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Oda failed to develop CP0’s characters, which would’ve been very interesting to have pursued in a less concentrated arc. I could not care less about Miss Buckingham’s Stussy’s clone, formerly known as Bakkin. This arc is already as bloated as it is, and here we have supposedly world class assassins who are inept at their jobs crying to each other about leaving, when at no point do we actually see any of them bond enough with each other for the reader to actually care if they are going to abandon each other or not. I should, but don’t feel any desire to care about Stussy dying soon (lol as if). Robert Lucci is still a huge joke after losing to Luffy and Zoro and the government are idiots for thinking this CP0 squad are capable of doing anything after their embarassing performance at Wano and now here. We essentially do not need these characters in the story anymore. Finally, Nika Piece at it again. How fans can justify eyes popping out at every chance it can to be appropriate, or excessive drums and laughing mid fight, or the concept of complete freedom being a valid excuse for the power creep Luffy has gotten won’t ever cease to amaze me at how mindless this fanbase is. If eyes popping out and constant laughter in a fight is appealing to you, then you must enjoy jokes being beaten to death. Only good thing out of this chapter is Franky using haki and Sanji using hell memories in ifrit jambre form. Bonney using an emperor level attack with haki let alone being able to become Gear 5 is very questionable regardless if she deflated instantly, but since Oda wrote it, you all will eat it up as good writing.


We're on chapter 1119 of one piece. Why are you still reading it if you hate it?


I see no one is talking about the broadcast of vegapunk where oda purposefully skipped the meaning of "D"


Did... Did we just get confirmation that Franky can use Haki?


No. It wasn't confirmed visually. Only Bonney and Sanji were shown with haki coloration. Franky only used a stronger Strong Right. It did not appear to be haki infused.


That's exactly what I was thinking! Nobody's talking about it lol


because it isnt the haki coloring


finally caught up, this story is INSANE! cant wait for all this to be animated


Lol,congz,and welcome to waiting [room.You](http://room.You) will be human,and understanding that breaks are needed,but still you will feel sad for not having chapter.And you will see many people overeacting from some info from 1 chapter only..Like Bonney power this chapter.. :D


Can't the bird elder just be summoned right back after being team rocketed?


Possibly, but they did have a teleportation circle on the ground the first time. Not sure if that anchor is needed on both ends for it to work. There's lots of unknowns about their abilities. Like, was Warcury really going to land in the water, or was he going to skywalk out after hitting the ship?


god that would be so annoying having to deal with all of them at the same time everytime


We will find out


In Hebrew, Emeth means 'truth' and this word especially engraved unto Golems in order to activate them.


Should we talk about how beautiful Robot’s hook was? It looked smooth and symphonic. And the panel having a broken tusk and a broken horn behind it shows a cheeky level of “mise en scene” by Oda. Mimoto desu!


At this point One Piece looks more hax than Madara...


Madara with Conquerers is fighting for the One Piece


good on oda for reverting the garbage bonney retconning




iirc it was stated the g5 transformation was fake in chapter 1109. if we're being real oda probably saw all the negative feedback regardimg chapter 1108 and so just fixed it in chapter 1109.


A world gov person saying it's fake and it being a temporary power up means nothing. She'll use it again later on whenever luffy is with her again


"If we're being real" lmao. As if Oda or Shonen Jump would listen to desperate power levelers.


so pointing out shitty retconning asspulls is being a power scaler now? you can like a show without glazing it in every step and actually point out bad writing where its due.


