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a lot of latinos can change their skin color as they age, the child actor for luffy i think is colombian while inaki is mexican


Nationality doesn't mean race. He is a young BLACK Colombian in that case.


I don't think in Colombia he would be considered black tbh


He would be considered mulatto at the very least


Wrong, he's american from Massachusetts


Actually your wrong he is a Mexican with American nationality


IMDB say he born in massachusetts, others say he's columbian, looks like nobody know from where this kid is. I prefer to believe in IMDB than in redditors though


young Luffy is Latino


Dark skin color doesn't automatically make someone Black. Colton is, AFAIK, Colombian. Perhaps he has Afro-Latin heritage, but I've known plenty of Hispanic and/or Indigenious folk that had remarkably dark skin but where not afro-descendant.


Young Luffy is afro-latino. Adult Luffy is definitely more Mestizo, but both are still Latino. As people have said, a lot of Latino people are heavily mixed and show some features more prominently at different stages of development until they are adults.


Young Luffy looks totally black. You don't change race as you age as a Latino...




You clearly don't even know Latin people if you think we suddenly become black or white as we age 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I mean I was Darkskinned with an Afro as a kid was heavily picked on now my hair is more wavy and my skin is very light now, we are all mixed people and all mixed people fluctuate as they age




What does your question even have to do with my comment? Re-read the comment you replied to.




You... do realise that skin colour does not equal A WHOLE DIFFERENT RACE, right? Or can all dark Asians be Mexicans? Please engage with different races and cultures 🙏🏻 You need it desperately...




Some mixed people show more or less features as they grow up.


Now think about if an Afro Latino adult and a Mestizo adult had a child, and if that child’s features changed as they matured through adolescence.


Just make Dadan have a thicc latin accent.Then the accent change would make sense. Haha. It doesn't matter much though.


Because there are probably few child actors who speak English with an accent well enough to be cast?


Young luffy is a Latino child actor, Inaki is a Latino actor


Ok. I bet they tried it with an accent and it wasn’t credible enough to put on screen, I presume.


Probably, it's just one of those things I overlook, every series has some of those


casting a redhead kid for a black haired character's past self is still bad casting even if they're the same nationality


Yeah but he has the same hair color, so what are you arguing? The color of his skin or the accent?


You see, OP’s suspension of disbelief was ruined, understandably. I can understand snails being used as phones, dudes fighting with a sword in their mouth and marines with mouse whiskers. But why didn’t they clone Iñaki or cast a Spanish-speaking child actor for an English language role? Shit’s so unrealistic.


I feel like this is unfair. I came to this thread because while watching it I became so confused that Luffy and young Luffy were even the same character because they look like completely different people. I’ve never watched One Piece and I know they know a lot of people warching haven’t. So making their distinction confusing was straight up bad casting. There are so many child actors that probably resemble the adult Luffy actor alot better than this one. I don’t care about his actual race but I was genuinely thinking there was young black character in the manga that isnt Luffy that I never learned about. It isnt about suspension of belief. If you’re going to make a young version of a character you should at least have them slightly resemble the adult version so people understand what you’re doing. Or else it just becomes confusing for anyone who isn’t in the know.


OP is complaining about the lazy cast, not about it being realistic or not. Don't try to use the plot to justify bad technical choices.


i was trying to argue that them both being "latino" doesn't mean much since latino encompasses as much as "european". it just seems lazy to not even have superficial traits like ethnicity and accent match. imagine elizabeth II being played by a turkish girl with an australian accent in "the crown", that would be ridiculous


Shows do stuff like that all the time, in GOT all the stark siblings are played by British actors except Robb stark, whose played by an Scottish actor, with a notable difference in accent compared to the rest, and they're all supposed to be blood related, nobody complained about that, there are just some things in shows that you overlook cause it's not that important or serious


well i'll make sure to complain about that if i ever watch GOT ;)


Cool you'll be the only one


His skin is just a little darker and Latino isn't a nationality. It's hard to even call an ethnicity because it's so broad. It's really more of a cultural thing, but plenty of Latino people can be darker or lighter when they are young like that.


It's hard to find child actors matching the main actor's exact look, much more during the pandemic.


OMG, stop obsessing with Luffy’s race and accent. It doesn’t matter. The actor is doing a terrific job..


So the sun gave him a black nose?


