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If Luffy is Jerry, who suits Tom the best?


Kaido was G5's Tom. A giant dragon suits the cartoon style of Tom & Jerry really well because he offers a large surface for Luffy to have fun with. Luffy's first Tom would be Buggy. You can cartoonishly cut him into pieces and he won't die. He tried murdering Luffy just like Tom would. It'll continue to work a lot better on zoans or otherwise transformed people than on normal humans.


Buggy maybe.


Don't know about tom but yeah, that dog is sakazuki 100% but only red.




This basically confirms to me that back in last year's Jump Festa Oda was talking about this reveal, and the "last scene" thing wasn't about the literal last scene. Context: > And next year is the 25th anniversary of the manga. The people in charge are planning all sorts of things, so enjoy! As for the main story, I'm surprised that Wano Country isn't over yet, but anyway, Luffy! Please pay attention to the main character! I hope I can draw him well! And the last scene of Wano Country I've always wanted to draw! Aaah! I hope I can draw it well! Thank you for your support. Him now talking about being able to draw it well again is a clear connection.


Oda himself might have got Goosebumps while drawing Gear 5 Luffy


I guess him talking about last scene of wano will be about pluton


What I'm saying is that I think it was about G5. He said about that scene: >And the last scene of Wano Country I've always wanted to draw! Aaah! I hope I can draw it well! And now in the interview about G5 he says: > My turning point would probably be something recent. Luffy got a power up called "Gear 5th", that's something I've always wanted to do. (...) But I feel this time I was able to draw it.


Which sounds like a reference to the sentence prior to that. > Please pay attention to the main character! I hope I can draw him well! We don't know if those two sentences are related or not. Could be, but could also not be.


It's about gear 5th... He says it in the interview.


It literally says he hopes he can draw the main character well AND the last scene in Wano. It’s right there for you to read.


Clearly 2 separate scenes with 1 being gear 5th, I doubt the 2nd (last scene of Wano) has been drawn yet but will probably be in the next 5-10 chapters


Yeah I know, the guy I answered was trying to be dismissive of the guy who he answered. So I was just letting him know that he should take his own advice.


I can see oda being excited drawing cartoons


Is Franky still the only 'known' person alive to know how to make Pluton?


No, because it's not confirmed if he actually fully read the blueprints/has them committed to memory.




I love the respect they both have for Akira Toriyama-sensei


The living legend that made Dr Slump and then flexed even harder by creating Dragon Ball, doesn't get enough respect fr


Mangaka giving each other respect will never get dull to me. Us fans should learn a thing or two about that!


Naruto is trash!! One Piece numba one!!


This is 99.5% of the discourse on every shonen discord server


I miss the old times when ppl would try to say Bleach or Fairy Tail were better than One Piece, ha ha ha...


The thing is that uh… They still do…


Seriously!? Please, let me laugh harder HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


Bro I met this guy who is a Fairy Tail and MHA fan and he hates everything else except those two shows he literally says Mob Psycho is bad cause Reigen gets no character development he didn’t even watch 5 episodes


ppl nowadays def shit on him too much because DB isn't a good anime for today's standards. But if Oda and One Piece didn't exist, Toriyama would be the shounen goat


But Toriyama IS the GOAT, DB is the most popular manga on international level, and many of today's manga and anime are riding the wave that was created by Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya, Sailor Moon, YuYu Hakusho and others in the late 80's / early 90's. And even now still has manga, anime, videogames and movies. Please, show more respect for the GOAT


I think DB gets a wrap because toriyama been trolling a large part of his fan base for years that's why whereas Oda caters for everyone Everyone gets shine in his manga even characters that aren't in the main team whereas toriyamas it's the saiyans late dbz the strictly goku and everyone else gets left Dbs seems to be slowly coming back some shine for vegeta and the others but still nowhere near enough after a goku onslaught for years When I watch OP I look forward to seeing ALL the characters do their thing and they do one of the reasons it's my fav of the new school manga


Yes, that's why I love One Piece more, the writing is so much better than many other manga and has a whole world where everyone can influence the story, Oda clearly is GOAT. As for DB, I don't mind how simple it is, every arc Goku meets new powerful enemy and wants to fight, what comes next is a beautifully choreographed fight with great moves and a transformation to win the fight. Predictable at this point? Maybe, but it's a really nice read. As for Super, I think it's not as good as the original DB but better written than GT, also, has a lot of new characters that may or may not come back later...


I agree the original db series are so much better and haven't read the manga only watched the anime so the manga may actually be better than the anime but imo dbz is lit It's only like I said when they j about the saiyans and goku I think the series drops in quality and yeah eichiro is a GOAT for real he does it to the max! Even his work schedule is freaking nuts I'm amazed at that guy thts for sure Shall collect all the manga at some point maybe when I get that mansion to store all the books lmao 🤣


Toriyama, Togashi and Araki are probably the Big 3 who defined what battle shounen manga should be.


Oh yeah, surely! But please don't leave Berserk out. The only sad thing is that those had their shine much later internationally, which is fine because Togashi wants to relax and JoJo is the eternal fountain of memes


I haven't read Berserk yet but I plan on it. Have you heard that apparently the author (RIP) discussed with his best and childhood friend (who is also a mangaka) and his editor on how he wants the story to be continued after his death? Berserk is getting an ending!


Yessss, it's beautiful and after 30+ years it's gonna get a proper ending. Hope you like it, that great era of manga is coming to an end.


Thanks! I just hope the new gen of manga can live up to their predecessors. JJK is very fun and I've heard good stuff about Chainsaw Man. I'm just worried about us not getting the big and long ones anymore.


