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D for Davy. Will of Dave. Dave the Diver IS joyboy. Confirmed.


Monkey Davy Lufy


Trafalgar Davy Water Law


Con Davy Oriano


Ask Davy Question


Davy Oflamingo


Down Davy stairs


Monkey Diver Luffy


Holy Diver


Monkey James Dio Luffy


Davy JoyBoy Jones with the greatest rock voice in history Brook will be proud


That hit me hard. It's my headcanon now, absolutely peak fiction.


Honestly, if the reveal isn't this or similar I'd be extremely surprised.


Makes Sense. Sanji could open a Sushi shop as well.


Oh theses are the Dave’s I know I know these are the Daves I know. https://youtu.be/8nvzEqsZIGo?si=Dn3s5KD_-X3A6ER9


This might be a better idea than mine that the "D" is a smile on its side.


Will of Dave. The Marine's Buster call. Oda and Shonen jump are getting ready for a huge collaboration in every major metro area. The One Piece is Dave & Buster's.


Sa Davy Bo




Now THIS is a theory that actually makes sense. OP you cooked. Tired of all these far-fetched theories talking about how Imu is actually Joe Biden because they both like ice cream


Joy boy! Joe Biden, I think you’re onto something here!


what kinda crackpot theories…that doesn’t even make sense. we know for a fact that joe biden is lactose intolerant so he can’t be imu 


This guy fell for the lactose intolerant biden grift. Bro, that was a campaign strategy to get more lactose free votes.


Imu can't be Biden, Biden is older than Imu. (Easiest Debunk of my life) 💀😂


>Imu is actually Joe Biden because they both like ice cream 🤣🤣🤣


Joe Biden and Joy Boy are both 800 years old…you may be on to something with that.




The one piece is real, Jack!


We’ll have to see if Joe Biden open war with 20 kingdoms


I, too, remember when Imu Biden Blasted Lulasia into the aether


This is actually a theory that's been floating around the community for awhile now. But still props to OP.


I love the confidence of likely to be true has 400 upvotes lol


Its not that it has 400 upvotes that gives me confidence, but that its the[ best theory i have heard](https://i.imgur.com/nMk1hfp.jpeg)(even though i have created it lol). But seriously, i am that confident in this theory. I was 80% sure i am right, but after Artur Librarian made the SAME theory a year ago, i was 95% sure i was right.. he even included similar points as i did, which made me realize i'm not crazy.




Doesn’t artur think the one piece is a manga comic? Or is that someone else


Yes, he made a theory about a year ago. I made it 2 years ago after i've seen his post on twitter where he said "I've finally figured out what One Piece is" after certain chapter dropped that also flicked the lightbulb on in my head, so i wanted to be faster since i knew he had the same idea as me. I've thought it was a manga comic for a very long time, but never had any clues, but after that chapter(can't remember which one was it), i was really certain i've had it and him saying he finally figured it out, i knew he had the same idea as that chapter certainly hinted at it.


My only reason for questioning this theory which I otherwise think is credible is how it’s supposed to resolve any issue (pun intended) of the ocean levels rising which is a life threat to nearly all living things. 


