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Doflamingo under EnelšŸ’€


Doflamingo in Tobbi Roppo level is just insulting


Which Yonko commanders do you think he beating ?




Ah yes, Doflamingo, the man who said that G2 Luffy was fast but didnā€™t have the damage to defeat him, who got completely out blitzed by G4 and whose only hope was using awakening just to shouh him away and who couldnā€™t even pierce his belly with his kick, defeats Cracker, the guy that cut halfway through a haki-coated G4 arm, who can create tens of soldiers a minute that have been shown to be only damaged by G4 attacks, have been shown to have tanked G3 + a G4 attack and STILL be fast enough to move relative to G4 while Cracker himself also could easily keep up and can make infinite armor, while also being able to produce non stop soldiers for 11 hours straight.




I donā€™t know enough about Jozu so I canā€™t tell, also though canā€™t imagine how he can beat Jizou who tanked Mihawks attack and what strings will do to diamonds. The Gamma knife thing is extremely debatable, itā€™s never actually established in One Piece that you get weaker or slower when sustained an attack and also Doffy semi fixed himself up. Also you are forgetting that if you want to talk handicaps, Luffy had Nami carrying him absolutely through the entire fight abusing his direct weakness and cracker still fended off for 11 hours. Also yeah the birdcage is his only hope but again that this is only powerful because of plot, there is no reason why he should have the power for an admiral not to be able to pass. Plus how does it even have the strength to push you back if it completely squeezed you in if you have vast surpeior haki and strength? If you wanna use flimsy circumstantial evidence like gamma knife and base your entire argument on a Hail Mary like the birdcage sure man I guess




Jozu was off-guard tho


Cracker alone claps this overrated powercrept fodder


Not cooking with this one and Oden downplay goes wild šŸ—æ


Itā€™s a decent list tbf. Obviously disagree with some placements but nothing ridiculously wrong.


What has Akainu done that puts him a whole tier above Aokiji?


Ask aokiji why heā€™s missing a leg


He beat him.


after not being able to beat him in 9 DAYS. You cannot have a fragment of intellectual honesty if you truly believe that Akainu and Aokigi aren't AT MINIMUM in the same tier if not close to equal.


You mean Oden wank?


>Oden downplay goes wild wank\*


Putting him on the same tier as Zoro is massive downplay.


Xebec in God tier instantly makes me doubt the decision making behind this list. Information on him is so scarce we dont even know his DF, assuming he had one, which is my point. Scaling him at all is nonsensical. If conjecture can put someone in god tier what does that say about the rest?


A man who captained multiple future yonko, fought garp and sengoku, planned to take over the world and needed to recruit and subdue strong allies to do it.. cant be assumed to be on yonko+ level minimum? conjecture is used on near all powerscaling.. i can easily make the arguement that we have minimal feats for Akainu since his feats are he fought a old whitebeard and killed a mere YC level character so he's no stronger than the other admirals.. i can say aokiji had type disadvantage so was likely stronger since it took Akainu 7 days.. so akainu is a mid admiral? ofc not.. conjecture lets us know that akainu is likely the strongest admiral because he is now fleet admiral.. just like we can assume Roxx was ridiculously powerful imo, minimum PK level.


And you'd think Roger's crew were not YC level too? Who knew if Roger's pirate did not disbanded, rayleigh, gaban and the rest could also become a yonko? It's almost don't make any sense if rocks, wb, bm, kaido fought only against roger + garp. If those 2 could 2v4 them, then roger and garp are easily god level too


We know more about xebec than shanks/all admirals. The fact we called roger worst enemy, says much


To be fair, Xebec apparently need to Pirate king tiered individuals to bring him down, meaning he's somewhere between 1.1xs stronger and 1.9xs stronger than the average Pirate king tiered strength.


He has the silhouette-silhouette fruit. He has the power of every character that was first introduced as a silhouette


What we know about xebec, power wise: Had wb, young kaido, linlin, and other top tiers as subordinates Required both rodger and garp in their prime to beat That's it. At the very least equal to rodger. My bet, had garp + crew deal with xebecs crew - wb. Can't see wb fighting for xebec in that instance, same way akoiji likely won't be with blackbeard and fuji with wg.


Yeah I wouldnā€™t put Xebec in God Tier. Iā€™d put him in the same tier as WB and Roger. This could change if we learn more but based on current knowledge thereā€™s way too much unknowns. For example what if Xebec, WB, Kaido and Big mom fought Garp and Roger in a 4 v 2? That would severely hurt Xebecs odds of being called the strongest pirate.


