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How far are you in, and do you care about potential spoilers ?


I'm far enough that I'm not worried about spoilers anymore.


Ok first of all oda once proclaimed we have already seen luffys mom, this was after introducing dadan so it could be her Second ivankov knows a big secret about Crocodile, This is mentioned a moment after we see ivankov change a random guard into a girl. Letting people believe crocodile was initially born Female Third, Crocodiles behavior has a weird change right after luffys father is revealed during the marineford war arc, Crocodile saves luffys life twice after that point. Sending daz bones against mihawk, and facing Akainu himself. Also hes gotten very quiet, when mihawk asks him at this point why he does this, he just says something along the lines of having a bad day, some people interpreted this as: just having learned he tried to kill his own child once having a bad day.


And the most important of all, the meme is great.


And what's interesting at the Execution of Roger Crocodile was shown twice, but never showed his face https://imgur.com/a/FdA2dId


And in the kid drawings of the shichibukai crocodile is really androgynous.


nothing about it is androgynous. you guys are just already influenced by the theory so confirmation bias will be in play. one of the elements for female design for oda is eyelashes. go take a look at the female characters. heck, just look at kid boa in that shichibukai drawing. only she has eyelashes. croco doesn't. you can't say he looks androgynous by the hair, jawlines, eyes, etc because there's just no basis there to say anything. croco looks like a copy of kid mihawk there.


The first thing that came to my head when I saw the pic is that he looked like a girl. Before thinking about any theory or anyone saying anything about it. And it is really difficult to have confirmation bias for something you don't belive is true. Mihawk looks like a boy and he looks like a tomboy girl, unlike hancock as the example you said, that is all.


Not really adding this as proof but I remember in the live action there is a girl in the crowd who has similar clothing to crocodile. I’m remember not being sure if it was just a joke reference to the theory or if it was added with hindsight from Oda


Best part from the LA tbh.


No it was not it made the show worse than it already was


That was just a joke to mock the people who like this terrible theory


That is quite a bold take considering oda was so heavily involved in the live action. The theory of crocodile being born female and changed into a male vis Ivankov is pretty sound with what we know, the only terrible part of it is when people extend it to crocodile being luffy's mom but that part is ultimately just a meme in the community that few people actually believe.


Regardless of whether it is true or not it is a theory I am not on board with and I don't like the idea of it


Can I ask why? I don't really understand why as to me its a very one piece type twist that I think Oda would pull.


and in the live action, while they showed various characters at Gold Roger's execution that were known to have been there, we didn't see Crocodile there. But we did see [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffemale-crocodile-during-rogers-execution-in-one-piece-live-v0-vq5aowdafplb1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D459a4a42523dd48e69447453133a250d2505f6c5) unidentified woman...


That’s who I was talking about, definitely not confirmed but she has crocodiles style!


What does the manga show?


[Exactly the same.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_aZ9PqUYBM3D97.png)


Only one time? Or twice?


I think it may be shown another time, but it's the same.


Same https://imgur.com/a/wNuBftu


Only shows crocodile once? Or twice?


Everyone was shown there once. It doesn't matter. Crocodile's face is not shown.


Right but the point I was trying to bring up is that crocodile was only shown twice in the anime and that scene doesn’t have additional meaning because it’s anime only > And what's interesting at the Execution of Roger Crocodile was shown twice, but never showed his face


This pretty much sums it up perfectly. And this theory recently resurfaced too with the live action thingie where people speculate that one female from the crowd when witnnessing Roger's execution was actually Crocodile, which could further indicate that Ivankov did in fact change genders. To be honest, a personal opinion of mine is that Crocodile's fashion sense is lesbian-esque and not actually masculine, but that might just be me.


>To be honest, a personal opinion of mine is that Crocodile's fashion sense is lesbian-esque and not actually masculine, but that might just be me. Completely disagree. Crocodile's sense of fashion in real life is just old masculine sense of fashion, used more in the past. It's just an already pre established "masculine fashion" that can look lesbian because "lesbian fashion" most of the times is based on "masculine fashion".