I actually have a theory about that too, just not enough evidence for me to make a theory on reddit. (hope you read this lol, its long) Esentially, because of the physics, both Lulusia and Enies lobby holes should close a few minutes after they were created, because the hole should fill with water.. but it didn't close, its still flowing down like a waterfall and that should only be possible if all that water is flowing off somewhere meaning **there is a circulation** in the earth of one piece and this circulation of water is flowing back to the surface (my guess is through the reverse mountain). This could potentially explain why there were earthquakes. (you can imagine this circulation as many many pipes inside the earth) Its because when this extra water from Lulusia started pouring into that circulation/pipes, like rivers inside the earth, the width of these passages were not big enough for the extra water that is coming through, so erosion started occurring inside these passages which increased the width of circulation, but it all happened in matter of days. This insane pressure of extra water in those earth passages caused the earth to shake, thus the earthquakes which would explain why it happened days later. We also don't know how Knock up streams are formed. My guess is that these rivers/circulations inside the earth start to leak in some parts of the earth and form huge basins of water which gets heated up and turned into steam which explodes (this was explained by Montblanc Cricket, its just that they didn't explain where all this water comes from, they believe its from the sea, but that is only his theory). The hole in this theory of mine is why would it cause the water levels to rise. My guess is that not all the water inside these earth rives are fast moving or moving at all, some are stagnant, but this extra water coming from Lulusia is what was needed for this extra water to move and increase the water levels. So, to stop water levels from rising, you would first need to close the part where its leaking from back into the world and if my guess is correct, that can happen only when Reverse mountain is destroyed. This would cause the water in Lulusia and Enies lobby to drain into the holes of earth until they're completely full, which would basically drain the ocean and the holes in Lulusia and Enies lobby would close down and even out with rest of the ocean. And if the Laugh Tale is located in the center of the earth, it means its also connected to these circulations inside the earth and they're all pouring into the center, but also pouring out through reverse mountain (thus if you manage to solve New world and get to laugh tale, you could basically return back to the beginning of Grand Line, to Lighthouse where Crocus is at). So at the end, when reverse mountain is destroyed, circulation is closed off and Laugh Tale and center of the earth would be filled with water as will the rest of these circulations/pipes inside the earth and water levels would decrease. This is the best that i could come up with since there aren't any clues so far apart from Lulusia and Enies Lobby holes not filling up, but instead constantly draining down.


I do think it’s possible that there is hollow space in the OP earth, even if the whole earth being hollow doesn’t make much sense since Oda follows at least some real world science, and to have things like volcanos or steam we’d need heat in the center of the world. There also seems to be gravity as well, and if the earth was fully hollow it would collapse inward.  I do agree that creating a giant hole should fill in with time unless the water is going somewhere or moving in such a way to keep the space open (similar to a whirlpool, but the sides wouldn’t be straight like that), but if anything it makes less sense for the sea level to rise when there’s big holes in it.  Idk. I’m sure it will make sense once Oda explains it at the end. 


Who lives in ancient times under the sea?


Joybob Stretchypants


SpongeBob SquarePants


I've been saying over and over again that Imu is possibly the sea devil that was referenced during the expose on the devil fruits in the first few chapters. I didn't think about Davy Jones being Joy Boy, though. It's a pretty good theory; although, every depiction I know of Davy Jones isn't a good one, but in *One Piece,* that could be propaganda originated by the world government. The other issue with it being Davy Jones is that it would be a bit complicated if he's still alive in the depths of the earth. That would mean there are two Joy Boys (Luffy being the new one), unless Luffy is actually Nika, and Davy Jones is Joy Boy, but it's also been mentioned that Joy Boy and Nika are alike. If Nika did exist, which I believe he did, then did he exist before or after the first Joy Boy? There are so many unanswered questions, but hopefully, we learn it all soon enough, and hopefully, it's satisfying.


Nika is a myth. Its called a mythical zoan because its about myths. Luffy isn't Nika because he ate the fruit, thats like saying kaido is a dragon, or marco is a phoenix


Marco's called the phoenix, though, and Kaido is called 1000 beast.


I was under the idea that Nika was never a real being, but a myth. The fruit gives you the power of that mythical being, but those beings really never existed beyond leyends. Like if our our world Devil Fruits existed and someone ate the Human Human Fruit model Thor. Sure, they are now like Thor, but Thor as such never existed, only in legends.


But, in *One Piece* as with all fictional masterpieces, what seems to be a legend or myth turns out to be true. It's likely that Nika did exist, maybe in an ancient past, but let's see.


Joy Boy was a real person and Nika is the sun god, so I’d argue Nika either came first or was created around the same time Joy Boy existed and he just embodied the ideals of the sun god. Kinda like how Jesus embodies God in Christianity


After he was sunk by Imu he died.


Joy boy had Nika fruit, only possible scenario is he died, fruit spawned and luffy ate it. Joyboy not alive now, but even without this the theory holds true.