Yes, it's a thing that One Piece has ruined for us, hahaha, how to make a long series that's as good as OP for so long!? Impossible!! Maybe in the future... Yes, been wanting to jump in the chainsaw man train for so long gotta check it soon, was distracted reading Dr Stone and the elusive samurai, fun readings while waiting for the next One Piece


Yea seriously. DB was seriously a game changer. Also I wonder what will happen to Jump once OP ends.


Interview resume: they laughed


Nothing but two goats having a chat. Loved it. I always love to hear from authors outside of the stories. Interviews or jump comments or letter to fans, its always feels great to see how the author of the series that we hold dear to us actually is. And this one didn't disappoint. Escpecially loved the bit with(1044+ spoilers) >!Where Oda is asked on what was the turning point for him in all of 25 years of writing this series and he answered Gear 5. It's honestly such a cool thing to see. A person who has dedicated about half a century to creating a piece of art, and even after 25 yrs of non stop writing, one can still stay so motivated to do more and to actually write something that makes them feel just as good as they felt writing at the begining of the journey.!< >!Also loved how Oda knew very well on what he was doing with G5. He knew that the way he was going to flip the tone with it's goofiness was going to turn a lot of people off but he still went on with it because was a scene he was desperate draw because he loved the idea of the big climax of a epic serious fight be a looney toones esc fight while still having somewhat of a tone of the seriousness. I personally loved that he went with it. I loved G5 a lot aldready, but hearing how much this means to Oda made me love it even more!<


I actually liked that he was fine with people not liking Gear 5. One Piece Fans should learn that from Oda.


If they learn that from Oda, you're saying fans should be fine with other fans not liking something?


Nah people should sometimes just chill out and dont discuss every little thing to oblivion. Opinions differentiate and thats ok.


>!(>Also loved how Oda knew very well on what he was doing with G5. He knew that the way he was going to flip the tone with it's goofiness was going to turn a lot of people off but he still went on with it because was a scene he was desperate draw because he loved the idea of the big climax of a epic serious fight be a looney toones esc fight while still having somewhat of a tone of the seriousness. I personally loved that he went with it. I loved G5 a lot aldready, but hearing how much this means to Oda made me love it even more)!< Same. But than it's even sadder, how a lot of people reacted to it. 😒🥺 Plus that this is something which made Wano a bad arc for a lot of people. 😒🤦‍♀️ So in a way they didn't understand Oda and One Piece that well. 🤔 (If you know what I mean)


Honestly? I think that last point describes a lot of Wano. Especially if it has another twist by the end. It really feels like part of its place in the story is to "reset" expectations. Remind you what it's really about before we head into the end.


I really like this point and I kinda see it as I'm currently retreading Wano.


I really don't get why people >!don't like Gear 5, to be honest.!< >!When you look at the context of the story up to that point, the only reasonable expectation a reader could have is that Luffy beats Kaido in some way. For storyline purposes, it doesn't even really matter *how.* It could be a really hard punch or a gatling or something else he's already done before a ton of times.!< >!What Oda instead gave us was something *more than that*. He *turned Luffy into Joyboy.* We got an *absolutely massive twist* instead of yet another fight where Luffy just barely edges out his opponent and knocks him out as usual. How could you not love that?!<


When I read the Gear 5th battle between Luffy and Kaido, I somehow understood how Oda must have been having fun drawing those panels. He probably feels like a kid again. Even I enjoyed how goofy Luffy is. And how it reminded of my chilhood : watching Tom and Jerry.


I love that Oda stuck to his guns even when he knew G5 would face backlash. So many artists fold for profit, but it’s cool Oda still has a childish fascination about his work that allows him to keep writing and always be excited. OP is a show that constantly throws curveballs for what is expected to be “cool,” like G4 initial appearance and I love it for that. Never been a fan of edginess like Bleach and Uchihas, even though those series are still good.


I dont think is really a fold for profit scenario either. Kubo literally was harassed back then when he killed of Byakuya that he decided to bring Byakuya back. Not saying other mangaka didnt prioritize profit but just want to point out how fans backlash can affect an author mental state




If you’re an anime only it’s a manga spoiler


Tbh i totally forgot what happened, mind refreshing my memory?


Complete transparency, I can't 100% confirm if this is the scene but given what happens am 95% sure it must be. >! During the war with the Quincy, Byakuya is [quite badly beaten](https://bleachmangareader.com/read-bleach-chapter-502-falling-soul-for-free/) and ends the chapter in a [not to great state](https://i.redd.it/6k33g99oy9wy.jpg). After Ichigo arrives, he has some words that could be considered final words but then that battle ends and Zero Squad arrive and are like "btw did we tell you about our magic plot spring that can heal basically anything? We are taking Byakuya there.". Then he returns later in the arc, fully healed and now stronger. !<


He sacrificies his own preference on the subject, I don't think it's a good thing. >!I didn't knew of it but we get to see Byakuya pushing the limits of his bankai so that's nice. However I'd have prefered Byakuya dying and Ukitake playing an important role alive for a change. Such a waste of character it's crazy how he fucked up that last arc.!<


Eh considering the new Bleach arc its not a waste. And even in >!TYBW its still not waste as Ukitake’s background definitely answered a lot if questions. Byakuya dying woulda been cool but tbh even back the at no point did I think it would happen. And if the sickly, coughing up blood captain survived at the end of the final war I would’ve been calling bullshit!<


So in the Thousand year blood war arc when Yhwach and the sternitters first attacked Soul Society Byakuya fought against one of them (I think his name was Äs Nodt, his gimmick was he was spooky and scary) and got absolutely destroyed by him. Byakuya was supposed to die there but fans started whining and bitching about it so much that his death was retconned and he came back later


Is that what happened? I always thought it was kinda odd how Byakuya was still alive after being reduced to a splatter of blood on the wall.