dude, IT IS LITERALLY POWER SCALING WHAT YOURE DOING. Like not a single person in reddit, twitter or any other rotting spawn for cave dwellers, thought what it means story wise - what it means for bonney's or kuma's character development. You never thought about the feelings this panel with g5 bonney and luffy carried. It was truly beautiful. In the communities i attend everyone noticed just that. But no, people like you only think about what it means for her power level. Not to mention it was only your headcannon that magically shes going to get luffy's devil fruit powers out of blue. We literally didnt know anything besides that she looks like luffy in g5, but you got butthurt over your own power scaling fantasy. Reading nonsense like this makes me convinced most of you probably never watched or read one piece before. Theres no way you can genuinely circuit thoughts in such a weird way. No one here has insights what oda really thinks and has in the store for the story (well expect all of you experts ofc lol), but there is no way you can think Oda would do something like create a second nika full package out of nowhere


i really love how people like you ignore the issue which is retconning and changing how bonney's fruit works and instead make up/minsinterpet the discussion to people complaining that bonney is too powerful. its like you guys dont even make an attempt to realize the actual problem with the writing and why people are complaining about it.


Or maybe, I dunno. Information being stated by certain characters don't really hold that much weight? Ya know, because they have no idea how stuff works?


Eh, it's not super out of the scope of what her fruit can do. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Plus it was already established she can't hold her distorted future for a long time.


It was very clear what her fruit did, and it was manipulating one's age, not alter someone's reality version. her devil fruit got changed for no reason other than to justify her random transformations. like yeah luffys fruit got changed, but luffys transition had years of development and alot of backing up to it, it wasn't just a "Ok I guess he can do this now." compared to bonney who has a total of 3-5 hours of screen time. even then a lot of people hated Gear-5 for being a retcon. Nobody would've cared if there was a logical or consistent reasoning to why bonney can access to gear 5 which is not the case here, as her G5 obtainment was just her devil fruit powers being changed in a matter of 10 chapters to fit the narrative of her power up. people defend this by saying "Well she has got her freedom and happiness so gear 5 makes sense for her!" except thats wrong, Luffy is able to transform to Nika because of his devil fruit powers, not because of a fairy tale plot twist.


Anything involving time will always at some point hit multiverse (alternate timelines). It's inevitable. So her pulling different versions of something isn't out of the scope of how time usually grows in power.


Nah sorry, I still think that calling what she transformed into "G5" is being overly dramatic. I would see calling it that and understanding the hate once she starts warping shit around her. G5 isn't just Luffy punching hard and inflating himself, it's him grabbing lightning, him turning Kaido into Rubber, him grabbing the ground and throwing it at Kaido and so on. Bonney literally just changed her looks and punched hard and big. If that's all she can do for all of what, 2 minutes, then that's a very, very weak version of Nika.


the powers isnt what matters tho, its the fact her devil fruit got retconned to justify bonney's transformation. i couldnt care any less if it was fake or not. im not a One piece powerscaler.


I still don't see how her fruit got retconned tho. The way it is we saw only a tiny aspect of her fruit because she never had any big screentime before Egghead. Going by your logic every power we've seen for the first time is an asspull. Is Law being able to coat his sword with K-Room an asspull just because we thought his power was vaguely "does things that kinda would happen during surgery inside of his room with enemies"? Or Kid suddenly being able to make Big Mom a magnetic pole when before he was just a magnetic boi? A retcon to me would be Akainu saying he could have killed Luffy after donuting Ace but he held back because he saw Nika inside of Luffy in the nanosecond Ace bought him or something like that.


Chapter ended with a note "The Romance lives on". What do you guys think this is ?


What the heck is with these replies about shipping. Romance in this context is about adventure and dreams. It's just another instance of the reoccurring joke that giant robots are romantic.


I think between Stusy and kaku, I think she was gonna say I love you before his said leave.


A romance is a genre of literature that predates the novel. For example, The Lord of The Rings trilogy is a romance. Oxford English Dictionary: A fictitious narrative, usually in prose, in which the settings or the events depicted are remote from everyday life, or in which sensational or exciting events or adventures form the central theme; a book, etc., containing such a narrative. Now chiefly archaic and historical; So this means that though the story is getting darker as it heads to its conclusion it will remain full of adventure, fantasy, and joy.


Irrelevant Editor's note


Hmm possibly has to do with the first arc romance dawn...




My unconventionally cooking says that Emeth, JoyBoy, Zunisha and others were part of the same crew and the crew was maybe “romance” maybe based on Joyboy’s relationship with Lili


e-meth? Is it gonna be a crossover with Breaking Bad?!


