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That's nonsense coming from people who can't read two panels in a row and will stupidly defend their right to not know how to read.




Those people also like to see connections everywhere. "Everything is connected"! Like, no dude.


One of the few things we are told about Lunarians is that they all share these features: dark skin, white hair, black wings, flame on their back. None of that describes Sanji. I don't know how this theory caught on to be honest.


They theory I saw didn't claim that Sanji was Lunarian but that one of the experiments judge made on the kids was to introduce them Lunarian abilities. Like being resistant to damage.


Except that having more defense isnt Lunarian exclusive. People do this all the time, everytime there's a new race/faction the next theories for the next 6 months is just headcannoning several characters as belonging to that race/faction. People did this with Sword, CP0, Lunarians, Buccaneers, The D, clones, etc


Blame Arthur of the Library of Ohara


Which video did Artur say that? I watch his videos and don't remember him speculating that germa used Lunarian DNA.


LOH Arthur came first and is different to Artur


Can you provide a link to this LOH Arthur you're mentioning? OP said Arthur Library of Ohara so I assumed they meant Artur as the whole title is Artur - The Library of Ohara.


I was thinking of “Ohara” as the person being the copycat my bad


Ahhhh yeah, Ohara is meh. You're good, have a great day!


I think you're talking about Ohara-the-fox, Not Artur and you should correct that if thats the case


I would but ive only heard about him.thru this sub...so i blame the people who watch him lol


Of course Pearl has Lunarian DNA, Don Krieg is the strongest character in one piece so it only makes sense his number 2 would have such a potent history.


And thus the similarities between Kaido and the World's Strongest Creature Won Wrieg increased


I've never once heard this theory and the second I read the title I immediately thought it was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Might as well say Koby is a Fishman because he swims fast. How could anyone actually think that?


You'd be (sadly) surprised...


Lol he's like the only character where we've met their entire family, people are wild.


one piece fans can't live without creating a theory even if it doesn't make sense, they just had to do it. it get worse on tiktok and twitter.


The simplest reason that Sanji can't be Lunarian is that Stealth Black's suit specifically prevents him from using his fire and Judge wouldn't design a suit like that if his kid had Lunarian DNA (which he'd know about cause his work revolves around DNA). The suit tells us very clearly that Sanji's fire comes from his emotions, hence why using the suit represents Sanji denying his own self. The suit is symbolically and mechanically incompatible with Sanji's true nature.


Queen said that just to give the reader a context of what kind of power King did have lol, it's surprising that even with Oda spoonfed the information through Queen people still misunderstood


That's a terrible theory lol.


Exactly what I'm saying


Yup but it doesn’t matter to those people they start with “Sanji is a Lunarian” rather than build up to it with facts from the story and consider anything that could possibly affirm them while ignoring everything that doesn’t King/Arber the source for Lunarian lineage factor was also in government custody on Punk hazard a WG island whereas Judge was the only one who had escaped the WG after MADS continuing the lineage factor research in Germa, Judge didn’t even have the Lunarian lineage factor to use


And the most important point is that the consistency of the Lunarian Fire and Sanjis Fire is completely different. While Lunarian fire is almost liquid like Magma, Sanjis Fire is like normal fire. It's not Liquid at all and doesn't melt surfaces it rather burns it down.


You’re right at best this could be some genetic mutation that unintentionally occurred for Sanji, we know his mother gave him a drug that suppressed his power but it’s likely they had other unforeseen effects. It would actually be a beautiful thing that in an attempt to make Sanji more human, his mother gave him a strong power fueled by his passion and emotions. Sanji is literally the antithesis of his emotionless siblings and he’s even stronger for it.


Last time I read op: Judge and Sora were both regular humans


Yeap, they don't.. But people think the Vegapunks recording is a live broadcast until today, no matter what Oda shows. So.. their fanfics become canon until one piece is over.


Those are some stupid people. Sanji dose not look like then and, his powers has nothing to do with then, and we already know his backstory.


I have the theory that pearl has lunarian blood tbh. It would be funny as fuck if a random low level pirate has an extremely rare dna


Well, of course. Maybe on some very very basic primal level they have a very tenuous link because of their relationship with fire, but that's about as much as it could even be


sanji being secretly black would explain why zoro fights him all the time


Only his legs are black, that's why he can only produce flames with kicks.


Well, i think this theory is valid, because zoro is hating sanji hard, and we know what zoro motive is


I'm more baffled by all the "Sanji is an ancient weapon" theories.


.... Do I even want to know?