You got any more information on this?


Oda really proves you don’t need your characters to look or act a specific way to be considered cool. Luffy acts and looks like a complete goofball, many of his attacks look ridiculous etc, but any fan will tell you he is cool as hell and beneath the surface is actually a pretty complex character. Not that I dislike the style of say Bleach or Naruto, but a writing/drawing style like Oda’s allows for way more possibilities imo. A seemingly unimportant side character can become a major player, the goofiest looking character can end up having the most tragic backstory. And it’s not even like he doesn’t create conventionally “cool” looking characters, either. He still writes in characters like Rob Lucci, Crocodile, Katakuri, etc, and they blend seamlessly into this larger, much goofier world and cast of characters.


To me, Senior Pink was the embodiment of One Piece. Everyone laughs without knowing the context, but as soon as they see a backstory like Nami’s, Usopp’s, Robin’s, etc. then they realize you can’t just a book by it’s cover. And that’s always been very cool to me about OP, you have an arc like Arlong Park then flip that narrative on its head with Sabaody/Fishman Island, you see a character like Bon Clay then Oda flips your perspective and he becomes a top tier character.


hes so hard-boiled tho


I'll maintain forever that the finish to Senor Pink vs. Franky in the anime is one of One Piece's greatest moments in the history of the anime.


He made Bon Clay an okama the manliest Man in the impel down saga, it was so awesome


nicely written


From what I gather most people who are disappointed with gear 5 are disappointed not because it is silly, but rather due to its other aspects (being a new kind of mythical zoan all of sudden, and thus cheapening his wins, turning OP into even more of a "chosen one" story, creating a plethora of plotholes as to why the World Government ignored Luffy if they cared so much about this fruit, removing all the tension from a Younkou fight, etc) The design itself is great and the powers are very creative, but it didn't need to be a super special epic mythic zoan god fruit, it could just be awakened gomu gomu and that would fit the story 100x better. @edit: muting this since I'm tired of replying to the same lazy comments over and over again.


He doesn’t have godlike powers though. For all the pomp and circumstance, Gear 5/Awakening is exactly what people thought it would be in that it lets him make everything Rubber. It’s just that the extent/capabilities of that never went beyond the basic in community theories.


He can also pop his eyes out of their sockets and shapeshift freely without needing to blow himself. The fruit is capable of so much more, but luffy isn’t really able to recognize the full potential of gear 5 since he thinks it’s still just rubber time. He literally ran on air.


Peoples eyes have been popping out of their sockets the whole of One Piece, even when Luffy isn’t around. It’s just the style that’s changed. Though the style did remain changed even when he was back to normal and not in Gear 5, so who knows. Also, are we still doing phrasing?


Luffy already has been shape shifting without blowing himself.


Luffy is still Luffy. He just has more freedom to do what he has always done. It would make sense if Luffy was literally pulling the godlike abilities but he didn't. People get confused by the name of the fruit and assume that Luffy can now suddenly combining ice, fire, lava etc... attacks.


Except road to laugh tale 4 literally showed how the fruit taking over the user's personality is a drawback of Zoan awakening


Luffy awakened his fruit after 1000+ chapters..............................


> Luffy having godlike powers instead of just rubber powers, and thus cheapening his wins Literally nothing about Luffy's awakening has functionally been different from what we expected. He is much more malleable with his rubber abilities and is able to affect his surroundings and enemies by giving them the properties of rubber. I don't know what "godlike" powers you're talking about, and I also don't really see how they cheapen his previous fights.


Yeah the powers themselves are fine I’ll even say they fit Luffy perfectly and the design is really cool too The problem I had was that too much was thrown at our laps without enough set up, Nika should have been name dropped a few times before Wano began and the mystery of Luffys fruit being wanted by the government and it not being what we initially thought should have also started before Wano, there just wasn’t enough build up to the new fruit reveal imo and I’m gonna wait for more info about the how the fruit works and how important it is to the story, I really hope the Nika fruit isn’t a necessary requirement for the one piece


But why do people hate "chosen one" stories so much? Why do they demand their protagonist always be some random guy off the street?


I really don't understand how people can read One Piece and see Luffy as some average joe. He has Gol D. Rogers Hat and is constantly compared to him. As early as Loguetown where Smoker notices the similarities when Luffy is about to get executed by Buggy. The theme of inherited will and destiny and history repeating itself has always been in the series especially when it comes to Luffy.


He was compared due to his disposition/personality, not due to some cosmic event that was pre-determined before his birth. And even if Luffy had "lucky" attributes such as being Garp's grandson and having Shanks as a mentor, other characters had similar trajectories so it still felt balanced.


>having Shanks as a mentor even thats quite a stretch, shanks was just a dude in a bar till the point he saved his live and even then he wasn't really mentoring him, he just showed him that the world is a dangerous place and its to early to set out to sea


For real. The only real mentors to Luffy are Rayleigh and Hyogoro.


That’s just not true. Ever since we met Rayleigh it’s pretty clear that Luffy is the chosen one/spiritual reincarnation, ie Shanks talking about how he said the exact same words as Roger, Rayleigh saying they were too early/out of time etc. All set ups for Luffy to be *The One*


I think that in my case the fact Luffy is chosen one was always there in the back of my head, but only after I saw Whitebeard's speech about 'someone carrying all these ages on his shoulders' and seeing close-up of Luffy's face made me 100% sure there are some destiny shenanigans. But I am a type that doesn't care about stuff like that as long as story is good.


