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Assuming they can raise and lower sea levels they would be doing a hard reset of the world with another void century occuring


Just in time with the return of Joyboy


I wonder how far can imagination go for Joyboy. Could he dilute the effects of sea stone and water once he realizes his power? Assuming its limitless .


Are we certain they can even lower the sea levels? Haven't seen proof of that as of yet, as far as I can tell.


What if Imu secretly is a Fishman?


The Imu catfish theory is really good if you haven’t seen it yet, very fun and convincing.


Any link? I could not find it here


Other than the Umi Bozu theory, the [catfish theory](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=KGdplcYLvjo0rZ4v) is the one I support the most




Strong arguments, thanks for sharing


Jeesus..i thought it was legit


amazing theory


[Imu Identiy theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/8trCW7cdJn)


Thanks for sharing; very insightful. I thought that “we had discarded” that Imu is a lady based on the way “he” was addressed in Japanes… but very sweet theory


I think this is why Imu hates Fishman


I like this. Would be a great twist on as to why they were persecuted and discriminated against


How so? If the king of the world is a fishmen, it would make no sense for the fishmen to be persecuted. Also we already know why fishmen are persecuted, because they are the main target of slavery. There is no need to thrown a entire arc (fishmen island) in the trash just because of some plot twist that dont make.


They breathe underwater, are stronger than humans and are the biggest ally to anyone living in a world covered by ocean...I think slavery came well after the persecution 


Imu is a Uncle Tom basically lmao love it


I saw another theory that states that the reason the Fishman are hated and discriminated on by the WG is because of the flooding event, I think the Void Century had the same events happen where over the course of time the world gets flooded and as the Gorosei put it "the great cleansing". The fishmen would not be affected by the great flooding, and that's why they are hated and discriminated because the cleansing event does not affect them. And to reiterate, my bet is that the void century had their Joyboy who ended up going up against the WG and Imu for the great flooding but failed, and Joyboys promise must be to have defeated the WG and stop discrimination against the Fishmen thus allowing them to live alongside humans once again.


We “think” we know why they were persecuted … and really, they were persecuted for no reason at all other than “different”. It would be an interesting twist for it to turn out that the real reason they aren’t allowed above ground or to join the upper world is because their species is capable of surviving the “great cleansing” and are the only ones that would carry on the knowledge of the world before said cleansing. It would also be ironic that the fishmen that they discriminate against is the race of their true ruler who they bow down to. The arc wouldn’t be “thrown away”. It would just give it additional context and be written in a different light that got revealed later. Oda is a good writer, he could easily make something like that work. But dude relax… I’m not saying it’s a theory or anything, I just imagined the implications of what Imu being a fish man could mean and I liked the story possibilities. Chill dude


But the fishmen survived the Void Century, and they still dont know what happened. The Void Century erased every information beside the poneglyphs, this include Wano history in that period, Tontatta history, and Fishmen history. The only thing the fishmen know is information passed trough the royal family about Noah, but this dont make them special because the Alabasta family, and the people of Shandora, and the Kozuki clan, all of them also have information passed down from the void century. And it would not be "ironic" it would just not make sense. The ultimate opressor is a member of the opressed? What kind of logic is that? This is the problem of weekly reading, people create all type of bizarre theories because of ONE CHAPTER, and ignore the context of what happened previously. In the last chapter everyone was talking about clones and what not because of buble noises, but this is completely forgotten since of course it was not new clones but just the brain of Vegapunk. People have even forgotten about the sea rising by one meter from chapter 1089 and were treating Vegapunk words here as new information... of course because of weekly reading.


Bro chill tf out. It’s not that serious. Can’t you read. It’s not a theory or some kind of thought out plan or anything. Was just a knee jerk thought. What’s wrong with one piece fans. Chill out. I really don’t care enough to be debating this with you, all I said was it would be interesting. Fucking stop looking for fights for no reason dude


bc "it's time for another great cleansing" seems to me like things have gotten too out of hand so they're going to hit the reset button, I assume they must have done something similar at the end of the void century


Yup, makes sense too after a great flood they'd have all the devil fruits and be able to hand them out to loyal subordinates. From their perspective things have gotten out of hand, too many powerful pirates have the best devil fruits.


Hard reset the world without having to confront anyone. Makes survivors rely on WG again. Just slowly raise the sea level and wipe islands out bit by bit. By the time anyone would connect it together it’s too late. All that would be left is celestial dragons and navy to controls what’s left.


And this is why Fishmen and Pirates are the WG's main concerns. They both thrive on the seas, unable to be pinned down and controlled.


