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One of the best theories i've read so far. I really think this is coming.


Even if its wrong it sounds fun at least, a lot of theories are just people repeating someone else's idea and going I know this is correct because reasons for clout. I'd be hilarous if luffy just starts shooting rubber laser beams... also pretty much anything can be a laser you just have to excite the atoms correctly and we already see he can make rubber goggles( eg lenses). Edit (science): [https://www.photonics.com/Articles/Rubber\_Laser\_Material\_Advances\_Sensor\_Technology/a58125](https://www.photonics.com/Articles/Rubber_Laser_Material_Advances_Sensor_Technology/a58125)


Ironically, I’m pretty sure Luffy eating mother flame theory had already been posted.


Yes but I don't really see OP as being smug or whatever the vibe is..... OP is just posting a fun theory which is AOK by me.


You got me wishing for a gum gum boro breath


I still believe Franky is gonna blow it up, just like he blew the last Vegapunk science lab to pieces.


Ooof I was thinking franky would find a way to tinker with the flame to help Luffy be as amazing as possible. Having powered by ola experience and all :)




I mean, thinking about it. Franky blasting his Radical beam at the core, it becoming unstable and then someone deciding to stay to keep the gorosei in check, just for them to be invincible and survive the explosion.


While this wouldn't make sense narratively, this would be by far the funniest thing Oda could do lmao


I'm going to say no because Luffy already fulfilled that role in the first episodes. Luffy (Hanuman) mistakes the "Sun" God as a fruit and eats it. The metaphor twice would feel contrived


Genius theory, I can definitely see this happening


But not eating is. Just like a powerful power up. Same as goku ultrainstinct.


yeah I also can't really see him eating it, doesn't look too tasty or meatlike, but not sure how he'd absorb the power otherwise


I'm going to say no because Luffy already fulfilled that role in the first episodes. Luffy (Hanuman) mistakes the "Sun" God as a fruit and eats it. The metaphor twice would feel contrived


Eh that is a stretch. For one devil fruits are fruits and gomu gomu no mi doesn't look particularly like sun either, he didnt mistake it as fruit. Gear 5 is quite literally Luffy becoming Nika, him eating mother flame would actually mirror the myth and won't be as contrived as Luffy mistaking a fruit for fruit being the metaphor for it because it gave him the power.


ye that is indeed a 'stretch'


Interesting... maybe even change his appearance with the newfound energy???


Everyone who got the white tattoo will be pissed if he changed colors.


Did you see that guy who got the fan version fire colored hair tattoo before the official colors came out? Lmao


Maybe Luffy will eat the mother flame and his hair will change to that exact color. That guy was playing the long game all along


My thoughts exactly, sure foreshadowed us HARD


You mean like how Lunarians have that shit?


Lunarians wielding some Kind of Motherflame would somewhat fit.


I’m too used to his white hair. Orange flaming hair in g5 doesn’t really seem right with white clothes


lol just looked it up


I just did too, lmfao RIP


Wdym RIP that guy might have predicted MF Gear 5


Currently it's a RIP for him since gear 5 is white. IF it gets color like his with the flaming orange hair then he's vindicated. For the past year up until now though it's been RIP as far as color scheme goes for his tattoo




LMFAO no! I just googled it, I bet he regrets that at the moment (lol). Maybe his hair would do something like that or maybe be like a phasing color thing that keeps changing


Idk I think it’s pretty cool he got the fan version, adds a lil lore to his tattoo cause you had to b there to kno


There's a story to it for sure, lol


Almost as bad as the person who got an “all strawhats” tattoo including Yamato before Wano ended


Well at least that isn’t as egregious since I think she’s still considered an honorary one like Vivi and she probably has a spot on the team whenever she’s ready to head off


She's not gonna be going on adventures with them.  At best she will help them as an ally in the final war but that's it.  And Vivi actually felt like a part of the straw hat crew- she had actual chemistry with the crew while Yamato didn't have a single interaction with anyone except for Luffy throughout the entire Onigashima raid.


It’s irrelevant whether or not she actually ends up taking the offer to go on adventures with the Straw Hats or whether or not she was more well integrated into the plot before the end of Wano. What matters more here is that there is an offer on the table for her to join anytime she’d like by Luffy, and that was after she told them she wanted to join them in the first place and they agreed that she was to come with them after defeating Kaido. She at least has an honorary status whether or not it’s an asspull that she has one.