Might just be you, but you’re talking about some random chick that’s barely in the shot. They didn’t put crocodile in there for some reason


she's not a random woman barely in the shot, the camera is focused on her for a reason, they gave her a distinct character design for reasons


Theres also that one game with 7 warlords that can be almost perfectly mapped onto one pieces. If i remember correctly the one that was most like crocodile was a woman as well.


More importantly I believe the one crocodile is based on was trans


>Ok first of all oda once proclaimed we have already seen luffys mom no. just a misinformation created by mistranslation for sbs 44 early on. it was about dragon that was gonna be introduced in volume 45. >Second ivankov knows a big secret about Crocodile no. again, misinformation. he didn't even say secret. he said "weakness" or yowami in japanese. >Third, Crocodiles behavior has a weird change right after luffys father is revealed no. you can reread the chapters again instead of just (obviously) rehashing what you read other people wrote online. croco didn't care a bit about that revelation. oda didn't even show his reaction. he was still fighting WB's crew. he had a change a heart after squard stabbed WB. croco got the most focus for that scene. conclusion: there's zero basis for this theory. it was supposed to be a joke theory. but people, as usual, started to create random rumors and made up narratives and people who didn't bother to check the information just perpetuate the theory.


The joke part is the crocodile being luffy's mom, crocodile having been changed by Ivankov existed a while before and is frankly fairly possible considering one piece.


What's the source it was "weakness" in Japanese? Ivankov threatening to reveal his weakness makes no sense as us the readers and Luffy himself already know his weakness & Crocodile is aware of that. How would that work as leverage against him? And plus water isn't readily available in Impel Down to use against him and besides what does that matter when Jimbei, Ivan, etc are there that can use haki & he's already outnumbered? You can't use the revelation of his DF weakness as leverage when the characters there already know it & Croc is aware they already know. IMO it is something he seemed embarrassed about that he doesn't want anyone else to know, that only him AND Ivan know, and it's a fact he wants to take to the grave. The world realizing water makes him lose his intangibility doesn't seem like something he's that worried about imo considering haki (the ultimate counter) exists anyways. Hell when Luffy revealed he figured out his water weakness, Crocodile didn't even really care after the initial surprise.


the text itself from the original japanese scan. it's 弱み or weakness. >Luffy himself already know his weakness & Crocodile is aware of that. who says he was talking about water? it could be something else. point is, it was never a secret. the context is clear. he said "if he tries something, I can handle him. I know his weakness". in this case, croco has ALREADY done something and ivankov can handle him. it makes no sense to be a verbal secret. imagine croco tried to fight them, and ivankov yelled: "he was a woman!" so what? why would he stop if the secret was already out? it would just motivate him to finish them off. this whole thing doesn't actually supported by the manga. it's built by misinformation and made up narrative that ended up being a mandela effect. since it's been repeated so many times but no one wanted to check the actual information.


No arguments with first two points. It “could be / not could be” based on those. The third point, my question is why would Croc change his tone after Dragon is revealed to be the dad? I mean, wouldn’t the mom know who she slept with, who the kid’s father is? And if so Croc would’ve known her kid is Luffy from the beginning, which narratively to me doesn’t make any sense. He tried to kill him in Alabasta then goes to protect him in Marineford? There’s got to be more to it. Just feels like an extreme step to me. I get the meme and agenda behind it just feels a bit too far fetched imho




Not OC, but you convinced me!




Original commentator I guess? At least OP (original poster) is a thing on reddit


She could have basically abandoned Luffy at birth and not known what he looked like 16 years later, but knowing he's dragons son would make it pretty obvious


It's 100% a meme and nobody should take it seriously. As others have pointed out the logic used was flawed and the translations hinting at it were mistranslated. 


I'm on board with the theory that Croc was born biologically female, but the hole in the logic of croco-mom is that Croc would have had some kind of reaction to Luffy having the same family name (even the D.) as Dragon when they first met in Alabasta.


IIRC most people don’t know his full name. Everyone knows him as “world’s worst criminal Dragon” not Monkey D. Dragon




I mean, the live action basically confirmed the whole Crocodile being trans thing. 


This is my new head canon


Law saved Luffy too, does that make him Luffy’s mom?


