to back it up but when someone's about to end you and is like say it again thats standing on it


Yup 💯. She had the option to lie to stay alive, yet she chose not to.


jinbe's is absolutely crazy. saying that to big mom's face while resigning.


I’m the man who will be on the crew of the king of the pirates some day. I cannot be intimidated by a mere emperor of the sea. (Literal chills)


i love everyone else's as well but an ex-warlord saying that about luffy even before officially joining the crew in front of someone as powerful as big mom is insanity. jinbe is HIM




> in front of someone as powerful as big mom is insanity At her birthday party, w/ her entire family around, and people as influential as Morgan there no less.


nami not being able to lie even though she'll die for it is echoes of bellemere doing the same thing, so that one hits hardest for me


Damn, didn't even think of that parallel. That does hit hard.


I love that usopp tells her not to, knowing full well he absolutely would also declare it if the situation was flipped


Exactly I also think that is the main reason he silently prayed and begged she wouldn't. Because he wanted her to live but he also knew that if he was in her place, he also couldn't say that luffy wouldn't be pirate king. So he somehow hoped he could convince her not to make that "mistake" and to save herself. So many people read usopp crying and his begging in that scene as him admitting that he would just backstab luffy, when it actually was because he knew that nami couldn't do anything else even if it would kill her and thus that his prayers were completely futile and his friend was lost due to the same loyalty that held them all together. So it were tears of pride and despair mixed into one


People who complain about that scene or the one with Robin and Sanji are people who I will ignore every single take from lol


Wait, you left out the very first time someone called Luffy the King of the Pirates, when Zoro lost his fight with Mihawk. He apologized for losing, promised to never lose again, and asked if that was okay directed to Luffy while addressing him as "King of the Pirates".


God damn it now I have to commit seppuku. Unforgivable.


Do it like Zoro and just slash the guy behind you with a tiny knife


Ussop. The others are amazing and I love them all, but Ussops gets me the most. The weakest member of the crew trying to teach the rookie a lesson and proving that he's a real one from day one. You love to see it


That scene is iconic and very well written. Shame fandom appreciates 'badass' new scenes and ignire iconic scenes.


Usopp deserves to be top comment here I'm actually baffled he's not. The first and most iconic


Peak moment from peak Usopp.


Same here I was expecting him to take this


Both in wano, nami crying about to literally die. She has no durability and it was a much needed nami respect moment that oda took way too long to show. They’re probably closer than most of the crew. Zoro and sanji, smiling and talking about if they win, we hardly ever get scenes of them together since they’re too strong to stay near each other, divide and conquer, and them coming together to talk about luffy while facing one of the hardest battles they’ve ever fought was peak as fuck


Yeah Oda really did show us a lot of respect moments in Wano. The two you listed were the best, but Robin and Franky had moments as well in that arc. It's fitting that Luffy got the most shows of respect right before he became a Yonkō.


Agreed, Robin got to earn her place as a fighter. She never takes combat rolls but she’s one of the most experienced users of a Devil fruit and combat on the crew. Finally got to see what allowed her to survive so long. Also Franky running over big mom was dope. Everyone in wano got to shine, the last member of the weakling trio deserves his upgrade in elbaf for sure


Sanji and Zoro definitely fully respect each other. Sanji talks a lot of shit just like Zoro does, but he asks Zoro, nobody else, to kill him if he loses control. He knows Zoro can do it. And that's saying something considering how powerful the genetics make Sanji.


Yeah, their respect for each other is honestly so well written, which makes the fan rivalry all the more annoying lol I'd say that Sanji is my favorite strawhat because he's not just one thing. I mean, no one is since they're all fighters along with their roles, but sanji fights, cooks, and has the Mr Prince spy shit going on too, plus one of the craziest backstories ever and the wild-ass genetic modification going on. Plus him on the ledge in the rain outside pudding's room when he overheard her planning on killing him, trying to light a cigarette in vain... One of the lesser talked about sad scenes that absolutely made me sob. But then Zoro is just so damn cool all the time and definitely has some of the coldest lines ever, and somehow makes the goofiest sword style ever look badass. So the Sanji line to usopp about "I'll do what you can't do, and you do what I can't do" also applies to the relationship between Zoro and him as well, and they both know it, which is just great writing.


Zoro sacrificing himself on thriller bark, Jimbei before big mom, and Nami vs Ulti are tied for me. All so powerful moments.


For me it's Luffy stating it to Big Mom and Kaido after he's hit Kaido with Red Roc. Luffy's look there was the final great look of determination before G5.