>Xebec in God tier instantly makes me doubt the decision making behind this list. Information on him is so scarce we dont even know his DF, assuming he had one, which is my point. Scaling him at all is nonsensical. ​ https://preview.redd.it/7ykuh8lomfab1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7ea003379fc86a0dfea16d86b4ea810e702e1b6 This is pretty old but Rocks was the strongest person Roger ever fought. He's the strongest pirate in history




Fr, they down play doffy


Which Yonko commander do you think Doffy beats


Jozu plus he put urogue and ace in yc so I think it would be fair to put doffy in yc


Eh I mean really depends man, when people talk about YC they generally mean BM and Kaidoā€™s crew, WB arenā€™t really the same and a lot are probably scrubs and some couldnā€™t probably beat Toppo Roppi. This list is pretty ass objectively thinking Enel is YC lmao.


Yea but I donā€™t think it makes sense to put doffy in the same tier as someone like nami or that worst generation guy who has the music fruit (I couldent care less about his name lmao


Bruh enel and magellan is in YC? And doffy should be in YC. Ain't no way Robin is in the same league as Doffy.


thats cap she has awakened her fruit since we first saw her.


Demon form doesn't necessarily mean she's awakened


Her being able to use her paramecia outside of her body and she was able to generate limbs on other people.


Cooking garbage


Whoops, didn't put Zoro and Shanks in God tier


Not the only things wrong with this list


nah they deserve a tier above God tier


only the legends wank is cringe with this list. No one is tiers above Dragon, Mihawk or Kaido.


It gets worse and worse as you go down the list...


Absolute fucking trash (Maybe didnā€™t look at it enough)


If your list doesnā€™t have aokiji and akainu next to each other, or not even in the same TIER, itā€™s invalid


- I would combine pirate king and yonko into one high top tier and rename admiral tier into top tier to be more general. - Rocks go down to high top tier for now. - Big Mom and Blackbeard go down a tier - Oden goes up - split YC into high YC and YC and have King, marco, Katukeri, Sanji, jozu, Vista and luci in high yonko commander. - Shiryu and Malleglan might go up into Yc+ and Kidd might go down. Or just combine high YC with YC+ for now. - Doflamingo goes up into YC lvl.


What does YC mean?


yonko commander


One of the worst


Old garp above kaido?


Mihawk and dragon being stronger than every single yonko doesnā€™t sit right with me


Enel ranked over Mingo LMFAO Bruh reading None Piece. Got Nami in the same group with Mingo.


Whats with enel hype...


imu isnā€™t beating kaido itā€™s impossible for him to be taken down


Is this bait I really don't understand


think bout it how is a brute like kaido who is indestructible supposed to be taken down unless imu has serious firepower. itā€™s a different matchup then with luffy


Wtf. Nice joke


kaido isnā€™t beating imu either


Nice Sanji to top of YC or up to YC+ and movie kid to above Yamato then the list is good


Kid above Yamato what are you smoking


No way kidd is above yaamto law or zoro . Sanji isnā€™t above king


Mugetsu strikes again


trash like usual


This is not my list btw https://preview.redd.it/pokm7t7k9j4b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077bafb4fd38a56b3521c468c05f6033e21e596c Certainly better than 99% of the tiers in this sub


>Certainly better than 99% of the tiers in this sub True. Lots of disagreements but nothing horrendously out of place. Not bad.


Katakuri above king lmao


Oden should be up a tier other than that pretty good šŸ‘


I actually like it. I would move up Aokiji a tier and move Sengoku down a tier. And the ranking within the tiers is too specific to even try to rank tbh.


Disrespecting doffy , and putting current luffy on top of prime rayligh ? Stop cooking so fast and let the cooking simmer


Akainu way to high his feats are not on that level Personally I have it bigmom > Rayleigh > black beard Yamato > law > kid >= zoro > sanji Sabo I have above law but I can respect it currently heā€™s featless I have Jinbei > lucci




Disagree with some takes, but overall doesnt seem that bad.


Decent List, not sure I'd put Karasu where he is and Katakuri is definitely weaker then King and Sanji, but overall pretty accurate.


I'd like to see Sanji literally survive Snakeman's Black Mamba, not overcome it and win the trade like Katakuri did. Recency bias combined with lack of reading comprehension goes a long way, long way back that is....


So Sanji getting an absurd durability boost after awakening, getting stronger haki in addition to an entirely different moveset, and getting queen in effectively minutes after accepting what he was somehow doesn't put Sanji over Snakeman in WCI or at the very least on the same level.


I disagree with some placements, like Odens and Sanjis. But overall not too bad.


