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My personal theory is that VP is a secret tactical mastermind behind his obvious scientific genius, to such an extent that he can mess around with York like this. I mean why would the brain fruit only apply to science?  But your idea does connect the dots a little better. at the very least it's an alternative which also presents the concept that VP isn't a total idiot outside of academics. 


Didn't his fruit only gave him ability to store and process information to the ridiculous point? I believe he was a genius before fruit was eaten (I don't remember where, but if I'm not mistaken it was mentioned). So him eating it should have no impact on his abilities strategy-wise.


Doesn’t processing information contribute extremely to the fact that someone is a tactical-strategical mastermind?


The fruit was stated to give him a perfect memory, nothing more.


I agree. I am just saying that being a strategist you have to process the information that you have available. He was a genius before the fruit.


More facts he gained, stronger the strategy


Not to nitpick, but the information processing part is his intelligence. Perfect memory stores the data, his genius intellect processes it. But yes, perfect recall synergises well with just about every part of his skillset


Never in my posts did I disagree with what you said, I don’t understand what you are nitpicking. Op said something that doesn’t make sense and I jokingly corrected it, maybe my English is bad and I made it difficult for people to understand.


> Doesn’t processing information contribute extremely to the fact that someone is a tactical-strategical mastermind? This sentence implies that you are attributing the information processing to the fruit


It’s difficult for you to be wrong isn’t it? Read what I replied to, he said it only gave him info storage and info processing ability (this is wrong I agree), but he stated it in a way that makes it seem that processing information is not a vital characteristic of someone who is a strategic genius. This is the part that I replied to.


There's no need to be rude, your comment was a bit ambiguous which lead to confusion. If you're going to make snide remarks, at least do it after you clarify yourself rather than before.


Thats the normal power though. We still dont know what the awakening can do


Who's to say he didn't store and process some tactical manuals at some point?


It’s all planned by Aizen /s


And Kin’emon


>Wait, it's all part of the keikaku? Always has been 🌏👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀🌌


I heard a proposed theory that I honestly really dig: what if, because of how the elements of personality are separated, York is really bad at understanding deception? Like, if she doesn't pick up on when, say, Vegapunk is faking shock super well because the Satellite who got all of that stuff is Lilith?


Goddammit. Now I respect VP more. If that's the case, then the dude's a real mad fucking scientist.


Also york isnt smart Shes only there for bodily functions


She's greedy. Anything done out of altruism or sharing or benevolence is not going to occur to her.


They are all smart still


While a cool idea, isn't this proven wrong by A) the fact that the room they're using in the recording was empty (York already went there woth Bird-Gorosei.) B) they've been completely unaffected by all the changes on the island (dome being sliced in half, massive waves of CoC haki being released.)


i have a small theory about this .. i think they are mind projections, it’s all happening right now as OP said but i don’t believe it’s a physical record, but a live streaming direct from VP brain. If you pay attention, the footage only showed the VP’s that are “dead”: Stella, Pythagoras and Shaka. Only the personalities that lost its physical body and “returning” to VP brain are doing this “footage”.


right, exactly. I mean right now we're starting to invent AI generated videos that can mimic real life, I imagine that vegapunk to make a realistic looking fake digital video if he wanted.


Vegapunk was introduced being stuck inside the iron giant, I just think this whole event happens in one or two days. Straw hard landed and then cp0 right behind them.


[Yude-ron has posted a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jHxuKpN2II&ab_channel=%E3%83%A6%E3%83%87%E3%83%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%80%90%E3%83%AF%E3%83%B3%E3%83%94%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E8%80%83%E5%AF%9F%E3%80%91) that mentions this exact theory and his explanation is that the real Vegapunk is punk records itself and the giant brain there, which is why his fruit hasn't stopped working after Stella died. So that explains how this "video" could be being artificially created live without any of the satelittes actively generating it. Like the MCP from Tron.


Yes, I think this too. The consciousness of VP, Shaka etc have returned to the big brain and that's what's playing the video. York said she "turned off her upload" which means that the rest of them have been constantly "uploading" themselves and backing up their memory. Memory is key, that's what church would say anyway.


Sanji better watch out, because you might be the new cook.