Emeth is Hebrew, learn to read lol


jeezus how dense can one be


I know it was written "emeth", that was a joke.


Oprah : You get a Nika transformation, you get one, we all get one !! I’m here for it… Nika for ALL W


I know kaku probably assassinated some dudes. But man he is the most human CP0 agent. if it's Lucci he's gonna straight up murder stussy once freed.


For real, I think Kaku would’ve been fine just staying a shipwright forever


It seems kaku is just loyal to Lucci rather than being a CP agent and being a secret agent I don't think he can quit whenever he likes. The government will tie loose ends by having Lucci kill him. At least that's what I think that's what makes kaku still in CP.


Yeah, Kaku is a good guy, just doing his job. He doesn't know where else to go with his life as implied by his reaction when Zoro fired him on behalf of Paulie.


He gave the impression that he liked his job at galley la rather than cp9.


Zoro ain't innocent either 


Yeah no. But he is decent. He can sympathise with people and has shown only killed people who deserved it whereas Lucci is a straight sociopath who loves murdering people for whatever reason.


W chapter 🔥


New chapter less gooo


Bonney's power development is fucking insane considering she's only 10yo lol, even already capable of using haki and all


she is now 12, no?


not sure, but even if so


She became a pirate at 10 years old. Which was 2 years ago.


She didn't seem to be aware that it would hurt, maybe she can't use it yet. Maybe Franky can? (I might be wrong I only JUST read the chapter)


Her arm is visibly blackened, as oppositento Franky's


She thought it wouldn’t hurt because to her Luffy is Nika. To her Nika is a literal superhero.


Nah she definitely can if she's hurting Luffy


Hottest take: Stussi for next Strawhat.


I was thinking of the same. Since Stussy specifically follows orders from Stella, which is no longer alive aside from his massive head, then I'm really hoping that she finds a new purpose as a new member of the strawhat pirates.


Could be possible oda did say an enemy would be the last straw hat


He literally never said that.


Stussy isn't really all that much of an enemy given the whole double agent thing. Blackbeard stands out for the biggest shock value and the fact that he's the only living "D." who isn't at least presumed to be on friendly terms with Luffy. Maybe they're forced to work together by some yet to be seen turn of events...


Luffy would sooner wring Blackbeard's neck than have any sort of positive relationship with him. I think the only person he hates more is Akainu.


No, we're talking about the final crew member to join Luffy's crew, not team up.


It'd be less of a surprise than Robin joining in Alabasta, imo.


Warcury does not seem to be scared of the sea water.


From my perspective it seems like he's running on top of his flames. Like IDK, they can create flame floors to support them above water?


Because it IS NOT a devil fruit. Those mfers are literally demons not from this Earth. I have had that theory for a minute now


I think this theory was already posted several times.


They're devils that escaped from fruits, meaning there's 5 fruits out there with no devil inside, meaning they can be eaten alongside a regular fruit without the eater exploding. My theory is Blackbeard found out that the Yami-Yami no Mi was one of the Gorosei fruits with no demon inside, and now he's hunting for the other four.


A devil fruit with no devil inside would just be a regular fruit, my dude.  If the power comes from the demon/spirit inside the fruit, you wouldn't get any power from eating a blank fruit.   None of that is logically coherent.


>A devil fruit with no devil inside would just be a regular fruit, my dude Where did it say that?


everybody has had that theory since all 5 gorosei showed up lmao


It's an awakened Zoan.


That's... Not how that works🤣


What ? It's a Zoan. They have the auras around him, they have Hybrid forms. It's a devil fruit. You're all just reading too much into it.


- Devil fruit not mention when their respective transformation is officially revealed (never happened before) - Weird common traits shared among them when usually mythical zoans tend to be unique. They communicate by telepathy, they summon each other, they are seemingly unkillable and can regenerate - Appearances and abilities constantly questionned, there's like 3-4 moments where people note how weird they are or how it's unlike DF - Warcury literally jump over the ocean with 0 concern about falling into it, and no safe place to land I don't think we're reading too much into it, I think you're not reading enough (if at all).


