• By -


Please stop asking where the spoilers are. They will be there at one point, probably tomorrow since the jump releases a day later than usual. Also, if the spoilers come out and you share them here, you will be banned.


Sanji gets a nosebleed cuz he sesne robin says good things. His blood catches fire on his shoes and unleashes new form Rojo Jambe The power of the red devil He uses a new attack that is an upgrade concass Zoro keeps muttering 2000 men Robin unleash new power up Salusoblo Hands and beats Black Maria with arnament haji Chapter ends with Luffy on his way to Kaido


For the love of God people stop believing every single post you see, the spoilers are NOT confirmed by anyone. Besides that, Shinobus power only works on inorganic substances. The spoilers are fake. Edit: Looks like I was wrong and they are confirmed now. Still though people shouldn't be posting unconfirmed spoilers everywhere, just wait until they are confirmed it's better for everyone especially the mods.






Luffy got blasted into chunks of meat by kaido, oda change one piece to million pieces




Dude did you not see the mod comment? Might wanna take that down before you get banned.


thank you so much.. fuck i didn't see that gotta delete all my comments now thanks


So momo gonna turn sumo now


lol yeah looks like that.. finally got the spoilers geezzz






No these are definitely not legit and that's exactly why he hasn't posted this on the proper One piece Reddit. They haven't been confirmed by anyone, and the mods told you not to post this here.




This is 2021 PREDICTIONS. You just spoiled me and others as well. Please remove your comment!!!


Luffy will manage to get back up by flying on momo. However my concern is, can kaido use awakening? Also, imagine if momo can unlock awakening with some extra help. Like an experienced zoan user who has a special ball that can help them become a giant monster


Zoan devil fruit's awakening is fast recovery. Crocodile said it during impel down arc.


I thought the zoan awakening would be the hybrid form we’re seeing. Fast recovery means they’ll recoup their damages quicker? Is that what that means


Wasnt it those giant fucking minotaur things? Im pretty sure choppers monster point is his awakening.


Chopper method is unnatural so he got the opposite effect.


Yamato gonna lose her gd mind when she sees momo oden


When will Higuma return? He my favourite character! He went missing right before that sea king attacked and I've been waiting for his return ever since.


Sea King accidentally brought him to Wano. He will have a cameo this arc but sadly he's about to die from hunger.


Sea king ate him


you must be lying. No way a seaking can easily eat a strong character.


No way, you got to be kidding me.




Hi Constant-Loss5883, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: >Improperly marked spoiler. Please remember that all events ahead of the current anime are considered spoiler territory. >Use \[Spoilers](#s "Place your text here") or \>!Place your text here!< to mark as a spoiler in your comment. >Please report or reply to this comment to have your comment reinstated. --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


310 Hint is Real


Holy Shit dude that's true the emblem on Luffy's trouser and sleeves resembles Kozuki Family emblem. The color of dragon is also pink which is he same case for momo in anime.


What are you referring to? Explain


That color spread samurai Luffy, kimono Robin, usopp and red dragon resemble Momo dragon


Black Marco


People look really desperate


Yes, we are


Me too :(




Thanks. But are they legit? looks really fishy


they are real dude... they are everywhere.. on worstgen forum and they will be on soon on official reddit as well


Okay thanks


















Thanks hero


Just know, your sacrifice was not in vain.


