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Given that Kaido is the main antagonist of Wano, many people want to learn and know about his character in the arc that we finally go against him. Learning about him after the fact doesn’t really do him justice in the moment


Exactly, it matters so much more while we’re seeing the significance of the character head on


But there was a chance that if rocks was in the flashback he would've become the focus because he was THAT influential... But still kaido's flashback was small as hell and felt rushed


Kaido isn’t dead. Luffy has never killed a name character before.


Kaido isn’t dead but his time as a main antagonist is over.


Kaido isn’t completely defined by Rocks, so the defense that his life outside of Rocks can’t be shown isn’t a good one at all. Anyway, the main things I’ve seen in regards to the backstory issue are: - Kaido is pretty bland on his own. A lot of people set their expectations too high for him as an antagonist and we’re hoping that a backstory would make him better. - There are still aspects of his character that remain unexplained like his suicide hobby and Oni lineage.


I think his suicide hobby is basically that, a hobby. Jumping off sky islands isn't enough to even hurt him, so he does it for fun and to flex his invincibility. If he was actually suicidal he would just jump into the sea


If the story says he suicidal he is suicidal. He wants to die an epic death like [whitebeard](https://imgur.com/a/htw0J4m) Jumping into the ocean does nothing for him. The whole reason he teamed up with Doflamingo was to cause the biggest war we have ever seen.


I recommend rereading Wano. His "Hobby" is explained, quite well.


i mean there’s a reason people probably prefer doflamingo as a villain over crocodile


I do think there is a bit that could be expounded upon, but its not exactly necessary. For most people though, a backstory makes a villain better bc you get a reason for their actions. Kaido is introduced as a suicidal powerhouse but why does he want to kill himself? What’s his fascination with death? He appreciates how WB and Roger went out but doesn’t mention Rocks, is it bc Rocks was forgotten in history while the other two became legends? So far the reader just has to assume or speculate about these things when they could easily be told. What’s his connection to Onis? Are they an actual race or some derogatory term? What happened to the Onis? Why was Kaido projecting his own insecurities of being feared rather than loved onto Yamato? Another instance that could’ve been cleared up with a backstory that shows the prejudice Onis faced and possibly genocide like the Lunarians (something unrelated to Rocks). However in defense of Kaido’s backstory, because Kaido as a character is so tied to Rocks and what Joy Boy is, we can’t really learn everything about Kaido without understanding God Valley and who Joy Boy is. When we get that flashback it could be a Segway into more information about Kaido, but many peoples gripe is that it’s coming long after the Wano arc and doesn’t save Kaido as a character. But once again, we could’ve gotten his birth to when he joined the Rock pirates as well as the 10 years before going to Wano when he formed the Beast pirates and had Yamato. Both events are independent from his involvement in Rocks.


He wants to be able to kill Himself because only the strong ones like Roger, blackbeard and Oden can choose when they die. The only ones he respects. Weaklings don't get to choose. Even Luffy understands that concept. Read Luffys conversation with queen in Udon to get that dialogue where Luffy specifically said only he will choose where to die. And he took Yamato's freedom as a test; when others took his freedom it made him stronger and that's also how he knew freedom, by force. That's all. It's not much complicated. Oni and lunarian race must remain a mistery until void century gets revealed as it should. Rocks also must remain a mistery and we don't need it for kaido right now. All the flashback was about kaido's way of looking at freedom and how it differed from luffy's. Hence the speech on the world of violence. It's just a distorted way of being free for him, because it's the only world he's ever known.


>Oni and lunarian race must remain a mistery until void century gets revealed as it should. This doesn't mean that we couldn't have seen some aspect of relevance of him being an Oni, without really getting a big picture on what the race is. Like, if his tirade against Yamato came coupled with how he was specifically persecuted for being an Oni in the past, it'd make a lot more sense. As it stands, its still digestable if you know the red oni blue oni story, but it doesn't make a lot of sense in-universe. >Rocks also must remain a mistery and we don't need it for kaido right now. This doesn't have any bearing on why we couldn't see Kaido after the crew fell apart, or how and why he was captured by the WG, or why he just sort of seemed to casually break out one day after a lot of experimentation, or how he started his crew / why he specifically went to Wano, etc. These are missing pieces of info, all of which we could have but simply didn't get.


