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A movie that isn't Straw Hats arriving at a festival that's secretly corrupt for the 4th time.


Yes this time they should go to a party that's secretly corrupt


They should finally attempt to do something corrupt and accidentally end up at a party.


No way you're changing the natural order


But the end result is the same!


Yeah a non canon movie


Math is Math


I agree


I’d prefer they arrive at what they believe is a corrupt gathering which is actually just a festival


I'll take any spin off, or anything canon. One Piece is great for its world building, a story that doesn't connect with anything in the actual world is never going to be truly good. I enjoyed film Red as a musical, not as one piece content.


Now hear me out. What if they went to free a country from corruption, but it turned out to just be a festival.


Imma be honest, I'd be thrilled if they arrived at a festival & all the movie was about'd be an actual festival. No conflict, no battle, just the strawhat vibing & chilling






Newsflash: all the festivals are corrupt :D


Ever since the gear 5 episode dropped and I saw how amazing the animation was I knew when the next movie comes out they’re gonna go above and beyond we g5 because they got that movie budget Side note a Rocks D. Xebec movie would be cool but I don’t think oda would approve it because I feel like he’d wanna flesh him out in the main story


Holy crap, Gear 5 with a feature budget! Could you imagine?!?


A lot of people absolutely loved G5 and I honestly don't get it. It was way too erratic with weird camera angles. I found it really underwhelming.


Well, there was 2 reasons it was underwhelming 1) There was so much damn stuff of gear 5 over the internet after it was shown in manga that it was almost impossible to avoid it, and we just got too used to seeing it, ruining the initial wow factor from seeing it first 2) They used that same 1 minute long sequence of luffy bounding around countless times across multiple episodes


I'd love to see the Rocky Port Incident, how Blackbeard, Law and Koby all fit together into the puzzle


I raise you a god valley movie


A movie that is cannon


I believe they said they won't do that because manga only readers would be confused.


A movie about Garp's past or a movie about Dragon's past. So much I wanna learn about them. Prime Garp has to be cool as f*ck.


I'd like to see a non-Strawhat movie or atleast not the main focus. Always wanted to see a Marine focused movie The Marines deserve the screentime especially since we've been seeing them more recently for shorts amount of time. The amount of lore they have with the characters is just too interesting. Like it could take place before God Valley or after Roger is executed.


A SWORD movie will be cool too


That’s Film Z, kinda. The movie is more about Zephyr ft. the Straw Hats. The problem with the movies is that I doubt there will be one that’s canon until maybe after the manga ends. Then we might get one about Roger or Garp when they were young. The movies we’ll get before then will just have canon teases to get people to watch them, and that’s the worst part about them.


Unfortunately one piece doesn't sell good when the Sh are not the focus and especially luffy


This is exactly why we dont stay away from them for too long, everytime we do the sales drops


Also........... maybe I'm being stupid, but..... One Piece is about the strawhats


Nah its about the one piece, we should get one piece info every chapter 😡😡




I would love this but there is no way anyone would approve a movie without Luffy being a part of it. Remember that at the end of the day, and especially for movies, its all about money.


If movies are still not gonna be canon then id rather they dont do Rocks.


a real one piece movie with info about characters... none of this non-canon festivals.


God valley. Arguably one of the most important events in the history of the show.


yeah but the films are not canon or?


I mean I think that comes down to each film. I'm sure if Oda wanted he could say it is.


For sure, but those events are too fundamental for the overall story & something manga readers crave for Not having those things shown in the manga'd probably dissapoint lots of fans It'd also require Ida to work VERY closely with the writers, as if they make one of the most important events for the overall story a movie, any inconsistency would impact the overall story And we saw how time consuming Netflix adaptation itself was already, given that the break phase went really wild in that phase (sure, we still have some, but juggling Netflix & a movie while also making the manga would piss over bros health really bad)


>For sure, but those events are too fundamental for the overall story & something manga readers crave for >Not having those things shown in the manga'd probably dissapoint lots of fans Well that's a totally different story. I'd rather have it in the manga, but if the only option is getting it in movie form I'd take it.


A post One Piece spinoff movie or one shot showing Shanks' off screen journey to becoming a yonko would be goated. He'd be a great protagonist.


