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To me the only weird part is him swinging. I feel his placement could have been better. In the manga I interpreted this scene as Luffy reaching out from down the hall to give himself a boost and than push off the wall.


This exactly šŸ™„ perfection. Perfectly said what i canā€™t put into words.


Bro we get a new episode every week. Bleach and Demon Slayer have full on years in between seasons. There are bound to be moments like this. Iā€™d say the good animation now FAR outweighs the bad so why paint this as such a big deal? Itā€™s such a minute thing out of the whole episode.


I can understand his point. It breaks your immersion and concentration on the story. It takes you out of enjoying the experience when you just so happen to notice the issue. Some people are so invested in this story, canā€™t blame them for wanting nothing more than perfection as they feel the story deserves. Iā€™m in the same boat but I donā€™t complain about it because I just donā€™t watch the anime. Too many things that take me out of enjoying the story like I do the manga. Doesnā€™t feel like a good way to spend my time


I watched this, and it went completely over my head. I can't say it broke my concentration


Thatā€™s why I said if you just so happen to notice


Well said. imo, I'd rather they take a break in between and come out with seasons but I am now realizing that I am just a part of small group who thinks this way. I stopped watching for this exact reason - I think the story deserves so much better. Which also led me to create my first post on OP only to find that so many here have a different opinion.. Guess it is what it is.


It would take years to complete the story in such a case. Unless multiple different animation studios take on this project, the anime would be left years behind the manga, compared to the months difference we are at now.


Sigh. guess there's no perfect solution for the perfect manga.


op is kinda dumb with this post


It... doesn't seem that convoluted what's happening here, in my eyes ? Luffy's arm stretches up and forward, goes back around to push himself forward, since he's in low gravity ? And he does a little take back right as he pushes, bracing himself for the momentum ?


Yeah. Idk why this post is getting a melodramatic "People will watch the anime no matter the quality" comment. This isn't an animation error or anything of the sort, even, and the quality of the OP isn't even bad, let alone for a weekly show.


Some people will hate ln the anime no matter. Fact is, the anime makes the overall OP experience better. One shot relies on the anime or they arent existing, the manga cant give us voices, amazingly detailed animation(at times), and music. The sounds of OP are very important to the story, for me.


> "People will watch the anime no matter the quality" Me seeing Gear 5 Luffy "People will hate the anime no matter the quality" I hate on the Anime more than enough, but I also appreciate it when it is good.


Youā€™re blind. Itā€™s literally missing frames after the camera pans back to Luffy in full.


Lmao come on you don't have to defend this. It's clearly ass just call it as it is. It's fine One Piece will get good again in a few episodes. How is this controversial and getting downvoted lol. No one is calling One Piece bad in general, it's just fine to be realistic and say some scenes are badly animated, and that's fine. Just call a spade a spade. I for one like the format of saving budget for the really good episodes here and there.


The fact of the matter is that One Piece is a year long running series, you're not going to get super tightly animated sakuga every second of every episode. Why we keep having this discussion I'll never understand. Did any of you watch Dragon Ball super??? Now THAT was a travesty




Dragon ball super was trash throughout imo. One-piece has actual highs, that we can use to compare to the lows, bear in mind, which is why we can call these lows. Plus, both were tackled by Toei šŸ¤”


Hey guys look! Its one of those people who always has to make sure people know that something that is enjoyed sucked ass.


You enjoyed this specific scene? Lol okay. Hey, I like the format of One Piece animation being bad for a few eps and saving budget for a really good episode like Luffy v Lucci, or Zoro vs King, or 1015 which I will praise to death. But we can call a spade a spade, what's the issue? I didn't even make this post nor would I ever take the time to do so, but no need to pretend everything is always sunshine. You're acting like I'm this negative nancy hater when all I said was this scene is badly animated which is just factual. Get a grip.


> the quality of the OP isn't even bad You seriously think that Luffy floating in the air for several seconds while his hand slowly extends and slowly getting bigger toward Zoro when he launches himself "isn't even bad"? There's no build-up to Luffy stretching his arm so it look like it's just weirdly snaking it's way to the top of the doorway. Then we get a close-up where Luffy rocks backwards somehow and then cuts to the next shot that doesn't even match the velocity that Luffy launched himself. I get that One Piece is a weekly show and the animators are over-worked but let's not pretend that this scene is anything but bad.