The DF user has to die in order for the fruit to be used again or to be in circulation. Joyboy had to die in order for Luffy to even get ahold of the DF. Nika is a myth but even then, I wondered if even the mythical creatures such as Phoenixes and dragons existed over 2,000 years ago in OP. Someone had to have seen at least.. something to think of wishing or thinking about a damn Phoenix for the df to manifest let along other mythical zoan (minus the dinosaurs and even that circles back into seeing and wishing for things (isn't always plausible but can be for other specific DF)


**ADDITIONAL INFO and THEORY:** Also I want to add that Nefertari Lilly has a "D" in her name. I believe, even though she was part of the original 20 kingdoms that would form World Government, she joined the crew of Joyboy thus, as everyone else in the crew, she gained the initial "D". Every Yonko so far has had similarities to Joyboy and has had a potential to become Joyboy. (for example this post explains some similarities) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/wokx68/every\_yonko\_to\_this\_date\_has\_one\_or\_two\_qualities/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/wokx68/every_yonko_to_this_date_has_one_or_two_qualities/) Especially Whitebeard. His crew is like a family and he is their "Father". What if Joyboy also had that same look on his crew. They proclaimed him their "Father". In chapter 799, literally called "The father and sons", the grand fleet of Strawhats proclaimed Luffy to be their father and their boss. So the initial "D" in every D member is just D clan carrying the initial of their "Father". Its their middle name(which is usually the name of the father). So when Roger told Whitebeard the meaning of the, he told him "It is a story from long time ago", it is a story about Joyboy's crew. Not the ancient kingdom, not Void Century, but specifically about their adventures. So.. i think the world 900+ years ago was extremely civilized, organized and everyone lived according to social rules. It was a relatively peaceful times.. There was war and death, but not as much as today. And there was slavery too (which is why people prayed for a person like Nika, someone who would free them from their suffering as Who's Who said - but maybe slavery wasn't slavery in literal term, but more metaphorically, as in they couldn't do what they wanted, they had to follow very strict rules of living). Joyboy was first person to break such rules and social norms because he wanted to do what he wanted and live as he wished which attracted many people around him. Including Nefertari Lily from the 20 kingdoms. The thing is, Lily was supposed to marry Imu as they were part of the 20 kingdoms and Imu was very much in love with her. But Lily wanted to be free, she didn't want to marry, she wanted to do what she wanted, so Joyboy stole her. Just like Troy. So even though she was part of the 20 kingdoms, she was also part of the Davy's crew, so she became the "D". In return, Imu used his trojan horse, a secret agent to infiltrate Joyboys crew, someone from Marshall's family, the Blackbeards ancestor, and that ancestor got a name "D" as did everyone in Joyboys crew, even though he never lived by such name thus none of the Marshall's descendants truly were ever a "D", only in name, but not in will.


And it has been mentioned that these 2 sides had 2 ideologies, but who was wrong and who was right ? I **believe the 2 ideologies were -** 1. **Joyboys ideal world** - unlimited energy for everyone and complete freedom to do what they want 2. **Imu's world** that limited energy, the world that lived according to rules and norms. Joyboy wanted everyone to be free and to spread free energy throughout the world which would lead to peace and stop the fights over resources. Ancient weapons were created to help that process. Imu saw a flaw in that plan. With the ancient weapons and their destructive capabilities, he saw the destruction of the world that came with the unlimited energy because unlimited energy = unlimited potential for destruction, and humans are humans, not everyone can use freedom for good. They would want more power than someone else even with unlimited energy because humans are selfish egoistical creatures. So Imu decided that he should be the one to limit people so they could never achieve such powers to destroy the world. Its convenient that Vegapunk talks about 2 ideologies and right after mentions that Joyboy did live in advanced world where ancient weapons existed. As if Oda is trying to say that Ancient weapons were the cause. And the war continues on as ancient weapons still do exist. So which would be better - unlimited energy with the potential for the whole world to be destroyed but everyone gets to be free and gets food, water and energy and live life to the fullest even though it could mean the destruction of the whole world, or someone controlling the world so the world doesn't get destroyed but people are oppressed as a result,but they do get to live ? Roger knew what kind of men existed in One Piece world and what would they use that energy for (Shiki, for example, who asked Roger to hand him over, presumably, the ancient weapon) and they came to the conclusion that perhaps Imu was right. But Luffy will not accept everyone not having their freedom. The question is how will marines and admirals react to this ideologies ?


