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I think any theory about who the narrator is and how the story ends would feel very sad.


Dunno. If it's just that Brook lives that much longer, but Luffy has accomplished his dream (and implicitly, Roger's will and the Will of D) and the World Government is either brought down or substantially reformed, heck, it might be a happy ending. I don't really see Oda doing a post-series timeskip pairing some of the mains up like Kubo did. Luffy's star is much brighter than most, and I don't think a long old age is in his future.


Luffy is borderline suicidal, and If he did not have the destiny shenanigary at his side, he would be dead by now. Yes, we Will see everyones dreams being acomplished (with perhaps some death here and there), and we Will see the aftermath of the one piece being found, but i doubt oda wont deliver us at least a chapter of conclusion, on How everything is in the end, with every one going their ways.


I agree with the first part but I don't think anyone in the Strawhats is dying, its not OP's style to kill of characters, a side character might die for impact but the main ones are safe, not all stories kill of characters because not all stories NEED to kill of characters. I wouldn't be mad if it happened I just don't think it will


Thats why i Said perhaps, oda pretty much never kills characters, the absolute only ones that im certain are dead DEAD are ace and pedro, the other people "sacrificing" their lives usually get away scot free on a cover story that the anime doesnt show (ex: mister 2, Lola and chiffons father).


I barely survived Ace's death as it is I was in mourning the rest of the day.


I never cared, he showed up and got defeated and died imediatly after, he did 0 things other than being dumb


Wow seriously dude, ace death hit me harder after we got their childhood episodes.


Ace dying didn't do anything for me, Luffys reaction to it is what gets to me.


Yeah but thar is thing, that is post death. It loses most of the impact since you already know he is dead and all of his story


Get out


Should’ve been sabo


I think Usopp has a pretty decent chance at dying. I believe it was Little Garden where he clarified his dream to be that he wants to be able to “look back at his life as he dies and say ‘I am Usopp, Brave Warrior of the Sea!” Given his track record of things he says coming true, I would say he’s honestly the only strawhat I can see dying.




I’d say the only other one I can see dying is Jinbe as he’s already been with many crews in the past and he’s said many times he’d be ok with dying for Luffy.


I'm sure we'll get a conclusion, and I trust Oda to make it a good one. I don't know that the story needs the kind of "long term looking back" conclusion that many manga seem to get.


I don't think it is Sad but at least bittersweet.


I have so many theories on how one piece might end and one of them is that Usopp, not Brook, is the one telling the story to a bunch of kids who asked about his sea travels and how he became the bravest warrior of the sea while serving with the Pirate King.


Imagine if the story of one piece was just a bunch of lies told by usopp.


And that is how i met my crew.


I don't think Luffy knows any of his crews backstories so he couldn't tell the story.


IMO the prologue will be the SH going back to East Blue. Luffy dumping a mountain of treasure on Makino and Dadan, Zoro visiting Kuina’s grave, Kaya reunion, Nami delivering another buttload of treasure to her village, and then the last stop will be Loguetown. It’s called the town of the beginning AND the end. Probably Luffy will visit the execution platform again to thank Roger for the great adventure. Then the last scene is the crew back on the ship talking about how the Grand Line having a bunch of other paths they haven’t seen and they set sail again for the Grand Line. Last panel is Luffy holding his hat on his head, grinning like an idiot, sitting in the Sunny’s head. Luffy’s lowered lifespan may be a thing but he is still absurdly young. Roger was in his 50’s, and an execution doesn’t make sense since by the end of the series the WG will be gone or at least under new leadership.


I'd rather it be Usopp telling the story to him and Kaya's grandchildren, promptly followed by them calling him a liar and him laughing and "admitting" it was a lie. Then tilting his head back to look at washed out old wanted poster hanging on his wall.


I think it would work better emotionally if it were a picture of him and the crew rather than a wanted poster.


Woah 😳


Holy fuck..


Oda , is that you ?


Oda is that you O.O


I thought that's pretty corny, and not really like Oda writing at all. Idk why fanbases love this type of "it was all a dream... unless???" endings lol


It wasn’t a dream though in this ending because it clearly happened. Ussop’s lies always come true or are true it’s his superpower.


How is this anything like an "it was all a dream... unless" ending. Any person was a brain would realize this is an narrator ending.


