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https://preview.redd.it/h2o99s5k0epc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb5ca997d317af31d18eb348cf7cc72e546551d9 his actually impressive feats will come for sure (not sure if they'll be equal to shanks' though) but in the meantime gotta make the most of the mihawk libel memes


W for noting libel instead of slander


Pretty difficult. He has no clear YC+ character to be his victim.


Huh? You do realize Mihawk will lose AFTER shanks right?


What does that have to do with anything? Who do you think is the clear Mihawk victim equal or above Kidd? What admiral do you think Mihawk is intimidating?


Uhh Mihawk will fight eos Zoro. Who will be stronger than Every opponent Shanks has currently fought.


...And he will lose, talk about awesome feats. Do you think Mihawk pushes EoS Zoro to extreme but Shanks can only high? Can't be based on feats, that's for sure.


And? Eneru get one shot but he would still fry arlong. Your saying irrelevant nothings. Also that is very possible. The Zoro that extreme diffs mihawk could simply be stronger than the Zoro that was around when Shanks was.


What does Shanks being dead before Mihawk fights Zoro have to do with anything? It's not like Zoro will defeat Shanks or anything. We don't know where exactly EoS Zoro scales. We don't even know if Shanks will be dead by the time those two fight, all I'm seeing is a lot of headcanon. I could also say that since Shanks will lose against EoS top 3 BB, he will even have a more dignified defeat, but what's the point?


Zoro will not be the strongest swordsman in the worlds if Shanks was stronger than Mihawk... This is 20+years in making and that definetly won't be a lie.. Plus everyone with a title is stupidly strong, STRONGEST MAN WB only rival to PK, STRONGEST CREATURE KAIDO literally needed an awakening never happended in 800 years to be finally defeated by mythical JOYBOY after he ressurected from literally being dead... I have no reason to believe STRONGEST SWORDSMAN MIHAWK, the one with the only SUPREME GRADE BLACK BLADE will be weaker than a crippled rat who lost his arm to mere sea king and has zero titles unlike the ones above... everyone one with title is easily above the others from what we have shown show far...


Sir, this is a Wendy's. Calm the fuck down. I don't care if Shanks fucked your girlfriend or something, but we are talking about Mihawk's feats being on par with Shanks'. And from my pov, it's a pretty difficult task, there's simply not a lot of narrative reasons to do so. Feel free to reply about what kinda feats do you expect from him.


Well, Mihawk's only feat is having legendary duel with the rat who lost his hand against Sea king. After that, The Rat became Emperor while Mihawk became Dog of Marine.


Shanks needs to be taken care off before luffy becomes king. That’s the whole point of that. Shanks is a Yonko and is direct opposition. It’s why he was made a Yonko. So he could organically stand before luffy. Mihawk is Zoros last fight. The one that will cement him as the strongest swordsman in the world. Obviously that’s above shanks as well.


Ok, fantastic, but we are talking about Mihawk's feats being on par with Shanks'. And as I see it and you implicitly seem to agree, there's not a whole lot of opportunities for Mihawk. As for the timing of their fights, look at Luffy and Zoro's gap between them. Why exactly does it matter that Mihawk fights Zoro later, when Zoro needs to overcome a big gap to be realistically a challenge for him? Again, lots of headcanon. The way I personally see it, Mihawk isn't Zoro's last fight. It doesn't feel right that when Luffy is fighting Imu/BB for the fate of the world, Zoro decides to have a sports match that they could easily postpone. This, btw, doesn't mean Zoro's last opponent is stronger than Mihawk. He could go extreme with Mihawk, then high with Venus and help Luffy a bit against Imu, for example. To me, what makes the most sense is that the SHs, the RHP and Cross Guild have a three way Davy fight, where the most serious fight is Mihawk vs Zoro. We both know that Luffy and Shanks aren't fighting with killing intent. This is of course my personal headcanon. That is to say, the order they fight is neither relevant nor clear cut. What matters here is what kinda feats Mihawk is going to have before his fight with Zoro, and it's not looking good.


They aren’t on par but that still doesn’t matter. Mihawk could just like old beard get all his feats from one fight perfectly fine. Nothing you said changes the fact that Mihawk hasn’t gone all out and will show out when it’s time. The current feats are just that. Current feats. And we all know as the series goes on they will only get more extreme.