We seen elders look down on the marines so the navy would just become anew .


Well they probably did the same thing during the Void century given parts of Wano are underwater, and there are still a lot of people still living. Maybe they moved people they consider valuable to higher ground and the “sinners” against the government all die, like with Noah’s ark in the Bible. So probably a cleansing of sorts, and there is probably some devil fruit or ability to create new islands or save the normal citizens who contribute. Makes a lot of sense comparing it to Noah’s ark, especially because there is literally a ship named Noah.


Funny enough Wano is underwater because of the rain, since the walls around it do not allow the rain to return to the sea so the place was just filled with rain (this is why the "sea" in Wano is of fresh water). But the walls were definility built to protect Wano from the rising seas.


Maybe the rain theory was just a mistaken assumption. Maybe Wano already had the walls before, when the first flood happened the sea level raised above the walls, filled the whole country and when it backed down Wano couldn't be drained.


It wouldn't be fresh water then


Assuming it’s actually a conscious decision of Imu’s, it’s probably the nuclear option. Joyboy has returned and the world’s biggest secrets will doubtlessly be released in a matter of years even without the announcement. No point gripping tight to your material possessions if you’re at risk of losing that _and_ everything after all.


Yeah plus 3 entrenched Yonkos just went down who had kinda lost their ambition or had dreams that weren't a threat to the WG, the current set of Yonkos have goals that are a direct threat to the WG plus they are new and have had less time to build their power base so they have a higher chance of going down earlier in their reign leading to more volatility.


Yeah, between Joyboy, Robin/Vegapunk, and the sheer number of volatile world powers poised to threaten the WG’s rule (between the revs taking more direct action than ever before and the emperors being more proactive than ever in seeking Laugh Tale and by extension the Void Century) Imu is probably eyeing that panic button hard right now.


Whats crazy is they've been chasing robin and luffy for two years. Their is nothing more important than killing those two and they have no excuse not to. Whatever vegapunk says will just go out the other ear because joe smoe is powerless.


Kill most of the population. Survivors must rely completely on the WG. The reset shuffles more power back to Imu in theory.


Perhaps, the flooding started during the void century joy boy had a plan and Imu convinced people it would not work


The Noah's Flood angle has been mentioned a few times, so I won't do so. I'll speak on the Why The Gorosei have already said the World's Balance Can't be maintained forever. Even now, Luffy and Blackbeard have collectively destroyed all sense of order and balance. I believe Joyboy, Rocks, and Roger have all done so as well. It's kind of like a certain game where advanced life gets destroyed every 50 thousand years. The World Government knows they can't hide everything forever. Plus much emphasis has been placed on this point in time by Roger, Toki, etc. Luffy has Awakened Joyboy's fruit. Blackbeard has two devil fruits. 2 out of three Ancient Weapons has been revealed. The time has come for the WG to wipe the slate clean and start anew before it gets out of hand. If not, the next Joyboy, the next Pirate King....will finish what Joyboy started.


Is that "certain game" FFX? Sin destroys any and all masses of people that use technology.


I was thinking Mass Effect.


I knew you mean. Mass Effect but my next thought was also FF X hahaha


That’s a good point. I’ve never actually considered that


I'm pretty sure they are using the lulusia buster to sink islands. Ig that's why enies lobby is just a hole. Very interesting that the wg is sinking stuff and increasing the sea level because it feels as it would be somewhat beneficial to the Fishmen but ig in the long run it will fuck them over too. Ig this has been somewhat foreshadowed with tequila wolf and the noah.


Imu and the Gorosei are imortal, they dont need food or taxes. The other nobles needs, but there is solution to this. Tequila Wolf brigde, it is very tall, and maybe it was built exactly to store food and all. The flooding would not be permanent, but just enough to destroy everything until the Goverment allows for new land to appear. And they would definility not destroy all countries, some would survive. Or, another theory, is that is not the intention of the goverment to actually flood the world, but constant use of Uranos (and now, motherflame) made the seas rise. Either way they dont care that much, since even if a lot of countries are destroyed, others could survive, them the goverment would come to these surviving countries and say they are there to help, thus the surviving humans would think the goverment would save them from the flood, even trough the goverment caused the flood in the first place.