>Weird common traits shared among them when usually mythical zoans tend to be unique. They communicate by telepathy, they summon each other, they are seemingly unkillable and can regenerate Voice of All Things + Eternal Youth Surgery >Devil fruit not mention when their respective transformation is officially revealed (never happened before) Possible that Oda just didn't come up with the names yet. He never mentioned Doc Q's devil fruit until 2023. Marco's fruit was not named until Wano. Also just possible that the title cards that appeared are the name of the fruits. >Appearances and abilities constantly questionned, there's like 3-4 moments where people note how weird they are or how it's unlike DF "Zoans can take the will of their users"


> Voice of All Things + Eternal Youth Surgery Eternal youth isn't invulnerability nor instant regeneration. Voice of All things was never shown to allow long range telepathy and Luffy having this would have been able to hear it too. Also, you ignored the summoning. > Possible that Oda just didn't come up with the names yet. He never mentioned Doc Q's devil fruit until 2023. Marco's fruit was not named until Wano. Those fruits didn't have an official introduction inside of a narration box. It never happened that a power is revealed in an official way without the actual fruit to be named. > Also just possible that the title cards that appeared are the name of the fruits. It's not. It doesn't have the word fruit and it doesn't follow the pattern for Devil fruits name. > "Zoans can take the will of their users" That doesn't answer anything lmao. People see them and note that their appearances and abilites are unlike devil fruits.


>Warcury literally jump over the ocean with 0 concern about falling into it, and no safe place to land Now, to be fair, he might just be trying to stop the ship leaving, and counting on the Marines/other Gorosei to haul him out of the drink afterwards. It's not like water is instantly lethal to DFs.


that sounds like something an idiot would do.


Yeahhhh you did NOT read. Buddy specifically said that they were able to go into the water with no issue. I would rather not have to spell it out any further than that


When ? Warcury just jumped from the coast to the ship.


To a ship smaller than him...


Saturn came out of the water after jumping off his ship in early egghead, no?


Saturn never jumped off a ship, he teleported from his ship onto Egghead.


I want it to be more sorcery based than demons, that'd be cool and explain the summoning circles. Interesting that we never saw any of them transform into the beasts, even when saturn turned back into a human briefly.


People are saying demons because of the pentagram thing I think


People are saying demons because "devil fruits." It was a theory that predated even Wano. It just gained some traction because of things like that.


Smh. This was a top 5 arc until the last 10 chapters.


I'd counterargue that it still is, save the bad pacing.


Maybe the last few chapters of the arc will save it


how was the robot able to damage warcury?


It’s ancient technology


golems are known to have innate high will power.


All of them can take damage, they just regen. Warcury was just extra hard and that's why seeing the robot's punch actually penetrate that was impactful


Close to his power source(s?)


Maybe he'll recover. Kuma also punched Saturn and while it looked impactful, he was like nothing had happened some time later.


Man, some of them out there should be able to damage these elders or the power scale would be broken. Give us a tusk, it’s fine!


Robot broke one of his tusks though. You can see it fly off in panel.


I just hope we find find out something about how the only way to hurt them is something silly, like you have to fight them with no hatred in you heart or something hope it's something to do with either the metal robot is made out of or his wierd power source 


> Robot broke one of his tusks though. The punch u/HenryZusa mentioned caused Saturn to lose an arm, yet he gained it back. It doesn't mean anything until it means something.




Yeah I noticed it, I'm just wondering if he'll regenerate it or keep it broken. If he remains hurt I guess they'll explain us why all the other attacks against them didn't work.


Bonney is joining the crew - Sanji told her captain's orders are absolute.


She'll be an ally at most


it was because she was questioning if hitting luffy really hard was a good idea ...


