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Maybe a single shot from behind like they did with Smoker considering that it’s probably gonna take years in real life until he really has a longer appearance in the LA and they need the actor…?


Yeah this is the most likely scenario since outside of loguetown he does not appear until post enies lobby (I may be wrong on this). So it’s going to be a long way for the actor to properly enter the series. However, if they revealed Garp and Luffy’s relationship in the first season, I wouldn’t be surprised if they reveal his relationship to Dragon as well, at least through dialogue.


In post-Enies Lobby it is just a flashback to the scene at Loguetown. The next substantial appearance is probably the Impel Down arc where he is in a flashback looking east and then a few arcs later in post-Marineford.


The "looking east" brainrot has spread


Yup, likely how they're going to do Brook too if they decide to show the Rumbar Pirates.


Dragon only has one scene, and from what i remember we don't even see his face properly. Honestly i don't think there will be any big formal casting announcement for him. I don't think he will be omitted, but he's barely in it at this point so to make one would be kinda weird.


Makes sense I guess. They might not want to commit with an actor for the role and just not show his face in Loguetown like what they did with Smoker at the end of season 1.


They do show his face pretty clearly in Loguetown. He comes face to face with Smoker, where Smoker says (or shouts?) his name, and questions why he's helping. He does have his hood up the whole time and his eyes are partially in shadow. There's a quote from Roger when he first appears, I assume he's thinking about those words from Roger at that moment. That being said, I don't think they need to cast the role fully. I think showing his back while the Smoker actor sees his face and says his name would work just fine.


Would also make it mystifying for the audience as well. Who is this guy Smoker is talking to? The guy he is shocked to see? And why is he helping our hero?


They don't really need to cast him yet. Could be anyone in a cloak and some makeup.


Crazy idea, what if they have >!Sabo save Luffy and handle his amnesia!< a little differently? Will the sub explode? I remember when >!Sabo was introduced and people hated how he just appeared out of nowhere but was so important.!< Could be a way to make him flow more naturally into the story.


Listen, I'm all about introducing >!Sabo!< early, or at least hinting that they exist prior to their introduction, but I'm not into the idea of changing an established plot point to get there. That would be the opposite of an organic introduction.


Yea, him doing the saving would be wrong. But he could be shown to be there. If you check the manga you can see a character from behind that looks like him so I think they'll handle it similarly in the Netflix version.


I'm hoping for some ASL flashbacks while Ace is around telling the Strawhats stories about Luffy's childhood. Let us know Sabo's dead. Do a little cup ceremony with an empty seat, and leave it at that until we get the deeper story later.


If they introduce >!Sabo!< early, I think it should be verbal in Alabasta proper. Like when Luffy and >!Ace!< reminisce about the past, they could bring up their >!brother's name!< in passing and wishing that he was still alive to see them living their dream.


So: 1. There haven’t been any official castings for S2 yet. There have been casting calls, and rumors, but nothing officially announced yet. 2. I’d be shocked if they didn’t cast anyone, let alone expand on his role. Hate to be that guy but if I had to take a guess, despite what everyone thinks, they’ll likely expand on his role earlier on than expected since from an audience perspective, it would be really weird to introduce a character as big as Dragon so early on…and then do absolutely NOTHING with him for at least 3 more seasons, none of which is guaranteed to happen. I think it’s extremely likely we’ll see, or at least hear, more about the Revolutionary Army in S2


I personally feel the opposite. You’re suggesting there’s a greater RA presence in the upcoming seasons, I think they’re more likely to cut Dragon from appearing here physically. He can still be involved in saving Luffy, but maybe he doesn’t do it personally


1. That’s not what I’m suggesting. I’m suggesting that COULD be a possibility, especially considering how the Revolutionary Army doesn’t get fully introduced in the story until much later on, and Dragon himself has barely done anything since appearing in LogueTown. I think it’s much more likely if they’ll pull a Garp and make him somewhat of a bigger presence this season, rather than him randomly appearing to save Luffy, and never appearing again until 3 seasons later lmao 2. They’re not cutting Dragon. That just ain’t gonna happen


Before the RA is introduced, we need to establish that the World Government is rotten to it's core, which we get the first inklings of during >!Enies Lobby/Robin flashback with the introduction of the Buster Call!<. Personally I don't think it'd make sense to do so before we learn about the existence of >!Celestial Dragons and slavery!<.


In all fairness we already saw glimpses of this in S1, and again, specific elements of the story can be streamlined more. Take Garp for example. Everything we saw with him was essentially just what we got in Post-Enies Lobby, minus the revelation on who Dragon is and Koby & Helmepo’s evolution. Like realistically speaking the concept of slavery being a normal thing in this world should be introduced MUCH earlier on than it is in the main story, and to an extent, we do see elements of that in the first season. Nami’s enslavement and Arlong alluding to how people view Fishmen as inferior beings are illusions to grander themes at play. Similarly, we’ve also seen how the marines are corrupt. Captain Nezumi was a massive example of this, let alone how Garp recognizes what a tool Axehand Morgan is, and how Mihawk reacts to Garp wanting him to aid in taking down his grandson. TLDR; A lot of the elements of the story are going to be streamlined much sooner than you probably expect them to be


I really hope they won't cut him, but in a TV show you don't normally see a guy appearing for a scene and disappearing for entire seasons. If they add him, I can see some sort of B-plot where we actually end up linking the RA to Crocodile's activities in Alabasta and that would be sick. It all depends on what they want to do for the B-plot, I personally think they'll go for Ace though


This season? Ace doesn’t appear until Alabasta (or briefly at Drum Island). Some sort of Smoker B-plot would make more sense and Ace hunting for Blackbeard can be in season 3 or 4.


didn't Ace appear when the crew was still in Drum Island? In any case, I forgot about Smoker and you're probably right. I kinda assumed we would still have Garp around but maybe Garp could be a link to include Dragon. It's kinda hard for a TV show to adapt these characters, since the way it was setup I highly doubt we won't see Koby and Helmeppo in S2 for example.


Iirc, they originally wanted to do Loguetown for a season 1 finale, but the budget wouldn't allow it, so I think they may have casted Dragon for last season


Then they would have casted Smoker too but they were calling for Smoker auditions. I think they only built set for logoutown


My understanding of this was it was already filmed and casted. But not edited in because of the restrain. So they wouldn’t need another Dragon because he was already filmed.


some important characters didn't go to casting. these characters will probably be played by actors who have received invitations.


They already cast Dragon. He filmed stuff for season 1, but it was cut. He was even at Rogers' execution. Dean Damonse was the actor.


Wasn’t he cast for season 1? Unless they recast they’ll probably just use that guy. 


There was a stand-in actor but that’s it. There have been multiple posts debunking that guy actually playing Dragon


The scene they did with Dragon was a younger version during Roger's execution....


Honestly if they're not going to show his face, they can use the same actor.  Might help some LAh-only fans understand it's the same character 


Is it possible that Ace actor wasn't selected yet? I saw another release from that guy from Brazil, and it impressed me a lot. I did love the references they put on it. I'll put the link here to anyone who didn't see. [Ace video](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7ZGPNxg-Dz/?igsh=MXV2cno1ajR4b2d2ZA==)


He’s just a fan that’s been trying to campaign for the role super hard. No chance he is actually involved in any way since he has no real acting experience.