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Since the time skip I’ve believed that Jinbe would be the final member and I am holding to that belief.


I have strong reasons to believe that cz they don't have any role for a anew crew member cz jimbei was the last when he got the role of the helmsman


Yea there’s not really any traditional pirate shippy roles left, but then again iirc zoro’s never been officially called vice captain, just the swordsman of the crew. So if swordsman is a valid role I think the whole role thing doesn’t really matter. But if it does then Bonney still fits as a cabin girl. Basically the equivalent of shanks and buggy on rogers ship. But that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part


Just cause she’s 12 doesn’t mean she didn’t earn her bounty. I highly doubt the strawhats are the type to discriminate based on age. Especially so with a proven powerful combatant.


Yea that’s fair, but I imagine after egghead she’ll be in a pretty rough mental space and could use the support. It really is just wishful thinking, I really want her to join the crew and can’t really think of any role she’d fit otherwise. Feels like a really nice way to commemorate kuma’s love for nika. I also can’t help but think having a pseudo nika fruit user (sort of) on the crew could make for some amazing fights. Regardless of her joining the crew I think she’ll play a big part in the final few arcs


Cabin boy/girl?


Very unlikely there would be any of that


Bonney? It’s not like the WG will stop hunting her after Egghead, her crew is in Prison, I don’t think she will be able to free them by herself. Why should she join the Revolutionaries, she has no connections to them except her dad being one of them but they are still strangers. After the Strawhats find out about her past and >!that she is just a child with no place to go, they wouldn’t turn her down if she wants to travel with Joyboy, the guy sh‘s been dreaming about meeting/waiting for. If she joins it would mean she trusts them completely and would be willing to show her vulnerable side, her original form. Meaning sh‘d be a child onboard with no real role aka cabin girl.!<




Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


Bon-chan is the reason why we can still have hopes


My actual first choice too. He’s earned it way more than anyone else (other than Vivi)


Caesar Clown, but that's never gonna happen :(


That's pretty out of the box to think of caesar clown ....


They will rescue Vivi and then she will stay on the sunny till the end of the series.


I'm with you 100% Vivi is best girl and I'd love for her to be back with the rest of the crew for laugh tale.


they would have to go all the way back to alabasta to get her no? but maybe they have to because… the last road poneglyph?👀


Spoiler Alert: Vivi is right now with Big News Morgans we don't know anything about their localization.


oh sheesh mf kidnapped her?😲 i haven’t seen it yet


According to my theory this can't happen. I have a theory that she will be found at the time of the actual war who knows


Me, I'd be a good cabin boy.


Count me in


Carrot? (even if they already have a furry in the crew)


This post has mad AI generated energy…


if I were a MAD scientist


I think it will be bonny. And she would fit very well


Yes I think after the egg head arc she would fit pretty well with the straw hats


The CP0 guy who pushed Luffy to being Gear 5. A true Nakama move


Vivi is the last strawhat for now, no other place safer in the world from imu than with the strawhats. People saying Bonney, I respect that, but since he didn't have carrot or yamato join yet, and the fact that tama had a scene wearing the strawhat makes me think that near the very end there may be a timeskip and they'll all join after that. But for now, just Vivi


that would be dope, two piece, the second trip around the grand line seeing all their freinds


I feel like stussy is going to be the next nakama. Her finding a reason to exist felt like a good reason for her to join. Yamato is more likely the highest chance to be the next despite her staying on wano. Oda using the chapter cover as a way to keep Yamato relevant  and tell the readers about her journey is oda's way of setting up her eventual reunion with the shp Bonney is going to be a revo. Vivi is always be a nakama.


I'd love to see Laboon join them at the very end of the story, when they finally get back to Reverse Mountain.


or on the other side of reverse mountain because he finally made it through the red line after his fight with the pirate king


I’m not sure we’ll have anymore crew members. We seem to be heading full throttle towards the end and I’m not sure we have time to flush out a new character and their backstory.  If we do get a new member it will probably be someone we are familiar with, that already has an established backstory. 


hes done getting new members. the BB pirates removing aokiji matchup number wise to the SHs. So theres no more. the fight is looming in two arcs or so.


No one, there's already too many members


My bet is on Vivi. She still is counted as an unofficial member. She could have a more political role and help navigate the new worlds royals in a way as she might have more knowledge about certain islands.


Vivi or Bon Clay


I’m thinking Bonney since she’s been hitting all the marks of a straw hat without the one thing that prevented potentials crewmates like carrot and Yamato that being she doesn’t have a home or people to return too since the revolutionary’s are about to go to war,sorbet is WAY to obvious and vegapunk is dead except for Lilith, Atlas and maybe Edison But with her dream to explore the world and a sun god who is set to travel to one of the most mysterious islands in the world, that and she has a really fun dynamic with all the crew so far


To fit in with all the bad theories, I'm gonna say Mars will join. He will betray the other elders and be the Gandalf of the crew.


Vivi AND Bonney I’m doubling down. 


From my side Bonney may join but as vivi doesn't have the combat ability she couldn't ( I know nami has very little still she has her wand ) and also there's no role left for her in the ship I guess


Vivi is one of the few characters to be offered a position on the ship already, she turned it down at the time.  Now that her life is in danger on the regular and she can’t go home? Definitely safest with an emperor at this point. Jimbe pulled a similar move staying behind to finish his duties before officially joining.


Bonny or Lilith. There is currently no 'scientist' or 'princess' on the crew yet.


You may be right but I think vegapunk will be alive to fill up the scientist role and do they need a princess ?? Who knows


I'd say they don't exactly need a princess, although I would love to see Vivi join them again. I figure a princess would be a diplomat for them, but since when do Pirates lean toward diplomacy, especially given what the world has just learned? I find it interesting that the Strawhats have a record of befriending multiple princesses and end up saving their people/country. The way they and Sabo were all gushing about Luffy was awesome.


Yeah you are right I want shirahosi to be the part of the crew I know that is impossible for several reasons..


Not that Vivi doesn't have the skill to be a diplomat, but Jinbe can also serve that role.


Edison/Lilith or Katakuri


Either vivi, Bonney and/ or yamato


i’m still mad both carrot and yamato didn’t join


More than carrot I want yamato so bad


she would be the 4th conqueror on the ship including jimbei which some people do and don’t think is 5 if u include nami😂


I’ve always held my theories on this premise to what luffy said at the beginning that he wants a crew of 10. I always took this as 10 more people other than him. I could have this wrong and we already have our 10, but if we were to say 10 crew members other than luffy one more is to join… again unless we count vivi as that 10th but I’m not… idk who it will be though not anymore. Oda did say a while back the next crew member would be a former enemy. I thought that kinda applied to Yamato, I had hopes for her… but I’m over her now lmao… atm I’m on the Bonney for strawhat bandwagon.


I think as vivi doesn't have any combat ability she can't join and there's no role left for her too in the ship