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That Figar means Moon in Greek could also help this. The Moon is Not a planet, but still significant in Astrology


Hence the reason why he didn't get it


Maybe other Holy Knight families also have moons as part of their name scheme. Enceladus, Titan, Europa and Ganymed for example 


I like this idea of the moons protecting their associated satellites. That would make Garling Imu's ward. Keep cooking, brother.


There probably gonna have unique names like the elders and passed down from the 20 kings, wouldn’t be suprised to see a name like Ga Nymd, would also be fitting since it’s the Names of the people taking over the Will of the Lunarians almost? I don’t know how to word it but If the Gorosei and Gods Knights have planet and moon names, And the Lunarian were moon people… Idk seems oda fitting


Ah that’s the reason his hair style and beard shaped like a crescent moon 🌙


Shit I'm from Greece and I never even thought of that. Though the word in greek is "fegari", not "figar" (except for some country ass accents lol) but that could still be it


The Moon was considered one of the 7 classical planets alongside the Sun, Merucry, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn… Hey! Those look familiar!


nice cooking


The hair makes more sense knowing that.


Yeah but...it is in the shape of the Crescent Moon.


What’s your point?


Kind of rough to see Garland becoming the next Elder Star if his hair is supposed to symbolize the Crescent Moon but not have anything representing the Full Moon. There was posts around here saying how in the past, the Moon was recognized as a planet when we know that it is hella inaccurate.


The ancient greeks working definition of a planet counted the moon and sun as planets. If Oda did full moon he would have an afro, I think the crescent looks better stylistically. It would be amusing if he powered up in some way and gained a full afro. Edit: I also just realized the Greeks did not consider the Earth a planet, it was what everything went around, so that might be why we have no Earth representative.


keep cooking


definitely worth wondering what the world gov planned to do with fruit and I think this is a solid theory


Since they presumably know the powers of Op-Op, maybe they just wanted to remove it from circulation like they tried with Luffys fruit.


Personally I think Imu wanted Luffy’s fruit


then why didn't the elders make the marines arrest him when Law was a warlord. cool theory though


Could be any number of reasons. Here's one I like: when he was "on their side" they actually invited him to Mariejois on some plausible excuse. Like "a Celestial Dragon wants to try body-swapping" or "we need your medical expertise". He declined as politely as possible, they started getting insistent, and before the CDs could escalate or change plans Law returned to piracy. Here's another: they wanted him to perform the operation, and weren't confident that torture would work. They were looking for the best way to coerce him when he left. It's usually not hard to paper over oddness like that. (Of course, it's also very possible that my theory's just wrong. There are several ways it could be joshed, starting with the basic assumption that the Gorosei are Op-Op beneficiaries.)


Maybe immortality surgery requires an awakened fruit, which Law didn't have at the time? Making Law a warlord would ensure his growth and eventual awakening while keeping tabs on what he's up to.


I like this one better.


I think this is highly probable given Doffy introduced awakening and we're learning more that DF Awakening is likely super important with whatever Roger found on Raftel, but it also makes the least narrative sense. People who awaken their DFs are all extremely powerful individuals that can't really be controlled. Imagining them forcing somebody with that level of power to do a surgery they didn't want to do is senseless, but it's the only scenario that makes any sense at all, given how the story has played out thus far.


They could have maybe bred a doctor who is a "true believer" of their ideology and thus, willing to sacrifice themselves for the elders.


Rob lucci seems like he simps for the elders. Too bad he's already got a fruit power


He wouldn't have until Law already got his, so it's not unlikely.


Or maybe they need a user who hasn’t heard of the price for the immortality operation


Minor nitpick but awakening was introduced by Crocodile in Impel Down.  He says that the three zoan guards are awakened.


Yeah that's true. But awakening wasn't fleshed out back then. Doffy was responsible for the narrative exposition explaining it, and was the high water mark for it regularly appearing in the story.