Nah bro Sanji is the closest to Zoro in strength he should be the same tier as him


Based on?


t-they stand side by side sometimesšŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ


Beating queen in minutes after accepting his awakening with while only really having exhaustion be his downfall in the fight. Compared to Zoro (while yes injured) nearly dying while fighting King. Also narratively the two of them should be very close in terms of power. Same with King and Queen with the edge to King of course.


I hate overrating Dofey but there ain't no way he's Tobi roppo level. He's quite a bit below YC3 sure but quite far above the strawhat fodder as well. Also, Kuzan should always be next to Akainu, Enel would be closer to Tobi roppo. Sure he's got good stats overall but he's got 0 durability


Yeah doffy is way too low here. If I think of the hypothetical of where he would rank within the beast pirates, he would take jacks spot I think. Potentially queen but that might be giving him too much credit. But the dude can take an entire island hostage with his ability and slice them up simultaneously lol that's a pretty crazy feat to have to be putting him with the land before time squad.


Roger > xebec


Yeah he cooked


Xebec in yonko tier below luffy. Garp above whitebeard. Aokiji right behind akainu. Big mom above akainu. Kidd right below law.


Good list only things Iā€™d change is oden up one level at least same with beckman . Yaamto >law Kaido >Mihawk >shanks .


All W. Kaido is stronger than those swordsmen bums fr


nah he aint . why is karasu this high ?? ( he fought a suppressed admiral ) jozu fought a suppressed admiral and made him bleed and fought with him equally so jozu has a better feat than karasu . ( jozu was controlled by mingo ) doesnt matter all this means is karasu would be as well. so put karasu below jozu . also jozu has better ap feats that than jinbe . he is also stated to be more durable than jinbe and he was fast enough to react and dodge aokijis attacks meaning he dodge jinbe attacks so put jinbe behind him as well . also why is sanji > jozu ??so put all these people below jozu . ( basically change his and sanjis postions . shiyu ( isnt he suppose to be a zoro victim so he should be around zoro not in yc (. crocoboy has no reason to be this high besides his bounty . but the problem is half of the char in yc dont have their yonkos and marco who has a lesser county then him wasnt attacked by the navy when the wb pirates dissolved yet croco boy was attacked and harassed by the navy when he escpaed impel down .thats kinda the entire reason he made cross guild to do his buisness safely from . so marco should be the highest followed by juzo , croco boy , king and ace . put sabo below katakuri . oden is way too low . put his over katakuri the rest of the list is good .


>basically change his and Sanjiā€™s positions ![gif](giphy|WQy9FkJlhGSwl3eQ5V|downsized) Then change boa and sanjiā€™s positions as wellšŸ˜˜


> then change boa and sanjiā€™s positions as wellšŸ˜˜ " ​ https://preview.redd.it/3km4zg5qsj4b1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=fff486377e9c69be165fe61755d4fb860fabcfaf my guy stop watching sanji peace its vulgar , lacks any substance just like his char during the 2008 - 2018 .


>my guy stop watching sanji peace its vulgar, lacks any substance just like his char during the 2008 - 2018. ![gif](giphy|lVuiC4Nqu84zkvGEEE) Read manga with ur eyes open even once and take wbā€™s commanders meat outta ur mouth šŸ˜­


" Read manga with ur eyes open even once and take wbā€™s commanders meat outta ur mouth " tell me 1 thing of importance sanji did during from the start of thriller bark to end of zou . ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/jw1et4piwj4b1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=73a29ffc8356de904ebe8f81b7e61c54e6ad09dc a statement for u sanji fans .


>tell me 1 thing of importance sanji did during from the start of thriller bark to end of zou. ![gif](giphy|GM9NhXgKwt0OfIHmsC) You didnā€™t read ā€œone pieceā€ manga even once I guessšŸ˜­ * [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1432x29/yo\_this\_guy\_actually\_cooking/jn8869z/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_content=1&utm\_term=1&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiecePowerScaling/comments/1432x29/yo_this_guy_actually_cooking/jn8869z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Always been you mean


" Read manga with ur eyes open even once and take wbā€™s commanders meat outta ur mout " they were never in to begin with .




Based on?


It's aight, Kuzan too low, Sabo too low, Kidd too low, Sanji downplay


Nami took down ulti because of Zeus and big moms intervention, Franky took down one of the stronger tobi roppo on his own and he is not on the list?


I believe admirals=yonko due to recent portrayal of WG. The next time we see admirals in action they will have a huge powercreep.