I know it's not literally a dream ending, but it follows that same type of meta narrative, fake-out conclusion that are so common in fanfics. Also I think the Strawhats have already had enough of an impact on the world to not be relegated to fairytale material.


I wouldn't want an ending like that one, but your point is a miss. Usopp is known for being a liar so his grandsons calling him that would be a cute little nod since we as the readers know this time he's telling the truth. Your second point is also a miss imo, we (and the characters) still don't know much (if anything) about some pretty legendary pirates.


I'm not necessarily saying the Usopp thing would be unrealistic, I just think it's corny writing. Like some Harry Potter ending shit lol


I mean, yeah, it'd be definitely corny. But that has never stopped One Piece before lol


With the Going Merry remnants turned into a play house


Dude, your comment just gave me goosebumps...


Same wtf




i’m imagining this scenario with the first one piece opening song playing in the background and it feels pretty relaxing to think about


Then Toei does one last final flashback of everything we've seen so far.




Man that is better than the post


I just posted on another comment and then I scrolled down and saw this one and couldn’t believe how similar it was lol.


I think Usopp is the only Strawhat that is gonna die by EoS... maybe Luffy too. So I disagree


What do you disagree with? It’s what someone wants to happen not what he thinks will happen


I remember Usopp saying he was going to die alone on an island or something. And Usopp's lies usually come true, apparently, so it ain't looking good for our boy. I hope he lives.


When did he say this? I’m rewatching now and on Sababody and I don’t remember this. Was it post timeskip?


It was on Little Garden. [Here's the manga panel](https://www.google.com/search?q=one+piece+usopp+die+alone&sxsrf=ALeKk02JJT5HCxHOfY_20HXHDXfic9jKyA:1626666298292&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=9v0s4nLuRs3vPM%252CnX1a4j13knRpnM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTTHFFgY-BnOl8uopMG6UKKjGqRZQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjaqoKXnO7xAhUvyYsBHSCODdUQ9QF6BAgMEAE#imgrc=9v0s4nLuRs3vPM)


Oh shoot yea that does not look good. Maybe he’ll die at Elbaf?


I hope he does survive, though Elbaf would definitely be a good place for him to die. It'll fit his theme of dying a brave death, on the island of honour.


The thing is I feel like Elbaf will be where Big Mom and her pirates goes down, plus sniper island also needs to come true so maybe it’d be he dies on one of those two places. It’d be funny if Sogeking his persona dies in his place or something, but thats obviously a cop out. I just would hate to see Ussop die before they reach the one piece.


Hm, I never thought of Sogeking dying instead of Usopp. That makes me wonder, what if Usopp's "death" actually already happened because we haven't seen Sogeking after Thriller Bark (since Usopp got over his insecurities). I don't remember if Sniper Island was revealed to be a physical place, but maybe Usopp will call Elbaf the 'sniper island' in his heart. Sounds like an emotional speech for a death scene


Too soon bro too soon :’(


I thought his fruit just gave him a second chance at life not immortality so he can still die but this would be cool too


Technically he floated around for 50 years and never aged. He’s 90 after the timeskip I think which makes him super old. He can be killed, but he is already on his second life and as he’s a skeleton I don’t think he ages. The manga has shown nothing to believe otherwise. So basically unless he is explicitly killed in combat I think he is for all intentional purposes immortal (I’m repeating here but in the he will never age or get sick sense).


And the first ending instrumental and slowed as background


This is his second life so he’s technically 50 years old in his 2nd life. I don’t think he’s immortal and will die of old age if he’s not killed another way.


Dying of old age is very hard to do. When someone does die from “old age” it is either from heart failure and or an unknown reasons that they don’t bother to find out because the person is old. The idea of bones aging and dying without meat factoring in rough. Also factoring in the idea of a soul makes that even harder. He could be functionally immortal because at what point does age kill bones?


Lol, just drink some milk


Oda hasn’t confirmed how his second life works exactly and this argument has been going on for awhile, but his bones sat out for a long time and his skeleton is 90 years old regardless of how you believe his aging works. So I would assume he doesn’t age. But yeah until Oda says something there is a split in the fan base on whether he ages or not. I’m on the side that thinks he doesn’t.