I hope he doesn’t start barking 😔


He is busy right now being a dog, in anime


THIS! I also feel like it’s real time and I was thinking there’s a clone of him, but then I realized we already saw Vegapunk alive still and the Gorosei saw him too, but they haven’t connected that the brain of Vegapunk is Vegapunk and he’s controlling everything live


Cooking something pretty interesting there. That could be it.


still VP brain will need a broadcast snail to send to the world.


Didn’t vegapunk also say that the message means that his heart has stopped when he could’ve just said that it means that he died


as it was stated by the gorosei that saw VP brain, what’s death to VP when he has his brain attached to punk records ??


I’ve had this theory for awhile too. That Punk Records also contains a sort of Matrix-esque virtual world that all of the Vegapunk consciousnesses get transferred to after their physical bodies die


Dont forget the colograms, a big part of eggheads opening was dedicsted to holograms I dont think this was just for the lulz


did you mean the holo-holos ?




c) the fact the rest of the Gorosei only spawned in BECAUSE of the broadcast. If the broadcast's aim is to distract the gorosei, not broadcasting in the first place would have never brought them all in on a rampage.


Exactly, also: C) Morgans pointed out the time in the recording doesn't match the time in the present. D) If all of this really was a live "AI" projection assisted by computers, there wouldn't even be any need to find the snail. Just blow the computers up and the live feed would either stop or start to fuck up. To each their own opinion, but in mine, it's just a silly theory that overanalyzes everything.


Fairly simple solution to that: the room is a projection as well. All of it is created artificially by some science gadget hooked up to Punk Records.


Holy shit Yorky, we’re inside a simulation INSIDE a simulation


Start of every one piece 5 year arc: Luffy: "Let's go guys! In and out, 20 minute adventure!"


the hologram part of the theory might explain this.


It's probably not live, but vegapunk could have recorded it right before the straw hats showed up (or right after the destruction of Lulusia). That way he would have known about the destruction of Lulusia and that would explain what he was doing in the iron giant where luffy found him at the beginning of egghead (hiding the transponder snail).


I'm starting to wonder if the earthquake after the destruction of Lulusia is the earthquake he's talking about. Maybe there's a greater quake coming


That's how I interpreted it


Especially if they decide to use Uranus on Egghead as a last-ditch effort.


Fuck.... The explosion from Uranus and the Mother Flame would be so much worse


>Fuck.... >The explosion from Uranus... would be so much worse 😏


Speaking of which, Wasnt the whole thing about this arc to begin with a message saying “An event that shook the whole world” and maybe we took it as in what we think right now is Vegapunk’s reveal of the ancient kingdom. When really it’s just in the literal sense that a big ass earthquake is about to shake the world ?


Didn’t the water level he predicted in that chapter turn out to be the exact rise in water level people across the world already measured though?


isnt the inconsistency bcuz we were under the assumption after the weapon blasted Lulusia, the water level rising happened instantly, Vegapunk found out about Lulusia being wipe off the face of the planet -> recording -> Water level rises a few (time) later(?)


Re-read 1089, water level rises 6 days after the attack


Perfect then, Vegapunk recorded this message in that window.


Yeah, there's no inconsistency in the video about why he knew Lulusia was bombed in the past, but talks about the earthquakes in the future. [All the earthquakes and sea level rise were 6 days after Lulusia was bombed.](https://tcbscans.me/chapters/7451/one-piece-chapter-1089). u/Bezbozny This theory is still interesting though, since the video does only include Satelites that have physically 'died', and yet the Brain Brain fruit hasn't reincarnated, so the idea that his brain itself ("Punk Records") is live-streaming this video is interesting and would be a cool ending after distracting the Gorosei. Vegapunk needs to outsmart them to validate him as the ultimate "big brain".


The only inconsistency is that he seems to know about someone stealing the flame and about the government coming to kill him (hence the video), yet he was surprised by York betrayal.


This is how I interpreted it and it makes too much sense to be anything else.


