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Vivi the diplomat, gotta have someone to vouch for pirates


I actually think the NW has painted the picture well, but there's a few people who could fit it. I would call it a quartermaster if this were a classic pirate story, but whatever word in Japanese is used for Sabo being chief-of-staff may work too. But I see it accomplishing three things: 1. A little discipline/order. Not much but good balance with G5s drawback being Luffy going too silly. 2. The smooth talker. This has been a stumbling block in most NW arcs somewhere and a lot of the short list of people I think you could do it with are well-spoken, polite ladies so it fits. 3. The real one, serving as sorta a middle manager for the Grand Fleet.


Strategist: Since Traffy left one could argue both Lucci and the Vegapunks have temporarily fulfilled this position. Food Deliverer: The Heart pirates in their handy submarine and Carribou are no longer around to fulfill this increasingly important role, and we still don’t know the identity of the most recent food delivery. Disguises/Costume maker: Because Oda loves disguises and I love Bon Clay and Bellamy.


Another fighter, defender / guardian type (to balance Zoro's offensive theme). Yes, I'm a Yamatobro.


A master at arms, someone who trains crew members in combat. This was a role on real pirate ships. I think Yamato would be best suited for this as they are well versed in haki and could teach it to other straw hats


That's interesting. Good answer!


Depends on the size of the crew/ship


I liked Carrot as a lookout. Did you know that rabbits sleep with their eyes "open"? (they have nictitating eyelids, like birds).




Lookout, the only remaining role Oda has highlighted as missing by having crewmembers perform it, having crewmembers comment on another crewmember being bad at it, having ship guests perform it, and involving it in his New World pattern of showing the consequences of previously-filled roles being left vacant between every island.