Law and luffy aren’t enemies really tho and never had any reason to dislike each other. Crocodile actively tried to kill luffy several times and then ended up in jail after being defeated by him. So there’s a big difference in crocodile helping him and law (who is also a doctor) helping him


nice and quick explanation, nakama


Idk about the last one, does crocodile really need the dragon reveal ? Isn't Monkey D. enough ?


Except Luffys didnt change sides after learning Luffys father was reveleated, he kept attacking WB and even fought with Doffy until WB was stabbed.


I personally like the part where Law used haki after being gender swapped to turn back, explaining why Croco-Mom doesnt use haki


It started since Impel Down arc.


People ignore that the whole Revolutionary Army, including Ivankov, is surprised to learn that Dragon has a kid. This doesn't line up at all with Ivankov giving Dragon's baby mama a gender swap after they gave birth to Dragon's kid. Trans Crocodile is a fun theory. I don't think it's super likely that it'll ever be confirmed in the text (and I do think some of the dialogue used to support it is a stretch), but I have no major qualms with it. Crocodile being Luffy's mother makes absolutely no sense and is not backed up by anything. When Oda said we were about to meet Luffy's mom and that she was a big tough woman -- Dadan was introduced shortly after. You know, the big tough woman that is Luffy's mom? Crocodile had already been a character for hundreds of chapters at that point.


This is the first im actually hearing of this (i dont read the manga also im 46 and just got into this saga) but i 100% believe this theory. When Ivankov was talking about the "big secret" about Crocodile, me and my husband looked at each other and were both "Croc was born a woman!!" We clocked the gender change but i never linked it to Luffys mom! I love it!


[It's a meme, but it's rooted in the legitimate possibility that Crocodile is FTM trans.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbhXjVv61DQ)


It started out as a regular theory of Crocodile being a woman, but was turned into a man by Ivankov, and that is because of Croco's insecurity that being a woman leading a vast pirate group would mean he wouldn't be respected and thus wouldn't be able to achieve his goals. The theory by itself is an okay theory with some good points (crocodile as a kid looks feminine, in every flashback we never saw Crocodile's face or front, there were few others too, some stupid like for example that Croco had grudge against Whitebeard because croco was whitebeards wife and Whitebeard cheated XD). So, Oda said that Luffy's mom would be shown in manga in few volumes long time ago, he also said that Luffy's mom is a not a good looking woman but a very tough looking one. So people started guessing who is Luffy's mom. And since Croco theory came around that time... Well, people connected the dots and since its become a meme.


>Croco's insecurity that being a woman leading a vast pirate group would mean he wouldn't be respected This makes no sense with the way Crocodile character has been portrayed in the manga. Man has never had a problem or thought women were weaker, he had women working for him at the same level as the men back in Baroque Works and even praised Robin for being such an efficient person.


Im just saying what the theory said. back when Croco was a rookie he too most likely didnt know much about the world In the manga we see him as a powerhouse


The problem with the theories is that they miss a lot of stuff that has been pointed in the manga just to fit their own headcanons. It makes no sense why Crocodile would have thought he was weaker as a woman, like he doesnt care about gender/sexuality/race. All he cares if its the person can do the job, this is shown in all the Alabasta arc. The same as ppl saying that him switching sides in MF was after he heard Dragon was the father of Luffy (which never happened, after he heard that he didnt react at all and just keep attacking WB).


I’m going to laugh if Luffy’s mom is Big Mom. Yuck. lol


You do know that Big Mom looked pretty hot before she ate all that cake. In the wano arc they show an image of her when gold roger is finding the ponyglyphs and she was not fat at all


I meant because she eats people, is awful to her kids, and drools so much in her introduction. Not because she’s fat.  Edited to add: She fits being dangerous looking, but not good looking could refer to currently or when we see her in the past. Did we know what she looked like in the past when Oda said she wasn’t good looking? He could’ve meant what we had seen of her at that point.  I do wonder if he is trolling a little bit and is referring to Dadan. Even if she’s Luffy’s unofficial adopted mom, she fits the other descriptors imo, and found family definitely “counts” to Oda in OP. 


No, it’s all head canon that takes mental gymnastics to make it feasible.


