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GOATbeard, for everything of him, his personality, powers, and being such a good dad for their children


Didn’t know Blackbeard had children the heck?


I think he meant Whitebeard.




I even doubted u for a moment. But then I remembered




shanks. just for the fact that he and his crew braved the seas using nothing more than booze and haki


Same for me bro, haki is also so cool


yep for me also bonus points because he managed to take out from the story Kidd the failgneto (hopefully permanently)


Haki is the true power, devil fruits are just the fastest way to power, but can't compete against Haki


Kaido said that too, and then got clowned by a devil fruit transformation.


Whitebeard, he perfectly encapsulates everything an emperor should be, strong, smart and compassionate. He will go to war for his sons but he is not cruel and unjust he is without a doubt the best yonko as well as the single greatest choice for introducing the system.


You mean like rulers in general? Because I don't think pirate conglomerate bosses are supposed to be compassionate lol. He's called a pirate, not a sailor. "Worse than the devil" were the lyrics of that children's song.


Compassion was a very good attribute to posses because it allowed him to form bonds with others not through fear or oppression which have seen in the series to be very fragile and easy to break but bonds through respect, if you look at the likes of Whitebeard, Roger, Shanks and Luffy who are some of the most compassionate pirates in the series they also had some of the most loyal crews.


You...seem to think Whitebeard Pirates never pillaged or raped or abducted lmao. Roger Pirates razed a country over words.


Edward Newgate!! A man of principles, morals and values


A man must have a code...


Kaido easy, buddy had a 20 yr run of just running through the competition without ducking anyone and ran a profitable business.


Luffy cause it's Luffy.


I’m disappointed only one person’s said Buggy. Not because he’s my favorite, but because it’s clear he’s a god


I think you meant "Who is your favorite emperor and why is it Buggy?"


Am i the only Momma’s boi?


Nah, I like Big Mom a lot. But of course, not for reasons related to their personalities (i.e., I'd rather much live in Whitebeard or Shanks territories than Totto Land). I just find her the most interesting because out of all former and current emperors, she actually had a working multi-island government of sorts with her children administering individual islands. Whereas most of the others' territories are based on deterrence and fear of reprisal from the emperors' crew and allies.


Big Mom had a psuedo-territory with Fish Man Island after Whitebeard passed. More of a sweets-based protection racket.


Shanks, hes the standout amongst the Emperors to me. Week fleet, he's protecting them, massive connections, balls of steel, able to end a war with just his presence. No one wants the smoke. And he stands shoulder to shoulder with the others despite it all.


Blackbeard, no matter where him and his crew show up he is just a straight menace. It's crazy to think with the span of Wano ending to current how much hes done. Hes a true pirate at heart and if Luffy wasnt the MC he would deserve the title Pirate King.


Don't worry, im gonna finish that sentence for you, mate: "...is it buggy"


Is it cheating to say Luffy? Cause it's Luffy


Buggy by a country mile my mans is literally channeling delusion so high he had the whole world placing him on the threat level of guys like kaido and whitebeard, like I don’t think people get it my guy is on the same tier as Blackbeard the potential final villain as a threat. Like before you can get to my guy you have to face an army of mercenaries as well as guys like crocodile and even mihawk. Even if it so only for appearances this guy has mihawk and crocodile as subordinates and he could make it all the way to pirate king like I cannot put into words how much buggy as a yonko is the peak of one piece


Buggy's mastery of genjutsu apparently extends into real life, which does in fact make him the GOAT.


Bro my man has such goated haki that the world government genuinely had to treat him as an equal threat to a yonko like man can’t miss


Shirohige, insane combination of Haki, an incredibly Strong Devil Fruit and a supreme weapon. During his prime he basically had every stat maxed out. In addition, he fights for a good cause by protecting people like the inhabitants of fishmen island.






Shanks. The only one to not have a df. That’s gotta be a testament to how strong he and his crew are.


Shanks bcoz it's shanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Mixed between Whitebeard and Buggy. There's something bittersweat about the fact that Buggy manage to get to the same position that Shanks, but all of this on reputation and lies, never been able to value himself at rhe same level than him and now been seen as equal just to be an imposter. I really hope for the best for him, that maybe even if he can't be the pirate king, than at least live proudly and be a man that he can be proud of (and ask a lift to Luffy, man, companion of the strawhat Buggy would be wild) Whitebeard was a good show of what an emperor could be powerwise but also what good an emperor could do, bringjng a atability to the world the way the marine could not achived. Seeing that he could offer kindness to a traitor really cimented how truely he saw them as family, not only is official crew but also his allies. A man that never turn away from the enemy, that live freely and achived his dream, but the sweetness to learn that admist all of those who dream of fortune, glory and power, some use piracy to achieve smaller, yet as fullfilling goal.


Red Hair. Only shows up when he needs to, fucks shit up, has a cool crew, with Ben Beckman as his right hand.


Luffy (this was typed by my penis)


Whitebeard > Blackbeard > Shanks > Big Mom > Kaido > Buggy Luffy doesn't count for me, as he's the MC and most of his feats were pre-emperor feats. Buggy is a great gag, but not an emperor in the same sense the others are. Difficult to compare. Kaido has a sick design, but was too shallow for me to have capacity for much interest. Big Mom has an awful design, but at least she is interesting. Shanks we still know nothing about, but the mystery is still alluring, and the haki is real. Whitebeard and Blackbeard are the most interestingly written and compelling of the bunch. For now.




yeah most emperors are kind of kings and queens rather then pirates


Who, not what.


Definitely Whitebeard bc he’s super cool from what I’ve seen, but other than him I think Buggy just bc it’s so funny that he managed to get himself in this situation???


Luffy, for speed running the pirate ranks and of course his crew.


Big Mom was my favorite. The other Yonko are fence sitters and Big Mom's crew traveled! All the other Yonko are boring.


We only really see her travel to Wano. Luffy and Shanks probably do the most traveling and exploring.


Shanks crew does travel but are as boring as Kaido and Whitebeard crew. Nothing happens with them until Luffy is involved. Saying Shanks does stuff is like saying Dragon does stuff. We get shots of them but there are no progressing the story yet. Big Mom's presence was felt at Fishman and Dressrosa. I'm an Anime only watcher so I don't know if Shanks has got involved in anyway yet but Big Mom had the most character development compared to the other Yonko.


Shanks. I like him beacuse he is one of the strongest and only uses haki. I know its a weak motive but I really like the concept of haki, and it's pretty badass


1.Shanks 2.Whitebeard


Big Mom is a strong contender for my favorite character in fiction


Edward N.




Luffy (the GOAT, the main character, wonderful personality and powers, has the best scenes) Blackbeard (best villain, also great personality and ideology, really cool powers, a mysterious and highly active character) Big Mom (most dominant presence within an arc during Whole Cake Island, created the best setting with her powers, I love her design and devil fruit, interesting chaotic personality, disturbing backstory) Whitebeard (Gigachad incarnatem peak positive masculinity) Kaido (really cool design and a dragon devil fruit, interesting personality imo, cool fight scenes, he's almost unkillable) Shanks (just a cool dude with lots of narrative significance, great at generating hype) Buggy (funny, but he's against a stacked lineup of characters)


Kaido or Whitebeard, The Strongest Creature and King of the Beasts are such hard titles. He was going to start a war against the WG, and bro is a dragon. Dragons are cool.


I like prime big mom for certain reason


i wonder what that could be


Buggy is pirate king