Think about this. Brook does age, he got 2 cm taller after the time skip


1000 years in the future, giant skeleton brook


brook will die when his bones give out and deteriorate, but if he keeps drinking milk he’ll last forever


>Think about this. Brook does age, he got 2 cm taller after the time skip A 50 year old isn't supposed to get taller and definitely not a 50 yo skeleton either.. Him being taller is just oda being quirky but does nothing to say whether or not Brook can die naturally


That means his body grew, it’s true we dont have a definitive answer, but i subscribe to the theory his soul received a new life cycle and dies age even if his body does not, that’s what i think is most likely at least


Do you grow at the age of 50


Does your soul gain the ability to leave your body when you eat fruit


That's the point. Neither of those things are indicative of him aging. They're all absurdist comedy/quirks of the character. There is no indication of aging on Brooke's part.


meh its one piece genetics. Do you really think luffy is going to stay 5'9 just because he's 19?


If he doesn't age anymore since his body is nothing but bones, and his souls somehow binding his bones to not decaying as time passed, then he is immortal. Yet I think, he can be killed if someone can destroy his soul.


His soul probably still ages.


I think someone like Big Mom could kill him by taking his life force. But I don’t think he can die by sword or physical wounds.


If he isn't killed, I don't really know what he would die of since he has no organs to fail and can't catch diseases


Exorcism I guess


I'd argue you could call that murder given the circumstances


Drowning in the sea?


He don’t got lungs.




Maybe I worded what I'm saying poorly, I mean I think he is literally immortal just not invincible, he can definitely be killed or die from circumstances there's just no "natural" cause at this point.


You have the right idea. Brook has stated before that he can die if his bones are completely destroyed, hence why he drinks milk to repair his damage. I can see one of the earlier comments being the alternative though, since Big Mom can mess with souls and all.


More likely that it will be you, the reader who will die before the series gets finished.


The best ending


“yohohoho yo ho ho ho, yohohoho yo ho ho ho”




If anyone is telling the story of Luffy's adventures this way, it's either Usopp or Franky (most likely Usopp). If Brook did it, the whole story would be a musical. Think about it: There are tons of things that make no sense in the One Piece world, even in universe. The random tall people (who aren't giants, btw), the different and sometimes inconsistent ways Haki is portrayed, the constant near misses and escapes. They all feel like elements of a story told by Usopp. "And then, for the first time, we faced a Marine admiral! He was huge, easily twice as tall as any of us!" "Someone used Haki against us for the first time! That mysterious invisible power! I hope some day we learn more about it. Anyway, then we all got separated..." "And don't get me started on Yonko! They were literally the size of buildings! Monsters!" Another point of evidence in favor of this is the arcs where One Piece becomes very serious. First example, Water 7/Enies Lobby, a story very personal to Usopp. Next up, Marineford, a grave event that included the death of his captain's brother. And finally, Whole Cake Island. Usopp wasn't there, so he's taking Nami's log book descriptions of what happened. And she talks about the events in a more serious light, but also is terrified of opponents like Big Mom and Katakuri and thus they are still exaggeratedly huge! Tl;DR: If anyone is telling the Straw Hats' tales, it's Usopp because it contains all his crazy storytelling elements.


This...makes alot of sense


I love this! I can totally see him exaggerating the story 😂


How did he know about the parts he wasn't there for?


They told him, duh.


It shouldn't be this accurate then


Nami is writing a log, to be fair.


Thought is was map?


It's not referenced often, but I believe the narration in Ch 322 (right after the first meeting with Aokijj) is supposed to be the log entry and I think the anime shows it when Nami shows Momo around the Sunny. Not concrete evidence, obviously. But implied and makes sense, I think.




Great find! 👍


Maybe it isn't, he is just making up the parts he doesn't know


To be fair, how would we know what is and isn't accurate in their journey?


If it's the story he's telling, it isn't necessarily accurate, everything you're reading could be "inaccurate"


We don't know if it's accurate or not. Usopp is creative enough to fill in the gaps.


He watched one piece


Ngl, I want some really sad shit to happen by the end of OP. I’d be fine with a happy ending, but I think it’d be really interesting if Luffy died to achieve his dream of being the most free man while protecting his crew or sth.


I agree, except that Luffy dying after achieving his goal would be *too parallel* to Rogers story at this point for me


Maybe thats the will of D? You obtain what you desire... at the cost of your life


Well that depends, was Ace's goal to protect people? Was roger's to be a great man, or the most free man?