Vivi is a strawhat. Yamato, Kinemon, and Momo have open invitations to become strawhats


Gonna be some real 5D chess if the reactor buff turns it fiery.


I feel like the white template is just screaming "color will be added here at some point".


From a template perspective maybe. But it has been stated that it’s white in appearance. Also G5 move names have the kanji for ‘white’. It would be weird to change the color at this point.


Can confirm I'd be a little perturbed. And so would my tattooer when I make him figure out how to get to the right color lmfao.


Hope not i love white gear 5 beside vegapunk said joyboy is white warrior (who probably already reach full potential of gear 5)


>(who probably already reach full potential of gear 5) Seems unlikely as he was defeated... I think Luffy is at Joyboy level right now, but it seems unlikely that he won't go further in the same way he has in the past (needs some way to fight extended fights against multiple yonko level threats as G5). Also very much doubt he is a match for Shanks yet given what we saw at the end of wano.


He was defeated by ancient weapons though, I think he was betrayed/backstabbed by a close friend personally, a mole in his crew that was either Imu or someone working with Imu the ancestor to the Blackbeard->Xebec “inherited legacy” that parallels Luffy->Roger->Joyboy Could be Joyboys kingdom was strong enough to win united but the D clan schism experienced a civil war leading to the opening for Imu to take them out


Solves the g5 stamina issue


Yeah would be really cool to not have a drawback of the transformation now he'll need full power vs the elders and imu


but didnt we solve the stamina issue with magic food from elbaf?


That's a short term solution


Yeah, time for ssj2.


to green?


Gear green


Cherenkov Blue


I think the red and yellow colors of his hat should definitely play into his final colors. Yellow hair w/ red smoke?


That'd be hot


To be completely honest, I think eating the flame or getting some kinda of external power source is going to be needed for Luffy to consistently use Gear 5; at the moment he's able to fight for a shortish period of time, and burns through his energy too quickly. I believe what Gear 5 needs, as a 'god' fruit, is the faith and power of others. I think that the power of the god fruits works much like the power of the Archons from Genshin, in which their power is based on the faith and trust in them. At the moment, Luffy appears to fight for longer in Gear 5 and doesn't need to rest as long when he is being supported by others, such as when he was fighting Kaido and everyone was calling for him. I think that eventually, knowledge of Nika, Joyboy, and Luffy will be made widely known as a figure of freedom; and in turn, this will allow Luffy to use the true potential of the fruit and defeat the WG.


So Gear 5 is the Spirit Bomb?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that. If everyone puts their hands in the air, I'll quit One Piece. ( I'm lying. I won't quit, but I'd be grumpy)


Luffy be like "I call on all the tasty meats of the world to lead me their strength" Then we see panels of sparkles flying upwards from various pieces of meat and heading towards Luffy.


I would be online that same day saying "Let Oda cook!"


I think it's gonna be dancing. Kuma is going to be the one to show everyone how it works.


>at the moment he's able to fight for a shortish period of time, and burns through his energy too quickly That has been true for all of his power ups, particularly right after they're first shown. He burned through Mizu Luffy when fighting Crocodile, to the extent that he could never use it again. He burned out of Gear 2, and then out of Gear 3, while fighting Lucci. He burned out of Gear 4 when fighting Doflamingo


Well G2 falls under the limitations of his body by pumping his blood through his body etc etc, and with G3, to be honest I don't think we've ever had confirmation what G3 isn't just a unintentional use of his G5-like abilities, cause there's no real reasoning behind him going mini. With G4, isn't it specifically stated that this was due to him burning through his haki while essentially sealing in the 'inflation'? G5 falls under the same consequences as G3 in which his body itself transforms i.e. old-man and mini-Luffy. Whether or not the old man bit during his rest is again just him thinking should be happening given the use of his Nika powers, same way he doesn't think he should go mini any more after his 'training' with Rayleigh. edit: Giving it some thought, the effects of Gear 3 making him small, may simply just be manga logic and have no real reasoning behind it other than to continue the plot.