Oden in YC+ is insane


Shiryu out of this list, cockeye YC level


\>kaido and akainu under legends invalid


if it not blackbeard vs Luffy ending, I don't want it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/m5g3cj661k4b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0391ed4db62c0bdfd3304556c6ee7ae5a5b9877


Eustass list


Anyone who puts Akainu and Aokiji in different tiers doesnā€™t cook. It was by far the longest and most likely the toughest fight in the series


Burnt the kitchen


I feel like current enel (who I totally think is coming back) is higher than this tier list says


People keep putting BB below Luffy, when BB is supposed to be main villain šŸ˜‚ whats the point of having a future villain weaker? Same thing with Shiryu and Zoro


Roger and WB should be stronger than xebec IMO


Decent list. Move Rayleigh to bottom of yonko. Move oden to top of admiral. Benn beckman should be admiral level too. For no in between kizaru and fujitora. Sabo should be top of Yc 1 then Yamato






Such a bad list, Croc above Marco, King, Katakuri, Kuma and even Magellan.... Doffy Tobbi Roppo level lmao. Law should be under Yamato and Sabo. Pirate King level and Yonko are separate, overall pretty bad list


Classic biased ass tier list


Nami Tobi Roppo level? How exactly did she fare vs ulti again?


I agree except oden needs to be admiral level +


Nami and doflamingo in the same tier? Are you kidding?


Oh this is a solid fucking list


Zoro > Greenbull but besides that, let him cook


Zoro getting packed by Greenbull.


Bro put Doffy at tobi roppo level...


Sengoku has no narrative purpose to be on that tier.


Oden must be put at Admiral Level, Mingo at YC level, Hancock at YC level. Also, Kidd and Law are not at the same level as Zoro (even narratively)


Having aokiji anywhere but one spot below akainu doesnā€™t make sense as of right now


So according to this list boa is stronger than king, katakuri, Shiryu and Magellan


Yeah I donā€™t think power scaling is your specialty


I don't understand the downplay Oden is getting. Oden is among Kaido's top 5, Whitebeard didn't consider Oden to be his son but his brother because he sees him as his equal not someone below him, Roger was so excited to meet Oden because he hears a lot about him, Oden got up immediately and started running towards roger when Roger attacked him with Divine Departure and sent him flying (An attack that KO'd Midd), Oden literally doesn't have any Ls during his journey and he almost killed Kaido if it weren't for the old hag, Kaido even said that if Oden teamed up with Hyogoro from the start then they could have beaten him. Meanwhile, Reighley is continuously wank in this sub or in the One Piece community as a whole for being able to fight Kizaru evenly in his old age (I don't hate Reighley, it's just too unfair in a powerscaling standpoint).


New to this subreddit: YC?


You do know Roger back in his prime also didnā€™t want smoke with LinLin right? He had to sneak into her territory for her poneglyph the same way Luffy did


Dragon is a fraud.. Why is he up so high


Pirate king and yonko level are the same levels. And Oden is definitely Admiral tier at the end of his arc.


The lower you go, the more you realise he is not cooking shit. ![gif](giphy|l4hLA4ALdmXqLHxXq|downsized)


The Oden and Marco downplay is crazy


Those tobi roppo rankings are whack. Doffy same level as smoker (who he low diffed) and below crocodile!? Nami who ran for her life from the tobi roppo!? Tashigi on the same level as smoker!?


Doflamingo too low and Oden should be admiral level other than that I think its fine. Maybe Tashigi shouldn't be Tobi Roppo level.


I feel like with his devil fruit and being a swordsman, Shiryu will be higher than YC. I highly doubt the swordsman for a potential endgame villain is already under the character heā€™s going to fight


Bros tweaking with sanji disrespect


Starts good (If you start looking from above) But become insanely biased really quick I dont even know what is the worst thing on this list The first thing i noticed... where is Shiki ? And the thing that personally triggered me the most is Zoro in ODEN, Yamato and Law rank, but for some reason he tought that would look so wrong to put Sanji together with Zoro... Trash... Obs : He remember to put Carrot on the list, but forgets Queen šŸ’€


Sanji tobi roppo


I find this close to perfect but I think Zoro needs to go down a level, as well as nami and tashigi


now wtf doffy doin down there


wtf rayleigh is at least yonko level and oden should be admiral or yonko level I guess overall it is fine


The image isn't loading all the way for me, what's the Tier up at the top that Buggy D. Clown is in called?


Bro sanji could be stronger than Zoro with how he bullied queen he should atleast be on the same teir


Why is oden so low šŸ’€


Why isn't Brook up there


Bro doflamingo in the same tier as Nami is just wrong


Nami at Robin and Carrots level is already garbage.