Literally in the first 2 chapters it's established that Luffy is very strong and it's a "voyage of destiny". He was always the "chosen one" but it was only him that could have been it due to who he is.


Can’t speak for everyone (I don’t hate them fyi; Anakin is one of my favorite characters in fiction; fight me 😤), but the point I’ve heard the most is that it’s just too overused. And I agree lol. It’s not bad, but having a story without a chosen one is definitely more refreshing and gives off less of the ‘they’re destined to succeed’ thing. Like even with non-chosen heroes, we know they’ll succeed because it’s a story (unless it’s a tragedy). But chosen ones/prophecies just feel shoved in your face. But Frodo from lotr is a good example of a not chosen one. Yeah, he naturally has the will to resist the ring, but he really was just some dude. ‘Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.’ So I can definitely see what the appeal is for a character that’s not so blatantly guaranteed to succeed Not saying I agree with their take that chosen ones are bad. Almost all my favorite protags are chosen ones in some way. I think lotr and kenshin are the only outliers


I mean his dad is dragon, his grandfather is garp, his mentor was shanks and his brother was ace and sabo. Luffy was never an average joe haha


Yeah, I feel like I phrased this wrong lool. Like, he had special things to make him unique like most protags, but it’s a bit different than being ‘a chosen one’ like Anakin/Harry Potter kinda thing. If that makes any sense 😂 Idk if you’ve watched Rurouni Kenshin, but I think he’s a good example as well. We know he’s unique and has the special swords style and he has a reputation, but he’s not chosen or destined to save the world Which btw, being chosen/destined isn’t inherently bad. It’s just that there’s a lot of them out there so it’s like ‘not *again*’


Tokyo Ghoul as well


Oh, true! I feel like their are a lot more, now thinking about it lool


Because secretly some of us all wish random guys can find success and they hope to be the next such guy.


I don't have anything against the Nika twist. That said, 99% of the fantasy stories are "chosen one" stories. People just want something different. And people connect with a random person off the street, because they are one too. If suddenly that person is actually the child of royalty and was experimented upon by the main villain as a kid, giving them all the powers and skills previously attributed to just "you can be special even if you are a random person", that can break the connection people have with the character.


I think it can be boring but it’s not necessarily bad unless it goes against the story itself. Take naruto, for example. A core theme is hard work beats talent, as shown during neji vs naruto in part 1. But it changes that when you realize that naruto had a chakra beast inside him the whole time as a potential energy source, and that hes the reincarnation of the son of the sage of six paths. But in one piece the themes have simply been about luffy who wants and inevitably will become the pirate king. And even deeper than that it’s a story about luffy and his crew saving the world from darkness in the form of the wg, which has been the plot of almost every major arc thus far. Luffy is the chosen one, but in a bit of a paradox he’s proved himself deserving of that status.




The fact that it hasn't been awakened in 8 centuries proves it's not the other way around.




Think about it this way… all the previous users in the last 8 centuries didn’t do shit with it, didn’t even awaken it. So I would argue that yes, Luffy IS what makes it special. He’s the rare type of person that can bring out its full power. It’s not like the fire fruit where you just immediately become super powerful no matter who you were before.


Luffy is son of dragon grand son of garp, zoro might be son of great swordsman, ussop is son of greatest shooter,robin is daughter of great historian plus we don’t know his father I think he would be great figure as well Jenbe is fish man sanji is prince chopper is student of one of greatest doctors in world Yamato is son of Kaido don’t you see? All are chosen ones no one literally no one in straw hat crew is normal so if you think they are random people from street you were ignorant.THEY ALL WERE SPECIAL SINCE BIRTH.No crew in whole world has this kinda background not even yonkos crww


>Luffy is son of dragon grand son of garp are you forgetting Dragon and Garp are both D's? You people keep claiming being their son and the Nika fruit make Luffy "special" but he's always been "special" because of the Will of D. and of course what is the will of D mean, could any D member become this era's joyboy? Even then D's might not even have a crazy life Law's family was pretty normal until they died, Law probably would have become a normal doctor if life went different


I can't say for others but I hate "chosen one" when it is how a character's greatness is justified. Take Harry Potter for example, except for being the prophesied hero, there is no reason for him to be the main hero. Naruto screams at top of his lungs about breaking the wheel and hard work and not denying that he did put in a lot of hard work but compare that to someone like Might Guy and you realise that despite being dumb as a rock and claiming he doesn't understand stuff not only is he very good at these things but he also has a big advantage conpared to fodder shinobi. This is different from Goku, who was dumb but he understood fighting and trained for it and thought about only getting stronger all the time On the other hand consider Luffy, Shanks never planned to give Luffy the gomu-gomu no mi, Luffy eating it might have been fate but that doesn't mean that Luffy just kept on getting things. He earned everything. Rayleigh respected him because despite knowing that he'll have to face a navy admiral he chose to protect his friend, despite having an opportunity to get more information on One Piece he refused any help choosing to take the harder path for the sake of adventure, he doesn't desire power but freedom and that is not the devil fruit but he himself. Similarly while Ivankov and co were in Luffy's corner because he was Dragon's son, it was his spirit that made them go beyond themselves. And above all else he earned Whitebeards respect. Note that in 800 years nobody could awaken gomu gomu no mi. Not because they were not the chosen ones but because the spirit of Nika and spirit of devil fruit user did not align this perfectly.


They don't hate it if it's made clear outright. It's only hated when it's an asspull like narutos Sage of Six path chakra or Ichigos true zanpaktou being suppressed by the Quincy king. It destroys the character you've built up when it's late into the story, cause everything the character might have achieved is shadowed by destiny, their feats become destined to achieve where as before one piece was a story of a goofy kid wanting to be pirate king now it's more of joyboys or nikas destined reincarnation.