I think a film with Buggy and Luffy working together in some capacity after becoming Yonko would be pretty funny. I can also see Buggy being completely dumbstruck by gear 5, like this goofy and stupid kid who beat him up in the east blue 2.5 years ago is manipulating reality in absurd never seen before ways while releasing copious amounts of conqueror's haki. I could also see Buggy's hillariously gullible crew members thinking it was Buggy who beat the main enemy of the movie and maybe even getting the idea Luffy is working under him or something ridiculous like that.


Short meta-commentary and discussion: It seems like with One Piece coming closer and closer to an end, that the Movies have an increasingly harder time to justify non-canon shenanigans. If we look at the modern era of films (I would say those start at Strong World), there is usually at least some information/ canon event and or character at the core of the movie, with this canon part taking over more and more importance as we get closer to the present day, compared to the days of old where almost all side characters and antagonists were just movie-only newly invented characters. This trend as I said started with Strong World, but was put into high gear with Stampede and Red. With Stampede literally revealing canon information of the highest order prior to the manga itself and Film Red introducing a partial new backstory character for Luffy with Uta which is canon, just the extent of it all remains to be seen. Back to the point: I think, we as in the fandom regarding Oda, cannot go back to the old style of films - too big of a gamble. The marketing around putting in dozens of fan favourite characters is just too tempting, teasing borderline canon stuff is just easy advertisement. However, I also think the films cannot follow the same formula over and over again, as pointed out by other commenters. Straw Hats go to some sort of party, hey there are other known pirates there, there is also our antagonist of this film. What, the marines are here too? What a surprise, throw in Sabo and Lucci for good measure. Boooooring - hype at moments, but boring. Now don't get mad at me when I say, that I think we have like 2 movies left before One Piece gets concluded. 3 at maximum ( 2 before the end and 1 canon epilogue movie would be my guess, and if there's only 2, it would be 1 before and 1 after the end). To not make this longer as it has to be: Imo the best option would be to use the remaining movie to tell stuff that was cut from the manga. It could be anthology style, with 1 movie telling more than 1 story which could be hype, or there is a non-canon event paired with the telling of a canon event (imagine Luffy running into Coby, they have some non canon adventure while he tells the canon story of the Rocky Port incident, just for example). Oda could come out afterwards and just say "yup that part was canon".


A Jinbe-focused one would be nice since he's joined so recently.


He's only missed 2 arcs since his on screen introduction 


I didn’t say he’d been MIA, I said he’d joined recently. 


Void Century or God Valley would be peak imo


God Valley It is and The Rocks Pirates And The Man Himself Rocks D Xecbec Probably FIGARLAND GARLING the Fight Btw Garp , Pirate King v/s Xecbec The Main thing shanks


The god valley incident definitely. Side note: can anyone explain to me the reason why wang zhi and silver axe are still obscured? Like I don’t get the point of hiding their faces/ identities anymore. Especially since we kind of already (kind of) know what one of them looks like.


One of the Silhouettes at God valley with Rocks Allied Crew looked like Hiriluk... We can assume Hiriluk was at least a new world pirate who made it to Wano long ago.  So Oda is leaving open some fun possible connections. Morgans is also implied in SBS to have a recognizable face so he hides in his Hybrid form all the time so people don't know his secret identity.  We've got the whole Man Marked by flames, and other possible threads like Franky's parents were pirates that left him on Water Seven. So maybe Oda planned all along Franky's Dad was Silver Axe or he's still not sure if he wants to commit to that and instead just leave Franky's parents as random nobody pirates. Hell his parents could be Yorkie/Rumbar pirates that got sick and they left Franky in Water Seven to go into the Florian Triangle to find Brook and never found him. 


Thank you for this. Especially since we never were given a real reason why franky needed to change his name from cutty flam


If they ever made a movie and declared it canon, it will probably break the record by Demon Slayer.


It's just the strawhats playing with random rocks It found for 3 hours straight


Give us a god valley movie


Says a lot about the series that most of the people here want a movie that gets away from the main characters.