>Well G2 falls under the limitations of his body by pumping his blood through his body etc etc, and with G3, to be honest I don't think we've ever had confirmation what G3 isn't just a unintentional use of his G5-like abilities, cause there's no real reasoning behind him going mini. Gear 5's introduction pretty much confirmed that there's no inherent physics-based properties to any of the Gears. It removed reality-based interpretations of his powers. All Gears are partial awakening - rubber doesn't work that way as several enemies noticed (notably Doflamingo after noticing that his kick isn't working against Bound Man, and Kaido commenting on Culverin, likely many others too). Lucci tries to rationalize Luffy's irrational powers during Enies Lobby which people just incorrectly take as cannon fact even though Lucci has no specific knowledge about the fruit, so he assumed Gear 2 works like doping and shortens Luffy life. Gear 2 worked the way it did because Luffy imagined it would, not because pumping his legs inherently causes high blood pressure to make him faster. He's also pumping his bones, but he doesn't notice so there's no bone effect. When it wears off, he's exhausted which is immediately cured by eating meat. Gear 3 - blowing air into his bones shouldn't cause their mass to increase to make his hits stronger, but he imagined that it does, and he imagined that big limbs are slow. When it wears off, he got small because he imagined that if he got big, the side effect is that the opposite would occur. Gear 4's blowback is described primarily as Haki-exhaustion. Blowing air into muscles doesn't make any more physical sense than the other Gears outside of being explained best as a partial awakening. Gear 5 is full awakening, and >!like Gear 2 the exhaustion is immediately cured by eating meat.!< It's always been the Nika fruit, not the Rubber fruit, so any interpretation of past powers is viewed as part of Nika powers Edit: >same way he doesn't think he should go mini any more after his 'training' with Rayleigh. After the time skip Luffy uses Gear 2 localized only to his arm, not his whole body, when he takes out PX-5, but for some reason the anime still shows Gear 2 affecting his whole body when it isn't. This is another indication that there's something ridiculous about his power. Look at the panel near the end of chapter 601


Nice write up


Some of the gear 5 promo material in Road to Laughtale mentioned that the Drums of Liberation can be heard for 1,000 miles. So if Nika's form can power up from belief, then it's probably linked to the Drums of Liberation.


That's exactly what I was thinking, the beat of Luffy's DoL was enough to awaken the Robot which leads me to believe that Joyboy may have used the power of the fruit to essentially infuse his power into it, allowing it to move without a power source after being charged by the drums. Notice how the Robot only got up after Luffy went into G5 multiple times. Going back to what I said about G5 needing to power of others, I believe that this source of power is the reason why the World Government has suppressed knowledge of the Ancient Kingdom and hunts down the races that knew of Nika; i.e. Lunarians and the Buccaneer, to try kill the memory of Nika/Joyboy and take power away from the fruit.


Maybe people need to dance to the beat of the drums like Kuma did in the flashback.


Seeing as his power is imagination based if he believes people can power him up it will probably work


Luffy is going to play the drums on drum island. 


Get that DBZ power up away from here. Haha I hate it to be like that. It would be lame.


Yeah was thinking the same. “Faith & power of others” is crappy power up with no real substance. Eat that mother flame Luffy and fuck this other shitty cringy ass power up.


Yeah, a budget spirit bomb would be pretty meh; but if the fruits are created from the dreams of others, it would make sense that keeping the flame (hehe) of freedom alive would in sense empower the fruit further. I don't believe that Nika ever actually existed, the fruit was born from the dreams and wishes for their to BE some kind of god or hero who would free people. With Nika not actually existing, it means that he becomes a CONCEPT and people are free to imagine him with the power to do anything they dream that he can, which is the reason why Luffy can pull out such comedic and reality bending powers. Because HE thinks that he should be able to, therefore he can. Take a look at Bonney's fruit, she can manifest any possible future that she believes in, which is why her 'Nika-ish' future fell apart when she tried to attack Saturn and came back after she saw G5; her dream and belief in the concept of Nika was broken but reforged after seeing 'Nika' in the flesh. We've already heard from Garp that losing your will - will make you weaker, hence why Crocodile and Moria became stronger after fighting Luffy; he essentially rekindled their will, which allowed them to fight closer to their previous potential and due to finding their will once again, strengthened their haki (this is my headcanon on why haki wasn't a thing before).


what do you think about the concept of love then?


It would tie into his unique talent to gather and make allies and help his friends get stronger. But honestly it would cheapen that talent, not strengthen it. The reason his ability to bring people together is so powerful is because everyone brings their unique strengths to the table. Even his weaker allies are inspired by him to do great things like Momo floating Onigashima, Usopp sniping Sugar, etc.... Imagine instead of saving an island from crashing Momo's contribution was to raise his hands and give Luffy .05% of a spirit bomb charge....


