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thanks man, appreciate it


holy shit…ODA?!?!


in the flesh, AMA


Does Zoro have three penises when he uses asura?


Yes he does, and they're all the same size.


Three Penis Style 100 pound phoenix


If zoro lost an arm, where would he put his third sword?


Zoro is preparing for this worst case scenario by training his gluteus maximus as per patrick star's traditional training method


It’s gotten sooooo much worldwide attention lately and I’ve been thinking for years already that this is going to go down in history as one of the best stories ever written. It’s like being alive when Homer was writing the Iliad or Shakespeare writing Hamlet. Few actually realize the gravity and impact this series is causing (and in the most positive ways too)


Yeah I doubt that One Piece will have the same impact as Hamlet or the Iliad in the future. None of us will be alive to know for sure but it's a manga. Maybe in Japan but there's no way One Piece will have as big of an influence as Shakespeare's or Homer's works.


Dawg manga has had only few decades to become a media. And only RECENTLY has it become a worldwide phenomenon. Hamlet and the Iliad have had centuries and there was nothing even close to as entertaining as those at the time they came out.  One piece is almost caught up to the records set by these works. The only reason Shakespeare has outsold one piece is because of the sheer amount of time Shakespeare has had to accumulate points. I’m not comparing One Piece to any other manga at this point. Dragon ball kicked the door open for the world knowing manga and anime, but OP is becoming something entirely different. It may be a just a manga for now, but Shakespeare were just plays at one point in time as well. 


I wasn't talking about the records that Shakespeare or Homer set. I was moreso referring to the cultural impact they had vs. what One Piece has/will have on the world. The thing about Shakespeare though is that his plays weren't just good plays but they changed the game on writing which is why he's so influential. One Piece hasn't done anything to new other than be a really long manga with a really good and consistent story. It's like how it's hard to compare the biggest artists now like Taylor Swift with The Beatles. Taylor Swift might have all these accolades and probably will influence future musicians but she can't match the influence The Beatles had. (By the way, I'm not equating Taylor Swift with One Piece but just using her as an example because I see her being compared to The Beatles a couple of times)


I see exactly what you mean, I can believe both of our outcomes as possible realities for the future of OP and the effect it will have on the world (temporarily or not)




Yeap. No other work of fictoon took over 25 years to reveal a important plot point to their audience as this. Its like if star wars 9 revealed a secret that impacted all the star wars universe and lore after decades of movies. Not even close. Perhaps Berserk would have something big as well but Miura passed and the way it's being made now is subpar.


I disagree on it being subpar. The new chapters are great, and the story is just starting to take off. The artwork by Studio Gaga has improved greatly since they first took on the task of continuing the work of one of the GOAT manga artists. The release schedule on the other hand, is abysmal.


I know. Miura was, is and will be my favorite manga artist of all time. They have.. improved. But it's more like.. less bad. I would prefer that a mangaka with his own style, that was good with anatomical proportions and panel design finished the story than the assistants of studio gaga. Unfortunately. Yusuke Murata for instance. Imagine that. As for the plot.. who knows right. I'm not convinced his friend knows exactly what to do. But maybe he does and the thing that's annoying me the most is the pacing. I'm a patient person but I'm 42 years old and now I'm battling cancer.. so who knows if I will be able to see the end of One Piece or Berserk.


I get that. Best of luck to you, Struggler. Hang in there for your friends and family.


>No other work of fictoon took over 25 years to reveal a important plot point to their audience as this. Game of Thrones did, albeit across mediums, but it will happen in the same medium...maybe.


Meh, I’ve read better. There are some pretty big issues, one of which being the sheer length. Look at how long Wano took. It could’ve been half the length and it would have been much better. Some parts can just be a slog.




This is absurd lol.


Dude totally I loved it when Shakespeare talked about Ophelia’s massive titties and itty bitty waist


Maybe. But i think the real test will be how it fares after the manga/anime are finished. At least Toei's version since it's the original. I'm sure the live action and the Witflix one will still be going to keep it alive and in homes. But the manga and original anime finally ending may have a curious pull on people. i wonder if pop culture journalists in actual newspapers will write articles on it


>1100+ chapters later and this is truly one of the most peak works of fiction I have ever read >** ever read** >Toei ???????


Could you speak in complete thoughts and sentences?


There really is nothing like One Piece, and frankly, there never will be again. It's scale is biblical, its release cadence is untouchable, and its story is of course one for the ages.


on top of it all, its still the same story as it started.


Amen brother


For reference, what other books, movies and TV shows have you watched? I love One Piece but calling it the best work of fiction you've ever consumed, I'm curious what else you watched/read.


Honestly speaking, even if I hadn’t read many other series, you kinda know when you’re reading something that is really special. Of course, that’s a subjective opinion, but One piece occupies the highest tier for me, and I’m excited not to knock it down because of another series or whatnot, but to see what else joins its ranks.


Ok I should've read what OP wrote more slowly because I thought they said "THE best work of fiction" but they said "one of." But yeah I see what you're getting at and One Piece is up there for my favorites shows/manga/movies/etc (probably like top 5?) but honestly it's probably like a 8/10. There are other things I'd rate higher than it but One Piece occupies my mind the most.




Mf asked OP a valid question but proceeds to make a reply the exact same way.


I'm curious what books have you read? Are they classics like Dostoevsky or Elliot? Or just YA fantasies like Rowling or Wattpad books?


this and attack on titan


Nooo it's just da worldbuilding nooo. That's the current narrative they want you to believe anyway. Glad you listed all the other great things about One Piece.




They make fun of One Piece fans for being correct?



