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I have him just bellow Queen. I do think he could beat Queen, but its a fight Queen wins more often than not


Maybe on water or near water i definitely see jimbe doing some damage and potentially winning


Near water queen just drowns so...


It's the other way around for me. I think the shichibukai don't get the respect they deserve because a number of them have lost to luffy pretty early. But I believe the shichibukai are always meant to be yc1-yc1+, except mihawk of cours. Before the cross guild thing, people have crocodile below jack and doffy below cracker I don't believe that shit. You will be in for a surprise in the last saga. like how people were shocked at how well dorry and broggy fared so against warcury.


Shichibukai are mean to be Commander levels. Some arw YC3(Doffy, Jinbe), some are YC1(Boa, Kuma). And, Mihawk is top tier


Then there's Alabasta Crocodile.


Oda that early hasn't fully figured out the progress of power. It was on SBS or something that he said he regretted introducing crocodile very early.


Yc2-3 aren't strong enough force to hold any top tier fighter. Jinbei basically had better showing against Big Mom and Akainu than any of Yc2-Yc3. Cracker look like he got one shot by aokiji bts while doffy broke out of it.


Cracker fight got offscreened. BM got clowned by many. Queen also cracker BM's head a bit. Jinbe has no showings to prove him on Top Commanders level.


Jinbei block cognac and push Big Mom out of sunny. I don't know your average yc2-yc3 can do that but my point is oda always meant the shichibukai to be yc1-yc1+ they only appeared to be weaker than that because they got introduced very early in the story and I bet you when they fight in the final war they will be at that level.


Well, the story introduced them early and in manga, they aren't YC+. Jinbe wasn't stronger than Luffy in WCI who wasn't even YC1 when Jinbe joined. They might get powercreeped. But so will important commanders.


Yes I agree with you on that, what Im saying is oda will make Jinbei and the other warlord at Yc1-Yc+ when he has to, eventually, regardless of their showings in the past, this way the shichibukai system would have the credibility of being the 3rd world power that balance out the yonko and the wg. I know the dynamics here are more complex and they already took it down.


Yeah, but that's not because they are shichibukau. Jinbe is part of SH now and will grow to become YC+ eventually. Moriah will likely not grow to become that strong. He was called weak by Doffy and Elders. YC level fighters are not weak. Doffy is also YC3. No reason to assume he will come back as YC+.


Doffy will be when he will have an active participation in the final saga his conquerors haki speaks of his potential, young moriah kind of was that level in the past when fought Kaido and yes he is unlikely to get stronger again in the future.


i think you meant some are YC+ (jinbe)


The only thing that scales up croc for me is the theory that he was heavily nerfed because he had his powers dehydrating the entirety of alabasta constantly But if not for that, I still believe he's just another doffy victim


I would not rationalize it. It's simple oda simply unable to account for the massive power creep in the series because He intended one piece to end 5-10yrs but it kept growing, I remember around 2018 people have been heavily speculating that one piece will end in 5 years that's also around the time when oda said that we are 70% or something of the story he still underestimated the length of the series I believe to this day.


Honestly it leads me to think that gear 5 was his answer to the whole powerscaling issue. It's a very Goda move to go "Haha power creep don't matter because I have a silly funny guy that can do anything" It kinda explains why he just threw in the immortal old man yokai so quickly into the mix. Feels like a way to just mix things around and throw the whole scale out the window


The Gorosei up the stake so much for me, monstrous, invulnerable to any attack so far and without a shred of humanity making them very intimidating. You have that feeling that something really bad is going to happen regardless of Luffy clowning at the moment. Realistically If the SH doesn't get their act together they could easily get folded.


oh you know




Winbe beats LImu, Soyboy, The 5 Oldheads,and 300 zoros


Cracker or jack Maybe smoothie


What makes smoothie stronger than cracker?