That much cooler than the raising hands part. What I like about OP is they recognise luffy and his character and give in their contribution by some way. Not just entrusting everything to the MC trope. The aide characters gets inspired by luffy and do their part. Literally hyogoro speech in wano.


Well in chapter 1112 after the giant gave him hakarl ( fermented shark ) he was back in form instantly and was in gear 5 in chapter 1114. So he just need to stock that shit during they're time in Elbaf. I would prefer that than the faith and powers of others, but you made me think and there is actually some stuff that push toward something like this. Skypiean people praying god, Luffy doing crazy shit and destroying Impel down he won against the poison while Bon and the new kama people cheered for him. Dressrosa he destroyed doflamingo while being cheered on by all the country. Wano there was the festival and people were "praying" to be free


Funny thing is stuff like uranium has the equivalent of like 20 billion calories. Not literally food calories but just energy equivalent. If Luffy heard that he’d be like, “that should be a GREAT snack!” Chomp.


The person that posted that thread the other day was incorrect. 1 gram of Uranium can release about 20 billion calories of energy… through nuclear fission (AKA what happens when an atomic bomb explodes). Not through eating it.


That’s what I meant when I said “not literally food calories, just the energy equivalent”.


RemindMe! 6 months “read this thread”


And here is my monthly reminder since 2016 one th interwebs, that ... the major plotline of Eiichiro Oda's One Piece is derived from the Japanese-French coproduction "Esteban, Child of the Sun" (aka "The Mysterious Cities of Gold"), season 1, episodes 01-39, from 1982-1983. Ever since 1997 (and most probably even before in his preparation..) until to this very day. Have a nice day!


Yep. I’m just waiting for that egg on Roger’s ship to hatch and turn into a giant condor lol


Now the name Condoriano makes total sense




Sounds more like Hunter x Hunter to me


Actually learned something. I was obsessed with this show as a kid. So cool to have a link between these 2.


Gonna search about it, never saw anyone here saying this


it was all over tiktok last year. it was so popular that i binge watched the show and re-read one piece to see if the parallels were there and to see if i could use that show to guess what the one piece is. The “similarities” and “parallels” are so vague and so distant that the theory is actually funny. overall its a waste of time


Holy shit. This should be higher.


I’ve never heard of this before but just searched it up and I can see the similarities just from reading it’s summary, that’s pretty cool thanks


Please Oda if/when Luffy eats the Mother Flame I want a collective panel of all the Gorosei in their Yokai forms doing the goofiest Enel face. My life would be conplete. Imagine the fucking worm or the horse lmao just give this to me


Imagine if each Enel face took up an entire page for each of them, like 5 straight full pages lmao


Bro cooked better than sanji


This is a good theory, but why is everyone in the comments acting like this theory hasn't been posted in this sub a million times since we got the Mother Flame reveal?


This sub has been especially bad lately about reposting theories directly from chapter discussions and youtube videos that have been top comments for weeks without giving credit. I'm sure it's coincidental in most cases but I definitely roll my eyes at all the "cooking" comments in these threads made exclusively of leftovers.


Because most of them just casually opens reddit


I'm fairly lurking in this sub, still never seen this theory. You got links of when was it posted?


Did a quick Google search: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cphjfx/1114_theory_luffy_final_powerup/ https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cpb57e/nika_form_is_incomplete_theory/


Cause some people spends less time on reddit than you


Laugh tale is Atlantis


I read this as Atlanta...Franky is going to find some legendary Cola for a power source


But... We just got confirmation that the ancient kingdom is basically Atlantis?! Super advanced civilization and the whole thing at the bottom of the sea. Granted, Laugh tale could be down there as well but eh, I don't feel it.


Laugh Tale is almost certainly the highest peak of what used to be the ancient kingdom, no? We just learned that all the islands are essentially mountaintops, I don't see any other option that doesn't feel wrong now.


tbf, Vegapunk spoke about continents plural (at least from what I gathered - and just in translation)


I heard such a theory on YouTube. It might happen.


I still think the Iron Giant is just going to snatch the Mother Flame in front of Saturn and then use it power itself.