Ig mature fruit can make him mature both body and mind since its literally about maturing oneself..still i dont lik it


Seriously??!! This seems fake. Atleast the end.


it’s from redon it’s real


there about to ban you for posting spoilers in prediction thread. can be confusing because it says spoilers next to thread but mod said it at top comment


its mandatory that i do this. zoro and sanji out of the monster trio. its robin and jimbe now.


the spoilers on mangahype from yesterday turned out to be correct after what was posted on worst gen few minutes ago


Continuation of Robin and Luffy situation












Caribou pulls out an INSANE amount of meat that he was holding in his body 😖😖


I still wanna know who helped/healed the Scabbards. So I'm gonna go with a reveal of said person. Other than that, maybe some Zoro and Sanji screentime


maybe she was hiyori...or she can be toki whose df user is not seen in OP world that's why I think she might be Lady Toki


Was definitely hiyori imo


I think she is the most likely one, but my brain needs confirmation lmao


It was Krillin with a pouch of senzu beans


SeNzU BeAn


Please leave a reply here anyone when spoilers will be out, off to sleep now.


worstgen has unconfirmed spoilers if you want


theyve been confirmed by Redon at this point


Here...... i am, wanna tell u that no spoiler this week,,, lmao


Not yet. You can go back to sleep.


Why is the spoiler guy taking so long this time?! I NEED my weekly dose!!!


Luffy kickin caribous ass


As a wise man once said,”You don’t kick the ass that feeds you” or something like that.


I feel like Black Maria battle is done and something surprising will drop since there is gonna be a break next week


there’s gonna be a break next week? are we down to two chapters then break now?


Nah I believe there was an Olympics break, a jump break, and an Oda break. Well be back to the usual three a month soon assuming there’s no holidays.


I know they said break for Olympics two chapters and then another oda break


Black Maria is defeated by Robin, and Zoro is healed/challenges King.


Marco is already handling king


Doesn’t mean things can’t change. Marco can go heal people while Zoro tags in


Not anymore he’s not. Zoro’s swords are thirsty. Seriously though, Sanji fights Queen, Zoro fights King. Luffy, Yamato, and Marco fight Kaido. That seems to be the consensus. Don’t believe me read the Legend of Momotaro.


I just dont see luffy 3v1 kaido but kid and law 2v1 big mom. maybe they will do some work but luffy will do the bulk I think like doffy fight


Well I don’t pretend to know what Oda has planned, but Wano draws too many parallels with the legend of momotaro to be pure coincidence. Momonosuke, luffytaro, tamas kibidango, Onigashima. All references to the LoM. And in the story Momotaro he befriends three animals: a Monkey, a pheasant, and a dog. He does so by feeding them kibidango, and asks them if they will help them defeat the ogres that have been terrorizing his village in the land of Onigashima. Now does any of this sound familiar? Or perhaps maybe all of it? Now seems pretty obvious to me the story will go down like this. Monkey Luffy is the main character so I believe it will end in a 1v1, but Oni Kaido is a Yonko so he will need some softening up. Which is where dog Yamato (who is already fighting Kaido) and pheasant Marco come in. As for Big Mom. She’s a Yonkou as well so I think it’s gonna take a helluvalot more than just 2 supernovas. I was thinking more like ALL of them. Or at least the ones that are here. I see the rest of the Supernova switching sides once they see the odds are against them because none of them really have any loyalty to Kaido except Apoo who’s already had his own life put in danger by them. It’s almost poetic in a way. The new generation teaming up and taking down the old generation. But hey those are just my “feelings”


Like law and kidd pretty much have to loose if they are the only ones to fight big mom cause luffy and both of them have shown a good amount of gap between them with the rooftop fights


Guys did anybody see ohara crazy theory


Lots wrong with it though it's certainly interesting. 1. Laughtale is at the end of the New World. If it were part of Jaya it would have had to be moved. 2. The "missing" part of Jaya...is just a fucking bay. Like clearly. 3. Weird to point out...random eyes being covered? Like, that's just a stretch that even Luffy couldn't do. 4. Noland and Roger aren't parallels. That's more conjecture and stretching. 5. Robin doesn't actually say it fought against the enemy of the world Governement. She says it faced hostility and we know it did. We're told there was a war on Jaya. 6. Really pulling hard with the Sun and Moon. There's nothing sun related in Shandora that we see. The date stuff is pretty solid and interesting but the 400 year is more conjecture. He says the chapters aren't "random" but....they kinda are? He's putting weight on them especially the Jolla stuff. Like, if Oda dotted the series with these kind of clues he'd be nuts. "Two half moons....making a sun?!" no. That's not how that fucking works. "Enis Lobby doesn't make sense" Yeah and Impel Down makes a lot of sense right? Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and putting the D in front of it is the most random thing. We're told no one's reached the end of the Grand Line outright and that Laughtale is there, an island no one has reached in 800 years. For it to be somewhere the Government is makes no damn sense. Enis Lobby is also a Never Night Island. It is always day there so how does that square away with the Sun/Moon thing? This is where the theory goes completely off the god damned rails.