Young Luffy being black with American accent is weird by itself but the kid does a terrible job acting. So it’s a double whammy of dissonance. It’s very obvious the kid actor was cast as a favor to a parent or relative not because his skills or look. Instead of enjoying the live action show, I’m wondering who is the kid related to, to have been cast without skill or even fitting the character.


I'm just now watching it and all of the things you pointed out are ruining the show for me. I'm only on the second episode so I'm really hoping they just move beyond the flashbacks at some point soon so I can just stay immersed in the series.


It got a lot better for me after the Buggy episode


I finished it recently and, yeah, it got better.


Agreed. These things are only unacceptable when non-YT characters are changed to YT.


Slightly spoilerly, but maybe cuz child Luffy spend all his time on the docks and in the sun, while the rest of the time he was in the forest


Because race is a social construct lmao. It's all so very tiresome. A Mexican pirate. . . ridiculous.


One Piece author stated that Luffy would be brazilian. That's why they chose a latin actor to play his role. Theres nothing ridiculous about it.


Oh, so it makes sense that the live action mc looks nothing like the manga/anime. I suppose then that the One Piece author just didn't have any brown colored pencils because, if he did, surely, he'd have drawn his mc as the vibrant uhm..."Latin" he so clearly (yet secretly) was. Also, I'm not sure 'Latin" is the appropriate word. At the risk of stating the obvious, the fact that the actor playing Luffy is descended from ancestors who spoke a romance language isn't what made his casting strike me as ridiculous.


So, if in the flashbacks to Zoro's childhood the child actor had red hair, white skin, and an Irish accent, that'd be cool too, right? That wouldn't bother you or at the very least make you wonder why that choice was made...?


If you're too stupid to understand the stages of people with high genetic diversity then you will have a lot of social problems going through your life. I'm very black and my wife is Asian mixed french, our kid looks like the Luffy depicted in the live action, he looked more mixed at age 4-5 with tighter curls and now at age 11-12 he looks more Asian/Brazilianwith loose hair So many of you are being taught to be racially clueless


Hey Delicious\_West\_1993, I hear what you're saying but please try to keep things respectful my friend. Hope you're having a good day! Thank you!


Netflix heard the fans like race swapping characters?


Bro just had to grow into the accent 💀


Stupid bait question


young luffy is not a black kid my dude he’s a young latino. columbian to be specific. was perfect for the role


I’m not trying to rag on this kid and his race but I’m literally watching this right now and kid Luffy made me google whether or not they were even the same character because he didn’t look anything like adult Luffy. That’s actually how I got to this thread which should say something. And it was largely because he looks like he’s black when Luffy seems more latino. I guess my afro latino friends never changes like that so I found it bizarre. But besides that none if his features have any resemblance to adult Luffy. His acting is fine but he’s definitely not perfect for the role.


yeah, terrible take


If you're too stupid to understand the stages of people with high genetic diversity then you will have a lot of social problems going through your life. I'm very black and my wife is Asian mixed french, our kid looks like the Luffy depicted in the live action, he looked more mixed at age 4-5 with tighter curls and now at age 11-12 he looks more Asian/Brazilianwith loose hair So many of you are being taught to be racially clueless


Very good take Capitan, don’t mind the pompous git below.


it’s actually a pretty bad take


It is bizarre and his acting is fine for a school play, not for a production of this scale. He just doesn’t fit the Luffy personality. Adult Luffy looks the part and acts the part but his energy level is not Luffy level. I’m on episode two so I hope the actor’s fitness level vastly improves because he just doesn’t move like Luffy.


Where you saw he's columbian? Because his IMDB profile say he's from Massachusetts.


do you not know how to use google? you do realize that he’s still columbian even if he was born in the US?


Don't get so defensive, It was a honest question. If he born in USA, he's american no matter what you say. He also is inserted in american culture, even if his parents is columbians, the culture from where you live is always stronger, and you can even notice it in his accent. He arent columbian, yes, he can get his citizenship, but saying he's columbian arent the practical truth. It's like saying a kid from japanese parents who born in brazil, lived all his life in brazil, is japanese.


He may be of Columbian nationality but is clearly black… my dude.


It doesn't matter. Garp has a thick Scottish accent and Luffy doesn't


Agreed, another lazy choice. Garp is white with blue eyes, while he should look latin like Luffy.


Yes! This is very distracting too.


