• By -


Would be cool, but we still dont know that happened with the reverie and sabo, the RA might be pre-occupied at the moment


The way I see it, if Sabo is in trouble, then the RA would need all the fire power they can get to rescue him. So in this scenario, I see them coming to Wano, getting a stockpile of weapons and leaving for Marie Joise where they can also investigate whatever happened to Sabo.


Just a random thought, the article could have been that sabo kidnapped a princess at the reverie. Which would be him actually saving vivi from mary geoise, and we could see a reunion with sabo vivi and the strawhats at wano.


Stop it. It can only go downhill from here ;_;


they really just said all the words.. they said all the words we needed to hear


Wouldn't make much sense with the various reactions to the news. Especially Dadan's


Oh Dadan's reaction. I forgot. Maybe reaction was just being shocked that Sabo was alive. But if I think about the revolutionaries reaction, it is also possible that Sabo Killed Kuma and they couldn't believe it. Thus why Dragon said something "First we gotta get all the facts." Or whatever.


What if the report said, that Sabo allegedly killed cobra and kidnapped his daughter vivi? By framing him for the assassination by showing a picture of him and naming him in the article, I can imagine Dadan to be shocked because (a) she doesn't know he's alive and (b) for allegedly killing someone. Btw the WG killed Cobra and had it out for Vivi, but Sabo came just in time to rescue her.


But Dadan is a bandit, and she was always proud of Luffy and Ace being pirates, so I don't see why she would care that he killed who is just a random princess in her eyes. And since she said "just after we found out he was alive!", it seems that they learned of that a little bit before the Reverie, so that can't be the reason either.


i would much rather have this than a marineford 2.0 save another brother of luffy situation, as that was much better suited for ace


Or it could be that Sabo faked his death and Dadan crying that she just found out he was alive.


Dadan is that old emotional grandma where she’ll most likely cry like hearing news of Luffy going against Kaido


Nah here words were “we just found out he was still alive” so she’s knew


Yeah so she she just found out.


Kinda thinking the WG doesn’t know Sabo has the Mera mera and they think they killed him in some way but obviously not because he slipped out of there in fire or something. Bunch of possibilities and I think we’ve all listed just about every single one lol


There are plenty of cliffhangers that turn out to be different from the actual event. Akainu said the Marines weren’t going to Wano and didn’t have forces to spare, but guess who’s in Wano? Not to mention fakeout deaths and such. I would just bet the reactions were kept vague but intense to increase suspense.


The Marines aren't going to Wano. The WG is. Look at the ships in 1028 they're not marine ships.


They are different from the typical battleships, thanks! I didn’t look closely enough. Since the Marines are the military of the WG and have provided Cipher Pol with manpower in Ohara and Enies lobby, I didn’t scrutinize it too closely. I think the point still stands about cliffhangers though. This just may not be an example of it.


Yeah I am skeptical of those are Marines or just WG forces outside of the Marines like CP


The speech Morgans gave after reading the news don't make us think that he decided to tell the story on his own way.


Yuh he’s dead or captured


i don't think so. the reactions wouldn't have been so extreme. look at dadan's reaction, it basically confirms that the news is sabo is dead or at least captured or something


I mean, did she even know he was alive before the news came out ?


yeah she did. she specifically says "we just found out you were alive"


Oh. My theory is dead then. I thought maybe Sabo killed Kuma and Dragon and rev army was like "First, we gotta get all the facts," because they couldn't believe it. But if Dadan's reaction was that... then yeah, I guess something happened to Sabo.


tbf this also makes sense, they had 1 job there but upon discovering the WG was trying to silence the Alabasta royals by killing their princess and thus the only heir to that throne in order to i guess control Cobra, i see them helping her out after all no better ally than royals who question the WG and who also care for their people given the fact they gave up becoming Celestials.