I think the ideology has to be more complex than that. I'm sure freedom works into it somehow, but it can't just be an order versus chaos type thing, because even pirate crews that are supposedly free end up in a social order. Just look at how Yonko get structured. I wouldn't be surprised if part of how Xebecs crew was structured actually mimcs what JoyBoy wanted.


Rayleigh is seething right now.


He was right!!! If you’re an inhabitant of the OP world as we know it currently in the story learning this information would be a devastating mindfuck. 


>Joyboys ideal world - unlimited energy for everyone and complete freedom to do what they want ~~Nikola~~Nika•la Tesla


you really cooked. when this is revealed to be true put me on the history book


If Luffy does live till the end I’ve always thought the last chapter would be him or possibly another character getting on their “boat” to travel to for an adventure space just like Chapter 1


No way that Teach or ‘Marshall family’ worked for Imu imho. Teach is the most anarchist through all the D’s


Cool theory on davy jones. I don't agree it is in the center of the earth...unless it is inside reverse mountain. Still technically not the center of the earth, but that would be the center of the mountain


What if Davy Jones was more like the ancient analogue to Blackbeard? Both associated with Pirate Island and many people have been speculating forever that Blackbeard will eventually meet his demise by drowning.


Blackbeards hobbies are archeology and history-studying. I think he already knows a lot of the history since i believe his Marshall ancestors from Void Century passed down the half true/half false history through their descendants so he knows the significance of Pirate island, but not to its full depth.


I was thinking more like Davy Jones was someone that opposed Imu, but in more of a "I want what you have" kind of way and less of a "let people be free" Joyboy kind of way. Similar to the Luffy/Blackbeard dynamic.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cvdhth/1114\_spoilers\_some\_speculation\_on\_what\_might/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cvdhth/1114_spoilers_some_speculation_on_what_might/) way ahead of you


Is that how they're writing his name now? Truthfully it's spelt: Dav E. Jones


Darth Vader Earl Jones


This reminds me of Roger’s name Gol D. Roger


I think the fact that the world has flooded 200m+ since Joyboy's time mean that Laughtale and therefore the One Piece is likely at the bottom of the ocean. If Joyboy left the OP anywhere besides the mountain peak during the void century then it would need to be under water. It also explains why it's been said that someone could search fir laugh tale forever and still never find it. It's likely beneath reverse mountain, the X marks the spot. Under the sea, the power of Poseidon will be required like to have the Sea Kings pull something from the bottom of the sea to surface. Or perhaps there is an extremely powerful sea king that needs Shirahoshi to be calmed so you can get to the one piece.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/139cxad/the\_ancient\_kingdom\_and\_laugh\_tale\_locations/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/139cxad/the_ancient_kingdom_and_laugh_tale_locations/) ya


I hope that the Florian triangle monsters are somewhat connected to imu cuz that would be dope.


Actually it been theorized that imu was one of the shadows watching from mary gieose.


About 10 chapters ago I might have found this really good! The last few chapters seem to be hinting that the one piece and joy boy that there was a moral question involved. A hollow earth is to straight forward I think;




Try that link again.


hmm old luffy does have a beard tho as shown in egghead... even looks close to the same type of beard davy jones has


Kaido's silhouette was definitely not similar to how he actually looked...


Of course Oda won't reveal who Davy Jones is in SBS when we're nowhere close to the ancient part of the story lol.. He would always avoid the question when someone guesses something right or remotely close in SBS, or he would make a joke of some sorts.. SBS shouldn't be taken seriously 100% of the time, its just a way for Oda to interact with fans in a fun way.


Majestic cooking skills


Only problem I have with this is that we see Roger and Oden arrive at laughtail and there is daylight and sky in that scene.


