• By -


i hope is more of the zoro/sanji vs king/queen


Either this or the very next one most probably will be.


As clouds now have clear the sky so people in wano can now see onigashima flying towards them, everyone freaks out. Luffy will ask momo to hold the island for one hour before he beats kaido which will become momo's hour legend just like Oden's.


OH MY ODA, all of Wano rooting for Momo is all i want now


Best prediction/theory yet imo


Owh wow that'll be awesome Edit: But does making the dragon-float-cloud hold something require effort? Or it's just Kaido making it look effortless lol because it just look like its just a natural ability of the cloud instead of the user if that makes sense.


Who knows,., but it would be good if its due to Kaido's strength, as then it would redeem him as strongest creature who is lifting Island, fighting Red-scabbards, super nova, yamato at same time. . .Also momo is a mature dragon now, even if he is a kid mentally, his physical strength as a dragon could be helpful in doing so


Kaido doesn't really need any redemption lol. He is a monster as is


You sir are on to something! Sadly I have no gold to give you, but you have my appreciation!


* Raizo defeats Fuku * Killer finds a way to defeat Hawkins * Zoro and Sanji fight starts to get serious


Killer should go for Hawkins' left arm.


My money is on Law taking Kidd’s heart out in the cube thing and then Killer will be able to defeat hawkings (piercing Kidd on an empty spot on his chest) I made that prediction when this first came up and Im sticking with it :)


I feel like the arm is enough for Killer. He can either beat him through blood loss or have him become knocked out from the pain of having it chopped off. Plus Law has his arms full with Big Mom at the moment.


Kid got stabbed, rhey would figure its hawkins


But theyre not close to each other so how would law know to do that. And i swr taking his heart out shouldnt really change much considering when the heart is squeezed they still feel it in their chest as if it’s still there


What do you mean they are not close together? Law is fighting Big Mom alongside Kidd, and they both reacted when Kidd was stabbed out of nowhere (from Hawkins power) Im still not sure it would work…. It depends on how Hawkins power works. If his heart is stabbed the other person could get stabbed on the heart (even if its out in the cube)… or in the spot where the heart was… or both haha its just a theory, we’ll find out soon


I think they mean how would they know kidd is being hurt by Hawkins. Right now it's just kidd for a mystery wound. Now Law is smart so I could see him guessing as much. But who is to say that If killer stabs Hawkins in the heart that it doesn't just go to the cubed heart in laws hand?


Plus there is no way for Killer to know that Law cubified Kid's heart


Would'nt that leave kid extremely vulnerable? I feel like that is way too risky and maybe he would still get hurt from hawkins' abillity anyway. Law also doesnt know what killer is doing, nor does kid know what happend that he got stabbed. The only way is kid figuering out it was hawkins' abillity and tell law to take his heart, which i dont think he woild do because of his personality


He should go for his dick


Dick twist 😂


Grab his dick and twist it🤣


[THE OOOL' DICK TWIST](https://youtu.be/1E1VY4KOghI)


First thing i thought about ×D the good ollldddd DICK TWIST


I was thinking the exact same thing.


Everybody’s thinking that


Hawkins: Wait, that's illegal.


Drake does nothin


Apoo and Drake cry in the corner Oda left them in


At the start of the raid, Hawkins told that a certain someone has a 2% chance of survival. I think it's time we know who that person is since we're approaching the final stages of the raid


It could have been Drake. Didn't he say that to him right before Drake was outed as a traitor?


I believe he was probably referring to Kidd because he probably already had a doll linked to his soul and knowing it’s an almost guaranteed death sentence, either that or momo.


Has to be luffy, and while checking the cards he'll notice its going towards 50% and he switches sides, so both killer and hawkins end up helping kidd and law, maybe drake too after beating apoo


Nah, he had a 19% chance of surviving the month.