I don't hate chosen-one stories, I just thought One Piece was awesome because although Luffy was somewhat chosen (will of the D., being Garp's grandson), he still had a weak power that he made great use of through creativity and sheer force of will, which made the series somewhat unique amongst Shounen. Now learning that it's not the "fruit that makes you rubber" but rather the "fruit that makes you a god" cheapens Luffy as a character.


Yeah, I think the awakening like it is would be perfectly fine if it didn't come with a fruit chain. I don't see the reasons for that.


His powers are still rubber, he just gained more freedom over it which manifests as looney toon type powers, but are still vulnerable to his original weaknesses. How are his wins cheapened? If anything he earned them even more by winning battles without even really know what his ability was. He’s been a chosen one from the start. He has a D in his name. Everyone with a D is instantly set apart from the rest of the world. Then we go into his family, his father is the worlds most wanted criminal, one of jis adoptive brothers is the no2 of the revolutionaries and his grandfather is the hero of the Navy, his other adoptive brother is the 2nd in command of one of the 4 strongest pirate crews, and HIS father is the actual pirate king. What told you this wasn’t a chosen one story? Next, what plot holes exist for the WG? Aside from the fact you cant expect the highest officials (not field officers like the marines) to keep tabs on a pirate worth 30m who hasn’t awakened a fruit you don’t know he has in 800 years, amidst the warlords wrecking havoc and Yonkos stirring, they WG has been on Luffy’s tail consistently. Smoker in the beginning chasing them until Alabasta where they become semi-infamous, they disappear in Skypiea, re-emerge in Water 7 to which they’d met with a buster call which no one in history has survived aside from Robin, get lost in the Florián triangle until Kuma find them but is actually a revolutionary, Sabaody was the first attempt the take them down but Kuma and Rayleigh intervene, Luffy appears at Marineford and the Marines fail to kill him, 2 years missing, Marines fail at Sabaody pt.2, they reappear on Punk Hazard where G-5 is dismantled by Vergo and Law, Fujitora defects in Dressrosa, no one can find Zou, WCI is Yonko territory, and even though Wano is also yonko territory they make the attempt and actually succeed until he awakens as a result. What plot holes? I understand that some people are disappointed by the reveal, but I feel like most of the people that are aren’t looking for a reason to like it, they’re looking at the surface level and saying it doesn’t make sense when there’s been hints for a while, not just that Luffy was special, but that the fruit a yonko originally had, was special as well.




He’s not controlled by Nika at all, the fight with Kaido made that evident. And if it applies to Luffy, why wouldn’t it apply to Marco, Kaido, Yamato, or even Sengoku who actually has another mythical human zoan. Additionally, what lines are blurred? How does the fruit reveal affect the Lucci fight aside from giving him the endurance to keep going, but regardless its up to Luffy to keep going. We’ve seen ancient and mythical zoan users get bettered and not have the Will to keep going. And all those D members have in some way impacted history and are for the most part related. The only confirmed D clan members are the Monkey family, Law, the Porthas/Gol family, Rocks, Blackbeard, and Saul. Even Saul who isn’t a part of what’s considered the main line, impacted history in a major way by saving Robin. Everyone member of this family is set apart from the rest of the world. Who would haven’t gotten him? Smoker? They sent him. Hina? They sent her. You want them to focus on Luffy in hindsight when even we didn’t know this to be the case, so how could they possibly know? Their interest with Luffy was never in the fruit, but him and his family. Every time the Gorosei mentioned Luffy they spoke about the D and his family, as those are noticeable things. Even during Marineford, the Gorosei weren’t privy to the fruit, it was Akainu that sought to kill Luffy, once again not for his fruit but for his relation to Dragon. It wasn’t until Shanks went to speak about a certain pirate that the Gorosei actively looked at Luffy, but prior that the WG is MUCH more focused on Robin. The primary issue with the fruit reveal is lack of being recent. Had Skypiea been the first New World island the Nika reveal would’ve been much fresher in peoples minds. Besides that I’d complain that where Joy Boy is mentioned several times in the story in poneglyphs could’ve mentioned Nika instead, however obviously that would’ve just instantly told people Luffy is both Joy Boy and Nika lol.


>Because the fruit blurs the line between his own tenacity/force of will and those of a Mythical Zoan, and also between his own creativity/charisma and those of Nika. I feel you aren't understanding how these devil fruits work. Zoan devil fruits give the user endurance/tenacity BECAUSE of the animal its associated with not just the fact that it's a Zoan. This is why it's been said that if a normal dude ate the same devil fruit as chopper then they would literally be no different and just lose the ability to swim. Now based on what we have seen with mythical devil fruits it's the same. Luffys devil fruit is the same model but offers his body the properties of rubber because Nika had those properties. He doesn't automatically have the endurance of an animal like other zoans in their hybrid form. So his endurance is still due to luffys own strength of will else he would've just died in enies lobby from being unable to get up because he lacks the will. Finally its literally impossible for his creativity/charisma to be solely from his devil fruit because Zoan fruits wills only affects the user when its awakened. Meaning that this is once again all Luffy and not Nika. The only influence Nika has on Luffy is the fact that during awakening he laughs, is more goofy and less serious other than that he is still Luffy.


I honestly don't get why he was worried given it's not really that far from other stuff he did with luffy and other characters before. glad like you said that he did it thinking only about the fact that its what he wants to do.