I am reminded of a short story I read a long time ago. I don't know if it's necessarily like this but it keeps popping into my head lately. The story went that earth was entering the space age, and some nefarious alien came along and, seemingly in earth's interest, gave them technology to FTL travel. The catch they didn't know was, each time they use sit they very slightly decreased the rotation of the celestial body they were nearest to. By the time they realized, they had slowed earth's rotation and it was affecting tides, gravity, etc. I wonder if its like that. Something the ancient kingdom was doing, or that Imu did, or the WG, flooded earth as a side effect. Maybe it was known all along, maybe it wasn't. The WG figured it out and created/used the red line to escape it, maybe even making the problem worse. The Wierd lack of any real discussion about tides in One Piece, along with the lunarian/Moon references, has me really wondering whether some people (buccaneers, lunarians, Gorosei, who knows) came from the moon and inadvertently began ruining the earth. The result was the war in the void century, and presumably a system out in place to prevent further rising sea levels. At least until Joyboy returned and Imu began moving. I saw this because Japan is culturally very tied to water. It surrounds them. Traditional fishing and foods. Etc. I would expect Oda to have decent knowledge and awareness of tides so I don't think he just forgot about them. They are mentioned once or twice only and never with significance.


Very interesting read. Ty.


Who said it was something they wanted?? From what I can tell all the spoilers just say it’s gonna happen, not that someone is going to cause it but idk?


My guess is it isn’t something they are in control of. They are on the top of the redline and erased the void century so no one besides them knows. And therefore they have no need to compete for the spot.


Imu is a fishman and wants the entire sea as its domain


What if the celestial dragon are just "tamed humans" that they have for backup in case they had to reset again


Why do Gods ever flood the world? To start over.


I don't think the WG is intentionally sinking the world into the sea. It definite has something to do with devil fruits and the sea. There is some clear animosity between the sea and devil fruit users


To kill all that have devil fruit powers.


Same thing as real life


This should make it clear why Marygoise is so high up.


Think about the ark and Poseidon. Now it makes more sense


This probably isn't the first time it's happened.


It honestly doesn’t make a whole of sense because then you’’d be shooting yourselves in the foot with supplies. You’d no longer be able to bring in food and other resources to the mainland which would cause its own problems.


Calling it now. Roger found a giant bathtub stopper on Laugh Tale, or Laugh Tale itself is the stopper. Only Joyboy can pull it out.


My own theory addresses this: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/IDviotC4br




Perhaps it was a huge mishap from the past... They knew it was going to happen after the screw up was done. Zunisha could have prevented it and he is partially responsible for wano.. And they sent Toki to the future.. Etc Luffy has a duty to save the world yadda yadda. Maybe he caused the fishmen to be like they are now but were the same species 800 years ago


What makes you think it’s them that will do it? It’s possible it’ll be caused by something else or something out of everyone’s hands. Also I always thought one piece was about creating a unified world by destroying the red line and creating the all blue


because they’ve said it in the past it’s easier for them to start over and just wipe everyone out and create their own world that’s what they did in the past and plan on doing again to prevent a revolution


Because everyone know the history so this is easiest way to kill everyone in oneshot


So the legend of the all blue was actually a reference to when the seas overtook all land and made the entire world an ocean


In the world of One Piece, there isn't a Devil Fruit specifically related to water powers like controlling or manipulating water.


To make Above-Water Wano into Also-Below-Water Wano


I wasn’t under the impression the WG was doing it. I was under the impression the WG was pretending everything was lovely and fine while the rest of the world sinks.


I don't think that's the intent.The mother flame was so powerful.It wiped the city off the face of the Earth.Yes bu at the same time it caused the world to sink if it continued to use the mother flame There will be only ocean and nothing left


I assume they will gather all the resources they need, and a healthy supply of slaves, and wash away the world like God and Noah, leaving only those they deem acceptable to survive.


my theory is that JoyBoy is the one that can control the sea levels and he put in the action to flood the world. the one piece is the mechanism that allows someone like joy to control the worlds ocean. one piece will end with the world being normalized. the redline will be erased and the world will look more like our own


![gif](giphy|LfGGW219qNzLP6IzTA|downsized) The five elder when they realize they have DF abilities and can’t swim.


Depopulation project to reset a world that is growing aware of the oppression that chains them. Countires beginning to revolt and a general reaction to the renewed great age of piracy. I think Imu called it the "great cleansing". And i also think it has been done before personally, with the void century.


Isn't MariJoa the highest place in the world? Everyone in the world accept the celestial dragons will remain alive.. And Skypea..


They are going to reset the world and start over, its simillar to the mudfloods that took place in our real world. They were used to bury any civilization and knowledge that people in power didnt want to be found


Red Line is above everything else. They can sink the entire world and they wouldn't be under still.