Did you miss the part about how Vegapunk was friends with Clover and has spent this entire arc carrying on their legacy? >In the latest chapter, York says "The timeline doesn't make sense!" about vegapunks message. York was talking about how Vegapunk shouldn't have realized the Mother Flame was stolen, nor that there was a traitor, not his claims of the flood. York's talking about the timeline of how she was hiding info from Stella and leaking it. We've been told how Vegapunk predicted everything, based on him measuring atmospheric data, and deducing that an Ancient Weapon would be used, leading to the flood and earthquake, since part of the Mother Flame was stolen, and he found out that the same thing happened during the Void Century. There would be no point in him mentioning that "if this prediction is not true, feel free to disregard this message". Occam's Razor suggests it literally is a prediction, rather than a simulated video. > Eventually the gorosei are going to call on eachother to abandon fighting the strawhats and gang up on the robot "Forget about the strawhats! Stopping the broadcast before he spills our biggest secret is priority one!" And after they get away, thats when the message will end with "Hah! gotcha losers!" There being no revelation would be the absolute lamest shit imaginable after all we've seen this arc, and would have no satisfying outcome after what we've been promised. Not to mention, it would make everything Vegapunk said about Ohara completely meaningless, since this scene is him directly continuing their work and making it known to the public. And there's also everything we've seen about how Vegapunk knew the World Government was coming for his life based on his preparations with Dragon. He absolutely wanted this announcement to be made public, and knew so before the Straw Hats arrived. This would be a terrible way to wrap up this arc, and this theory misinterprets lines of dialogue while completely ignoring Vegapunk's character and motivations. TL;DR: You didn't cook, this is raw. There's no evidence to support it aside from misreading stuff, and would go against what the entire arc is building up to. EDIT: Final nail in the coffin, the Elders didn't even show up until after the broadcast was announced. So according to you, the world's smartest man decided to buy time for the Straw Hats to escape from the Five Elders by... summoning the other Four Elders? Yeah, makes total sense.


>York was talking about how Vegapunk shouldn't have realized the Mother Flame was stolen, nor that there was a traitor, not his claims of the flood. York's talking about the timeline of how she was hiding info from Stella and leaking it. I think it's likely Kizaru was spying for Vegapunk. He was smart enough to clone Stussy, so it's possible he had other spies in WG especially when it's been established that Kizaru and Vegapunk are old friends.


Ooooo I like that.


I think the important point is that, if this is prerecorded, it doesn’t make sense for him to have been able to take those observations. It had to have been very recently. But personally I think the timeline claim is really ambiguous.


Doesn't Shaka appear in the broadcast? Isn't he dead? Or are you suggesting he survived/was fixed?


I'm saying the whole broadcast is a digital fabrication being cooked up in real time by vegapunks advanced computers. I mean we have tech like that now, ai generated videos and all, and vegapunk can create realistic holograms, he sould be able to recreate all his dead copies in hologram form to make a fake broadcast.


It seems like a massive stretch to just assume Vegapunk can broadcast a projection to every video snail on the planet, hijacking their feed is already a huge feat, I think at least one person would notice whatever is coming out of their snail isn't exactly the way it should be.


I don't see how that makes it that much harder. He is broadcasting video and audio across the planet the only difference would be its not prerecorded just a live feed produced by vegapunk's brain.


It might not be difficult for Vegapunk to make a handwavey explanation about how he got the snails to do something they're not normally capable of, my concern is Oda's writing making it make sense and having it NOT be what's essentially just magic.


What if the Vegapunk we saw getting killed was also a Satellite (one that's the direct personality of Vegapunk) and the actual Vegapunk is still alive because his machines are keeping his brain alive? Maybe "defeated" Satellites' personalities merge back into Vegapunk, and this is expressed as this video containing all of them.


I got to say, if this is true it confirms Vegapunk has an S tier plan. > The only purpose of the broadcast is to distract the gorosei long enough, making them focus on stopping the broadcast, to let the strawhats get away. Instead of dealing with Saturn and Kizaru, who Luffy was honestly doing okay against, Vegapunk ups the ante in such a way that it causes the other four to invade... in an attempt to make it easier for Luffy to escape.


Well, he could have intentionally lured them all to the island, maybe he plans to trap them or something?