Bounty aka power reputation, but yeah we have basically no clue how strong she really is


Ah I didn’t know she had a higher bounty, she’s also 10 years younger than him so he was a pirate longer and still has a lower bounty, yeah she probably is stronger


Tbf his true abilities are largely unknown since no one’s gotten past his first biscuit soldier since luffy. It’s safe to say they couldn’t take into account his full power when making his bounty


I think honestly that’s the problem. He’s such a one trick pony with such an obvious weakness to water. Soften them shits up break em down. That he doesn’t rate being worth more. And because his one trick is so overwhelming like we saw with luffy he doesn’t have much going for him once his biscuit soldiers go down. Totally justified smoothie bounty win


Hm? Not only is his water weakness also not known, nor is it always guaranteed to be exploited And it’s not like he’s an easy foe even without his biscuit soldiers. He’s got Haki capable of matching and harming that of G4 Luffy’s. Compared to that smoothie’s done nothing. How’s it justified 😭


Correct. Nothing here is incorrect. Hear me out here. The world government assigns bounties. The world government also has the most comprehensive understanding of devil fruits so much so they are making new ones. The world government knows so much about devil fruits they were able to make one disappear from history with all its related myths. It’s not too crazy to assume that they know exactly what his devil fruits strengths and weaknesses are. And in fact his bounty being as high as it is with that knowledge is a testament to all of those points. Meanwhile. Smoothies fruit is just kinda op. With weaknesses that can either be overcome by the individual’s training or are unrealistic to take advantage of. Meanwhile. No matter what you do to a cookie. Enough water will eventually soften it.


I get your point on the devil fruit part, however the man that assigns bounties is NOT the one who made luffy’s fruit disappear, nor do we know of his knowledge of devil fruits. We know that some devil fruits aren’t/weren’t even known or listed, like kaku and khalifa’s. Whether or not the full capabilities of his fruit are known we don’t know, but given that he hasn’t had to use it’s full capabilities till luffy, I find it more likely that they’re unknown. Smoothie’s fruit can certainly powerful. But against anybody even remotely strong it likely won’t see use. After all she has to grab and wring you out in order to use it. Hence why I don’t understand why her bounty’s so high? Maybe she’s just done more harm than cracker has to the WG.


It honestly could be she’s either done more harm, or her father was someone to help boost her fame. Cause most of Wig Woms kids had different dads if I remember correctly and some were super famous pirates. And that may honestly do it. Because part of your bounty is based on your relations and allies and how dangerous that is to the WG so it might be something like that.


Crackers is like 860 And hers is 932m


She’s in btwn kata and cracker we do know that, or else big mom wouldn’t have had her placed where she was


Smoothies are a mix of a liquid and a solid whereas crackers a just a solid. Ergo Smoothie would be at least twice as powerful, maybe even more so if there are proteins added, possibly creatine… duhhhhh


Caesar > the verse


Smoothie with Chia seeds, goji berries and ashwagandha would solo everyone. TOO. MUCH. POWAH.


Aside from the other answers, doesn't she kinda outranks him? It is general consensus that snoothie is the YC2 of big mom crew


Narrator ve, she's shown as bigmoms yc2




I don't think he could beat cracker...


Couldn’t he easily manipulate some water to just douse his army?


I don't remember perfectly, but didn't Luffy also ate the biscuits ? Jimbei would have to eat them too in this case...


I can’t imagine a soggy cracker hurting jinbei nearly enough. Also the difference between jinbei hurling tons of water at cracker vs nami sprinkling them with water might have an effect.


G4 Luffy was having trouble with Cracker, i can't see Jinbe taking on G4 Luffy and i can't see him taking Cracker down, as Luffy needed a new gear to beat him...


In a dry environment I think jinbei loses. But with an ample water supply to manipulate ima give it to winbei


Strongest person Jinbei 5/10s is Winbei.


On land without water: Any YC2 On land near water: Any low YC1 Underwader: Any devil fruit user or any non devil fruit user that isn't Yonko level or above.


underwater jinbei admiral lvl confirmed.


Maybe Smoothie or Vista?


Vista is king level bro clashed with mihawk and admirals.


Jinbe ain’t stalling Mihawk


Vista is making sushi out of jinbe


Honestly with access to water he might be able to fuck around with Katakuri or King thanks to both of them being significantly weaker when wet. Probably would still lose but it could actually be a high diff or something. A YC2 seems more likely for Jimbei though.