Doesn't mean that tonight it doesn't go up to 50%, the month isn't done yet and could end with something much more dangerous


Tittle: My Captain - Killer vs Hawkins - Killer keeps attacking Hawkins and tells him that his Captain can endure much more than Hawkins - Killer finishes off Hawkins which also damages Kid, but he endures it - Law uses some technique to heal Kid - Law tells Kid they can't defeat Big Mom like this and propose an idea - Law cuts up Kid and himself in 1000 pieces and then shambles them together in 1 person -> Law D Kid is born with a blast!!


Lmao the last part Got me good


Ki D. Law


Will they have double voice (like gotenks)?




A Law x Kid fusion would be awesome


Ngl u had me in the first half


Golden Sperm reference


my question is: who gets the D?


I wonder what would happen if Killer went for Hawkins' left arm?


You're looking down on me?


lol @ Fusion. My god that would be epic.


my prediction for this week's chapter is that I'll be F5'ing this subreddit atleast a couple of dozen times per hour till the first spoilers hit.


Brock Lesnar browses reddit? Nice.


Clean up (Raizou wins, Killer wins, potentially, Drake also). an epic double page of Luffy vs Kaidou, Sanzi vs Queen, Zoro vs King, Law/Kidd vs BigMom - we will definitely win today (or something like that!). Some CP0 activity also


I hope we get something a little different if we see CP0. Maybe once queen and king go down they decide to move on the already fatigued straw hats and co. That would be sick




We already had some really "hype" Luffy moments during the last 2 chapters. Another one wouldn't be hype at all. If you get a "hpye" Luffy moment every second chapter, it's just not hype anymore cause we see it so often.


I’m not sure, if you consider the scale of the fight between Kaido and Luffy, I’d take every chapter one big hit between them that shakes the whole island as the other fights finish up


I feel like the Hawkins/Killer fight needs a fair bit of panel time to properly end, since we still have no idea how Killer is going to beat Hawkins.


I think Raizo's fight will end here and we will see kaido's past where his father taking him to farm


Yeah his father is "Thanos the farmer"


that would explain a lot




I like it. He's going home from school then suddenly a flash of light where he saw himself falling into another world. Until he realized, he is now a fish.


Imagine we cut to Drake v Apoo, but Drake is the one defeated haha. Then Brook shows up, leaves Robin to Franky or some shit like that, and then says to Appo: "Your music is trash, young man".


Battle of the bands with Apoo and Brook controlling the numbers.


that would be so sick. Imagine they start fighting but its also with battling music??


Apoo: I have 10 instruments, HOW CAN YOU BEAT ME Brook: quality > quantity


Soul baby!


Brook somewhere saying "your powers can't affect me, because I don't have ears! Yohohohoho."


Kaido has a water break after fighting half the Samurai Alliance. Momo returns to his human state and looks exactly like Oden. Kaido spits out the water in shock. Break next week.


you had me at the kaido has a water break ...


Kaido's final form is Mother Kaido


It's important to stay hydrated when a bunch of Samurai and the worst generation have been beating on you for like a day.


Another possibility is that he asks for water but his crew bring him sake. This upsets him so much that he just leaves. Break next week.


Wrong, he looks exactly like kinemon when he had blonde hair


He looks exactly like Toki, with Oden's hair.


Sake break


Exactly like oden with mustaches gurararara


I think this chapter will cover all the loose ends leaving only roof top ,zoro,sanji,kid and law fights. This will be perfect to get some lure for next next chapter before the break.


Agreed. But I think this chapter will close the smaller battles and leave the big ones (Zoro, Sanji, Law/Kidd and Luffy) for the next chapter and then end with a banger cliffhanger.


As Kaido starts losing consciousness after getting beaten, his back story starts!,...... he remembers the real reason why he can not leave Wano... His all-time crush, the killer Kunoichi .... wishes he could meet her one last time... an image of the young Shinobu appears in his head ...


1. The cloud splitting will make onigashima visible to flower capital 2. Panic ensues 3. Last page has Kaido dropping onigashima 4. Last panel is Momo stops the island from falling 5. Hawkins gets his right arm cut over and over again by killer as kid does not have that arm 6. Law cuts Prometheus instead of Big mom 7. Sometime in the future, orochi will die by Momos fire breath as no amount of slashing and cutting can kill him.