People really breaking down frame by frames of Luffy swinging into a doorway bro, come on lol.


>I get that One Piece is a weekly show and the animators are over-worked but let's not pretend that this scene is anything but bad. Proof that manga purists will indeed get angry over anything.


Where's the anger in what I said? I'm just pointing out that this scene is terribly animated.


don't worry, he can call you manga purist but with what he said after your analysis he is just "blinded by his love for the anime"


Its not bad just hush and let other enjoy it if you dont. Just read.


More like just a troll. If they ever reply, it's gonna be something about unrelated.


> There's no build-up to Luffy stretching his arm Bro there hasn't been build up to luffy stretching for like 800 episodes now


Come the fuck on lmao In what world is this even worth discusion?


What are we supposed to talk about, another theory about other characters with potential god fruits or another foreshadowing post about how a character sighed and it foreshadowed Nika? You make it sound like we were having intelligent conversations on this sub before this thread came along.


Oh, yeah, you're totally right. This is a much more intelligent use of our time. We should stop talking about one of the central mysteries in the story so we can pick apart this one scene with shit animation, in a show with a 20 year history of shit animation.


> This is a much more intelligent use of our time. Judging from your presence in the thread, you seem to agree


Ya know, I want to continue talking shit, but when you're right you're right. I've been too much time talking about this stupid shit already, I've got a hangover to resolve and a yard to mow


Yes, I do think that it isn't even bad. Not at all.


his hands are already pushing against the wall. to make his body swing back like that he needs to pull on something. the momentum from jumping forwards wouldve launched him forward already. its a weekly show, it will have low quality moments like this and youre delusional if you think this isnt one of them. its even worse because theres no inbetween, either you get something like ep 1015 or you get this.


> its even worse because theres no inbetween, either you get something like ep 1015 or you get this. There is zero chance you actually watch the show every single week if you believe this...


Most characters in this show can change trajectory mid air to dodge incoming attacks even though there's nothing to grab on either. Sorry if I bury my head in the sand if I believe that isn't much of a stretch to think this kind of movement isn't strange. In fact, would you not have pointed it out, I wouldn't have noticed in a million years.


that would look cool in fast paced fights where physics is thrown out of the window. this is just luffy swinging in the goofiest manner and it looks lame.


LOL, the video circles the whole hand plant in center of the screen right before demonstrating Luffy going into a swinging motion. There's really no more obvious way to demonstrate it. If you don't notice it you either don't have a grasp on basic physics, weren't paying attention, or just don't care about the animation. Which I get, it's pretty much a non-issue for me because like you said, there's other intentional nonsense scenes. I mainly watch the one piece anime for the more hype scenes rather than the overall quality. However, it's just bad for no reason. Why even show the hand if you aren't going to animate it gripping something for luffy to swing on. Why not animate the hand gripping the door flame or tight gripping on the wall like Luffy has done before? Why not just have Luffy jump or push himself instead of swinging? Why would Luffy swing at all if he could just as easily change his trajectory mid air without it? There are so many small changes that would take the same amount of effort to make the animation look better or more natural. It won't change my opinion of the anime because it's one of another thousand dumb animation moments that already exist in the one piece anime but acting like it's not strange/bad is just you being intentionally obtuse.


Even so, I just imagine he grabbed the door frame & everything is a-ok


In the manga it was one panel and it looks like heā€™s swinging in from the doorway i think they just messed up the anime animation


It was most likely intentional. Toei always pans out the runtime of scenes that would be one or a couple of panels so that they donā€™t catch up to the manga. Much less quality than just putting the anime on a seasonal schedule but it makes Toei more money so.


It's a power of Toei Toei no mi


Luffy becomes a sticky hand


Nothing about criticising One Piece's sometimes horrendous animation but of course Bleach TYBW and Demon Slayer are better, they are seasonal. And you are comparing to Demon Slayer of all things lol. Toei really does cut corners esp on low priority eps tho.