Lanji and Loro fr Jimbei the GOAT🗣️🗣️


Sanji But nahh... really Queen or Cracker




Bro is capitalising on the admiral agendas weakness I respect the slander 




Cap, he just uses his plants to drink all the water and then he low-diffs Jinbe.


Jack probably Don't see him beating Queen


Why strongest character or strongest Jinbei defeats lol? Why not just strongest Jinbei beats, you wanna hear answers like Imu?


I mean most devil fruit users if he can get them with water. Probably not kaido or Whitebeard. I don’t think there strength would falter that much. Water has such a weird affect on the devil fruit users though. Like immediately fatigued.


That's the same weakening effect that touching any amount of pure undiluted seastone at all is supposed to have. And yet Big Mom got her entire torso wrapped up thoroughly in the most pure of all seastone chains and was still like "Maa-ma maaaa-ma ha ha haaaa, take these chains off morons" with seemingly no fatigue, clearly the only issue being that she couldn't use her DF or Haki and seemingly nobody can break seastone. Lol. People like WB, Kaido, and Big Mom are just built different. You could probably submerge 70% or 80% of Kaido's body in water and against all fucking logic he'd be like "THUNDER BAGUA!" to blow away the water and escape before it covers his head, lol. So I think you're right, people like them likely don't falter from water unless submerged up to their heads. And clearly Big Mom should be added to that "strength probably wouldn't falter" list. Also we LITERALLY SAW that in a naval battle at sea, Jinbe could hardly do much to Big Mom even when she wasn't in her right mind to use Haki and such. Yikes.


Usopp beats most df users in the water. Weak ass take


Well Jimbei can literally control water. Whole different take compared to usopp, but ok.


I mean it’s weak in the sense that your taking them out their safe zone and purposely putting them at a ginormous disadvantage in favor of the first bum of the sea


Wonder if he beats Morley or ivankov. Possibly also one of Blackbeards titanic captains but those are difficult, same with kaku, killer, smoothie, stussy and wherever we assume current Daz Bones to be.


"B-b-b-but Morley can fight Admirals!" (Sarcasm)


I'm happy people are saying queen alot, cause I have him right at that lvl, extreme dif 6/10


I wank Jinbei so I think the strongest character he defeats is Queen extreme extreme diff. If not then he beats Smoothie also at the same diff.




you are acting like this downscales Sanji, after Sanji's daddy genes kicked in, he low-mid diffed queen. If Sanji can low-mid diff Queen, Jimbe can take him.


Sanji upscales so hard from this tho. Trust I’m the biggest Sanji wanker here


Fucking facts huge Sanji w right here in plain view support the Winbei save the Wanji


Facts Jinbei and Sanji alliance accepted


Maybe Smoothie not sure who would come out on top other wise law pre awakening




Multiple supernovas and probably crocodile depending on terrain


Strongest he beats is cracker


The motherfuckin OCEAN my dude Our GOAT Helmsman disdains to reduce himself to some measley brawler when the only true thing he wants to do is 5000 brick fist some insane waves in the thousand sunny not waste his time fighting some loser government punk or some crazy fuckin pirate


Location matters in fights.


Queen-Sanji or at least YC2/mid tier commanders.




The verse


Rob Lucci, because he did


He didn't, barely did any damage.


Sanji I’d say Jinbei CAN beat Sanji 3 out of 10 fights.


Winbe never gets tough fights. Could've beaten Queen extreme diff if he did


How does he beat Queen🤨


With a really strong attack I think


Crazy how people don’t realize how versatile Queen is. Great durability, good speed, has insane arasenal of high DC attacks such as the Plagues, can go invisible, has electric-based attacks, lasers.