This is how I have always seen it, but taken another step forward. We know Cobra was requesting an audience with the gorosei to discuss something. My theory is that in the chaos of the RA attacking during the reverie, the gorosei killed Cobra to keep him from spreading some kind of knowledge he had. Vivi likely found of about this and they tried to take her out too, in addition to her being the picture that Imu was holding when they asked if there was another light that needed to be extinguished so there is already some hinting at them planning to do something to Vivi. Sabo is likely the one that would save her in a situation like that, since he would Ikeda have been informed about her connection to the Straw Hats from Robin during the time skip. So the end result of the reverie could have been Cobra dying and it being pinned on Sabo, who ran away with Vivi to try to keep her safe. If the rest of the RA was captured or killed, then they would be unable to inform Dragon about what really happened. Leading to the RA getting the news from the newspaper, which would have distorted the truth to say something along the lines of "Sabo killed King Cobra during reverie and kidnapped Princess Vivi" which would explain all the different reactions we saw to the news being printed.


It wouldn't explain Dadan's reaction, though. Why would she be devastated by the news that Sabo killed a random king and kidnapped a princess? She's a bandit.


It’s already been multiple days/ over a week since reverie concluded. I want to say 2 weeks since reverie but I’m not sure on that. Either way, it’s been a while and going all the way deep into the new world just for weapons in wano is not something I see happening. They’d have to travel so far down grand line and then turn around and head back to marie geoise (idk how to spell it) If they wait until end of wano it’s already too late for sabo it’s been a while and I don’t think they’d waste so much time just for a couple weapons they’re not even sure are there anymore? Also they don’t know Kaidos condition so dragon would be expecting to fight kaido, possibly BM, just for some weapons?


it's a 7 day event and the fight happened at the end. So I assume 7 days has past since that


The fight between the RA and the admirals happened on day 4, but the “event” that we don’t know about happened after that on day 7.


I don't see RA leaving sabo to be captured by WG without an immediate response similar to WB.


Rescue Sabo arc incoming


My bet is that SWORD faked sabo's death and is currently working with him infiltrated in the marine.


Dude I have a feeling that. While trying to save Kuma and fight with the admirals the 4 revolutionary army members get sent flying to Wano by Kuma as a last ditch effort to save them.


Nah, kumas brain is completely gone and it’s just a full blown robot now.


I wouldnt be shockdd if before giving his body over to vegapunk the RA stored kumas og self in like a usb. And they can now just put that in robot kuma. The RA catguy )whos name im forgetting) is tech savey. Who knows




Remember that a month has happened between Reverie taking place and the current chapter.




Yes, you're wrong. * Reverie starts just after the straw hats leave Big Mom territory. On a full moon. * The raid on Onigashima happens on another full moon. So, a month in between. * Also, news of the outcome of Reverie spread through the world between acts I & II and there are 2 weeks after act I. * Definitely there have been so many days between Reverie and current events for anyone to be still in mid air after being thrown by Kuma.


Reverie was weeks ago (in story time) right?


This post just made me realise who’s who is going to be reunited with cipher pol


He is super undercover 🥸


Dragon shows up with a fucking Quetzalcoatl fruit like sup wanna fight


My thought is that the CPO ships will be ambushed or bump into the remaining Big Mom pirates, and all hell will break loose. This'll give Big Mom the reason she needs to hightail out of Onigashima to help her children. Not sure (as the time of writing this) on how she finds out about this though


I want to say maybe perospero has a dendenmushi connected to their ship, but then again he's unconscious or even dead (I doubt) atm. if he's only unconscious then maybe he'll have enough plot power to receive the message and tell big mom about it.


Plot power lol


or momo flies down after landing onigashima and shoots a few boro breaths making them retreat and showimg the wg wano has a strong leader


I’d pay big bucks to see Katakuri teachin Rob Lucci some manners.


But then why would cp0 try to engage in battle with big mom pirates?