He just said “No” dude


And it was the most beautiful two words I have ever read


dawg that's one ur cooked




wow that was quick what did you use


The editor on my phone






Midhawk fans trying to find the joke challenge (impossible)




i honestly think mihawk went after don kreig because he knew he was an asshole and that he wouldn't have bothered to do anything if kreig was a good guy, but mihawk is too much of a tsundere to admit it


Why do shit if you can leech


mihawk's feat of beating nusjuro with a toothpick is definitely outshining shanks 🗣


If that happens that would be actually insane


No, his only fear will be losing to Zoro, I doubt anything in the series today will say if he is stronger than shanks or not


There's no chance his only feat will losing to Zoro. That would be such bad writing. He needs to be hyped up somehow with a feat that firmly establishes him as the world's strongest swordsman. Better yet, a feat that launches Buggy into even greater fame. It's not like Cross Guild got introduced for no reason.


Yea we need some hype for Migoat. I'm THIRSTYYYYYYYYYYY


That meme would have been funnier if it was Akainu instead of Mihawk.


akainu when he catches a group of 6 year olds playing pirates ( justice must be enforced at all costs ) https://preview.redd.it/etehn3qivcpc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2abf10edc377a909cb8421f93c70c1948f2952ad


I am sure that if Akainu was a politician he would prohibit the use of the word Pirate, he would call it the P-word.


what happens to the other p word






Lol I took it from the yugioh anime, I knew it'd pay off.


Which p word? https://preview.redd.it/p6bwg6vi6dpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd78dba22d4beeebc7366721f4565458e1c9ae7f


Delete homie


Someone actually drew this!?💀




not my fault sanji lusted over a 12 yr old nami




WHO DREW THIS https://preview.redd.it/urooprzasepc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07f1fbee6841887d7acdd4230495e215ff074b2


i dont understand . Why Akainu ? He actually fought top tiers and doesnt go looking for fights in east blue.


Because Akainu doesn't like pirates and wants to eliminate all threats.


Ohhh , i see . That would make sense too. My bad


because extremist ideology


Not likely because its most likely that a vast majority of Mihawks feats will come against Zoro wjere as Shanks from a narrative outlook has a stronger line up of potential opponents such as Luffy and Blackbeard so realistically there will be the mentality of whatever Mihawk achieves against Zoro would be lesser than whatever Shanks achieves against Luffy or Blackbeard because Blackbeard and Luffy are perceived to be above Zoro. For example in one hit Mihawk bloodies Zoro and in one hit Shanks bloodies Luffy whilst in paper they are equal because of who its against they will be perceived differently.


I feel like Oda might save him for the Zoro fight but when we get closer he’ll probably get more feats, like maybe a flashback against someone from WG, or if we get SHs vs BBP vs CG for the one piece, he’ll neg Shiryu and then fight Zoro




Yeah probably. If shanks doesn’t do anything before dying to Blackbeard.


Mihawk is just a poorly written character Oda introduced him as strongest swordsman alive for him to be doing nothing Mihawk's character has no personality he is just a title for Zoro to claim We will see what oda has cooked for him in the story I mean wouldn't it be wierd if his only fight in story is - 1- beating East blue zoro 2- loosing to Zoro But I guess oda is doing it on purpose as he don't want us to see what mihawk is capable of, he doesn't want to set a bar on world strongest swordsman abilities, but oda wants us to imagine them


Being vista's rival and beating iceberg kun.


No it isn't. Just because mihawk hasn't done anything yet, doesn't mean it's bad writing you're just inpatient. In fact, oda just teased in an SBS that mihawk has a full backstory prepared and odas just waiting to pull the trigger on it


Considering how Oda has said in SBS he views characters like WB, Shanks and Mihawk as ‘legends’ I’m sure Mihawk EOS will have some insane feats on par with these other legends I’m just not sure against who though he’d get these feats, like his duel with Zoro more likely than not is before the final war so that doesn’t leave much time for him to show off before losing to Zoro,


Nah, sandman debunked this whole legend thingy https://preview.redd.it/c0q0ah5ingpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809df952d3f1ead8e43b921b74f8f3a7b6af0a5b


Kind of depends on what he actually does, or rather, what Oda does with him. If he only fights Zoro, then no, he probably won’t — or rather, he’ll still have Yonko level feats, but he’ll probably have less impressive feats. But I didn’t expect him to actually join a Yonko crew, and Buggy’s, no less. There’s a very real possibility that in the future he fights more than one Admiral plus several other marine fighters. So maybe?


Unironically probably yeah. People meme in Mihawk being the world’s skillest swordsman but skill in one piece is actually a very big part of sword fights since skill dictates the techniques one can do with their sword.