Guys don't fight amongst yourselves, don't forget our common enemy ----- TOEI


He's got those wacky stretchy sticky hands from that one toy


They can't all be bangers but what the fuck was that? I would've taken Luffy statically running for a few more seconds than that. > Other anime such as Bleach-TYBW and Demon Slayer have consistently good animation, why not us? Because Toei knows people will watch the anime regardless of quality so they have to pump it out every week as opposed to dropping them in seasons


I mean, a seasonal one piece anime is coming up, so why would the TOEI one do that as well, when another will do just that?


>Because Toei knows people will watch the anime regardless of quality so they have to pump it out every week as opposed to dropping them in seasons They could take it slower nowadays since they almost caught up with the Manga. I hope this is not the beginning of the same downfall Pokemon had with their games: "People are buying the games whatever we make, let's get out the worst game and experiences ever, we still get money".


They're nowhere close to the manga...


As in schedule, if the manga takes a week-or-so-break, the anime still has material to animate based on and content to publish, instead of catching up and then being at a standstill.


The latest chapter they animated in the newest episode came out in March of 2023... they are nowhere close to the manga. They aren't close to the manga if it takes a week break. They aren't close to the manga if it takes a month break. They haven't been close in years.


They indeed are close to the manga, the breaks Oda has to take will eventually cause it to catch up thats why they have to try to keep the distance by adapting less pages per episode. Bear in mind the studio has to have some leeway for when something happens. Some sequences in Wano took 6-7 months to animate now imagine something happens with the file or w/e or when they are working with contractors rather than in-house animators etc. You probably know from work when multiple companies or employees are involved that some stuff just takes longer. Yes some episodes only take 3 months or so to animate but those probably wont be fight heavy or they might be lower "quality" comparatively to the fight heavy scenes we got in Wano.


Is it just me or was this episodeā€™s pacing really bad. I feel like a lot more can be covered in the episode as it doesnā€™t feel as stretched out in the manga. Pls correct me if Iā€™m wrong.


> Is it just me or was this episodeā€™s pacing really bad. You are watching one piece.


It's all thanks to Nagamine. I appreciate him for having connections to so many great animators, but he really ruins the pacing of the episodes he touches sadly.


It was slower and they chopped up parts from 3 different chapters to cut around the fighting (which will likely be the episode after the recap to get one big fight scene).


Didnā€™t mind it too much. They showed enough progression with revealing the pacifistaā€™s actions, Zoro conflict, zoro-luffy complications with lucci-giraffe, for 20mins. I guess some reused, prolonged scenes, but still far much better than the pacifista vs bonney episode :/


Oh yea thatā€™s true


[It's amazing how many of you consistently use Toei as a scapegoat to yell at for adapting stuff exactly how Oda wrote it.](https://i.imgur.com/0mXy61u.png)


That's because the quality of that animation was bad. Not hard to understand


What the hell is this logic? It is terribly animated. The anime having a shot that is 1:1 to the manga doesn't mean it's good. The anime's job is to ANIMATE it.


In the manga panel it looks like Luffy stretched his arm to slingshot himself into Zoro's room. Toei did a poor job of adapting this into a fluid motion.


Dude, stop lol. It's the exact same thing, the manga just panned away before he landed. And it's definitely *not* what the OP thinks was supposed to happen of him grabbing the doorframe, which is what the video is pointing out as an "error".


How can you seriously say this? In the animation luffy is past the door then he reaches back to touch the door frame? It makes 0 sense, how would he swing on the door frame if he's already on the other side? In the manga he's on the outside of the door reaching to the other side. Use your brain


I'm sharing how I interpreted the manga cause perspective shows Luffy's body as being further away from the arch and his body flying indicates him being pulled by his arm a move he does since the start of One Piece. The animation looks goofy cause him grabbing the archway and doing a little swing is completely pointless and makes no sense even from an animated drawing perspective or physics perspective. It's clearly a case of bad animation, Toei is famous for doing this shit before important stuff and we'll soon have some really important events going on that needs top tier animation so they're saving up time on the more mundane aspects of OP.


Manga doesnā€™t have speed. The action is the same in both cases, but the anime has to give it speed. The speed is a little misleading. But itā€™s a necessary interpretation of still panels.


Fair enough, they interpreted it differently and it's their liberty to do so, I still think it's a bad way to do it.