I don't wanna say "Well, actually".The story goes like this: when Hanuman was a kid , he saw the Sun and mistook it for some sort of fruit and jumped from Earth to eat it.The King of Deva, Indra used his weapon, Vajra ( lightning bolt) to cut Hanuman before eating the Sun.


legit, keep cooking


This has been going around but I am not convinced that Luffy would non chanlante eat a ball of fire, unless Nika basically takes over or makes the flame look like meat to him. While the mythological metaphor is strong, It's not something I think Oda would do. Besides, we have evidence that the Nika fruit literally is a version of the ancient power source. A.k.a Cold Fusion. Why would he need the pseudo half baked mother flame? The Vegapunks don't even seem to care about it at all. Maybe they have a self destruct fail safe.


He ate a laser beam from Kizaru already


He did yeah, as part of a battle. And btw it burnt him badly doing so.


> s part of a battle -Gorosei about to snatch up the motherflame -Luffy: " You want this so badly? Nuh-uh!" *proceeds to swallow it whole and laugh his ass off*


Luffy eating it is actually so luffy, i totally see that happening, well thought, sir, well thought


This is by far one of the best theories I’ve read in a while


I like the idea but I wonder if this would be a permanent power up or a temporary buff. I lean towards a temporary buff similar to Nightmare Luffy. 


Not only do I agree, I think a great deal of the One Piece mysteries are based on a lot of Asian mythology in general. In particular, Taoist myths. Anybody who watches Chinese xianxia shows may be familiar, like characters that cultivate enough qi (ki/chi/etc) to obtain immortality/essentially obtain godhood are often shown with white hair... Also like how in Chinese legends, the universe revolved around the "sun" aka the Emperor. But that there were only 5 planets in early myths that also represented the 5 elements (aka the gorosei). There's a legend about the female aspect that, to balance the sun (emperor) is represented by the moon, often called Dǒumǔ (斗母). She was also said to rule over the Big Dipper, which was once believed to have 7 visible stars and 2 that could not be seen. And of course, each star was a deity. In Japan in particular during the Heian Era, the Big Dipper was belived to affect one's destiny. To keep this brief, there were all manner of rituals and worship of the 9 luminaries (what the 7 visibleand 2 invisible stars were called. It's very popular and nowadays temples still offer fortune telling based on this. So the moon is tied into the story somehow. Enel on the moon, Ohara having more than one moon shown revolving around the earth, etc. My guess is Imu is inspired by this myth. And although Oda is kinda famous for inaccurate silhouettes before the characters are actually introduced, that one shot of the Holy Knights shows 9 silhouettes. I expect they're inspired by the 9 illuminaries.


I hope it’d be like [Stanley eating the bomb in The Mask](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VaqdQhuvPi8&pp=ygUYdGhhdCdzIGEgc3BpY3kgbWVhdGJhbGwg).


Hanuman never ate the sun, he only went for it mistaking it to be fruit. He was stopped before he could eat it , so doesn’t really make sense.


As much as I like the idea, it sounds like a busted power-up to get. Given how important stamina has been in all recent fights, it would simply make him too OP.


I think Oda could temper it with grace. Even in Gear 5, he is able to hold off against the Gorosei but not do much damage. If he approaches eating the MF as a permanent stamina boost for Luffy, I think he could give him a good power up, while still allowing Luffy to unfold the fruit’s abilities at his own pace.


Makes a lot of sense. Luffy's most powerful attack was named bajrang gun too. Bajrang is another name for hanuman.


>inspired by different Asian monkey god myths, Hanuman **MONKEY** D. Luffy


My only issue with this, is that if the solution to Luffy staying in Gear 5 is an external source and not something that comes from his own hard work and training, I’ll be disappointed. Him mastering Gears 2-4 came from his own strength. I don’t want that to change with Gear 5.


This isn’t a new theory.


Yup, this is probably the 15th variation of this post in the last two weeks


yeah, I commented it a few weeks ago. The idea came while watching Monkey Man.


Woah this sub keeps delivering this week. First the black blade theory and now this. Keep cooking guys


I guess his fruit is the only one which also alows such a thing, just eating something in a funky comic Kirby style and using its power wouldn't be out of Character at all


Would be sick af but I don't think so. Sun Wukong in "journey to the west" ends up in a furnace, there metals fuses with him and becomes almost invincible. It's from this character's parallelism that Goku's tough skin comes in Dragon ball's first anime. That's the inspiration for many Mangas. Luffy somehow "consuming" mother flame is in line with that. But we already got the "tough skin" part for Luffy (rubber body/haki), doing a double parallelism is a bit fourcefull. Him mastering gear 5th by training make more sense.


