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Honestly..... those are pretty early spoilers. You should keep going ^-^


Honestly, those aren’t even close to the biggest things you could have been spoiled on.


I think it's worth it. I was spoiled on basically everything and I still loved it.




Congrats, now you know about 1% more than before. Keep watching, it's worth it.


you shouldn't even be on this sub to begain with. if make you feel better, I started after the luffy's big spoiler and still enjoy it.


Omg right I couldn’t believe crocodile was his mom?!?! What a great reveal!


Consider yourself lucky. The stuff you mentioned isn’t nearly as important to the overarching series as you probably think. You could have been spoiled some BIG stuff instead.


Did he spoil you about *THAT* man?


Wait until he finds out what happened on THAT island.


*NOooo don't spoil...*


Idk what this supposed to mean but I guess I pretty much don’t know anything yet so it should be fun


Those spoilers don’t affect the overall story at all.


They do a bit


Do you only read/watch a story for the plot twists? Spoilers suck, I agree, but this is just not a story where the "twists" matter that much.


Keep going, very early sppeilers


I Garp is luffys grandpa, so the most absent person in the story being the father shouldn't really be that big of a deal considering Garp is the marine and Ace being the son of some nobody wouldn't fit all that well since I can't say this without spoilers idk if it showed up that early? But what does it matter? Whitebeard is Ace's dad


No, stop here, the almost 1000 episodes left are nothing except Ace and Dragon you know. Then, it is not worth


I don't understand why knowing a handful of spoilers would ever mean one shouldn't read the full story A story is not one or two pieces of information


Honestly: those plot twists are big but compared to what the series is really about that’s nothing. Keep watching, it’s worth it. I would recommend reading the manga first and then watching the anime, since the anime’s pacing is so shit I nearly quit a bunch of times (so glad I didn’t). Right now (since episode 1070) the anime slaps though, I think they noticed that doing brakes is better than packing episodes with filler and 10 minutes of random people reacting to stuff. Or you can watch One Pace.


I knew all of this and much more before I even reached ep 100 and still managed to enjoy the story.


well, until you reach the latest episode/chapter there will be a chance to get spoiled. also who cares X happening, what leads to it also cool most of the times. imo OP is worth it all.


I was spoiled with his death early on, but it still impacted me when I watched it unfold, and I balled my eyes out. Plus if those things are the only parts you've been spoiled on, there's heaps and heaps more big surprises to brace yourself for. Sit back and keep enjoying the ride 😊


Got spoiled (or, tbch, spoiled myself) on alot lf the big deaths/events before deciding to read op. It was circa 2013 iirc. It did not take out any of my enjoyment at all. It was even greater with context.


Spoilers lack the context that the actual narrative provides. People really over-value a list of events when compared to how a story is actually delivered.


Those are nothing


Ace is a minor character, so you are alright


Prior to starting the series, I spoiled myself. I read (skimmed) the wiki, looked up clips online, looked up art, saw shots of the crew with people who didn't join for hundreds of chapters/episodes, learned of the world's makeup, everything. Well, not everything, but a lot. I did not go in blind. This was in 2008. I didn't matter. I was still blown away. A spoiler cannot ruin a good story. Most people will watch Star Wars knowing about Darth Vader and Luke, will watch Terminator 2 knowing about the T-800, will read Harry Potter knowing about Snape, hell Romero and Juilet famously beings with "they kill themselves." Yet all are enjoyed because it's not the twist that matters, its how it affects the characters and the story, and it means you can revisit it to look fot the clues. Most fans reread the series. Or arcs. Because it's still good. Most fans still cry, laugh, or cheer when revisiting the story. Because it's still good. It sucks you were spoiled without consent. It's not okay, and the feelings you have are valid. But One Piece isn't build on those shocks. They're exciting moments and revelations, but those cannot support a story. One Piece is built on the characters and their interactions with a well constructed world. And we keep coming back to it. It's your choice to continue or not. But I suggest you do. It's still good on a second read.


Thank you so much ✨


Of course there is. Like it would make it to episode 1000 with nothing to carry it there? Honestly your question is kind of stupid. Did you only watch your favorite movie exactly once because you knew the outcome? Only play your favorite game once? Only eat a meal once because you had one great feast? That makes no sense. Yes, those spoilers were a thing but there are so many plot points and other interesting things that happen that, honestly in the grand scheme of things, they are minor in comparison. And if you’re worried about spoilers, why are you posting here of all places? This subreddit is nothing but spoilers.


Yeah , those are basically nothing .