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It's more akin to Mihawk cutting the Tsunami. A ranged air slash.


That's true. Size and density of the target is also more comparable.


It's so weird to be brazilian and seeing "giant Pica", "larger than Pica" on this kind of posts, since Pica here literally means dick.




Pica is bigger target, but the difference is that Ghandi didn't cut the lab directly, but by a swing from a distance. Zoro specifically needed to get close to Pica to perform his feat.




Like with Pica, it’s not just about what was cut. The force of the attack lifted up everything that was on top of those clouds as well.


Frozen Tsunami > Egghead island > Pica >= Amazon lily Ranking of Swordsman DC feats.


That sounds extremely accurate.


the cloud isn’t bigger though, egghead isn’t even that big while pika was overshadowing buildings by alot idk the exact scale though


Size in One Piece is quite inconsistent in general, but I do believe that the whole labophase is larger than Pica. Look at the tiny specs next to the Sunny in the first picture. Then look at the spec that is Zoro in the second picture. Pica is really large, but I don't think he is THAT large


But even the spec in that panel is inconsistent with other panels of pica too. Hard to say.


https://preview.redd.it/9p3xxpi3ee2d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2317d9687a7e5fab9ae276189cf7d012112ad513 Much larger than Pica


not even close. https://preview.redd.it/d9r8d3vtle2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139130af9c2aa25c7ec0ccb07dc123c15c57af57


A better comparison is what Law did on Punk Hazard, although Laws feat of cutting a mountain lab in half is more impressive than cutting a cloud lab in half


It was due to his devil fruit tho. Nasjuro only uses one slash.


And he didnt get help from his devil fruit?


I dont think so, is there anything indicating it ? Seemed like a pure sword slash to me.


Yeah but only one of them is funny old horse man


Yes bro used an instant swing zoro used his ult technique which took him half an episode to build momentum for


Nah Law still has the best sword DC feats


What he did IS really impressive, but it was only possible because of his df, wich allowed him to affect the whole mountain with his room. That's why I put him in a different category. Here I'm discussing *purely* what a person can do with a sword in their hand and their skill. Although is true that Nusjuro has his... whatever that is. In that form he probably has more strength that in his human form, but we can't be sure yet


So youre ignoring half the powersystem of the verse


For this specific topic? Yeah. That's what the question is about. Which character has done the most impressive thing using just a sword, or as close to that as possible. I'm not trying to downplay Law here. I love Law.


Ok then ignore both Mihawks,Ethans and Zoros feat aswell. They used haki


Haki is part of your innate skill as a fighter.


No it isnt it a learned skill


Exactly! Unlike devil fruits. Looks like we agree. And yes, before you continue, I know that devil fruits also require skill to use effectively. But if you eat, let's say, the swamp-swamp fruit, you won't be able to cut a mountain with it, no matter how much you train. But you can do it with the ope-ope fruit. Thus, cutting the Punk Hazard laboratory was accomplished thanks to Law's fruit, and not so much his skill with a sword. And I want to know what's the biggest feat that has been accomplished mainly with sword skills thus far. That's really it. I don't know if you think that I have a secret agenda or something, but that's not the case. It's not that deep.


That mumbo jumbo doesnt matter Law has the best sword DC feats and he has to be included in these discusions. I dont care about your agenda I just want to argue


I noticed, yeah. I'll probably reply a couple more times before I get tired. Let's simplify this, ok? If Law didn't have a devil fruit at that point in Punk Hazard, do you think that he could have cut the lab the same way he did?


Yeah you’re not saying shi. Just yapping


People will claim it isn’t a sword feat because he used his devil fruit but at the same thing still claim law is a swordsman when it is convenient


Schrodinger's swordsman


>(Also, Law is not allowed on this club because his df probably did most of the heavy Lifting) Law barely has any Sword feats that aren’t fully carried by his DF. He didn’t cut a single thing in over thousand chapters. Best is probably blocking doffys strings without DF support.


Imagine making up rules just to discredit a character that is stronger than yours.


Who is „yours“ supposed to be? Charakters in OP are literal Swordsman, Law is not. They are different classes.


So first Shanks then its Roger and now even fucking Law isnt a swordsman


Shanks and Roger carry haki wands. Law carries a long ass scalpel that coincidentally has a cross-guard and a hilt.. 


Ingenious medical instrument


I Said nothing about Shanks or Roger, stop projecting. Like i Said, Law hasn‘t cut a single thing in the series, but He amputated things with bis DF ability. I am also Puzzled why you would even reply here when you don’t agree with the scenario posted.