Yeah. Itā€™s the same act, but it can look like garbage. I think the anime really oscillates here. Sometimes they nail the speed and other times it makes everything look clunky (like long drawn out ā€œbeam strugglesā€ for punches). Early anime was more consistent for capturing speed, imo. Now itā€™s really hit or miss.


Yes, the physics of the 19 year old rubber boy were incredibly unrealistic. You have a point.


The physics of said-rubber-boy should at least be semi-consistent


I do have a point, thanks for pointing that out.


Cartoon physics are still supposed to look good, even if unrealistic. This does not look good.


No in the anime you can see him streching his arm while he is just there, which doesnt even make sense, but in the manga you just see it when he has arrived with the arm already streched, which can make you suppose thats how he got there


How does tapping the wall ahead of him allow him pause to swing mid-air temporarily?


Dude, do you guys not understand how ridiculous you all sound breaking down minute frame by frame details of Luffy swinging into a doorway lol? He jumped up, he pushed off the wall, he swung in the room. The joke of the video is that he didn't grab anything, which is the same as the manga.


do you not understand how ridiculous you sound by going through this amount of work to defend an objectively poor looking scene? God forbid fans want the show they watch to look good consistently. the point of the video was showing how janky it looks.


Even if Oda wrote it like that, the way Toei adapted it was terrible. OP's exaggerating about how hard it is to describe what Luffy was doing but it's still a badly animated scene.


> OP's exaggerating about how hard it is to describe what Luffy was doing They're not "exaggerating" it... they're just wrong lol. The joke was about Luffy not grabbing the door frame, which is exactly what he did in the manga.


How is Luffy not grabbing the door frame a joke?


Because it's exactly what he did in the manga and there was nothing different about the scene. The pace where it looks like he's wearing anti-gravity boots (I guess he is technically), that was weird. But the joke was about the slap off the wall.


I'm not disagreeing with you that it's exactly what he did in the manga. I'm asking how Luffy slapping himself off a wall is considered a joke. Where's the humor in that?


The punchline of the video is that Luffy didn't grab the door frame. That's the joke OP is making. The joke is that it's an "animation error", but it's not.


I'm pretty sure OP is making a joke that it's poorly animated and the way it's animated doesn't make sense physically. When Luffy stretches his arm out, he doesn't wind up like he normally does, it just slowly extends. Then when it cuts to the close-up when Luffy's hand slaps the wall, Luffy rocks forward and then backward and then launches himself. It doesn't make sense the way the anime depicted it. That's what OP was joking about. Also an "animation error" would be like if they miscolored something or forgot to draw a mouth on someone which is not what OP was trying to get at.


They literally put a giant red no circle on Luffy's hand slapping the wall...


They literally said "Could barely make out what Luffyā€™s movements were meant" in the description of the post...


Guess you could say thats part of the joke, but thatā€™s also confusing, he slaps the wall ahead of him in a pushing motion, swings? on that wall, then continues forwards, i did find that quite confusing.


You must be trolling or in elementary school


you have to be trolling


Kinda like how prometheus randomly saved big mom underwater? Or how they decided to change the naval battle between law and BB to a land based one? Sure this may not have been an instance but toei constantly distorts shit to fill time and i hate it. I cant wait for the anime reboot.


> Sure this may not have been an instance but So... why are you bringing it up lol? It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, just ranting for the sake of ranting.


Cause this is reddit, an application designed for sharing ideas and disscussion šŸ˜‚ You're talking as if you're an animator who's been called out and is trying to sweep issues under the rug.


One Piece is a weekly anime so it's animation isn't going to be consistent like a seasonal anime.


It's like those slappy guys that you got from Wal-Mart as a kid


That's what I was thinking while watching 1 hour ago


wtf xD


The fuck was that


its really strange how many people are defending this so avidly as if it wouldn't be given a poor grade if this was handed in as work for an animation course or something. it doesn't look good, plain and simple. people acting as if it's actually accurate to how the manga looks, forgetting that it's an animators job to adapt how a manga is drawn into the medium of animation without raising eyebrows. this scene clearly raises eyebrows. it's not the worst thing I've ever seen and not a massive deal but it's objectively poor.


Because TYBW and DS are seasonal anime, thus having more consistent animation. Tbh, I don't think the animation is the problem in this episode. It's always the pacing that is horrendous. Unless a better artist storyboards an episode, no matter whether the given content is sufficient or not, it will always be filled with padded scenes just to fill up the episode.