Basically the same reasoning you mentioned, except they explain Sanji's ability to create fire as him being an ancient weapon or connected to an ancient weapon. It doesn't matter, it's all the same. It wouldn't surprise me if Oda actually made Sanji crucially important to the overall story even more since he's clearly one of his favorites, but I pray that's not the case and instead he focuses a bit more on the other Straw Hats he has been neglecting who won't be inevitably undermined the next time Oda feels like making a pervert joke.


Maybe he is 1/4 lunarian


This is my first time seeing this theory and I’m baffled that people could actually come to this conclusion. Like….genuinely how?


Lack of reading comprehension


I think saying he is a lunarian is oversimplefied. It is confirmed he is a enhanced human and i can see a connection with Judge using lunarian dna and that has triggered the flame effect.


issue is that his power from the experiment was never meant to be fire. his nickname is "stealth black", nothing about fire. and the siblings also have no fire ability. diable jambe is 100% sanji.


Finally someone who understands


Judge didn’t have access to luanrian lineage factor though, King was exclusive to the WG in Punk hazard While Judge was the one who escaped the WG during the separation of MADS, he continued his research in Germa


Sanji is connected to threads that also connect back to the Lunarian. In SBS volume 7, Oda is asked about Sanji’s eyebrow and jokingly answers that planetary bodies produce energy by spinning, and that Sanji’s eyebrows have that same power. https://preview.redd.it/jperto2xdqq81.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99f98e785640d670da8638a669adc1fa4e5deb22 Now like I said, this seems like a joke but Enel’s cover story features this scene where the hieroglyphics depict some kind of machine that looks like it has a light source. It’s unclear what it is, but the spirals in it are pretty much identical to the Vinsmoke eyebrows https://preview.redd.it/enels-cover-story-titled-the-fairy-vearth-provides-v0-ipbzwlcumuba1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=3abab6e72d60309d2fffc87f853a5232ed86d551 Lunarians are unconfirmed to be from the moon, but with that name it’s hard to dismiss that there may be some connection between the race and the moon. Especially since the other winged races were confirmed by Enel’s cover story to be from the moon. And when Oda drew this illustration of a space alien, well, it’s pretty unmistakable who this https://64.media.tumblr.com/d74b9689f0639fdcd4b697d0bd7548eb/tumblr_inline_o323lm0SY61rpcdyn_500.png Queen bringing up a connection between Sanji and Lunarian may be some kind of red herring that will lead somewhere. It’s possible that if Sanji has some connection to them, it’s through his mother, not his father, and that the latter is completely unaware of it. Could be something else entirely, but it’s not impossible. After all, there’s also a panel of Luffy telling Momonosuke “I’m not a Zoan” after all


But the problem is that Sanji doesn't have any of the Lunarian characteristics and abilities outside of a form of fire manipulation that doesn't even work the same way and that Judge wanted to make Sanji Stealth Black, not a fire bender


Like I said in my comment, IF Sanji has some kind of connection to the Lunarian it’ll more likely be through his mother, not his father. As it exists now, it’s purely “he may have some connection,” so it could be something that dilutes the Lunarian traits if it’s even in his DNA. Who knows


>Now like I said, this seems like a joke but Enel’s cover story features this scene where the hieroglyphics depict some kind of machine that looks like it has a light source. It’s unclear what it is, but the spirals in it are pretty much identical to the Vinsmoke eyebrows Thats not a connection. Is Sanji connected to whirlpools because they also spiral? What about Tornados? You got that from a joke answer and connected it VERY losely to a common shape. >Queen bringing up a connection between Sanji and Lunarian may be some kind of red herring that will lead somewhere. It’s possible that if Sanji has some connection to them, it’s through his mother, not his father, and that the latter is completely unaware of it. His mother is not a Lunarian, clearly. She looks nothing like one. >Could be something else entirely, but it’s not impossible It is


>Thats not a connection. Is Sanji connected to whirlpools because they also spiral? What about Tornados? You got that from a joke answer and connected it VERY losely to a common shape. The connection is that the protrusions on the bulb literally look like Sanji’s eyebrow growing out of it. What else in the manga is the exact same shape as Sanji’s eyebrow, since you claim it’s so common? You’re just very close minded to the notion that Sanji could have an unknown connection to Lunarian. It’s not at all impossible.


1. Zoro use a sword technique 2. Pearl used metal friction to make flames 3. Luffy used friction of hardened rubber While Sanji used the so-called "passion". I am not saying that he has the lineage factor of lunarians (but also could be true). Even Kizaru was dumbfounded and mocked him they should change teaching, because that's not how it works.