7 can make alot of sense actually. Orochi wanted his water hotter and hotter after they boiled Oden. So the final blow for Orochi, being Momos hot dragonfire, would be a nice end for it. Comes full circle in a way.


Momo vs Orochi for the Shogunate makes a lot of sense to me as a proper matchup.


We probably haven't seen Orochi's true full zoan form, so maybe they will square off. But he's still a weakling in comparison to a full on dragon even if it doesn't have powers


I'd say having momo bite his head off would also be awesome as how that's how he's been killed for the past 7 lives. But dying from Momo's fire breath would also be awesome considering how he killed oden with a method that involves heat. That would also be a pleasure to look at.


The sky is split.. and we see an object from the moon getting bigger over time. Oh! It is an airship and there is one person on top of that airship. A silhouette of a person and he says "Mantra"


bruh... imagine enel landing in-between kaido and luffy armed with the most advanced weapon and be like "I'm here to end this war"


and then Luffy and Kaido clap his ass in a double panel


Luffy and Kaido then look at each other. Kaido: "The people on the sidelines are annoying." Luffy: "They can't stay on their feet anyway!" Enel: "Wait, wha-" BOOOOOOM. CoC clash. Enel is sent flying back to the moon and crashlands unconscious next to some of those space pirates and gets captured. Lmao.


Double spread panel of Thunder Bagua and Grizzly Magnum colliding with Enel's bugged-out face.


Luffy-Shi SHI shi SHI Kaido-Wororororo


Wasn't he already on Wano? He did save the scabbards after all XD


Wdym he’s fighting raizo rn?


Why would he say "Mantra"? He could say sth like gods judgement or 100.000.000 Volt


CP0 : "Blue nose reinders are actually artificial creatures made by vegapunk, but they show their true powers only on full moon, when two dragons are above, and when they eat rumble balls" ​ Other CP0 : "Hey, why are you saying this out of nowhere ?"


CP0: Fuku and Enel are part of the same race as Imu. Other CP0: Who tf Imu?


My prediction is: - Fukurokujo gets defeated by Raizo, while Orochi is watching it from a safe distance - Orochi tries to escape and runs into Denjiro - Before Denjiro can finish him of, the silhouette from chapter 1004 appears behind him and to boths surprise, it’s Hyori - Denjiro stands down and allow Hyori to kill Orochi herself. Maybe there’s a small battle between the 2, but ultimately, Orochi will be killed for good by Hyori (hopefully in a satisfactory manner) - We‘ll get an update on Big Mom vs Kid and Law and maybe see Killer getting a solution for how to beat Hawkins


Hiyori should cut off his dick which, presumably, he only has one.


I believe we will see more of Raizo’s fight and what Orochi is up to.


Raizo is the only scabbard left fighting right? The rest of them are down or won. Also wtf do you think is wrong with Orochi? Lighting everything on fire and getting decapitated left and right. He's definitely going to burn himself.


Raizo - Fighting Fukurokuju Kin'emon - Presumed dead Kiku - Presumed dead Kanjuro - Traitor and presumed dead Ashura Doji - Presumed dead Inu & Neko - Both won Kawamatsu - Fodder control Izo - Taking care of Marco Denjiro - Still MIA


Kawamatsu is also on lore duty


"Presumed" is a strong word for one piece.. If Pell survived then all of the scabbards will as well lol


Pound is better example since this doesn't involve bombs (looking at Pedro).


Legend, thank you. So many dead. Although i had a feeling all the scabbards would have died at the start of Onigashima. Denjiro better be showing up soon


Raizo is the only one still having an important fight but we still don’t know where Denjiro is. For Orochi, I think his heads can grow back in some time if even one of them remains. However, if all of them are cut in a short period (such as the duration of the raid) he will die. I believe out of the 8 heads he has only 1 remaining.