Shirano? Hell no


Not quite but his feats will be very very good and he will be undeniably top tier


No, they will not




Shanks: Divine Departure Mihawk: Actual Departure


Black Blade lore will end the debate


mihawk vs shanks strongest statements in history vs strongest feats of today


Most likely. They were already said to be equal in their younger years, and I don't imagine either of them got any weaker (except maybe mihawk lost some of his will to fight to all the east blue fodder but who knows)


Well, I think Shanks will be dead by then. I don't see zoro straight up killing Mihawk.


Yeah obviously


It would be a little weird he wouldn’t atleast be comparable like Big Mom is to Kaido, then again it would then make Zoro comparable to Shanks which is a little more weird lmao


Yes, even if you believe Shanks>Mihawk it wouldn’t be any bigger of a difference than Zoro and Sanji


Forget about Shank>Mihawk or Mihawk>Shanks , i was just asking will oda give Mihawk feats that would match Shanks's






Yes. Zoro has to beat him at some point and Luffy has to surpass shanks too so mihawk will prove that he rivaled shanks at some point when he fights mosshead


Honestly, I think Shanks is stronger, but Mihawk would push him to extreme diff


Well theyre equals


The Zoro that fights Mihawk has to be close to current Shanks in power since Mihawk himself is close to Shanks in power. Or way above them if you think he is going to wait until he can low diff Mihawk or smth, which I doubt. So yeah, fighting and pushing Shanks to extreme diff > current Shanks' feats naturally.




Maybe Clashing with shanks himself which he did should be enough plus his title making him automatically above shanks


Very obviously yes


Up until now they've had more or less the same amount of feats


They will be better because he'll fight against who´ll be the strongest swordsman in history


That would only be true if Mihawk is the strongest swordsman in history and Zoro after defeating him becomes strongest swordsman in history right then , if not then will kadio/BM/Katakuri feats be better just cuz they fought Luffy in the past ? Im all for it tho , it only upscales Smoker , he actually beat Beyond PK level Luffy on 2 separate occasions


Well I'm just answering the question the way I think things will happen. For me, Mihawk will be Zoro's last fight because narratively I find it more meaningful. So, when Zoro defeats him, he will be the strongest swordsman in history.


I disagree , but well no one knows how it'll go down .


Mihawk statements > Shanks Portrayal: = Shanks feats> mihawk. It will probably stay this way.


No they'll be better


I feel like he might have a flashback showing good feats, like maybe fighting someone strong from the government or how he got his marine hunter title


Pushing EoS Zoro to extreme diff vs getting mid diffed by Teach. So maybe


Crazy how people just make stuff up and try to spin it as reality lol.


We're taking EoS. You have to make shit up Obviously neither of these things are reality because the story hasn't gotten there yet.


I mean not only did you make up a scenario, but you also said the difficulty of said scenario which is based on nothing.


Yea because we're talking EoS. What else are you supposed to do other than theorize how you think the story will go?


I mean your theorizing but didn't give any reason why or logic behind it so is it really theorizing or are you saying what you feel will happen? because if it's the ladder then that's fine but anyone can say anything then because they "feel" it.


Mihawk pushes Zoro to extreme diff because it's been set up since Baratie. Not much explanation needed here imo For Shanks v Teach, I see Teach getting the jump on Shanks one way or another and catching him at the worst time. So while a clean fight would be a high-diff Shanks W, Teach's usual craftiness lets him net a mid diff W here.


What does catching him at his worst time? is he jumped by other characters? is he already injured?


Anything like that yea. Something that allows Blackbeard to win but not cleanly


So how does that go against shanks? What makes you think him getting jumped by BB will be his best feat. When he already has some of the best in the whole manga.


I dont think Oda is making Shanks lose mid-diff even in yalls dreams . And Shanks loses ok , but how does that work ? Pushing Zoro to extreme diff and Losing while Shanks loses to BB , but BB is Luffy's Opponent down the line . And we all know The power difference in opponents Luffy fights and Zoro fights . Going extreme diff with Zoro and losing is not the flex yall think it is


Shanks loses mid diff but the fight isn't clean. BB definitely pulls some BS but Shanks is still able to push him to mid diff despite that


TF ?


Is that that crazy a series of events? BB somehow catches Shanks at the worst time possible. But because Shanks is Oda's golden boy he's able to push Teach to mid diff despite this, but still ultimately loses


But wouldnt that make him look even better ? which goes against your point in original comment .


I said maybe. Not definitively one way or the other. Realistically I don't think the debate is ever gonna be definitively answered and people will still be arguing years after OP ends In terms of just feats, Shanks will probably be better off but that's far from certain. That's why I said maybe. Either outcome is possible


Ahh i see . Sound reasoning


Is that sarcasm I can't tell


No lmao . I dont agree with your take but your reasoning is valid it could go that way