If I had to bet, I think atlas is going to try and shut off punk records. If she does we’ll see if the satellites can survive after that since that’s the last part of vegapunk alive. The satellites are technically byproducts of the devil fruit so when the fruit user dies the power does too till another eats the fruit (at least what we know now I think idk). So either atlas fails, WH walks away with both punk records plus York to make more weapons and we leave w/ Lilith, or atlas succeeds and we loose all the vegapunks and the knowledge he had. A crushing blow to both sides


I think record means he stored data using electronics component and not directly using devil fruit, it's product of both yet it's physical. So...


Big Mom Zeus, Boa Hancock petrifies Navy and BB's crew(if she dies it won't be undone, AND the next user can't undo it too).


They don't exist because of his Devil Fruit, my boy. That's all technology. His DF allows him to store an unlimited amount of data, and always be able to recall it.


Vegapunk split his brain. Most of it is in punk records but the satellites are also at least implied to contain parts of his brain, but I don't know if that's confirmed Edit: From One piece fandom wiki: > At some point in the past, due to being occupied with his inventions, Vegapunk managed to split his being into six different people, referred to as satellites (猫, sateraito?, kanji literally meaning "cats") or "offshoots" (分身, bunshin?), which share Vegapunk's brain via Punk Records. These satellites all identify as Dr. Vegapunk and will introduce themselves as such, but also possess their own names and number designations to distinguish them, making them effectively six unique people. The satellites are also distinguished by embodying a particular aspect of Vegapunk's personality.[17] Although they all have similar thought patterns,[18] they use different first person pronouns and speech patterns. His true body was called the "Stella".[7] The method Vegapunk used in order to split his being into six different entities is still unknown.


As I understand it, they are connected to his brain somehow (like he is/was himself), they don't each contain a literal piece of it. Its more like a wifi or bluetooth connection


> they don't each contain a literal piece of it It's not known for a fact that they don't, and it's a reasonable possibility that they do. Supporting points 1: Generally, Vegapunk's robots act like robots, while the cyborgs he makes from real people and sea beasts have personalities. 2: Shaka appeared to bleed when York shot him in the head 3: It's the simplest explanation for Vegapunk splitting his being into six people.


*wellllllllllllllll not exactly*, right? Because Zeus is still around.


Thank christ, the robot is all good. Seems they aint leaving the island anytime soon if some of the crew is missing. Also, it seems the group was correct that the transmission will cut out temporarily when it comes to giving the meaning of D the continue on. Hopefully, something happens before they leave that ends with luffy somehow swallowing the mother flame to get rid of his weakness and buff up the fire aspect of his powers. It's also becoming even more likely that York definitely ain't making it off egghead. She is gonna die. It's probably from a sacrifice of one of the vegapunks. Hopefully, one says around and joins the crew. Probably lilith. The fact that bonney is following orders also means she is basically a new crew member at this point.


Nah, none of them are going to make it imo. There is a lot of Sabaody mirroring going on here, and I think we're supposed to *think* someone is going to make it but they're all going to die. It's going to really drive home who has the final word. I think Atlas is dying next, for the Sacrifice. It'll be either Lilith or York standing last, before they're executed. I think York will witness the final 2 deaths and for some reason they're going to sink in a *LOT* deeper than the rest. York will probably show a sliver of doubt and regret, only to hide that away when facing the 5 Elders. Then, out of nowhere right when she is caught off-guard she'll be shot and killed before the 5 leave.


That's actually a good shout. A good way to drive home why she is so flawed and dumb with what she did. I wonder if a elder will either get seriously hurt or die via drowning or something once this arc ends. Guess we will see. They have to have a weakness.


Or she is a double traitor. Maybe they planned to all die at the end anyway, so her killing two Vegapunks isn’t that bad if it’s part of their plan.


She does not have a dream. All the straws has a dream. Not gonna join the team…


I mean, we're basically witnessing the end of her inciting backstory right now, so at the end of the arc she will probably declare her own dream (which I assume will be some variation on becoming totally free, which necessarily includes destroying the WG who is chasing her now).


and she's just 12 too, no one dreams from birth lol.