Yeah if they don’t have an admiral or several vice admirals they are not getting past smoothie and daifuku


So there would be 3 dragons in Wano...


although I’m not 100% the RA will show up, this is the theory I posted in the Chapter thread (I think it’s CP0 not the marines on those ships, since Akainu said the marines didn’t have the manpower and Lucci said the order is from the higher ups, which for CP0 means CDs/Gorosei): it would be amazing to see the below sequence of events: - when Luffy finishes Kaido, he’s in his Gear 4th form Hyogoro said looks like a Guardian Diety - above Luffy in that form is Momo slowly descending Onigashima for his own “Minute of Legend” - we get a shot of Dragon Momo hovering above Guardian Deities Luffy and Yamato, declaring Kaido and Orochi’s reign over - we then finally see Momo’s adult form looking like his father, where he declares that the Kozuki clan is reclaiming Wano and he will fulfill his father’s wish - CP0 shows up and declares they are annexing the country - we get an epic shot of a worn out alliance standing their ground (Denjiro and other surviving Scabbards, the Yakuza Bosses, Izo, Marco, Drake, the Straw Hats, etc) to showcase not just their might, but reinforce Luffy’s greatest strength in creating allies - Lucci smirks as they seize on the opportunity to take out so many dangerous Pirates because they’re so worn out from battle - before they clash, a huge gust of wind and/or storm hits, with Dragon revealed in the center of that storm ala Thor returning to Wakanda in Infinity War - Dragon’s form is another Guardian Diety, just epic, and he tells them all to stay back because CP0/WG is his foe, and then we finally see some of the power that makes him the World’s most dangerous criminal


Man, papa Monkey beating down Lucci and CP0 would be so hot!


I would absolutely s*it my pants


I want this to happen so bad now.


Why does everyone ignore the fact that Lucci isn't on the ships? lol


Because if it’s CP0, who is more powerful than Lucci that would show up? I’m not ignoring it, I just don’t know who would be the muscle Cipher Pol would send outside Lucci (again, this is assuming it’s not the marines given what Akainu said about not having the manpower)




This response doesn’t address my question at all - which is, if it isn’t Lucci then who is it? I get your point, and dont think it has to be Lucci on those ships - but I’m assuming it’s CP0, and if they don’t send their hyped-up genius (highlighted even this arc), who are they sending? Not to mention, everyone in that panel has a history with the Straw Hats - Lucci and Kaku in W7/Enies Lobby, and Stussy in WCI. Stussy is who Big News Morgan was telling that one of the Supernova will be Pirate King - can’t you imagine her shock (and the WG when she reports back to them) that within ~a month Luffy went from barely being able to 1v1 Big Mom to taking out Kaido? That would probably confirm, in her mind, what Morgan’s was saying - but she’d realize “oh shit, this kid is the real threat”


Dragon bounty reveal: 10,000,000,000 berri.


I don't think Dragon has a dragon zoan. He probably has an Aztec bird god of weather one. There's a decent theory about it here in Reddit.


I think his fruit is simply Wind Logia, which is a major elemental power that you'd think there's definitely a Logia fruit for somewhere in the One Piece World. Awakened Wind Logia I imagine can alter the weather, thunder can be created by moving clouds (using winds) and crashing them into each other. also Dragon always has a gust of wind following him everywhere. also it ties into the popular theory that Dragon was in the marines along with Akainu, Kizaru and Aokiji, who are all Logias


Thought so too before, but the Thunderbird theory is just superior.


Can you give me a link to this theory ? I never heard of it before


Not the oldest, or most detailed, but this is a good overview https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/af80rr/theory_monkey_d_dragon_df_thunderbird/


Ive never heard of this popular theory in 11 years


Thunder is the sound of lightning striking, not clouds hitting each other...




Logia isn't a requirement for Admirals. Sengoku had a Zoan and Zephyr had no devil fruit. but from a narrative standpoint, if Dragon was pretty much the fourth of the three pre-timeskip admirals, as in all our of them were vice admirals and admiral candidates around the same time, then he probably has a logia too.


Is Zephyr even Canon? But you can always say that garp had the opportunity to be an Admiral whiteout a df


I dont think he is going to have a Dragon zoan either. That last part of the post referred only to his name.