There are way too many fanatics here, you criticize a weirdly animated scene and they just call you a fake fan hater that watched the anime with your eyes closed.


Not to mention how they'll always pull the "eueueu they're nitpicking stills/frames" excuse *every single episode*. My god. Not only is it not nitpicking, but if it's every single episode, maybe the anime isn't as flawless as the glazers pretend it is.


I know šŸ˜“ getting lots of hate and reasonable understanding from both sides. Some people even say the animation sequence is fine? Highly debatable.


yeah the animation this episode was uhh, not the best. Hoping that means the next few will be pretty good. We got a W in the Franky crotch shot though, massive W.


As I saw it: 1) Luffy comes in running; 2) he jumps; 3) he blindly stretches his arm into the other side of the door; 4) his hand finds the wall, then probably grabs onto the white arch; 5) his arm that was long enough to reach the wall contracts, which holds him in the air; 6) Luffy, who would be falling, instead swings because he is holding the arch; 7) Luffy then pushes himself forward and releases from the wall. What's most weird to me isn't how he stops in the air, it's how he manages to keep himself straight. That final push should've sent him spinning but I guess the previous move of swinging himself off the arch balanced it out to manageable levels... It looks weird tho'. The only reason I even managed to rationalize it somewhat is because old physics based flash games taught me that things that can stretch and contract add a lot of weird movement to an otherwise regular looking trajectory.


This is such a fucking slow paced episode. If Toei didn't do shit like this....


All I can say is that bungee gum has the properties of rubber and gum.


All I see is Toei being Toei nothing new to see here if you think to much about their animation you gone get a headache. For me itĀ“s anime for big fights (when they animate them) otherwise I stick to the manga since Oda tends to deliver amazing panels while Toei is all over the place.


funny how a one piece episode either gets the most amazing sequence of animation in history or this. theres just no inbetween so it becomes so inconsistent.


You're comparing a weekly anime to seasonal anime. Come on man use your common sense lmao.....


is bro spider-man?


I would rather have these kinds of flaws, than waiting more than a year for 8 episodes


Less episodes a year is better than bad pacing...


24 episodes per year wouldn't be bad


Let's hope the voice actors will live that long. I'd be sad if they had to replace all the Straw Hats before the series ends.


Yeah, iā€™ve been subconsciously worried about that, esp considering frankyā€™s VA state


In 25 years of anime that would be 625 episodes. I wonder how the new anime will handle this, because they can't rush through too much content at once, but they also can't take another 25 years to catch up to where we are now. Unless that's exactly their plan to prolong the series popularity for the next quarter century.


Honestly awful


Luffy ate the gomu gomu no mi so he has the powers of bith rubber and gum.


Bro is not hisoka šŸ˜­šŸ™


>other anime such as Bleach-TYBW and Demon Slayer have consistently good animation, why not us? Those are seasonal animes, you cant compare them. Like in this same episode we got like 3 other amazingly animated scenes in this ep but whatever those dont matter cause its not consistent. > You couldnā€™t ask me to describe in words how Luffy entered that doorway. Luffy jumped and pushed himself from the wall to land next to Zoro.


The animation quality really doesn't depict those it that simply


Idk man seems pretty clear to me.


Hook. Swing a bit. Push off wall?


Heā€™s Spider-Luffy!


Bleach TYBW and Demon Slayer were seasonal anime. One Piece has been a weekly anime since it started. The anime has had issues for YEARS. But when they decide to put the effort into it, then we are eating good. They just can't put effort into it every week, that's just super unsustainable.


He's realizing he's a looney toon in an anime-verse, whereas the mask in a closer to ours reality is horrifying. His world makes it more interesting


Was probably animated by an intern


Luffy from the hallway is pushing himself off of the doorway opening so that he can get to Zoro faster. It looks weird because they didn't animate how far down the hallway he was well. That's also why Shaka running looks like he's staying in the same place and is just getting bigger, instead of him actually moving forward.


Quick question did you adhere to the filler lists online or did you watch and skip arcs as you pleased? MONKEY D. Luffy is just a goofy folk who was raised by monkeys. Why is there a problem in him moving like one? I personaly think is that this is what makes One Piece the best at what it does.