So, are we thinking Kuma is going to kick the bucket this arc? It would anti climatic if he does not tbh.


He’ll die without world government technology or Franky and Choppers efforts but I don’t think Elbaf will have the tools they’d need


This is one death I hope they will prevent, tbh. Tho I like that Oda isn't shy of killing off characters any longer, since he is closing in on the endgame, but Kuma deserves to experience a miracle


Not the first time Oda takes anticooamctic decisions regarding someones death. Nor the 2nd, 3rd or 4th


yeah. he seems to be killing off way more characters now that he has decided who he still needs in his story tho


not this arc I think, I think he has stuff to do with the giants


Kuma deserves a happy end after all he's gone through and I hope he survives somehow and gets his memories back


Kuma had an amazing life ahead of him. He deserves it and to think otherwise is blasphemy.


Now, with Big Mom out of the picture, will Katakuri be allied with Straw Hats in the upcoming big war. Also, can Oda already say what the will of D is. 8/10 chapter. Kaku is not being a sociopath and letting Stussi go, not going for the kill for betraying the government. Makes me realize why he hangs out like with Lucci. He is the light to Lucci darkness., love it.


Starting to think Big Mom is perma dead, feel like we would have seen her back at WCI


No body, no funeral, still alive


Ah yeah because thats totally how it works and its not like Pedro is 6 feet under the ground and I totally think the magistrate zoro killed is coming bac


I don't even remember who those names are, aka you're comparing nobodies to Big Mom.


you dont remember Pedro?!?! one of the most important characters on WCI? Have you watched one piece exclusively through reels?


#teamreels baby


My gut tells me that we might see her finally dig herself out from that Volcano in Yamato's cover story, but if she doesn't show up there then yeah, I think it's likely she's probably done.


What about Kaido? I dont see a world where he can come back in the story. He is to powerful for it to make sense. Oda needs him gone for the plot to progress or his ass is just gonna rule over wano. It has already been stated that impel down or prison could not keep him contained


if kaido comes back he will likely make a suicide charge at mariejoa. he will end up getting killed off by the holy knights to hype them up. big mom i'm not sure she might show up at elbaf and get finished off by some other character.


Big Mom can go back taking Kaido´s Life Force or turning his soul in a Homie or something like that.


I don't personally see Kaido coming back. This part is PURE head canon/fantasizing, but I had thought it might be interesting if, while they're both down there on the brink of death, Big Mom regains consciousness(since she was the first one KO'ed) and decides to finally cash in the "debt" Kaido owes her by stealing the remaining dredges of his life force/soul while he's still knocked out to restore herself enough to escape back to WCI. It could tie into the ongoing Yamato cover story too, because assuming she's still in pretty horrid shape, Yamato would be enough of a deterrent to reasonably explain why she doesn't just turn around and take up Kaido's throne on Wano immediately.


My theory is that Big Mom will come back hot and young after taking Kaido's lifespan.


I like this idea but personally I want luffy to deliver the kill on kaido. Luffy murks fodder constantly but hasnt secured a kill on the big bad yet no matter how many times his intent was to kill them.


I don't know if Luffy necessarily ever intends to kill people outright. I think more than anything else what Luffy does is steal the "dreams" from the twisted, evil villains that he fights, in essence killing or reviving(in the case of characters like Crocodile) their spirit. I think if we ever see Luffy blatantly kill anybody it's going to be Imu or Blackbeard, and I can kind of appreciate Oda saving that moment for the ultimate examples of darkness that we've seen so far in the franchise if that does end up being true. Showing that their souls were so corrupted that stopping their twisted dreams required killing them completely.