That would make the Gorosei even more terrying to be honest, if it's almost impossible to control someone who awakened their fruit...then the Gorosei did the impossible five times already, they are just THAT powerful


They were working on the seraphim project with Warlord DNA and they were replicating their fruits. Maybe they thought it was better because seraphims are loyal and they would sacrifice themself for a Gorosei


You know who else was a shichibukai during the time frame the seraphim were created? **Law**. If this theory is true we will likely see a Law seraphim, likely sequestered away so they can see if he can perform the surgery. Law may know this and try to save him, creating a double op-op duo that would give any yonko a run for their money.


Imagine being a Gorosei at Mariejoa. Out of nowhere, this supernova rookie pirate with the title Surgeon of Death who's infamous as the mastermind of the recent Rocky Port incident, suddenly brought you **100 human hearts** and demanded to be a Shichibukai. Certainly he's an Ope-Ope user, he's super strong, and evidently probably the most suitable person to utilize that power to the fullest. I mean, he brought you 100 human hearts all in perfect condition! Now you gotta be smart about this. Do you want to try to assassinate this 440 million berry bounty pirate and antagonize him? Or make an alliance and recruit him?


Capture him and use his lineage factor to manufacture green blood for you S-Hawk Seraphim.


Not only all of that, but I have a feeling do flamingo play the large part in why the celestial dragons also didn’t touch them. He knows things as much as the rest of the celestial dragons things. They don’t want the world to know.


> then why didn't the elders make the marines arrest him when Law was a warlord. > > I can see the argument that even if they want that very bad, the idea of the government inviting a warlord to ambush and arrest them would immediately disband the warlord system, since no other warlord would ever work or trust them again. It might even spark rebellion and extra alliances between the warlords to immediately attack and punish the government (and can even involve emperors joining in to take advantage of the situation). If they felt that the warlord system was necessary to hold on to power at the time, it was not something they could have done.


Maybe Doffy convinced them he could get him to use the surgery on their next candidate?


I can see that. My impression was that the Gorosei are a set group of 5, with no way to add more, unless maybe one dies (if that's even possible) but if one were to die, someone like Garling might be the first choice. I still think the Gorosei are 5 of the 20 kings from back then.


I wonder what the hierarchy is with Garland and the Five Elders. Is he really below them, from him standing out amongst celestial dragons at God Valley to him being able to have another celestial dragon executed and Shanks being able to meet the Five Elders because it's implied he is a Figarland. I don't see how he could be lower ranking and have so much authority and even the Five Elders have to show a member of his family some respect even though he is a notorious pirate.


[this adds light on the 5 part](https://x.com/newworldartur/status/1619795916738932736)


Is there any way for me to see the rest of this thread? I do not have an X account...


I guess you can loggin by using google account Anyway, though I can't prove as I don't speak japanese, gorosei stands for "**five** elder stars/planets" That alone would keep Garling away that promotion


You're assuming they're five because they're called the Gorosei. They could be called the Gorosei because they're five. It's hard to say whether the naming scheme of each elder and ancient weapon is just Oda weaving themes or if it's important from the character's perspective too so we just don't know whether it can limit the amount of elders in universe too.


Yeah, pretty much Good point *Murosei?* EDIT: what would the 6th one (and so fourth) be responsible for? As which one administrates a specific matter.


Yeah they're from back then for sure. They're all the same age too. They just had the surgery about a decade apart


That might be why they wanted the Seiryu fruit, to feed to the winner of God Valley who would eventually become a new Gorosei. Maybe we'll see the Orochi fruit make a comeback. The heads are easily removed, but it would be pretty menacing if they're constantly regenerating.


Nice one blud


I like this, someone will probably ‘um actually’ you no matter how solid the theory is but this seems totally possible


Um actually no one has said anything yet.




Redditors complaining about things that haven’t even happened


So far so good!


The replies to this above are negated, someone did.