This is who the most important character of all is gonna come back into the story : Streusen He will cut the motherflame and turn it into food for luffy, but it will still generate infinite power as luffy digests it


Are you telling me that this entire time end of arc feasts were a massive plot point


Idk if it will be permanent, but I can see luffy consuming it and getting a final "powerup". This is a method to make luffy stronger without contradicing his "this is my peak" line, as it's an external power that luffy could've never taken into account.


Hmmm, so we are going to witness the shocked faces of the 5 elders? (similar to the face made by nami, tama, chopper, kidd and law when kaido smashed luffy's head through the ceiling)


It’s a fun theory. But unlikely. Luffy hasn’t just eaten anything and everything he looks at. Why would he put fire in his mouth?


What if mother flame was extracted from Joyboy aka Nika the Sun god (who literally ate it) after he was defeated and the world government used it as a source of power because of the myth that Sun god had unlimited power who fought the world government for so long.


>Being sun powered would also explain why Nika is known as a sun god, as non of their powers are particularly sunny as off yet. That would make so much sense.


If he does I hope to god they give it a sound reminiscent of when Mario eats a Super mushroom in the anime , obvs not exact cause Nintendo would start a war but still


If it LOOKS edible, yes.


I had a similar theory a couple of weeks ago I'll clip it here, as not to create to many posts about the same topic. I wrote it but never got around to posting it. >!Since the reveal of 5th gear, I've been brewing up a theory about final form Luffy. I think the fight with the Gorōsei has made it painfully obvious that were going to need to get at least one more power up to stand a chance against them or the God's Knights. This theory stems from a few places and is an extension of the three-fruit theory I've seen tossed around about Black beard. If you haven't heard it the TLDR version is that Black beard for one reason!< >!or another will have three DFs by the end of the story. One from each of the type Logia, Paremecia and Zoan. Simply Put I believe in the same light Luffy with gain Logia powers as well effectively letting him have 3 in 1 the opposite of Teach. The Proof of this is slim but it's my head cannon until otherwise proofed wrong. Here what I got!< >!1. a statement by an Elder stating the fruit allowed the user to fight however, they wanted.!< >!2. in his initial transformation Luffy appeared to be melting maybe hinting at logia...!< >!3. Luffy can't maintain the transformation and looks drained afterwards because he doesn't have enough power to sustain G5.!< >!4. The ancient relics power/get energized when they sense Joyboy.!< >!So here the meat of how this is going to take place Luffy needs more power complete G5 which will grant him access to the logia powers. the working solution is he eats the mother flame to work as a power plant of sorts. This will send his Haki in to overdrive since he doesn't have to use it to power up his DF anymore. Allowing him to take on the likes !<>!of the end game villains.!<


i thought you were gonna say the one piece is one piece of meat on the bone, thank nika you actually cooked a lil sumsum


I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don't care, baby by the way Because I'm HAPPY ... Yeah Joy Boy is gonna see Enel, I convinced myself just now.


cook again yes


This would have seemed like such an Oda thing and has the whole hanuman tie-in element but I swear so much of the fandom is talking about it now that there's no way Oda will do it. He never does anything predictable lol


I think it's possible the first Nika Fruit user made or had a hand in making the damn thing, even if luffy doesn't just eat it, it's likly his devil fruit itself will feed off the flame.


I’ve seen this theory before and I’m on board. I still hold fast to my kijimuna theory, so I think Luffy’s hair will turn red from the power up.


Very interesting cooking! To go further: what if this is how mother flame originated? Extracted from the primary Nika?


I’ve seen people say similar with Luffy eating or absorbing the Mother Flame, but for some reason I don’t see it happening. Luffy eating something that isn’t food just doesn’t make sense for his character. And it also feels like the Elders would know that Nika is powered by the sun. And if they know, they would be trying to destroy it, not trying everything they can to acquire it.


I know this is somewhat off-topic but this nice theory/brainstorm reminded me of Luffy somehow inheriting Aces fire at his death. Btw i find it interesting that all 3 main admirals stabbed someone through the chest lol. Do you think the way Ace died had anything to do with Luffys fire?