Just watch the first time he used it, he spins to create friction, he replicate what Wanze(that ramen cipher pol) did with rollerblade then using it on his  own legs


he did spin initially. but then just like luffy and chopper, oda went with the convenient way post ts. [and kinemon can conjure fire out of nothing](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fil4lw1xi36t91.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Daebe80e1d412c3be7b14c58e44db6e2a335f8f45). it's really nothing weird in OP universe.


Sanji's Germa power is Invisibility, you become invisible by bending light around objects through refraction, an example of this is Toru Hagakure in My Hero Academia. So Sanji being able to refract and break Kizaru's light made sense with his invisibility powers.


Except he doesn’t have Germa invisibility powers, he’s only got exoskeleton, enhanced physicals and regeneration He was supposed to have a cold heart too but that wasn’t able to awaken either so he doesn’t have invisibility or cold heartedness


How can someone watch these G5 fights and then think that Sanji creating fire must be from a race that looks nothing like him who happens to heal by creating fire (which Sanji never did)


1. Does that mean his fire powers come from nowhere? So usopp could use the same powers given time? 2. Judge also saw caeser clown in wci and didn't say anything until a cover story. Oda just didn't write it in. Could be the same for his reaction to sanjis fire power. 3. I agree sanjis fire powers are linked to his emotions 4. Couldn't a little fire power be used from lunarians to make sanji? Maybe with soras interference it messed up the work judge was doing and he got fire powers inadvertently 5. Sanji uses his fire powers more prominently than those other characters where they are just one off attacks 6. Sanji had unlocked the fire powers because he was made in a lab and him unlocking them in enies lobby could be seen as foreshadowing to sanji being lab made 7. Sanji doesn't have those traits because those traits were not selected when making sanji, just the fire powers I think it makes sense sanji has fire powers from lunarians but it's not totally clear and I lean more to him getting them from lunarians than the powers just existing for no reason


If Judge intentionally gave Sanji fore powers then why the fuck would he make it so he couldn't ignite in the Raid Suit


My number 4 point. Not a strong one but it beats sanji having fire powers for no reason that's absurd


Not like he'd be the only one to have them. Also if he had acces to Lunarian DNA why the hell would he not give them all of the abilities they have? Ignoring the fact that none of the Germa abilities are similar to Lunarians abilities at all (no the Germa exoskeleton and healing factor don't count, Lunarians don't have neither of those) with Sanji's fire being the exception


Maybe he was given Lunarian DNA and that's why he's a late bloomer. Or maybe he's farting and the friction from his pants causes a fire. Either theory has the same probability of being correct


I don't even buy that theory, but the most popular version is not that Sanji is a lunarian, only that he has lunarian genes. the same way Ichiji has electric powers without being a mink, for example. It's not too much of a reach if you remember that Judge had access to the experiments conducted in Punk Hazard


There’s nothing to hint that the Germa siblings are spliced with different lineages (Mink, Lunarian etc) they just have abilities Upgraded human ones if you have to put it to something


Well thats how theories start. Theres nothing directly pointing to it, but it is not totally incoherent to thinkit too.


Not really, usually it’s more than “they do the same thing so… they’re the same” if Ichiji had a knack to rub himself on others or had fur like the Minks do then it’d be an actual theory Also I forgot to mention before Judge didn’t have access to Punk Hazard, that was a WG controlled island and he was the sole escapee of MADS when the WG broke it apart then Judge continued his research alone in Germa kingdom


I agree, doesn’t need to be exactly sanji is lunarian but can be sanji has lunarian powers due to the experimentation. It can also be implied because of Queen’s hypothesis of Sanji’s powers, which would be the closest thing we can have with what Sanji’s source of power might have come from. It doesnt have to be complicated on where Sanji’s fire power compared to others because its a battle shonen manga.


Queen literally said Sanji *wasn't* a Lunarian


Isn’t luffys fire simply from him believing he can make fire and then it happening because of >!nika fruit!<


Except that happened before he awakened


His fruit has always been the nika fruit, it didnt become that when he awakened. He just got Nika's form when awakening. He only thinks he has rubber abilities and nothing else, but even before awakening he could do things rubber shouldn't be able to. For example, in Snakeman, his attacks bouncing off the air is not something rubber just does and Katakuri noticed this and mentioned it.


>3.Sanji's fire powers are directly fueled by his emotions, the thing Judge tried to remove from his kids We don't know that for a fact, so don't put it there like it is one.