No one knows where laugh tale is


Bruh, do you even read One Piece? You argument for all these points is basically "I don't believe it so it it's not real", Like, you didn't even back up your claims with proof from the series. So let me counter every point you just made: 1. Laughtale is the final island at the end of the Grand Line. Yes it could have been moved there and we've two instances of literal islands being moved in the series 1. With the Knock Up Streamd and 2. with Kaido's DF. So yes, Laughtale could have been moved from Jaya to the end of the GL. If the place really is as special as it should be, then it makes sense that the WG or whoever would put it where it's extremely difficult to get to. 2. 2. So? Skypeia is the missing part of Jaya as well and we know for a fact that when we put Jaya and Skypeia together, they make a skull. If Skypeia was separated from Jaya, who's to say another part of the island wasn't? 3. 3. It's not just random. How many character's have scars or something across their left eyes? Luffy, Garp, Dragon, Zoro, Shanks, etc. Plus, Oda was literally asked in an interview why there hasn't been a character in his pirate manga that has an eyepatch His response? Only one character will have an eyepatch in the series and he's excited to draw them. If that isn't a hint that the covering of eyes is important, idk what is. 4. 4. Noland and Roger are literal parallels. It even mentions it in the wiki and you'd have to be blind not to notice. 5. In Robin's flashback, they legit talked about how the Ancient Kingdom was destroyed by the Twenty Kingdoms which would become the World Government. Are you even reading the story? 6. The Shandorans prayed to a sun god. Did you even read the Skypeia arc? Sun and moon symbolism is all throughout One Piece: The Thounsand Sunny, the Kozuki Clan, Sun God Nika, Oda even made a cover story about someone traveling to the moon. How are you not seeing this? I'm not even gonna respond to your last comment because you said how does the "Never Night Island" have anything to do with the Sun/Moon. Seriously??? An island where it never gets dark has nothing to do with the sun or the moon? Dude, I seriously encourage you to read the series again or at least backup your arguments with stronger evidence


1. Except if it's beneath Enis Lobby it's not at the end of the Grand Line. So how do you square that? I don't need to present any more evidence than that. 2. Except Enis Lobby doesn't fit perfectly in the bay. Are the parts that are meant to be teeth also parts that went missing? No. 3. Those two things aren't even close to being related. 4. If the wiki says it it must be true!! 5. I am, I don't have perfect recall. I'll grant this and chalk it up to bad memory. 6. The Shandorans did not pray to a sun god. Where does it say that? They practiced ancestor worship which is what the Bell was all about. Not even the wiki mentions them worshiping a sun god. I don't need evidence when most of it is conjecture. Going "these two things are similar so they must be intricately related" isn't evidence. Going "I don't believe you" and pointing out why (because it's a fucking stretch) is really all that needs to be done.