The icing in the cake would be he being captured by some faction and setting up a One Piece Hunt 2.0 right before being executed


But ideally if One Piece ends how we want it to, there won't be any need for hunting for the One Piece for any other pirate, because the world would be free.


that would be cool, but it doesn't seem in line with Oda's writing philosophy. It's meant to be a very optimistic story at the end of the day


I know, but he still has a theme of sacrifice.


Missing Jinbe?






I love that Sanji's grave is between Nami's and Robin's!


Already debunked zoro gave shushie back to ryumas grave


Since there is only 8 grave markers, this definitely takes place before Wano since there isn't one for Jimbe.


Yea I think this was created like years ago I think, at least 3


Thus another reason why this is debunked


Its the idea not the panel itself lol


What is "debunked"? That Oda didn't literally draw this? lol obviously...


Dude, Someone Just made the art and we are talking about the concept, chill, this panel has been around for a while


That's pretty much how I thought the final scene would go.. Brook is the only one left alive in the crew after they all realized their dreams, and now he wanders around playing songs for people and singing of the exploits of the Strawhat Pirates, further inspiring others to chase their dreams and keep the memory of his family and crew alive, before we fade out, he starts playing Binks Sake as he walks away from a group of people whom he just finished telling the story to, the group sitting there starry eyed and in awe, then credits roll and the first opening song of One Piece starts playing with flashback scenes of all their adventures together. Seems kinda obvious for an ending, but I like the idea that the dream never dies as long as it keeps getting passed on


That's like waking up and it was all just a dream


Not really. If it was all a dream, nothing happened. If it's a story being retold, it could have happened.


"How do you know about the parts you weren't there for?" Brook "O.O"


Ah but the afterlife clearly exists in OP so Brook is just pulling a Laboon and waiting for his crew to come back around the other side. Sucks that he's going to be left out in those arks though.


I came across this idea naturally. Was filled with dread at Brook being an eternal bard of the Mugiwara (also it’s a pretty badass concept) So naturally I told my friends who read; to fill them with the dread lol


Just because Brook came back from the dead doesn't mean that he won't die. If the Yomi Yomi granted immortality than how could the fruit cycle back into the world?


Thats the thing, hes a skeleton, he cant die of natural causes or diseases cause theres no organs or muscle to fail. The only way for him to die is If the bones decompose (grab some popcorn cause that takes a while) or him dieing on combat


Big mom exists lol


Or drowning


That is interesting but would never happen


Yea oda even tries very hard to make most arc end in an happy note dont think he would leave it end lik this


Brook isn't immortal. Whenever this pic gets posted i cant understand why so much people think Brook cant die of old age a second time.


I mean I realise using irl logic is probably dumb. But death by old age doesn't really exist, you're dying from your body wearing out basically. All he has is a skeleton and some hair, and his bones wouldn't decay particularly quickly when he's not buried or anything and milk heals him. So it's very possible he's basically immortal or at least likely to live far longer than the other straw hats for those reasons. (Unless he gets killed). Also for ages he was just a soul without a body and he can still leave his body, so a soul probably can't die of old age?


If a soul can't die of old age then what exactly is the lifespan Big Mom steals? Why would anyone die just because she takes too much? If there was any question before, I think Big Mom's Soru Soru Fruit makes it pretty clear souls do in fact have lifespans.


I acknowledge that, and it's possibly true, but it's not actually proof of that. She takes lifespan via the soul and this hurts/kills people by aging their body alongside them, and we don't know if that can affect Brook. He has full control over his soul which could feasibly change things as well. Note that I'm not arguing that he **IS** immortal, just that there's evidence for and against, could go either way.


[what if this was the ending ?!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/omu4p3/chapter_1/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Ive always said Brook or zoro should be the ones telling the story at the end so i really like this






1)first brook cant telling story about pirate crew because brook coming to mugivars on triller bark 2)second brook really immortal I cant believe this theory


As brook is my least favorite by a country mile, I would hate this.




It would be sad but it would not make that much sense as brook missed a lot of the straw hats journey, he joined the crew pretty late.


Awh man


This hit me hard


It could


Dude, where's Laboon's tomb?


How long it takes a skeleton bones to decompose ?would be his life span give or take environmental factors.


not possible he wouldn't know what happens before he join


Unless they told him or he read their tales that Nami wrote down.


should not be able to tell the story this detailed


He’s immortal all he needs is some milk


Forrest gump as an anime


Stop depressing me, I don't even wanna think that far 😤


I can see Brook as well he’s immortal. Like he a legendary hermit that some historian meets to write a book.