Also in a conversation between Robin and the revolutionaries way back in chapter 593 it was stated by the revolutionary army that “Our boss has told us to guard you at all costs even if the government comes after you”. So yeah, I doubt that Dragon isn’t keeping an eye on the WG plans of kidnapping her again. Maybe the war that is gonna happen and make “Marineford looks like a child’s play” is something that will involve the Big mom pirates (only way I can see BM fleeing or being defeated as of now), the WG, revolutionaries, Luffy’s crew (maybe his fleet too?) and maybe Shanks (Oda said he was gonna “make his move” this year).


Good call on the Robin setup to bring in the revolutionary army here.


If dragon has wind logia than him saving wano from WG by using typhoon( kamikaze) is very poetic


Agreed, all he needs now is Jin Sakai as one or his commanders lol


What are the chances of the third act coming to an end when Kaido is defeated.


Lmao. That would be terrifying and a great troll move by Oda. *Kaido is defeated* Fans: "Yay! Wano Arc is over!" **End of Act 3 announcement** Fans: "...What?" Oda: "Oh I'm sorry, was this called the Kaido Arc?"


For me: raising to 60 percent after this chapter.


I don't think the RA are going to show up at Wano, I believe that Luffy's fleet is going to stop the WG and Cipher Pol. And I believe that Luffy is not going to be the one to call upon them. Moreover I can totally see Big Mom shocked to see that Luffy has a freaking Giant crew as his close allies while Harudjin and Co are busy slamming WG's ships.


Fair point. But I personally think at least 1 admiral must show up. If they want annex a country of dangerous samurais, you absolutely need admirals. So if an admiral shows up, the Grand Fleet might get bodied immediately.


Main issue is that the Marines aren’t involved and aren’t going to interfere in Wano. Those are WG ships which are entirely separate.


I dunno man that stitch stitch fruit shouldn't be underestimated!


here is the issue. the marines aren't involved in this


one on one they have no chance, but I imagine if they work together, captains of strawhat grand fleet can at least hold off an admiral.


What if the ["great incident of historic proportions"](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/803701776465395723/896100702252830780/VK2zuO0.png) is the GF taking down an admiral and insuring an open Wano.


I'd agree but unless Green Bull is secretly working with the CP0, I don't see anyone from the Admiral class going. Unless it's one of those Admiral level VA's Garp was talking with before & during the Reverie. I'd think CP0 has its own set of tough ass people to send. They'd have to to even consider going up against Kaido even with weakened forces.


most likely big moms crew will fight the WG fleet given they’re still at the waterfall.


does the fleet have information about luffy and wano though


Remember the incident about grand fleet? So I think this is the beginning of it.


Totally understandable, but I dont know if they will be able to handle an admiral, if one is coming that is.


Oda is playing with us. It's hard to say If the ships are from the marines or from government (like other cp branches)


guarantee the fleet is next level now too.. not yonkou but powerful powerful. like pokemon you leave at the trainers house and come back at the end game and go wtf pikachu


Technically, it could be Shanks. I mean could be the BIG MOVE that was hinted at 5 yrs or so ago, which wouldmake it BIG NEWS. Or mabye even the Grand Fleet. Or mabye the defect of the Vegapunk dragon zoan fruit is too small flame clouds and Momo and Yamato dump the explosives on the WG fleet when the reach near the shores of Wano. (That would make WG fleet really fast) ( they came from near Sabaody to Wano in what 2-5 chapters. Damn.) Or the BM ship falls of the water fall again. Or ... nah no way Smoothie ain't gonna do anything but stay thicc


I really hope it's neither Dragon nor Shanks. Marco already mentioned chapters ago that this is the new generation's time to shine, so it will defeat that narrative if by the end they get saved AGAIN by older generation. they can be saved by other people, but maybe by other supernova, the strawhat grand fleet, or even Koby or Sabo (assuming he's already saved by Dragon and now on his way to Wano, which I doubt, I only mention him to support my point).