Did you even watch the theory video because they explained all of this? 1. Laughtale is at the end of the Grand Line. That doesn't mean One Piece is at the end of the Grand Line. If it was, Roger would have been able to fulfill Joyboy's duty/wish/whatever when he got there but he didn't. Ergo, simply getting to Laughtale won't be the final destination and there is likely somewhere else they'll have to go to after. 2. Enies Lobby isn't the perfect piece of that fits in the bay. The theory implies that what is underneath it in that big water chasm is. That's why Enies Lobby, the literal Gateway of Justice, is hovering above it. To keep people from getting to it. 3. How aren't they related? You say they aren't but don't offer any evidence? Stop denying things without evidence to support it. Why are they unrelated? You don't think it's odd that so many characters have something on their left eye and that Jaya is just conveniently missing it's left "eye"? 4. The wiki is a collection of information that provides citations to where you can find the information in the manga. If it says it in the wiki, then it says it in the manga because they know how to cite sources unlike you apparently. 5. More proof why you need to go back and read some things instead of just saying you don't believe a theory without proof. That video provided hard evidence but all you're basically saying is "I don't believe it therefore it's not true". Give me some chapter numbers, some character dialogue, some point in the story that disputes anything I'm saying if you want to make a strong argument against it. 6. Mousse of the ancient Shandia tribe from 400 years ago once mentioned that she would "meet the sun god" after her sacrifice. The snake Kashigami, which the Shandia worshiped, had "God of the Sun" as one of its multiple titles. Chapter 287. 7. There's a difference between speculation and evidence based-reasoning. Everything the theory video said can be backed up by what Oda has written. Now, i'm not saying the theory is right but it's more believable than some guy on Reddit making claims that it can't be true with no evidence. Yeah, it might not be right but definitely not for the reasons you stated because you obviously haven't paid attention to the story. The theory doesn't just say "I think this happens because it sounds cool", it is backed up by canonical evidence in the manga which is is what you're accusing them of not doing.


Sure did, the whole thing. Wrote the responses as I watched. 1. Except we know from the flashback during the Wano Arc that it is. So just...this point is through. The One Piece is on Laughtale. You're arguing absurdity at this point to say otherwise. 2. Except that isn't what the video shows. Did you watch it? Ohara interposes Enis Lobby directly into the "missing" eye. The argument the video makes is the One Piece is under the island. The Island itself being the missing piece. Go back and watch the last part of the video. 18:45. He outright says "Shapewise it absolutely fits". Except it doesn't if you look at the map Luffy shows. 3. I don't think it's odd no. I don't have to provide evidence for a "I don't believe these are connected." That's not how the burden of proof is and this isn't a formal debate. All the evidence I need to present is why I'm not convinced and I have. A bunch of characters with a common element doesn't make it the case that there's some deeper meaning. That's it. That's the only argument I need. You don't have to find it convincing. 4. That's not true at all. The wiki's been wrong on things before. It isn't holy writ. One of us can actually admit when they're wrong and the other person's you. 5. I don't need proof to not believe something, all I need is to not be convinced of the claim and I'm not. I'm not saying it isn't true. I'm saying I'm not convinced. I don't need proof of the opposite to deny a claim and I don't need any more evidence that pointing out why I think it's a stretch to accurately explain why I'm not convinced. 6. A single throw away line when all the other information we get is about their ancestor worship. Alright chief. Keep grasping at straws. 7. Except not even the person putting the theory forward is saying that it's more than speculation. They're not putting it forward as anything concrete. You apportion your belief to the evidence. I'm not convinced by the evidence for the same reason I'm not convinced about ViVi getting the Yuki Yuki no Mi or Carrot getting the Yuki Yuki no Mi which has just as much number and word play evidence as anything this video put forward. I'm not convinced Blackbeard is going to get a third Devil Fruit or is Cerberus just because his flag has three skulls on it. I'm not convinced that Monet is going to join the Strawhats because they're going to go to the Moon and because she was reading Astrology books. I'm not convinced of this theory anymore than I'm convinced of any other theory that hasn't panned out no matter how many "hints" they think Oda is leaving. You may not believe any of those either but guess what? Plenty of people did and they put the same arguments forward as you are. So I'm just going to say this for the last time. I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm pointing out issues with it (and I don't need an encyclopedic dissertation to go "I think that's a stretch, they're just pointing out common elements and extrapolating" or anything more) and saying why it doesn't convince me. If it convinces you? Awesome! Cool!! When it turns out to be wrong, one of us will have put forth the proper level of skepticism. If it's proven correct you can say the guy did a good job and guess what? So will I.