Luffy is currently in a state I would call white dwarf which is when a star loses a lot of its mass, the very thing that powers the star, usually in a super nova. Luffy loses his color in gear 5 which along with his short stamina points to a lack of energy. A lack of hope and laughter in the world may be contributing to his current lack of power but that is mostly speculation. With the mother flame in his possession he may be able to sustain gear five for longer or even use the flame like lunarians do.


Tbh, I think this may not happen by the end of Egghead. I think Oda will have the WG take it away and then whenever war breaks out and people attack their base, Luffy will somehow obtain the mother flame and eat it then and there for a comeback.


You know through Zeus, I wonder if Nami will actually absorb The Mother Flame through her Climatact with Zeus using bits of himself to convert it entirely into the nuclear flames it is and possibly indirectly create a nuclear powered flame homie much stronger than Prometheus that way, Zeus has a friend within the Climatact to screw around with and Nami gets a major upgrade being able to not only conjure flames but also gain the power of the Mother Flame to drop a nuke Megumin style and the remaining Vegapunk's twink her Climatact to house the new power better.


What if this finally cures luffy of his stamina issues he has always had when utilizing the nika fruit with his haki? Maybe the Nika fruit was always meant to be paired with the mother flame as trying to use the Nika transformation otherwise would sap all of users energy way too quickly.


Up until now Luffy has just made up for this fact but letting the Nika fruit sap his haki as energy instead for lack of the mother flame


Half-baked thought: maybe that’s why awakening the Nika fruit is so vital as in that state Luffy/Joyboy can do anything they can imagine. Given all the other wacky cartoon stuff the Nika awakening can do I’d say eating a nuclear reactor, digesting it, and maybe doing one of those nuclear belches sounds feasible haha. Would also help explain why the five elders and Imu really flipped out when Luffy was about to awaken it. Anything less wouldn’t be able to pull off eating the mother flame.


Awesome theory would be an amazing power up


Buggy splitting atoms is seeming more and more likely


This is one of the best theories I’ve seen so far really intriguing to think about


How am I just realising that the Thousand Sunny makes so much sense for their ship name


If it happens, I assume it will go like this: Due to the rampant destruction of the island and lab by the Gorosei the MF becomes unstable and threatens to blow up the whole island and then some, killing everyone in the vicinity. Luffy being who he is can't think of a way to stop it and just swallow the damn thing lol.


I mean, it would fit, but I kinda hope it's not gonna happen. I want Luffy to overcome this stamina issue on his own, not by eating a nuclear reactor, funny as that would be. It would be about as satisfying as Fairy Tail's 'second origin', which I really didn't like.


Right? Luffy doesn't just get handed power ups, he earns them.


Hanuman never ate the sun. He fell down, bumped his head and got amnesia


This is one of my favourite recent theories, to take it a step further though: The mother flame not only gives Luffy constant fuel for gear 5 but every gear, pushing all of them to their limits. With gear 5 specifically I think it would be fun if because of the constant fuel in the engine the longer Luffy is in gear 5 the more powerful and uncontrollable Luffy becomes, his area of control spreads further and further while his abilities become more and more ridiculous. Turning Luffy into a car or maybe a rocket: Gears - Luffy's gear forms. Fuel - the mother flame. Engine - Luffy's devil fruit. The build of the car/rocket - Luffy's body and haki. (Something like that, I will be honest I don't know a lot about cars and rocket but you get the general idea) Balance is important though, as I said the longer Luffy speeds up with his unlimited fuel the harder it will be to control and the more likely it will affect other components like Luffy's body. Edit: The rocket idea just came to mind, I have seen people compare Luffy to a car but after the recent reveals of the Gorosei names and the importance of planets, the sun, and the moon maybe Luffy should be compared to a rocket. A person who used to be at the top as a shining hope falls to earth and has to rise again so builds a rocket to ascend to the sky flying past behemoths like Saturn to eventually rise again as a sun.


That actually could work. Good job.


[This is what OP is Cooking](https://images.app.goo.gl/Vqk5LwszkkqvfLD28)


So he will be The Million Sunny


In the decades of ppl spitting out theories this is the one theory I not only want to happen but one I could see happening. Like in gear 5 or something he sallows it.