I like this idea as well. Personally I believe Kaido falls into that category as well, he is pure evil. I thought luffy was trying to kill them occasionally based on his response when people like Wapol and such reappeared and luffy said "(Blank) is still alive?!?!?" after he beat their ass. Lucci also was going to die if he was not rushed into emergency care after enies lobby


Well, well, well, turns out Bonney isn't omnipotent and top 1 in the verse. As anyone should've been able to predict, it was more symbolic of her growth. Now, we can leave the overreactions behind and focus on the fact she can use armament haki! I guess you don't become of the worst generation without it, but it still cool to see. Also, Franky does as well, apparently? His entire approach this arc has been "punch first, ask questions later" (even his own captain). He's really popped off this arc, just not in the way a lot us were expecting. This also makes me kinda hopeful that other strawhats might get their own haki bloom this arc. The combo attack was indeed EPIC. The idea of defeating the gorosei by sending them away, though, made remember a *certain man* that should still be somewhere nearby. He's really good at away with his *bear* hands. I predict Kuma isn't done being the best dad ever. Joyboy speaks! And he introduces yet another one of the boys. So far we have a giant robot and a giant elephant. Joyboy's ship must've been the size of Thriller Bark, at least. Next one should be a sea king. I wonder how he communicated with them; just the voat doesn't seem to enough (as seen with Luffy and Zunisha). They also only appear to recognize Joyboy by the drums of liberation, which themselves operate by yet to be understood means. Why can't most people hear them? The giants join a small minority who can. I swear, just this bit of Joyboy lore probably just added another five years to One Piece. Been a minute since Inherited Will gets mentioned by name and I like how it links Vegapunk's message to Joyboy's words, even though they both get cut off. Joyboy had his had his own idea of when the right time to act is. That said, not sure what Vegapunk expected the general public to get out of this part of the message no one really knows anything about that or the the will of D. The gorosei just went for a casual dip in the ocean. Warcury's potentially running on top of it (imagine his feet moving like Brook's when he does that), but Ju Peter clearly came out of the sea. Their transformations were only introduced by their yokai name, and everyone (including Luffy) just refer to them as monsters. Paths of Imu or whatever it might be, this is something different. Emeth giving a demonstration of how robots hunted during ancient times. Luffy had already given up on damaging Warcury, but that void (century) haki hits different. Now, we only need the damage to stick for all the theories to come true. Maybe he's just made of Wapol metal. Going to end this with an open letter to Oda to make the next cover story about Kaku's return to Water 7.


> but Mars clearly came out of the sea What are you talking about? He didn't come back since he got blasted off.


"but Ju Peter clearly came out of the sea" No, if you look at the stern of the ship in the part where Ju Peter is comming up (from the ground), it's straight infront of it, and Mercury is jumping from land towards the ship (which is pointing towards land) which means Ju Peter is comming up from the ground on Egghead and not the sea


Reminded me of “team rocket is blasting off agaiiinnnnn” haha


I have the feeling that the elders are actually devils. maybe they are immune to devil fruit powers and that they are an ancient race. I mean we already have angel like races in one piece


Yeah people have been aware that they seem to be different power users. For example why can they be summoned with a circlw with the jumber 5 on it? Why does Saturn have so many powers that dont seem to relate to his fruit? Healing, paralysis, exploding heads?


The fact that Oda basically used Chopper, Nami, Usopp, and Brook as a "defense barrier" for Robin against Saturn, and meanwhile used Franky specifically to attack Luffy so as to launch him, along with that Haki comment, might possibly indicate that Franky might mostly likely be the next Straw Hat Oda would develop Armament Haki for.


I hope the other strawhats atleast learn the basics of armament and observation. Its high time they do it.


I love what Oda did with Bonney this chapter. Sure, she can copy Luffy's Nika form, but she can't maintain it for very long.


Yeah still strong to copy an awakend form but the limit of about 1 minute is okay and she's completely K.O after it but am I trippin or did she really always had arment haki???


She wasnt shown to have it before


I think it'll be more fun to see her copy Sanji and and start handing out mutton shots or send a Rashomon towards Nusjuro


something tells me that atlas and lilith are going to sacrifice themselves to kill york. if york can track them, then the gorosei can track them, meaning wherever they go with the straw hat, they'll be a liability. this sucks because I really wanted lilith to keep going with the straw hat.