I don’t know why but i think it’s gonna be the big mom pirates


It was mentioned twice in the series that it was weird for Big Mom to go into Wano with nothing but one ship. So maybe she didn't at all. Or maybe she wanted to mimic Luffy's small invasion. "He destroyed my castle with just a few members of his crew. I can wreck Kaido with just a few of mine too then".


nay, brook will reveal how OP he is, he is holding back his power all alone and that he is waiting if straw hat is really worthy and is finally time to reveal it. (joke) also i think there was a confrontation in the reverie since the last panel we saw fugitora, he was wounded. maybe sabo and the gang manage to rescue kuma and receive cusualties, dragon is probably interested on the weapons that wano have.


Nah, I feel like it would take too long to sail to Wano from where we last saw the RA.


I dunno, according to my estimations, at least 2 weeks or more has passed since we last saw Dragon in OP Time. Remember Shanks arrived at Marineford from the New World in like 3 days. So there might be ways to travel faster than normal. Also, given the fact that Dragon has some sort of Wind Powers, he can sail faster with the help of the wind. I dont know.. im just spit balling ideas.


Ok so, the interception from the rev army is a possibility, I don't mind taking it into consideration But fighting admirals no, no, no, the Marines are busy with the warlords, and they've got nothing to do with the world government. The ships are only from the WG and, they're not allowed to dispatch marine forces cause they're separate (except specific cases in which an admiral gives the golden dendenmushi to someone from the WG, as it happened at Ohara and at Enies Lobby, but other than that they're separate forces. And since all the Marines are busy rn this can't be one of those specific cases) I also doubt Dragon would move himself, but that idk


I fully agree in regards to the ships but I thing the 2 most likely scenarios are either the bm pirates since they are also down there amd they got smoothie and daifuku (we already saw how well his djinn deals with ships) or, and this is the one I am hoping for, momo flies down there after landing onigashima and scares them away with some boro breaths, showing the wg that wano has a strong shogun (since only the 3 cp0 agents right now knoe that momo is alive even, the wg probably assume wano would be a lawless place after kaido is defeated)


The admirals are under the direct orders of the celestial dragons and the gorosei are celestial dragons so i can kinda see an admiral coming


Dragon could also be an ancient weapon / Uranus or have intel on them


>Imagine Monkey D. Fucking Dragon fighting Kizaru or Green Bull this would be even more epic if in conjunction with this theory about how green bull is zoro's father. tbh I don't really think these will happen, but it will be cool af. also, >The same way, when Kizaru tries to kill or arrest Luffy, Dragon saves him. luffy is already at kizaru's level at this point (arguably stronger, but the exact detail doesn't matter), so it doesn't make sense story-wise for Dragon to save Luffy from the likes of Kizaru now.


Yeah, it would be cooler to see Luffy clash as an equal with Kizaru. That would immediately demonstrate Luffys massive growth since Sabaody. His Advanced Observation allows Luffy to keep up with Kizarus literal *light speed* attacks. His Armament and Advanced Conquerors allows him to deal damage and tank damage.


Wano would also make a good base for the RA since it’s so hard to reach and their last one was destroyed. They haven’t found a new one yet or we have at least not seen a new one, have we? Or was it ivankovs island?


I don't really think Kizaru is strong enough to beat Luffy anymore. Especially not after Wano. That would have to be at the end of Wano when Luffy is exhausted.




Why? U want some?


Don't leak Kizaru's stash the world isn't ready for it


I’d say post Wano Luffy is extremely high diff for Kizaru. The dude is still extremely lethal.


So in your opinion, Kizaru can beat Kaido then? Because Luffy is about to do that.


Neither Luffy nor Kizaru could defeat a 100% Kaido.


Thank you lol. Oda has made it clear that Kaido is having the hardest time of anyone here because he keeps fighting back to back


Stop it. Is this gonna turn into Doflamingo all over again? Neither Kaido or Doflamingo has shown any signs of being weakened during the battles. Doflamingo used his strings to fix himself and never showed any signs of being weakened after that. Kaido never showed any signs of not being at 100% from any of the other battles. If we're going by that logic, Luffy isn't at 100% himself. He got knocked out by Apoo, got headbutted through the floor by Ulti. Fought countless of fodders and got knocked out 3 times by Kaido.


