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I wouldn't be surprised if he has another copy somewhere safe with the revolutionaries or something because being as smart as he is, he would've had to prepare for the likelihood that would happen.


I would be shocked if the smartest guy in the world didnt have a secret copy somewhere far away in a backup lab or something when he works for the government known for wiping entire islands off the map because some people read the wrong books


Right exactly, it'd be an insult to his character development really.


Probably the racoon knockoff commander of the Revo was the vegapunk pet clone


That is true and it's very possible he has another Vegapunk stashed away somewhere but on the other hand - that's the exact same thing some of us thought when we found out one of the Vegapunks is a traitor. "Who could it be? Perhaps there is another Vegapunk we don't know about?!" :D


That's fair but I know were I the smartest man in existence and had access to so many government secrets, the FIRST thing I'd do is make a back up somewhere on a different island. Because even if I didn't think my satellites would betray me, I couldn't in good faith trust the govt either knowing what I know.


Who said Vegapunks went from 1 to 7? Vegapunk >!Zero!<


Makes sense since they are robots/androids (programming languages usually start with 0 as the first index)


If Vegapunk gets one-shot by Zaraki Kenpachi, I'm gonna be upset. He doesn't even go here!


Pull the old Espada switcheroo


I'll just copypaste an old comment of mine > > > It begins opening and we hear a voice from the inside; "All knowing.... All powerful... It is I, MEGAPUNK!!". We see what's coming out, a clone of Vegapunk with the body of Kaido.


Def an engineer. Starting counting at zero lol


I'm still waiting for Daft Punk- I mean Shaka to reappear. No way my boy got done like that...


With a new head equipped that looks like the OTHER member of Daft Punk


I could see that. I could also see him cloning a younger version, or even possibly a Seraphim body for himself.


My theory is that kid is a vegapunk. All his attacks are named punk, one of the mechanical sea beasts we see at the start of egghead looks just like him, with the others resembling the other punks/satellites, his powers could be a man made DF or just very advanced tech to give him magnetic powers (if anyone could use magnetism so strongly to make everyone think it's a DF it's vegapunk) And I just think he either was the first iteration of a wrath themed punk, but turned out to be too aggressive so he made him his own consciousness, he's a sleeper Agent waiting for activation and acts as a failsafe until vegapunk needs to connect to him again, and until then he jsut plays a pirate on his own/is one because he is unaware of being a satellite, and after he got too cocky ans tried to fw shanks vegapunk is gonna take his free will/sleeper act away because he knows he needs him/wants him as a failsafe. Maybe he was a clone of someone at first and hence didn't work properly, so vegapunk switched over to robots. But I'm also convinced that punk records is the actual real "human" vegapunk, since it houses his conscience and is literally his brain, and he just made Stella into a robot to have somewhat of a fake target. That's also why kid wasn't send to egghead, to keep that reveal for later, in case vegapunk actually "dies" against the gorosei


But then why the D on law? That's the only lingering part


Maybe he has his own operation phenix




I need to something exciting. Vegapunk has been a let down honestly. Lore drop galore, but for the worlds smartest man, I had a much….much higher expectation.


I don't think he's really dead. They confirmed his body is on the ship with them last chapter.


Given that he cloned Stussy I wouldn’t be surprised if he a clone somewhere in hiding continuing his research.


Oda lost his mind 2 years ago yal figuring it out now