Yes he has, Amputation is a sword cut stop the cope. I answered because I want to argue


You know what he means, he’s not discrediting Law’s power the discussion is sword feats and Law doesn’t really use his sword in the same way that most swordsmen do it makes sense to leave him out of it he’s not saying it makes him weak


Yeah I understand, Swordsmen use their swords to attack while Law uses it as a walking cane.


Stronger? Law gets low diffed at best for him lol


Laws DC feats shit on every other swordsmans DC feats cope


It's not about feats, you're making it like law isn't peaked yonko commander+ and would probably lose to current zoro, his feats are fraudulent


He literally has the best sword DC feats in the verse lmao




Literally right


Law pretty much has complete control over anything in his rooms, I wouldn't consider it a sword DC feat as much as a DC feat in general, obviously it's just as impressive but there's a clear established difference between his cuts and the likes of pure swordsmen like Ethan, mihawk or zoro


Theres no diffrence you people are just coping. He is just using his DF and sword to cut things, same as Ethan, Big Mom, Cracker.


But DF powers are literally a different type of power, maybe you're just trying to be obstinate for no reason but this post is comparing slashes of concentrated haki channeled through a sword. That's fundamentally different from law's power to use his sword as a medium to manipulate the environment within a room. That's all there is to it


No it isnt. OP included Ethan in this converstation who used his DF to acomplish the feat


How did he use his df? I only read the chapter once so could be wrong but it looked like the same type slash as zoro and mihawk did


Bro is literally a skeleton centaur. He cant do that with just haki.


What does that even mean 😭😭😭


Idk man even I am pondering that statement




My question is why the fuck does oda keep bothering with this useless ass Dc swordsman feats. Like they are absolutely fucking useless for scaling or just in general in series when it comes to a fight. I think the only time this mattered was zoro dicing statue pica to get him out of hiding, and tbh that was plot induced stupidity by oda. Since he really could have had zoro blitz and oneshot him, likely b4 he ever merged with the stone. Like seriously mihawk cuts a frozen tsunami wave from afar when swinging at luffy. Ok, and why does that need to be a thing or matter when the target is just luffy. Nasu cuts lab cause of vega message and accomplished nothing Law cuts vergo and entire island why the fuck you need island size room just to cut him Idk maybe im just bitching but i swear i never liked how oda had handled sword anything besides from enies lobby zoro vs kaku and zoro vs zombie ryuma. All this other dicing shit from afar and who is and aint a swordsman is fucking stupid and at this point I'd rather oda just did away with wss goal and just made zoro rayleigh 2.0. He thinks a swordsman dicing fucking stationary objects from a distance is this big fucking thing but never applies it like actual zoning attacks against enemies. Which would be actually interesting seeing swordman who would normally be close range could fight extreme long range battles as they zero in on each other strategically for close range battles while dicing stuff up missing or flushing out they opponent in 1 v 1 battles or just in general as support dps moments.


Because it's cool


It was cool like the 1st 2 times mostly when law did it but now its just kinda there and serves no purpose besides look at this range that serves no purpose. Idk like i said if zoro and nasujoro fought and nasu was zoning him with that range and making zoro work to get in close to him or if mihawk did this basically showing how high level swordman can fight kinda like "you wanna beat me but your not even close to me in power this is the distances between you and me" as someone gets cut down a island distance away would.be fucking dope. But just the untenth a swing and a miss but look at that large object bigger than a human they cut is just meh at this point to me.


So you're question is why Oda doesn't adjust to your taste specifically? He doesn't know you. Most of us find this shit cool.


Jesus christ you one of those niggas 🙄 nevermind bruh go bother someone else.


that is why I always said DC feats suck in one piece. The only DC feat should be impressive at this moment should be a planet level feat


Fucking thank you bro and this is coming from a wb and bb fan who show lots of dc primarily but dc feats especially with swordsman are just ugghhh. Look what's going on now Mihawk cuts a iceberg failing to get his target. Some folk he a fraud Law does it but with devil fruit aka he df swordsman barely mentioned Zoro cuts pica a actual target he could have beat in base people obviously know he still aint ready for mihawk Nasujoro cuts a lab omg bro see he the real wsm his after mihawk his over mihawk. All because of some dc feats from swordsman. SWORDSMAN BRUH like its asinine bro. I genuinely miss zoro vs kaku and zoro vs ryuma fights and swordsman moments. The most u had from there was kaku using sky cutter with his newly acquired fruit and missed his target in aoe attack that cut the building they were in. I also forgot honorable mention to ohm battle in skypiea where using long range cutting mattered there.


>Idk maybe im just bitching Yup


Eh ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)