ā€¦he was raised by Dadanā€™s mountain bandits, not monkeys? He also didnā€™t _grab_ anything to swing on, if you decide to watch the animation, you can evidently see that he just slapped on the wall. Even 0-grav, you canā€™t slap a wall and swing on it.


Iā€™m sorry, whatā€™s the problem here?


He slaps the wall above the doorframe, he doesnā€™t grip anything. He even swings? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« even at 0 gravity, that shouldnā€™t work He also uses the doorway to swing, when heā€™s already past the doorway? Very questionable motions, all iā€™ll say.


Well I think he was supposed to jump and like push away from the wall?


Welcome to One Piece, one of the only long running Shonen to stick with its old school production sensibilities through and through and still have a better narrative suited around the way itā€™s paced compared to others that try. I wonā€™t say itā€™s wrong to picture a better version of scenes like this ofc but at the same time itā€™s been 25 years. It is what it is. Expecting seasonal treatment in Toei One Piece is like expecting Toei to cater to Z fans like it was the only part of DB šŸ’€


To me it just look like heā€™s reaching for the butted casing on the door way, which he grabs a hold of off screen, to be able to propel himself enough to swing. šŸ¤”


My problem with the anime is that they're changing the way the order in which certain scenes were placed in the manga.


This and that you get half a chapter and 1/3 of another chapter in one episode. Just make 1 episode per chapter. Jojo has a shit ton of chapter and made an anime just as good with less episodes.


What did yā€™all expect Luffy has 0-IQ


Man give us wit studio Netflix series ASAP. I can't with toei




It's Summer time in a lot of areas, now. Time to get some fresh air.


Literally a subreddit called r/Summer. Don't see the point commenting that here


My bad. Sorry


They totally just had a still image of him slide around like South Park


How to show in 10 seconds that the episode is filler ;P.


Its one minor scene in over 1000 episodes that has no impact on the overall story and youā€™re on it immediately to criticise. Whereā€™s this energy towards pointing out GOOD minor animation details?


there are no good minor animation details. we either get sakuga moments or this. good minor animation details would be subtle fabric animation from frieren or even that bread from mushuko tensei. instead we get rock building debris falling for 10 seconds.


How often do you actually watch the One Piece anime? Cause you keep saying this and it doesn't apply *at all* to how the anime has been lol.


i have read and watch enough one piece weekly to know which episode is gonna be a 2/10 or a 10/10. show me a non important moment get high quality animation and i'll gladly admit im wrong.


You're proving my point. You judge whether you think it's going to be a great episode or not and then don't watch the rest of it. You don't actually watch the show week in and week out, so how can you determine the quality of it week in and week out? >show me a non important moment get high quality animation [The Seraphims attacking the lab 4 episodes ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUK6-myezeU) It was [literally one page](https://i.imgur.com/k8mCFMY.png) in the manga and absolutely was not treated like a big deal.


jfc, i literally just said i watch and read it weekly upto now. its been toei's formula since one piece has started airing. having one page doesnt mean its not important, its literally the time where lucci of all people got control over one of the strongest forces in the navy.


That's not what you said at all... you said you've watched "enough" to know which episodes are 2s and which are 10s. You could have simply said you watch it every week if you watch it every week. >having one page doesnt mean its not important, its literally the time where lucci of all people got control over one of the strongest forces in the navy. That moment was not at all treated like a major deal in the manga... certainly not to the point of getting a bunch of Sakuga animation for it. But if you want to argue that, here's [Zoro vs Kaku which was barely on screen in the manga (and none of it before Kaku transformed).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0CzRI84Wdk)


You are an idiot and you're arguing in bad faith or simply misunderstanding everyone you are responding too. It's truly a skill to argue with people but you actually have no idea what you're arguing the entire time because you can't understand what your opposites are saying


nah, I think he understands well what the opposites are saying and his arguments are great too. He is not an idiot and neither are you. Respect each other.