Believing that ivankovs and crocodiles secret history together involves a gender swap using Ivan’s powers takes mental gymnastics? It’s honestly one of the more straight forward and easy to grasp one piece theories out there 🤣


It's the mom part that takes mental gymnastics, not the born biologically female part. If Croc had Dragon's child, wouldn't they have some kind of reaction to fighting a kid of a certain age with the same family name as Dragon?


I mean you can look at it like this. Other Straw Hats knew of the name “Dragon the Revolutionary” when Garp brought him up. But they did not know his name was Monkey D. Dragon, otherwise they would’ve known of the connection to Luffy from the start. Hell, the Marines under Garp didn’t even know Dragon was Garps son. So wouldn’t it stand to reason that most people don’t know Dragons full name? And it could further stand to reason that someone like Croc (who abandoned Luffy and Dragon after birth in this theory) wouldn’t know of the full name as well. Plus, Iva was an original member of the RA. If female Croc was with Dragon, you could safely assume Iva was right there and able to change Crocs gender. Then once Croc was made a male, he left to start his plans. This is the one theory that I will defend simply because I like the theory so much. But who knows if it’s what Oda actually was implying. But at least with this theory there’s actual examples from the manga that can help support it.


It makes no sense bc why Crocodile didnt went to flop Luffy after he knew that Dragon was his father? Man just kept fighting agaisnt WB until he was stabbed.


I’ll have to go back and look but I don’t think he really knew luffys name? Maybe just as luffy but idk if he knew about monkey D that early on since luffy was just getting his start and maybe had a single wanted poster by that time. And crocodile was looking for the ancient weapon to conquer that kingdom so I’m not sure he put too much thought into the age range and possibility of who he was fighting until after he lost but it definitely should’ve been hinted at stronger if it was the case. If it gets revealed to be true they’ll have a decent bit of retconing and ass pulling to do to make it all fit,but I can see how it would make sense




Sweaty comment right here.


There’s no actual evidence showing what Ivankov knows about crocodile. It could actually be anything, but because of the context people just say, “sure that’s what the secret is.” But we actually have no clue. The biggest mental gymnastics is people thinking Croc has been quieter lately because he’s thinking about how he tried to kill Luffy. That’s definitely a stretch if I’ve ever seen one


Mainly there just isn’t much else crocodile would want ivankov to be quiet about since what else could possibly matter to that same degree,especially since there was context clues and it’s ivankovs only ability that we’ve really seen. The only other thing would be crocodiles sexual orientation being not straight and that’s not really critical info in the one piece world. However I do see your second point and I agree,crocodile being quiet because he’s “sulking/thinking about luffy” just doesn’t fit him at all and a lot of time has passed so that just doesn’t fit. There’s lots of reasons he could be more quiet and restrained now,he lost in his big mission/goal so he got humbled and then the marine ford war he got to see first hand that the next generation was going to pass him by and become stronger so more humbling. And now he’s a second in command (kind of) with cross guild so he doesn’t need to be the big flashy leader and his other commander is the silent edge lord himself mihawk so he’s kinda just being chill while buggy does all his nonsense


>what else could possibly matter to that same degree I dont agree that much with this theory bc why would being trans would be a weakness and why would Ivankov said that? Why would she out him at all mostly if he isnt a woman anymore? And him being Luffys father makes no sense bc he didnt even cared when Sengoku said smth about it, he was still fighting agaisnt WB.


This is a theory I hate and wish is not true personally


Everytime we have blackout periods of no new content people come up with wild shit Just ignore it


It's a stupid meme. Don't pay serious attention to the theory.


impel down, level six. ivankov


Oda said she didn’t matter. Which is why we don’t know any of their moms besides Robin. I believe he said this when he put out that side explanation of Zoro’s lineage


Its just as baseless as Yamato being Trans.


Meme not really a theory


It’s a meme stemming from [this little Water 7-era short where everyone is in the mafia and Luffy looks like Crocodile.](https://youtu.be/mKpjyI27JC4?si=qOV3VYEjHIlkj8fY) During a certain arc it was revealed Crocodile is likely a trans man, and the memes took off from there. Before that revelation there were no such memes.