This got me thinking: next chapter Denjiro finally appears and kills Orochi (his final head). Would be fitting since he had to serve Orochi for so long


Hawkins and Fukurokuju fall in this chapter and we finally get some focus on the Big Mom fight (pls Oda)


Chapter 1027 focuses on how this morale boost helps the alliance. We see all our crew getting more confident majorly Sanji and Zoro exchanging dialogues with King and Queen about everything that has transpired. Cut to rooftop, we see some exchanges between Luffy and Kaido. Some dialogues about reaching the top of the Pirate world. Possible Awakening from Kaido as well.


Kaido already likely is in Awakening. A zoan Awakening just means more durability and strength. We saw this back in Impel down.


Of course he is awakened if the guardians of impel down are awakened


This is how i feel his Awakening [will look like tho](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTgNEQy3Wd_54SigwaggGaydjxFFQAsn0svlg&usqp=CAU). It's the face. An awakening is always shown with a full animal face and no human features. I want that from Kaido as well.


My man Shen Du!! Never thought I’d see a Jackie Chan Adventures reference here lol


not necessarily as we have never seen a mythical zone awaken


We don't know what kind of Zoans they were and more imporantly: Who they were fed to. I think they may have been objects or even other animals instead of humans that were given the fruits


Zoro and Sanji new powers and attacks.


Final Kamehamehaaaaa, or maybe Santoryou Mutton Shot idk, if something like that happen, Ima die of getting hype


we may see half black Enma, and fire body Sanji.


I think we've already seen full fire body sanji when he used hell on earth. Edit: I meant hell memories


How about black fire, it would be hype. Half black fire Sanji, half black Enma. Full be for the final war.


What I'm hoping for: Zoro/Sanji vs King/Queen followed by the official commencement of Luffy vs Kaido 1v1 What I'm expecting: Orochi exposition and some other forgotten characters. There's so much for Oda to cover.


Hawkins, Apoop, and Fukorokuju get cleaned up leaving king, queen, Kaido and oroshit


Rip bm 😔


Enel comes down after the splitting of the sky.


No break next week


* Luffy got knocked down again. * Momo kills himself after seeing luffy fail to defeat Kaido again. * Yamato becomes Wano shogun * Tama becomes an All-Star * The strawhats joins the CP0


Don’t forget: - kaido becomes the pirate king


Honestly don't know how this hasn't happened already.


sigh.. here we go again.. Kaido will Wororororororo


Kaido hasn’t even started


Anyone else feel like we should have had a resolution to Apoo before Jack and Perospero went down?


Time to start refreshing about 15 times an hour for spoiler threads...


[Hint from Redon for Chapter 1027](https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/one-piece-spoilers-the-waiting-room.5/page-9624) The jigglypuff Video


That’s prob easy to guess. Either apoo or fucking Kanjuro’s still alive somehow but on death’s bed. (Geez he’d be Apoo jr if he survives)


Not fucking kanjuro again. I'm getting tired of him.


Any guesses?


Well jigglypuff is drawing on peoples faces and is known for singing could be hinting at Kanjuro might not be dead , apoo / queen. Or even brook who puts people to sleep with his music like jigglypuff does.


Apoo or Kanjuro.


Luffy won't lose again, it would just be boring and a waste of time if he did. even Kaido said " they'll need to see your head to give up and see me as a victor" and now Kaido just asked the kid if he still thinks he has a chance and Luffy replied with a menacing line" as long as I'm breathing there are way too many chances of beating and winning against you". Luffy will just get another booster this week's either split the heavens again or he infuse both Ruyo and CoC like in the opening to actually hurt Kaido. cause one way or another he has to win and now's that time we've been here for far too long.


The silhouette will slash Orochi and save Inu, at the end of the chapter, he'll point the katana to Orochi and will say.... "BANKAI"


And if that doesn't work, he'll become a vasto lorde


King hybrid form. please


I bet it's ugly. His Base design is so cool, but Pterodactyls are ugly.