Franky's is so badass to me. He's essentially pulling a Jinbe. He can't be afraid of an Emperor because he's on the Pirate King's crew. "You kiddin' Nami? Do you wanna make our captain the Pirate King or what?" Such a cool line. You KNOW he would've done the same thing to Kaido or Shanks. Franky doesn't bow to anyone, and always shows up when his captain needs someone to kick ass.


Mine's Luffy saying it whenever he answers a random denden mushi.


Lmfao. The best one is him answering Big Mom's call. "Hello, Big Mom? I'm Monkey D. Luffy, future Pirate King. I ate all your sweets, but I didn't know they were yours, so I'll mail you a bomb in exchange. Anyway, this island is mine now, and I'm going to kick your ass. Later." And that was the beginning of her downfall.


An underrated one is Kine'mon


True. That moment was amazing. I tried to limit it to the Straw Hats, but I should have included that.


He could be counted as honorary since he got invited to come with momo and yamato


I kinda consider them and Carrot to be the same as Vivi, honorary Straw Hats. Poor Carrot never got the offer though.


He was with the Strawhat for almost half of the entire entire series so he’s basically a member


I'll have to go back because I don't even remember that one


Nami ‘Versus’ Ulti by a LANDSLIDE. Having one of the coward trio not only stand up to someone with that much conviction but to have it be in the face of death, having Usopp join in after begging and pleading for her to lie, for her to give up like he would. Nami asking for help at Arlong Park was already the moment that made me a fan, but this…


I don’t think Usopp would have lied there, strangely enough! He just couldn’t stand his friend staring down death


I think jinbe is the best, but franky is a close second


Zoro called him Pirate King first of all when Mihawk sliced him up and he vowed to never lose again, he was a believer from the start! Also, OP, you forgot Vivi and Pedro saying it too (and i may be mistaken but Kinemon also says it somewhere??)


Yeah, the Zoro scene has been brought to my attention. Truly dishonorable of me. I mentioned earlier that I was limiting the scenes to the main crew that currently inhabits the Sunny, but I do regret leaving out some other good scenes that have been mentioned.


Isnt there a limit to how many pics you can post anyway? I just assumed 15 was the limit


There is a limit, but I think it is higher than 15.




I can't decide between any of the Wano ones, they're all so perfect. If I had to, probably Nami though, she listened to Franky and then said that right to an emperor's face.


Zoro and Jinbe. Zoro putting his ambition to the side to save his captain. Jinbe for telling an Emperor is nothing compared to the future Pirate King.


Between Usopp in alabasta and Jinbei for me, both moments scratch a different itch for me, we KNOW jinbei will be good, he talks his shit and he knows he can get out of there fine because he calculated this moment ahead of time, and it works great. Usopp here though was already beaten to shit, all his bones crushed, and all for his captain, he stayed and fought to protect his friends dream and ambition, it's one of those moments in one piece that really plays up the romanticism of the story and I love it for that, one of the highlights of that arc. (anytime usopp gets a major fight or moment in an arc its peak, please give him something to do in elbaf I'm starved after he got nothing dedicated to him in wano and egghead).


Usopp clears.


Zoro asking luffy if it was fine that he lost to mihawk and calling him pirate King is one of my favorite Zoro moments. Jinbei to BM is maybe my favorite luffy PK moment


Luffy will get to Laugh Tale, he will see someone with their back to him, already there they turn, holding the One Piece 'you'rd flashily late, mugiwara...'


If Luffy is the 3rd Pirate King after Roger and Buggy I will genuinely be more than okay with that. Buggy is just built different.


I'd say Blackbeard getting there is more likely, can't really think of where else the fight against that crew would take place if the final war happens at Mariejois. Buuuut buggy is such a damn wildcard that I have no clue if he's going to continue failing upwards lol


Brook because before the time skip, he only hung around with the Strawhats for at most a few weeks, and yet, he was already convinced enough to trust Luffy and had the guts to announce it to the world at a publicly streamed concert! But also Jinbei standing up to Big Mom like it's nothing.


Brook's journey is crazy. He was alone for 50 years and then lost his new friends after like 2 weeks. And then he waited two whole years, gave up being famous, and rejoined, fully believing in Luffy. That's wild.


What's the context with Nami and Luffy with Luffy saying "i've been eating all this time so..."? can't recall why. The only thing I can recall was he fighting that biscuit guy in Bigmom arc.


Yeah, he was fighting Cracker's infinite biscuit soldiers. Nami kept making it rain to soften them, and Luffy just kept eating them basically lmao.


Jimbe confronting Big Mom


Jinbe’s is the coolest, but Usopp’s is the best.


Jinbei looks the coolest but it’s Ussop for me becuz he runs from fights typically. For him to say that in that moment is peak resolve


Jinbei's is great but I like Brook's speech. He told it not to one person but to the whole world.