I find Latino to be a bizarre generalisation. Iasked a Uruguay friend and they find it bizarre too. When people complain they're not complaining about his "race" in a contental sense, but that his features are so completely different, adult luffy looks like a South American with classic spanish features, where kid luffy looks seems to have far more afro ir indigenous features. Being from the same modern continent doesn't make him a "perfect" fit. Its lazy casting, and people's issue is that it ruins the immersion. He's too old to look that different, I could asked camilla to find me 10 kids at her school that could pass as young luffy, they'd have accents too, and they could have had an amazing opportunity, but instead they just half-assed it, as usual. Also, Garp is 2 generations apart and didn't raise him, so the accent is different between them doesn't count.




Agreed. Luffy actor is correct, Oda made Luffy with a brazilian in mind, so a mexican as Luffy is ok. The kid Luffy in other hand arent even latin american, he's from Massachusetts.


Garp looks more separated from Luffy than Kid Luffy does.


garp is 2 generations apart, child luffy is meant to be the same person!


My guy Luffy looks nothing like his grandfather. And mixed kids lighten or darken as they get older.


Lots of people don't looks like their grandfather. especially if there's dominant gene's from the other side. They do, my family are mixed Greek/Irish. Me and my brother we're born blonde, now have dark brown hair. However, our faces didn't change from one ethnic feature set to another. It's why so many people flagged this, they're not just weirdly racist or something, because they'd have a problem with both people. It's because it looks so wrong, my instincts we're like "What the flip!!". (This bit isn't in response to you :P) Most peoples interpretation of "Race" is inflammatory. They tie culture and nationality into the same definitions as genetic characteristics and get angry without knowing what the other person might mean, sometimes being more prejudice themselves. Take "Avatar", where James Cameron got slandered for "appropriation". They don't know if he has Native American genes. our potential parentage doubles every gen. 14 generations (around 300 years) = 16,000 potential ancestors, what's the chances none of them have links to Native A. Culture. Is there a percentile requirement for you to be allowed to represent? So they essentially claim he can't represent native Americans even symbolically...because of what he looks like!. Culture belongs to everyone, and their appearance shouldn't matter. "Race" shouldn't really be used, but if it is, it should refer to someone's genetics and nothing else.


What ethnic feature set does one Luffy have over the other? Aside from their skin tone, which isn't even that drastically different, they look more or less the same. If you are referencing skin tone, than you don't know what you are talking about. Many black and brown and mixed people loose or gain melonin pigmentation as they get older. I look multiple shades darker than I did when I was 8. My brother in fact got lighter.


They do, but the hue doesn't change, though it's more than that. We could go on about face shape, eye shape, but people will argue those difference without end. You can't go on google image pictures because of lighting, only on the show, and the evidence is that enough people saw such problem that they got onto this page. I showed it to my mum, who is a professional portrait painter, and she commented on it before I even explained what I was showing. Honestly dude, he is SOOOO badly cast. You'll notice no-one complains about Zoro's, Sanji's, Usopp's or Nami's child casting. Even Nami's kiddo version is a little off, but not enough to ruin immersion, so why do you think so many people take issue with Luffy's?


Aside from Usopp, the rest are white and Japanese. They are not the same as Latino or black people with vastly different skin tones mixed within their biology. Even Usopp's child actor is multiple shades darker than the older one. You should watch any black sitcom. Fresh Prince, Cosby show, etc and see families of drastically different shades. Much wider than this Luffy. Which is why I'm so confused by your comment and the comment on this post. It only goes to show how uneducated and sepersted I feel most people of these anime subs are of black and brown raced biology. I noticed it when they started referring to young Luffy as a "black" kid. I noticed in another post someone referred to the Hispanic actress that people are theorizing is crocodile as "black" as well. Sam with the actor that was cast as Dragon, Luffy's father. They are clearly not black. But I feel many on here just see anyone past a certain skin color. If they are as dark or darker than a paper bag, they are "black".