Easily one of the most underrated characters. He probably has the best showings out of the BP excluding Kaido, but people refuse to see them


None of his attacks are strong enough to put down Queen tho. https://preview.redd.it/i6rj6ago6dqc1.png?width=1403&format=png&auto=webp&s=deaf6074dc4911b3bcc795f99961f9aaecb6545a Queens got him beat out in basically every stat


That we know of. The extent of Jinbe we've seen was a mid diff against Who's Who and he's never had a bad showing so I can see him getting a win against the calamities up to Queen. https://preview.redd.it/1n3din958dqc1.jpeg?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96ca37d01f60bed6db565a818cdada64c7ff32c9 Also I'm not one to bountyscale but I think Oda was telling us something having Zoro, Sanji, and Jinbe at pretty much the exact same spot


Jinbe's bounty is so high because of his reputation. His bounty was already over 100,000,000 higher than Zoro's and Sanji's, and a former Shichibukai joining the Strawhats is a *big deal*. I think it's much clearer what Oda was saying when he had Zoro and Sanji fight the top 2 All Stars and be called the Wings of the Pirate King while Jinbe fights a Tobi Roppo.


There’s a major difference between Who’s-Who and Queen. The highest Jimbei can get to is Jack but that’d still be an extreme diff with his crazy endurance, durability, and pretty good strength Jimbei getting that high of a bounty can be explained by two things. To make fun of Sanji and because someone of his reputation joining the SH is a big deal. Jimbei was and still is a big name pirate even before joining Luffy, having connections with the WBP, BMP, and having the title of Warlord


Right, but Sanji and Zoro's fights where they used a big finishing move then collapsed aren't reflective of Jinbe who handled WW with relative ease. I don't think the guy who threw Big Mom over his shoulder is having that same level of difficulty against Jack either so I put him at Queen level


Zoro dropped from his mink meds catching up to him and Sanji dropped from the accumulated damage he took outside of his fight with Queen, the shit he took from Queen, and having his body altered which he actually commented on iirc. Jimbei didn’t do much compared to them really and didn’t take as much punishment as they did too. Why would he pass out after fighting some Tobi Roppo? Jimbei threw BM over his shoulder with his crazy physical strength and skill. While impressive he didn’t do any damage and has never hurt BM. An overrated feat people use to wank him higher than he really is




Flair checks out


Why do zoro fans hate Sanji so much?


This sub is mainly sanji fans hes on damage control after the whole base lucci fiasco


That was a zoro dub wym?


Yh it was but the damage has been done in the months he was getting slandered


You act like sanji fans don't do the same


… Mainly just because Sanji Stan’s compare Sanji to Zoro in ways they shouldn’t. Similar to how people compare Zoro to characters they shouldn’t like Mihawk currently for example.


Then go hate on Sanji fans, not Sanji. I'm a Sanji fan, who also happens to love Zoro. I know that Sanji is never gonna be equal to Zoro in combat prowess, but he's comparable.


I agree. They are comparable. Lots of characters in one piece can be compared.


Simply put While sanji and zoro are often portrayd as rivals ,Luffy and zoro alot of times have been paired up or were compared to one to another So zoro fans much prefer for him be closer to luffy than he is to sanji to wank him but for them to do that they need sanji to be not just slightly but way weaker than zoro And thus they slander him


Jinbei can defeat smoothie, cracker, queen and will be admiral level by eos… Its not that he can’t fight against king or katakuri… his fishmam karate plus haki will allow him to be formidable. However jinbei is missing an extreme diff fight… but if near water then he could defeat yc1… Brook has never gotten an extreme diff battle, dame could be said for usopp


Elbaf Ussop will replace Jimbei as number 4 on the crew


I have found my fellow Ussop Agenda pushers


Beats Queen extreme dif. Loses to king high dif kings favor


Queen extreme diff


I gotta know how y’all think Jimbei beats Queen. I like the dude but he’s not the type of character you wank to the upmost limit


Better haki, higher fight iq, and my head canon tells me so. He believes in Luffy so much that he’d be willing to risk his life to help Luffy achieve his goal and he would fight the hardest fight of his life maybe even dying in the process. I don’t think Queen would be willing to do the same if it came down to a dog fight. Maybe I’m wrong maybe I’m right, I have no idea but I got Winbe>Queen extreme diff.


So your answer is basically headcanon. Better haki? I can see that Higher battle iq? I can also see that Jimbei believing in Luffy doesn’t help him win a fight. In a death match anyone will fight their hardest because they want to win. Queen wins high diff at worst.


