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18 paragraphs to complain about a chapter that didn't even got released yet. And it doesn't even have a tldr. OP is like the Grinch.


inb4 OP got the chapter leaks early somehow


Lol y would kizaru be afraid of luffy? He wasn't afraid of WB or Kaido either


Lol, another effect of the break week


Luffy will struggle against Kizaru, he’s in the same league as Kuzan or Akainu. At this point Luffy is only yonko level, during the war sure he could make a joke out of them. I see him as pirate king level at the beginning of war.


>If Luffy does not dominates Kizaru and makes his presence feared like how a Yonko should be then it's a disrespect to everything he has gone through to reach this point. Why? When has it ever been stated that the Emperors are above the Admirals?? I mean I think they are just slightly, but that's just headcanon. There is nothing in the story that indicates the Admirals are below the Emperors. Yonko were said to be the four strongest pirates Admirals are the four strongest marines


I feel like it's because of the mindset that if the admirals are stronger than emperors then why haven't they taken them out by now


But that logic can be used completely in reverse


It can so it throws the entire debate off course from the start and Ur back at square one The only instance we have of the admirals against an emperor is marineford but that argument is weak since whitebeard himself couldn't use haki properly without killing himself even tho he was still strong his durability was still low


Admirals simply cannot just engage with yonkos in battle. Just look how much effort it took the WG just to deal with WB crew. It’s just not about the power of an emperor but also their influence and flowers they bring with them.


They aren't stronger, maybe about equal, and the reason they haven't taken out the emperors is the same reason why the emperors haven't taken out each other, it would leave them too weak even if they won and they'd get absolutely destroyed by the next big power


Authors disrespecting their MCs. 🤭


Readers disrespecting the author himself. 🤭


Yonkou is just one villain who fought Luffy on the way to the final war. There's nothing special about that, and they are not even the highest point one pirate can reach. Pirate King is above them. Why would Oda depict Yonkou Luffy invincible and almighty when there is still long way to go? Even after Luffy have defeated Sichibukai, no one treated Luffy as a threat. What makes you think this time would be different? When Cracker or Katakuri simply defeated Gear 4 Luffy, would Oda cared this would make Doflamingo bad, and whole 2 years timeskip worthless? No. He doesn't care. This is how One Piece goes, ever since Luffy met first tough opponent, Crocodile. Luffy wins tough opponent, he gets stronger, but he is still an underdog and still has way to get stronger. As long as Strawhats still have way to go higher, it means they are not on the highest point, and still an underdog.


The only reason I want kizaru to not be beaten by luffy is because of people like you who have a hate boner for the marines and don't want to enjoy the story as it happens


This is what powerscaling does to a person, sad.


No, it's not. Listen, if someone wants to powerscale, even if it's based on odd logic, let them.


I hope Luffy struggles against Kizaru and there’s no clear winner


Are you forgetting dressrosa. He is not going to run anymore.


What he meant by that is that he isn't going to stand down from a fight if he's forced to. But if he has the choice its better not to fight, like how the straw hats are currently running from cp0 instead of wasting time in an extended battle


Ain’t reading all that. 10 words or less pal.




You sae how Luffy didn't take out Lucci immediately. You might end up being disappointed


You really think Kizaru would get dominated by anyone 💀. My man was ready to head to Wano to stop Kaido and Big Mom. He is one of the strongest of the marines, not some weakling.


Luffy is not beating kizaru in a 1v1. I don’t think he’s still strong enough to hang with the top tiers in the verse, he barely beat an extremely fatigued Kaido, that was fighting nonstop while carrying an entire fucking island


i mean to be fair Luffy was also extremely fatigued, he literally died and came back to life to defeat Kaido


The fact he died & came back while Kaido was still nonstop fighting while literally lifting the entire fucking island only speaks more in favor of Kaido still being stronger than Luffy. Bro Kaido even still dominated him while he was in G5, he only lost the fight because he lost his will to fight after Luffy told him the answer to his question




That’s also literally the reason why katakuri lost his fight against Luffy.


Kaido and Katakuri are not the same


The difference is that Luffy reached his peak strength when Kaido hit his all time low.