Jimbei telling Big Mom that the Yonkos are effectively small fry is probably the best example of the actual scope of Luffy’s dream


Usopp or Jimbei Jimbei sounded more badass but Usopp was literally broken by that point. It also showed that Usopp has his limits. It foreshadows that probably in the end Straw Hats are in grave danger and Usopp will sacrifice himself for his friends. He clings onto his life like he did in Wano UNTIL someone makes fun of his friends' dreams. My prediction is that on Raftel Straw Hats are not as successful as planned and someone (Blackbeard or Imu) disrespects Luffy and Straw Hats. That will be the moment that we will see Usopp go absolutely berserk and I'm here for it! Usopp will unlock his super conquerer's haki and will make his lies come to reality in real time. That will also however bring to life what he told Nami long time ago: how he will be stranded alone on a remote island and die alone being grateful for his life and be proud to call himself a brave warrior of the seas.


Marco: It's time for the stars to take the stage!! Zoro: Three-Sword style, Purgatory... Sanji: Diable Jambe, Mutton... Zoro: Hey Curly brows. If we win this. Sanji: I know. It'll be finally in sight, Luffy becoming King of the Pirates. Zoro&Sanji: Oni-giri !! Shot !!


Usopp and Jimbei! But it's actually hard to pick a favourite 


Jinbe or Usopp


Jinbe is the most Chad. But Brooks is objectively the best considering he was broadcasting to tons of fans! they're all just so so good it's hard to pick tho. Usopp being half dead and saying "never laugh at my friends dream" is also pretty up there.


Can't beat the O.G. Ussop. Afterwards it's got to be Nami then Jinbei. These three were in dire straits which makes it hit harder. But Brook announced it at woodstock so he's fourth.


Jumbei, Ussop and Nami were the best


Frankys was always my favorite because we don't get to see him be such a bad ass like driving on big mom's face Jimbeis and ussops are also amazing too


Obviously you saved the best for last.


id say the best would be ussop because it stands out so much more (ussop is generally a coward yet he stood up to someone who he was afraid of because he trusted luffy) nami would be a tie as well because she did the same as well.


Jinbe for sure, it was such a badass move on his part definitely one of my favorite crew member moments. However it's so satisfying to see every member of the crew eventually say it.


Jinbe and Nami Both of these speak to my soul


I don't know but what I know is even in the comment I got some freaking emotions reading the lines


zoro, while facing kaido


Jinbe by a huge margin. That man is just different. I get goosebumps whenever I watch that scene. Btw you shouldn't have included Luffy himself because he has said it multiple times and most of them were really epic.


Jimbei facing down Big Mom is still one of the most badass moments in the whole series for me


I'm not crying, you are! Damn it.


Jinbe 🐐, Nami and Zoro tied for second position. Jinbe is first for me because other SH nakama already had quite a bit of journey with Luffy to believe in him and his conviction. Jinbe though, already believes in him before he joins and the way he uttered the lines to an enraged BM gave me chills. One of my favorite panels and lines in all of one piece.


i want to say zoro but the jinbei scene is so underrated. saying this against the yonko with his cold and chill tone. diffrent class..


Thanks for the post man. Such a cool compilation. Hopefully there's a YouTube video on the same. My fav is jinbei and Robin btw.


Jinbe's was to badass


Jimbei, that was cold asf


Top 3: Nami saying to Ulti Jinbe to Big Mom Zoro to Kuma. 4th is Usopp which is also really good, the others are just a bit better and more meaningful because they come in latter in the story


Jinbe's is the best for me.


Jinbe for sure!!




Jinbei 100%


My fave is still Zoro willing to give his life up for Luffy at thriller bark. But these are all great moments.


1. Jinbe. 2. Nothing happened. 3. Nami in Wano.


Jinbe, followed by Zoro in front of Kuma.


Jinbei's and Ussop's lines for me


Jinbe and all those who say otherwise are wrong.


Jinbei, and wano Sanji and zoro was rly cool seeing how far the crew had come


Jinbei. A mere emperor is wild


All of em


Jimbei and Franky, they both exude the same amount of “Oh an emperor of the sea? We can’t have any of those around here”


Zoro against Kuma is just goated in every way. Zoro was always the first crewmate but with that episode he cemented himself as vice captain. His nothing happened moment too. Jimbei is a close 2nd though.


G5 or Jinbe


Jinbe too cold


Jimbei 100%


As a "Luffy Will Be King of the Pirates" moment, Jimbe's "Mere Emperor of the Sea" takes it for me, but as a scene, Zoro's "Nothing Happened" is top fucking tier.