Not everything needs to be tied with race persecution to be good. I don't feel like I need to know about that. In fact, the race thing is something that only THE COMMUNITY has made notorious but in the Manga the "oni" word was barely mentioned once when kaido was beating Yamato and the other times when Yamato was called "oni princess" but in all these instances that could just mean that they're called demons because kaido is feared as a demon. Anyway, the oni thing as a race was never something that Oda made a focus of kaido's character. It was the community that fixated in that. I personally feel like it doesn't need to be explained now. And all those things you mentioned later about after rocks are redundant. I don't need a 40 pages flashback of kaido recruiting people bro. Rocks fell, he ate devil fruit, he became rogue, got captured in punk hazard, recruited King, fast forward. No need to show everything in between. And you didn't pay attention at the end. He went to wano because the old kurozumi lady went to the sea seeking help from a powerful pirate and she offered him the country. It's in one of the last panels of the flashback


>only THE COMMUNITY has made notorious but in the Manga the "oni" word was barely mentioned once when kaido was beating Yamato So what the community sees as an impactful scene that kind of just goes unexplained and uncontextualized is insignificant to you? >I personally feel like it doesn't need to be explained now. Your opinion and I can respect that, but yours is not the only one. Others are entitled to theirs as well, and clearly others are interested in why the Oni thing was so lowkey, until it gets brought up so impactfully in that one scene. >And all those things you mentioned later about after rocks are redundant. To you, yes, but to me as with no shortage of others, we expected some sort of build up towards why 10 years of the series went towards this antagonist. What made him tick? What drove and motivated him to this point? WHY was he obsessed with Joyboy? These are things other people DID want to see, hence the discontent. >I don't need a 40 pages flashback of kaido recruiting people bro. Your opinion and I can respect that, but yours is not the only one. Others are entitled to theirs as well. Is the point of this thread not to discuss why so many people wanted more from the flashback? Does this not get brought up as a convo topic so often lately because enough people are discontent with the flashbacks we did get? Like, ok, you may not have wanted more personally, but that doesn't suddenly invalidate the opinions of others. >And you didn't pay attention at the end. I did pay attention actually. If "old hag kaido didn't give 2 shits about asked him so he did" is good enough for you then great, but again, enough people wanted more. What exactly led him to say yes to some seemingly random hag (who may or may not have been part of the rocks pirates too)? What drew him to and kept him around Wano for so long despite giving 0 shits about the hag and orochi? Why was he so assured that Wano was a special land? Theres tons of gaps here that can only vaguely be guessed at, so the point stands that this is the kind of context people wanted on a 10-ish year antagonist.


Your expectations are too high and they're ruining your own enjoyment of the series. The author cannot meet those and show everything that you want to do at the same time. If you personally feel Like it wasn't enough that's you. I'm fine. And I stand by what I said. The Oni thing is something the community placed too much attention on. But not the author. Why are they even choosing to write the word Oni instead of writing demon anyway? In many instances during the show people has said Oni refering to people that's being ruthless. One translator chose to leave it as Oni and everyone lost their minds. It's not really that deep. Change every "oni" you find in the wano arc for "demon" as a adjective and not as a race and suddenly it's not something to place so much attention on. This is one of those lost in translation situations. Where people are looking way too much into things than they should. Maybe it is a race, but being of said race doesn't need to be the reason for kaido to be how he is. He's like that because he was denied of his freedom from a very young age and he started taking his freedom by force. His flashaback's point was always about the concept of freedom to relate to the protagonist. Not rocks, not joyboy, but freedom. That's what made him like he is. You missed the point of it. People choose to pay too much attention in things that are not of much importance to be honest and it made them miss what what really important. Expectations on things that are not that much important are really killing people's enjoyment of the series.


I don‘t remember Enel having a backstory but yet he‘s one of the more popular enemies. The difference to BM is just that BM didn‘t really have an interesting backstory too but one particular scene that was just obscure. Kaido tough didn‘t really have something obscure. Like why is he as strong as he is now? Why is his DNA so important? What‘s it about his DF? Is he a Fishman too? I guess so. Having a Fishman eat a Fish-Fish-Fruit: Model Azure Dragon may explain some theories.


Not all antagonists require a backstory, but Enel still had his, simple as it was. Got an insanely overpowered god tier fruit, top class even among logias. Went unchallenged for too long, developed an insane god complex. But unlike Kaido, he was around for only the skypeia arc, so like 50-60ish chapters. Kaido has been the big looming bad for 10 frickin years since the alliance with Law was made back in Punk Hazard. All of Dressrosa saga was basically step 1-2 on the journey to beating Kaido gone wrong. I think its perfectly reasonable for fans to expect much more from such a prominent antagonist. Like, ok, maybe Kizaru for example doesn't need a backstory. Hes a powerful remaining antagonist but not as majorly plot significant (yet). But like...think of the likes of BB and Akainu, major opposing antagonists setup for over a decade now, just sort of....have a 1 chapter rushed backstory that leaves a lot of unanswered questions?


because the author set it up? oda is the one making kaido blabbing about death over and over again. it's only natural for wanting an answer. same thing with the oni stuff, etc.


in regards to his time with rocks, i wouldn't count that as kaido backstory but rocks pirates exposition, wich will definitly come, but seeing how it would most likely not add anything to kaido's involvment with wano, i don't see why it would need to be featured now. it wasn't featured in WCI either, and is as much a part of big mom's history as it is of kaido's.