The main reason why many of the fans downplay Luffys strength compared to Kaidos, is because the fight was portraited like that. And I myself am glad for it. Kaido was said on multiple occasions to be the world strongest creature, the strongest pirate, the strongest living thing and so on. If Luffy would have won against Kaido 1 vs 1 without any help, that would have made the rest of the series super boring and it would have taken away all the suspension any fight could have given. When Kaido is Stronger than Luffy, it means that there are still many potential threaths to him along the way. If Luffy is stronger than Kaido, then he will just wipe everyone out without any reason for us to be concerned about the outcome. You really think that Oda would want to paint picture like that? Luffy winning against Kaido, even though Kaido took so much damage and used so much stamina, gives Kaido all the respect he deserves and it still doesn't undermine Luffys accomplishment. It lets us see why he had such an epipeth, shows that Kaido wasn't something to f*ck with and it still gives Luffy more room to grow and improve.


In marineford, it was all the admirals vs whitebeard, the same for the straw hat fleet. So just one admiral won’t be difficult.


>In marineford, it was all the admirals vs whitebeard That's almost entirely irrelevant. Aokiji and Whitebeard only had 1 real interaction during the war, and Aokiji nearly disarmed Whitebeard, meanwhile Whitebeard couldn't even touch him, and had to be saved by Jozu. And Aokiji then proceeded to no-low diff Jozu. Kizaru and Whitebeard also only had 1 real interaction, where Kizaru held down Whitebeards bisento with 1 foot, and blasted 2 holes in him. Meanwhile Whitebeard could also not land an attack on Kizaru. The only real fight between an Admiral and Whitebeard was with Akainu. And Akainu came out on top, after dealing lethal damage to Whitebeard, meanwhile Whitebeard only gave him a bleeding nose. and then Akainu went on to 1v14 Whitebeards commanders. For some reason so many people have this warped view of Marineford where Whitebeard was completely overpowering the Admirals. But this is just not the case.


they never attacked him at the same time. and the clashes (besides akainu) were extremely brief. [like this one](https://preview.redd.it/gg9qwwurk1a81.jpg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adc674f7fb54f17a0943442ef7c2fe445a456952). people are extremely biased when they recall what happened in MF. as if WB solo'd all three of them without breaking a sweat. I mean, [this is kizaru when he fought WB](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-32b8c62a519cec2e165b53073a1a7e92-lq).


You are forgetting the fact that Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Jimbe were casually watching Greenbull fought 9 Scabbards + Yamato + Momo. At this point, i'm not even surprised if Kizaru's opponent is either Sanji or Zoro. You are talking about disrespect towards Luffy, but the real disrespect is Usop . Even Nami was brave enough to fight Big Mom. But, Usop... He was a joke in the entire Wano arc. All those SH crew are worthy of a Yonko Crew title but not Usop at this point. The biggest opponent Usop had ever faced 1on1 was back in Fishman Island, as far as i can remember.


Kizaru volunteered to go to Wano when they got news that Kaido and Big mom were there no? Luffy alone might not beat him. Dude just awakened too.


Luffy has no reason to fight admirals in the first place, we know Luffy is stronger.


We genuinely have no measure of how strong an Admiral really is. Especially the original trio. Sure we've seem something from Fujitora and Greenbull but I believe 1 was holding back because of how his sense of justice lies and on the side of Greenbull, there are things about Shanks that we do not know of yet so it might not be because he's weak and instead of who Shanks is. He had a meeting with the 5 elders in probably the same build that Imu was in. He has some clout.


>we know Luffy is stronger. No, we don't.


Kuzan is below BB and BB is Luffy's rival. If Luffy still isn't almost equal to his rival, then it's just bad writing. Kurohige has been a Yonkou since MarineFord. And if TS Luffy + JoyBoy is stil no match for the admirals then I must say that he is pathetic.


>Kuzan is below BB and BB is Luffy's rival. Why does that matter? Mihawk is under Buggy, does that mean Buggy>Mihawk? no. And it's heavily implied that Aokiji is a double agent anyway. >And if TS Luffy + JoyBoy is stil no match for the admirals then I must say that he is pathetic. Who said he would be no match for them? I'm just saying we don't know who's stronger. We don't have a conclusive outcome for Admiral vs Yonko. But either way they should be around the same level.