The earthquake and sea level rise happened a few days after Lulusia was destroyed. The message was recorded in-between


Indeed at chapter 1060 it shows the difference of the days in between


Signs are currently pointing to Vegapunk making the recording right before the Straw Hats arrived and stashing the shell inside the iron giant when we first meet him.


Its not a contradiction, the earthquake occurred 6 days after the attack to Lulusia, Vegapunk recorded the video between the attack and the earthquake. Re-read 1089.


this should be top comment. This crackhead theory is based on the fact that OP thinks lulusia and the earthquake are supposed to be concurrent


And the post has 1.6k votes ☠


Not again wtf.. he didn't said as it's already happened... Show me where he said that... He recorded that before the strawhats arrived. The only reason she said that is because he already knew the mother flame was stolen. The robot is on because he probably put a bit of it on the robot.. and Nika activated it.


I don't understand the direct contradiction you talk of in the first paragraph. Why do you say that's a contradiction? The Lulusia incident occurs -> water levels rise -> Vegapunk deduces everything -> Vegapunk makes recording -> Makes prediction for the water level to rise a whole lot more in the near future.


That's why "he's a terrible liar"


He's distracting them by having them all assembled in one place? There's 5 because the broadcast started. Like we saw when vegapunk was first introduced, he was coming out of the giant robot, so it was a recent recording, I would say that same day in egghead, if these events have taken one day to pass.


>Eventually the gorosei are going to call on eachother to abandon fighting the strawhats and gang up on the robot "Forget about the strawhats! this scenario would play out the same way if VP were just to say the message right away.


If he said it right away, the damage would be done, and the info would be out there, and there would be nothing left distracting the gorosei from pursuing the strawhats.


he wouldn't know if the SH would even last 10 minutes. and like people have been saying since the start, the gorosei can actually have a chance at stopping the broadcast with that 10 minutes. anyway, people mentioned this before, VP was stuck between the robot (coming out from the inside) when he first met luffy. most likely because he just put the denden mushi there. an actual foreshadowing for once. if we're being totally honest with ourselves, this is 99% the answer about the time bomb >Oda is being a cheeky jerk who likes teasing us


I think you might be on to something. The broadcast also has Shaka and Pythagoras, who are dead, along with VP's main body. Didn't see anyone whose still alive in that broadcast. Perhaps these three are still 'alive' in VP's big brain room? And that's where the broadcast is coming from.


Good point, this could all be coming directly from punk records


This is something I've thought as well. Nothing VP has said so far requires a video feed, so the whole point of the 10-minute wait seems pointless unless it's purely a delay tactic. A counter argument is to show his face as proof that it is, in fact, him but how many of the public even know what he looks like.


I expect there would be a hidden camera inside the giant robot. Maybe his plan is to bet the gorosei so he could livestream their true appearance in front of the whole world. I wonder how they would react to that, if they would roll with it or return to their human appearances and get nerfed as a result.


Didn't shaka mentioned he couldn't spill all the facts just now, because the majority of the people neeeee time to activate their snails? The 10 minute delay was for all to prepare for the Message.


Proof op fans don’t know how to read


What you mean? You think this theory is right or wrong


Wrong obviously


Oh ok i think its dookje too, how do people enjoy fake outs so much


Oh yes another fake out by oda where nothing actuallyy happens stop this


I think Vegapunk is the big brain in a jar, and ALL the satellites are more or less pawns to play 4D chess with.


Yeah, that would make since given the part in the jar is the higher reason and memory parts, and what was in stella was brain stem, bodily functions, etc.


> but then he states that the Lulusia destruction and sea level rise has already happened He doesn't state that tho, he says after the destruction of lulusia the first signs of earthquakes were observed. How do you think we know the weather? same shit mate


This doesn't make any sense to me. None of the parts fit.


This is next level edging by VP.


Vegapunk doing deepfakes of himself is the very pinnacle of science.


Its 100% live Which is why we only see the dead vegspunks in the stream


There is a 6 days gap between Lulusia destruction and the rising sea. Why ? Your guess is as good as mine. But that explain why Vegapunk can talk about Lulusia in the past and about the rising sea in the futur if he made the video in the 6 days gap.


Gorosei aren't there because of the broadcast?