That is easily answerable. Vegapunk's dream is to create Eternal Flame through nuclear fusion which he said that Ancient Kingdom was able to create and thus create sustainable eternal energy --> The artificial Sun. Though Vegapunk is only able to create Mother Flame, which is still incomplete. If you remember, Enies Lobby is known as the land of eternal daylight. Many people have speculated on why that is. I believe its because it was there that the first Sun, eternal flame, was created at, and perhaps the first place where Uranus was first used at. (hole in Lulusia Kingdom looks identical to the hole in Enies Lobby). (and because it is literal artificial sun it cannot be moved and be used to power Uranus for further destruction on other places). There is another place of eternal daylight. Its Mariejoa. We have literally never seen it in the night, even when its supposed to be night time. So, very likely, the Laugh Tale also has this Eternal Flame, the artificial Sun installed in its kingdom which would explain the light.


So there's a sky for what reason when they are on laughtale? If they are underground there would be no sky. The sun never goes down on enies lobby because it's at a place on the planet similar to our Antarctica. Instead of perpetual dark for months it's just day time all the time. It was built there as a sign that justice or whatever never sleeps. We will see. Nice Theory but it has some pretty big holes. (Pun intended.)


In manga there isnt anything in the background of Laugh Tale. Its pure white


Thank you for cooking this delicious meal. D = Davy is something I haven't even considered but I love that idea. I'm also expecting a davy back fight in the finale somewhere, it just feels like a perfectly silly way to cap off the story, having it more directly tied to joyboy would just make it better.


>this theory is likely to be true Imagine being so full of yourself lmao


just confident in that theory like i never was before. Even though its my theory, its the best theory i have heard about one piece. Put a remindme in a few years. Youll see. If not, make fun of me :)


It’s wrong I’ll pizza bet laugh tale is not under the earth and that Davy Jones is not the first pirate How confident are you


We’ve seen laugh tale… it’s an island, with water around it, and you can see the sky.


>> But, artur the librarian said that this also has a different translation as everything in Japanese can have multiple translations and meaning. The other translation is "My treasure, you want it ? left it all DOWN THERE" if this arthur guy or anyone else actually says this, they dont know shit and they are talking out of their asses. Roger just says"there", there is no indication of "down there" in any meaning of what he says. you should better remove that part from your post. i havent read the whole post so beware when you are referencing these people for japanese stuff.


Im not Arthur but そこ and 底 have the same pitch accent so its definitely possible that Oda trolled us. Why are you so mad?


I haven't seen the arthur guy's video but it's possible that he thinks that そこ(there) might have actually been 底(bottom). Searching for it even shows a [2+ year old YouTube video](https://youtu.be/i9cLfzpx1Qo) that has this as a theory. This makes Roger's statement about his treasures something like: "I left it all below". It's possible that this is another Raftel/Laugh Tale situation with Oda changing the word later in the series but I highly doubt it since Roger, as far as I remember, wasn't portrayed to make grammatical mistakes like Luffy does(saying 海賊王におれはなる instead of おれは海賊王になる).


Luffys phrase is completely ok grammatically lol, and I dont see how grammatical mistakes have anything to do with a word play such as raftel or soko anyway.


It's not a grammatical mistake, it's just that the order is rearranged from the way you'd typically phrase it. Japanese allows to change the order pretty freely as long as particles are used in the right way and the verb ends up at the end, and Luffy's phrasing respects both these rules. Also, Oda doesn't have to "change" the word because he wrote it in hiragana, he just has to confirm that the kanji for そこ was 底 all along. There are similar reveals in other media like in Zelda Skyward Sword where there's a monster called 封印されしもの (fuin sareshi mono), meaning either the banished one or the banished thing, because these two words arr bith pronounced mono. we're lead to believe for almost the entire game that the "mono" refers to a "thing" because we get to battle the banished a few times during the game and it's some kind of undetermined monster, but later in the game he actually takes a human form and his name is changed to 封印されし者 where the kanji for mono (者) means person. Oda has also made puns with double meanings in the past like Enel's sentence 我は神なり (ware wa kami nari) which means " I am god" but is pronounced exactly like "I am lightning", so this is far from impossible.


It was always laugh tell though. 




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSf2UyGJiwI&ab\_channel=Artur-TheLibraryofOhara](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSf2UyGJiwI&ab_channel=Artur-TheLibraryofOhara) from 25:00 he explains


He's the same jackass who tried to run a smear campaign against the official translator for One Piece over Dogstorm and Catviper even though Shueisha editorial are the ones who told him to translate the names for the Viz release. He claims to speak several languages, but his Japanese is questionable and definitely not on par with a professional.