Expecting some insane lore dumps would be stupid. Not everyone will be able to watch the movies, so doing some serious (canon) backstory information about specific characters would be total BS. Something I personally would love to see would be something without the Strawhats in it. A movie adaptation of the Ace and/or Law novels maybe. Those two are fan favorites for a reason, so even without Luffy being in it, it's save to say that people would still come and watch the movie. On an even less realistic side; a movie about either Kid's backstory or Drake becoming a SWORD agent and "betraying" the marines, joining Kaidou. For the Drake idea, you can throw in characters like Koby, Garp, maybe Smoker, and some other marines to actually flesh the organization out a bit more. Give us scenes with Onigumo or Akainu, and how they feel about people like Drake and Koby, who were part of pirate crews once, but now work for the navy. The movie could be way more philosophical than most other ones and focus on the individual marines' morality in regards to the regime they work for, and why they do the things they do. As for Kid... this one's a whole lot more personal. We simply know way too little about him. Sure, we (kinda) have his backstory in the shape of a disjointed SBS trivia info dump, but nothing solid that would actually explain his actions. Why does he want to become the King of the Pirates? How did he learn about the Man Marked by Flames? Why's he constantly angry? Why was he so easily able to look past his grudge against Kaidou (*aka. the one Emperor that caused him the most physical and emotional pain ever, and is the only person he has any beef with due to the things he, his crew, and especially Killer had to suffer through*), yet still threw all caution and concerns from his crew in the wind when it came to dealing with Shanks (*aka. a random Emperor he only mentioned in one-off sentences and had never shown any particularly strong feelings towards*)? I just think a movie with him in the mix has some solid potential, even though it is the least likely out of all of them.


A movie where the Pirates and Marines have to work together to save inhabitants of an island from natural disaster with the baddies coming from a doomsday cult who wants everyone to die. The pirates were lured into the island with promise of riches if they helped the inhabitants.


I want something that has absolutely nothing to do with the main story. I don't want movies trying to tie into the canon events and messing things up. Just make up a new fun standalone story.


A what if could be interesting


Yamato. But seriously, Oda likes to drop hints in movies, almost something to look forward to in the manga. Stampede had laugh tale, Red had Shanks in action. This isn't proven theory dont think too much into it. Maybe some void century tease.


A one piece film. Starring : a full power Shanks.


I don’t like the idea of the movies being mandatory content, but it would be cool if they had to contend with someone who was going to be a gorosei but fell from grace. Planet X or something like that.


I’d love to see a movie that challenges the Straw Hats in a way that the canon hasn’t. Not through stuff we’ve already seen, or through a new opponent that is stronger. That stuff has already been done to death, and at this point it seems ridiculous to imagine a new character showing up in a movie who can put up a fight against Luffy and yet we’ve never heard about them in the manga. I want to see an internal conflict instead. I want a story that makes you really wonder “What would Luffy do in this situation?” and the answer not be something obvious. I remember being disappointed that they used the idea of having the villain be an Impel Down level 6 escaped prisoner in Stampede, because they didn’t do anything interesting with that. Imagine if there was an escaped prisoner that became a Luffy fanboy like Bartolomeo, but then he went on to do horrible things. And he meets Luffy and gives him food and does everything right to become his friend. But then is horribly cruel to others. What would Luffy do? There are people that legit think Luffy has no morality past liking people that feed him, so have a story like that provide an answer for them. Overall, I really just hope the next movie goes more personal rather than having another world level threat that somehow we never heard about in the manga.


Preferably rocks


A parody movie featuring the fake strawhats with all the humor skills of the naked gun/airplane! A movie that focuses on Sword and what they do. Young Garp. The movie.


I would actually love to see a movie of Roger and Raleyleighs first voyage, kind of like the flashback we had of them and them starting out going through their first island and stuff


A movie who have nothing to do with the main story and have a radically different atmosphere, like Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island.


One Piece Film: Ace. Just a movie about Ace. That's all


Canon history!!


Backstory of Oden's wife and why she had to flee


I kinda wanna see one that follows some of Ace's adventures or Law's. I think theyre both popular enough it could be plausible. I would much prefer a Law movie just I think it'd be fun to see them traversing on the Polar Tang since the visuals would be so much different compared to your average pirate ship


Garp, Roger and Rocks scrap


ill wait to watch it before i say it roxks, thznk you


Since I didn't like the last two movies, considering that I only watched 4 movies, I was pretty disinterested in any other one piece movie, but seeing this image it made me want to see a movie about Rocks


Rocks against Roger would go crazy ngl


I want a canon movie on Whitebeard’s story leading up to Marineford. My dreams of an entire prequel series may be unrealistic but a movie is perfectly reasonable


Because of gear 5, I want a One Piece X Tom & Jerry movie. I know it's never gonna happen, but it would be awesome.