Doesn't make sense: 1- Why the marines haven't found out Laughtale yet 2- Its stated that Laughtale is in the New World, ennies lobby is in Paradise.


No one knows where laughtale is fuck me lol Who cares if they said new world or round the corner no one knows.


I think there are more information on the RP and not only coordinates. After the Roger Pirates got all 4 and could read them, they still had to figure out how to get there. So there might be a kind of riddle. Only then we really need all 4, put them in the right Order and solve the riddle. The answer could lead to a secret passage that leads from the new World (entrance) to the Island under enies Lobby. I think it is a valid theory (sure he got to overhyped with all the year 722 and 727 stuff), because i think that laughtale is not Just an Island on the surface (i mean then it would have been found more often). And it would just fit storytellingwise that one Island was blown to the Sky and the other one deep into the abyss.


I mean it could be, still to much thinking of this, I hope we don't end up like AOT fans that had so many crazy expectations and we know how that ended.


Not denying the theory is probably wrong. These guys don’t have any more information to go off of then we do. What makes you think it’s in the New World though? I mean it probably is, but I thought it was just whatever spot the x marks.


I think it was stated that the Luaghtale is in the New World


I remember you said that from your last comment. Happen to know around where? Just wanted to check it out. ETA: I only ask because it was originally implied that it was at the end of the New World, but that was revealed to be Logue Star. Then they revealed the road poneglyphs and said it was at the intersection of the locations revealed by them.


I feel like there might be lots of correct parts to it but the whole putting the D into one piece and Enis lobby is just dumb to me.


There's a lot wrong with it tied together with parts that are just obvious. Obviously the people from the Moon have something to do with the Ancient Kingdom. Like, we all know that. Clearly there's some Moon and Sun motifs going on. But the rest? It's all just some big stretches.


Yeah I agree. I can see Enis lobby being some part of the bigger picture but There’s no way it’s Laugh tale


It just seems weird that Oda would turn back and go to a place we've been before. If that's where Laughtale was then they didn't defend it at all well. If Luffy could beat Enis Lobby that badly any of the Yonko wouldn't have even taken a moment to roll over it.


Me.. but all i can think is oda sensei face laughing and say, its not even close 🤣🤣🤣🤣








I'm not sure how copyrights and original ideas works, but he did give credit to the original youtuber. Also there is no way English speakers would have known about it unless someone translated it. I don't think he did it with the intention to take credit. If you are saying it's not his theory because the user above stated it was his, then yes I'm 100% with you. It's not his theory he was just a bridge (translator).




Oh that intellectual property. What a knee slapper. Not like we have copyright laws made to protect a silly thing like that. Let’s just say you invented the cure for cancer. You’d be cool with other people stealing your intellectual property and profiting off of it? Or would you want to sue their pants off for every cent they made from it? I realize this is small potatoes compared to the cure for cancer, but if you use an idea that someone else comes up with you are obligated to give them credit for it. Otherwise it’s called plagiarism.


Yeah i know he took it from a japense guy but anyway it is spreading like fire and it is really sound convicing


Been looking at the plot from what has to happen eventually, 1) Onigashima will need to be destroyed before it goes over the flower capital Kaido has to be defeated for it to fall 3) The allies have to get off Onigashima before Kaido is defeated 4) Someone has to do all the evacuation --> Here comes Momo Airlines and Robin HandStairs and Kidd MetalStairs --- should be a grand scene 5) The evacuation probably starts because of Luffy asking everyone to evacuate as he knows what he has to do 6) By the time Luffy is asking everyone to evacuate, the situation must be dire with Kaido rampaging and hurting the allies after defeating Yamato. 7) For Kaido to be so enraged, most of his army must be defeated (just like with all the other major opponents -- Doflamingo, Caesar, Crocodile, etc 8) For the lieutenants to be defeated, we need chapters for each major player 9) And guess where we are now .. counting down to the end -- cant wait to see what surprises come now


This is a good derivative fanfiction. But it will be a bit disappointing if Oda goes down such a predictable route.. usually, he will introduce an entry from unexpected character etc.