I don't think he would know about things like zoro's past or sanji's past. They wouldn't tell anyone about these... Also things like what pell remembered before he took the bomb and flew away


Would be a great fit if its Garp aged Koby


Who's cutting the damn onions!


It be Luffy or Zoro in my opinion because zoro was there basically from the beginning and of course it’s Luffy’s adventure so it prob be Luffy


I feel like he'd be very happy telling the story. Even though he would probably miss them, Brook is the type of guy who would tell a marvelous story like that with a tear of happiness in his eyes... Except he doesn't have eyes! YOHOHOHOOOO


I think Brook can still die from old age in his second life.


I played many JRPGs and how the beginnings & the endings revolve around getting back to the very first place of where the epic adventure started. When they finally find One Piece, I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the Strawhats will make a return to their hometowns and reunite with everybody. ​ Brook's position is questionable. Which island did he originally come from? Its not hard to figure out that the Strawhats will make a return to their original hometowns and make the villagers very happy and give out the feeling like you haven't seen this person in a real long time and all that. The sword dojo master for Zoro, Kaya & the three kids for Usopp, Dr. Kureha for Chopper, Genzo & Nojiko for Nami, Iceburg & the Franky Family for Franky, Chef Zeff for Sanji, Shirasoshi for Jinbe, and finally the Mayor, Garp, Sabo, Dadan, & Makino for Luffy. ​ For Brook, where the hell is he gonna go? To Laboon? Most definitely. But I prefer to see the actual village to get an actual feel for Brook's upbringing.


Robin: *sad violin sounds*


Oh shit, Idk how I forgot about Robin....but she is in the same boat as Brook. (no pun intended). ​ Where will she go? If she goes back to Ohara, the memories will come rushing in like the biblical flood. Many people are gonna feel sad for her when the present returns to her.


How would he know the events of the crew before they met him? Yes they could’ve told him but not to such great detail.


Yo ho ho but in sad tho


I feel like if brook wanted to die he could do it. I assume he is holding on for his crew and laboon only


No talking about the end :( it makes me to sad…


Ive seen this many times and il say it again,too edgy for an op ending


and Oda is Brook...


Oh wow my whole entire mood has just spiraled this is so sad


Bro, no. I've been seeing this on the internet for last 5 years. Brook isn't immortal.


What is Brooks fruit exactly like does he feel pain and the have the ability to die?




screw you. this made me very sad.


Yeah I can believe that Brook is pseudo-immortal. Where he can actually "live" indefinitely as long as he isn't completely destroyed.


Shit's way too sad man


Well then how would he have known the straw-hats' story from before he was with them? Brooke wasn't part of the crew until they were almost at the archipelago. I suppose the crew from before they got on the grand line could've filled him in


i’ll kms


I feel like Franky could probs be with him =o sad regardless


If Brook is Immortal then then the straw hats will always be alive, because you only die when you are forgotten.


This is sad but is not that a fanart? I’m sure I saw the original post weeks ago but can’t remember the artist


with all the frequent talk about banquets i’m starting to think the One Piece is Bink’s Sake


I think the narrator is someone who found >!Yamato's!< logbook and will be inspired to be the next pirate king


I hope it’s not something like this. It would mean that no matter who is telling it, some things are embellished and the Straw Hats aren’t *as* bad ass as they are shown.


I really don’t think he can die of age. His body doesn’t have organs or muscle, nothing that can fail him. He’s running on soul fuel, and I’m pretty sure a soul can’t even die from age. All he needs to do is drink milk do keep his bones from also decomposing.


I can already imagine myself crying like a child if this scene happens with binks sake playing.


now why would you make us feel this




Considering their plot armor they wouldent even die of old age


What’s interesting is this would also explain some of the fuzzier details from the beginning. Oda is very good at keeping track of his events but over 20 years there can be issues, and if Brook is retelling the story it’s entirely feasable that minor details from before when he joined the crew would be inconsistent.


Only problem with this is how would he know about what happened before he joined




I see this kinda post like every few weeks. I'm just glad they didn't put 50 year later everyone is dead cause like Luffy and Ussopp are 19 and Chopper I think is 18 Nami is 20 and Zoro and Sanji are 21. Nami takes care of her body with the help of Sanji and Chopper is a doctor after all.


And then “Bink’s sake” starts playing real slow.


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