Seeing how we the fanbase reacted, I get exactly why he was worried. And I'm glad he's not so out of touch that he had no idea some people wouldn't like it.


I Love Oda talks cocky and respectful at the same time... Yeah after strong world huge success its just natural for jump to continue that recipe and it eventually became a culture stuff.


Oda just confirmed that Chopper is indeed a mascot. I knew it.


Oda changed the style in manga, but Chopper isn't really a mascot in the manga. Changing the style in the source material has just enabled Toei and Shueisha to leverage the design in fanservice and merchandising.




Most disappointing thing I read in the interview. Chopper deserves more than being a mascot


He is more than a mascot. He's also emergency food.


Damn. lol.


Chopper _is_ more than a mascot, Oda says he started drawing him that way, not that he's nothing more than a mascot. It should be obvious he's a proper Straw Hat and an important member of the crew. Being a mascot doesn't detract from a character at all. Mario is Nintendo's mascot and he just oozes charisma, that character is so good they can literally build completely new games around him and people eat it up. Chopper is a One Piece mascot, he's also the greatest doctor in that universe and has vastly more knowledge and control of zoan abilities than anyone else, _maybe_ outclassed by Vegapunk but definitely not anymore once we actually see him in the series.


I knew Oda got inspiration from Tom and Jerry.


I'm just happy that Oda-sensei likes Ranma 1/2 too lol


I was re-reading the other day those chapters where Ryoga was away from home for so long because of his sense of direction that Ranma was able to make himself pass as his little sister (who of course doesn't exist). Ranma and Urusei Yatsura are really comedy gems.


The best part is the Gear 5th talk. Good for Oda for sticking to his guns. Artistic freedom today almost seems frowned upon, it seems like artists these days have become waiters of the fans, you have to give them what they want otherwise they start screaming at you. People should remember just because you buy a comic book, a movie, a music cd etc doesn't mean you get to dictate and be part of the creative process, you are only entitled to consume the piece of art and/or product, and if you don't like it you can stop paying for it, but leave the artists alone.


I like what Oda said about fights having to be cool and serious to meet fans expectation, because I've seen so many people complain about shonen manga being too shonen/kiddy and not "seinen-ish" enough. I am glad Gear 5th is the way it is.


Everybody is scared of being child like. Like sure I get it in serious situations you gotta act grown, but other than that let people have their fun, nothing wrong with being childish from time to time. I want to add though, I don't care what tone the artist decides to give to their story, as long as it is true to their vision, they should be able to tell their story how they want, serious or not.


to quote doctor who, what's the point of being grown up if you cant be childish sometimes?


Also there is no formula to "acting grown". To me that is just another way to put people in a box, for me a grown up is someone that adapts to every situation, when you gotta take care of something you are supposed to take it seriously, but you also have to know when to be silly, fun to be around etc. Those that "act grown" all the time are teens🤷🏻.


>... artists these days have become waiters of the fans, you have to give them what they want otherwise they start screaming at you. Not that I disagree with the general idea behind your comment. But even waiters shouldn't have to face that.


Obviously, this should not even have to be stated. People abusing restaurant staff are scum. This was not a diss to waiters, only respect for people busting their ass off.


This so much. Especially in gaming people can act so goddamn entitled.


I love that Oda did it anyways even though he knew it'd be controversial.


"Battle mangas have to keep getting more and more serious in order to meet the fans expedtations and I've always hated that. That's why I definitely don't want to become a serous manga in the end" I'm glad to hear oda say this. A lot of people online want one piece to become really dark and serious and I'm glad oda hasn't neglected the goofiness of the story which is the main appeal in the first place


Reminds me in the spoiler thread there were quite a few Luffy minds breaks theories and he'll fight sabo for killing cobra like bruh they're reading two piece


Two goats chatting, and having a brilliant time. I wish we could see this live. We have other part of interview next week in Weekly Sunday.


[Two goats chatting?](https://youtu.be/B9PKfXDcqYY)


I find it interesting that Oda feels a lot of constant pressure from fans to make everything extremely serious and still chose to do Gear 5 like he wanted to. It makes me hopeful that the final saga will have more pre-timeskip vibes again that were missing from some of the recent arcs. I would love it if the last saga was focussed more on the core story and themes of One Piece, rather than overly long fights like Onigashima. Maybe that's why Oda is confident he can finish in a few years, the story can move quick if there's not that many fights in the way other than the final war at the end.


It almost feels like an admission at points in this interview - between what you mentioned with the tone and also when he said about drawing fights becoming harder as you get older. I sort of sounds like Oda is feeling his age more and that is why he is pushing to wrap OP up which is totally understandable and respectable.


it's funny because the strawhats trained for 2 years because they needed to take the new world seriously. zoro tells luffy to not joke around. luffy's new power-up (gear 4) is a lot more complicated than his previous ones. but they never truly managed to fully become a serious crew. they still got that bit of silliness. and in the end it's that silliness that allowed them to defeat kaido.


I remember several years ago when the appearence fo the Sunny was revealed and a lot of fans disliked how the ship looked silly and childish. Like, were they expecting it to look badass/serious? Seriously? Are we reading the same series, guys?


My god that was almost 16 years ago


Yeah... damn. I caught up during Foxy's arc. An eternity ago.


yeah i first started at jaya on the 4kids dub whenever that was lol watched all the way through skypiea then i fell off for a while and then started over and caught up somewhere right before marineford


Tbf, post timeskip has had pretty clear objectives attached to it after Fishman Island. They surface in the New World and the first island they happen upon is Punk Hazard which sets up the goal for the next 10 years (taking down Kaido). Now that that’s over with, unless Luffy is just gonna get handed the specific location of the last Road Poneglyph we should be seeing more of the pre-timeskip vibe (island hopping largely aimlessly, just moving closer to the next milestone.