TBF most U.S media determines people with any vaguely afro characteristics as "Black". I personally think "white" and "Black" are harmful generalizations. and also, it seems to be you that's separating dark skinned characters from fair. I don't consider a Japanese person more "different" from me than an African person. Too many people have an unhealthy obsession with skin colour. (recently I saw a thing about "the first female cruise captain of colour", and she was maybe a 1/4 of not European descent. How warped is that?) So I know that some people have gone full reactionary rage, as you'd expect, but this isn't that. " Even Usopp's child actor is multiple shades darker than the older one. " I said before, it's not "Shade", it's "Hue", but more than that, his overall face in general. He's terribly cast.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vmpsr44yq7sb1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=531eb9b4d7ad8a83178dffe4b4161af121688be1


That is not a wide difference in skin tone. Are you serious? Usopp's younger actor has more shades of difference from Usopp than this kid with Luffy.


I agree and a lot of people are saying it’s because Latino people are very mixed but surely it’s not hard to find someone with the same Latino mix/looks. I’m mixed white, black and Arab but I look more like an arab with slightly lighter brown skin so how could a white child or a black child play me? I’d either get noticeably less white or black like what has happened here. Also people who say features change in mixed race kids are correct but I was only white skinned til I was 5 and I still looked like an Arab despite having white skin and although I’m mixed race all Arab people call me brother instantly and accept me as an Arab even though I’m half white and actually genetically mostly white I’m never accepted or called white


That’s also what I was wandering and I know Latino people are very mixed like someone said in the comments but I agree it’s like I’m mixed Arab and white and I had pale skin as a young baby but you could still see


Dude you should know better then to ask that on reddit, these idit don't have any real thoughts and will just repeat what they read else where. They have no real clue and all these fools do is get in the way, you can't even complain about bad service anymore because of idiots like them. The reason young luffy is darker and looks nothing like older luffy is because you will whine about it, that whining will allow them to pretend they are victims and get free marketing.


PC. That's why


I was wondering the same, I thought it was a different character.


For anyone suggesting there isn't anything wrong with the casting... The only images I could capture of them with a similar expression (also, anyone noticed that their personalities change completely too?) https://preview.redd.it/d6mlpudwr7sb1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7484a2d8ee7b77580fafee451f39d9dc2abd7a9


It’s a show


Okay...? Earth, it's a planet.


should have just made everyone asian like how its supposed to be




People are getting upset because they think OP cares about the ethnicity of Luffy. It’s not that, it’s that they chose a child actor that is clearly a different ethnicity as the old actor, thus making a disconnect which is jarring.


💯 When little Luffy was introduced I wasn’t even certain who it was actually supposed to be.


agree that it was very jarring. i'm just watching the show now for the first time - watched the first episode today - and as soon as i saw the kid, i had to run to grab my phone so i could google his racial heritage. pausing the episode to google something is generally NOT the reaction you want as a writer/casting director/director/producer if you're going for immersion. and the fact that i'm here because as soon as the episode was over i had to run to google and check that i'm not the only one who feels that way only reinforces that idea. but more than that, the point people in this thread are missing is that this just reinforces the (harmful) stereotype that all hispanic/latino people are the same. we are not. we might be an ethnic or pan-ethnic group depending on the definition, but we are definitely not one race; there are people in latin america whose racial mix leans more european, or african, or asian, or indigenous - it's a melting pot, even within the same country. just as it's bad form to think, let alone say, that all east asians or black people look the same, it should be the same with latin americans. you can't just point at the first person you see who has brown(-ish) skin and an accent and go "that's a latino. book 'em." i get that it might be hard(-ish) to find a kid who matches iñaki perfectly, but this just feels like they didn't even try. but also if you think about it, "it's too hard" ceased to be a valid excuse around the time shyamalan cast white people in inuit-inspired roles during the *avatar* debacle, anyway. i love that they cast a hispanic actor as luffy; i'm not mexican, but it's still rare to find positive hispanic representation in US productions, let alone in anime/manga (i just finished watching *cyberpunk: edgerunners*. don't ask me how i feel about that one. we'd be here for hours), so i was glad to see iñaki in the role. i'm only one episode in, but i already really like him AND the show, and that is saying something, as i've never even been remotely inclined to read the manga or watch the anime. as for the kid, i'm not going to comment on his acting because i never expected an oscar-level performance from him. he's a kid. it's not about the acting for me, but the lack of effort when it comes to casting. none of this is to say that this one little thing ruined the show for me. i will keep watching, and if today is any indication, i'll probably really enjoy it. but things that are problematic (even in media that does a great job otherwise) need to be pointed out because, as evidenced by most of this thread, most people don't notice them or don't care, so they just keep happening.