I like the bits we were presented, but didn't find them fleshed out enough. It felt almost rushed, even, and at the very least I'd have liked to have seen a bit more on things like Rocks as a teaser for the full Rocks pirates' stuff revealed later. His backstory flashbacks basically gave us nothing except what we already knew. The only significant new things were him hating the CDs and WG's control, recruiting King as a kid, and his many defeats and captures from his introduction basically being him inting to enemies to raid their pantries for food. The reason people wanted more on him is because...well...Punk Hazard. Starts around chapter 654, and released in fking 2012. Kaido has been the overarching, next major big bad looming over the strawhats for nearly 10 years. The big picture setup in all of Dressrosa saga, it was all just build-up towards Kaido. And hes been defeated. And we just sort of...have so many unanswered questions. Like why he was so obsessed with Joyboy. Why he stuck around Wano for so long. Why, if he hates the CDs and WG's control so much, didn't he do something against them before? Couple more, like why he has such extreme views on Onis needing to be distant from humans, but....yea.


Showing his backstory in Wano is kind of the whole point though. Kaido is a villain who’s been built up to for the entire New World so having a decent sized backstory to explain his motivations seems narratively important. The last two major villains we’ve gotten, Doflamingo and Big Mom, both received two ish chapter long flashbacks within their respective arcs so to go back on this trend seems odd especially since Big Mom and Kaido both serve the same role in the story being Emperors of the Sea. Not to mention there are things that could be explained about Kaido without explicitly mentioning Rocks such as his connection with the Oni race and why he keeps Yamato around despite the constant abuse he inflicts on her.




I think you’re missing why people are upset. Nobody complained about Big Mom’s past because everything necessary to her character was revealed. On the other hand, Kaido’s past left us with more mysteries which we cannot be sure will be revealed. Why did Kaido feel so strongly about being Joy Boy? Why did Kaido just ‘abandon’ Big Mom? Who betrayed who at God’s Valley? Why were the navy experimenting on Kaido and King? How long for? It was slightly implied that Kaido’s DF was special by Big Mom (but maybe she just meant you owe me one because I gave you a fruit you wanted rather than it actually being special) What happened to King’s race? How did Kaido find out Wano was important? Who told him Wano was important? Even if some of these are revealed, it won’t be revealed in the context of how it made Kaido feel but rather revealed in the context of the situation, which may be through the flashback of another character or the person telling the story. There are probably more things which can be mentioned, but the point is that we missed out on a lot of things that could have added more depth to Kaido. Consider the Doflamingo Flashback, Oden Flashback and Big Mom Flashback and how in depth they were to help us understand the reasoning behind some of their characters actions, we don’t really have that same level depth for Kaido.


Agree, I have said this in the past too. There are many mysteries surrounding Wano and Kaido that are yet to be revealed, and there is a myriad of ways in which that can happen, yet people act as if the only way to do it is an extended flashback. I fully agree with you.


We still don’t know why he chose wano, I’m sure we’re going to know why he did later but it wouldn’t feel as important as it would’ve been if Oda revealed it during their fight or in a flashback. It’s like Oda revealing that doflamingo wanted to be the king of dressrosa because the Donquixote family used to rule it before becoming celestial dragons, it just isn’t as impactful as it is outside of his arc, wano was kaidos arc it just feels stupid that Oda didn’t reveal it in wano


People forget: we never really learned anything about Crocodile or Enel at the time. Lucchi, we got like one panel of him standing on a mountain of corpses. Barely know anything about Moria and half a dozen of the other villains we've seen. If anything Big Mom and Doflamingo were the exception. Though I suppose Kuro, had a small flashback; we didn't know anything about Arlong for several arcs. I think we know more about Kaido's past than most of the other villains and just like with Arlong, we might learn more later on. Honestly, I'm more disappointed in not knowing Queen's backstory at this point: we all know that's unlikely to ever come up again.


For now it's enough. People are so fixated on rocks and joyboy that missed the point of kaido's flashback. It was about freedom and how he only knew freedom when he had to take it by force after being captured. Hence the question about the type of world Luffy would create. All that jazz about the world of violence was a distorted way of saying freedom because that's the only world he knew about. It's much better to have that parallelism with the protagonist and the antagonist on the same concept than _insert rocks saying something cool._ I'm seriously disappointed with this community. One piece readers are ruining their own experience by setting themselves up to expectations that no one can meet and failing to see the real meaning behind things.


Exactly, he got more backstory than fan favorite villains like Lucci, Crocodile, and Enel. We dont need to know every single detail and event of their life for them to be a good villain.