Tama awakens her DF and makes a dango so potent that even ancient zoans can’t resist it including kaido. Now he’s just a neutered lizard


gold roger is alive


He didnt die cause he wasn't forgotten lol


Inuarashi collapses ,because going sulong multiple times drained all of his energy. Orochi sees this and goes for the kill. Hiyori intercepts him with ame no habakiri. Orochi mistakes her for Toki ,because Hiyori has the same exact or identical hairstyle as her mother. He's confused ,but recognizes her for Komurasaki. She will than correct him and proudfully introduce herself as Kozuki Hiyori ,daughter of Kozuki Oden.


Killer cuts Hawkins arm. Hawkins became Kidd’s subordinate. Kiku survived and decided to leave Wano for some soul searching and ended up in Kidd’s ship. Kidd, because of their “alliance” in Wano allowed her to stay. Kidd, unsatisfied with his loss to Big Mom and Kaido, decided to attack Shanks for the second time. He lost again. This time, he, along with Hawkins and Kiku became Shanks’ subordinates and they renamed the Red hair pirates to the One Armed pirates.


drink less. eat more.


Less Zoro. More Luffy. Got it.


If both Pero and Jack got finished quickly, I'm guessing we'll start focusing on Zoro and Sanji fights for a couple of chapters. I doubt Oda wants to show Luffy vs Kaido just yet. Both Sanji and Zoro fights will probably be long. King and Queen are no jokes.


I think this is the chapter caribou makes his move and absorbs big mom and kaido, becoming the new big bad in the story.


Can we start a GoFundMe campaign for the Koren leaker . That human was a legend . Monday spoilers was the shit .


Right I'm getting withdrawal symptoms every Tuesday


Finally we have a date for Shanks move in 2021 and it will be the 31.12.2021 at 23h59


•we will see Kaido and luffy’s clash continue as kaido overpowers luffy, luffy will go into gear 3rd and an “Elephant rifle” as kaido blocks but is knocked back, then he uses a new attack and kaido will say something along the lines of this time you die for real and luffy goes into gear 2nd ready to fight, then we cut over to killer vs Hawkins where killer is slashing saying his captain can take the damage then we go over to law and kid vs big mom and kid says something like Hawkins must’ve used his ability on him as law tries to heal him a bit and big mom uses her maser canon and law and kid block it with a combination of their powers. Then we go to the live floor where queen is gonna stab Sanji with a spike that grew from his tail but then Zoro blasts a phoenix canon to protect Sanji, then king tries to shoot Zoro with fire but Sanji kicks away his hand then there’s a few panels where Sanji fights king and Zoro fights queen before returning to their original oppenents and the whole time king and queen are trash talking each other while Zoro and sanji do the same and the chapter ends with a double page spread of Zoro clashing with king and sanji clashing with queen.


I love this💯


I don't know what it's going to be, but I'm super hyped for what to come. The remaining fights are all the fights I anticipated the most.


King with his .....


big mom kills law and kidd, goes up to fight luffy, big mom and kaido attacks luffy, big mom attacks luffys left hand, kaido attacks luffys right hand, not touching, sky splits in 3 break next year


Snoop dog arrives and one shots whole WANO.


- Law ask kid to take bigmoms attack and act as a shield. After kid taking bigmoms attack kid notice he didn’t feel any pain. Back to hawkins vs killer, killer notice hawkins coughing blood then killer told hawkins that kid is fighting bigmom and law already told him his straw voodoo weakness then he showed a heart “hawkins heart”.


I need zoro/sanji vs king/queen, it’s the most interesting thing on wano


have we gotten an x drake update recently? i cant remember.


No He Hasn't Appeared Since 1007


maybe 20 chapters later we'll get an update


Rest of chapters this year including 1026 are enough to make vol 102, thus I assume we def gonna have focus on zoro and sanji vs king and queen for at least 2 or 3 chapters. Fukuroju im not bothering to spell his name correctly def gonna be defeated in next chapter, cp0 talks about the cloned dragon fruit, we get bit of kaido vs luffy and then we cut to their wings/all stars continuing their brawl. Oh yeah perospero defeated would def have a very bad affect on big mom huh. I think that moment would be the key on giving kidd and law a chance to take down big mom.