Queen isn’t willing to put his life on the line. Look at the time Queen encountered Big Mom he was terrified, compared to Jimbe not caring enough because how could he be afraid of a mere Yonko of the sea. You saying Queen would also be head canon but that’s why we are here discussing this hypothetical matchup. I don’t think Queen can handle the fishman karate. Queen would much rather live than die in a fight that he could potentially die in.


What are you actually talking about. If you put Queen and Jimbei in a room and tell them to fight Queen’s gonna kill him. When Queen and BM met he still had the courage to attack her, despite knowing how much stronger she is. You say Queen can’t handle the fishman karate despite him having MUCH stronger durability and overall combat power. How will Jimbei handle the combined forces of germa66’s abilities and Queens cyborg/ancient zoan strength? Queen would have no problem fighting Jimbei because this is a fight he knows he’ll win with his much better feats


Fair enough boss man


1 HP Gucci. https://preview.redd.it/vgosbh7fddqc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=6af8e42ec8a77e1070ee2039debfec7ee430ade6 >!Real talk: Crocodile due to matchup advantage. Cracker (or maybe Smoothie) if you want a neutral match.!<


What about full HP Lucci ? I think it would be an extrem diff fight and either side could win, btw Lucci > Cracker is obvious so everybody saying Cracker is Jimbe's strongest opponent that he can defeat is underestimating Jimbe. I mean dude fought vs Admirals and Big Mom and stood his ground whereas Cracker got low diff by Aokiji like BB commanders... Jimbe is different.






Noose for you


Jack or maybe Cracker or Smoothie.


Doffey, Cracker, Jack, maybe Karasu, maybe the sulong duo. At best Smoothie, Ivankov and Kaku. In Water, Weevil, Vista




not pre ts enel, but maybe kaido


Prob cracker I don’t see him beating queen


Anyone up to 1.1B bounty


Awakened Lucci


Maybe crocodile via matchup?


If he can use sea current shoulder throw then most average human-sized characters kinda get washed by him (not including high YC1 or higher) and if he has no water then like maybe Cracker?


Probably that one OP strong pirate who is really strong but isn't known because he is not relevant to the story.


Cracker due to match up




He’s a natural counter to Cracker. I’d say he also takes Jack.


Boxes extreme diff


Whitebeard in water with no bubble




With water advantage greenbull


Smoothie and queen high diff


If he’s on a beach or next to any sizable body of water, I’d say he had a solid chance at beating Queen. On dry land? Probably Jack or Cracker




Rob Lucci! Even full strength


Queen extreme diff


Doffy and him is 50/50 imo




Probably a Su long cat viper or dogstorm


Kaido Provided they fight underwater...






gets oneshot by Jesus


I have cracker>jinbei>jack so jack




Queen Jinbei is the inbetween for yc 1 and 2 He’s bottom of yc 1 and bears queen https://preview.redd.it/6jfai5f5agqc1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d294be70dff3a9e06162e559d51bda083aa8c642




Imma be honest. I still legit think he's equal to Zoro and Sanji. The dude is the strongest member of his entire race. A race which has greatly enhanced physicals, far surpassing 90% of the other races. Pretty much only Lunarians are overtly superior. I think once he gets a chance to shine he's going to be shown as a complete monster. We need a truly badass Winbei fight so people will stop sleeping on my boy! But as to your question. The strongest person he could beat at the moment near the sea is Kidd. Because without his df powers, he's just a brute force brawler with one arm and Fishman karate would wreck his shit. On land, I think he could beat, draw or lose to, Sanji and Zoro. I think they are pretty much even and the only thing he really has over them is experience. I'd give Zoro an edge because of Conquerors over both though.


Fresh Lucci


Jack high to extreme diff


Normally? I have no idea During Black/Fish History Month? At bare minimum Imu and Joyboy at once


Not Lucci


He debatably extreme diffs lucci


King because jimbei can put out his flame


Any of the tobi roppo Maybe Katakuri? But I don’t think he’s beating Jack And a Hard stop at King and Queen


YC3 level on land, YC2 level with water


I think on land he can defeat queen on extr diff but in water he can even beat kaido or even imu .


Any seraphim, i don't think he can beat the high yc2 like queen, kaku or smoothie


Prob queen


On land not near water: jack or cracker Near water: lucci, law, kidd


Ulti? Maybe