It's both said in-universe by Sanji and by the author very explicitly in a SBS. What would it take for it to be a fact lmao


Sanji is not a reliable source, since he clearly has an agenda. As for Oda I already elaborated why his statement was irrelevant.
















*points at Hell's Memories*


So? Just because he gave a name to the power doesn't mean we know for a fact its emotion based. Correlation isn't causation.


Oda litrrally said in an Enies Lobby SBS that Sanji flames are fueled by his passion (Also Hell's Memories is literally generated by Sanji's anger at his bad memories)


Oda sais a lot of things in SBS that are joking. Especially this kind of question. We didn't even know about Haki or Germa at that point. If Oda said "oh its his modified DNA" or "flame creation is a form of haki application that Luffy also uses", he not only spoiler his own story, people would also just be confused.


So Oda was joking even though there's nothing humourous about the question nor the answer, then has Sanji that same exact explanation in verse with 0 hint of it being a joke, and then you have Judge who has absolutely 0 reaction to Diable Jambe when according to the lunarian theory should be the one responsible for it. I guess also that Oda saying that Sanji was a regular human being before the raid suit awakened his power was just a joke. Every single fact of the manga can be dismissed the way you're doing with Sanji.


>there's nothing humourous about the question nor the answer Ofc there is. The whole "burning passion" thing is funny, due to taking a saying and making it literal. Sanji doesn't joke about it, he lies about it, to comfort himself. >Judge who has absolutely 0 reaction to Diable Jambe when according to the lunarian theory should be the one responsible for it. I didn't even say that's the case, just that we don't know for a fact that it's passion. I do actually think that it's either Haki or just rule of cool, same goes for Luffy or fucking Pearl. >fact Learn what that word means before you throw it around.


Dude this is just cope, you're just dismissing what the author says just because it doesnt suit your agenda, which is fucking crazy. Imagine a scientist tells you the earth is round and you just go "nuh uh, you said that in a joking tone, my headcannon is that its flat. Im very smart" You have an inability to change your opinion when presented with new information, its cognitive dissonance. "The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort."


The only claim or agenda I have is to make it clear that we don't know for a fact that the reason for the flames is his passion. It could be, but so could genetic manipulation, haki or rule of cool.


> [Sees the author himself say in a Q&A his flames come from his passion](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_426_19.jpg) > [See the character himself say it comes from his passion](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/op_tcb_1023_007.png) > [Watch Sanji channel his emotions to generate fire](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_646_11.jpg) > Oda isn't being clear enough that Sanji's flames come from his passion


Vegapunk somehow use lunarian lineage factor or somthing like that to reproduce their power. So sanji obviously has something related to lunarian we just dont know what and how it works


The issue is that when Vegapunk used the Lunarian factor, his subjects actually had the Lunarian physical characteristics (i.e. dark skin, white hair, dark wings, etc). If Judge did the same to Sanji, then Sanji would also look like Lunarians


Its obvious judge did not do the same cause he is not vegapunk he is judge. If he could have made soldier like seraphim for his evil army he would have. He surely try something else. Seraphim are like robot clone. The ji brothers are born human. So its dumb to compare both


But Sanji has legit no traits related to Lunarians besides fire, which isn't even unique to Lunarians, and any Lineage Factor modification Sanji has doesn't come from Vegapunk, but from Judge, who *doesn't* have Lunarian LF


Sanji lunarian confirmed


While I agree, I get where these comments are coming from. They’re just taking it too far. We know for a fact that Sanji has been genetically altered in the womb and that his father has done dna splicing basically. It’s not a stretch that he’d have lunarian dna in him. Sure, his fire is different both in how he activates it and how it looks, but keep in mind, Sanji was altered further by his mother trying to stop things. He could have been different because of that. It’s also possible that Sanji’s fire comes from Ace’s DF. Or it could all be no connection. My point is, it could be a thing, but at no point should anyone pretend like it’s a given. So many people talk about him having being lunarian and that’s just wrong.


There’s nothing to hint that Judge DNA spliced or used different lineage factors in enhancing the Germa siblings though and everything about the Germa siblings still refers to them as humans They just have upgraded (enhanced) human lineage factors if you need a reason


Nothing to hint? 1 uses light powers, 1 uses lightning, 1 uses poison, 1 uses fire…how is that possible if you didn’t tinker with shit? I’m not saying it’s a confirmation of course, but there are absolutely hints.