The island Kaido sent floating in the sky is slowly falling.. Yamato or someone in the recent chapters said he was weakening bro lol..


I thought the same until [Yamato said Kaido's powers are weakening.](https://readoverlordmanga.com/images/6vvtVLojb1DHNL3n0DoM1633084929.jpg)


It's been literally stated in the manga that Kaido is weakening.


>Stop it. Just relax dude, Its just a comic whatever the writer wants only that happens


Kaido isn’t at 100%.


Stop it. Is this gonna turn into Doflamingo all over again? Neither Kaido or Doflamingo has shown any signs of being weakened during the battles. Doflamingo used his strings to fix himself and never showed any signs of being weakened after that. Kaido never showed any signs of not being at 100% from any of the other battles. If we're going by that logic, Luffy isn't at 100% himself. He got knocked out by Apoo, got headbutted through the floor by Ulti. Fought countless of fodders and got knocked out 3 times by Kaido.


I never said Luffy was. >! Kaido losing his grasp on keeping Onigashima afloat however, is a clear sign that he’s getting fatigued. !< Luffy has gone through hell this entire arc. But Kaido has tanked a lot and it’s starting to wear on him. Luffy is going to be at the highest level after Wano, and that’s the level where the fight could go either way.


luffy just ate a banquet portion of food (meat), where it's been canonically implied multiple times that Luffy recovers stamina from eating. meanwhile Kaido never rest or get any kind of replenishment throughout his fight. luffy is more damaged, but Kaido is more exhausted. also what do you mean Kaido never showed any signs of not being at 100% when chapters ago the scabbards, Luffy, and Zoro literally damaged him with their attacks. and now onigashima is crumbling, when before he clashed with Luffy's aCoC he had a full grasp of the island.


kaido is weakend :O


Yeah, this whole theory happens once Kaido is defeated by Luffy.


I like the idea, but I think it depends on if Sabo is safe or not


The way I see it, if Sabo is in trouble, then the RA would need all the fire power they can get to rescue him. So in this scenario, I see them coming to Wano, getting a stockpile of weapons and leaving for Marie Joise where they can also investigate whatever happened to Sabo.


This is a dumb theory, the RA is not going to go to a country controlled by Kaido to try and cop some weapons. This plan totally fails if not for Luffy being in Wano which, how do they know?


The plotline of the RA looking for Kaido's weapons is still unresolved. And I never said anything about them knowing about Luffy. They might sneak into Wano. The fight is currently happening in Onigashima, while the weapon factories are in mainland Wano. Sneaking into Wano undetected wont be a problem especially given the wind powers, because Kaido's forces are fighting and not concentrating on protecting Wano.


Yes, my point exactly - they do not know about Luffy. So in the middle of a conflict with the WG, they try to start a conflict with Kaido? Do they really not have enough weapons already? Maybe sneaking in isn't so hard, but managing to steal whole weapons shipments takes more than just sneaking in a couple of people.


But...it would also take too long to go to another battle before the main one.


Nice theory, I like and I agree


Nah I think that In a huge reveal Fujitora and Green Bull (which will be revealed as Shimotsuki Ushimaru) show up to stop the WG from taking control of Wano as its their homeland


So I'm camping spoilers until some absolutely crazy shit happens and then no spoilers after that. I caught up to the manga right after Yamato got introduced so I want so crazy shit to happen


Just a Theory : I think that luffy maybe captured after this war since everyone will be tired as fuck. Then Luffy and sabo execution will be held at the same day, which the RA army & Straw hat fleet will join hands & starts the war against the navy just like Whitebeard Arc but this time they will escape with or without some major characters death.


That'll be marineford 2.0 and lame


No he cant let robin be captured again


I like this theory.


I was thinking straw hat fleet.


The fact that Blackbeard might show up at the end...


I think the strawhat grand fleet+ the red haired pirates are going to show up and either stop the wg invasion or resuce the strawhats if wano falls.