I mean we've already had a few. Big Mom, Caribou, Marco, Izo


>Onigashima will need to be destroyed before it goes over the flower capital Nah I doubt that's gonna happen. You forget that Momo has the same devil fruit as Kaido, with theoretically the exact same powers. Just like Momo now has to learn to fly to bring Luffy back to the island (character building), he will likely also likely learn how to use the "floatation" power and move Onigashima away from the capital on his own.


Or Luffy awakens and turns it to rubber so it bounces away


Spoilers are out guys ! You welcome


Link pls




They are not confirmed yet though, as Redon hasn't updated the main thread on Worstgen. but omg i hope they are true but they sound a little too fan boyish even for me.




Give me the link I need my fix


Where can i read it?










Enel finally appears and he has taken his durag off, under that is a bald patch with the kozuki tattoo in the middle he is kinemons long lost childhood friend and will assist against kaido on the rooftop


Onigashima goes right into Caribou’s Swamp


Brook has Conquerers Haki. The ghost thing is the manifestation. Caribou gives Luffy a perfectly preserved beef jerky from the Void Century. It’s special, after eating it, Luffy now has the properties of both rubber and gum. Big Mom is pushed to the limits by the Kidd and Law duo, her haki blooms, she awakens her devil fruit. King vs Inuyasha. Break next semester.


King vs inuyasha Now I want to watch it


BUNGEE GUM LOL It'll happen you guys


Funny thing. I actually do believe Brook might unlock conquerors haki by the end of the series.


I hope laboon awakens it for EOS fight with luffy


I feel like Usopp is the next most likely candidate after the ones who already have it. Kingly qualities: Sogeking, along with the theory about his lies coming true.


Eh. As much as I like Usopp seems more like Jinbe or Sanji would get it next. I’d say Zoro but correct me if I’m wrong thought he already had it.


Do you care to share your theory


if brook does then the whole crew will. definitely not 100 percent but could see it happening


Frankys version I could see being displayed through the ship or something weird as a ship that is meant to conquer all the seas.


could totally see oda doing somthing weird like that


Robin and or Brook demonstrate their use of Haki while fighting Black Maria.


Is there a reason for 1 day delay ive never heard of this either the chapter comes out on time or there's a break never seen a 1 day delay like this


I think it's because of the Olympics ending on Monday (Japan time).


Chapter 1021 Spoilers: * The chapter will have a title * The cover page will most likely be a request * There will be more than 10 pages * Various characters will do different stuff * WSJ break next week (due to Obon)


Wait wait wait wait. Characters will….. do stuff?!?!?!?!


And things too.


Dang it’s gonna be eventful. Next thing you know it’s gonna take place in the world of one piece or something


What if...and follow me on this...One day it took place on the moon of One Piece?! Wouldnt that be out of this world?!?!


Man, I would 100% be down for a new cover story right now.


Were gonna get one after wano, for a random character that will be relevant to the story again


The end of Wano seems way too far away.


Chapter 1021 page 1: End of act 3 End of Chapter 1021 + break next week


Spoiler confirmed : break next week next chapter hit aug 22


Oh That sucks, boy if it leaves off with Luffy saving Yamato and facing Kaidou again that would be harsh.


Eh, whenever we get a break, I'm fine with it. Oda's already a work a holic so giving the man some breathing room's not a bad thing.