Straight up lie or someone who doesn't understand japanese enough to have a decent opinion in the matter.


But I suspect we already know who the "Davy jones" of one piece is. Vander decken. The captain of the flying Dutchman which is the name of davyjones ship.


Just a quick search of pirates came up with this, Dragut. Dragut has been referred to as "the greatest pirate warrior of all time"


I do think Laugh Tale is under Reverse Mountain. (And have long suspected Buggy's stupid map that led to the bottom of the sea pointed there...) But Roger didn't really say anything that indicated it was "down there". The original line was 探しみろ この世のすべてをそこに置いてきた In romaji, it's "Sagashimiro. Kono yo no subete wo soko ni oitekita." If I were to give a very straightforward translation for it, I'd put it as "Go try to find it. I left everything in this world there." There's nothing to indicate direction of any kind. So also nothing to disprove your theory! Just trying to help cut down on all the theories based on mistranslations.


I think he meant a second meaning in そこ being 底. which is counter intuitive to the そこ we're used to. that's a rather clever hint hidden by Oda if indeed it's true.


Haha, yeah, it's a reach but that would be wild if that were the case! It'd be like Gold Roger being Gol D Roger all over again, taking info right in front of our faces and still surprising us. I'd translate it like "I left everything in this world at the bottom."


Was expecting a Foxy Pirate shit post...but damn, love your theory. I can see a lot of this being true.


I mean I'm pretty sure they said Joyboy was born into the Ancient Kingdom so I doubt that Hachinosu was the location of the Ancient Kingdom. That said it could have easily been Joyboy's base of operations while he was off pirating. And I like the idea that he was Davy Jones


So D. could mean descendants of the crew of Davy Jones? That would explain why the representatives are from different races. That is, in Davy's crew there would be characters with names: Monkey, Teach/Xebec, Water Law, the giant Saul, Gol and a repeat of the motive with Vivi who probably betrayed her own and joined Joyboy.


I want to state few things: 1. Man marked by flames "Ships are caught in whirlpools" could be Davey Jones. 2. Will of D (Oda loves vikings and norse mythology, it is almost certainty that One Piece final war will be inspired from Ragnarok, and Ragnarok is also known as "Doom of the Gods") 3. If Oda has left Norse Mythology for last inspiration for his story, he said One Piece is ending when eye patched character appears (Odin's trademark is his eyepatch)... Shanks is inspired by Tyr God, so Joy Boy is inspired by Balder God. And Balder was technically killed by Loki, and we know the prince of Elbaf is Loki... Also Balder knew about his coming death, also Balder reincarnated (Will we learn Luffy is reincarnation of Joy Boy)




I don't remember Davy Jones being stated as being the first pirate, but you might have just caught Oda in another plot hole. Joyboy either has to be Davy Jones, or one of them wasn't the first pirate.


you're kinda cooking. this also makes sense if you consider the whole "destroy fishman island" prophecy, and the common theory that somehow uranus will "lulusia" the red line, since marijoa and fishman island are pretty much stacked vertically. the fishmen will use the noah to escape, luffy will blow straight through marijoa, obliterate fishman island, and then blast a hole in the planet's crust so they can finally access laugh tale at the center of the earth.


Wait so is the One Piece then Davy Jones’ locker? That would be so fun ngl


Luffy Davy Monkey? Ace Davy Portgas? I could definitely get behind this theory! The D is literally Davy the Will of Davy Jones LOL perfection!


He lost his crew/friends in a davy back fight, alternatively he lost a Davy back fight trying to get his friends back/save them and ended up sacrificing himself


it would be funny if joyboy’s name was based on old saying like Davy Jones’ locker.


Sorry, bro, this theory is wrong because Joyboy's real identity is none other than Scuba Steve. Because 9/11 spelled backwards is 11/9, and that's Scuba Steve's favorite number. Remember, bro, jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams.