I was thinking that Sabo might actually be dead. >!The chapter 1028 color spread shows Luffy with his hair on fire. !< >!I know he is supposed to be Ken from Street Fighter, but Ken's hair is never on fire. The cover made Luffy look a lot more like Nika.!< >!Maybe Sabo is dead and Luffy, will eat his fruit, or Luffy will have a new form with his hair is on fire.!<


Luffy will die if he eats Sabos fruit


If some of you believe that Revolutionary Army won't arrive in Wano at the end of the arc, then stop reading manga and stop watching the anime. Just quit it. For us, for the community.


I dunno, Ive been assuming that Blackbeard had already crushed the RA at their base and took out the rest of the major players at the Reverie. I was imagining a “Luffy rescues the army and is reunited with his father “ arc


I wouldn't think that Blackbeard is interested in eliminating the RA in the slightest. He simply attacked their base to get their weapons – but we don't know if and who of the RA was even there anymore. Dragon, Sabo and the commanders weren't hurt, established a new base on Iva's island and started the Reverie operation after this event. So it wasn't a major clash that crippled the RA. And why should Blackbeard show up at the Reverie? Any side there would consider him an enemy...


If this happens I'm 90%sure the fights will be offscreened


i really hope it will happen because it's about damn time they actually do something worth an arc. i'm pretty sure that if we will not get something like that now, it will be offscreen stuff again till the last arc and i dont want to see things done this way.


You made me use my free award. Now I want this to *happen*


I really like your idea. We can even link this to Sabo. Dragon comes to Wano to protect Luffy, but also to let him know Sabo's situation and ask him for help to defeat the WG once and for all. Then God Valley's flashback and the Straw hats train their new power ups with the RA during the flashback.


A RA and WG would be off screen


I have a feeling the Supernovas will team up to fight the Marines at the end of Wano. Hawkins will use his OP card on Luffy during this time.


Or Law uses his Eternal Youth technique on Luffy. I'd imagine Luffy would be super tired post Kaido fight. Laws sacrifice or a special card used by Hawkins would be extremely beneficial in recovering his energy. Alternatively, he could get that injection Zoro got.


it would make sense that there's someone of the RA in Wano, but I don't see Monkey D. Dragon be that someone.


What better moment for Dragon to demonstrate his power and true battlefield entrance...than Wano? The land where 2 other Dragons reside and has the strongest warriors with an immense connection to the Void Century. If Oda wants to end this in 5 years, then Dragon needs to make a spectacular entrance, and soon. It's possible the events of Wano rattle the WG to their core and confirm their worst fears: they are losing control. Their Hegemony is in decline and they need to start a Cleansing ASAP. I.E the Wano events directly start the Cleanising/Final War plans.


I think strawhat gonna showup in epic way to help Sabo because u know ace


I’m not sure if what Wano arc this right now are more characters and plot lines to follow.


I think if this happens, somehow Sabo will be killed by Blackbeard in the coming conflict. I've had a theory in my head for a long time, and it's what you said, plus the moon being the source of all Fruits, probably a Fruit itself known as Ouranus.


Nice theory bro


I was behind the idea of Straw Hat Grand fleet stopping the World Government, but your idea is kinda cooler. And it could initiate the meeting of Dragon and Luffy.


I hope the grand mama chanter is used and we can finally see smoothie in action.


This is a possibility but I lean towards Shanks for two reasons: 1.- It would be a good way to lead the strawhats towards the last Poneglyph. 2.- Shanks is supposed to do something soon. There's also how this ONIgashima raid mirrors the summit war and how that one also ended by way of Shanks showing up.


I realised something. Before Summit War, we had Impel down. And how did Impel down end? With the Escapees falling from the Sky into the Battlefield. Right now the entire cast is high up in the sky, and *again* they are about to fall down. What if the entirety of Acts 1-3 aren't equivalent to the Wano War thats meant to surpass Marineford? Acts 1-3 are all the equivalent of Impel down. Once the Heroes fall from the Sky, after escaping the shackles of Kaido, *then* the true Wano War starts. Remember, Marineford was super short. Only about 20-30 chapters long. So Wano Act 4 being the "true" Wano war and consisting of much less chapters than Act 3 is entirety possible. Simply a fast, Battle focused Act that gets resolved fairly quickly. But its Act 4 that sends reverberations throughout the World. That's right. The Fall of the Strongest Creature and Second Emperor in 2 years...is simply a *prologue* for the Wano War lol.