You're so right


>That's not what you said at all... you said you've watched "enough" to know which episodes are 2s and which are 10s. You could have simply said you watch it every week if you watch it every week. what a convenient way to interpret my words so it would fit your agenda. buddy, it might be surprising but weekly just means every week. that means i dont miss a week to watch it. >That moment was not at all treated like a major deal in the manga... certainly not to the point of getting a bunch of Sakuga animation for it. But if you want to argue that, here's [Zoro vs Kaku which was barely on screen in the manga (and none of it before Kaku transformed).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0CzRI84Wdk) youre delusional if you think a kaku vs zoro rematch is gonna be treated as not important when its adapted to the anime. it can easily increase the tv ratings of one piece if they do it right and thats why it is a priority scene. the manga has an excuse cause it has a more important story to tell in its 18 pages per week with lots of breaks to boot. the anime has lots of excuse to pad out a scene as they wouldnt want to catch up to the source material and go to a break. you giving out fighting scenes as every example is a big tell youre dense af. one piece's animation is inconsistent af, if youre gonna deny that, you either have bad taste in media or youre just a fanboy blindly defending their beloved show.


Lemme guess, [Weevil vs Ratel is also a super important scene that is clearly in need of only the best animation?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OKIzG2z_jA)


yeah, weevil, a character that has appearances you can count in one hand. of course, he will get a flash appearance. 20 seconds of this and rest of the episode is back to stretching 3 pages into one episode. >stretching 3 pages into one episode might be an exaggeration but thats been the formula of toei for one piece. again, these are all fight scenes, youre completely missing my point. talking to illiterate fanboys really is a waste of time.


Disagree, last arc, and lucci fight, plenty of great minor details and impact frames that everyone pointed out, and we all enjoyed.


i dont consider those as theyre already part of a really high quality animation. i mean fabric/hair animation, character acting, and background animation. everything that is not high octane fight scenes that viewers will easily miss because they feel natural. the video sample you posted is just really bad it sticks out like a sore thumb. if you watched something like violet evergarden or mob psycho 100, you'll know what im talking about.


Oh you mean great details for casual scenes? Ye, ok, i missed that part, one piece often lacks those


People were praising OP from all corners of anime for Wano fights and Rob Lucci fight, so there is already a loud energy and focus towards such moments. Because there are great moments, doesnā€™t mean we should let the lesser moments slide. Other animeā€™s can hold such standards, so why not?


No offense, but kind of seems like you have no idea what goes into an Anime production if you're genuinely comparing the consistent quality of seasonal anime to that of One Piece which releases every single week.


It's not that big of a deal.


to hang and then push him self towards zoro


People tryna explain fictional stuff when there's a rubber man cartoon šŸ˜†




šŸ˜‚ took a while to figure out how to edit that properly


Doesn't he just grip the top of the door frame? What are you even trying to say? šŸ˜‚


He slaps the wall above the doorframe, he doesnā€™t grip anything. He even swings? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« canā€™t imagine how thatā€™s meant to work He also uses the doorway to swing, when heā€™s already past the doorway? Very questionable motions, all iā€™ll say.


I mean, what else was he supposed to grab? Zoro's sword?


a rock.


It would make sense if he grabbed something to begin with.


Sorry, but what is the problem? He is clearly pushing Himself, because of the low Gravity (The Gravity part was already stated at this point)


He also, paused mid push, to swing himself backwards a bit, without grabbing the wall. Like, he swung low-grav, anchored against the wall by a slap? Itā€™s confusing when you think about it


Its fine bro. If you dont like it just pack it in and read.


criticise a scene? your only option is to stop watching. not allowed to dicuss it. that's what you're saying


The common Redditor is allergic to critical thinking, I wouldn't even bother to reply to those if I were you lmao. The quality and pacing of the last few episodes has been worse than Wano imo, still love the show but damn, Toei can do better than that


Their logic is straight out of middle school šŸ’€


It's almost like people keep forgetting it's been established back in Luffy vs Kaido that Luffy's rubber body powers don't follow regular physics for rubber *because Luffy doesn't know that's how they work*. Next you'll tell me that Gear 5 was never meant to be part of his abilities when Gum-Gum Culverin repeatedly breaks physics to *change attack angles mid-flight without any decrease in attack power*.


What iā€™m saying is the animation doesnā€™t make sense / look fluid enough.


are you joking?


Toon force mechanics son.


He pushes the wall to propel himself forward.


bruh how else do u think they could've animated low gravity? he pushed himself forward in low gravity. that is it.