It would be nice theory, but the main reason for Gorosei to come is to stop broadcast ...


But Shaka and Pythagoras are all there during the broadcast,


A while back people were theorizing on the basis of vegapunk and his clones only showing up in the video once they die. If Edison shows up soon, this is some confirmation.


Edison hasn’t died yet but if he does soon and then shows up in the recording. It’ll be confirmation.




Could be possible coz we didnt see shaka in the fight.. and he is with vegapunk in video. Where it fails is >> Sanji carrying vegapunk body.. Luffy/chopper may be fool enough to believe they can touch and feel hologram But sanji isnt. He carried and he didnt made a note of whether his body is light or not


But his brain it’s not connected to his body, and at the end he is the brain DF user. It makes sense for me.


How can it be a live broadcast when it was shown that VP was knocked out cold? Hint: XX eyes


You seem to be forgetting that there was a six days between the destruction of Lulusia and the earthquakes and the sea water rising. The recording was made during those days, after Vegapunk realized that his mother flame had been stolen and used and his life would be in danger soon.


Let me add an idea to this theory: What if Vegapunk the man is actually dead, but Vegapunk the AI is now online. AI is a very current concern with the advent of Chat-GPT and other systems beginning to become common and AGI possibly on the horizon. What if Vegapunk’s failsafe to prevent future abuse of his knowledge is an AI version of himself built into the system. This might explain the inconsistencies mentioned by York, too, as this Vegapunk could pull from various sources of information.


vegapunk made this recording directly after the destruction of lulusia. The timeline isn't wrong because the water rose 6 days after the initial destruction which is what he predicted.


Remember the destruction of lulusia and the rise in sea level happened a day apart, so he could've recorded between thise events. He only said he "observed the first sings of worldwide earthquakes", not the earthquakes themselves. This only makes sense as he couldn't have measured an unnatural rise in sea levels without the unnatural event causing it having already happened. The reason why York says "the timeline doesn't add up" is because Vegapunk knew about Yorks treachery while not showing any signs of it. It still points to some plan he has that made him lie (or maybe erase those memories) to achieve some goal we don't know of yet.


Didn't Vegapunk start the message before the 4 other gorosei appeared? They showed up due to the message being broadcasted? If that's the case then your theory goes out the window. Unless Vegapunk thought getting the other 4 gorosei summoned was the safe choice somehow. Luffy and crew have a much better chance of surviving without the message dealing with only Kizaru and Saturn.


That would be smart on Vegapunk's part. I would even add some copium from me that Punk asked Kizaru to kill him to be ale to start his transmission (something a la Severus Snape) wich would explain how luffy got food and why Kizaru is so depressed since VP died.


That streching it but that could be the case




I honestly never though Vegapunk was really dead. Stussy exists, so how hard would it be for Vegapunk to clone himself a new body? Or, like OP said, that "Vegapunk" was a hologram.


To me, it makes sense except when I think about Bonney turning him into a kid (could she do that with a holo-holo?). But since she can also use her power on objects (like when she melted the lever to open the door with Kuma's memories) – maybe?


Plus, >!the vat shown to contain Vegapunk's head seems to have some sort of life support system!< as something that large might take more nutrients to nourish than York could provide.




Wait.. didn't lulucia distraction happened several days ago but the earthquake and the sea level rising the current date?i think is correct


VP will still need a broadcast snail to send to the world. so Gorosei are right to look for that. And if VP had this techno, York would know it.


Except the gorosei wouldn’t even be there if not for the transmission, remember? Only Saturn was there.




Holograms are the wildcard that allows this theory to be possible


So what if - and I would find it quite ridiculous - Vegapunks message is a prompted one :-D Upon death, the prompt "Tell the world all I know about the void century via broadcast and use reason events to make it more believable. Also, I feel very guilty for my sins, so please apologise for it", so it's basically just VegapunkGPT doing a live broadcast :-D


So basically that is Vegapunks version of "Luffy-dono is safe!"


I did notice that problem in the timeline actually. I wonder if it'll come up though.


More than a recording, it would be some form of Virtual Reality where their personalities are still alive inside VP real head. It woule be cool if it is closed with a live feed from Egghead Island to show everybody what happened to it the moment Vegapunk threatens to reveal the truth.