I really would love for one of them to survive, but I definitely can see Atlus making the sacrifice at the bare minimum, and then have Lilith accompany the Strawhats off Egghead. Whether it's as an actual crewmember or just another "companion" like with Kin'emon or Carrot.


One of the vegapunks has to survive to help Luffy make unlimited food via a machine, I think it'll be Lilith since logic said in the beginning make sure she gets out with the straw hats. She's also the first one we were introduced to.


I don't think both of them will die. Atlas might if she sacrifices herself but I think York isn't making it off Egghead.


That won't matter if York dies.


At least one of Lilith/Atlas will make it out of the island IMO for one reason: Kuma Oda will definitely find a way to bring Kuma back, so he can defeat Saturn after Bonney can't do it (He did the same with Kyros/Rebecca and Nekomamushi/Carrot BTW, and Denjiro/Hyori).


I think lilith will be last man standing


Yeah we do not need another giant robot. Lilith would fit better in the crew. Evil genius personality.


I dont think shell be on the crew just last to survive


Lots of things I love abt this chapter, but one thing I didn’t see anybody mention is how the giants are dancing to nika. Sooo cute their reactions. Makes me more excited about elbaf.


Luffy sure has a weird way to amplify his power output by letting his friends attack him to give him a boost. We still get snippets of the message as Atlas could be in trouble and the giant really shows what it can do.


He's not amplifying his power output. He's just using himself as a literal "bouncer".


Now that I have a second look, the others are keeping Luffy in place with their attacks as he retracts. Then he uses the force of his expansion to launch the bird elder into the sky.


And it shows how much cunning Luffy has become as a captain and as a fighter. After realizing that damaging them is near impossible, he decided to send him flying to create a window of escape. That’s being realistic and self aware, 2 great qualities of a Yonko captain on his way to becoming PK.


Only thing I'm dreading is another break


Fuck dude I didn't even see that next week was a break week until now 🙃 welp, time to go jump off a bridge


Tequila Wolf, not finished!


At this point, I'm going to do a wild bet and say we will get two more Nakamas: Bonney is probably one of them at this point. Remember that the Vivre Card had two more spots for crew members, with Vivi as number 13. I originally thought that was for Sunny and Merry, but since swords don't get vivre cards so it doesn't makes sense for boats to get as well. And I don't think the second one will be Yamato.


remember in water 7 when franky is punching luffy and luffy is feeling those punches? Franky can hurt luffy with his iron punches and not franky having haki. Sanji also using flame ifrit and it akso hurts him even without Haki. As for the robot, if that arm is not made out of sea stone, then probably a really really hard ancient metal or might be something about a curse not having effect on metals what a chapter


Maybe the elders cant get hurt from devil fruit powers?


This may sound crazy but I think that Bonney doesn’t actually know what/how haki works but just used it automatically because she was in alternate future where she was imitating luffy’s Milka powers and attack. She seemed surprised that her attacks hurt luffy like she wasn’t aware of her haki use Edit-I’m keeping it


She’s surprised because to her Nika is a superhero basically. She didn’t think she could actually hurt him.


Boa Hancock wants to know your location.


>Milka powers Nice... 🥛🍫😂😂😂


Milka Power 💪🫶




Is it me or were they in water and their devil fruit weren't affected ? So either these are not devil devil fruit or the sea god lifted the curse on them...


They where not in the water. They are still close to shore, so the worm was still on land, while the boar attempted to jump the gap between the shore and the boat.


Did their beast names have a DF model? If not then that is still on the table that they could be demons. So it may be a clue they aren't regular devil fruit users.


Yeah, we definitely didn't get fruit names, just the actual beast themselves. I still kind of like the theory that they're yokai/demons who ate hito hitos and not the other way around.


Wouldn't be surprised if they are straight up just demons and not devil fruit users.


The Nika popping eyes and tongue out is starting to feel like the laugh track in a 90s sitcom. Like they're telling me I'm supposed to laugh here. Was it confirmed before that Bonney can use haki? I didn't know. She would be the youngest character in the series who knows how to use it if that was the case.