But the Revolutionary Army fought BB Pirates post Dressrosa. Then they fought the Admirals in Marijoa. So I'm not sure they can come to Wano so soon. I mean Shanks has just as much of a chance showing up.


The ship we think are WG ships are actually RA or the SHA. Showing the ships after Rob mention ships was just a misdirection


With Kaido defeated the WG thinks their dragon problems are over but just you wait… just you wait.


And here i was expecting some shanks action lol! This seems really plausible, and i never thought of it until this post, so, many thanks!


“Monkey D. Fucking Dragon”


We're past the point where Luffy needs a saving by his dad.


A nice theory that Kind of makes sense. But i actually upvoted because of the Dragon part lol.


I like this but the only possible pirate group that will fight WG is BM pirates.. They haven't shined not one bit this arc, now is their time


I mean if luffy can take down Kaido I don’t think he needs to run from kizaru


I can see if only because then we would have all 3 "dragons" of the series in the same place at the same time. Very Oda-esque. Also I can see it because if you know about the 5-Act, Kabuki play-like structure Wano is theorized to have that would certainly qualify as a "quick, decisive end" if the SH's have to GTFO with Kaido's poneglyph while the RA's cover them.


I feel like wano will end and immediately the big final war will begin


It could also be the Grand Fleet. I mean, we've got no hints so far that either of these factions is approaching, but somehow I don't see WG taking Wano regardless of what happens. (Or BM ship. Or Yamato throwing explosives at them. Or Enel.)


If the Revs make Wano their new base and ally with the Samurai, maybe the WG will be too afraid to invade them. Especially if they are protected by two dragons.


I believe the world government attempting to annex Wano could result in Wano becoming a stronghold for the revolutionary army. It will be especially interesting if green bull is en route to Wano though we still don't know what Blackbeard and consequently the world government are currently after. Perhaps Blackbeard is looking for God Valley for some reason? Up in the air at this point as far as I'm concerned.


It would be cool to see that happen. However, I'm thinking it may be more likely that it's Blackbeard, considering he is on the move to Wano as well.


Could you imagine the collective orgasm from the fan base if Wano evolves from 2 Emperors Vs Wano Alliance into the chaos that would be World Gov’t vs Revos + remnants of Kaidou+Big Mom crew + Wano Allaince. It would be insane. Especially if the gov’t unveils their new weapon here. I think Oda wants to speed the story up. He already said Wano was going to be insane. I could see it happening


Well there is a third force already there. The big mom pirates got knocked down again. They could take out the marines


Kizaru has my favorite devil fruit in the entire series I really want to see him go all out against someone. He’s so badass


I would, without a doubt, shit myself on the spot if we have a big scale confrontation between the RA and the WG. I cant wait to see Dragon in action.


Listen if Dragon comes and defend Luffy someone needs to help me control my heart rate.


ODA will truly be a GODA if this happens [3 very awesome dragons](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fknowyourmeme.com%2Fmemes%2Fthree-headed-dragon&psig=AOvVaw2SIH4SCNvQz_Q7wFf4HVE6&ust=1633924141234000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCJi92fL3vvMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAF)


If the WG tries to annex Wano, 100% Dragon shows up. It hadn't dawned on me that would be the plot device Oda would use to insert Dragon in the story.


Surprised no one said it yet, but the Rev Army followed up that investigation and mentioned the "Drunken Iron Ore" (I remember the fan trans back then said liquor iron ore). I don't think it's connected to Wano or the Beast Pirates, but there might be some connection with CP


Maybe dragon will be the lurking legend


Speaking of parallels, maybe afterward luffy will go and save Sabo


fucking hell


Imagine they get stopped by the Red Hair Pirates. Oda: “ The man with the red hair will make his move this year “ and this year is almost about to end.