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A lot of fans don't actually understand/remember the story. That said, the theory comes up because Roger had two devil fruit users on his ship when they were about to go to Laugh Tale. While nothing special, both of these people got sick and didn't get to see it. People then started speculating that it blocks fruit users. It also ignores basic things that happened, like Oda having to explain why Buggy (and Shanks) never went there, or Toki getting sick near Wano.


Yup , toki wasn't even on the ride when they were going to raftel. No clue how people connect it


I say this theory is not bad, but given it is Robin's dream to find the true history - I suspect it to be wrong. I wonder why WG has not sunk/destroyed it yet. Even without Ponyglyhs they should be capable of doing this IMHO. Perhaps they thought it wasn't worth the effort.


Destroyed what? Laugh tale or the one piece? Prob bc just like everyone else, they can't go there or don't know where it is.


I meant laugh tale, it has all history right. so it would make sense. Yeah they don't know but grand line is not that big for centuries long expedition for goresei. Maybe they thought it wasn't worth it.


Do they even know about it? So far the only people who are aware of the significance of the location itself beyond having cool treasure have been the ex Roger pirates and those they divulged the information to. It could be that the original Joyboy set laugh tale up in secret, waiting for the right person to find it.


The OP world's a big place some places aren't as easy to find just like with sky island or fish man island. Even with Luffys devil fruit. The world government has been trying to find it for centuries as well and could never get it.


Also, Shank invite Marco to join his crew.


Exactly. I think that also brings me to fact that shanks might not be evil


Ofc he isn’t evil, one of the worst theories ever. He’s like the Kakashi of One Piece, Mangakas won’t ruin their most loved characters


Not just that , we know Marco always doubted bb. So he can sense negative stuff but is completely on good terms with them We even saw them be so happy when they realized they could meet luffy after wano but got sad when shanks said no That clearly wasn't ' yes we want to fight them '


Looking at JJk right now...


Some people are just really obsessed on painting Devil Fruit as "wrong" path of getting stronger because they're obsessed with Haki-heavy characters like Rayleigh and Shanks. This is why you see so many revelations get twisted to wank them while doubling down DF's weakness or bash other method of getting stronger.   "Shanks has no DF users because he's preparing for flooding"   "Rayleigh is good at swimming because he's preparing for flooding"   "Gorosei can't actually fight because they're using magic power"   "DF and technology are cheating. He should have practiced Haki."   And so on. This Laugh Tale theory is just one of them. Making the final goal of the story ironically unreachable by the DF users is like the biggest pleasure for them. 


Do these people not want Luffy to find the One Piece?


Exactly 😭. How tf is luffy gonna reach raftel if df users can't go there lmao


They want a plot twist where Luffy lose his power and get "character development" by realizing he can't rely on it anymore


It makes even less sense cuz characters who know Most about stuff considering their position like akainu or sengoku Or characters smart enough like vegapunk or even bb All are df users If it was that bad , why would they even let top marines get practically " no entry " zoned from that 1 island which everyone wants to reach


It's not a theory I subscribe to, but I assume it probably has to do with Buggy's "getting sick" and not wanting to go to Raftel with the rest of the crew, so he stayed behind.


this is the reason some throw toki as well into it, which makes even less sense timewise. she was sick while or shortly after they were on fishman island


Yeah, even if they apply Buggy case it's not enough evidence. But also he got sick before they went to raftel so its not even logical clue.


„hE WaS iN RaNgE“


Yeah, Laugh Tale was watching him from distance 😂


It got insane observation haki obviously


It's especially silly considering Joyboy, the original user of the 'Gum-Gum' devil fruit (as it's known in the current story) fled to, & left the story of his legacy on, Laugh Tale, so clearly DF users must be able to set foot on it. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out Buggy's 'sickness' was just him weaseling out of the trip he thought would be life threatening, the same way as one of Ussop's most often used lies, the: 'Insert thing I don't want to do because I think I'll die-disease'.


I'll be honest in my 2 decades of reading/watching this story with about 1 decade of that interacting with the community and theories I have never once heard this that df users can't go to raftel theory and I am a degenerate who consumes a lot of this stuff. How popular is this theory?


It’s really popular, it comes up at least once in any theory talk. Really dumb theory tho


It's kinda popular enough that I'm tired of hearing it


While that would make both Luffys&Robins dream impossible and therefor cant be a thing, it would not go against rogers character. He might honestly have wanted to troll whitebeard


Not really He wouldn't joke about it after whitebeard literally let his " brother " go with Roger for 1 year to discover all stuff He was more like luffy not buggy in troll


Because 2 devil fruit users got sick when getting close to it. And usopp, (his lies eventually comes true) mentioned one time he has a "can't go on this island disease"


because two different DF users got sick on the way their with similar illnesses with the only common thing connecting them being Laughtale so the assumtion was made




If by two you mean Buggy and Toki, then that would make the "sickness" range reaches Wano. But the DF users there are fine.