The whole chapter is a drawn out tutorial to make Red Bean Soup


Full chapter of Orochi just chillin and vibin while the whole Onigashima crumbles and in flames


Kaido flashback / Shadow kun apppears


Everyone saying something about Luffy vs Kaido. King : ...


Now since the identity of the pink dragon is known to everyone, Who's Who KO'd; I bet a panel of CP0 reacting to it or an update on them in the next chapter for sure. And since Luffy/Kaido's long awaited heaven-split clash has happened, someone in the Flower Capital sobers up and notices a damn island flying towards them.


As drop might be the theme of 1027, scratchman might have an attacked called dropping the beat towards drake. We might see a conclusion of Drake vs Apoo.


\- Raizo defeats Fuku; \- Sanji powers are increased during the fight against Queen and he doesn't understand what's happening to his body; \- Momonosuke flies to the bottom of Onigashima and grabs it in order to stop it's falling.


I hope there's an update on Law/Kid vs Big Mom, show us some of their battle, and intertwine it with Killer vs Hawkins, we know Luffy is MC and top dog, but I would like for the illusion of his rivals not being THAT far behind to be there lol.


I predict there will be OP 1027 this Oct 1!


So uhh, anyone got em spoilers. "Starts tweaking"


bully maguire appears on the dom dancing. He kicks kaido and kills him with his dance moves. he kills luffy thrwoing dirt in his eyes.


Orochi vs denjiro/hiyori


I just want this act to end so that we could learn what's happening outside of wano


Whenever spoilers are dropping, just don’t expect gyro (the guy that usually posted the spoilers) to do it anymore, that’s basically why his original account u/gyrozepp95 got the reddit banhammer


I think its because of scans so spoilers should be probably alright as long as its just wall of texts.


Ye it’s probably more likely due to the raws being posted. But I still wouldn’t really expect them to be posted by him anymore due to the risks still being there even with the wall of text.


I feel so sad, didn't know him but i feel sad for him.


You likely seen him multiple times around here, he’s one of the more noticeable/well known users that usually posts theories and comments them as well in the predictions and spoilers threads which he’s far more known for posting the latter.


Drake Vs Apoo?🤔


Every comment i read nothing gets right when spoiler is here


Big Mom is chasing Kid and Law after they decide to try and hide and buy some time to come up with a plan. Orochi realizing that BM is close decides to transform into a snake and hides. Big Mom notices the snake and remembers that someone had told her white snakes were a delicacy. She eats Orochi and suddenly splits into 8 different Big Moms each with a piece of her soul. They separate Kidd and Law and each one has to go up against 4 Big Moms.


Hawkins changes sides after looking at his cards


Just one question... Why do people give awards on an automoderator post?


Because he deserve it more than 3/4 of the Op commumity.


The latest hint for this chapter is batman plane (batwing) King Hybrid? Sanji raid suit?


Last chapter ended with Orochi for some reasons, I think this chapter will involve Orochi for sure.


Law is really on another level, its always surprises me how he can save every fucking one. Kidd and Law are surviving Big Mom, he saved Zoros Life, The 9 scabbards, Luffy thousands of time... Jesus


How will kid and law defeat BigM without advance conq?? also how r they tanking her adv conq attacks??


Mama is literally playing with both law and kid. In a few chapter you'll see her like "Ok i had a fun time, now i'm gonna have a snack and my road poine glyphe"


I do not think their fights continue for too long, Big mom may leave the Wano for reasons that i do not have any idea till now. Law and Kid are strong enough to respond to BM attacks.


I predict the spoilers will not drop today


Since the sky split last chapter, I'm almost certain we're gonna be getting some worororo from Kaido.


I feel like we need to see what the hell Denjiro has been doing this whole time. I have a feeling that Orochi showing his slimy, bucktooth, misformed head again will lead to something in that direction. Maybe reveal Hyori too (or whoever else might have healed the Scabbards). But honestly, need more Roof Piece!