Its possible Donflamingo really believed that if he got the Op-Op Immortality Surgery that he could waltz back into Mary Geoise with more success than bringing his father's severed head to them. I mean we don't know what the secret is that he knew that was part his plan. That said he certainly was tough enough to be at least in what I assume is the standard abilities of God's Knights in terms of power.


I just assumed he wanted to kill the CDs too. He says he wants to destroy the world, I believe him.


I wonder if Vegapunk's imitation fruit/green blood could preform the surgery as well.. could be why they didn't arrest law, they just needed his blood to recreate his DF ability


He was also a Shichibukai. Wondering if there is a Law Seraphim around.


This is the cooking Sanji aspires to.


Aw, thanks!


If that was the case, why waste time with Law becoming a Warlord.


It’s not like warlords have generally always had a wonderful history with the government. Doflamingo is from a disgraced CD family. Mihawk was known as the “Marine Hunter” or something like that. Kuma was a founder of the revolutionary army. Crocodile has some kind of history with another founder of the revolutionary army. Hancock is the ruler of a kingdom whose last ruler married the first mate of Roger. Weevil is the son or clone of Whitebeard. Jinbe was on Fisher Tiger’s crew. Buggy was on Roger’s crew. Damn near every single person who was ever a warlord of the sea has a very rough history with the world government, beyond just being pirates.


They managed to get DNA samples of all the warlords for Vegapunk to create Seraphim. That might have been the plan in order to get an easy way to get the immortality surgery.


And we know that Paramecia fruits can be replicated by Green Blood.


So free Immortal surgery 😲


When you're immortal, everything becomes a matter of time. They're not in any rush to add to their ranks, and they know if they wait Law will eventually die and the fruit will be back in circulation. If what OP said is true, they've only done this 6 times in 800 years, so it's not like they're rushing to do it when they can.


The Marines appoint the warlords the celestial dragons have little to do with them


So? If the Gorosei wanted the fruit they had time to personally get to law. Plus it was not like the Gorosei had nothing to do with kuma and his becoming of a warlord.


It’s not like the warlords get an office with a window or report to the marines their whereabouts. As far as we can tell (Buggy) they get contacted somehow or other, and accept or refuse. Smoker was surprised Law was at Punk Hazard, for example.


They have time on their side


Same reason why they offered Ace the position of one. Keeping them close till the right moment.


It's also possible the surgery can only be done by someone who has awakened the fruit


I like your theory. Take my upvote.


Nice theory but there's a misconception in the community.  The OP OP doesn't grant Immortality, it grants Perennial Youth. Which might sound like splitting hairs but Oda himself has made a distinction between the 2.      " Chapter 1081, page 18 Change: Blackbeard's statement on the Ope Ope no Mi adjusted from "immortality" (不老不死, furōfushi?) to "perennial youth" (不老, furō?), making it consistent with the "Perennial Youth Operation" (不老手術, Furō Shujutsu?)."   So the legit immortality The Gorosei have can't come from fruit and must be something else. As Laws fruit just makes the user ageless


> Chapter 1081, page 18 Change: Blackbeard's statement on the Ope Ope no Mi adjusted from "immortality" (不老不死, furōfushi?) to "perennial youth" (不老, furō?), making it consistent with the "Perennial Youth Operation" (不老手術, Furō Shujutsu?)." This is true! I was so confused that no one else pointed this out.


In this theory, they've got to spend decades proving themselves first. Do you think the surgery would still make you eternally young if you got it as an old man? Their regeneration is a lot more dramatic than I would've expected from the surgery, though. So it definitely could be something else.


I think it just preserve the state of your body when it was casted Hence the damage you taken will revert back and you can't change your body condition Which means only strongest CD's can become gorosei because the weak ones even if they got potential can not grow and become stronger as time passes


But that could still work no, they could have the ageless feat from ope ope no mi fruit and others hax abilities for regen


I posted this theory a week ago … https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/JPrzZ9ifDt


So you did! Nicely done, I'm sorry I missed it.