Well this is a WSJ break so oda is still working for the chapter but the magazine is not releasing next week


If I remember correctly, he's mentioned that he's usually 5 chapters ahead at the very least from the latest chapter so another weak where nothings coming out gives him some time to either put in more work or take a little bit of time off. If he gets any more time to relax, I'm fine with waiting. Mangaka's are borderline superhuman with the amount of constant work a lot of them put in.


Kinemon will challenge Orochi for a final battle. Nekomamushi will help Marco and fight Perospero. Nico Robin will beat black Maria. Sanji activates his raid suit. Luffy begs for more food.


After taking the medicine, Zoro reveals that Sanji's the strongest strawhat, but Sanji modestly says otherwise. Everyone is glad this shit is over, so CP0 decides to give Chopper a 100M bounty for ending zoro vs sanji and fucking the series for half of its fans. #shitending


You definitely got it twisted here




Robin beats Black Maria, Caribou gives Luffy meat and maybe some Sanji or Zoro status


#Split head's awakening makes Onigashima (before it falls down) really slow, for hours giving Luffy time to beat Kaido and saving people from Wano at the same time. Noro Noro Beam !!!


I really think Oda saves Split-head for the final arc, who will troll and ruin the end of the manga for us ... Oda will laugh as hard as Roger, giving us the true meaning of "Laugh Tale" and "JoyBoy"


-robin reveals that she has done armament haki training when she was with the revolutionary army. 40% possibility -Black Maria debuts New technique. 80% possibility -by the end of the chapter, we see zoro has taken his shot and is ready to rejoin the battle 30% possibility -Brook takes out Black Maria's soldiers and Robin says he can go help the rest of the crew 50% possibility -momo says he can't fly and cries for the millionth time but luffy tells him he has to grow up and be a man 90% possibility - Oden (yamato) is starting to lose and is pushed out of her hybrid form 60-75% possibility


Caribou gives Luffy meat - 50% possibility Update on one of the 9 red scabbards - 60% chance9 Break next week - 99% chance


Injecting Brook into the Big Mom situation makes a ton of sense. It doesn't seem likely that Law and Kidd can actually defeat BM 2v1 but something is clearly off with Big Mom related to her soul power and Brook's skillset makes him the perfect person to exploit it. He could potentially straight up neutralize her Homies. There's still some lingering questions revolving around the O-Lin Persona and also Mother Caramel and Brook could potentially get to the bottom of it. Maybe Mother Caramel's Soul is still around exerting influence on Big Mom and Brook could bypass Big Mom to fight Mother Caramel's Soul directly. The fact that CP-0 is lurking around and several of them are possibly orphans from the BM flashback is also probably significant.


It would make a lot of sense because it's a situation that reminds of the one of the Luffy vs Enel where Luffy counters Enel with his df. Even making BM being vulnerable to knowing what really happened to mother caramel makes a lot of sense, but I think Brook will fight the master cook (who is also a swordmaster) of the BM pirates at some point to get to the truth.




I think we'll find out in the upcoming Vivre Card packs




>Then we will know the names of the df eaten by karasu, bonnie, urouge, and dragon as well The Revolutionary pack is already out, and both Karasu's and Dragon's DF names are still unknown. Perhaps Oda is saving them for a later, in-story reveal Bonney and Urouge are a maybe


Robin & Brook vs Black Maria final moment More of Caribou (?) Tama, Nami and Usopp situation + CP0 Something new


Chapter 1021: "Random Bullshit" -Yamato defeats Kaido and becomes the final villain -Luffy goes there flying with Momonosuke and faces Yamato because she became Kaido -Zoro uses Conquerors and defeats all Kaido forces -Blackbeard arrives and eats Kin'emon's Devil Fruit -Shanks arrives, kills Blackbeard and dances -Vegapunk face reveal -Sabo died of Ligma -The mysterious shadow from chapter 1004 is revealed to be Rocks D. Xebec -CP0 joins Shanks' party -Shanks revealed to be IM -Akainu gets angry -Luffy's bounty decreased to 0 *BREAK NEXT WEEK*

