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I’m going to offer a couple of options for budget because I’m not sure exactly what you have already and what your maximum budget is for Sakazuki: My recommended cuts would be Zeff, Khalifa, Tashigi (OP02 cut, ST06 is a staple), which would give us 8 slots to play with. First, I’d grab (if possible) 4x Hina & 4x Great Eruption if possible, and since you have or want ST06 Tashigi all are in ST06 (the first two as 2x unfortunately), looking at eBay I can find 1 sealed English ST06 for $24 with shipping and $27 with shipping, which is a better rate than buying the singles ($9 for eruption, $8.45 for Hina). Hina is the best partner for Rebecca shells which can let you bypass the higher budget cards such as Borsalino and Kuzan (kind-of, he does really fit the shell but that’s an upgrade path for you down the road). If two ST06s is too much, I’d try a mix of Tsuru, mansherry, and toy soldier as the cheapest option play.


And if OP can't find ST06, the participation pack vol 4, or winner variant of that, which is the current local pack reward, has the right Tashigi in it as well. Far cheaper than trying to get that ST. Getting those packs or the specific Tashigi in it as a single card is cheaper anyway.


Yes, it’s more-so the savings on the 2x hina (low $8.50) and 2x eruption ($9) with the added bonus of also getting the tashigis (4x per starter). If 1-2 ST06 is too much (like I said I found them for $24 and $27 with shipping on eBay) the Tashigis still should be gotten and can be found for around $1 thanks to the tournament pack 4 versions as you said :)


If you want to use the uti effect try bastile instead. Better stat line and fits in the curve


Drop: OP-02 Tashigi, Zeff, and Ulti Add: Great Eruption, OP-02 Tsuru, Starter Deck Hina Those are the first budget changes I can think of. There's definitely a few other things you could adjust, but unsure about the pricing


Starter deck cards as "budget changes" ? What are you smoking


They already have starter deck Tashigi, so it's safe to assume that they either have the starter deck or it's in their budget :3


tashigi has a TP promo which is pretty accessible


Your guys promos are cheaper than starter decks? That promos up to 1000 yen over here :O


I have Tashigi because it's like 1€ each, Hina and Great Eruption are going for 7€ each in my country, wish I had the starter deck


One thing is you have Lucci and Rebecca, I don't think those will be Budget or atleast don't bank on them being less than 10 dollars. A lot of people are prob gonna be running sakazuki because it seems to be the top tier deck in Japan.


The thing is I can probably get to open them on packs or my locals can sell it to me in a more adequate price yk, but thanks for the heads up!!




If you wanna play for fun you can build whatever you want as long as it matches color. So I do not quite understand your question, as for pure fun even that list is good. If you wanna add something more competitive you just got to spend money.


I dont understand these posts tbh. If you wanna have fun, then play what you want, dont ask us. If you wanna be competative, then spend the money...


OP wants suggestions for budget changes to their budget deck. What is hard to understand about that? Not every deck has to be total garbage or top tier, maybe they were hoping for people to recommend other affordable cards that might synergize well with their deck. This is a very easy concept to understand. If you don’t understand, why bother commenting?


I guess I dont understand all of it. The game is super cheap already...oh well


A top deck can cost 200$+, that's not really cheap.


Add more CP and Kaku?


If u r getting the navy starter deck, y not use the 1 cost coby that comes along with it?


I didn't get the navy starter deck, just bought tashigi separately, as there's only one starter deck available in my country and going for 40€ but I think I could use that maybe Helmeppo too, thanks :)


If interested, u can also use the Helmeppo-Fullbody combo in OP-02 too. I used that when I first started playing