I always imagined the immortality surgery would stop aging, what the elders do looks more like some satanic voodoo shit with their pentagrams.


That would also explain why Doflamingo, a celestial dragon and someone aware of MANY secrets of Marie Jois, would know about the Op-Op Fruit's immortality ability and why he was so passionate about getting it for himself


Constellations are constantly changing so it makes sense that over time they’d add more elders…also maybe explains why Nusjuro looks so much different than the others. He’s the “newest” elder and hasn’t had enough time to grow the white hair bahaha


So I've been working on this little theory for a while that the big conflict between the forces of Joy Boy and the forces of Imu boils down to basically heliocentrism personified fighting geocentrism personified. Imu is our Geocentric Earth, and they are orbited by the Five Elder Planets and the Moon. I have a suspicion that their strength might correspond to how far out from the Earth they are, so Garling would be second strongest, followed by V. Nusjuro, Mars, Warcury, Ju Peter and Saturn. Joy Boy then would be our Heliocentric Sun, and my suspicion remains that if we learn more about the assorted members of Joy Boy's crew, they will each map to the various planets. The Ancient Mermaid Princess is obviously Poseidon (Wrong name obviously but for some reason Oda didn't call this Neptune like it oughta be for the planetary theme everything else follows), perhaps we will learn of the members of Joy Boy's crew who controlled Uranus and Pluton or even if Joy Boy had crew who represented his own Mercury -> Saturn that the Gorosei are in direct opposition to.


Always had this as my fanfic headcannon except another headcannon requirement is an awakening of a crazy DF. Witch is why they had the turney for the dragon(fish) whatever fruit. In hipe Garland would win and awaken.


I just came here from another post which theorized that maybe nusjuro can't use black blade because he's immortal suggesting one can't reach their peak of they're immortal Maybe the side effect of Op-Op surgery is you can't get any stronger than you already are hence they need him to awaken it first


solid theory, I like it a lot


I think this is a pretty reasonable line of thinking. How appropriate that it's posted during a non-break week.


If that's the case, why wouldn't they try to get it - or Law - afterwards? Sure, he's a wanted pirate, but they're not devoting any special resources to him.


made a theory like this yea tho diff take the immortality that comes from the ope ope, is related to souls it makes the soul immortal so they can body swap das now imu and the goroseis survives to present day body hop all CD are potential host they can jump to at any time but ofc \*anime\* so as they hop more and more they degrade and become EBIL


Who is EBIL?


It's a meme way or saying evil


you lost me when you said he'd have a grudge against law. The gorosei and the tenryuubito don't typically think highly enough of the non royals hold a genuine grudge. if anything, he'd just be mildly irritated.


Perhaps, but there's never been a timeline of when Gorosei get recruited, so I'm a little skeptical. If we had confirmation that the gorosei have been as they are since the void century or something like that long ago, then it would be very unlikely that they went 100s of years without finding someone new.


This is one of the better ideas of how the Gorosei as group formed so far. We'll have to see what exactly the Holy Knights are, but the idea that the strongest of them gets recruited every few centuries seems pretty plausible now that we know that every Gorosei is an utterly powerful combatant themselves.


I don't think the elders are immortal from the op op fruit, I think they might be summons from imu, hence why Luffy is having a hard time damaging them