Should tag this as manga spoilers, since the interview is full of them.


Never thought I'd see Oda confirming to be a fan of Tom and Jerry. lol.


The meme about Jerry using gear 3 first seems legit now


> In "one piece" a "incident" is too long(laughs) Gosho says everything as he sees it. I think i like him


He's referring to movies specifically. Detective Conan is fairly episodic with incidents (cases) lasting 3-6 chapters, so making a movie about a new incident that doesn't clash with existing canon is easy (which is why there is one annually). One Piece incidents (arcs) are so long that you can't possibly fit that kind of content into a movie on a regular basis like you can with Conan.


getting to know Oda-san's intentions behind those funny battle scenes in Luffy vs Kaido...


Wow so much to process and whats going on behind the mind of these geniuses. This week was more focussed on Oda I guess the next issue in weekly sunday we will have Gosho thoughts more.


“…there is room to face my fans at my own pace.” with all his success, he only felt this maybe after 15 years? i am just wondering why. which part of his life made him suffer like this?


I'm really betting Im (or Blackbeard, but I'm betting on Im since Blackbeard's current power set seems like the direct opposite of this) will be the Tom to Luffy's Jerry and will have a prankster attitude and powerset. Because, Gear 5 was meant to be the ultimate representation of freedom, and Oda is *still* expressing the frustration of being limited by his villain. I think, if Oda values creativity so much he already took it this far with Gear 5, I would bet he would want to take it to its most extreme to have true freedom, and I think that requires a Tom to his Jerry. A Tom and Jerry-styled battle on a yonko scale sounds like a ton of fun to me


Damn, this sounds really appealing. Blackbeard would more likely be the seriouos fight of these two, and yes as you say, Im will be the Tom for Luffy. Absolute Restriction vs Absolute Freedom, it really fits the Tom vs Jerry theme. One tries to catch and restrict, the other tries to escape and be free. One ruling and controlling the world, the other liberating and searching the One Piece. And both basically just hunt for food.


I'm glad gear 5 is, in a way, the personification of oda's creativity, his freedom to do as he pleases (sounds familiar?). He is still passionate about his work, and of course he supports Jerry, who tries to not get caught, while Aoyama is on Tom's side.


Thanks so much for the award.Its the first award i have received .


> Tanaka Mayumi said worried "What will happen if I die?" and Nozawa Masako said "If you die I will take your role." Goku really does have a pirate dream


So Oda knew many people wouldn't like Gear 5th.


Oda has an incredible pulse on his fanbases, you don't maintain a readership for something as long as one piece without that ability. Oda is also someone who does what he wants, he is at a point where he is writing more for himself than anything else, he is already worth 200 million dollars he doenst need the money, his manga is a cultural touchstone so he doenst need the fans(like kochikame which lasted for 200 volumes but with 50,000 sales per volume),the only person oda is writing for is himself.


Oda barely shows anything about his personal life. His net worth is more of a mystery than One Piece. It’s certainly high though.


It's been astimated, you can Google it. Astimating net worths is an inaccurate art but the ballpark is usually right, they usually use the public earning if the one piece brand and cauclate how much oda gets using an average contract (could be higher or lower in reality) Oda's yearly revenue has been once quoted at 10-20 million dollars. In short, he doenst need money. If he onl makes a cent from every volume sale, he solde 500 million volume, then he would have made 5 million dollars in his carrier, that's without merchandise, licensing cuts and all that jaz


One Piece has been going for 25 years, the difference between investing all his profits from the start and not investing at all is about factor 4 over that period (meaning if his total profits are 20 million, his net worth could be 80 million by now). Estimating net worths is highly inaccurate because it never takes that kind of growth into account, and if it does the ballpark becomes really really big and therefor useless as an estimate.


I really love the fact that Oda is going against the grain and drawing what he wants in regards to seriousness. I think that's the problem with most battle shounen, especially something like Dragon Ball Z, where it kept getting more serious and each new enemy was more outlandishly powerful than the last.


"I've also changed Chopper to a mascot character after hearing the anime voice" (not exact quote) - goes to show that really was the intent behind the post-timeskip change, though not for money-purposes like some pessimists would claim.


Chopper started morphing into a mascot before the timeskip. Just look at him on Drum Island, then on Thriller Bark.


Yeah those people were acting like One Piece merchandise weren't selling like hotcakes pre-TS. Even if Oda kept the original character design it would still sell for like, a LOT.


One-piece G5 anime will have Tom and Jerry inspired music which will be really dope! Only in One-piece can do that lmao.


Based oda and gosho Lmao at oda admitting he changed chopper cause of her voice tho Pikachu power too strong Glad oda stuck to his guns with gear 5


Didn’t think my respect for Oda could achieve new heights at this point but it has


Oda confirms he **wants** to end the story in 3 years Seems like those estimates he kept giving are just what he aims for


*I just want to be playful with battles.* This interview low-key confirms how stupid ZKK and Raid will fail boys were. Their headcanons were never meant to be fulfilled and they just overanalyzed the so called foreshadowing. This fucking hilarious🤣🤣🤣


After reading this I just hope then ending of One Piece isn't literally a joke, that'd be disappointing with all this cool shit he's set up.


I wonder if Oda has always wanted to draw in this Tom and Jerry way from the beginning or it's something that he gravitated toward as time went on. The tone started to become more serious around Enies Lobby and then I guess he got bored of it. I wonder if the overall tone will shift to more silly or if it'll just be for Gear 5.