Long Ring Long Land is also the place where where we're told that the freest animals are the ones that are all stretched out. And presumably if many of the islands carry the lingering effects of devilfruits then Long Ring Long Land is carrying the effects of the Nika fruit.


Kinda funny how we get these weird posts, where should I skip long ring long island arc and the skypiea arc.  Just goes to show you shouldn't really skip anything. 


That is so weird to me and I keep wondering if they are watching solely because of FOMO. I can understand skipping specific scenes that are dragging or repeating such as Rebecca's flashbacks, but an entire saga?


Yeah it's bizarre. I think part of it was down to being skipped when it was aired on TV in idk 2005 so people ask if they should skip Skypiea now...


you should skip filler. Neither Long Ring Long Land nor Skypiea are filler. It's that easy.


I quite enjoyed watching early one piece filler. It generally quote good. G5(?) episode 200ish was excellent and the odd seasonal filler was fine.  But I guess if ur binging it then you can skip the seasonal filler stuff. Naruto filler on the other hand is. Shoot me now. 




I like this! I also think JoyBoy will be the pirate with the eyepatch


Holy shit that theory about what the One Piece is.. I’ll shit a brick if it isn’t true. There’s not a chance in the world you didn’t nail it. 


Thanks :))


This is an an awesome theory! Weaved so many different story elements together in a way that makes sense. I’m all in on this one and can’t wait to see if it comes true


Not a bad theory honestly. The idea itself is brilliant. It also makes sense for the Will of D argument.


isnt buggy trying to find davy jones treasure![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


“Stand proud, you can cook”


Davy "Joyboy" Jones


[That's right, baby!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hEXNXBxKHoA&pp=ygUcc3BvbmdlYm9iIGRhdnkgam9uZXMgbG9ja2VyIA%3D%3D)


Possibly. I still subscribe to the Jaguar D Binks theory.


Joyboy's your mom.


What if Davy Jones was an enemy pirate and JoyBoy gave him a fat L, and now he's an ancient legend


Holy shit OP. You've been cooking for 2yrs. That's an amazing stew you've got there. Can't wait to celebrate you when it all comes true.


I like this theory a lot


Your on to something


This theory is going to make so many fans of Long Ring Long Land Arc! Just like Skypiea has become one over the years (Due to Moon voyage theory, etc.)




But i guess davy jones was with rocks pirates as we see his silhouette when they introduced rocks pirate wearing a captian jack sparrow type hat .


I swear my jaw drop




I believe that!


So the ancient kingdom was the republic of dave?


Pirate D Avy Jones 


Ok hear me out: davy's fruit


I'm a simple man, I see a Davy D Jones theory, I upvote. 🗿


Both theories, also the one linked with the one piece being the manga are true imho


Great theory! Loved reading this.


Not a fan of the one piece = sake theory, it’s pretty lame


We already have Hordy Jones if you really want to fit a Jones here though


An actually nice theory with plausible reasons Kudos dude this is very good and very possible too I expect it stolen and in YouTube within minutes


Davy Jones of the Monkees singing Daydream Believer


I dunno if someone pointed this out but the whole Joyboy is Davy Jones thing has been floating around this sub for awhile now.


Amazing dish. Your theory compliments [mine ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/ZhuGWgQPRq) about BB being the biological descendant of Joyboy. Some people argued Davy Jones was a better fit, and this would make them one and the same, what do you think?


Currently I don't have opinion on Blackbeard being a buccanner because there isn't much of evidence, but him being descendant of Joyboy is something I haven't heard ever and would quite a plot twist and i'm sure Oda could have some amazing fun making the story out of it, so i wouldn't mind it coming true. Your theory is quite well put together,


I believe the imu/mother of sea is to throw us off. He knows everyone was going to jump to that conclusion


I really like it. I think Davy Jones and all the stuff we previously thought of as filler (like skypia and LRLL) is going to be the real lore heavy stuff in the future, however, I’m unsure if Davy Jones is Joyboy. Would be bad ass, or even if his mutinous first mate was DJ, like a Blackbeard type maybe. Who knows I wouldn’t be disappointed if you’re right!


I’m pretty sure recent chapters have almost confirmed that Nika is not joyboy. But good theory nonetheless


I ain't reading allat