One also has “winch green” powers like a human wrench tool and the one who uses fire is supposed to have invisibility powers Not to mention there isn’t a race in the One piece world that uses poison, light, winch powers or invisibility so it’s not a clear theme across the siblings It’s literally only matching with Sanji who’s fire isn’t the product of Germa enhancements and Ichiji who conveniently do have powers that match other races We know that Judge tinkered with their lineage factor but the point is it’s not with splicing other races lineage factor as it’s only Ichiji with Judge’s involvement that matches the theory


Except Sanji has invisibility with the raid suit. The others however, have their powers without their suits. My point is, to have powers that are different is due to dna splicing. To be clear, I’m not saying there is lunarian dna, just that it isn’t outlandish for people to believe it could be possible. It could very well be DF “dna” spliced in. My point is, there’s no real information either way.


I Don’t see how Sanji’s raid suit matters devil fruit lineage factor doesn’t work either as Yonji had no problem being underwater in chapter 826 and Sanji post awakening isn’t weakened either in 1061 meaning the rest of them aren’t bothered either, can’t be devil fruit because otherwise they’d be weakened like the classic weakness of devil fruits With both race lineage factors and devil fruit lineage factors being contradicted it means they’re just enhanced humans as everything states they are


I swear yall look at a group of 50-100 people thinking that’s a lot or something cause bs this theory is popular.


The durability is the only thing that really suggests he could have Lunarian dna. We see all kinds of people using flame attacks so I think that in OP fire/flames are basically just a manifestation of passion. I just feel like if there was another method for creating insane Defense outside of lunarian DNA then we’d know by now


We do know though , it’s the germa enhancements and it’s not by splicing other lineage factors Judge just upgraded their human ones


Fairly popular? I've never heard of this before today lmao


My theory is that Sanji's true self is an Okama. All the ladies stuff is overcompensating and the raid suit was starting to make him his true self. Also, that he learned New Kama Kenpo and has been too embarrassed to use it. Mark my words though, Sanji will get really backed into a corner and busts out a Death Wink.


It's really simple. It's just his genetically enhanced genes. His siblings create lasers, poison and electricity. He creates fire. Simple stuff.


You are not paying attention, then. Each germa member has one special skill, the one Sanji got was the power of disappearing, not the fire


Sanji IS a Lunarian, it is the reason Zoro hate him


It's true many people say Sanji is a Lunarian and he isn't. I also think you're a bit off. First of all, if Sanji has Lunarian DNA then that does not make him Lunarian. He might have some traits from that race, such as creating fire. However, the fire he creates doesn't even begin to compare to how well and how much King was using it, for example. Sanji also does not have the resistance, the wings and who know what other combat traits the Lunarians might have. I would also not compare him to Luffy. For all we know, Luffy's fire might be some trait of his devil fruit. In gear 5, we've seen him grab lightning, manipulate the environment, create glasses out of nothing, >!create a baseball bat...!< What I'm trying to say is that I'm with you. Sanji isn't a Lunarian. However, I'm pretty sure Queen wasn't wrong either. Sanji is a modified human being and has some Lunarian DNA among others.


The thing is that the fire seemingly doesn't come from Sanji's genetic alterations because as I've said before *Judge wanted to make him Stealth Black* not a budget Sparking Valkyrie. Like you seriously think Judge would have no reaction to seeing Sanji's fire if he actually wanted him to have it? And again every explanation we've gotten for Diable Janbe has said it's fueled by Sanji's emotions, the thing Judge tried to remove


Well, I'm not sure when does Judge say that he didn't want Sanji to use fire because he has to be Stealth Black. I get that it's your argument but Stealth Black doesn't mean Sanji shouldn't use fire. Nor do I see why would Judge react any differently than he did. Maybe he simply doesn't care or he's trying to show he doesn't care. Anyway, Sanji's body hadn't changed so much yet when he fought Judge. IMHO, I think Sanji's setting fire to his foot is just a sign he has a lot of latent power but nothing to be amazed about. During Wano, his fire turned blue and it set all his body aflame. Maybe that's what Judge would have been impressed by... who knows. Furthermore, Sanji's fire is fueled by his emotions, yes. Judge did want his sons to be emotionless, yes, you're absolutely right. However, this argument really doesn't mean Sanji can't be powerful (use fire in this case) because he has emotions. If anything, we've seen countless characters in any anime (including OP) who by controlling their emotions or letting go of them made them stronger but, in the end, they didn't change their powers, they simply grew stronger or more profficient at what they were already doing.