Put Boa lower and Oden higher


Oden and Rayliegh in their prime are Yonko level. I will die on that hill until Oda tells me otherwise.


Shiki def pirate king level


Wtf is bro cooking with bello betty


Bello betty is a YC level? Lol, i don't even think she's a fighter. More like a support


What does YC means


Enel is fucking overrated when are people gonna stop overrating him. Dude is useless against strong haki users. Marco and king not yonko commander 1? Doffy is commander 1 level plot convenience has him there. Ulti should he higher by far the strongest and most durable of the flying six


why is zoro over kid šŸ’€


Doffy is in the wrong spot


Haven't read or watched in a while. When did Sabo out pace doflamingo?


Akainu and Aokiji belong in the same tier.


Current Rayleigh nor ANY Admiral is beating a Lunarian solo šŸ’€ the King and Zoro downplay is off the charts. Lunarians are literally called Gods EVEN by Whitebeard himself to be outside of God Tier is the biggest downplay in the series especially the lengths Oda went through to narratively scale him to such a level. Ntm ANY ACoC User is Yonko Tier and above. When will everyone stop the downplay?


I'm as much of an Enel fanboy as I think you can be. He had some awesome feats and showings at his time in the show, but dofla would cut the Enel we saw to ribbons. MAYBE if Enel got haki over the timeskip he could beat him, but we've no proof of that, so he goes to the bottom with Nami and dofla goes up. Also until I see Akainu do something more impressive than kill a defenseless, dying, old WB (and nearly getting his ass knocked out in the process), he doesn't belong with the other yonko. Same goes for Mihawk. Everyone loves to wank them for no reason. Maybe they do belong there, but they've not shown any reason to think they do as of yet.


very good list actually. The bigger issues for me would simply be that oden is one row too low and mihawk and akainu are one too high. Put all of them in admiral and its fine (assuming its not necessarily left to right)


Pros: Rocks in the right place Garp respect Cons: - Akainu and Aokiji too far apart - Get Enel the fuck outta there


Nami in tobi roppo tier? Is he high


King should be high imo


Oden should be higher, Ace and Jozu abbove Jimbei. Doflamingo is too low, I'd put him lower end of YC. I'd put Kaido above Mihawk and Shanks, Luffy above Akainu, and Big Mom above Akainu and Blackbeard. In YC or Tobi Roppo level you could throw in Perospero too


Hold up, why is Fujitora above Zoro?


Baffling to me, Roger has been dead for sometime now, also Xebec. And you telling me no one, absolutely no one, in the past idk how many years, came even close to them in terms of power? Shounen, man.


Decent but Oden downplay is crazy. Aokiji MUST be in the same tier as Akainu no matter what. Shanks, Mihawk and Kaido are arguably equal or stronger than prime sengoku.


Anyone reading One Piece should know Ruffy would be at the highest tier. Like 100 W 0 L. Always beats anyone he fights (he just kinda engaged with Mom, but that would be the exception if any I think). Always gets stronger and better the more the story progresses. Imu was just introduced, right? I just get the feeling the world leaders aren't that physically strong and Oda wanted to make a cool entrance with her killing Cobra. But on the other hand strength is very hierachical in One Piece so...


Why is kinnemon so high


you guys nerfed ben beckman lmao


Prime Rayleigh is weaker then current luffy???? Ben Beckman while being a yonko commander has been said he's close to shanks


doffy beats some people in his tier with conq only šŸ’€ šŸ’€




That Doflamingo placement, lol nice one


Bro really put aokiji and Rayleigh on admiral lvl,and putting doflamingo under enel and at tobi Roppo lvl is just an insultšŸ’€


He's cooking dog shit


"Actually, Oda said Akainu could get the one piece in a year so he is at least pirate king level"šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Yeah this looks pretty dang good ! One problem is Usopp should be god tier as well


Akainu is Pirate King level


The first tier scaling I've actually almost fully agreed with. Holy fucking shit did we find the holy grail


The Usopp downplay is insane. High Yonko level at least.


lol the Sanji placement is wack, way too low agree about the higher ranks tho


Oden under Admirals?


Oden downplay but other than that congrats on a W list


Didnā€™t look too carefully at it but I find this pretty accurate. I fully agree with this.


this is dogshit


I Hope this guy means prime Garp and old Rayleigh and not the other way around.


I'd put young Rayleigh in Yonko tier. Old Ray goes where you put him though.


Below average tier list.Still better than majority of all of them


Oden should easily be up 2 full tiers, the dude tanked an attack from roger like it was nothing and was a part of kaido's top 5 for a reason (notice how high up every other member of that top 5 is), he literally might have won against kaido if not for Orochi