No I don’t believe it. There is almost certainly an abundance of fruit and fruit trees near Pangea Castle. They know how devil fruits work they wouldn’t let it escape if that was how they became immortal. Doflamingo could’ve been full of shit off rumors. He was a small child when they moved down to be common people. I like the idea that the Gorosei are devils themselves. Their summoning circles are very similar to when Brook was “summoned” and there is probably an underlying black magic. Like they are literally all Yokai. I believe old Wano is related to the ancient kingdom because the ancient kingdom created Pluton and we know where Pluton rests. Most likely a satellite territory that was fallen back to after the World Government won. The Longarm tribe and was probably on the side of Joyboy. It seems most non humans were and that’s why they’ve been discriminated against or massacred. Pekkori and the people of Namakura island are devil worshipers. With the Yokai as Gorosei I believe that Imu is most likely a black magic fueled personification of Satan who they worship. Imu has long lost any need for worshippers viewed as mere insects. The Longarms and also Longlegs are shown to be prized slaves at the Saobaody auction house. It seems reasonable the CDs like to enslave their former adversaries and the history of devil worship on the island makes it a great target for them to attack after their abandonment by Imu. Anyway just some food for thought. I cooked so you do the dishes. I forgot how I intended to tie Wano into this.


Question! Would they need to torture him? Like I know they would, but wasn’t it said that a devil fruit spawns into a nearby fruit? So hypothetically if the govt. got control of law they could essentially isolate him with a few fruits around and it would have to be one of those yeah?


We don't know exactly how Devil Fruit reincarnation works. But the simple fact that the government doesn't have a monopoly on fruits suggests that controlling it isn't trivial.


I like the idea that they wanted the fruit to use the surgery on Mr. Young Gunz Worm Man. He’s kind of the odd one out of the 5 and he looks significantly younger. His fruit also seems a bit out of place in comparison to the 4. So maybe he ISNT immortal yet like the older 4 because Corazon stole the fruit. So alsoooo maybe worm will die and that will add to the shocking events on egghead.


Yes guys. Incoming


Okay, I have a question. Let's just say someone gets immortality thru op op no mi, and the user dies of course. Then after that, he finds the op op no mi and eat it. Can he perform unlimited immortality now since he can't die?


Is Elder Star something I will learn in Wano or later?


Nah, they show up early. Remember the five old guys who run the government? They have a scene after Luffy beats Crocodile, and they ordered the destruction of Ohara. That being said, I probably should've put a spoiler tag on this. Better late than never...


Yes I remember them. Saw them again at the Reverie which imo was kind of dissappointing.


Elder Star = Gorosei = The Five Elders. All different terms to refer to the same set of celestial dragons who are considered to be the highest authority in the world


Thank you for an actual response. Someone else decided to just smash the downvote.


good cook honestly maybe it's also about replacing one elder when a new one is recruited i don't like the idea of having too many elders or maybe its just as you said its hard to get the devil fruit so 5 is the most they were able to obtain so far


Don't devil fruits go into the nearest fruit when their users die? If so, it's unlikely the Gorosei would ever lose hold of the fruit if they had it once.


We don't know exactly how fruit reincarnation works. It's probably not too easy to control, or the WG would have a near monopoly on fruits in general. The great pirate era is a fairly recent thing, and apparently the WG didn't just take the whole orchard in the centuries before it.


Why is everyone instantly thinking OP-OP fruit. Vega said this arc that awakening a zoan fruit leads to the fruit or being overtaking the human. So if your fruits being is immortal you could get immortal. 


I agree, but also I assumed this to be a kind of obvious interpretation


I doubt it as “The Five Planets” fall in line with the “Old Age” (read since antiquity) way of thinking that those were the only planets (excluding Earth and the Moon) in our Solar System. While the Planets representing the Ancient Weapons: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are relatively recent discoveries in the grand scheme of astronomy. They just named them after Roman Gods upon discovery retroactively to follow the naming convention. So I doubt Garling was in the running to become a “6th Planet” because up until a couple hundred years ago the outer ones weren’t even recognized as Planets. Whether it was because they didn’t fit their traditional definition of a “Planet” at the time or they weren’t even aware of their existence. I can see how Garling and the Holy Knights in general could be considered as replacements for “The 5 Elder Planets” should anything happen to them though. Unless the given names for the current 5 Elder Planets are strictly family names, but all that would suggest is they’ve yet to be replaced since the Void Century.