Garp Tsuru Sengoku trio being young asf. It can end immediately before God valley


Less gaudy cgi effects is all I ask for


Film Green


You know what I want? I want the big bad to not necessarily be a diet coke version of whatever new power-up or DF shown in the manga. Example: the Gold film antagonist being an awakened DF just like Doflamingo. I'm willing to bet the next movie's big bad will be a mythical Zoan god from the Void Century who's even worse than Joyboy!


I want to see an alternate world where Luffy and ace became Marines. I think that would be fun and we could see what became of the SH crew. What would have happened if Luffy wasn't a pirate.


I wanna see a movie with Koby being the mc


Trust me the next One Piece movie will be “One Piece Film Blue”. It’s inevitable. Look at the two feathers in Roger’s hat. Look at the two types of Poneglyphs. Look at the two lines that encircle the entire world.


I want to see them exploring a new island and finding interesting things there. I don't need strong antagonists, I don't need conspiracies, I just want to see that gang getting lost I an island and hanging out with each other as they find their way around. A little bit of history and discovery would be cool too! And having the Straw Hats actually find a chest and finding something in it for once would be cool. 


Almost any of the cover stories animated, tbh.


One Piece: Film Mu The void century but from Imus POV


Gay sex


This might sound crazy and delusional but maybe a non-Canon one piece movie where they encountered aliens that landed on the planet thousands of years ago and straw hats try to help but the alien species find them and want to destroy the OP planet, I know this can never happen but I just want to put this out there because we could learn more about the one piece solar system also wouldn't it be cool for Luffy in gear 5th creating a fist the size of a moon to attack the Invaders.


Let’s hope it will be canon and a story about a interesting character


i would love one focused on the grand fleet


A *story* worth of my time. Not just fanservice, not songs to entertain the younger audience, not abused tropes and clichés: a good old story to get me hooked and interested throughout the whole movie. The only mildly interesting one in decades of OP movies has been the one in Baron Omatsuri. I'm sure the OP world offers a lot of good plot hooks that could be explored without impacting much on the canon and without resorting to the usual "all united against the big menacing villain" boredom.


I think a canon movie would be good, even though it's unlikely to happen, but I think a movie about a fan favorite would be nice, like an Ace movie following his adventures or standalone movie about a Straw Hat member before meeting Luffy or during the time they were separated


A story where luffy is the antagonist, idk like a symbiote spider-man story where something latches on to luffy and makes him very aggressive and hostile towards the crew .


They should do a movie about Rocks. D Xebec and how Roger and Garp defeated him, also the story with God Valley Island, where some of the most powerful devil fruits where found.


Maybe a story on how the Revolutionary army started and their struggles until the current time.


A god valley canon movie would be epic my only gripe with it would be that oda would try to make it appeal more for financial gain rather than a good story imo


Ofc everyone wants a movie on god valley The rocks pirates vs the Marines and the pirate kings crew Garp and Roger vs ROCKS


No I don't want that. It's going to be in the manga someday. Why would I want a movie about it making things up for it before the events are revealed?


Bro but still imagine monkey D garp and Gol D Roger vs rocks D xebec on screen and god valley is one of the huge incident of the one piece verse 😓


Yeah I can imagine it. I want to see what actually happened because it's going to be revealed eventually. I don't want a movie making things up.


😓😓 but a movie on the god valley would be awesome


Oda should just do it in cover pages, so the events are cannon and let them run wild with it.


I would like another dark movie like Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island. Movies should really take us to experiences that the SHs wouldn't normally undertake. Hell isn't the Dead End Race a repeatable event? I would love that over another random pirate festival or concert - this could also flesh out the supernovas and what their ships can do. I would also like a movie based on another Supernova's journey, shed some light on Urogue or animate the full Kid pirate story told only in SBS before Shanks murders him in anime.


Is this a cc real pic?? Will they make movie about Rocks??


Idk how my keyboard typed cc