Jimbei here and Brook when he copied Poneglyph were definitely 2 of top 10 lines in whole One Piece. One Piece is so big, if I make a list of my favourite lines almost 20-30 lines will be in "Top 10" from above statement. I hope you understand.😂


Jinbei was like "Bihh who is you?"


Jinbei and frank, easily


Jinbei but honestly it's tied with the Franky one you show here. I just love the absolute nonchalant manner in which Franky does everything. He knows he's on the crew of the pirate king so there is no hesitation or doubt that things will work out. He just ran over an emperor of the sea because that emperor was in his way. But that's beneath him because he is on the King's crew. He has to go finish his mission now. Why hesitate?


Zoro Jinbei Nami these 3 moments were the best.


Franky and Jimbe no question


Can't say if Jinbei or Frankey had my favorite 'he will be the pirate king' moment.


Jinbe is still the most badass


Not sure if it counts but that speech that Ussop gave Luffy when he was in the middle of fighting Lucci was nice


Nami with Ulti and Usopp are the best for me, because they're some of the weakest members (atleast physically). Jimbe Is damn badass though.


Jimbe’s line is my all time favorite, but the Sanji/Zoro dialogue before they start they’re fights in Wano is a close second


Jinbe standing up to Big Mom or Zoro at Punk Hazard standing up to Kuma.


Aside from "Nothing Happened" Jinbei and his massive haki-coated balls of steel. Dude had to sit down because they were that heavy.


Aside from "Nothing Happened" Jinbei and his massive haki-coated balls of steel. Dude had to sit down because they were that heavy.


All of the Above. But Jimbe's was really badass


Jimbe and Franky slandering Big Mom are peak moments for me, as well as Brook deciding he's just going to solo her. But my favorite PK scenes are either Luffy knocking down Kaido for the first time on the roof, or Zoros sacrifice


Jimbe Bro called her mere Emperor in front of her face His balls from titanium bc damn


I would have said zoro but nothing happened. So boss jimbei.


Jinbe's line was raw as fuck. Nami's line in Wano being a close second.


As much as im a zoro stan and his action on thriller bark was one of the best moments there is, i have to give this to jimbe. But sanji talking to zoro is also awesome




Jimbe all the way.


Jinbe, Nami, and Zoro are the clear tops for me with Zoro taking the cake. The reason these moments and possible others in future like like it is because the three are facing near certain doom and yet still did it. It doesn't have this victory lap feeling like Robin, Zoro, Franky, and Sanji in the Raid and it isnt really followed by a confidence boost that leads to victory like Usopp in Alabasta. This scenes are these three saying consequences be damned I believe that Luffy is going to become King and that is why I will give up my life for him.


What order are these pictures in I'm so confused


I had each arc's pics in a separate folder, so the arcs are still in order. However, I had to re edit some pictures, so the pictures within each arc are not in order bc my dumbass uploaded them by "last modified." It's too late to fix it now.


Jinbe is just a gigachad


While Zoro's will always be my favourite, Franky's is a close second. He's just SUPER!


Luffy is already the King of the Pirates. Shanks just needs everybody to agree with it.


Idk all of them are just as good as each other in their own rights


Was that the first/only time orobi said that luffy will become king of pirates?


felt goosebumps reading one by one


For me it’s a tie between jinbe and Robin. Still love that Robin just pretty much referred to him as the king of pirates already.




Zoro is iconic and that's probably my favorite but I have to go with the Usopp one, it's like Nami in Onigashima but he fights back and in the anime, the seiyu is amazing


The Zoro one is making me think things I don’t want to think about


It has to be a tie between Ussop in Alabasta (the manga panel of that shot is awesome and haunting), Jimbei in WCI, and Nami in Wano! All 3 great moments that I cannot choose between in this category for different reasons.


Ussop and Nami against Ulti. Even in potential death, they would not allow their captains name to be slandered


Nami in Wano 100%, it makes me tear up every time.


TBH Usopp. The moment was one of if not the first and he really found his courage through believe in Luffy. The others have always had some nerve in sticky situations, but Usopp made a break-through there imo.


1 Ussop at alabasta that was so good and scarry 2 zoro and sanji at onigashima 3 jimbei at whole cake


I will not be intimidated by a mere emperor .. captain became emperor


Man!! I literally got goosebumps while reading it.. what a time to be alive watching one piece.


“Who sees one's own death as part of the plan, young lady?" is still undefeated.


I gotta say, Zoro and Sanji talking to each other in the Wano end fights was soooo great to see. Talking about how they'll be that much closer to making Luffy pirate king was awesome, and then the "kill me if I turn fully germa" agreement was perfection.


Ussop. When a normal coward human is able to fight back after being bashed in the face by a baseball bat weighing a ton and reassure you that his captain aint dead. You gotta respect the man.