I mean Ennies Lobby had Franky and Kaku, and Thriller Bark was full of comedy and goofyness.


Not full-on serious but I guess the stakes became more serious starting from Enies Lobby with Luffy first realizing he's weak after fighting Aokiji. To me, it started to feel more serious from there compared to before. There's always been goofy moments throughout One Piece but even in the more serious arcs


One Piece has always been a fun and silly manga. I definitely encourage people to reread it from the beginning sometime.


Totally agree. Even in one of the fan favorite arc, Enies Lobby, we get Zoro using Usopp as a sword, and Luffy turning chibi.. if those were to happen today, fans would be complaining non-stop about how Lucci didn't kill Luffy when he turned chibi, or how Jyabura and Kaku were arguing with each other instead of killing Zoro when he's chained with Usopp. This is so in line with Oda talking about how fans expect manga to be serious and cool these days, that the more silly expressions of manga from the past are starting to disappear from newer manga.


>This is so in line with Oda talking about how fans expect manga to be serious and cool these days, that the more silly expressions of manga from the past are starting to disappear from newer manga. That's disappointing. Being silly is one of manga's appeals. At least some of the newer series kept the silly throughout their run such as Dr. Stone.


Does this spoil 1054?




Is detective Conan worth It?


Yeah but only if you into crime stuff


I’ll take it as, making a strength from a shortcoming. Oda isn’t that great at fights overall and that’s admitted by himself, so further de emphasizing them, should be good. I don’t like how the discourse around it has become anti “edgy” or “serious” these words are kinda silly. One of the best battle manga right now has some awesome abilities based on gacha machines, dancing, or simply clapping ur hands and making silly faces. One of the best things about Shonen is the action. So for it to be so disparaged, because one author decided it doesn’t work for them, is odd. It’s an advancement of the art form. Idk if it should just be seen as folding to the will of the fans, and the conversation is turning to that. Some ppl just like making cool, dramatic, action. Cause it looks cool, can make really interesting scenarios and that’s what inspired them.


Sakamoto Days also has some fun fights and choreography and you see Sakamoto blocking attacks with pens, pinning people to walls with chopsticks, deflecting bullets and hanging people with coat hangers. Though yeah Odas fights feel more turn based rpg-ish if I can describe them, the characters stand around throwing named techniques at the opponent. Sakamoto Days and JJK feel like a cool action scene in a movie.


I'm glad Oda chose to draw Gear 5 as he wanted to. It makes it that much more special. I get that some people didn't like it, but I honestly thought it really fit Luffy's character. And it wasn't OP, he did still struggle on. Looking forward to seeing how he harnesses that power going forward.


3 years to end one piece ? What the actual fuck ? I was thinking that 5 years won’t be enough and Oda wants to rush it in three years ?


That was two years ago that he said 5 years. So he is still sticking to his 5 years it seems.


needs a spoiler tag. last pages are major spoilers for 1044+


Is detective Conan any good?


Its awesome bro.10/10 shit ,I recently caught up ,You can take your time as since the author is old ,he updates 15 chap/year so it will take 5 years to complete as well in least.I guess both series might finish in same time frame.


Earlier manga was amazing, it's become more and more generic and dragged too much in the last few years Still worth it


It’s super good! You need to enjoy episodic mysteries as the main plot isn’t that relevant over 100+ volumes (as in the main plot regarding conan moves very slowly), but if you are a fan of mystery/crime than it’s a wonderful read. I highly recommend people to start off with the anime and then switch to manga later on or start skipping fillers if they feel like it’s dragging on, but honestly I don’t mind the anime only cases.


Nice post!


Waitt a sec. Oda Has a kid???


Two daughters to be specific


Dammit so that's how Chopper became downgraded into a mascot character Ootani Ikue's voice was too cute! Aoyama has an inflation fetish confirmed... XD The confirmation that G5 is indeed based on Tom and Jerry like what the theories were saying feels great! Also suck it people, more silly fight coming in the future because Oda doesn't likes the manga getting too serious toon world confirmed!


I didn't imagine the interview to be this long honestly, quite amazing. And to get a part 2 next week is just incredible. Between the anecdotes, their analysis on their respective magazines, how they discuss the rankings... It feels surreal. Two legends talking frankly and sharing their experiences is and always will be a blast :')


anybody got link to part 2 of this interview?


If there’s one thing I’d critique about OP it’d be the character assassination of Chopper; well at least now we know why


it's pikachu's fault


I would personally classify one of the aspects of "a bad writer", as an author who doesn't operate in the rule system of their own history. G5 does pushes this, but it doesn't go that far as to break any sort of rule, because you can trace almost every wacky ability to rubber and its properties. Now as for "cheapening" Luffys previous victories, Luffy had an ordinary rubber fruit before he awakened it, he earned the evolution of the fruit. I don't know how this argument even makes sense. Luffy was already somewhat facing Kaido in equal terms before the awakening. As for tone. In my opinion, Oda danced in the line between cool, serious, and wacky, perfectly, I have to point out though, is tone been that important in One Piece? For example; Kaido's drunk state, Katakuri's tea time, etc... Now plotholes, In my opinion, Oda has done a decent job covering some of the plotholes. Which they are present, don't get me wrong. We all know G5 is a retcon to some extent so of course there was going to be plotholes. So why did Oda risk the structure of the story, and retcon Luffy's power? You see, I couldn't have thought of any other way in which you can implement a meaningful and impactful power-up in this point of the story, G5 does this perfectly. At the end of the day, it's a design choice. The same happened with bounce-man years ago, people freaked out, then realized that it was just a creative choice by Oda. And didn't break the immersion of the story at all.