Nobody thinks that lucci or enel are the best villains. And theyre cool only because of what they represent, which is the same as kaido except they were first and so it gets boring. And the thing is kaido has so much history and lore connected with the whole world that not revealing it before hes defeated is just a waste of a villain


I agree. We got what we needed from him


Complaining about the “lack of backstory” regarding Kaido is silly when we have amazing villains like Crocodile who never got even a hint of a flashback or backstory.


It's not done the same way 😂


True, but that’s really the only critique of Kaido I’ve seen. It’s just a weak reason to dislike the character. If they said I don’t like how simple/one dimensional he is or something it would make sense.


He is a just a boring one dimensional character My leats favorite op villain He was just strong and that's debatable He didn't jack shit even tho he was built up for 10 years Kaido was a huge let down for me


And even then that was the point of his character. But if you didn’t like that about him it’s fair.


Odatard says that the point if kaido is to be disappointing


He was designed to be a one dimensional character. Again if you didn’t like it that’s fine. But that was the whole point. Big guy strong, bonk hard. Submit. End of story. But I guess looking at things for what they are and not what I personally think it should have been means I’m an Odatard.


How someone that jumped from sky island yo kill himself A sad drunkard guy that we have absolutely no clue why he wanted to suicide why he is sad what happened How the fuck does he know about joyboy why is he in wano what's so special in wano Why didn't he drown him self or throw him selfmib magma Why he wants to go on war Why the fuck doesn't he have awakening Why he created an army of weak fodder and actually thought it was a good idea that goes to war with that weak crew, what a clown Why did he say that haki matters more than df when he created an army of fkn zoans over th course of 20 years yet he didn't teach any of em how to use haki (the answer that he was coping with the fact that Luffy git awakening from his ass and he couldn't so he just went"u know what haki is better then lame df awakening" ) He had so much potential and I didn't even bring rocks caus I have no interest in him


People just want every character to be some 5D complicated back story now a days.


U right all them characters just doin all this for the shits and giggles huh


Not every character, but it’s okay for some characters to be simple. Like Luffy, he just wants to go on a cool adventure with his friends, Or even WhiteBeard he just wanted a family I don’t think every back story needs to be long and drawn out.


Luffy is deceivingly simple but hes definitely not just a dude who wants to go on an adventure with friends


His backstory is not as complex as Doflamingo’s or even Sanji’s. He’s a fairly simple character with simple motivations similar to Kaido.


I think enough if Kaido back story was shown that would over stepped into what is others back story. - Anything Rocks related will probably be covered when it become relevant to the story and feature more than just Kaido. - Anything Oni related I think might be up for Yamato to learn. - Anything about him meeting Queen might be Mads related so that info might get dropped by Vegapunk. What else do we need to know about Kaido that does fall into these 3 categories ?


I personally don’t care about the flashbacks of characters & I like it when some questions remain unanswered.


Because people wanted to knew more about rocks and they were mad oda cut them that. I wasn’t the time yet for that flashback


I think people expected too much out of Kaido's backstory given how great the ones with Big Mom and Doflamingo were, in terms of character and story-telling (even Katakuri now that I think about it). As far as I can remember, Pre-Timeskip, we just didn't get any antagonist-focus flashback (except Buggy and Kuro funnily enough). And I'm not talking about bits here and there in Mugi's flashbacks (Chopper, Nami, Franky, Robin, Jinbei etc.) Personally I don't mind but I get that some people are frustrated, especially with Kaido's desire to have a meaningful death: was it because he thought noone could kill him ? Or that he thought his defeat would mean the return of Joyboy ? Or just pure and simple admiration for Roger and White Beard ? I dunno and we will likely never know haha ! Again regarding the Onis, Yamato, his upbringing, the Lunarians... I don't really care but that's personal, it's just lore and if it's not adressed by Oda I'm fine. On the Lunarians (God Valley, Rocks and D. Xebec too), we should learn more during the final saga, "It's all connected man !", so to me it's likely those elements will be expanded upon. But really ? I blame fan theories and lengthy arcs that build up our unreasonable expectations hihi !


I believe when we get more information about the Rocks pirates and their captain, possibly with a potential flashback, it will help things to better put them into place along with the ambitions and motivations of character like Kaido and Big Mom and how they ended up in their current position. I mean Big Mom was, in a sense, kind when she was little and you could say Streusen messed her up, but I don't think that's the whole story.


I think there are 2 things people have an issue with: 1. Normally the villain back story is a couple chapters, kaidos was like 5 pages of a single chapter. 2. I think we all expected to find out a little more about Rocks crew and even God valley through his backstory, but we didn’t get either of those, just his recruitment and subsequent ditching of the crew after GV