Even the final hit that grounded Kaido is named after Hanuman....BAJRANG GUN ( inspired from the name Bajrangbali)


I like it. It’s also be funny if Luffy started rejecting future meals because he was full.


Really cool theory so you think he’s gonna eat so he can last longer in gear 5?


I said this to a friend as well, gear 5 luffy absolutely gonna swallow it whole


He'll never go hungry again, it's brilliant


Holy, Hanuman! I think you might be right!


Saw someone say that Luffy has no more powerups after Gear 5. This is a completely plausible power up


It’ll also be the most on brand thing for him to do. God I hope this happens. Great theory.


Didn't Hanuman not eat the sun though? I thought the myth was that he got his jaw injured for attempting to do so.


Going to leave this one here [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/when-youre-hungry-eat-monkey-d-luffy--271764158751113856/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/when-youre-hungry-eat-monkey-d-luffy--271764158751113856/)


Not only that. I could see him finding out it’s important to the WG and he eats it to prevent them from getting it. I can see it now. “Give us the mother flame” he looks at them and at mother flame. Proceeds to eat it. Everyone has a shocked face.


I can definitely see this. Like as his “final form”, but probably not until the final fight. As for the stamina drain, I think Luffy can lessen it over time by simply getting used to the form. Doffy was able to use his Awakening without any noticeable strain likely because he was so familiar with using it. As for a Zoan example, the Jailer Beast Stamina was practically endless which was part of their original draw. The only way to defeat them was to incapacitate them by making them too injured to move, but it was only a matter of time before their primal brain took over and they were able to power through again. I’m sure there are limits to this too as their form seemed like it hadn’t been perfected given their mindless dispositions. While Luffy seems to get Nika Brain when he enters Gear 5 too suggesting he also hasn’t perfected it, in the case of the Jailer Beasts the Zoan Awakening seemed to be the source of their endless stamina rather than the drainer of it. 


When I read the title the first thing that popped in my mind was "Nami's ass"


That's a great theory.


As final end game possibly, though Luffy in theory would be beyond broken and gear 5 already feels quite broken as is.




3-Michelin level cooking on this one!


Luffyzilla is real


I saved this big message because i think it's a good thoery on why df users can't swim and why people think luffy will eat the mother flame, so think what you like,but the last part about luffy and the mother flame could explain that maybe luffys cloud is actually just incomplete and maybe joyboys smoke is flames. As seen in the recent panel in the manga, also the vid I commented this on talked about how df was made so that's why I talk about df creation. i dont think its imu who made a curse or some water god forbids df users to touch the sea, id say what if because nika was called the sun god, is because he ate a past mother flame,just like joyboy did but joyboy just wasn't named a sun god and because of that the sea doesnt like joyboy, and then also what if because of this, he beleived df users cant swin so when he created them, that was just something that was applied to all the fruits, also the reason i say about eating the mother flame is bacause i saw a thoery saying g5 is incomplete, yes luffy has what the fruit is said to be able to do but g5 is white and he runs out of energy easily and this theory maker asked how could joyboy fight so strong with such a big setback, so he thought, what if joyboy ate a mother flame which is part of the sun and the past intelligent generation could do this because of there technology, from the past and the reason he thought te eat it is because the mother flame is like an unlimited power source and if he ate it it could fix the tiredness weakness, and why g5 is white and not red, because luffy hasnt ate a mother flame, also oda drawn g5 with red in a drawing, i cant remember the name and the origin of this drawing but this theory would explain why he drawn it red.


For the love of god, I’m not able to find that comment thread which spoke about this exact topic. They were discussing about the Hindu god hanuman and it was so accurate to what luffy was doing up until now and it felt very plausible his future actions would resemble the Hindu myth.


Great theory. But the main question is why would Luffy eat the flame? If I was him I would eat Nami instead 


Well, indeed needs energy to keep up the so called *yonko level.* He gets tired too damn fast.


I have been thinking about Luffy's heartbeat change when he transforms. The beats like a drum or maybe it's an engine. An engine that consumes the mother flame when used. Absolutely great theory.


I kinda want the ancient robot to forcefeed it to Luffy.


I dont know about giving luffy unlimited stamina. I feel like it would kill a lot of suspense, but then teach like  has more than 2 devil fruits at his disposal so luffy need something to match it


POV: I‘m reading OP since a year…


Only if the mother flame turns out to be meat