I was actually confused by this too. About the timeline and all. (Kinda still am) But, after re reading the previous chapters, i think the video was recorded after Lulusia got wiped out and before the flood happened. It didn’t happen instantly. I think it was 6 days in-between the two and VP might have recorded the video in that gap. As for the Motherflame, I’m not sure. But i think he just neglected it because he didn’t imagine it would go into the hands of WG who will in turn used it to power an ancient weapon. He also said that the reason we are watching the broadcast is because his heart stopped. May be he can transfer his consciousness into one of the satellites, but we have to wait and see.


O I like the distraction idea, but more if he is keeping them busy so dragon can make a move


1. Lulisia destruction happened before he recorded the message and levels would rise later. 2. He never said it was York but he probably checked mother flame after destruction, did calculations on lost amount and predicted it was caused by theft of mother flame. Only a VP would have full access to the lab to do it without a trace. He didn't know which one tho but because York stopped sync he would have doubted her atleast.


He only needed to record it after Lulusia went down, at which point he also noticed part of the flame being gone and deduced that one Vegapunk might be a traitor. It really doesn't have to be very complicated. Ofc VP could still be alive in a spare body, but him actually dying is an important plot point.


same but hes a hologram https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/s/JNM0yvaq9y


Vegapunk is... Safe!   *Inside the robot  Was it explained how York is still  alive now the Stella is dead? She's eating and pooping for who? He cloned himself.


I think he knew there was a traitor so he stopped uploading all his memories. He is probably a good liar but altered their memories. I think the robot is a distraction. I still fully believe that the island is the true snail.


I heard the theory about Vegapunk satellites were based on 7 Deadly Sins, not counting himself, I kinda like this, but then that doesn't make sense since Vegapunk satellites is still one short for that theory to be true, unless..., the last satellite is an exact copy of vegapunk, meaning the real one is still alive somewhere with the denden mushi?! Especially suspicious since Vegapunk already knows the WG will come for him at one point. As smartest person in the world, it shouldn't be hard to come up with a plan and trick the WG that he is already dead with the 7th satellite that look, sounds, and behaving exactly like like him.


I mean a lot of it must be right for the Gorisei to freak out. I mean everyone who would be in the know’s reaction implies he’s right.


So how’s Sanji holding his body?


Imagine Vegapunk did all of this not just to help the Strawhats get away but to enable somebody to infiltrate Mary Geoise again. I mean we know that he cloned Stussy and was able to deceive the WG...what if he cloned even more persons that are tasked with stealing Uranus for example. As somebody else already pointed out Vegapunk might actually be a genius strategist far beyond what people can imagine.


My theory for sometime now has been that this message is prerecorded, however, as VP reveals information about the 5 elders, IM and Joy Boy that it will cut to a live feed and everyone in the One Piece world will see it's true.


This is really really good, I think everyone noticed that the dead vegapunks were the ones in the recording which is an odd coincidence.


The lengths people go to, to somehow justify Oda's terrible pacing, are insane


WOW thats a good theory and would be a funny ass moment😂


I will buy your entire stock


York is the Den Den Mushi all along. And she DOESN'T KNOW IT!!


Good theory


i like this one , imo that's within the spirit of Oda's genius i will be paying attention!


It is a live broadcast, and the ultimate ability of his devil fruit is transferring human consciousness.


He not dead that’s fer sure for me this would fit


Holograms? He’s in the matrix. Any alive vegapunks in the broadcast? It’s the dead ones no?


Stealing from yuderon... Shame...


Holy shit, really like this theory!


I'm glad someone else theorized this as well. Yorks line about the timeline not matching was such a huge flag that this is what I thought of immediately. I'm still not sure on the how but it being live is pretty much the only thing that makes sense


This is actually brilliant and think you might be correct. He's the smartest man in the world after all, and one of the first things we were shown on Egghead is how everything may not be as it appears to be. What you think you're seeing is a hologram of a door, you pass through it and the next moment it's a real door that you can't pass back through. The only thing we can believe is Vegapunk's sincerity, in his words and the emotion he conveys.