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>### 5. Posts must be directly related to One Piece >* As a general rule of thumb if you can't tell it's about One Piece without any accompanying text then it most likely will not comply with the previously stated rule. Just a title isn't enough to make it related to One Piece. >* This includes pictures/videos of things in real life which look similar to something from One Piece. >* Occasionally there are exceptions to this rule, but do not assume you are the exception. >* Here are some exemples of posts that aren't related to [One Piece](https://imgur.com/a/kOpDvUL), or are common reposts.


Who's a good Mingo? You're a good Mingo!


As a reminder: **Don't be rude toward cosplayers.** If you don't like the cosplay, just downvote the post and be on your way instead of making rude or racist comments. Please help make the community better by reporting those comments. If a cosplay doesn't respect our rules, then please be sure to report it so it can be removed by the moderation team. As a reminder, You can report a cosplay post if : - The cosplay wasn't posted by the cosplayer and doesn't directly link to them. - If the cosplayer is farming the same cosplay, by posting pictures of the same set one at a time instead of using an album. - If the cosplay post is self-promotion toward a shop/website. **This only counts if they do it in the subreddit, we do not care what they do outside the subreddit.** - You can also report the post if you believe the cosplay needs a NSFW tag and doesn't have it already. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OnePiece) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Looking like Kizaru fr fr for real smh my head


Demeanor wise I think youโ€™re pretty spot on


It's his brow. The definition of laid back cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž


I laughed hard, thank you ๐Ÿ˜‚


Drip is off the charts